
Why should my child take an online (virtual) course?

Every high student is required to take at least one on-line or virtual course prior to graduation. Additionally, many colleges and universities use this format to deliver all or part of some courses so it is important that students feel comfortable with the medium. Students also take virtual courses to learn new skills, advance in a specific discipline and/or to recover course credit.


What school or company provides online courses in Florida?

Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is a major provider of online course in Florida. FLVS serves students in public, homeschool and private schools from Kindergarten through 12th grade. For more information, visit .


How are on-line courses organized?

Virtual courses are organized into segments which are like semesters. Annual courses have two segments whereas semester courses have only one. Students enroll in segment one and then segment two once they complete segment one successfully and if the course requires two segments as is the case in an annual course. Each student is assigned a virtual teacher who monitors and assists the student throughout his or her on-line course. The teacher also grades the work submitted and issues the grade for each segment.


How is the on-line content delivered?

Virtual courses are delivered through the FLVS web portal. Students must have access to the internet to enroll and complete an on-line course. This may be accomplished by using a laptop or tablet computer. Students may take on-line courses independently or as part of the school day. In each case, students are assigned a virtual teacher who is knowledgeable in the course content and works with students throughout their time in the course. Students who take an on-line course during the school day have a supervising teacher who monitors their performance in the course as well.


What courses are available online?

The question should be: What courses are NOT available online? FLVS offers more than 150 courses including Honors and Advanced Placement courses.



What options are available to me as a potential online student?

Two options available through FLVS: Full Time and Flex Time. Full Time is designed for diplomaseeking students who prefer to enroll with an online public school that follows the traditional 180day academic calendar, FLVS Full Time runs from August to June and combines the structure of a traditional school with the flexibility of online learning. As a fully-accredited, comprehensive, fulltime Kindergarten-12th grade public school, FLVS Full Time becomes the primary school of record for students who enroll and issues high school diplomas to graduating seniors. This option is available and free to all Florida students, courses are available 24/7 online. FLVS Full Time students take a standard public school course load of six courses per semester, meeting public school attendance and testing requirements--including EOCs and FSAs.

FLVS Flex, formerly FLVS Part Time, offers freedom in the form of online Kindergarten-12th grade subjects with courses tailored to your needs. Study when and where you want ? at home from the comfort of your couch, during a free period at school, or while traveling over summer break. Whether you're a homeschooler or a traditional public or private school student, FLVS can enhance your education. As a Flex Time student you may choose from more than 150 online high school courses ? all of them FREE to Florida students ? and complete them on your schedule. With year-round, 24/7 access, you can finish a course at an accelerated pace or take extra time on difficult topics. You'll always have the support you need, as you can reach our certified teachers online and by phone, email, or text.


I am in middle school or high school, how do I enroll in an online course?

Visit to see what courses are available. Speak with your school counselor to discuss your plans and the course you would like to take. If the course you select aligns with your educational program, it is likely your counselor will approve your enrollment. If approved, your counselor will tell you to register for the course. Once you have registered for the course, your counselor will receive an email requesting his or her approval. You will be able to start the course after approval is granted electronically.


I am in a private or faith-based school, how do I enroll in an online course?

With few exceptions, schools throughout Miami-Dade have affiliating agreements with FLVS. If you are not sure about your school, you may contact a FLVS representative by telephone at (800) 374-1430 or by email at . If, by chance, your school is not affiliated with FLVS, contact your school counselor ask him or her to contact FLVS. The process to enroll as a school is easy and quick. Once your school is enrolled, your child may register in a course just like any other student.


What should my school counselor do if she or he has questions about FLVS or the

enrollment process?

The professionals at FLVS are very helpful. They will assist your school counselor so that you may enroll your child in an online course provided the course is approved. Assistance is available by telephone at (800) 374-1430 or by email at .

10. I see that I need a student identification number to request an online course. What do I do if my child does not have one?

Every child in Florida, regardless of where they are educated, has a Florida Identification Number and/or a Student Identification Number. It would be impossible to track students without them.


The number is usually listed on your child's report card. Otherwise, contact your school counselor or registrar to obtain the number.

11. My child is enrolling in a public school for the first time, how do I obtain the MDCPS student number for my child? The number is generated at the time of school registration. Ask the registrar to give you it once you have completed the registration process.

12. My child is in the 8th grade and she needs to take an online course during the summer before high school, how do I register her for the course? If your child is currently enrolled in either a public middle or K-8 school, he or she is not officially a high school student until the records are processed from the current school year to the next. This action usually occurs during the early part of August; therefore, the approval for the online course remains with the 8th grade counselor. However, most counselors do not work after the school year ends in June, so it is critical that you register and obtain approval from the counselor before he or she leaves for the summer. The parents of students who are currently enrolled in a nonpublic middle or K-8 school must follow the same process to ensure their child is enrolled in the online course before the school counselor exits.

13. What should I do if a school representative does not assist me in registering my child in a FLVS course? Florida Virtual School has cultivated wonderful relationships with public and private schools throughout Florida. In the rare event this happens, we suggest that you seek assistance from a school administrator or even the principal. Often times, there is some confusion regarding the registration process for the school or the child that may be easily remedied by contacting a FLVS representative at (800) 374-1430 or by email at .

14. When will my child be placed in the course he or she selected? When a student is enrolled in a course with FLVS, the student is asked to select their preferred start date. The placement process begins on the preferred start date, assuming all verifications have been received. Students will not be placed before the preferred start date. Once the student's preferred start date has arrived, students can expect to be placed in their course within just a few days, although the process can, in rare instances take longer. We recommend checking your student dashboard once per day to monitor your placement status. Once you have been assigned an instructor, you will see a message on your Student Dashboard saying, "You're in! Click course below to start."

15. How is my child graded in an on-line course? Students must complete assignments and tests on-line just as they would in any other course. The virtual teacher who is assigned to the course grades all the work and tests. The completion of the course content and submission of work by the student are monitored throughout the course by the virtual teacher. The grade in each segment of the course is determined and recorded by the virtual teacher.


16. How is academic integrity ensured in on-line courses? Academic integrity is a core value in education. Academic misconduct or cheating may occur in any course regardless of how it is delivered. Students who participate in on-line courses are bound by House Bill 7063 (Digital Learning Act) which makes it unlawful for any person to knowingly and willfully take an online course or examination on behalf of another person for compensation. Additionally, FLVS students are bound by an academic code that clearly prohibits any form of academic misconduct, including plagiarism and cheating. All students sign the 'I Agree' page during course registration in which the student agrees to abide by the policies and procedures of FLVS. Included in FLVS policies is the administration of proctored exams which can be requested by teachers at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. Teachers also conduct discussion based assessments to ensure that students master the course content. FLVS also regularly administers proctored exams to randomly selected students as part of this effort. There are severe academic penalties for academic misconduct which may include course failure and removal from the program. For more information, visit .

17. How does my child withdraw from a course? If your child has recently requested a course and has not yet been assigned an instructor, your child may remove the course request on your Student Dashboard by selecting Drop Course. If your child is currently Active (A) or Classroom Assigned (CA), your child must contact the instructor via phone or email to submit a request to be withdrawn. If your child is taking a FLVS course as part of the school day, your child must contact the school counselor before he or she may drop a course.

18. How do I obtain an official transcript for my child's online course? Official online course transcripts may be obtained from FLVS by visiting: .

19. When do I have to submit the official transcript for the online courses my child takes over the summer so they will be included in high school record? All official online transcripts must be mailed or hand delivered to the attention of the school registrar no later than July 31 prior to the beginning of the next school year so they may be entered in the child's official academic record. This deadline is particularly important for students who are recovering credit in a course or wish to replace a course with a more advanced course in their schedule for next year.



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