Art and Design S kills Y1/2

Art and Design Skills Y1/2

Generic skills Drawing Painting

Year A

Year B

Record and explore ideas from first hand observations

Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work

Develop their ideas ? try things out, change their minds

Explore the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different times and cultures for differences and similarities

Record and explore ideas from first hand observations

Ask and answer questions about the starting points for their work

Develop their ideas ? try things out, change their minds

Explore the work of artists, craftspeople and designers from different times and cultures for differences and similarities

Review what they and others have done and say what they think and feel about it.

Identify what they might change in their current work or develop in future work

Experiment with a variety of media; pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels,

Experiment with a variety of media; pencils, rubbers, crayons, pastels,

felt tips, charcoal, ballpoints, chalk

felt tips, charcoal, ballpoints, chalk

Control the types of marks made with the range of media

Control the types of marks made with the range of media

Lines and marks


Name, match and draw lines/marks from observations. Invent new lines. Observe and draw shapes from observations. Draw shapes in between

Draw on different surfaces with a range of media. Use differently

objects. Invent new shapes.

textured and sized media.



Investigate textures by describing, naming, rubbing, copying.

Investigate tone by drawing light/dark lines, light/dark patterns, light

dark shapes etc.

Use a variety of tools and techniques including different brush sizes and


Mix and match colours to artefacts and objects

Work on different scales

Experiment with tools and techniques e.g. layering, mixing media,

scrapping through

Name different types of paint and their properties


Identify primary colours by name

Mix primary shades and tones


Create textured paint by adding sand, plaster



3-D and sculpture Collage

Manipulate malleable materials in a variety of ways including rolling and kneading Explore sculpture with a range of malleable media Manipulate malleable materials for a purpose, e.g. pot, tile Understand the safety and basic care of materials and tools Form Experiment with constructing and joining recycled, natural and manmade materials Use simple 2-D shapes to create a 3-D form Texture Change the surface of a malleable material e.g. build a textured tile Create images from a variety of media e.g. photocopies material, fabric,

Print with a range of hard and soft materials e.g. corks, pen barrels, sponge Make simple marks on rollers and printing palettes Take simple prints i.e. mono -printing Roll printing ink over found objects to create patterns e.g. plastic mesh, stencils Build repeating patterns and recognise pattern in the environment Create simple printing blocks with press print Design more repetitive patterns Colour Experiment with overprinting motifs and colour Texture Make rubbings to collect textures and patterns. Match and sort fabrics and threads for colour, texture, length, size and shape Change and modify threads and fabrics, knotting, fraying, fringing, pulling threads, twisting, plaiting Cut and shape fabric using scissors/snips Apply shapes with glue or by stitching Apply decoration using beads, buttons, feathers etc Create cords and plaits for decoration Colour Apply colour with printing, dipping, fabric crayons Create and use dyes i.e. onion skins, tea, coffee Texture Create fabrics by weaving materials i.e. grass through twigs, carrier bags on a bike wheel

Digital media

crepe paper , magazines etc Arrange and glue materials to different backgrounds Sort and group materials for different purposes e.g. colour texture Fold, crumple, tear and overlap papers Work on different scales Colour Collect, sort, name match colours appropriate for an image Shape Create and arrange shapes appropriately Texture Create, select and use textured paper for an image

Explore ideas using digital sources i.e. internet, CD-ROMs Record visual information using digital cameras, video recorders Use a simple graphics package to create images and effects with Lines by changing the size of brushes in response to ideas Shapes using eraser, shape and fill tools Colours and Texture using simple filters to manipulate and create images Use basic selection and cropping tools

Computing Skills Y1/2

Generic skills

Graphics and digital video Sound Multimedia

Year A

Year B

Be able to print work using the Print icon

Use appropriate ICT vocabulary

Use both hands on the keyboard

Load programs independently

Load programs with support

Save work independently

Know that work can be saved and retrieved

Retrieve work independently

Save work with support

Plan what they are going to do

Retrieve work with support

Make simple modifications to their work (edit)

Experience a range of ICT equipment and software

Practise keyboard skills using both hands, try to use more than two

Talk about what they are doing with ICT

fingers, and try to use the thumb on the spacebar.

With support, portable media devices to find information

Experience a range of ICT equipment and software

Describe their work and how they have used ICT

Use portable media devices to find information

With support (Favourites file, hyperlinks set up by the teacher) use the

Internet to find information for a topic

Be able to use an art package as medium to convey their ideas, as one of a range of media available

Be aware of a wider range of tools in the art package

Be aware that digital pictures and video can be saved on a computer

Use a digital camera or digital video camera to take appropriate pictures or video for a specific purpose

Add captions or sound to digital pictures or video

With support, be able to do simple manipulation of images using an art package or other software e.g. the digital camera's software

Use cassette recorders / dictaphones independently to record and

playback sounds e.g. own voice, others voices

Be aware that sound can be recorded on the computer as a sound file

Use music software to experiment, create and play their own


With support, evaluate and modify (edit) their own compositions

With support, use a storyboard to do simple editing of a sequence of digital pictures or video e.g. change sequence, add transitions

Word Processing Put text on screen

and email

Use upper and lower case

Know that text can be saved and retrieved Change the font style

Programming Data logging

Use the space bar Use the Return key Use the Shift key to make a capital letter Use word lists to enter text With support, print their work using the Print icon

Control a programmable robot, with a purpose (defined by either teacher or child) Understand that , once programmed a programmable robot can repeat the same instructions Plan and create a sequence of instructions to a move a programmable robot

Change the font size Change the font colour Print their work using the Print icon Use the cursor (arrow) keys for simple on screen editing With support, import graphics and add text with support, write and send a short email e.g. to Santa

Data handling Spreadsheets

LINK TO MATHS Develop simple classification skills based on practical sorting activities With support, use simple data plotting/ graphing programs to produce pictograms and other simple graphs Independently plot data as a pictogram, block chart or bar graph Be aware that graph types can be changed Interpret the graphs - discuss the graphs and answer simple questions Use the search tools in a prepared database to answer simple questions.


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