
Persuasive Text:No Uniforms!Schools already control what we learn. Why should they be able to control what we wear? Shouldn’t children have some choices? I think uniforms should be banned from all schools. Children without uniforms are more comfortable and do better in school. Plus, no uniforms mean you can be an individual. The first reason there should be no uniforms is because pupils are more comfortable without them. Some people may like to wear jeans instead of smart trousers, or maybe a few girls like to wear shorts instead of a skirt. Not all people like to dress the same way. Let’s say it’s 20 degrees outside. To one person, that calls for shorts and a t-shirt. For another person, that may mean jeans and a jumper. Everybody has a different body temperature. Children tend to move around easier and be more comfortable in their own clothes. We should not have uniforms, because they are uncomfortable and can make you shiver or sweat, depending on the person.The next reason we should ban uniforms is that children need to be individual. Our parents are always telling us to be our own person, to be individual. How are we supposed to do that if we’re dressed like everybody else at the school? Wearing our own clothes helps show our personality, and it also helps us find people who enjoy the same things we do by what is on their shirts. For example, one person is wearing a shirt with a skateboard on it and another child is wearing a shirt with a scooter on it. These two people might find it easier to connect with each other and become friends. Uniforms, in my opinion, are uncomfortable, and they take away a part of us called individuality. We need to ban uniforms because children need to express who they are. In conclusion, uniforms should be banned from schools so pupils can be comfortable and have individual freedom. If you believe that there should be no uniforms, start a petition at your school or some other school that has uniforms today! Uniforms must stop. ................

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