OF MICE AND MEN FUN PACKCONTENTSTick when completedActivity 1Knowledge Check………...………………………………………………Activity 2 Wordsearch………………………………………………………………….Activity 3 Facebook Profiles ………………………………………………..……..Activity 4 Quotes – Who said it and why is it significant? ……………Activity 5 X-Factor……………………………………………………………………….Want to have even more fun? ......................Activity 11. Where exactly and when is the novel set? 2. What are the full names of the two main characters? 3. Why do they travel around together? 4. Where are the central characters on the run from and why? 5. What is their ‘dream’? 6. Choose 6 adjectives/phrase that describe these two men, 3 for each 7. Name the ‘old swamper’. What two things are distinctive about him? 8. What job does Crooks do? 9. Write down three facts/phrases that tell us a bit more about Crooks 10. What do you think Steinbeck’s purpose was for this character? 11. Why does George take an instant dislike to Curley? 12. What kind of man is the boss? 13. Write down 4 words/phrases (quotes if you can!) to describe Curley’s wife 14. Why might it be significant that she is wearing a lot of red? 15. Give an example of a moment when George shows kindness towards Lennie 16. Give an example of a time when George is cruel to Lennie 17. How does Lennie feel about George? 18. Is Curley’s wife just a tart? Explain your answer. 19. Do you have any sympathy for her? Explain20. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘Lennie is just a stupid guy who drains poor George’s energy. They should go their separate ways’. Explain your answer.Activity 2Find 13 words and phrases relating to the novelIf you struggle to find all 13, look at the back of this pack for the words you need to find.Activity 3Facebook ProfilesOn the following pages you will find Facebook profiles for the following characters:GeorgeLennieCurley’s WifeCrooks CurleyThink of what their lives were like and how the characters would be plete the pages for each of them and create statuses which they may make in relation to their life on the ranch, as well as any comments that their friends may post on their walls.facebookHome Profile Friends Inbox (1)SettingsLog outGeorge Milton:Status goes here5 minutes agoWallInfoPhotos+What’s on your mind?160464534925View photos of me (34)142176511430InformationRelationship Status:Current City:Birthday:14217659525FriendsfacebookHome Profile Friends Inbox (1)SettingsLog outLennie Small:Status goes here5 minutes agoWallInfoPhotos+What’s on your mind?160464534925View photos of me (27)142176511430InformationRelationship Status:Current City:Birthday:14217659525FriendsfacebookHome Profile Friends Inbox (1)SettingsLog outCurley’s Wife:Status goes here5 minutes agoWallInfoPhotos+What’s on your mind?160464534925View photos of me (6)142176511430InformationRelationship Status:Current City:Birthday:14217659525FriendsfacebookHome Profile Friends InboxSettingsLog outCrooks:Status goes here5 minutes agoWallInfoPhotos+What’s on your mind?160464534925View photos of me (4)142176511430InformationRelationship Status:Current City:Birthday:14217659525FriendsfacebookHome Profile Friends Inbox (1)SettingsLog outCurley:Status goes here5 minutes agoWallInfoPhotos+What’s on your mind?160464534925View photos of me (26)142176511430InformationRelationship Status:Current City:Birthday:14217659525FriendsActivity 4QuoteWho said it? Why is it significant?1‘All right. But don’t try to put nothing over, ’cause you can’t get away with nothing. I seen wise guys before.’2‘With us it ain’t like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us.’3‘Curley’s like a lot of little guys. He’s alla time picking scraps with big guys. Kind of like he’s mad at them because he ain’t a big guy.’4‘This ain’t no good place. I wanna get outta here.’5‘S'pose you didn't have nobody. S'pose you couldn't go into the bunk house and play rummy 'cause you were black...A guy needs somebody-to be near him....I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick.’6‘You’re yella as a frog belly. I don’t care if you’re the best welter in the country. You come for me, an’ I’ll kick your goddamn head off.’7‘Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.’8‘He says he was gonna put me in the movies.’9‘God damn you ... Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice’10‘You god-damn tramp ... You done it, di’n’t you? I s’pose you’re glad. Ever’body knowed you’d mess things up. You wasn’t no good. You ain’t no good now, you lousy tart’11‘You crazy bastard. You ain’t fit to lick the boots of no rabbit. You’d forget ’em and let ’em go hungry. That’s what you’d do’12‘You an’ me can get that little place, can’t we George? You an’ me can go there an’ live nice, can’t we, George? Can’t we?’Activity 5Imagine that the following characters are auditioning for the X-Factor. They each want to sing a song which is relevant and applies to their circumstances. What song would they each sing and why?CharacterSongReason for song choiceGeorgeLennieSlimCurley’s WifeCandyCrooksCurleyWanna have more fun? Look back at the Facebook profiles. Some characters have a message in their inbox, work out who the message is from and what it could be about. If there are no messages in their inbox, think of reasons why this could be.How would the characters reply?Pick two or more situations from the list below. Prepare an empathetic response to the question or scenario from the view point of the character, writing down what you think the character would say. CurleyAre you happily married? Is your life what you wanted and expected? Are you good to your wife?Curley’s WifeWhat made you go into the barn that afternoon when Lennie was in there alone? Why are you drawn towards Lennie?CandyHow did you feel the night your dog was shot? What do you regret most about how it was done?GeorgeWhy do you travel with Lennie? Wouldn’t it be much simple to be alone?GeorgeWhy did you kill your best friend? Can you justify what you did?CurleyHow did you feel as you set out to find Lennie? Was your strongest feeling sadness at the loss of your wife, or a desire for personal revenge? What did you want to do to Lennie?SlimDo you know how Lennie really died? How do you feel about George? Did he do ‘the right thing’?SlimOf all the people you’ve met in the last month, who do you feel the most sorry for? Curley’s wife? George? Lennie?Why do George and Lennie travel together? Think about the following when answering:The personalities of both characters, and why Lennie needs to be looked after.The lifestyles of the two menHow George treats Lennie in the first chapterThe other men on the ranch, and what their lives seem to be likeThe suspicious way the boss on the ranch treat GeorgeThe reasons George gives the boss and Slim for travelling with LennieDo you think George and Lennie’s dream is realistic or romantic? What clues does Steinbeck provide in this respect?Some of the characters are outcasts in some way. Comment on who you think these characters are and why referring to quotes from the novel.Choose any character and describe their appearance, personality, emotions and relationships with other people using 10 quotations from the novel.Try to find FIVE different ways in which Steinbeck suspends the tension of the moment. Give examples of each and comment on them. Use the prompts to help you:Stalling the narrativeUse of pauses and silenceDescriptions of sights and soundsSymbolism – e.g. darknessUse of verbs and adverbsComplete the following table with explanations of what you learn about the differences between the characters of George and Lennie during the first few pages of the novel.EventWhat is revealed about GeorgeWhat is revealed about LennieLennie is told off by George for drinking the stagnant water in the poolGeorge tells Lennie to get rid of the dead mouse.Lennie is given instructions not to speak to the new boss.George wishes to spend the night freely in the open.George directs Lennie to collect wood for a fire.Lennie reclaims the dead mouse and is caught by GeorgeBoth Crooks and Candy want to share George and Lennie’s dream. Create a dramatic monologue spoken by either Crooks or Candy, voicing the thoughts and opinions of your character as to why they wish to become part of the dream and how the farm would change their lives.Make a list of all the hints that Steinbeck provides to the reader that something bad is going to happen. Why has Steinbeck done this?Wordsearch list: American Dream; Discrimination; Fatta the lan; Foreshadow; Friendship; Gender Issues; Itinerant; Loneliness; Migrant Workers; Racism; Social Issues; Thirties; We Got Somebody ................

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