Section 1: Charlemagne Unites Germanic Kingdoms

Chapter 9-The Progressive Era


• National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

• Prohibition

• Suffrage

• The Nineteenth Amendment

1. Published in 1906 this book by Upton Sinclair exposed the unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry?

2. What was the primary goal of prohibitionists?

3. List and describe several of the strategies used by female suffragists to achieve their goal

4. How did Teddy Roosevelt feel about the nations responsibility in terms of conservation?

5. What was the primary reason the Sixteenth Amendment was passed in 1913?

6. Why might a person tend to support the progressive movement?

Chapter 10-America Claims an Empire


• Foraker Act

• Imperialism

• Roosevelt Corollary

1. Who were the Rough Riders? Who is known for leading them during the Battle of San Juan Hill?

2. How much did the United States purchase Alaska from Russia for?

3. In what year did the United States extend citizenship rights to the residents of Puerto Rico?

4. What did Teddy Roosevelt mean by “Speak softly and carry a big stick”?

5. What were some of the major cash industries that caused American investors to take an interest in the Kingdom of Hawaii during the late 19th century?

6. Would the statement “It is not necessary to own people to trade with them” would fit best with imperialist or anti-imperialist beliefs? Why?

7. List the provisions of the Platt Amendment (Remember there are four of them)

Chapter 11-The First World War


• Fourteen Points

• Propaganda

• War Guilt Clause

• Zimmerman Note

1. How did the existence of the alliance system expand the amount of countries involved in the conflict beyond Austria-Hungary and Serbia?

2. What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

3. Who were the Doughboys? How did they get their nickname?

4. What are several of the weapons used for the 1st time during WWI?

5. How many Americans died when the Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat? Why is this significant?

6. Before fully turning their attention on Russia which nation did Germany hope to defeat as part of the Schlieffen Plan?

7. Who is responsible for the death of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand? What nation did the Austria-Hungarian Empire blame?

8. What were the main provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?

Chapter 12: The Politics of the Roaring 20’s


• Isolationism

1. Along with murder what other crime was Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti accused of?

2. Passed in 1922 this law raised American tariffs on many imported goods in order to protect factories and farms?

3. How might an anarchist describe the scandals of President Harding’s term?

4. How did nativists feel about the Emergency Quota Act of 1921?

Chapter 13-The Roaring Lives of the 1920’s


• Bootleggers

• Double Standard

• Harlem Renaissance

• Speakeasies

1. Which famous author coined the term “The Jazz Age”?

2. In his book The Sun Also Rises this author introduced a simplified style of writing?

3. What position did the Women’s Christian Temperance Union take regarding prohibition?

4. The movement of African Americans from the South to Northern Cities was referred to as?

Chapter 14: The Great Depression Begins


• Black Tuesday

• Direct Relief

• Dust Bowl

• Federal Home Loan Bank Act

• Great Depression

• Soup Kitchen

1. World War I veterans joined together in 1932 forming the Bonus Army for this specific purpose?

2. When someone decided to borrow money in order to help purchase stocks it’s referred to as?

3. What were some of the major reasons that many U.S. banks failed following the stock market crash of 1929?

4. In an attempt to voice their disgust with Hoover’s negligent treatment of Americans affected by the Great Depression citizens began referring to their makeshift shanty homes as _________________.

5. What were some of the primary causes of the farm crisis during the 1920’s?

6. At its highest point during The Great Depression unemployment reached nearly ___________.

Chapter 15: The New Deal


• Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

• Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

• Deficit Spending

• Federal Deposit Insurance Corps (FDIC)

• New Deal

• Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

• Works Progress Administration (WPA)

1. What was FDR’s first major action upon entering office specifically designed to help stabilize our economy?

2. What was significant about Frances Perkins role during FDR’s presidency?

3. Why was it so imperative that FDR’s New Deal policies included social welfare programs?

4. Why did Congress rule the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) unconstitutional?

5. Which of FDR’s New Deal policies still impacts American families today?

6. During the 1930’s which groups used sit-down strikes as a way to protest unfair working conditions?


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