
Health FinalName _________________________________________________ Date: 6 - 9 -15Why do you think many teens smoke despite the health risks? What argument against smoking would be most effective for teens?Describe ways to recognize good physical health, mental health, emotional health, and social health.What is one possible short-term consequence of eating a high-fat diet? What is a possible long-term consequence? List two behaviors that could move you toward wellness on the health continuum. What is one possible short-term consequence of drinking alcohol? What is a possible long-term consequence?Identify three ways that teens who drink put themselves at risks for physical harm.What are the dangers of adult alcohol use? What are the dangers for teens?Which organ breaks down alcohol?How can alcohol’s interaction with other drugs be fatal? Doctors recommend that former alcoholics should avoid drinking even one drink. Why do you think so? List three reasons why teens should abstain from alcohol. Then, turn each reason into a way to say no to alcohol. What activities do you enjoy that take place in alcohol-free settings?Your 18-year-old sister has a date with her boyfriend. He is driving. When he arrives you smell alcohol on his breath. What do you do?Develop a list of strategies you can use to refuse alcohol. Review your list over the course of the school year. Refine your strategies as necessary to make them more effective. Give an example of how an experience in a person’s life could trigger a mental disorder. Use the definition of a mental disorder to explain why schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder. Why do you think that eating disorders are classified as mental disorders? Do you agree with this classification? Explain.What is the link between depression and suicide?Why shouldn’t people smoke cigarettes as a way to relieve stress?You’ve spent three months feeling stressed while studying for an important exam. What impact could this stress have on your health?How can having close relationships help you stay mentally healthy?Families of people with mental disorders often need support and counseling. Why do you think this is so?People are hospitalized for mental disorders, in which, many are released to “halfway houses.” At the halfway house, they learn to readjust to life in the community. What would you say if someone objected to having a halfway house in your neighborhood?Why is it important how adults behave in front of children?Would your friends and your family describe your personality in the same way? Explain your answer. How can helping others have a positive effect on your self-esteem?Describe a person who has achieved self-actualization. Use someone you know, someone you admire, or a character in a book you have read. How can anger and fear be both helpful and harmful emotions?Explain how stress can be a positive experience. List six things that happen to your body during the fight-or-flight response.Why do you think that sleep problems are a useful warning sign of stress? Why is it important for a person who is stressed to reach out for support?A lie detector measures changes in a person’s heart rate and breathing rate. How might changes in these body functions indicate that a person is lying? Newborns who form a close, loving bond with their parents grow faster and are healthier than newborns who do not form this bond. Why do you think this is so?Describe how self-esteem can affect your ability to reach your potential. What are some ways that good character is related to healthy identity? What would a pregnant female expect to find out after having an amniocentesis?Children learn to make decisions about behavior when adults aren’t present as they become more physically mature.What are the similarities and difference between preeclampsia and an ectopic pregnancy?If you were to choose a role model, who would it be? Write a short essay explaining your choice. ................

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