Food - a fact of life

Around the world7650480101600Pasta00Pasta5774055111125Quinoa00Quinoa214503092075Couscous00Couscous287655101600Bulgar wheat00Bulgar wheat400240592075Wild rice00Wild rice1.What cereal crop are these ingredients made from? Bulgar wheat……………………………………… Couscous ……………………………………………. Wild rice…………………………………………… Quinoa …………………………………………… Pasta…………………………………………………….287655287020Bulgar wheat recipes00Bulgar wheat recipes2135505291465Couscous recipes00Couscous recipes4021455291465Wild rice recipes00Wild rice recipes5935980291465Quinoa recipes00Quinoa recipes7764780290830Pasta recipes00Pasta recipes2.Research how they are cooked and give two examples of dishes that are made using the ingredient. ................

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