EAZWV Wildlife Conservation Working Group BriefingConstitutional basis for Working groups.Article 16.Constitution and obligations of Working GroupsWorking groups may be set up by the Board to further the strategic aims of the Association. The Board may also dissolve working groups if they are felt no longer to be required.The objectives of the working group will be defined by the Board and reviewed on an annual basis. The Board will identify and appoint a suitable working group chair, who will oversee the activities of the working group. This appointment will be reviewed on an annual basis and can be renewed by mutual agreement. Appointment of further working group members is at the discretion of the working group chair but should represent the diversity of the organisation as far as is practicable.The working groups shall, to the extent necessary and desirable, undertake to coordinate their efforts and activities.To fund their activities, the working group may undertake fundraising events or may be subsidised from the Association's budget.Each working group shall be represented on the Advisory Board by the working group chair or their nominated representative. Each working group shall provide a report for the biannual Board meetings and produce a short written report suitable for dissemination to the membership to the secretariat 4 weeks before the General Assembly and the autumn meeting.Working Group ObjectivesIn April 2016, the board and advisory board took part in a strategy planning workshop for EAZWV. A number of priority initiatives were identified. (see report). The Wildlife Conservation Working Group’s input is required on 5 of the initiatives.They will have significant responsibility for delivery of 4 and consult on 1 others:InitiativeRole of Governance and Partnerships WGIncrease EAZWV reach and impact through strategic partnershipsResponsible: contribute to delivery.Consideration given to strategic partnerships that will strengthen EAZWV’s members’ capacity to contribute to free ranging wildlife projects (e.g. potential partnership with EWDA)Run an annual conference that meets the needs of the whole membership and is a showcase of EAWV scientific activitiesResponsible: contribute to delivery.Work with Conference working group and Education WG/ Student Section to ensure in situ wildlife projects are given sufficient emphasis.Raise professional standards through provision of specialist training to meet member needs.Responsible: contribute to delivery.Working Conference, Education WG and Student section to provide skills to enable EAZWV to make contribution to free ranging wildlife as well as captive wildlife.Produce guidelines / technical briefing documents as appropriateIncrease EAZWV membershipResponsible: contribute to delivery.Work with communication and member services working group to ensure that free ranging wildlife vets feel welcome and that their needs are met.Clarify EAZWV's position on ethical issues pertaining to wildlife health, welfare and conservation and get member buy-in:ESTABLISHING EAZWV's ETHICAL POSITION / Developing standards/ policy documentsConsultation: your views requiredEthical statements should represent both free ranging and captive situations.If the Working Group wishes to propose additional initiatives (other than the ones assigned to them by the Board) – they should produce a written proposal to the Board in line with the structure given above, indicating how this new proposal will contribute to the strategic aims of the association. An example might be: fundraising and grant giving to free ranging wildlife health projects undertaken by the membership. (this might involve developing the existing partnership with the ZEBRA foundation (current partnership just focuses on research projects) or setting up EAZWV’s own foundation…) Working Group Terms of Reference WG Aims and Objectives:The Board commissions working groups to further the strategic aims of the Association. The objectives of the working group will be defined by the Board and reviewed on an annual basis. The aims of this working group our outlined in section 2 above.The Board may decide to dissolve working groups if they are felt no longer to be required.Membership and Term of OfficeChairThe chair is appointed by the board from the membership. The initial term of appointment is 2yrs (with annual review) but there is the option of reappointment.Vice chairThe vice chair is proposed to the board by the chair. The initial term of appointment is 2yrs (with annual review) but there is the option of reappointment.To spread the opportunity of Working group leadership among the membership, the total time that any one member may serve either as chair or vice chair of any specific working group is capped at a total of 6 consecutive years.Working Group MembersWG members are appointed by the Chair from the EAZWV membership. There is no limit to number of working group members. The working groups may define their own rules about terms of office. The working group should, where possible and appropriate, reflect the breadth of membership (ie different disciplines, students and full members, geographic mix).MeetingsWorking group work is organized via the WG forum (see below), e-mail or other electronic means. A physical meeting takes place at the occasion of the Annual Conference. Any additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Chairperson.Decision making The working group seeks to decide by consensus or if not possible, by majority vote.Roles and ResponsibilitiesChair and Vice-chairThe chair is coordinator for the initiative/initiatives on which their group leads and is accountable to the board for the delivery of the working group initiative(s).The chair should propose a vice-chair to assist them in their role. The vice-chair must be an EAZWV member and must be approved by the board before appointment. It is anticipated that the vice-chair will take over from the Chair at the end of their term. The vice-chair may be given delegated authority by the chair to lead on specific initiatives or produce the bi-annual working group reports. The vice-chair is expected to take on the role of chair if the chair is not available.The chair will recruit a working group to assist them with developing the brief and producing a work plan. (consulting with the other working groups as required). Once approved, the work plan needs to be put into operation. Each component of the work plan will have its own lead (accountable for delivery of that bit) and team of volunteers. The lead will report back to the chair or, if they delegate, to the vice-chair.Will represent their working group on the Advisory Board or appoint a deputy to attend on their behalf.The chair shall provide a report for the biannual Board meetings and produce a short, written report suitable for dissemination to the membership to the secretariat 4 weeks before the General Assembly and the autumn meeting.The chair is also responsible for assisting other initiative leads in fulfilling their work plans (as laid out in the table). Again, the specific activities can be delegated but the chair is accountable.Working group membersWorking group members should expect to be delegated tasks by the chair. They must agree timelines and undertake to deliver their tasks to time and standard. If they need help, they should identify helpers if possible and make sure they inform the chair asap.The executive:The ED will provide a web page/ pages for the working group and storage space for their files.On provision of the names and email addresses of the working group, the ED will set up a secure email forum for them to use (and training on how to use it).The ED will act as liaison between the working group chairs and the board. They will ensure that issues requiring the board’s feedback are tabled at the next meeting and feedback within a week of the meeting.The ED will coordinate surveys, event registration set up, advertising and other aspects of member communication with the assistance of the communications working group.The board:Commissions the working groupAppoints the chair (and approved their nominated vice-chairs)Will review initiatives on an annual basis – and consult with the working groups.Expects a progress report on each initiative at least twice a year (October and April)Will endeavor to assist the working groups with any requests.Will provide feedback on any questions from the working group within 4wks. (sooner if practicable).Will sign off on all delivery plans and budgets.Will determine what funds are available from EAZWV core funds.Will review (+/- approve) any fundraising plans. ................

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