
Council Members Present: Mayor Darren Wiese, Gaylord Anderson, Tammy Fosse, Jim Haberer, and Doug Trana.City Staff Present: Clerk-Treasurer Kim Schroeder, Police and Fire Chief Mike Helle, Utility Superintendent Brenden Markuson, Deputy Clerk Jess Strege, Willow Creek Director Lisa Augustus.Members of the Public Present: Chad Koenen-reporter, Engineer Bob Schlieman, Jason Murray, MnDOT Lori Vanderhider, Susanne Torgerson, Courtney Wiese, Dan Broten, Elaine Dubel, Jamie Wilson, Brenda Reese, Dave Haglund, and Tom Nygaard.Call to order at 5:30 pm and pledge.Motion by Fosse to approve the Agenda. Second by Haberer.a) Discussion: None.b) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Motion by Trana to approve the Consent Agenda with corrections. Second by Haberer.Approval of March 2 and 24, 2020 Meeting MinutesMarch 24 minutes. Item 6 - Wiese asked to add that he didn’t feel it was necessary to seek legal guidance regarding whether or not a stimulus package was legal to proceed with.Approval of March, April and May City ClaimsResolution 2020-11 Banking ResolutionResolution 2020-13 Accepting DonationsResolution 2020-14 Insurance Tort Limita) Discussion: None.b) Roll Call Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Public Forum: None.Discussion: Utility Superintendent Brenden Markuson Update:ELECTRICALOverhead electrical feeder from Balmoal Ave to Marshall has been deenergized.Engineering firm for the electrical project, DGR visited last week and went over the project with Markuson. At this time, the plan is to address faulted feeder #5 and replace before winter. The next step will be to loop the industrial area for further expansion possibilities. A new switchgear is scheduled to be installed by Spring 2021.There’ll be installation of new primary 3phase south of TH210 and east of CH65 and scheduled to be completed by mid-July. There’s also capability to submit for a USDA grant.5 wells in the Washateria were capped.GASState and Federal reports are complete and submitted.MN Office of Pipeline Safety was scheduled for April; postponed until further notice due to COVID19.Repaired a leaking service line by the lake.Received a few new customer service agreements; will be installing in the summer.WATERFire hydrants have been flushed. Noted some hard-turning hydrants that will need attention.WASTEWATERThe ponds were about as low as they could be in the fall, however, now experiencing higher than normal levels causing pivot discharge before the crop season. This caused a violation with MPCA.Johnson Jet Line completed cleaning and televising in known troublesome pipes a few weeks ago. It’s been approx. 4-5 years since Second St from School Ave to Balmoral Ave has been completed. Several areas showed high concerning problems with heavy infiltration on Second St, and joints being pulled apart. This also contributes to the high pond levels.Became aware of an unlawful sump pump connection discharging directly into the sanitary sewer main. After days of monitoring it was found that 10 g/min was pumped, 600 gal/hr and approx. 432,000 gal/mo. Staff is working with the business on the issue.While irrigating prematurely, a temperature senor failed on the smaller pivot causing it to collapse. The pivots are programmed to shut down once temperature falls below 37 degrees. Water iced over the steel and turned the end section into an ice block. The end tower couldn’t carry the weight. It was submitted to insurance and repaired about a month ago. The pond levels are depleting and at a more comfortable level, but have a lot to get rid of through the summer.STREETSThe alley off Marshall heading towards the school is on schedule to be resurfaced this summer.Pro Sweep completed street sweeping.PUBLIC WORKSTwo seasonal summer workers returned to mow and trim grass.Installation of a parallel 250 kcmil quadplex for new 400A 3phase service was completed at the baseball field. City staff will begin completing the trenching and excavating around the entire field June 1st. An electrician will begin installing pipe and cable June 3rd.Motion by Haberer to approve invoicing Golden Living Center $5,000.00 for pump sump discharging into the City sewer main. Second by Anderson.a) Discussion: Staff Strege and Markuson were working with Golden Living Center (GLC) owner(s) and produced an invoice for an estimated number of gallons unlawfully pumped into the city’s sanitary sewer main. Wiese was contacted by GLC maintenance worker Kevin ________________ and discussed an alternative dollar amount of $5,000.00 to negotiate with the council. It was reported GLC didn’t know it was unlawful.b) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Discussion: Willow Creek Update:Current census is 25 tenants. 12 on assisted living service, 5 private pay and 7 medical assistance. There are 2 active referrals and is working with the public works dept. for move-in assistance since family isn’t able to enter the building yet.COVID-19 UpdateMany in-house services such as a beauty were cancelled. Augustus is working on getting beautician service back in the building to eliminate tenants wanting to leave.Tenants are encouraged and able to go outside but only with a staff member and allowed to walk in their hall way on their own floor with their mask on. All meals are served in their rooms and all activities continue to be cancelled. Outside visitors are still restricted. All staff and vendors are screen at arrive to the building. Tenants have their temperatures taken twice per day, and oxygen levels are taken daily. A fever over 100.0 or a drop in 02 saturations is reported to Augustus for further evaluation.The latest Governor order includes a direction that all staff and tenants of nursing and assisted living facilities be tested for COVID-19 in the next couple of weeks. Augustus is including maintenance personnel who enter the building. Cost to do this is still being worked out, MDH is still finalizing the process. Augustus will work with staff of consent forms and talk with tenants as well. Each tenant will need a doctor’s order to complete the testing since WC doesn’t have a Medical Director.Looking for Council direction on how to proceed if an employee refuses to be tested, if they’ll be allowed to work. There are no current guidelines, it’s up to the individual facility and/or policies. Augustus is concerned as she doesn’t have casual employees for back up.Looking for Council direction on conditions in place for staff leaving the general 50 mile radius area or state.Motion by Fosse to hire a 4th Public Works utility employee. Second by Anderson.a) Discussion: Mayor Wiese provided [his] comments regarding the February 19th special meeting work session, motions held at said meeting, the utility budget process, and again entertained large discussion with public input regarding the hiring of a 4th utility employee. Stating that rate increases will need to happen for upcoming projects but that it’s also in direct correlation with hiring a 4th utility employee. Anderson and Fosse strongly disagreed. He called for the council to motion not moving forward with the hire. He then called for a roll call vote once the motion to hire was made.Trana stated he’s voting in favor because he wants Brenden [utility supervisor], the town, and the infrastructure to succeed.Haberer stated he’s voting in favor because he doesn’t want to continue losing employees.b) Roll Call Vote in Favor: Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: Wiese.Motion by Fosse to hire Travis Arndt as Full-Time Public Works Utility Technician; hourly wage at $19.00. Second by Haberer.a) Discussion: None.b) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Motion by Anderson to increase Full-Time employee James Nelson’s wage by $1.65; following the city’s step structure and recognizing completion of Electrical lineman books. Second by Trana.a) Discussion: None.b) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Motion by Fosse to approve the draft Willow Creek Commission Ordinance and By-Laws. Then reviewed by an attorney and follow ordinance implementation requirements. Second by Haberer.a) Discussion: Wiese questioned the need for a commission and by-laws. Augustus replied she is in favor of it to utilize when there are questions in lease or other agreements. Also provides a group of individuals to review major projects, maintenance, and other assistance as needed.b) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Discussion: TH108/210 City Sign, Lighting Upgrade: No new information. No action taken and item not tabled. Any new information will be provided when it is received and ready to be considered.Motion by Anderson to continue Tri-City Living with the Mayors meeting every two months or as needed and hosting city clerk take minutes. Second by Fosse.a) Discussion: The Mayors met and decided to no longer contract a consultant to run the meetings and incur costs of $500 per month per city. They also want to meet every other month with the clerk from the hosting city be in attendant to take minutes. Below is what the Mayors have decided the organization/meetings should look like:Meeting the 3rd Wednesday of every-other month, beginning MarchMayors will develop and line up agenda and speakersMeetings are to spur ideasOne speaker per meetingMeetings to last 1 ? hrs; 30 min.-speaker, 30 min.-questions, 30 min.-discussionTwo meetings held in each city per yearNo consultant to attend the meetingsNeed for more flexibilityb) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer, Trana.c) Opposed: None.Discussion: Mayor Wiese shared that there’s been community conversation to contract out law enforcement services or sell the ambulance and wanted to make it known he says it’s not happening.Motion by Anderson to adjourn at 7:13 pm. Second by Haberer.a) Discussion: None.b) Vote in Favor: Wiese, Anderson, Fosse, Haberer.c) Opposed: None.Respectfully submitted:Attested to:Kimberly SchroederDarren WieseCity Clerk-TreasurerMayor ................

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