Financial AlgebraMath Lesson: How flat is your curve?Week of April 7, 2020Dear Students,It is a very trying time on our sacred land, the Navajo Reservation, with the spread of Covid-19 since Spring Break. KTNN, our tribal radio station, has been announcing shelter-in-place as a means to level the curve so that the infected Covid19 cases can spread out. We do not like how the virus changed our routines, but as young people we must learn from this pandemic. With that in mind, I will give you a math lesson that will help you and your family understand the spread of Covid-19. I miss seeing your sleepy eyes in the morning. Do you miss the free coffee? All your math lessons will be posted on the school website to keep the ongoing learning. Let’s begin our first “awesome” math lesson. I will get better at communicating with you electronically and you will get better at understanding math. I am glad to be your teacher.Ms. Bizardi*************************************************************************************Objective: To better understand the meaning of “flattening the curve” concept. This is a cool mathematical concept that can be applied to other situations.Procedures: First, obtain the article “Flattening the Curve for Covid-19: What Does It Mean and How can You Help?” by Kara Gavin published March 11, 2020.Most likely, you will be using your phone to download the article so search by typing the article name. The other option is the article will be posted on MFHS school website.Second, keep records of the lessons in a spiral notebook or loose leaf 3-ring paper. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME TO BUY MATERIALS!!! If you have any questions, you can email me at from your phone. Also if you only have a phone to work from, you will take photos of your work and email them to me. I am assuming that we have limited technology support at home with only a cellphone on hand. If you have internet connection at home, please email me to improve better correspondence. Also if I can email the lessons to you or a relative for printing I am open to that. We will be learning together, so let’s be patient and help one another. Furthermore, let’s open up a possible career choice – become an epidemiologist! Finally, read the article and answer the following questions. This assignment is worth 100 points. (Preview the questions before you begin reading the article?Question 1 WRITING TASKDr. Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D., a University of Michigan expert says, “An outbreak anywhere can go everywhere. We need to pitch in to try to prevent cases both within ourselves and in our communities.” Does this quote make you feel like you have a big responsibility in helping slow the spread of Covid-19? How can you help prevent the spread of Covid-19 on the Navajo Reservation? Record your thoughts.Question 2 MATH CONCEPT INVESTIGATIONThe public health officials use the term “flattening the curve” all the time, but many Americans heard this phrase just recently. Let’s investigate together!!!VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENTWhat’s the difference between a pandemic, an epidemic, endemic, and an outbreak?MATH EXPLANATION What does “flattening the curve” mean to you after reading this article and using your prior math knowledge? Explain the image of the two curves by including a drawing of the image. Keep the colors the same. Use words such as the tall skinny curve or the flat curve to distinguish the two curves. MATH REASONING Dr. Markel and his colleagues conclude that the flatter, lower curve is a much better one? Support your reasoning with examples.PERSONAL AND GLOBAL IMPACTHow did this pandemic affect your household, businesses, schools, health centers, and personal well-being? Support your reasoning with examples.Question 3 MATH APPLICATION“Coronavirus is a socially transmitted disease, and we all have a social contract to stop it,” says Markel. “What binds us is a microbe – but it also has the power to separate us. We’re a very small community, whether we acknowledge it or not, and this proves it. The time to act like a community is now.” What is your opinion on the mandated Navajo Nation curfew that will begin April 10th @ 8 pm and that will end April 13th @ 5 pm? Feedback/Comments: ................

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