Video Clips and Reflection QuestionsSteven Spielberg-Thursday, Sept 7 is okay to go against the flow. ?What is one way in the past you have chosen your own path, rather than agreeing with those around you, and how did it affect you?Spielberg say that the difference between your conscience says what you SHOULD DO, where your intuition whispers what you COULD DO. ?What are some things that your intuition tells you? ?What is one intuition you want to follow and pursue this year?Goal setting, focus on short and long term goals, follow your intuition. ?Have students write them down, and place them somewhere they can look back at them frequently.Tim Cook-Power of Technology-Friday-Sept 8 ?(full speech-this is the best version)A big question that Tim Cook asks, if how are you going to serve humanity? ?This is a HUGE question. ?But everyday, you make choices that can serve the greater good. ?What are a few small ways you can serve something greater than yourself?Tim Cook talks about technology that is meant to connect us sometimes divides us. ?How can we use technology to connect us ALONG with building interpersonal skills? ?(we know we are all “connected” via social media and screen conversations, but focus on the deeper more genuine face to face relationship) ?How can technology divide us? ?How does this affect relationships?How will you use technology at TJHS to benefit you and your education?What does responsible use of technology look like?William McRaven-Navy Seal, Hell Week- Monday, Sept 11 says to start your day with making your bed, so that one task if already completed in your day, and if you have a bad day, you will come home to a made bed. ?What is the first task you complete every day? ?What is one that you could start doing to set the tone for success? ................

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