

Union meeting notes:

President / MFPE District 3 report--Mike Kenison reported that he met with Superintendent Jonart about various issues. He spoke with Therese McClafferty about COVID pay when members need to be quarantined. We have a 14% transmission rate. Email Mike Kension with any questions. VOTE!!

Vice-president’s report / COPE--Krystin Lee asks that we please VOTE!!

Negotiation’s report—Mike Kujawa reported that negotiations for the 2021-2023 school years will gear up in December. Please send proposals to Mike Kujawa.

Insurance report / Policy report—Karen Alley reported that the shot clinics at the schools were difficult but successful. Employees are encouraged to get the shingles vaccine which is comprised of two shots. Questions? Contact Karen Alley.

Old Business—The BTU gave a donation to Treat Street. We need a nurse in every building—a new nurse was hired by the district. We have a shortened day, but we are required to teach the same amount or more of the curriculum.

MT NEA report / Central Labor Council report—VOTE!!

New Business—A meeting will be held with Superintendent Jonart to address the video library for the elementary schools.

The Butte Teachers’ Union met on Wednesday, October 21, 2020, with Mike Kenison presiding.

The minutes from the September meeting were read and approved.





Meeting place: Union Hall

Meeting dates:

Please join us!!

September 16 – new teacher day

October 21

November 18

December 16 – Christmas Party

January 20

February 17

March 17 – St.Patrick’s Day Party

April 21

May 19

Butte Teachers’ Union Newsletter

Negotiation’s Report

• Negotiations will open soon. Salary increases will be discussed.

• Please send any negotiation ideas to Mike Kenison.

School Board Report

(none at this time)

Butte Teachers’ Union Newsletter Page 3

Butte Teachers’ Union Newsletter Page 2

School Board Report—Megan Paul (September)

The regular Board meeting was held September 21, 2020 via Teams and also in-person at West Elementary in the cafeteria. Keith Miller gave a presentation for East Middle School and talked about the new upgrades and updates that have been occurring and also the updates that will happening soon during the remodeling process. He also commended the Covid Task Force at East and how they helped implement changes to the new school year to make sure that everyone in the school is safe during this pandemic. Southwest Montana Community Health Care gave a presentation/proposal to the Board and discussed having a school-based healthcare medical assistant on site in the schools and the benefits that would come from this. There will be more discussion of this later, but they wanted to present their idea to the Board. Roger Davis gave an update on the Bond Project and what was happening with the construction at East Middle School and the elementary schools.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda and also the Personnel Action Report for September, noting the appointment of two certified teachers and 15 Rockies positions. Approval was given for a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Butte School District and Montana Technological University and University of Montana Western for the 2020-2021 school year. The Board approved to increase the adult lunch price from $3.75 to $3.85 for the 2020-2021 school year. They also approved the annual list of Organizations and Clubs at Butte High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Approval was given to update the Policy 3225 in the 2020-2021 elementary school handbook. The Board had to move a new business item, MOU with Action Inc., to the next meeting due not having a quorum.

Butte Teachers’ Union Newsletter Page 2

School Board Report—Megan Paul


The regular Board meeting was held October 19, 2020 virtually via Microsoft Teams. Judy Jonart gave recognition to Scott Cooney who received the University of Chicago Outstanding Educator Award. Brenda Miner gave a presentation for Emerson Elementary and showed a video of the students and staff from the end of last school year and also the beginning of this year. She talked about the security and covid updates at the school and also the theme they chose for this year, which is MAGIC. Judy Jonart gave an update on enrollment, which is currently a little over 2300 students. She also gave an update on the School Based Health Program Proposal and said that a task force was created, containing District personnel and Southwest Montana Community Health members. There is a meeting scheduled with this task force on October 22 and she will continue to provide updates.

The Board approved the Consent Agenda and also the Personnel Action Report I and Personnel Action Report II, noting the hiring of a new school nurse. They also approved the contract for the SOARS Director. The Board approved the Independent Contractors Agreement for RSVP Grant Interim Director. An MOU was approved between the District and Action Inc. for the 2020-2021 school year. Approval was also given to enter into Butte-Silver Bow County Interdisciplinary Child Information and School Safety Team Agreement. The Board approved to replace the boiler at Whittier Elementary.


Building Representatives

Jory, Tony--East

Wolstein, Lindsey--BHS

Watts, Brianne--Kennedy

Jory, Tony--East

Richards, Shawna —Margaret Leary

Merrick, Cindy--Hillcrest

O'Neill, Patty--West

Hawbaker, Laurie--Whittier

Lewis, Charissa--Emerson


President—Mike Kenison

Vice-president—Krystin Lee

Insurance chair—Karen Alley

Negotiations chair—Mike Kujawa

Secretary—Lindsey Kambich

Treasurer—Cheryl McLaughlin

School Board rep—Megan Paul

Communications —Susan Cotton

Butte Teachers’ Union Newsletter Page 3

Lucky Drawing Winner:

Lindsey Wolstein

Come to the meetings, learn what is happening, and enter for a chance to win!!




Bill “Jolly Rogers” Richards

School Board Members

|Ann Boston (Chair) |533-5585 (cell) |

|2132 Princeton |782-8918 (home) |

| | |

|abradyboston@ | |

|bostona@ | |

| |491-3223 (cell) |

|Tom Billteen |533-5585 |

|1807 B Street | |

|tbillteen@ | |

|billteent@ | |

| | |

|JP Gallagher |498-0038 (cell) |

|2924 State Street | |

|gallagherjp@ | |

| |  |

|Patti Hepola |490-9295 (cell) |

|3006 Amherst | |

|pheps@ | |

|hepolap@ | |

| | |

|Frank Joseph | |

| | |

|Susanne Dauenhauer |498-3471 (cell) |

|105 Fleecer Dr. | |

|susanned@ | |

|Kelly Howery |498-5110 (cell) |

|1245 West Granite | |

|khowery@ | |

|howeryk@ | |

| | |

| | |

|Jay LeProwse |565-2997 |

|PO Box 126 | |

|Ramsay, MT 59748 | |

Butte Teachers’ Union Newsletter Page 4


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