
December 10, 2020 Declaration of Independence Quiz Name __________________________________1. Which statement about the Declaration of Independence is NOT true? A. The Continental Congress representing all 13 colonies authorized a committee to write the D of I. B. Truth from scripture was heavily incorporated into the writing of the D of I. C. The ideals expressed in the D of I are just as true and important today as they were in the 1700s. D. All these statements about the D of I are true. E. None of these statements are true.____2. The main purpose for writing the Declaration of Independence was to A. encourage the French to assist the colonists in their war against England B. make the case to all Americans that slavery was racist and violated God’s commandments C. make one final attempt to seek peace with England D. announce the decision of the colonies to become independent from England ____3. Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence? A. George Washington B. Benjamin Franklin C. Richard Henry Lee D. Thomas Jefferson____4. Who made the official decision to declare independence from England? A. the patriot army B. George Washington C. Continental Congress D. Sons of Liberty____5. On what day did the Declaration of Independence become official? A. July 4, 1776 B. June 27, 1775 C. The day following the Battle of Bunker Hill____6. On whose authority does the Declaration of Independence say that ‘ALL men are created equal’? A. King George B. Our Creator C. the Continental Congress D. George Washington____7. According to the Declaration of Independence, what is the main purpose of government? A. to pass laws for its citizens C. to keep peace among its citizens B. to protect the 3 inalienable rights for its citizens D. to collect taxes from its citizens____8. What should citizens do when any government fails to serve its people in an honorable way? A. altar or abolish that government C. migrate to another country with better government B. Disobey all laws passed by that government D. Refuse to pay taxes to that government____9. Which of the following did the Signers of the Declaration of Independence NOT pledge when they signed the Declaration of Independence? A. Their lives B. Their families C. Their fortunes D. Their Sacred Honor____10. On whom did the signers of the Declaration of Independence rely for protection and guidance? A. Parliament B. Divine Providence C. Each Other D. the Patriot army____11. Which was NOT listed in the D of I as a grievance against England? A. Impressment of American males to serve in the English military B. Taxing colonial citizens without providing them representation in Parliament C. Quartering soldiers from foreign countries in the colonies D. Assassinating Benjamin Franklin and other important colonial citizens E. Refusal to allow colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains____12. In what city was the Declaration of Independence written and signed? A. New York City B. Boston C. Charlestown D. Philadelphia____13. People who believe in the truths of the Declaration of Independence would likely be opposed to A. liberty B. government C. racism D. democracy TRUE-FALSE____14. The Declaration of Independence was written following the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.____15. Every individual American was fully in support of the Declaration of Independence and the war required to win independence.____16. The Declaration of Independence states that ‘all men are created equal’, meaning that all people , regardless of race or religion, are equally valuable to God. ____17. Ideas expressed in the Declaration of Independence are based on the truth of Scripture as found in the Christian Bible.____18. If captured by England the signers of the Declaration of Independence likely would have been hanged by the neck or at least imprisoned for the crime of TREASON.____19. The signing of the Declaration of Independence ended all unfair, prejudiced treatment of all Americans, regardless of race, religion, or gender.LIST the 3 ‘inalienable rights’ named in the Declaration of Independence._________________________ _________________________ _________________________DISCUSSION: Write your response in the space below. How might our world be different today if EVERYONE in EVERY COUNTRY lived and treated others according to the truths contained in our Declaration of Independence? ................

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