
Bucklawren Road to the B3253 Junction – Turning right is becoming more and more dangerous, better signage needed in No Man’s Land warning of a dangerous junction ahead.

The Clerk to contact Cormac Solutions and Katie Hatfield who is responsible for the road improvements at No Man’s Land.

Cockles Peep Out Public Footpath Sign - Needs to be repaired. The Clerk to contact Cornwall Council.

Buses using Bindown Road and issues at Trenode School – Group Travel continue to use Bindown Road instead of Widegates and the B3253, this is causing congestion and at times is dangerous. The Clerk to contact Group Travel.

Councillor Keeble:

Monkey Sanctuary to Bodigga – Vehicles parked by users of the Coast Path causing obstructions, the road is too narrow and with the summer tourist season started, caravans and campers using Bay View Farm struggle to pass.

The Clerk to ask Cormac Solutions to reinstate the seasonal parking restrictions that have disappeared in the undergrowth.

Councillor Broad:

Conflicts over Planning Applications in Millendreath – Councillor Broad feels he cannot represent the people of Millendreath with his hands tied by declarations of interest due to owning a chalet in the holiday village. The Clerk will contact Democratic Services and supply Councillor Broad with a contact to try to clarify what needs to be declared.

Councillor Burt:

Missing Looe Sign at Bindown – The owner of the property has rendered the new wall and the sign will be reinstated.


Pot Hole, Bindown Road - South of the cottages a large hole has appeared. The Clerk to contact Cormac Solutions.


Fingerpost project – The Chairman has asked the Clerk to find out what progress has been made.

County Councillor Armand Toms:

New Highways Engineer for the Parish – Adrian Drake has been appointed to cover highways issues in the area, County Councillor Armand Toms trying to arrange a meeting between him the Clerk and Mr. Drake.

No Man’s Land Housing Development – Contact has been made with The Guinness Trust who says the reason the project has stalled is due to the capacity of the sewage works in No Man’s Land. No further plans have been made to bring the project to fruition.

PCSO Dave Billing:

Police Report - During May 2014, there were a total of 40 crimes reported for the whole area covered by Looe Police Station. There were 2 crimes reported within the Parish:

1 x Criminal Damage to Property, 1 x Assault.

PS HOWE has left Looe Neighbourhood Team to fill a temporary Inspectors post at St. Austell, he hopes to return to Looe mid August.

PS VICKERY has taken up the post of Neighbourhood Team Leader until the return of PS HOWE.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm, Thursday 3rd July 2014 at

No Man’s Land Memorial Hall.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.32pm.

St Martin – By - Looe Parish Council


Attended by:

Chair: Robert Henly Vice-Chair: Roberta Powley

Parish Councillors, Barbara Reynolds, Lynne Burt, Michael Elford.

Mr. Charles Hyde, Clerk and Proper Officer of the Council.

County Councillor Armand Toms.

Public Question Time & Councillors Comments on Declared Interests:

Mr. Rick Gibbs – A presentation as to progress at Millendreath.

The Presentation included the following points:

*The plans for the holiday village have changed over the last 6 - 9 months despite a very successful launch for the new build holiday homes and marketing campaign.

*Delays with new builds due to issues with the in ground costs and flooding all resulting in a rethink.

*Change of emphasis and business plan – now intend to build and rent and hold for investment.

*Extensive holiday chalet refurbishment, 37 units to be ready at different stages to be completed by January 31st 2015.

*New staff employed to oversee construction, maintenance and to manage rentals.

*Upto date newsletter being prepared and circulated to all residents of the village informing them of the progress so far and future plans.

*Owner/ occupiers of the chalets know as Hillside Villas have been offered personal licences to enable them to stay in the chalets full time, however not all owner occupiers have taken up the offer, the licence does not alter the fact that 52 week occupation contravenes the property lease. Also owners who let their property are being encouraged to use the National Letting Agency which Espalier is currently in discussions with.

*Valley floor chalets - owners offered favourable terms to relocate further up the valley, the ideal situation would be for all of the chalets on the valley floor to be removed to prevent further distress caused by the winter floods.

* Black Rock Cafe has been secured on concrete footings following advice from the Environment Agency; this has resulted in the cafe being slightly higher than before.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Gibbs for his presentation, 10 minutes was set aside for questions from the Councillors and members of the public.

Agenda Item 1: Declarations of Interest:

The Chairman 4.1.3 Prejudicial Property owner.

Vice-Chairman Powley 4.1.3 Personal Employee.

Agenda Item 2: Apologies for absence:

Councillors John Broad and David Keeble, PCSO Dave Billing.

Agenda Item 3: Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting:

3.1.1: Minutes for the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th June 2014. It was proposed by Vice Chairman Powley, seconded by Councillor Reynolds 4 – 0 (Councillor Elford did not attend the meeting, therefore could not vote) that they be taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Agenda Item 4: Planning Applications:

4.1.1: Application No: PA14/04504.

Proposal: Demolition of bungalow and construction of replacement house.

Location of Land: Cheney Cottage, St Martin by Looe.

Applicant: Mrs. G Barrett.

Parish Council's Decision: Refuse - proposed by Councillor Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Burt, Votes 4 - 1.


1. Property far larger than the existing footprint, out of keeping with the existing site.

2. A single story would suit the site much better.

3. Proof required that the actual cattery will be provided, the PC did ask for a business plan but this was never provided.

4. Should this be approved by Cornwall Council despite the PC's decision to refuse we would like to see a condition that the property is linked to the business.

4.1.2: Application No: PA14/04975.

Proposal: Two storey extension.

Location of Land: 26 Holland Road, No Man’s Land, Looe.

Applicant: Mr. Stuart Southall.

Parish Council's Decision: Approved - proposed by Vice Chairman Powley, seconded by The Chairman, All agreed.

4.1.3: PA14/06153.

Proposal: Change of use from Restaurant to Residential.

Location of Land: Granary Restaurant, Bucklawren Farm, St Martin by Looe.

Applicant: Mr. R Henly.

Parish Council’s Decision: Approved 5 – 0 (by delegated authority after the meeting due to summer recess).

Agenda Item 5: Planning Decisions received by the date of the meeting:

None received.

Agenda Item 6: Planning Matters:

None received.

6.2: Correspondence – In information pack.

Agenda Item 7: – Finance.

7.1.1: Summary of Accounts.

Reconciled balances date 26/06/14.

Opening Bank Balances 1st April 2014 £20,843.73

Income to date £5,712.31

Expenditure to date £2,622.05

Balance to date £23,933.99

7.2: Accounts paid in June 2014.

|Cheque No |Organisation |Amount |

|642 |Clerk expenses |35.70 |

|643 |Clerks May salary |433.33 |

|644 |Hiscox (Came & Company) Annual insurance |265.00 |

| |Total |734.03 |

7.3: Income in June 2014.

|13-Jun-14 |Simon Hannaford AD REVENUE | | £ 15.00 |

It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Elford that Items 7.1 and

7.3 are ratified. ALL AGREED.

7.4: Requests for Funding received by date of meeting.

None received.

7.5: Receipts and letters of thanks received by the date of the meeting.

7.5.1: Cruse Bereavement Care – Letter of thanks for the £50 donation.

7.6: Financial Business.

7.6.1: Signpost Magazine – Annual Charge to be introduced, 2 issues per year £7.

Discussions ensued and it was proposed by Councillor Reynolds, seconded by Vice Chairman Powley to continue to receive The Signpost magazine in printed format at a cost of £7 per year. All agreed.

7.6.2: Holland Road Weed Spraying – Following last month’s meeting County Councillor Armand Toms informed the PC that the cost of spraying Holland Road was £26, the Chairman agreed the expenditure as it was to be carried out with other work in the area.

7.7: Accounts to be paid in July 2014.

It was proposed by Councillor Reynolds seconded by Councillor Elford that the following be

authorised for payment. ALL AGREED.

| Cheque No |Organisation |Amount |

|645 |Clerk expenses |34.56 |

|646 |Clerks June salary |433.33 |

|647 |Grant Thornton – Annual Audit fee |120.00 |

| |Total |587.89 |

Agenda Item 8: Reports on Matters arising from the Minutes.

8.1.1: Millendreath Safety Issue – The Clerk contacted Adrian Drake at Cormac about the cliff fence. Mr. Drake has reported this for inspection and action as soon as possible.

To date still no repairs have been carried out although we believe Cormac have inspected the fence. The Clerk to contact Cormac Solutions again for an update.

8.1.2: Millendreath update – As discussed last month the Clerk invited Mr. Gibbs to attend the next Parish Council meeting to update the Council on progress in the valley. Mr. Gibbs has accepted the invitation and gave a presentation at the beginning of this meeting.

8.1.3: Highway, Monkey Sanctuary to Bodigga – Parking issues were reported by the Clerk to Adrian Drake of Cormac. Unfortunately due to budget constraints the restoration of the footpath and reinstatement of the parking restrictions cannot be carried out. See email from Mr. Drake below:

I have looked at the issues around Monkey Sanctuary at Windsworth. There is no workable solution.

The Client (CC) manages the funding for yellow lines and the associated signing. We put forward those sites needing work so the TROs can be enforced e.g. re-lining; they prioritise them based on network impact. As I understand the situation, this site has been put forward, however, there is a massive backlog of sites; thus, this section of highway will not receive funding until those of higher priority have been addressed.

Without the signs & lines being correct the TRO is not enforceable. CPE is a deterrent but cars with penalties on are still obstructions – so this does really stop the problem.

Thus, the issue becomes one of obstructive parking – this must be dealt with by the police. They will take the view that it only obstruction where the road is impassable or there is a significant danger to highway users.

I am sorry but on this occasion I cannot offer a viable solution without the necessary funding.

County Councillor Armand Toms has requested a costing for the scheme.

8.1.4: Public Footpath Sign at Cockles-peep-out – Fallen sign reported to Dave Wood, Countryside Officer who replied that due to budget constraints it will not be reinstated at present, instead a Waymark Disk will be installed.

The Clerk to respond to Mr. Wood to ask why the fallen sign cannot be repaired instead of a Waymark Disk as all it needs is to be nailed to the post.

8.1.5: Installing street lights in Holland Road as part of the road safety scheme – Location maps obtained, further discussion required.

Discussions ensued and it was proposed by Vice-Chairman Powley, seconded by Councillor Reynolds to agree to part funding the cost of the street lights. This will be subject to a final costing not exceeding £4500. All agreed.

8.1.6: Code of Conduct Training – Vice-Chairman Powley and Councillor Reynolds have booked to attend the above training on 24th July 2014, at Maker with Rame. A further date has been added on 17th July, Liskeard Council Chamber, 10.30am – 12 noon.

8.1.7: Bucklawren Road/ B3253 junction – The Clerk contacted Katie Hatfield to see if improvements to the signage on the B3253 could be included in the road safety scheme, unfortunately budget constraints prevent new improved signage to be installed.

County Councillor Armand Toms to make contact with the grass cutting team to ensure the existing signs can be seen.

Agenda Item 9: Business received after publication of agenda:

None received.

Agenda Item 10: Information received from CC and other Authorities:

10.1.1: Cornwall Council.

A38 (Bodmin to Saltash) The Case for improvement - a copy of the letter sent to Bert Biscoe from Cornwall Councillors.

The Value of Tourism – Research information.

10.1.2: Other Authorities.

CALC – The Week Newsletter, 20th June issue.

Vital Venues – Community Assist information sheet and June Newsletter.

Rural Services Network – Rural Housing Spotlight , July 2014.

Safer Cornwall – June 2014 Newsletter.

Sheryll Murray MP – Appeals on planning decisions regarding wind turbines, MP to be informed if an appeal is submitted.

Agenda Item 11: New Business:

None received.

Agenda Item 12: Around the table:

Councillor Reynolds:

Nothing raised.

Councillor Elford:

Footpath from Monkey Sanctuary to Penhale - has been cut incorrectly leaving large areas uncut making visibility on this now part of The South West Coast Path dangerous. The Clerk to Contact Cormac Solutions.

Councillor Burt:

Bridleway 5 & 7 Closure. (Little Treveria Wood to Trelowia Farm) – Could the Clerk obtain an update as Councillor Burt thinks this is a Gold Path and access should be maintained at all times.


Holland Road Streetlights – 003 and 006 still not working. County Councillor Armand Toms to contact the two relevant departments.


Fingerpost Project – The Clerk was asked again to obtain a progress report.

B3253 Road Safety Scheme – The Clerk was asked to obtain a new start date.

County Councillor Armand Toms:

Royal Visit to Looe 14/7/14 – Arriving between 10.45 and 11.15am, visit to start in East Looe and then move on to West Looe.

Date and Time of Next Meeting: Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm, Thursday 4th September 2014 at

No Man’s Land Memorial Hall.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.44pm.


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