
AREVIEW Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)Statutory Annual Review Full Name/ preferred name of child or young person:Date of Birth:Date of this Annual Review meeting:Date of previous Annual Review meeting:Date of current EHCP:This Report records a variety of perspectives on the child/ young person's special educational needs (SEN); progress towards achieving their outcomes and the effectiveness of the special educational provision in place. It also enables everyone involved to plan continuing support the child/ young person’s progress and access teaching and learning. Managers of early years' settings, Head teachers/ Principals of schools and Principals of Post 16 providers submit this report to make recommendations to the Local Authority (LA) whether the EHCP should be maintained, amended or ceased. The Annual Review must take into account the child/ young person and family’s views, wishes and feelings.Recommendation Please tick one recommendation only Maintain the EHCP without any amendments (No changes)Amend the EHCP (substantial changes only)Cease the EHCP and meet needs at SEN Support (parents must be in agreement)Are all attendees are in agreement with the summary discussion points and recommendations made and recorded? Yes / NoComments:Sections headed light blue should be pre-populated and circulated 2 weeks’ prior to the meeting Sections headed light purple should be pre-populated but may require further discussion, explanation or revision at the meetingOther sections headed white can be recorded during / after the meetingThroughout this Report, please complete all sections, inserting additional rows if required, and record N/A if a section is not applicable.When updating the EHCP any information no longer accurate needs to be marked like this changes. Additions should be added in bold italics.Section 11.1 People involved in this Annual ReviewNameService / DesignationAttended Y/NIf No record all apologies1.2Health, Care Plans and additional education plans(Note: to be checked as part of planning and preparation prior to the meeting)Additional PlansYes/NoDate of last Assessment / Plan/ ReviewIs an Early Help Assessment in place?Is a Short Break Plan in place?Is a Personal Education Plan (PEP) in place? (Looked After Child)Is this SEN/EHCP Review jointly held with a LAC Review?Is a Pathway Plan in place (transition to Adulthood for Care leavers)?Is an Individual Health Care/ Therapy Plan in place?Is there a Continuing Health Care package in place? (based on a Decision Support Tool and funded by health or jointly with Care and/or the Local Authority)Is there a Careers Action Plan in place?1.3a) Information circulated prior to the meeting Note: copies of all advice received must be circulated at least two weeks before the meeting (2015 SEN Code of Practice paragraph 9:176)Title of informationDate of report / documentAuthorDate circulated1.3b) Further information shared at the meeting (Please list information to be circulated after the meeting as an action in Section 6)Title of informationDate of report / documentAuthorSection 2: Review and Recommendations of all aspects since the last EHCP Annual Review meeting or the issue of a first EHCP2.1 Attendance 2.3 Attendance (please complete as applicable to the age of the child/ young person)Information required relating to the 1986 Disabled Persons Act (applicable to pupils over the age of 14 years)Earliest possible leaving date:Projected leaving date:Attendance since last Annual Review meeting / first EHCP ______ %.Have there been any significant periods/patterns of absence since the last review? Yes/NoIf Yes, and the child is of compulsory school age, please explain including date of any referral to the Education Welfare Service 2.2Levels of Attainment (Please include updated curriculum progress tracking over time adapting the table as necessary)) Early Years assessments – (Age 0 – 4 years) (please delete if school assessment data is recorded below):Foundation Stage Profile of current levels of attainment –Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results.EYFS aspectAttainment at previous reviewDate:Current AssessmentDate:Predicted level or age expectations.If current attainment is below age expectations please give detailed comments.School assessments - age 4 – 16 years (please delete if post 16 assessment data is recorded below):(Include P levels or equivalent if working towards national curriculum levels)SubjectAttainment at previous reviewDate:Current attainmentDate:Has the progress met predictions?Comments.For example: please note if support was given; if current attainment is below predicted level, please explain furtherEnglishSpeaking and listeningReadingWritingOverall subject levelMaths (Overall subject level)Standard test results and/ or entry assessment for Reading, Spelling and NumeracyName of Test:Date of Test:Chronological Age:Result:Post 16 courses (please delete section if not applicable):Subject/name of courseLevel being studiedCurrent assessmentPredictedComments2.3 Personal DetailsIs the information in EHCP Section A.1 Personal Details still accurate? Yes/NoPlease update on EHCP if No2.4One Page ProfileHas the One Page Profile been changed?? Yes / NoIf Yes, please update on EHCP Section A.22.5 Parent(s) / Carer’s views, wishes and feelingsHave Parent (s) / Carer’s views, wishes and feelings changed? Yes / No If Yes please update A.3 on the EHCP2.6 Strengths, Special Educational Needs, and any Health and Social Care Needs in relation to the child/ young person's SENDo the overarching strengths and achievements remain broadly accurate?Yes ? No ?2.6.1 Is Section B of the EHCP still an accurate description of the child/ young person’s special education needs? Yes ? No ?2.6.2 Is Section C of the EHCP still an accurate description of the Health needs relating to the child’s SEN? Yes ? No ?2.6.3 Is Section D of the EHCP still an accurate description of the Care needs relating to the child’s SEN? Yes ? No ?If Yes to all the above, please move to Section 2.7If No to any of the above questions, please update on the EHCP Section B, C, D and specify the source of evidence (For example: date of report of a medical diagnosis attached).2.7Evaluation and Review of Progress against Medium Term (annual) SMART Outcomes and Long Term Outcomes2.7.1Progress against Long Term Outcomes and Personal Aspirations(Please record below and comment on all Long Term Outcomes set out in Section E of the EHCP)Long Term Outcomes:(Please number from the Outcomes and Provision/ Support Plan Page e.g. (1), (2), (3)Please Indicate: On target Not on target Outcome no longer relevant: recommend remove or change (particularly when planning for preparing for adulthood, independent living and employability)(please add specific examples or a recommendation)2.7.2 Progress against Medium Term (annual) Outcomes since the 1st EHCP or last annual reviewMedium Term (annual) Outcomes since the 1st EHCP or last review (Steps towards Long Term Outcomes and Personal Aspirations)Please state if:Achieved partially; Achieved fully; Not metReasons2.7.3 Recommendations from the Annual Review Meeting Forward Looking Outcomes. Please update any new or amended Medium and Long Term Outcomes on the EHCP Section E.2.8 Review of Provision and How Best to SupportPlease refer to all the provision specified in Sections F, G and H of the EHCP and any additional provision in place over the past year. Please record if no provision specified.Please specify if any of the provision is appropriate only in the context of your setting (e.g. a level of adult support or an intervention specific to a mainstream primary setting).If NO is recorded to any of the questions below, please update on EHCP Sections F, G, H to recommend amendments (evidence base and golden thread between needs, outcomes, aspirations and provision should be clear from this review).Does the SEN provision in Section F of the EHCP remain appropriate to meet the needs, Long Term Outcomes and forward looking Medium Term annual Outcomes? Yes/ NoDoes the Health provision in Section G of the EHCP remain appropriate to meet the needs, Long Term Outcomes and forward looking Medium Term annual Outcomes? Yes/ NoDoes the Care provision in Section H1 of the EHCP remain appropriate to meet the Long Term Outcomes and forward looking Medium Term annual Outcomes? Yes/ NoDoes the Care provision in Section H2 of the EHCP remain appropriate to meet the Long Term Outcomes and forward looking Medium Term annual Outcomes? Yes/ NoDoes any Personal Budget in place as set out in Section J remain appropriate to meet the Long Term Outcomes and forward looking Medium Term annual Outcomes? Yes/ NoHave new Personal Budget options for education, health and/or care been considered as part of this review? Yes/ NoPlease give details below2.9 Review of Education Transport Assessed Needs and provisionDoes the child/young person receive any form of travel assistance (taxi, pay and reclaim etc)Yes/ NoIf “Yes”, Is travel assistance still required? Have all forms of travel assistance been considered?If ‘Yes’ please detail what actions are being taken to support the young child / young person to become an independent traveler: (for example independent travel training(ITT))Yes / NoPlease comment - Section 3 – Transition Planning3.1Transfer between phases of education (to be completed only for children in the transition phases of education)Transition Year GroupPreferred PlacementParent’s/Carer’sComments and viewsChild or Young PersonComments and viewsAdditional actions linked to transitionEarly Years provider to schoolInfant School to Junior School (if separate settings) To be compiled for Yr. 1/Yr. 2 pupilsPrimary School to Secondary SchoolTo be compiled for Yr. 5/Yr .6 pupilsSecondary School to a Post 16 setting or ApprenticeshipTo be compiled for Yr. 10/Yr. 11 pupilsChildren and young people with special educational needs may be eligible for help with transport to the school or college which is the most appropriate for their needs. Please refer to the most up to date transport policy and information on the Doncaster Council Local Offer website.3.2Additional Transition PlanningAdditional Short and Medium term arrangements and plans to support key transition pointsArea of focusActivity (including timescale)Responsible Adult (setting/ parent/ service)To prepare for change, to become familiar with a new environmentTo engage in community and leisure interests, to develop wider social skills and meaningful friendships and to communicate effectively,To be physically healthy (reasonable adjustments), to be emotionally healthy and resilient, to stay safe, to manage medication and to manage personal care, self-help and life skills.To travel independently, to experience and prepare for voluntary and/or paid work and to exercise choice and control: making decisions To access exam arrangements and to be supported and/or to live independently3.3 Preparing for adulthood Has the young person accessed indpendent and impartial careers advice? Yes / NoIs a careers action plan available?This section must be completed for those pupils in Year 9 and above but can be filled in at an earlier stage.Issues to be considered as part of the review meetingDetails of any discussionsHas this information been included in the EHCP(Yes/No)What are the child’s/young person’s aspirations for when they leave education or training?Has the child/young person had advice and support in order to achieve their aspirations?What steps need to be taken to support the child/young person as they move towards independence?Section 4: Summary of the discussion held at the Annual Review meetingPlease use the space below to summarise any additional comments and confirm that those present are in agreement with the recommendations. Any dissenting views expressed in writing or at the meeting should be clearly attributed.Section 5: Additional actions agreedActionBy whomBy whenAuthorisationAuthorisation (Head teacher / Principal/ Setting Manager):Name:Position:Date:Signature:Date submitted to the Local Authority:Please send this report as a Word document, together with updated EHCP Working Document and any written advice not previously circulated, preferably by email (secure) to either, fax to SEN Team 01302 737310 or post to SEN Team, Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU and to the parents and to all who were invited to attend the review meeting. Please send one copy to the Local Authority only (either email or by post). NOTE: The Local Authority must receive the report within 2 weeks of the meeting or by the end of term, whichever is the sooner. ................

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