Chapter 1: The Environment and the Tools

Multiple Choice1.?A computer _______ consists of connected computers, mobile devices, printers, and data storage devices that share of computing resources and data.?a.?serverb.?browser?c.?networkd.?webANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??22.?The _______ is a worldwide public network that connects millions of private networks.?a.?intranetb.?web?c.?home paged.?InternetANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??23.?A group of related specifically formatted electronic documents containing images, text, interactive elements, and hyperlinks accessed over the Internet is called a _______.?a.?websiteb.?webpage?c.?web serverd.?webfileANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??24.?The primary page at a website is called its _______.?a.?first pageb.?starting page?c.?essential paged.?home pageANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??25.?_______ technologies and practices are designed to make users’ web experiences interactive by incorporating social media and user-driven content into webpages.?a.?Web 1.0b.?Web 2.0?c.?Internet2d.?intranetANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??26.?A _______ is a word, phrase, or image that connects web2pages.?a.?weblinkb.?quicklink?c.?hyperlinkd.?jumplinkANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??27.?Who is credited with the early vision and technological developments that led to today’s World Wide Web??a.?Tim Berners-Leeb.?Steve Jobs?c.?Steve Ballmerd.?Bill GatesANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??38.?A saved link to a webpage is called a _______.?a.?meta tagb.?robot?c.?bookmarkd.?spiderANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??49.?_______ enables users to chat using mobile devices.?a.?SCM chatb.?Vidspeak?c.?Interchatd.?MIMANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??510.?Which of the following is a software application used to send and receive electronic mail or e-mail??a.?Mozilla Thunderbirdb.?Windows Live Messenger?c.?AOL Instant Messengerd.?WebExANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??511.?_______ allow(s) users to communicate with each other using text, audio, video, whiteboard, and shared files without leaving their own desks, thereby improving employee productivity and reducing expenses.?a.?Virtual meeting spacesb.?IRC?c.?IM chatd.?E-mailANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??512.?_______ is an example of a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG).?a.?Wikipediab.?Minecraft?c.?Facebookd.?LinkedInANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??713.?The website in the top-left corner of the accompanying figure participates in _______ e-commerce.?a.?B2Bb.?B2C?c.?C2Bd.?B2DANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1014.?The website in the top-right corner of the accompanying figure participates in _______ e-commerce.?a.?B2Cb.?C2C?c.?B2Bd.?C2BANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1015.?The website at the bottom of the accompanying figure participates in _______ e-commerce.?a.?C2Cb.?B2C?c.?B2Bd.?A2ZANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1016.?_______ lines enable homes and business users to connect to the Internet over the same coaxial cable that delivers television transmissions.?a.?ADSLb.?CATV?c.?HTTPd.?ISDNANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1017.?A transfer rate in thousands of bits per second is stated in _______.?a.?Mbpsb.?Kbps?c.?Kzpsd.?NbpsANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1018.?_______ used to be the main way all users connected to the Internet.?a.?PSTNb.?PIRC?c.?PWEBd.?PTMLANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1119.?A temporary connection that uses one or more analog telephone lines for communications is a _______.?a.?wireless hotspot connectionb.?digital subscriber line?c.?cable broadband connectiond.?dial-up lineANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1220.?The slowest Internet access connection is a _______ connection.?a.?cable broadbandb.?digital subscriber line?c.?regular dial-upd.?none of the aboveANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1221.?_______ is a set of standards for digital transmission of data over standard copper telephone lines.?a.?DSLb.?CATV?c.?ISDNd.?ADSLANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1222.?A(n) _______ is any of several types of digital lines that carry multiple signals over a single communications line.?a.?T-carrier lineb.?CATV line?c.?ADSL lined.?dial-up lineANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1223.?A software program that requests, downloads, and displays webpages is called a web _______.?a.?pageb.?server?c.?hyperlinkd.?browserANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1324.?Which of the following top-level domains is reserved for the noncommercial community??a.?.aerob.?.biz?c.?.comd.?.orgANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1525.?Google, Bing, and are all examples of a _______.?a.?search directoryb.?search engine?c.?metasearch engined.?web browserANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1826.?Which of the following uses software spiders or robots to build its index of webpages??a.?search engineb.?search directory?c.?metasearch engined.?meta browsersANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1827.?A _______ portal provides a starting point for finding information about specific areas of interest.?a.?horizontalb.?vertical?c.?corporated.?hyperlocalANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2128.?The _______ markup language uses predefined codes, called tags, to define the format and organization of webpage elements.?a.?XMLb.?THML?c.?HTMLd.?ZTMLANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2429.?Which of the following is NOT a programming language used to add dynamic and interactive elements to a webpage??a.?JavaScriptb.?Active Server Pages (ASP)?c.?MySQLd.?UNIXANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2530.?Web page content created by a scripting language is also called _______.?a.?malwareb.?active content?c.?HTML contentd.?a databaseANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2631.?A(n) _______ is software used to create plain (ASCII) text files.?a.?HTML editorb.?text editor?c.?WYSIWYG editord.?web templateANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2632.?A(n) _______ is a text editor enhanced with special features that easily insert HTML tags and their attributes.?a.?HTML editorb.?enhanced text editor?c.?WYSIWYG editord.?web templateANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2633.?Which of the following is an example of a WYSIWYG editor??a.?Notepadb.?Adobe Dreamweaver?c.?NoteTabd.?BBEditANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2634.?Most _______ allow you to view and manipulate the underlying HTML code.?a.?WYSIWYG editorsb.?HTML editors?c.?text editorsd.?spam editorsANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2635.?A(n) _______ is a predesigned model that can be customized for fast website or webpage creation or updating.?a.?WYSIWYG editorb.?web template?c.?HTML tagd.?text editorANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2836.?A _______ provides authoring and administrative tools that enable the management of web content development, including authoring, reviewing, editing, and publishing.?a.?WYSIWYG editorb.?web template?c.?content management system (CMS)d.?web serverANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2837.?As a _______, you would create and revise the text that visitors read when they visit a website.?a.?web designerb.?content writer/editor?c.?webmasterd.?web artist/graphic designerANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2938.?Designing and producing animation, digital video and audio, 2D and 3D models, and other media elements for the web is generally the role of a _______.?a.?multimedia producerb.?content writer/editor?c.?webmasterd.?network/security administratorANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2939.?A tester performs a(n) _______ role in web design, development, and maintenance.?a.?creativeb.?technical?c.?oversightd.?databaseANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??3040.?A _______ must be highly skilled in scripting languages.?a.?web programmerb.?content writer/editor?c.?network/security administratord.?web artist/graphic designerANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??30Multiple Response: Modified Multiple Choice41.?Which of the following are members of the Internet2 initiative??a.?government membersb.?university members?c.?corporate membersd.?international membersANSWER:??a, b, c, dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??242.?Which of the following is a social networking platform??a.?Facebookb.?Twitter?c.?MIMd.?TrillianANSWER:??a, bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??543.?Which of the following allow Internet users to communicate with each other in real time??a.?Internet Relay Chat (IRC)b.?web-based chat?c.?emaild.?blogsANSWER:??a, bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??544.?Which of the following are considered e-commerce activities??a.?consumer investingb.?communicating policies to employeesANSWER:??a, bPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??945.?Which of the following Internet access methods are considered broadband access??a.?ISDNb.?dial-up?c.?ADSLd.?CATVANSWER:??a, c, dPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??10?True/False46.?Designing and building a website remains a difficult, intimidating undertaking because of the lack of evolution in web technologies.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??147.?Internet3 is a nonprofit Internet initiative with more than 300 members and sponsors.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??248.?You often can identify a text link by its appearance.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??249.?A position page is the page on a website that a visitor sees when they tap or click a link from an ad, search engine result, or social media promotion.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??350.?To visually indicate that you have previously tapped or clicked a text link, the shape of the text link might change.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??351.?The term Internet can safely be used interchangeably with the term web because they are the same thing.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??452.?The Internet and the web have significantly influenced the way the world communicates, educates, entertains, and conducts business.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??453.?The speed at which data can travel from one device to another is called the transfer rate.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1054.?Mobile wireless using radio signals transferred between a transmitting tower and an antenna on a house or business provides high-speed Internet connections for users who do not have access to DSL or cable.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1155.?Streaming media is video or sound that is first downloaded to a user’s computer and then played.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1256.?Multiplexing allows for more data to transmit at the same time over the same line.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1257.?ADSL supports faster transmission when sending data than when receiving data.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1258.?With any technology, anything you type and any video or photo you post could be shared with others, unless you consider the exchange to be private.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1359.?The most popular web browser used today is Mozilla Firefox.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1360.?EarthLink is an example of a regional ISP.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1361.?You can access a webpage by entering its unique address, called the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), in a browser’s Address bar.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1562.?Some countries have their own TLDs, such as Australia (.au), France (.fr), and Canada (.ca).?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1563.?A personal website is used to promote and sell products or services.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1664.?All versions of HTML include tags for creating webpage sections and easily adding video and audio.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2465.?XHTML-created webpages avoid many of the user-access issues experienced by many users who view webpages using assistive technologies.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2566.?Scripting languages use rules to standardize the appearance of webpage content by defining styles for elements such as fonts, margins, positioning, background colors, and more.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2567.?Web designers store CSS specifications for a website in a separate document called a web template.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??FalsePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2568.?WML is an XML-based markup language used to design webpages specifically for mobile browsers.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2569.?With little or no knowledge of HTML or other web design tools, users can quickly create a website and its webpages using a web template or a content management system.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2870.?As a web designer, your primary role is to create webpages that combine text, images, and links using tools such as markup languages; CSS; and text, HTML, and WYSIWYG editors.?a.?True?b.?FalseANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??29Completion?71.??In addition to technologies, creating a website with webpages that successfully communicate, educate, entertain, or provide a venue for conducting business transactions also requires applying the elements of good ____________________.ANSWER:??web designPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??172.?____________________ is a major cooperative initiative among academia, industry, and government agencies to increase the Internet’s capabilities.ANSWER:??Internet2POINTS:??1REFERENCES:??273.?Pointing to either a text or image ____________________ with the mouse pointer changes the pointer from an arrow to a hand pointer.ANSWER:??linkhyperlinkPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??374.?Exploring the web by jumping from one webpage to another is called ____________________ the web.ANSWER:??browsingsurfingPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??375.?Webpages at the same website or across different websites are connected by ____________________, as illustrated in the accompanying figure.ANSWER:??linkshyperlinksPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??376.?AIM and ICQ are two examples of ____________________ programs.ANSWER:??IM chatchatinstant messagingPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??577.?YouTube is an example of a(n) ____________________ site.ANSWER:??video sharingvideo bloggingPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??678.?____________________ websites allow participants to create a personal network of friends or business contacts and then use communication tools provided by the website to interact with those in their personal network.ANSWER:??Social networkingPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??679.?Keywords on a webpage that reference specific images or documents are known as ____________________.ANSWER:??tagsPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??680.?____________________ systems improve standards by supporting services such as gaming and streamed multimedia.ANSWER:??4GPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1181.?Mobile devices that provide Internet access use an internal antenna or wireless card to connect to the Internet either at a(n) ____________________, which is a location that provides public Internet access, or directly to a wireless provider's network.ANSWER:??hot spotPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1182.?A(n) _____________________ line is a constant connection between two communications devices.ANSWER:??dedicatedPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1283.?Instead of having a single owner, a(n) ____________________ T-1 line is shared with other users.ANSWER:??fractionalPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1284.?A(n) ____________________ is a business that has a permanent Internet connection and provides temporary Internet connections to individuals and companies.ANSWER:??Internet service providerISPPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1385.?A(n) ___________________ provides Internet access for customers in a specific geographic area.ANSWER:??regional ISPPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1386.?A(n) ____________________ is the numeric address for a computer connected to the Internet.ANSWER:??IP addressPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1587.?The ____________________ is one top-level domain reserved for business use.ANSWER:??..telPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1588.?A(n) ____________________ website is used to promote member accomplishments or to encourage support and participation.ANSWER:??organizationalPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1789.?A(n) ____________________ portal website offers a variety of features, including search services, email, chat rooms, news and sports, maps, and online shopping.ANSWER:??general consumerPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??2190.?The ____________________ is a markup language that uses both predefined and customized tags to facilitate the consistent sharing of information, especially within large groups.ANSWER:??Extensible Markup Language (XML)POINTS:??1REFERENCES:??25?Modified True/False91.?A(n) webpage can contain images, text, interactive elements, and hyperlinks.?____________________ANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??292.?A(n) IM chat website, such as Delicious, Digg, and Newsvine, allows users to share their webpage favorites, bookmarks, and tags with others.____________________ANSWER:??False - social bookmarkingPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??693.?The term, broadband, defines high-speed data transmissions over a communication channel that can transmit multiple signals at one time.____________________ANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1094.?Large images and multimedia elements on webpages can degrade the audience’s viewing experiences at slower Internet access speeds.____________________ANSWER:??TruePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??1295.?Index tags, which are special codes added to webpages, contain information such as keywords and descriptive data regarding a webpage.____________________ANSWER:??False - MetaPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??18?Essay96.?Compare the Internet and the World Wide Web (web).ANSWER:??Although the terms Internet and web frequently are used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. The Internet is a worldwide public network that links private networks. The World Wide Web is a subset of the Internet where Internet-connected computers store groups of specifically formatted electronic documents. Individual documents are called webpages and a group of related documents is called a website.POINTS:??1REFERENCES:??24TOPICS:??Critical Thinking97.?Explain the influence on society of inexpensive Internet access and access to the web.ANSWER:??The Internet and the web have significantly influenced the way the world communicates, educates, entertains, and conducts business.· Communication — Individuals and organizations of all types use websites to communicate ideas and information. Other communication options that rely on Internet and web technologies include email, blogging, social networking, social bookmarking, chat, instant messaging, virtual meetings and collaborative workspaces, video sharing, VoIP, interactive gaming, and 3D virtual worlds.· Education — There are very few topics you cannot learn about by turning to the web. You can take an online course from an academic institution to earn a degree or certificate, or watch a video or read a blog post by an amateur expert. Several universities and academic institutions, such as MIT, publish some or all of their educational materials online, including homework and video lectures, so that they are free and open to everyone.· Entertainment and News — Interactive multimedia experiences and continually updated content lure millions of people to the web for entertainment and news. Popular entertainment sites offer music, videos, sports, games, and more.· E-commerce — E-commerce encompasses a wide variety of online business activities, including consumer shopping and investing and the exchange of business data and transactions within a company or among multiple companies.POINTS:??1REFERENCES:??4-9TOPICS:??Critical Thinking98.?Using the URL , define the components of a URL.ANSWER:??1. http:// — the protocol or communication standard for transmitting webpages over the Internet2. — the domain name and TLD designation3. news — folder that contains the webpage; part of the path to the requested webpagePOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??15TOPICS:??Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking QuestionsCase 1-1In preparation for creating your own personal website, you are evaluating the types of tools you might use to create your webpages.99.?Your friend Joe suggests that you would have the maximum control over your pages’ look and functionality if you manually entered the HTML tags necessary for each page in a(n) _______.a. web templatec. text or HTML editorb. WYSIWYG editord. content repositoryANSWER:??CPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??26TOPICS:??Critical Thinking100.?Your sister Liz just finished creating her personal website. Because you do not have much experience using HTML, she recommends that you use a web template provided by a(n) ______ to create your webpages.a. WYSIWYG editorc. text editorb. HTML editord. scripting languageANSWER:??APOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??26TOPICS:??Critical ThinkingCritical Thinking QuestionsCase 1-2You and your friend Susan are both interested in pursuing a professional web design career.101.?Susan is very artistic and loves to express herself using color and shapes. She also enjoys using computer software. You suggest that she might consider pursuing a career as a web _______.a. content managerc. artist/graphic designerb. content writerd. network/security administratorANSWER:??CPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??29TOPICS:??Critical Thinking102.?You would prefer to work with a variety of webpage design tools, such as markup languages, CSS, and other tools to translate elements into effective webpages. You are considering a career as a _______.a. content writer/editorc. web artist/graphic designerb. web designerd. multimedia producerANSWER:??BPOINTS:??1REFERENCES:??29TOPICS:??Critical ThinkingMatchingIdentify the letter of the choice that best matches the phrase or definition.a.?intranetb.?home pagec.?favorited.?wikie.?collaborative workspacef.?blogg.?MIMh.?Mbpsi.?protocolj.?SEOREFERENCES:??5428-295101972616103.?Virtual meeting spaceANSWER:??ePOINTS:??1104.?Saved webpage linkANSWER:??cPOINTS:??1105.?A private network within a large organization or commercial entity that uses Internet and web technologies to share information among only its members, employees, or business partnersANSWER:??aPOINTS:??1106.?Enables users to chat using mobile devicesANSWER:??gPOINTS:??1107.?Millions of bits per secondANSWER:??hPOINTS:??1108.?Designing a webpage to increase the potential that the webpage will appear high in a search engine’s search results listANSWER:??jPOINTS:??1109.?Group of related webpages to which users add, edit, or delete content by using a web browserANSWER:??dPOINTS:??1110.?Introduces a website and provides information about the website’s purposeANSWER:??bPOINTS:??1111.?Online journal or diaryANSWER:??fPOINTS:??1112.?Rule preceding the domain name and top-level domain designationANSWER:??iPOINTS:??1 ................

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