
Kirkliston Community Council


28 - 05 - 13

1. Attendance

S. Lee, D. Buchanan, B. Brooks, M. Brechin, N. Davidson, J. Henderson, P. MacLeod, M. Elder, and 6 members of the public

B. Barrs – Inverdunning Ltd.

M. Towers – M.M.H. Architects

Rev. Drew Kuzma – representing Prayer Works

Brian Stuart – K.S.Q.F.C.

2. Apologies

S. Boyack M.S.P., Cllrs. N. Work, L. Paterson and A. Shields, Sgt. Duff, J. Paterson

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

Proposed by D. Buchanan and seconded by B. Brooks

4. Maltings Development

• Better feedback re road cleaning as there has been a real effort to keep dust down

• Levelling works nearly complete – another two weeks approx.

• Positive meeting held with the planners ; there will be two material variation applications

• Measures will be taken to suit the Flood Prevention Officer

• Neighbours will be notified of changes to be made - block of flats will be built on the same footprint as the Maltings building but there will be 12 flats rather than the original 8 and a terrace of 8 houses now becomes one of 4 with driveways off Manse Road and long gardens. The same number of buildings remain, just a different configuration

• Full approvals have been received from necessary parties re inflows/outflows in connection with Pike’s Pool

• Inverdunning will respect the original Section 75 agreement; £108000 will be paid, including £50000 for the school extension; a question was raised at this point re a 3G pitch at the school – the village needs to raise £125000 which will attract matched funding. Could ambassador Homes help out with this proposal in any way – the reply was that this could be considered.

• Concern still about the timings and numbers of lorries coming through the village, but this needs to be taken up with the Bing operators, not Ambassador Homes

• Equally it has to be said that the lorries are looking much cleaner and that the wraps are on

• Hopetoun Estates – not at all close to reaching an agreement with Hopetoun re the pathway between Path Brae and Manse Road, which Ambassador Homes were willing to tarmac and have in good order. Hopetoun has instructed Ambassador Homes to leave well alone. Ambassador Homes will, therefore, close off the temporary access. Ambassador Homes will notify the Public Rights of Way Officer. S. Lee will contact Hopetoun to see if he can find out the reasoning behind the decision. M. Elder will write to the Council. The village will be informed that the temporary right of way is being closed and the old one will be back in use as from 31st May. This will be done via Facebook. People will be encouraged to use it. B. Brooks will contact Scotways to find out the terms and conditions of the right of way.

5. Prayer Works

Rev. Drew Kuzma, Parish Youth Minister with Kirkliston Parish Church, spoke about Prayer Works on behalf of Ruth Bramwell who was unable to be at the Council this evening. He explained that the aim is to develop working relations with people in the community and to look for specific needs for which to pray – issues that matter most to the community. The targets to be prayed for should be of a quantitative nature so the result of prayer can be measured. Rev. Kuzma stated that the Police had asked for prayer that people get along with each other. The Community Council came up with various suggestions, among them – the right of way as mentioned above, more facilities for teenagers, less external pressures on the village, lorry traffic reduced, no more new housing, 3G pitch, L.R.T. buses.

6. K.S.Q.F.C.

Brain Stuart spoke of a very healthy Club now having 180 boys and girls compared to 20 boys only four years ago. The Club covers Kirkliston, South Queensferry, Dalmeny, Newton, Newbridge and Corstorphine. Four years ago an 11 a side team could not have been sustained but it can now, except for problems of accommodation for that size of team. The Leisure Centre was affected with the work on the M9 Spur and a decline in numbers, but the Chief Executive has made contact with the Club and agreed to reinstate the pitch. Changing facilities are a problem, however. One option might be to pay staff to open up the Centre on a short term basis. The small pitches to the right of the Leisure Centre are to be lined.

Allison Park – If an 11 a side pitch was reinstated there, a problem could arise with marking out lines. Three portakabins are going next to the hut in the Park and will be fenced in. A grant has been received for £35000 to allow this to happen. There will also be portable floodlighting and a generator, all of which has to be in place by 1st October. Thanks were expressed to Douglas Cruikshank for the fence repair.

New football strips have been purchased thanks to the funding allocation through the Developers and Community Council.

D. Buchanan will contact Edinburgh Airport re possible funding for football.

B. Stuart to e-mail D. Buchanan re what to ask for at the next Neighbourhood Partnership meeting. Another suggesting made to B. Stuart was to contact J. Connor re Meet the Funders events.

B. Stuart also mentioned that if anyone wished to join the committee of the Club they would be made welcome.

7. Police Report

|WA03 - Kirkliston |

|Between the dates of 1st and 27th May 2013, there were 9 crimes recorded (Excluding solved road traffic offences) they can be broken down |

|as follows. |

| |

|1x misuse of drugs possession (personal amount) |

|4 housebreakings (Albeit 3 of these were to huts/garages overnight) |

|Vandalism to a communal door |

|Vandalism to a car |

|Theft from a garden |

|Theft from an insecure car |

| |

| |

|WA03 - Kirkliston |

|Crimes of note throughout this period |

|Date |Crime Type |Description |

|17-20/05 |Theft HB |House at Dundas Place broken into and a quantity of jewellery stolen |

|WA03 - Kirkliston |

|Road Traffic Matters |

|. |

|At the time of the compilation of these figures there were 6 recorded accidents in Kirkliston, albeit all were on main trunk roads in this|

|area |

|WA03 - Kirkliston |

|Issues Raised at Meeting on 30/04/2013 |

|Assaults: Bowling Club and adjacent area |

|These were looked at and concern was raised regarding a spike in assaults relating to the Newliston Arms and adjacent area. The licensee here was |

|visited and he explained that this disorder was caused by a change in night buses times which caused a change in clientele using the pub. A number of|

|persons have been barred and things appear to be quieter here. |

|The assault highlighted at the Bowling Club has also been investigated and 2 suspects are being traced. This assault was linked to a road rage |

|incident earlier and was not a random assault as first suspected. |

|Vehicles at Kirkliston Primary School |

|Work here is still ongoing with officers tasked to be here for both the start and finish of the school day. |

|Request for traffic speed checks on B800 Queensferry Road Kirkliston |

| |

|E-mails have been received by residents in relation to speeding cars on the B800 between the Motorway Bridge and the New Houses on Queensferry Road. |

|Wardens with speed enforcement cameras will be attending the location at irregular intervals over the next few weeks. This still shows that the |

|majority of vehicles were either in or near to the speed limit. A watch will be maintained here. |

| |

8. Matters Arising

• The noticeboard is ordered – the figure in last month’s Minutes did not include V.A.T.

• D. Sinclair, Environmental Manager, who attended last month’s meeting has asked that the Council think about where litter bins should be placed in the village – a map is to be sent

• Once timetables are sorted out, the 63 will divert along the new road; it is to be retendered in September

• The path alongside the Bowling Club will not be adopted but it will be maintained

• M. Elder will e-mail D. Sinclair as there is dissatisfaction that nothing has happened since his visit e.g. ground maintenance, grit bins and the Lochend Road. The village must look tidy for the Gala Day on 8th June.

• C.C. Elections will be advertised on Facebook – M. Elder and S. Lee will not be standing as Office bearers. If no interest is taken by the community there may be no C.C.. There will be a letter/leaflet drop to advertise it widely. S. Lee will contact J. Connor re the Community Engagement Fund

• The website is up to date

• Recycling – no reply from H. Herkes but she will be contacted again

• Kirklands Pub – still nothing happening

• Allotments – no updates but it does look as if work has started

• Tree felling – the problem has now been dealt with by Planning Conservation, but no report is going to the Procurator Fiscal

• Defibrillator – it has been funded but J. Paterson, who is unable to be here this evening, will have more details.

• Bin lids – no further forward with this issue

• Dog Fouling – dog walker problem at the Leisure Centre needs to be reported

9. Correspondence – Nothing to highlight

| |Correspondence List - For May 2013 KCC | | |Printed |Fwd |

|Item |Date |Source |Subject |Email? |Copy? |To CC?|

| |  |  | |  |  |  |

|1 |30-Apr-13 |Ewen McCormick, Partnership & Info Mgr |Empolyability and Skills |Y |N |Y |

|2 |05-May-13 |David Buchanan, Vice Chair, KCC |West Edinburgh Transport Appraisal |Y |N |Y |

|3 |08-May-13 |Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC |Scottish Voluntary Sector |Y |N |Y |

|4 |08-May-13 |Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC |Influencing the Council |Y |N |Y |

|5 |08-May-13 |Ruth Bramwell, Kirkliston Churches |Prayer Works |Y |N |Y |

|6 |09-May-13 |Natalie Hoy, West Neighbourhood Manager, SfC, CEC |Review of Neighbourhood Partnerships |Y |N |Y |

|7 |10-May-13 |Jim Conner, Partnership Development Officer, SfC, CEC|Almond NP Minutes |Y |N |Y |

|8 |13-May-13 |Jim Conner, Partnership Development Officer, SfC, CEC|A90 cycleway upgrade |Y |N |Y |

| | | | | | | |

|9 |14-May-13 |Ewen MacDonnell, Community Liasion Mgr, FRC |A904 cleaning regime |Y |N |Y |

|10 |16-May-13 |Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC |Tell me scotland website |Y |N |Y |

|11 |17-May-13 | |Flyer F32 - U221 realignment |Y |N |Y |

| | |Ewen MacDonnell, Community Liasion Mgr, FRC | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|12 |22-May-13 |Keavy O'Neill, FRC Policy Officer |FRC - South Community Forum 29 May |Y |N |Y |

|13 |23-May-13 |Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC |National Planning Framework |Y |N |Y |

|14 |24-May-13 |Elaine Bruce, SfC, CEC |Housing NEP Drop - In Event |Y |N |Y |

|15 |27-May-13 |Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC |Review of CC scheme |Y |N |Y |

10. Planning – An objection will be lodged re the To Let sign on the building at the corner of Station Road and the High Street

Planning Applications / Decisions – May 2013

Part One: Applications List

|Listed |Erect twin-panel |McLaren Murdoch + |Ambassador Homes., |delegated |Registered on: |Michael Paton |

|Category: CS |directional sign. |Hamilton, Ed. |Ambassador Group |decision |29/04/2013 |0131 529 3902 |

|Kirkliston |at |FAO Pamela Syme |Head Office | |Comments |michael.paton@ |

|Conservation |Land Adjacent To |2 West Coates |231 St Vincent Street | |Due by |.uk |

|Area |Newliston Road |Edinburgh |Glasgow | |20.05.2013 |Community |

| |Kirkliston |EH12 5JQ |G2 5QY | | |Council: Kirkliston |

| |13/01471/ADV | | | | |Advertisements |

| |Re-roof existing |John Watson |Mr Colin Hardie., |delegated |Registered on: |Alexander |

| |conservatory with supalite |Architectural |Window And Door |decision |10/05/2013 |Gudgeon |

| |tiled roof. |Consultant Ltd. |Factory | | |0131 529 6126 |

| |at |FAO: John Watson |9 Kelvin Square | |Comments Due by|alexander. |

| |7 Glendinning Drive |11 Market Street |Houston Industrial | |31.05.2013 |Gudgeon |

| |Kirkliston |Mid Calder |Estate | | |@.|

| |EH29 9HF |Livingston |Livingston | | |uk |

| | |EH53 0AL |EH54 5PF | | | |

| |13/01707/CLP | | | | |Community |

| | | | | | |Council: |

| | | | | | |Kirkliston |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Other Consents |

| | | | | | |and |

| | | | | | |Certificates |

Part Two: Decision List

| | | | | | |

11. Treasurer’s Report - £1479.91 in the bank - £2838 reduction from last month due to the Noticeboard

12. Funding

• Application from the Volleyball Club – the money has been paid over

• Letter sent to the Consortium direct re funding for the Flower Show – this should have come to the Community Council

13. Chairman’s Report

• 236 followers on Facebook

• Cycle Event which was causing concern is not coming through the village but Pedal for Scotland on 8th September will be

• Bus 38 – M. Elder has written to the Bus Company to ask how the trial period is working. M. Elder will contact them following this evening’s meeting re comments made about the stops which are/are not in use e.g. Corstorphine Hospital and Western Corner

• Pike’s Pool – Family Events on 31st May and 21st June at the Pool

• F.R.B. meeting tomorrow evening

• Dalmeny Chord – does not look as if this will be going ahead, but two out of the six properties have already been sold

14. Councillors’ Reports

• Grant for £35000 for portakabins at Allison Park

• £50000 to be spent on the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Forth Road Bridge

• Will be in attendance at the Gala Day

15. A.O.B.

• Arch at Pike’s Pool – if a sign were to be placed at the site there was a question about responsibility for the upkeep. S. Lee will contact the Council Estates Dept. This will be an item on next month’s Agenda.

• It was thought speed bumps on Almondhill Road would be helpful; D. Buchanan will look into Road Safety issues

16. Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 25th June; 7.00 pm ; Kirkliston Library


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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