
COVID-19 Nursery Reopening Plan

Practical Logistics of Reopening

|Area to consider |Key issues |Outline Plan |Action needed |

|Potential partial or staggered|Staff to bring back, maintaining ratios, |Review necessary staffing levels |Keep lists of which staff who are well enough to work onsite |

|reopening |cooking |If we have any choice in who to open to – possibly |at any one time, depending on the current risks. |

| | |prioritise certain groups of children? Which parents |Reduce rooms if needed |

| | |are now expected back at work? | |

| | | |Classrooms to be arranged to enable safe social distancing. |

| | | | |

| | | |Make as much use of outdoor space as possible. |

| | | | |

| | | |No visitors until all social distancing restrictions are |

| | | |lifted. |

|Any staffing vacancies? |None confirmed currently | | |

|Recruitment? | | | |

|Staff sickness absence |No members of staff currently on long term |Monitor sickness | |

|management |sick | | |

| | |Staff flexible on hours | |

| |Potential long term sickness issues from |‘Return to work’ meetings to be held with all staff |During closure, continue with wellbeing contact to all staff.|

| |recovering COVID cases |prior to opening to establish any potential issues (via| |

| |Potential longer term mental health impacts|video conference/telephone) | |

| | | | |

| | |Any ongoing issues to be managed via normal sickness | |

| | |absence policy | |

|New Children |New children who may be due to start in the|Write to parents after offer day to explain our plan |Office to organise contact with new families. |

| |summer term/September – settling in, | |_________ to complete video in May. |

| |getting to know nursery |Record a video with a tour of the nursery | |

| | | | |

| | |First home visits to take place before starting in |Contact with new parents throughout summer term re actions |

| | |September? |for settles and visits |

| | | | |

| | |Gauge risks based on current government advice | |

| | | | |

| | |Virtual meetings with new parents? | |

|Building & Grounds |Can maintenance work be continued during |Work with contractors if required |Depends how much warning we are given |

| |closure? |All rooms to be completely tidied and cleaned one day | |

| |Preparing the building for reopening |before full cohort returns | |

| | | |Depends on reopening timeline |

| | |Deep clean | |

| | | | |

| | |All staff to support their room | |

Meeting the needs of staff and children

|Need |Key issues |Outline Plan |Action needed |

|Meeting children’s emotional |How will we know what children have |Regular contact throughout the closure with our most vulnerable |______ to keep regular contact with Vulnerable |

|needs |experienced through the closure period? |children |children. |

| | | | |

| | |Optional re-starter form to go out – survey monkey? |Try drafting a questionnaire/restarter form? |

| | | | |

| | |Specific focus on ED throughout the returning term |Take soundings from parents? |

| | | | |

|Meeting the emotional needs of|Staff bring furloughed |Keep close contact with staff during period of furlough |Continue with 1:1 offer sessions. |

|the Staff team |Media attention/ pressure | |Manager to keep contact via messaging |

| | |Maintain knowledge of metal health and wellbeing | |

| |Readjusting to work/work load | | |

| | |Provide support resources for staff | |

| |Mental health and wellbeing | | |

| | |Plan for bereavement below | |

| |Bereavement | | |

Bereavement Support Plan

|Event |Who might be affected? |Potential responses |Sources of support |

|Death of a staff |All staff and children and |Opportunity for reflection/ collection of memories |Support from EYA |

|member/direct member of |families | | |

|nursery community | |Seek advice from LA /EYA |Possible look into online support charities for advice and resources. |

| | | | |

| | |Create a ‘safe space’ in each room for people to grieve/ be |Child Bereavement helpline: 0800 02 888 40 Live chat also available |

| | |if upset/ go for ‘time out’ | |

| | | |As many staff as feel able to complete: |

| | |Memorial service later (within half a term) where families | |

| | |can be involved | |

| | | | |

| |Specific staff close to the |_________ to make specific offer of support |Help counselling support |

| |deceased member | | |

| | |May require sickness absence leave |Child Bereavement helpline: 0800 02 888 40 Live chat also available |

| |Close family of deceased |Identify a lead professional to liaise with the family |Lead professional to have accessed some support and advice for EYA and |

| | | |bereavement charities |

| | |Discuss with the family how they would like the death to be | |

| | |shared | |

| | | | |

| | |Discuss with the family whether they would be happy for | |

| | |(which) members of the nursery community to attend the | |

| | |funeral | |

| | | | |

| | |Card to be sent | |

| | | | |

| | |Involve family in memorial if they wish | |

| | | | |

| | |Direct family to support services of known | |

| |Siblings |Send a book to support | |

|Death of member of staff’s |Specific member of staff |________ allocated to support: to discuss with member of |Ensure access to grief support services. EE/SW/MD to keep in close |

|close family member | |staff how they wish this to be handled with wider staff |contact with LA in terms of what is available |

| | | | |

| | |Card to be sent from us with letter outlining support and |Bereavement training for all ME SW EE? Online?? |

| | |plan? | |

| | | | |

| | |Offer of support services | |

| | | | |

| | |Allocated staff member to check in at regular intervals | |

| | |(weeks, months after the event) | |

| |Other staff close to the |May trigger memories of other losses in staff members |What support is out there? |

| |member |Room leader or a buddy to check in on individuals | |

|Death of pupil’s close |Pupil |Recognition of ‘loss’ and bereavement at room level if |Potential referral to cluster counselling. Need to be clear about a |

|family member | |appropriate (possibly just preschool) |range of services as it is likely that current known ones may be |

| | | |overwhelmed. |

| | |Additional wellbeing support for child and possibly child’s | |

| | |keyworker | |


|Need |Key issues |Outline Plan |Action needed |

|Specific support for pupils |Staff with EHCPs/IEP |What preparation can we get ready now, assuming the lead in time |Liaise with families for input and requests. |

|who may need help adjusting | |may well be short? | |

|Transition |If/where pupils are moving to a new teacher |SEND records | |

| | | | |

| | |Virtual meetings with staff? | |

| |SEND pupils coming from nursery settings or |SENCo to contact new setting if open and old setting if applicable |________ to call parents and schools / settings|

| |moving to a new setting | | |

| | |Call to contact families |IEP adjusted and renewed if needed |

| | | | |

| | |Additional Key worker time to be arranged EHCP may need submitting | |

| | |and virtual meeting to take place | |


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