Teaching Programme .windows.net

Teaching Programme

Ricky the Robot B


Pre-Primary Education



Modern Foreign Languages





The class


▪ Show and review level A; characters, colours, and food

▪ Say and understand colour words to describe class objects.

▪ Describe the colour os some class objects using: It’s (blue).

▪ Listen and understand the story of the unit: Painting time.

▪ Sing and represent the song Colours using mimes: I like pink, Colour song.

▪ Represent a small story.

▪ Name, trace and understand teh value of numbers 1 and 2.

▪ Establish basic English class routines.

▪ Make an interdisciplinary activity, practicing language through a cracft activity: a colour cube.

▪ Enjoy playing a variety of action games.



1. New Language

Vocabulary: brow, pink, black, white, door, window

Numbers 1 and 2

Language structures: It’s (blue)

2. Review language

Ricky, Toby, Kim, hello/goodbye.

red, green, blue, yellow, book, table, chair, pencil, crayon, apple, biscuit, sandwich, yogurt.

3. Receptive language

Who’s this?, It’s Ricky. Is it (kim)?, Point to (Ricky). What’s this?, What colour is it?, Is it (brow), What number is it? How many (cakes)?

4. Activity Book additional language

orange, purple, grey.


Painting time. Big Book 1.

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time.

Chant: Black, brown and white.

Vocabulary song: Toby, Kim, Ricky too, I like pink.

Numbers chant: 1,2

Unit's song: Colour Song.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts: hacer a colour cube.

Pre-reading and writing: tracing descending straight lines from left to right, fine motor skills.


- recognize and form numbers 1 and 2.

- count to 2

- review words and concepts: square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Music and Theater:

- physical representation of the story using music and mime.

- understand the rhythm and expression of singing.

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use previous knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learn to use visual cues .

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Value a positive self-image.

- Understand class routines.

- Cooperate and colaborate.

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences.

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Observe specific situations; classroom and surroundings

- Understand the characteristics of different geometric shapes.

- Understand a sequence.

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and physical expression.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Listen and sing the song of the unit.

▪ Listen and interpret the story, unit's Big book.

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and crafts:

- A colour cube.

- Draw a self portrait (Photocopiable 8, TRB).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: el aula y sus objetos.

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- recognize and form numbers 1 and 2.

- Count to 2.

- Review words and concepts: square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Lesson starter

• Photocopiable 2, TRB.

• Photocopiable 50.

Lesson 1

• Listen and run TG, p. 19.

• Photocopiable 3, TRB.

Lesson 2

• Photocopiable 4, TRB.

• Game: Memory snap, TG p. 21.

Lesson 3

• Story: Painting time. Big Book 1, p.8.

• Listen and say the missing word, TG p. 23.

Lesson 4

• Game: Pass the cards TG, p. 25.

• Puppet theatre, TG p. 25.

Lesson 5

• Photocopiable 6 (TRB).

• Game: Count and say TG p. 27.

Lesson 6

• Game: Colour game TG p. 29.

• Song with musical accompaniment, TG p. 29.

Lesson 7

• Game: Colour cube snap, TG p. 31.

• Game: Pass the ball, TG p. 31.

Lesson 8

• Photocopiable 8, (TRB).

• Classroom frieze, TG p. 33.

• Activity Book activities(Activity Book sheets).


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Start distinguishing colours and geometric shapes.

▪ Say and trace numbers 1 and 2

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story..

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions..

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: communication and representation

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ Photocopiables del TRB, Unit1.

▪ PB Worksheets, Unit1.

▪ AB Sheets, Unit1.

▪ Poster 1 and stickers.

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.



Farm animals


▪ Say and understand vocabulary about farm animals.

▪ Reviewand describe animals from Level A.

▪ Enjoy a chant and a song to practice new vocabulary.

▪ Talk about animals using the language structure It’s a (cow).

▪ Listen and understand the story of the unit: At the farm.

▪ Represent a small story.

▪ Learn from where eggs, milk and wool come from.

▪ Say, draw and understand the value of number 3.

▪ Sing and represent a song about farm animals using mimes with musical accompaniment; drums. maracas and triangles.

▪ Stablish basic English class routines.

▪ Make an interdisciplinary activity, practicing language through a cracft activity: a farm animals mobile

▪ Comprender de forma progresiva más Language del aula.



1. New Language

Vocabulary: cow, sheep, horse, chicken, duck, goat

Number 3

Language sturctures: It’s a (cow).

2. Review language

dog, cat, mouse, bird, black, white, brown, pink, yellow, green, blue.

Number 1-2

It’s (colour)

3. Receptive language

What’s this?, Who’s this?, Is it a (cow)?, What does a (cow) say?, What colour is it?, What number is it? Eggs come from chickens, Milk comes from cows, Wool comes from sheep, How many (duck)?, Stamp your feet.

4. Activity Book additional language

pig, donkey, rabbit.


At the farm. Big Book 1.

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time

Chant: The farm – 1,2,3.

Songs: Listen to the goat – Come to the farm.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts: make a farm animals mobile.

Pre-reading and writing:

- left to right progressions with short and long vertical lines.

- Spatial abilities with silhouettes and fragments of a figure.

- motor skills.


- Recognize and form number 3.

- Count to 3.

- Review words and concepts: square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Music and Theater:

- physical representation of the story using music and mime.

- understand the rhythm and expression of singing.

Knowledge of the surroundings: understand the relationship between farm animals and the products that come from them.

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use prior knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learning to use visual cues.

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Value a positive self-image.

- Understand class routines.

- Cooperate and colaborate.

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences.

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Observe specific situations; a farm and its surroundings.

- Understand the characteristics of different geometric shapes.

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and physical expression.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Listen and sing the song of the unit.

▪ Listen and interpret the story, unit's Big book.

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and crafts:

- An animal mobile

- Draw a self portrait in a farm (Photocopiable 14, TRB)

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: farm and animals

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- Recognize and form number 3.

- Count to 3.

- review words and concepts: square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit..


Extra-practice and extension activities

Lesson 1

• Listen and run TG, p. 41

• Photocopiable 9, TRB

Lesson 2

• Photocopiable 10,TRB

• Game: Memory snap, TG p. 43

Lesson 3

• Story: At the farm. Big Book 1, p.8

• Listen and say the missing word, TG p. 23 and 45

Lesson 4

• Game: Pass the cards TG, p. 47

• Puppet theatre, TG p. 47

Lesson 5

• Photocopiable 12 (TRB)

• Game: Count and say TG p. 27 and 49

Lesson 6

• Game: slow reveal TG p. 51

• Song with musical accompaniment, TG p. 51

Lesson 7

• Game: Find something that is white, TG p. 53

• Game: Musical mime, TG p.53

Lesson 8

• Photocopiable 14 (TRB)

• Classroom frieze, TG p. 55


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Recognice and say vocabulary related to farm animals.

▪ Name and trace number 3.

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story.

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions.

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: communication and representation

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ Photocopiables del TRB, Unit 2.

▪ PB Worksheets, Unit 2.

▪ AB Sheets, Unit 2.

▪ Poster 2 and stickers.

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.



The park.

The concepts (up/down).


▪ Decir y comprender los nombres de los elementos de un parque.

▪ Learn the concpts up and down.

▪ Understand and mention the colour of things in a park.

▪ Enjoy a chant and a song to practice new words.

▪ Ask and answer questions using What’s this? It’s a (swing)

▪ Understand and enjoy a story: Up and down.

▪ Represent a small story.

▪ Say, draw and understand the value of number 4.

▪ Sing and represent a song about a park using mimes with musical accompaniment; drums. maracas and triangles.

▪ Complete a puzzle, learning to put the pieces in the right place.

▪ Enjoy playing a variety of action games.

▪ Understand the language of the class progressively.



1. New Language

Vocabulary: Slide, swing, sandpit, seasaw, up, down, number 4

Number 4.

Language structures: What’s this? It’s a (slide).

2. Receptive language

Run to the (slide), Is it up or down? Be a (seasaw), How many (swings), What colour is number 3? Colour the (swing) (blue), Sandcastle, What's missing? Is this right?

3. Review language

Cow, sheep, chicken, duck, goat, It’s a… Numbers 1 – 3.

4. Activity Book additional language

Climbing frame, bucket, spade.


Up and down. Big Book 1.

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time.

Chant: Playground chant – 1,2,3,4.

Songs: Seesaw – Park song.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts:

Complete a puzzle with a park scene.

Pre-reading and writing:

- up and down progressions from left to right with vertical and curve lines.

- Spatial abilities with silhouettes and fragments of a figure.

- fine motor skills.


- Recognize and form number 4.

- Count to 4

Music and Theater:

- Represent the concepts of a story using music and mime.

- understand rhythm

- Express through singing.

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use prior knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learning to use visual cues.

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Value a positive self-image.

- Understand class routines.

- Cooperate and colaborate.

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences.

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Observe specific situations; The park.

- Understand the characteristics of different geometric shapes.

- Understand a sequence.

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and physical expression.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Listen and sing the song of the unit.

▪ Listen and interpret the story, unit's Big book.

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and the Arts and crafts:

- a puzzle about a park scene.

- draw a self portrait in the park (Photocopiable20 TRB).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: The park.

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- Recognize and form number 4.

- Count to 4.

- Objects sequences.

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Lesson 1

• Listen and run TG, p. 63.

• Photocopiable 15,TRB.

Lesson 2

• Photocopiable 16,TRB.

• Game: Memory snap, TG p. 65.

Lesson 3

• Story: Up and down. Big Book 2, p.8.

• Listen and say the missing word, TG p. 67.

Lesson 4

• Game: Musical mime TG, p. 69.

• Puppet theatre, TG p. 69.

Lesson 5

• Photocopiable 18 (TRB).

• Game: Count and say TG p. 71.

Lesson 6

• Game: Mime and say, TG p. 73.

• Song with musical accompaniment, TG p. 73.

Lesson 7

• Game: Listen and mime, TG p. 75.

• Game: Run and play, TG p. 75.

Lesson 8

• Photocopiable 20 (TRB).

• Park frieze, TG p. 77.


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Say and recognize vocabulary related to a park

▪ Name and trace number 4.

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story..

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions.

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: comunicación y representación

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ TRB photocopiables, Unit3.

▪ PB Worksheets, Unit3.

▪ AB Sheets, Unit3.

▪ Poster 3 and stickers.

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.





▪ Decir, comprender y describir a los miembros de Family

▪ Enjoy a chant and a song to practive new vocabulary.

▪ Talk about their families using: This is my mum.

▪ Understand and enjoy a story: The very big potato.

▪ Represent a small play.

▪ Say, draw and understand the value of number 5.

▪ Sing and represent a song about family members using mimes with musical accompaniment; drums. maracas and triangles.

▪ Make a simple picture frame for a family picture.

▪ Understand the language of the class progressively.

▪ Enjoy playing a variety of action games.



1. New Language

Vocabulary: mum, dad, brother, sister, grandma, granddad,

number 5

Language structures: This is my...

2. Review language

What’s this It’s a (swing),Slide, swing, sandpit, seesaw, Up, Down. Cow, sheep, horse, chicken, dick, goat. Numbers 1 – 5.

3. Receptive language

Who is this?, Is it Ricky's (mum)?,What colour is Ricky's (mum)?, Show me (5) fingers?

Count your fingers.

4. Activity Book additional language

Uncle, aunt, baby.


The very big potato. Big Book 2.

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time.

Chant: The farm – 1,2,3,4,5.

Songs: Grandma and granddad – This is my mum.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts:

- Make a simple picture frame for a family picture.

Pre-reading and writing:

- fine motor skills development, identify what is missing.

- match related concepts.


- Recognize and form number 5.

- Count to 5.

- visual discrimination of the numbers.

Music and Theater:

- physical representation of the story using music and mime.

- understand the rhythm and expression of singing.

Knowledge of the surroundings:

- get to know the family members

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use prior knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learning to use visual cues.

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Socialize to develop a healthy self image.

- Understand the needs and life style of others.

- Understand changes through time.

- Understand class routines

- Cooperate and colaborate

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences.

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Value the role of the family members

- Identify the behaviour of living things.

- Share and help at home.

- Understand soving problems in a team

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and body expressions.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Listen and sing the song of the unit.

▪ Listen and interpret the story, unit's Big book.

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and crafts:

- Make a simple picture frame for a family picture

- Draw their families(Photocopiable26 TRB)

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: Family

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- Recognize and form number 5.

- Count to 5

- sequencing.

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit..


Extra-practice and extension activities

Lesson 1

• Listen and run TG, p. 85.

• Photocopiable 21,TRB.

Lesson 2

• Photocopiable 22,TRB.

• Game: Memory snap, TG p. 87.

Lesson 3

• Story: The very big potato. Big Book 2, p.8.

• Listen and say the missing word, TG p. 23 and 89.

Lesson 4

• Game: Pass the cards TG, p. 91.

• Puppet theatre, TG p. 91.

Lesson 5

• Photocopiable 24 (TRB)

• Game: Count and say TG p. 93.

Lesson 6

• Game: slow reveal TG p. 95.

• Song with musical accompaniment, TG p.95.

Lesson 7

• Game: Whose family?, TG p. 97.

• Game: My family, TG p.97.

Lesson 8

• Photocopiable 26 (TRB).

• Classroom frieze, TG p. 99.

• AB activities(Activity Book sheet 13 to 16).


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Recognize and express vocabulary related to family members

▪ Name and trace number 5.

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story..

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions..

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: communication and representation

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ Photocopiables del TRB, Unit4.

▪ PB Worksheets, Unit4.

▪ AB Sheets, Unit4.

▪ Poster 4 and stickers.

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.



The body


▪ Identify, name and count the parts of the body.

▪ Understand and say plurals with ‘s’: One head, two legs

▪ Enjoy a chant and a song to practice new vocabulary.

▪ Understand and enjoy a story: It’s a monster.

▪ Represent a small story.

▪ Say, draw and understand the value of number 6.

▪ Sing and represent a song about teh body using mimes with musical accompaniment; drums. maracas and triangles.

▪ Make a puppet with the different parts of the body.

▪ Understand the vocabulary learned in a progressive manner.

▪ Enjoy playing a variety of action games.



1. New Language

Vocabulary: One leg. Two legs..

Legs, arms, hands, mouth, nose, eyes.

Ears, head.

Language structures: Plural ‘s’.

2. Review language

Mum, dad, brother, sister, grandma, granddad.

What’s this? It’s a…

Red, yellow, green, blue, brown, white, black, pink.

Numbers 1 – 4.

3. Receptive language

What are this?, Is it a (mouth), Are they legs?, How many (legs)?, What colour are they?, What’s different?, Point to your (legs), What do you do with your (hands)?, Clap! Jump! Stretch.

4. Activity Book additional language

Fingers, toes, tummy.


It’s a monster. Big Book 3.

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time.

Chant: Body – 1,2,3,4,5,6.

Songs: One hand, two hands – Arms, legs and hands.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts:

- Make a puppet with the different parts of the body

Pre-reading and writing:

- Fine motor skills.

- visual discrimination skills.

- recognize alikes and differents.

- match related concepts.


- Recognize and form number 6.

- Count to 6.

- visual discrimination of the numbers.

Music and Theater:

- physical representation of the story using music and mime.

- understand the rhythm and expression of singing.

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use prior knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learning to use visual cues.

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Learn the needs and characteristic of the human body.

- Control the body and its movements.

- Show initiative to learn new skills.

- Learn class routines.

- Cooperate and colaborate

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences.

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Value the size and characteristics of an object.

- Value their relationship with their peers

- Entender y aceptar la diversidad.

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and physical expression.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Listen and sing the song of the unit..

▪ Listen and interpret the story, unit's Big book.

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and the Arts and crafts:

- Make a puppet with the different parts of the body

- Draw a self portrait (Photocopiable 32, TRB).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: The body humano.

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- Recognize and form number 6.

- Count to 6.

- Sequencing and grouping

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities

Lesson 1

• Musical bodies TG, p. 107.

• Photocopiable 27,TRB.

Lesson 2

• Photocopiable 28,TRB..

• Game: Memory snap, TG p. 109

Lesson 3

• Story: It’s a monster. Big Book 3, p.8.

• Listen and say the missing word, TG p. 111.

Lesson 4

• Game: Run TG, p. 113.

• Puppet theatre, TG p. 113.

Lesson 5

• Photocopiable 30 (TRB).

• Game: Count and say TG p. 115.

Lesson 6

• Game: have a peek, TG p. 117.

• Song with musical accompaniment. One hand, two hands, TG p.117.

Lesson 7

• Game: What’s missing?, TG p. 119.

• Game: Musical mime, TG p. 119.

Lesson 8

• Photocopiable 32 (TRB).

• Life-size figure, TG p. 121.

• AB activities (Activity Book sheet 17 to 20).


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Recognize and express vocabulary related to the parts of the body.

▪ Name and trace number 6.

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story.

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions.

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: communication and representation

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ Photocopiables del TRB, Unit5.

▪ PB Worksheets, Unit5.

▪ AB Sheets, Unit5.

▪ Poster 5 and stickers.

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.





▪ Name different types of clothes

▪ Talk about clothes using These are my (shoes).

▪ Enjoy a chant and a song to practice new vocabulary.

▪ Represent a small story.

▪ Review the numbers from 1 to 6 and enjoy the song of the Numbers.

▪ Sing and represent a song about clothes using mimes with musical accompaniment; drums. maracas and triangles.

▪ Make a dress up puppet.

▪ Understand the new language progressively

▪ Enjoy a variety of action games.



1. New Language

Vocabulary: T-shirt, trousers, shorts, dress, shoes,

Coat, hat, glasses.

Numbers 1 – 6.

Language structures: These are my (shoes).

2. Review language

Legs, arms, hands, mouth, nose, eyes, Ears, head, mum, ball, cat, big, little, This is my (dress)

What’s this? It’s a (dress).It’s (colour); plural, ‘s’ Numbers 1 – 6.

3. Receptive language

What are these?, Is this a (dress)?, Are they (shoes)?, What colour is the (dress)?, What colour are the (shoes)?, Is the ball big or little?, What’s missing?

4. Activity Book additional language

Sandals, skirt, jumper.


These are my shorts! Big Book 3

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time.

Chant: Clothes.

Songs: This is my hat- I can count to 6 – I get dressed.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts:

dress up Toby and Kim.

Pre-reading and writing:

- Fine motor skills.

- Understand sequences.

- Visual discrimination.


- Review the shape and the concept of the numbers to 6

- Count to 6.

- Understand numeric sequence.

Music and Theater:

- physical representation of the story using music and mime.

- understand the rhythm and expression of singing.

Knowledge of the surroundings:

- understand the relationship between farm animals and the products that come from them.

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use prior knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learning to use visual cues.

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Understand class routines.

Understand possibilities and restrictions.

Become aware of their bodies and clothings.

- Cooperate and colaborate.

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences.

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Understand numeric sequences.

- Match similar objects.

- Solve problems using logical thinking.

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and physical expression.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Listen and sing the song of the unit..

▪ Listen and interpretation of the story, Unit's Big Book

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and crafts:

- Make a dress up puppet.

- Draw a self portrait wearing their favourite clothes (Photocopiable38, TRB)

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: The body humano.

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- Identify numbers from 1 to 6.

- Count to 6.

- sequencing.

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit..


Extra-practice and extension activities

Lesson 1

• Listen and run TG, p. 129.

• Photocopiable 33, TRB.

Lesson 2

• Photocopiable 34,TRB.

• Game: Memory snap, TG p. 131.

Lesson 3

• Story: These are my shorts! Big Book 3, p.8.

• Listen and say the missing word, TG p. 133.

Lesson 4

• Game: Pass the ball TG, p. 135.

• Puppet theatre, TG p. 135.

Lesson 5

• Photocopiable 36 (TRB).

• Numbers in the air, TG p. 137.

Lesson 6

• Game: slow reveal TG p. 139.

• Song with musical accompaniment, TG p. 139.

Lesson 7

• Game: Who’s this?, TG p. 141.

• Game: Number piles, TG p.141.

Lesson 8

• Photocopiable 38 (TRB).

• Friends, TG p. 143.

• Activity Book activities(Activity Book sheets, 21 to 24).


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Recognize and express vocabulary related to clothes.

▪ Say and trace the numbers up to 6.

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story..

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions..

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: communication and representation

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ Photocopiables del TRB, Unit6.

▪ PB Worksheets, Unit6.

▪ AB Sheets, Unit6.

▪ Poster 6 and stickers.

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.



Festivities :

- Halloween.

- Christmas.

- Easter.

- Summer.


▪ Review numbers up to1 al 6.

▪ Enjoy practicing the vocabulary singing and representing songs and chants.

▪ Make crafts to celebrate different festivities.

▪ Play a variety of action games.

▪ Understand the language of the class progressively

▪ Enjoy a variety of action games.



1. New Language

witch, pumpkin,

chimney, stocking

chocolate, Easter bunny

sun cream, swimsuit

2. Review language

sweets, mask, triangle, circle, rectangle, square.

3. Receptive language

It’s Halloween. What’s this?, Is it a (witch)?, Put the sticker on the poster, Is Ricky right?, Help Ricky!, Draw a line. Help the witch find the pumpkin, Good work. Get your stamp. Bring me your worksheets, please. Thank you. What shape is it?.

Songs and Chants

Routines: Hello, Ricky; Happy birthday, Tidy up time; Goodbye time.

Chant: Father Christmas – Pull on your swimsuit.

Songs: Pumpkin, pumpkin – Christmas time.

Poems: Halloween time – Hop Easter bunny.

Interdisciplinary contents

Arts and crafts:

- A pumpkin

- A Father Christmas.

- An Easter Bingo Game

- A beach scene

- A birthday card.

- A carnival mask

- A Father's Day card.

- A Mother's Day card.

Pre-reading and writing:

- Fine motor skills.

- Understand sequences.

- Visual discrimination.


- Review numbers and count up to 6.

- Review geometric shapes.

- Understand numeric sequence.

Music and Theater:

- physical representation of the story using music and mime.

- understand the rhythm and expression of singing.

Knowledge of the surroundings:

- understand festivals from other places and compare them with their own.

Strategies to reflect on learning

▪ Use prior knowledge.

▪ Listen, understand and follow instructions.

▪ Repeat words and phrases.

▪ Use mimes and gestures as a skill for communication.

▪ Use songs, games and chants to learn new vocabulary and language structures.

▪ Learning to use visual cues.

▪ Practice motor skills.


3.1 Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

- Value a positive self-image.

- Understand class routines.

- Cooperate and colaborate.

- Play in a group.

- Use the five sentences..

- Enjoy physical activity

3.2 Knowledge of the surroundings

- Match similar objects.

- Solve problems using logical thinking.

- Understand cultural diversity.

3.3 Languages: communication and representation

- Enjoy language as a tool for comminication

- Understand communication through illustrations and story sequence.

- Develop use of a foreign oral language in daily situations.

- Develop a positive attitude towards the learning of other languages.

- Develop musical communication through songs and nusical instruments (rythm and intonation)

- Understand stories and rhymes.

- Communicate through arts, crafts and exploring new materials.

- Communicate through gestures and body movements.

- Make a representation through theater and physical expression.


Linguistic communication

All the sections and activities of the unit help develop linguistic competence using language as a tool for communication.

Data processing and digital competence

All the sections and activities Pupil's Book Multi-Rom activities.

Social and civic competence

This competence is develop through exercising essential communications skills encouraging good manners and respect: group activities.

Cultural and artistic competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Sing the festivals songs.

▪ Artistic expression through drawing, painting and crafts:

- Make a pumpkin (TG p. 149).

- Make a Father Christmas (TG p. 153).

- A birthday card (Photocopiable 39, TG p. 164).

- A Father's Day card (Photocopiable42, TG p. 164).

- Make a carnival mask (Photocopiable43, TG p. 165).

- A Mother's Day card (Photocopiable45, TG p. 165).

Learning to learn competence

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Reflect on what they have learned and how they learn it.

▪ Familiarized with Pre-reading and Pre-writing activities.

▪ Develop learning strategies, like the stickers activity.

Autonomy and personal initiative

This competence is develop in the Unit through the following activities:

▪ Take responsibility in routines and tasks proposed by the unit.

▪ Socialize, cooperate and work as a team.

▪ Work on crafts fostering autonomy, self-esteem and personal identity.

Competence in interaction with the physical world

Part of this competence is the awareness of the physical space, it's social interactions and human activities and abilities to interact in it: learn about cultural diversity fostering respect to what's different.

Matematical Competence

This competence is develop is develop in the Unit through:

- Review numbers del 1 a 6.

- Review geometric shapes.

Emotional competence

Emotional competence is about the ability to understand and control emotions, to be aware of others emotions and feelings and establish positive relations with others and be to better and happier person who approaches in a positive manner personal, socinales, escolares y sociales:

- Express feeling and emotions: in all exchages of communication, games, etc

- Use art and visual language to express emotions.

- Practice movements and corporal expressions without inhibitions.

- Overcome inhibitions through songs and music from the unit.


Extra-practice and extension activities


Lesson 1:

• Photocopiable 40, TRB.

• Make a Halloween pumpkin, TG p. 149.

Lesson 2:

• Activity sheet 25. Trace and colour. Finish the witch, TG p. 151.

• Game: Halloween mime game, TG p. 151.


Lesson 1:

• Photocopiable 41, TRB.

• Game: Big and little Christmas tree, TG p. 153.

Lesson 2:

• Activity sheet 26. Draw what is missing, TG p. 155.

• Game: Pass and run, TG p. 155.


Lesson 1:

• Photocopiable 44, TRB.

• Game: Bunny hop relay race, TG p. 157.

Lesson 2:

• Activity sheet 27. Trace and say, TG p. 159.

• Game: Class Easter puzzle, TG p. 159.


Lesson 1:

• Photocopiable 46, TRB.

• Game: Ricky says, TG p. 161.

Lesson 2:

• Activity sheet 28. Match the pictures that are the same, TG p. 163.

• Game: Stick the swimsuit on the poster, TG p. 163.


In the second cicle of Pre-Primary Education, evaluation is global, continious and formative. Direct and sistematic observation is the primary technique of the evaluation process.

6.1 Evaluation criteria.


▪ Recognize and express vocabulary related to clothes.

▪ Say and trace the numbers up to 6.

▪ Show interest to what happens in the story.

▪ Recognize the characters in a story.

▪ Respond properly to the instructions.

▪ Complete the worksheets.

▪ Participates in games, songs and activities from the TRB.

▪ Start developing spatial awareness, physical coordination and fine motor skills.

Work in Pre-Primary Education Areas

Area 1. Knowledge of their own and personal autonomy

Block 1 Body and self image.

Block 2 Games and movement.

Block 3 Activities and daily live.

Block 4 Personal higiene and health.

Area 2. Knowledge of the surroundings

Block 1 Physical mean: elements, relationships and measurements.

Block 2 Approach to nature.

Block 3 Culture and social life.

Area 3 Languages: communication and representation

Block 1 Verbal language

Block 2 Audiovisual and technologies of information language.

Block 3 Artistic language.

Block 4 Body language.

6.2 Instruments for evaluation

▪ TRB photocopiables, Festivities .

▪ PB Activity sheets, Festivities .

▪ Poster de Festivities .

▪ PB stickers.

6.3 Attitude and general comments

▪ Show interest in learning.

▪ Puts efforts in work.

▪ Participates.

▪ Feels confident in class.

▪ Respects routines and class rules.

▪ Cooperates with peers.

▪ Listens to his peers.

▪ Respects rules and regulations and his/her turn.


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