
Mayfield Parish CouncilClerk to Mayfield Parish Council: Lesley Brown, Holly Cottage, Well Street, Brassington DE4 4HJE mail: clerk.mayfieldpc@To: The Members of Mayfield Parish CouncilYou are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Mayfield Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 7pm. Due to Coronavirus, this meeting will be via Zoom. Members of the public who wish to participate can obtain the link from the clerk.AGENDA12/20/1 To receive apologies for absence12/20/2 Declaration of Interests12/20/3 Public SpeakingMembers of the public are welcome to attend. You may speak about any item which is on the Agenda. The total time allowed is 10 minutes, so please be brief and to the point. Members of the Council will listen and do not have to respond to any comments made, although comments relating to Agenda items will be discussed at the relevant point in the meeting. During that Agenda item, further public participation cannot be permitted. There will be no debate or discussion between councillors and the public. A full copy of the policy for Public Participation at Parish Council Meetings can be made available from the Clerk on request. 12/20/4 Approval and Ratification of the Minutes of the last meeting, held on 11th November 2020.12/20/5 Finance & Administration a) Current Financial Statement b) Approval and Payment of Invoices c) Grant Application from Mayfield Heritage Group d) Standing Orders Approval 12/20/6Clerk’s Report & Correspondence12/20/7 Planning Issues a) Ashbourne Bypass DCC Consultation b) Hermitage c) Establishment of Planning Committee d) P/2020/01068 Consultee letter 12/20/8 Parish Matters & Maintenance a) Zoom Review b) Parish Council Website News Page Update c) Allotments d) Community Speedwatch Programme 12/20/9 Date of next meeting to be confirmed ................

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