
Operations CommitteeMay 18, 2020Present: Diane Halvorson, Margy Hendrickson, Karla Tauer, Connie Hines, Heather Gleason, Christine Olson, Reggie Worlds and Sara CarriganStaff Update – Sara Carrigan – Sara reported that the Training Team is looking at the possibility of a training day this fall and conducting it virtually if needed. Managers indicated that they would be open to this option. Staff Update – MVAC – Margy Hendrickson stated that Michelle Forliti, Youth Services Coordinator, has resigned. Michelle’s last day at MVAC will be June 12th. Margy provided an updated on MVAC’s COVID Business Preparedness Plan. MVAC staff located at CareerForce locations will follow the DEED COVID plan. Staff Update – Heather Gleason – Heather indicated that Continuous Improvement Team met this week and is looking at conducting a needs assessment with staff. Heather reported that summer career events have been canceled with the exception of the SC Construction Trades Boot Camp. The SC Construction Trades Boot Camp start date has postponed. The SC Construction Trades Boot Camp team is looking at options to hold the camp in August. In order to obtain an extension for the grant, there must be a plan on how services will be delivered virtually if an in-person camp cannot be held. A meeting is being scheduled to discuss options for the camp. HealthForce will be offering a virtual Scrubs Camp for students that had registered to attend camp. If this opportunity is made available to all students, Heather will send out additional information. Heather provided an updated on the development of a WF1 application. Prototypes for the application are being developed. The app will offer customer facing technology allowing the customer to communicate with their counselor and submit paperwork. Staff Update – DEED – Reggie Worlds indicated that resource and staff computers will be updated to Windows 10. A feature in the upgrade will be the ability for staff to remote into the resource computers and assist job seekers. There is a Veteran’s Virtual Career Fair scheduled for May 28th from 1 to 3 PM with the focus on the healthcare Industry. Staff remain busy with phone calls regarding unemployment insurance. There will be a Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker (MSFW) training tomorrow regarding the safety of MSFW’s working in Minnesota. Connie Hines reported that Fairmont has seen a decrease in unemployment insurance phone calls however calls have increase from employers about workers that do not want to return to work and workers that have concerns about returning to work. Staff update – VRS – Christine Olson reported that VRS staff continue to work remotely. Christine reported that they are waiting for direction regarding when staff will returning to the office. No official date has been set at this time. Karla Tauer reported that VRS continues to accept new referrals and applications along with providing continued services to existing participants. Staff Update – Diane Halvorson – Diane reported that the regional work plan includes cultural competency and implicit bias training for staff which will take place in the next year. Diane reported that DEED will be submitting a statewide NEG request for Dislocated Workers this week. Memorandum of Understanding – Diane reviewed the updated Memorandum of Understanding based on recommendations from the Department of Labor which included a three years renewal date instead of yearly. Occupations in Demand List – A review of the occupations in demand list was conducted. The list will be updated with suggested changes and be emailed to partners for additional feedback by June 5th. The Occupations in Demand list will be reviewed and approved by the Workforce Council Board on June 10th, 2020. Next Meeting: June 22nd, 2020The meeting adjourned. ................

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