Allan Lemire - Bolingbrook IL 60440 – aarlemire@WEBSITE – US CitizenLOCATION Chicago AreaOBJECTIVEI have over 35 years, of professional experience in all facets of Software Development, with an extensive background in databases. I possess solid Operating System, scripting, Relation Database Management and Programming Skills. I have an award-winning record importing, exporting data, and document management skills using scripting technologies like Perl & Python. I have won awards and recognition for outstanding achievements from companies such as Motorola & Merck.? I am driven by a passion for the technology, as well as a desire to solve problems and to succeed with an emphasis on scripting and system automation. I do not promise to remember all the syntax of any one language. What I do promise, is to deliver. The awards and accolades I have received over the years, speak for themselves.When it comes to gathering user/system requirements, I?am just as comfortable talking with the CEO, as I am any other person in the company.In order for any environment to succeed, I believe 2 major practices must exist. I believe there must be clear communications at all levels, from management to co-workers and co-workers to co-workers. I believe there must be a quality standard, reflected in the existence and use, of test documents, test strategies defined and test data. Test existence and use of testing should be predictive, identifying what the result should be for good data and bad data, in every event that takes place in the system.Opportunities that suite me best are those that require someone to wear many hats and/or to tackle new technology. I learn very fast and can start prototyping in a very short time frame.?I have great references, which are available upon request.?Thank you for your consideration.?TECHNICAL SKILLSOperating Systems – 1984-PresentUNIX, Linux, Solaris, Centos, Ubuntu, Red Hat Linux, Debian, system administration and shell scripting, with Born Shell, C Shell, K Shell, Bash, Cygwin for Windows, Windows system administration and developmentCLOUDAzure, July 2019 - PresentGoogle Cloud Platform January 2019 – November 2019AWS December 2013 to January 2018Workload AutomationCisco Tidal – January 2019 – November 2019Databases – 1989 - PresentSQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MySQL,?HSQLDB, BigQueryORM – 2000 – PresentHibernate, JPA, LINQ, Entity Framework, DapperProgramming Languages – 1982 - PresentC/C#, Java, Perl, Python, SQL Development (OLTP & OLAP), JavaScript, JQuery, GRAILS, HTML 4 & 5, CSS, AngularJS, Angular 5/6/7/8 and Angular Material Design, TypeScript, Telerik Controls, Blazor and Node.jsMicrosoft , .NET Core 1.0, 2.0 & 3.1IDEs & Build Tools – 1982 - PresentMake, Eclipse,?Ant, Maven, Visual Studio, Net Beans, Gulp, Webpack, Visual Studio Code, Jenkins, Intelli JWeb Servers – 2000 - PresentMicrosoft IIS, IBM IHS, Apache?Tomcat, TomEE, Node.jsFRAMEWORKS – 1997 – PresentStruts 1.1 and 2, MVC, Spring, Hibernate, GRAILS & Django, JerseyJEE Containers – 2000 - PresentIBM WAS, WebLogic, JBoss, TomEE, GlassfishMessaging – 2000 – PresentJMS, MSMQ, SQL TransportData Formats – 1997 - PresentXML, JSON, ETLCERTIFICATIONSIn 2000 - I held several certifications including:Java, Programmer/Analyst Aptitude, RDBMS Concepts, Perl, C, C++, SQL Server 7 Admin, SQL Server 7 Developer, UNIX Administration, UNIX Programming, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation AdministrationAWARDS1999 - MotorolaMy personal data collection, reporting and web applications were recognized and given special mention by the SEI committee as World Class solutions, in Motorola's successful bid for SEI CMM Level 5. Coded a set of automated data collection and reporting tools, that generated PDF documents and made them dynamically available on the web, through Motorola's intranet website worldwide1995 - Montreal Canada, Merck Frosst (Canadian Division of Merk)Produced real time reports, from Merck DBs for the Merck intranet, giving access to Store Room inventories worldwide to all of Merck’s?employees. The ability to have this information real time, saved researchers a lot of time locating expensive chemicals used in their research and the ability to locate expensive chemicals between Merck facilities was a tremendous money saver for Merck as a company. My application was recognized by Merck as an accomplishment that drives Merck as a world leader in the pharmaceutical industry.1992 - Montreal Canada, SIDOCI ProjectSIDOCI started an awards program and presented me with the first award.? The award was given for tools written to interpret SQL and generate Ingres embedded SQL in C. By sharing the tools with the project developers, we recuperated 3 months of development time, saving the project $1.5 million dollars.January 2020I have published a document on Medium, detailing how to implement am RxJS BehaviorSubject object, to provide a multi-cast data share for a slow changing property. It is available at the following link: EXPERIENCEJULY 2010 –?PRESENTSmart Development Group - Bolingbrook, ILOwner/President, Principal –?Senior ConsultantJanuary 2019 – PresentBlazor/Angular – C#, Python, Node.js, Java JEE and Django Rest Apis – Connected to Azure and AWS SQL Server DB InstancesConnecting Blazor & Angular applications to REST Apis developed in C#, Python, Node.js, Java JEE and Django. C# REST Apis (controllers) developed with .NET Core 3.1. They are running both local and deployed to Azure. Python 3.8 scripts are deployed and running in Windows, Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi Debian Operating systems. Python REST Apis are connected to local SQL Server DB instance, and to both Azure SQL Server DB instance and AWS SQL Server DB instances.Node.js rest apis are executing stored procedures in Azure DB instance. Java JEE REST Apis are running in Glassfish and TomEE containers, using Datasource and Datasource Links to connect to a local SQL Server DB instance, and to both Azure SQL Server DB and AWS SQL Server DB instances.Blazor WebAssembly, Razor and Microsoft VS2019 Preview Building applications with Blazor WebAssembly, Razor and Microsoft VS2019 Preview .NET Core 3.1 with a focus on Multi-Cast Data sharing. I have developed an application using services to register data and share the data between many RAZOR pages. HTTP Client is used to interfaceh REST/APIs through a Microsoft Web API application that is running in Azure. The APIs use stored procedures to connect to an Azure SQL Server DB instance.AzureCreate Azure DB instance. Create tables, users, stored procedures. Create app services, published to Azure. Connecting Angular 8 & Blazor Web interface to App services and DB, running in Azure.Angular 8, VS2019 .NET Core 3.1 & SQL Server 2017Building applications with Angular and Microsoft VS2019 .NET Core 3.1 with a focus on Multi-Cast Data Sharing using RxJS BehaviorSubject Object. I have developed an application for a realtor, with data sharing between many views. It interfaces REST/APIs through a Microsoft Web API application, built for this application. The APIs, connect to a 2017 SQL Server DB instance, through a series of stored procedure calls, which return views of the data to be displayed in the views on the UI.Xamarin Forms Development – Working with a local real estate company to develop a mobile app, cross compiled for Iphone and Android. Focusing on User Interface, creating events and event handlers, layouts through controls and views (StackLayout, Grid, AbsoluteLayout, RelativeLayout, ScrollView, Frame and ContentView), interacting through C#, creating pages (ContentPage, TabbedPage, CarouselPage, MasterDetailPage and NavigationPage) through XAML and C# and using local database, SqlLite, to store and retrieve data. Configure App tp publish in Visual Studio 2019.Raspeberry Pi 4 – Installed and configured latest Debian OS. Installed and configured Node.js, Angular 8 and DOTNET. Built and ran Blazor project, imported from VS2019.Technology GridUIDBDBDBAPIOSStatus???????Xamarin formssqllite??APIOSCarouselXamarin formssqllite????Click Events?????????????Status???????Angularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APILocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APIAzure api serviceMSFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server Python api serviceLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APIAzure api serviceUbuntuFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APIAzure api serviceRaspberry PiFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server JEE - Java api serviceLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server Node.js rest apisLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalAngularlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server Django rest apisLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APILocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APIAzure api serviceMSFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server Python api serviceLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APIAzure api serviceUbuntuFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server C# REST APIAzure api serviceRaspberry PiFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server JEE - Java api serviceLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server Node.js rest apisLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalBlazorlocal SQL ServerAzure SQL ServerAWS SQL Server Django rest apisLocalhost api serviceMSFunctionalJanuary 2016 – December 2018Raspberry Pi 2 B – 128GB SD Card, Install and upgrade OS to Jessie, Install and configure Tomcat8, Install and configure MySQL Workbench, connect to MySQL Server running on Raspberry Pi 3, Raspberry Pi 3 B – 128GB SD Card, Install OS Jessie, Install and configure Tomcat8, Install and configure MySQL Server and Workbench, Install and configure Using Python/FLASK with MySQL, developed small apps to connect to DB, insert records into tables, Select and display formatted records from tablesDeveloped Android Apps, using Android Studio, SQLite app with CRUD functionality, Bluetooth Scanning app, detects Bluetooth devices and services availableRaspberry Pi projects – using GPIO interfaceconnect relays, control lights, cameras with and without Bluetooth interface, remote UI via internet, all coding done in Python and bash shell scripting, rx/tx modules, reading TPMS signals on 315 & 433 MhzPrior to JANUARY 2016Developed REST APIs using Jersey Framework, Installed Ruby on Rails and MySQL on Ubuntu ServerBuilt a “Beowulf Cluster” using 1 x i7 Ubuntu server (quad core 3.5ghz, 32gb DDR3 1600 MHz 9-9-9-24 latency Memory, 4 GB – 2 x 2 RAID volumes) and 5 x Raspberry Pies 2 (quad core 900mhz & 1 Gb) with 64GB Samsung Evo SD cards, message passing using MPICHAndroid Apps development, including Google tool setMS VS2010 & VS2012 – Build C# programsBuilt SOAP and REST Controller projects using?Spring?and Spring?MVC Annotations. Connecting each project to?data sources?with Hibernate ORM and JDBC, exercising CRUD functionality to various databases (Oracle 11g2, My SQL, MS SQL 2012, HSQLDB,?etc.). Using Maven with Eclipse and NetBeans to build and deployed projects using Tomcat 7.ROLESDBA & SQL Developer, Windows 2003 Admin and Developer, VMware/Linux Admin, shell script developer, Hardware Administrator (Servers, DB Servers, SANs,?etc)Programming Web Services both SOA & RESTful using?Java and Java Web Developer with Spring and Hibernate Annotations, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, DOM, XML, JSON,?JQuery, AjaxRESPONSIBILITESHardware and software architectInstall, configure and develop various databases (HSQLDB, Oracle, MySQL, SQL 2012, DB2, etc), code and debug core Java applications as well as e-business components?–?JSP, JSF, servlets, portals,?portlets?(JSR 168 & 286, also WSRP 2.0). Involved in unit and module testing. ETL -?Wrote scripts, in Perl and Python, to retrieve data from the web, transform?the data and load into MySQL DB instancesEnvironments:?Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate on desktops and laptops, HP Proliant DL360 Servers, Windows 2003 R2, IIS, Java 1.6 and 1.7, JSP, SQL Server (2005, 2008 & 2012), Tomcat 7JANUARY 2019 – OCTOBER 2019 Apex SystemsSenior Software Developer – Full Stack ArchitectI was hired as a senior software engineer at their direct client Ulta Beauty, headquartered in Bolingbrook Il. I have been working in an Agile team, where we practice both Scrum and Kanban patterns. I assisted the marketing analytics team to support their data warehouse in GCP (Google Cloud Platform).I worked with Cisco’s workload automation tool – Tidal. I helped to production harden their processes and add quality gates to their data ingestion and aggregation processes, for both their staging and data mart tables. I supported and reverse engineered an entire framework developed using linux, bash, GCP CLI tools and SQL scripting.I focused mainly on the automated jobs and control processes, to improve the reliability of delivery of data to and from Ulta partners. I used GPG encryption and decryption, to exchange files and GCP CLI tools to load and extract the data into GCP storage (buckets) and tables.Technologies include but not limited to, google cloud platform vm instances, storage, big query, Tidal (Cisco workload automation tool), excel, beyond compare, Jenkins, JSON, XML, CSV and Red Hat Linux.OCTOBER 2018 – JANUARY 2019 – Signature Consulting, Chicago ILSenior Software Developer – Full Stack ArchitectI was hired as a senior software engineer at their direct client Bank of America, Financial Center, Chicago IL. Working in an Agile team, I was engaged to assist the bank and its personnel to transition existing applications to Angular 6 and Angular Material Design.My initial assignments consisted of defining Angular programming standards and training their development team on Angular 6; provide prototypes for proof of concept with existing applications; and finally work with their architects to develop a plan for migrating their existing web applications to leverage best practices of Angular 6, Angular Material Design, .NET Core 2.1 and Sql Server.I was leading the effort to establish connectivity to the applications using Windows Authentication or HTTPInterceptors and JWT, depending on the security requirements of the application being developed.I was assigned the role of Senior Full Stack Architect, using Django, Python, ReactJs and MySql (5.7.8 – with JSON Data Type). In this role, I was responsible for project estimates. I was also responsible for the DB Design. We implemented a hybrid solution which consists of EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) Design Pattern, normalization and when applicable, denormalized data tables.JANUARY 2018 – AUGUST 2018 – Aknish Technologies, Lisle ILSenior Software DeveloperHired as a senior software engineer at their direct client ATI Physical Therapy. Working in an Agile team, I developed front end applications, using AngularJS and Angular 5, Swagger, as well as backend APIs using C#, Dapper, Entity Framework, SQL Server. I also worked with MS Identity, 4.7, .NET Core 1.0 & 2.0.I worked with JWT (JSON Web Token). Via a RestAPI, received login request from AngularJS Client, via HTTPInterceptor and HTTPRequest. Validated user login in WebAPIAuth DB instance, upon successful validation, returned Token as part of HTTPResponse.I developed front end interfaces, using ATI styling guides, backend APIs and SQL Stored Procedures. ATI practices Agile. They use TFS for source control and project management. Participating in daily stand ups (DSUs). Developing locally and checking code into release branches. Testing in lower environments including development, qa and staging servers.ATI is an industry leading physical therapy company offering advanced high tech interfaces and billing software to their doctor, clinic partners in more than 800 facilities nationwide. I am working out of their headquarters in Bolingbrook IL.NOVEMBER 2014 – JANUARY 2018 - EKI Consulting, Chicago, ILSenior Lead Software Engineer/ConsultantHired as a Senior Software Engineer/Consultant, to work for their direct client BMO/Harris Bank. My primary role was as a developer and for production support of their ACH desktop tool. I support and develop applications using C#, IIS, LINQ, SQL Server 2012 & 2014, GRAILS, Groovy, Java apps in IBM WAS, Red Hat Linux scripting, bash, Perl, WSFTP Server Pro, Jira, Confluence and Agile.I used various tools and techniques, to monitor our production environment, to alert the team of potential errors or outages. Using Python, SQL Server management Studio 2014 and Cygwin, I can detect changes in the production environment. I have added detection logic in the code to report outages that exceed outage thresholds and send email alerts to both company and personal emails.I designed, implemented and support a set of bash, Perl and Python (2.7.3) scripts, supporting very high-profile bank projects, in both Windows and Red Hat Linux environments. The scripts are used for varied tasks, amongst them are to locate a set of zip files that need to be extracted, read corresponding csv files, extract the contents from the various columns in the csv files, build commands from data sets extracted from the zip, and then run the commands. At the end of the run, the scripts execute validation scripts (also built as part of the run), producing pass and fail logs for further review and processing. Also provided intelligent scripts to read the failed logs, reload the system to run and process the failed files again. Project is complete, has passed through testing and is running nightly in production. I am supporting the scripts in maintenance mode.I supported ongoing development and maintenance of the ACH Reconciliation application (GUI), developed in C# with visual studio 2012, Silverlight, AXML and Telerik Controls and a set of backend procedures, developed in Grails, Java and Groovy to support the client’s ACH process. Since joining, I have collected user requirements, enabling me to debug issues with the current production environment releases.I have also written Perl, Python and Powershell scripts when needed. Frequently, I am lent out from my team, to other bank teams, to program scripts for data conversions. I write them in different languages, to target different operating systems. I write in Perl or Python, for both Windows and Linux systems. I develop scripts in Powershell for Windows. I write scripts in Bash for Linux.The GUI is an interactive responsive system used for ACH Reconciliation. This UI is used to monitor the arrival of various data files, of different types, structure and size, into the DB. The results are matched in the backend process and reconciled in the UI. The ops team using the front end reconciles and releases more than $160 Billion dollars a month. Data from 2000+ files a day, arrive asynchronously, and are parsed into the DB. Business logic is implemented through multi-step transactions, to match all the results and flag potential issues that are then investigated by the bank ops team.In the GUI, I have developed child windows (AXML with Telerik Controls, data-grids, data-views, etc), to load data from the database with Linq, with edit and save functionality through callback methods. I correct issues, ranging from formatting of dates and times in the client windows to passing user login information from system settings to child windows. I have implemented logic to read regular expressions (regex) from database entries and validate corresponding data during a save. I have introduced logic to ensure that database records, have not been modified by backend processes, while the user was editing the current data, when save is selected. Backend processes are trying to match records and could have modified the record that the user is editing. This validation informs them of any changes in the DB record and asks them to try the edit again.In the back-end processes, using Groovy and Java, I have developed code to send out email message alerts using the grails mail plugin. I have introduced an SMTPAppender to the Log4j configuration to send out log ERROR messages via email. The difference between the 2 is that with Log4j, all errors are sent to select users or groups. The mail plugin, allows errors to be trapped individually and emails sent to different users or groups for different error messages. The mail plugin also allows email to be sent for other reasons besides the detection of errors.In addition to this, I have resolved a complex issue in production that resulted from several individuals writing code and using different techniques to compare file names and strings within the groovy backend code. The issue did not surface in QA. I identified the problem and recommended a solution that retrofitted the code to use a uniform best practice way to compare file names, strings and date fields. The methodology introduced to solve the problem, also eliminates any potential for error doing the compares going forward.Responsible for changes to Java & Groovy (GRAILS) for processing bank ACH files. Loading the contents of the file and persisting the data to the DB. The application runs using Quartz/Cron jobs, then aggregates the loaded records and produces summary records. The file summary records, and aggregate, results are available through a front-end application GUI, called the AchDesktop Tool.Bitbucket, GIT, SVN & Tortoise, are used for SCM.Technologies used to date, include but are not limited to C# VS 2010 & VS 2012, Silverlight, XAML, Telerik Controls, Windows Server 2012 R2, SQL Server 2012, IBM WepSphere, Eclipse with Spring and GRAILS (GGTS 3.5.1, GRAILS 2.3.11), Java, Tomcat, GIT, Bitbucket, SVN & Tortoise, Jenkins, etc…DECEMBER 2012 – February 2015 - Qcoefficient Inc, Chicago, ILDirector of Systems and Software/Senior Lead Software EngineerQcoeffienct (QCo) is a startup company. They took over a company called Clean Urban Energy (CUE). I was hired as the director of systems and software, to support and maintain Qcoefficient's production servers. The servers are VMware servers, hosted in a remote data center facility. I first had to revive all their production applications. Their environment is an extremely complex integration of 16 Java, Ajax, Amazon EC2 and Web applications. Java apps run on Centos. Web applications are run in JBoss. The applications are used to collect building information that is used to perform historical simulations and simulations with forecast data to predict building equipment settings, to cool a building using lower priced energy.My first task was to revive all their production servers and applications, hosted on the remote servers. OS on the production servers is Centos. J2EE container used in the environment is JBoss. RDBMS system used is MySQL. Asynchronous server to server communication used is JMS. Continuous integration is Jenkins. SCM is GIT. There were no dev or test systems. I successfully recreated all the environments in both dev and test VMs using VMware. Successfully defined and re-established, messaging queues, using JBoss and JMS. Successfully revived AWS instances and modified OS in AWS instances to communicate with apps and servers in production data center.As the Director of Systems and Software, I work with the CEO and company co-founders, to determine need of systems and establish priorities of the production environment systems and applications. I help them to decide what systems and applications are needed to sustain their production environment. My role was very hands on. I served all aspects of IT for the company.As the Senior Lead Software Engineer, I support the needs and activities of the Building Engineers. To perform these functions, I had to revive the build and deployment environments. I had to re-brand the existing applications. I had to write apps to pull multiple Energy Market data and load the production database with day ahead pricing information and real-time pricing information for those markets. I built these download scripts using Perl. I run the tasks daily using Windows task scheduler and windows batch jobs.Build environment is Jenkins with a GIT source code repository. Build scripts are written in BASH. I wrote deployment scripts using winscp, javascript, Perl, windows batch scripts and 7-zip. The builds are tagged with the latest build number but does not include a persistence file. The deployment scripts determine the latest build number. Builds are performed in Centos environment.? The latest build files are pulled to a windows system. A persistence.xml file, configured for their production environment, is inserted into the jar, war or ear file.? The build file is then pushed to the production server, into a staging directory. Deployment scripts are used on the production servers to move the production build files into the production directories. WAR and EAR files are moved into the jboss deployment directories. The servers are rebooted. The JAR files are moved to the production directories, the production tasks are stopped, and the new apps loaded in the production environment.Support and maintain 10 MBs of code, 16 applications that consist of both Java batch jobs and Java Web applications. The web applications are written with Struts 2 Framework with Hibernate. SQL is accessed using both Hibernate entities and native SQL queries. Eclipse is used to compile and build all the applications. I run some of the apps in JBoss 5.0 and Tomcat, on a windows environment. The database is MySQL. I created a copy of the production database in windows. MySQL Workbench is used to maintain the database.I built a set of Python scripts to interface a Johnson Control cloud based system called Panoptix. The scripts are used to connect to Panoptix and read building system information as it is available through the Panoptix system. I built a data mapping utility to store the Panoptix data in a local datamart and then import the data into our QCoefficient DB. Everything was written using the latest version of Python available in the fall of 2013. In addition to writing python, I used Django web framework to provide web based CRUD interfaces to tables for non-DB personnel.I built cost effective ($1200-$1500), multi-core – 8 thread high-end systems, used to run VMware locally, to perform simulations. The goal is to replace expensive hosting services. Using readily available technologies, Intel i7 Ivy Bridge and Hasswell versions, Gigabyte, Asus, Supermicro motherboards, Platinum edition power supplies – Corsair Ax860i, Samsung Pro 840 SSDs with RAID, G.Skill DDR3 2400 MHz memory, etc. The default builds were combined, with overclocking, to provide high speed, robust systems for the Building Engineers to perform system intensive calculations and simulations.ROLESDirector of Systems and Software, MySQL DBA & SQL Developer, Windows 7 and Windows 8 Admin and Developer, VMware/Linux,?Centos, Ubuntu and Red Hat Linux?Admin, shell script developer, Hardware Administrator (Servers, DB Servers, SANs,?etc.), Java and Java Web Developer with Spring and Hibernate Annotations, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, DOM, XML, JSON,?etc.TECHNOLOGIESMySQL?DBA & Developer, Windows Admin and Developer, VMware/Linux, Centos, Ubuntu & Red Hat Linux?Admin,?BASH?shell script, Hardware Administrator (Servers, DB Servers, SANs,?etc.), Java and Java Web Developer with?Struts 2.0 and Hibernate?Frameworks, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JSP, XML, JSON, Ajax,?Perl, Python,?Etc.APRIL 2011 –?AUGUST 2012 - ABBOTT LABS, Waukegan, ILTechnical LeadMember?of the Architecture Services Team. Participated on projects as the Technical Lead, overseeing technology used internally and by vendors, to meet Abbott's stringent requirements. Coordinated and ran technical meetings and reported to management. Signed off on the Architectural and Technical components of the projects I was assigned to.Web Development and Web Application Support ContractorDeveloped prototypes and modifications to a Java web application. This is a tool used by chemists to research chemical and chemical compound properties. It is developed in Java 1.5, Struts 1.1 with MVC Framework. Used tools such as Eclipse, Maven, MKS (ABBOTT developed source control application), and web containers Tomcat 5.3.3 and WebLogic 9.2. The application consists of JSP, JavaScript, AJAX, etc.Responsible for changing all aspects of the application from the front end (View?–?JSP source), to the middle-ware (controller?–?Java and AJAX components) to the database access objects?–?DAO (model). Using Agile, we developed epics, user stories, tasks, sprints, and backlogs. Met the customers to show them the sprint deliverables. Evaluated several?Agile?tools for reporting our progress. We utilized a tool called ScrumWorks. Served as the Java SME for this project.FEBRUARY 2011 –?APRIL 2011 - Software Alliance Corp, Woodridge, ILWeb Development and Web Application Support ContractorThis is a Java based application running on JBOSS.? The technology used to build the applications consisted of Grails with Groovy with Spring MVC and Hibernate.? The database is a MySQL database system.? ERD was originally produced with an online tool called Cocoa. I converted the ERD to MySQL Workbench. MySQL dump was used to backup the DB instances, and to transfer the DB instances between servers.Delivered prototype?client?interfaces?using?GRAILS?framework?–?Groovy?on Rails applications?for client. Developed Login, Role, forgot password, remember me (cookie) and persistent Login to client system.?Connected successful login(s) to client dashboard.Performed MySQL database administration, created databases, tables, and users. Used both command line GRAILS and Eclipse STS with GRAILS, Groovy and SVN plugins. SQL, ORM and GORM development.NOVEMBER 2010 –?MARCH 2011 - Aviva USA, West Des Moines, IAJava –?Web DeveloperResponsible for IBM Lotus Web Content Management (WCM) 6.1.5 content creation and HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery programming. Made changes to Aviva's implementation of IBM Portal's Advanced Theme.? Used style sheets to manage page properties, IBM Portal to manage the pages and Lotus WCM to create library content.? All library content was displayed in?portlets?using IBM Remote Content Viewer?Portlet.Used the existing framework that Aviva had built in their WCM environment to create an authoring engine that simplified the authoring process for their content authors.?Utilized the site area & category search features to build a finite state machine that introduces content in the Aviva Agent Portal by simply creating content for a specific site area.?Produced a 65-page document, explaining the framework of the engine.?Described each piece that is needed for the engine to work and how to connect the engine in WCM and to their Agent Portal.?Hosted meetings to review documents and walk the content authors through the step of creating content for the site areas.? The authors followed the documentation and watched content propagate from the WCM server to the Agent Portal server and appear in the Portal without any further modifications required within WCM or the Portal Agent servers.Managed an instance of IBM Portal & WCM 6.1.5 on a local server.?Used Eclipse Helios to build the EAR file that contains the Advanced Theme and add my code changes. Subversion was the source control software in use at Aviva.? The projects were built using Ant builds.Installed the EAR file on the local Portal instance.Used Firefox Firebug to debug HTML, JSP, JSPF, CSS,?DOM?on the webpages.?Environment: Java, J2EE JDK 1.6, Eclipse Helios, IBM Portal &Lotus WCM 6.1.5, Subversion, ANT, Firefox & Firebug, HTML, CSS, JSP & JSPF, JavaScript, jQuerySEPTEMBER 2007 –?JULY 2010 - Lake County Indiana Data Processing Department, Crown Point INSenior ConsultantThe Lake County Indiana Court System Web Site is a homegrown portal, built with older versions of open source that allows interaction with the Lake County Court System.? Lake County Portal 2 was conceived to modernize the portal, using an off the shelf portal product and to introduce e-filing and disaster recovery.?As a senior technical lead, I was responsible for the infrastructure, disaster recovery and proto typing JSF portlets for the IBM Portal.? I was also responsible for installing, configuring and managing a geographically distributed statically load balanced clustered instances of SQL Server 2005.ROLESSQL Server DBA & Developer, IBM Portal & WCM Administrator and Developer, Windows 2003 Admin and Developer, VMware & Linux Administrator, HP Hardware Administrator, Java Web DeveloperRESPONSIBILITIESSpecked out infrastructure architecture. Built out infrastructure to local data center, then built out satellite locations. Installed, configured and maintained OS (25 servers). Installed, configured and maintained Microsoft Clustering. Installed, configured and maintained SQL Server 2005, configured and maintained shared drives. Configured, upgraded and maintained ISCSI and SAN I/Q 7/8. Installed, configured and maintained IBM Portal and WCM 6.1. Connected IBM Portal instances to SQL Server and DB2. Performed DB Transfers. Connected IBM Portal LDAP to Active Directory. Prototyped JSF - JSR 168?Portlets, servlets, applications with GWT user interface with AJAX. Deployed EAR files to WAS. Deployed WAR files to Portal and to tomcat. Installed, configured?Docuware. Installed, configured?Docuware?Cluster. Resolved all technical issuesEnvironment:? HP Proliant DL360s G5, Windows 2003 R2 64-bit, virtual DNS appliances F5 BIG-IP, IBM Portal & WCM 6.1, MS Cluster, SQL Server 2005, DB2, LeftHand Network SANs and SAN I/Q management software, VMware Client, Linux, JAVA, JSF, JSP, Eclipse, RAD, Tomcat, GWT, AJAX, DocuwareEDUCATIONMicrocomputer Electronics Engineer, St-Lawrence College Canada, Graduated August 1985 3.7 GPAUS Equivalence (Green Card education plus experience) - Master's DegreeComplete Work Experience Prior to May 2007 – Available upon request ................

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