
Installing JDK 1.5

Copy file jdk-1_5_0_07-windows-i586-p.exe from the setup CD to C:\temp.

Run the Java JDK installation program by running the following file:

. C:\temp \jdk-1_5_0_07-windows-i586-p.exe

Read and accept the license agreement.

Accept the defaults and press Next to begin the installation.


Information: One option you should install is the ‘Public JRE’. This will allow JBoss to run as a Java program without modifying the Windows PATH variable. Otherwise you would have to point your system manually to the Java installation by modifying the PATH variable. How to modify the PATH variable varies by operating system and is documented in the JDK installation instructions available from the Java download site.

Accept the defaults for the J2SE Runtime Environment Setup and press Next.


Leave the default options to install the Java Plug-In to any browsers listed. Press Next and wait for the installation to complete.


When complete, click Finish to close the installation wizard.

Configure Environment Variable

By installing the Public JRE most Java programs will be able to run without any additional configuration. Some Java programs, however, look for a JAVA_HOME environment variable to locate the Java installation. This part of the lab will configure that variable.

Open the Windows Control Panel by selecting Start -> Settings -> Control Panel or Start -> Control Panel depending on your system.

Open the System properties by double-clicking on System. You may need to “Switch to classic view” on Windows XP.

Show the Advanced options by selecting the Advanced tab along the top of the dialog.

Click the Environment Variables button.

There should be two lists of environment variables. Check both lists to be sure there is not a JAVA_HOME variable listed. If there is, select it and press the appropriate Delete button.

Create a new "System variable" by clicking the second New button down by the list of System variables.

Fill in the dialog for the new variable with the following:

. Variable Name: JAVA_HOME

. Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07


Sometimes it is easiest to open a Windows Explorer window, find the Java JDK installation directory and copy the location from the Address box. If you do, make sure you find the jdk directory and NOT the jre directory as these directories have very similar paths but different features.

When finished with the values for the new System variable, press the OK button and be sure it shows up in the second list of variables.


Press the OK button to close the Environment Variables dialog.

Press the OK button to close the System properties dialog.

Verify Installation

This section will verify some of the installation steps you performed earlier. If any of this validation fails, notify Web Age Solutions technical staff so they may help you find the easiest way to correct the problem.

Open a Command Prompt window. You can do this by selecting Start->Run, entering cmd in the text box and pressing the OK button.

Enter the following command and be sure you get the output shown below:

. > java -version


Enter the following command and be sure the value of the JAVA_HOME variable is output correctly:

. > set JAVA_HOME


Close the command prompt window.

JDK 1.5 is now installed.


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