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Lab Question: What would be the effects on Earth if it were not tilted on its axis?

Data Table 1:

|Degree of Tilt for the Flashlight |Number of Graph Squares Illuminated |

|90o | |

|60o | |

|45o | |

|30o | |

Analyze and Conclude:

1. Did you use the same amount of light, even though you tilted the flashlight?

2. If you used the same amount of light, which angle was the light tilted to create the most heat in a given area?

3. If you used the same amount of light, which angle was the light tilted to create the least heat in a given area?

4. Which part of the Earth gets the most amount of heat? Why?

5. Which part of the Earth gets the least amount of heat? Why?

6. Why is it summer in the northern hemisphere when it is winter in the southern hemisphere?

7. Why do we have seasons?

Data Table 2:

|Date |Time of Sunrise|Time of Sunset |Length of Daylight |Label the four months that experience the summer and winter |

| | | |(hours & minutes) |solstice, and the vernal and autumnal equinox. Explain your answers.|

|January 20, 2008 |7:42 am |5:57 pm | | |

|Februay 20, 2008 |7:18 am |6:27 pm | | |

|March 20, 2008 |7:42 am |7:51 pm | | |

|April 20, 2008 |7:03 am |8:13 pm | | |

|May 20, 2008 |6:34 am |8:37 pm | | |

|June 20, 2008 |6:28 am |8:53 pm | | |

|July 20, 2008 |6:43 am |8:47 pm | | |

|August 20, 2008 |7:04 am |8:19 pm | | |

|September 20,2008 |7:26 am |7:38 pm | | |

|October 20, 2008 |7:48 am |6:58 pm | | |

|November 20, 2008 |7:16 am |5:33 pm | | |

|December 20, 2008 |7:40 am |5:34 pm | | |

Analyze and Conclude:

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So, the Earth rotates in a due East direction or from West to East. If you looked down on the North Pole, it would be rotating in a counter – clockwise motion.

1. Which day had the shortest amount of daylight? Why?

2. Which day had the longest amount of daylight? Why?

3. Which season had the shortest amount of daylight? Why?

4. Which season had the longest amount of daylight? Why?

Lab Question: What would be the effects on Earth if it were not tilted on its axis?


|1 flashlight |1 ruler |1 protractor | |

|1 piece of graph paper |1 box of crayons |1 globe | |


Data Table 1:

1. Place a sheet of graph paper on the table in front of you.

2. Place the 0cm end of the ruler at the center of the graph paper and hold the ruler straight up, at a right angle to the table top (900). Put the flashlight at the other end of the ruler, 30 cm from the paper.

3. Trace the bright circle of light in red crayon.

4. Count the number of squares in the red circle and record the data on your data table. This will not be exact because some squares are not full squares.

5. Stand the protractor up on its long, side at the center of the graph paper. Place the 0 cm end of the ruler at the center of the graph paper. Put the flashlight at the other end of the ruler, 30cm from the paper. Now, move the ruler and flashlight to a 60o angle.

6. Trace the bright circle of light in green crayon.

7. Count the number of squares in the green circle and record the data on your data table. This will not be exact because some squares are not full squares.

8. Repeat steps 5-7 with the light at a 45o and 30o angle. Use different colors to trace your circles. Switch jobs so everyone in the group has hands-on opportunity and counting responsibility.

9. Answer questions 1-3 under data table 1.

10. ALL Now use the flashlight and the globe of the Earth. Shine the light from 30cm away, 90o from the equator.

11. ALL Answer questions 4-7 under data table 1.

Data Table 2:

1. Use math to figure out the length of daylight in Georgia for each month during 2008.

2. Then, decide which four months would have the winter solstice, summer solstice, vernal equinox, and autumnal equinox. Complete data table 2, using X in spaces that should be blank.

3. Answer the “Analyze and Conclude” questions.


Tilt of the Earth Lab

Tilt of the Earth Lab Procedures


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