322344-51700863363631600Green Monkey Dreams Portfolio Assignment Term 4 (Weeks 1-6) While studying English over the past few years you have explored a range of texts types e.g. diary entries, analytical essays, newspaper articles/editorials, narratives, speeches, poster design. Now we want to give you the chance to demonstrate what you know and your range of skills. Each week we will study a short story. Teachers have put together a range of tasks that are inspired by the stories, and each week for homework you will need to complete one. There are four text types: Analytical, Creative, Informative/Visual and Comprehension. Within these text types you can choose a task which suits you best. You must make sure that by the end of the term you have done one task from each of the four text types. Here’s how it works: Go to the menu for your studied story. Decide what text type you will do e.g. creative writing. Now consider the choice you have within this type of writing task and choose the one that appeals to you. E.g. For this week’s story The Pumpkin Eater, I want to do some creative writing, and I’ve chosen the poem and writer’s statement task. Your teacher will tell you when each piece of homework will be due. As always, this will vary amongst classes.1 lesson a week will be set aside for you to work on the task in class and ask any questions/ask for guidance. Come prepared with questions and ideas. There will be no drafting this term, so you need to be proactive in your approach to tasks. Teachers will be available to discuss the task you have chosen to do and provide feedback on ideas you may have. We will not be available for pointing out errors such as missing capital letters! That’s all on you now -3238561849000What are the questions you have about this assignment? What do you need to clarify?The Pumpkin EaterThe Red ShoesAnalysis: Carmody subverts various elements of a fairytale in her short story The Pumpkin Eater. Analyse at least 2 ways in which she challenges the traditional conventions and expectations of the reader. You can refer to characters, plot and setting in your answer. Write 2 body paragraphs minimum. 400-600 words total.AnalysisIn the short story The Red Shoes, Amerie’s parents are characterised in very different ways. Analyse how both characters are depicted by the author and presented to the reader. Analyse how the language used in the text contributes to the readers’ interpretation of the characters.Write 2 body paragraphs minimum. 400-600 words total.Creative WritingWrite a poem inspired by themes/concepts/characters in the story – 100 words minimum. A writer’s statement should accompany your piece – 300-500 words. OREstablish the setting and the main character for an original subverted fairytale story in the form of a creative writing piece – 500 words min. OrWrite a series of diary entries (minimum 3) from the perspective of a character in the story – 500 words in total.Creative WritingWrite a poem inspired by themes/concepts/characters in the story – 100 words minimum. A writer’s statement should accompany your piece – 300-500 words. ORWrite 2 letters, 1 to Jonathan and 1 to Amerie, from Winter (Amerie’s mother). From her perspective, explain why she left the family – 400-600 wordsUse language which reflects the linguistic style of the character. OrWrite 2 caricatures describing 2 of the main characters, elaborating on the imagery present in the story - 400-600 wordsInformative/Visual Create an infographic outlining at least 5 subverted elements in The Pumpkin Eater. Explain how each element is present in the story. Use visuals, explanations and specific references to the text. ORDetailed annotation of 2 pages from the story on A3 paper (annotate for figurative devices and meaning, characterisation, symbolism, conventions etc.) ORThe Pumpkin Eater is being made into a film. Design the film poster considering: colour, positioning, symbolism, text, and any other visual choices which impact an audience. Add a written explanation of your visual choices with references to the text - 300-500 words. ORWrite a speech or blog that would appear online exploring the following prompt (500 words):What makes a person beautiful in today’s world? Consider: beauty standards, personality, social media, altering images, beauty industry products, integrity, self-esteem, happiness etc. 500 words Informative/VisualCreate an infographic comparing Anderson’s The Red Shoes with Carmody’s alternative version. Find similarities and differences, and explain these using visuals and specific references to the texts. ORDetailed annotation of 2 pages from the story on A3 paper (annotate for figurative devices and meaning, characterisation, symbolism, conventions etc.) ORThe Red Shoes is being made into a film. Design the film poster considering: colour, positioning, symbolism, text, and any other visual choices which impact an audience. Add a written explanation of your visual choices with references to the text - 300-500 words. OR Write a speech or blog that would appear online examining the following question (500 words): Traditional fairytales vs. Modern Fairytales: Which is better? Consider: violence levels, messages delivered, gender stereotypes, happily ever after scenarios, personalities depicted, archetypes. Comprehension Answer the following questions on the story. Use evidence to support your responses. 1. How is the protagonist described in the opening pages of the story?2. Why is the protagonist feared and shunned by people? 3. What type of imagery is used to depict the protagonist’s mother, and what do readers infer about her as a result? 4. Which fairytale character is the protagonist’s mother and how do readers come to learn this? 5. On page 221 Carmody writes about what the impact of lost love on a person is. What are the impacts lost love has on the protagonist’s mother? How is this conveyed through language devices? 6. What does Maeve believe are the duties of women? Why do you think she believes this? 7. How does the protagonist react to the story of Cinderine? 8. Beauty is a theme explored by Carmody in the story. What power does beauty have in the society described in the story? What are the positive and negative results of being ‘beautiful’ as detailed by the protagonist?9. List 5 conventions of a fairytale outlined in the story and support each with a quote. 10. List 5 examples of subversion within the story and support each with a quote. 11. What parts of a princess’s life scare the protagonist as she approaches the palace? 12. What do you think the Worldroad becomes a symbol of at the end of the story? Comprehension Answer the following questions on the story. Use evidence to support your responses.1. How is Amerie’s innocence revealed through her understanding of language in the opening pages? 2. What type of imagery is used to depict the father and what does this suggest about him? 3. What is Amerie’s mother’s profession and how is this subtly revealed to the reader? 4. How does Amerie interpret her father’s affection? 5. In what ways does Amerie act in order to hide the “freedom running through her veins”? 6. What warning does Amerie believe her mother is sending her by giving her the fairytale book?7. Each pair of shoes from the stories mentioned on page 247 allow the character to gain something in their story.i). What does each character gain? (Puss-in-Boots, Cinderella and Dorothy)ii). What does Amerie believe the red shoes will help her gain? 8. Considering the letter Amerie finds, why do you think her mother left the family? 9. In the closing pages of the story who do you think Amerie is seeing her father as? 10. What message do you think Carmody is trying to convey to readers about childhood, fairytales and communication? 11. Do you believe this is a conventional fairytale where the protagonists lives happily ever after? Or is it a subverted fairytale designed to shock readers and provide a commentary on wider social issues? Explain your opinion fully. The BeastThe Glory DaysAnalysisIn the short story The Beast, characters are mentally and physically impacted by the society in which they live. Analyse the physical and psychological effects experienced by the characters in this story as they survive in a controlled and oppressive society.Write 2 body paragraphs minimum. 400-600 words total. AnalysisIn the short story The Glory Days, characters are mentally and physically impacted by the society in which they live. Analyse the physical and psychological effects experience by the characters in this story as they survive in a controlled and oppressive society.Write 2 body paragraphs minimum. 400-600 words total.Creative WritingWrite a poem inspired by themes/concepts/characters in the story – 100 words minimum. A writer’s statement should accompany your piece – 300-500 words. OREstablish the setting and the main character for an original dystopian story in the form of a creative writing piece – 500 words min. OrWrite a series of diary entries (minimum 3) from the perspective of a character in the story – 500 words in total. Creative Writing Write a poem inspired by themes/concepts/characters in the story – 100 words minimum. A writer’s statement should accompany your piece – 300-500 words. OREstablish the setting and the main character for an original dystopian story in the form of a creative writing piece – 500 words min. OrWrite a series of diary entries (minimum 3) from the perspective of a character in the story – 500 words in total. Informative/Visual Create an infographic displaying the dystopian conventions in the story The Beast. Explain how each convention is present in the story. Use visuals, explanations and specific references to the text. ORDetailed annotation of 2 pages from the story on A3 paper (annotate for figurative devices and meaning, characterisation, symbolism, conventions etc.) ORThe Beast is being made into a film. Design the film poster considering: colour, positioning, symbolism, text, and any other visual choices which impact an audience. Add a written explanation of your visual choices with references to the text - 300-500 words. ORDesign the front page of a newspaper that might circulate in this society. Consider: headlines, bylines, images, positioning/columns, and your perspective.500 words Informative/Visual Create an infographic displaying the dystopian conventions in the story The Beast. Explain how each convention is present in the story. Use visuals, explanations and specific references to the text. ORDetailed annotation of 2 pages from the story on A3 paper (annotate for figurative devices and meaning, characterisation, symbolism, conventions etc.) ORThe Glory Days is being made into a film. Design the film poster considering: colour, positioning, symbolism, text, and any other visual choices which impact an audience. Add a written explanation of your visual choices with references to the text - 300-500 words. ORWrite a short speech on a concern or issue raised in this dystopian story (500 words). Consider: the dangers of religious fundamentalism, worship of a figurehead, conformity, the importance of family units, importance of critical and independent thought. Comprehension Answer the following questions on the story. Use evidence to support your responses.1. Describe the Industrial Zone where the story is set.2. What did people fear about the Renewal Vaccine, and what instead turned out to be the effect?3. Describe three conflicts/wars outlined by the narrator and the reasons for them.4. What type of people are drawn to building where the narrator lives? 5. Identify three similes that are used to depict the boy. Explain what each suggest about him to the reader. 6. What do you think the narrator means by, “the beast is a creature born out of and within ordinary men and women…and hides behind their faces,” (pg. 63). In your own words, explain what this ‘beast’ is. 7. How have people been physically impacted by the society they live in?8. How have the characters in the story been psychologically impacted by the society they live in?9. Explain three conventions of a dystopian society that are clearly evident in this story.10. The boy is described as “shining like a star”. Will he be able to live up to the expectation of being the light of the future in this society in your opinion? Why or why not? 11. Discuss the message that you think Carmody has for readers about humanity’s flaws, and their impact on society? Comprehension Answer the following questions on the story. Use evidence to support your responses.1. List 5 cities that exist in this dystopian world. 2. How is the structure of the family unit in Freedom explained and interpreted by Rian, the protagonist on the opening pages of the story? 3. What is Erasmus asking Rian to do? Why is she deemed suitable for this mission? 4. What strengths and weaknesses of Rian’s character are revealed in the story? Explain at least one of each, with reference to the text.5. What does Erasmus fear about what is happening in the city of Glory? What does he fear about the Angel? 6. While recovering with the healers in Freedom, what is Rian unable to do? 7. What type of imagery is used to depict the architecture and citizens of Glory? What effect does it have on the reader? 8. How is the Angel described when he first appears, and what effect does he have on the protagonist?9. What was the ‘Harrowing of the flesh’ experience like for Rian? 10. Rian believes she is in love with the Angel. In what way does the Angel treat her to make her believe this and why is she susceptible to falling for him? 11. Discuss the message that you think Carmody has for readers about religion/dogma? RoachesAnalysisIn the short story Roaches, Carmody presents a dystopian world where people are isolated and desperate for survival. Analyse how the characters have become dehumanized, both physically and psychologically, because of the state of their society. Creative Writing Write a poem inspired by themes/concepts/characters in the story. A writer’s statement should accompany your piece. ORWrite a short narrative which includes the following: a child/teen and books…! That’s it – go for it! OrWrite a series of diary entries (minimum 3) for the perspective of a character from the story. Informative/Visual Create an infographic outlining the dystopian elements of Roaches.ORAnnotation of 2 pages from the story (minimum of 10 sentences annotated for devices/meaning) OR“Roaches” is being made into a film. Design the film poster. Add a written explanation of your choices. ORWrite a speech or blog to appear online exploring the following statement: The days of books are gone for good. Do you agree or disagree?Consider: the experience of reading, prevalence of technology, attention spans, lifestyles…etc. Comprehension Answer the following questions on the story. Use evidence to support your responses. 1. What clues are given in the opening two pages that this is a dystopian setting (city)? 2. What are the Carnies like? What do they do and how do they behave?3. What actions does the young boy take to protect himself in this society? 4. What was the world like before the red dust came and how had it changed after? 5. Why does Gordy give the young boy the name Roach? 6. What memories does Roach have of his mother? 7. Why does Roach begin looking for books? 8. What do the characters believe the Country will be like? Why do they want to go there? 9. In what way are the characters in this story dehumanized? 10. What stops the woman from shooting the boy? What is she reminded of? ................

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