PDF January 2018 Clover Connection

[Pages:6]January 2018 Clover Connection

Now Is the Time! - -

To Write Your Goals...

What Is a goal? A GOAL is... deciding what you want to do and learn in a 4-H project.

A GOAL is... having a road map. It helps you decide how to get to where you want to go.

Set goals that:

? Are specific (not too general or broad)

? Meet your needs and interests

? Provide you an opportunity for achievement

? Can be accomplished

? Show progress over last year

How do I write a GOAL?

A goal has 3 parts. It should tell you:

1. The action: How you are going to do it.

2. The result: What you will do.

3. The timetable: When you plan to have it done.

Control Test

Do your goals pass the control test? That is, do you have control over all parts of what happens? If you can answer "yes" you are ready for the next step.

1. Record your goals in your record keeping system.

2. Write at least 2 goals for each of your projects.

3. Use a calendar to help you develop a plan to work on your goals during the entire year. Do you have time to accomplish all your goals?

4. It is okay to make changes and to add or delete goals during the year.

5. Use the same process to write goals for exhibits you plan to take to fair.

Dear Friends,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season! I look forward to beginning the new year with lots of exciting things happening in 4-H! Goal setting is a big part of 4-H. We are to set SMART goals. (Specific, Measure-able, Action, Realistic, Timely) Clayton County has an enrollment goal of 387 members. What are you doing to help achieve this goal? Are there friends that you can invite to join your club?

We also want to continue to improve our county 4-H program. As we begin this new year, think of ways we can continue to make the 4-H program even better. What new clubs could we start? What new things do you want to learn? Is there a place that you would like to visit? Is there a new project you want to learn about? or a fair activity that you want to get involved in? Is there something we should be doing on the county level to help improve your 4-H experience? Let me know your ideas. We have staff, committees and volunteers ready to "Make the Best Better"!

Have a happy, safe new year!

Tammy Muller



It's time to re-enroll in 4-H!

The re-enrollment process is done online at . Remember new families must complete paper enrollment forms. For more information on re-enrolling in 4-H, check out our website clayton/page/join-4-h or contact the Extension Office. It is vital to complete 4-H enrollments before youth are participating in 4-H meetings & activities for insurance coverage. Re-enrollments must be completed by December 31, 2017 to receive the $10 support from Clayton County Extension and Outreach. New members may enroll any time to receive the $10 fee support. Re -enroll now!

FSQA TRAINING ?February 13

A FSQA Training will be offered at NICC Dairy Center , Calmar, room 114-115 on Tuesday, Feb. 13th from 6-8 pm. Denise Schwab, ISUEO Beef Specialist leading the training In case of severe weather/unfavorable road conditions the training will be postponed and held on Tuesday, Feb. 27th at the same time and place.

Please RSVP to the Extension office (563-2451451) by Feb. 12 so we can make sure we have enough supplies

Spring 2018 DuPont Pioneer Seed Grant for Iowa 4-H Club Community Improvement Projects

Objective of these grants is to stimulate local 4-H clubs in Iowa to plan and carry out community improvement activities by providing "seed money" needed to make the projects successful. Applications are due in County Extension and Outreach Offices by January 16, 2018 . Go to https:// extension.iastate.edu/4h/pioneergrants for more information and an application form.

Youth Loans Available

Farm Service Agency has youth loans for livestock projects available. Check out the website or visit your local FSA office. webapp?area=home&subject=fmlp&topic=ryl

4-H Creates Opportunities

4-H'ers: Apply for state recognition and trips!

You deserve to be recognized for your efforts and have some fun, too! If you are a ninth through twelfth grader, there are many opportunities available to you for recognition awards or to represent Iowa on the state and national levels. These include National 4-H Conference, National 4-H Congress, State 4-H Council, National 4-H Dairy Conference, and State 4-H Project Awards. Learn more about applying for these opportunities at extension.iastate.edu/4h/recognition-opportunities Submit online applications no later than 11:59 PM February 1.

Scholarships Available

Are you an Iowa 4-H'er planning to attend college? Consider applying for an Iowa 4-H Scholarship, funded by donors through the Iowa 4-H Foundation. Designed to encourage Iowa 4-H members to continue their education beyond high school, our current scholarship program offers over 90 scholarships worth more than $90,000. Scholarships range in value from $500 to $10,000.

Certain scholarships are open to students pursuing any field of study, while others are open to students pursuing degrees in agriculture, food and nutrition, ag business, animal science, journalism and STEM related studies. Former and current 4-H members graduating from high school or currently attending college are eligible applicants. While a majority of the 4-H scholarship opportunities are available for students attending Iowa State University, scholarships are available to students planning to attend an Iowa Regent university, Iowa private college, Iowa community college, or any land-grant university.

Applicants must enroll as a full-time student to receive scholarship awards. Information and applications for the 4-H Scholarships are available online through the Iowa 4H Foundation at scholarships. Applications must be submitted online no later than 11:59 PM, February 1 for consideration. Only one application form is needed for all Iowa 4-H Foundation Scholarships. Eligible students may apply for more than one scholarship, however, only one scholarship per individual will be awarded per academic year.


Calendar of Events


1 Holiday, Extension Office Closed

2 Youth Committee Meeting, 7:30 pm

5 4-H Foundation Board Meeting, 7:30 pm

6 New Volunteer Training, Calmar

16 Clover Day Planning Meeting, 6:30 pm

21 New Member Night, 6:30 pm, Elkader

28 Citizenship Meeting, West Union, 2 pm

The Month of January is: Eye Care Month National Hobby Month National Soup Month National Staying Health Month National Thank You Month National Oatmeal Month

4-H Brunch is March 11

The Clayton County 4-H Omelet Brunch will be Sunday, March 11 at Johnson's Reception Hall in Elkader. We are also having a silent auction. Clubs, families, and individuals are asked to donate items for the auction. Be creative! Proceeds from the auction help with the county's share of the 4-H Development Fee and offset some of the county 4-H program costs

4-H Lock?In is March 23

The Clayton County 4-H Lock-In will be held at YMCA in Postville on Friday, March 23 starting at 8:00 p.m. until 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning, March 24. This event is for youth in grades 6, 7 & 8. Watch for more details!

WANTED: adult chaperones for the Lock-In!

Beef Weigh In

Thank you to everyone who helped with the annual market beef weigh-in on December 16! 97 youth weighed and tagged 258 animals. After the animals are entered into the 4-H online system 4-H families must confirm the data entered into the system. This verification must be completed by February 1. Instructions for verifying livestock in the 4-H online system may be found on our webpage at http:// extension.iastate.edu/4h/page/4honlineinformation-families-and-leaders

Winter Sports Waivers and Insurance

`Tis the season for winter recreation. Remember that four activities are not covered by the standard $1/member/year accident injury policy through American Income Life: downhill skiing, tobogganing, sledding and tubing. Those can be covered by a Special Activities policy through AIL. See their webpage for additional information who-weserve/4-h-insurance

Those four activities plus ice skating also require a special participation waiver. Use the special winter activities waiver located at extension.iastate.edu/clayton/page/memberinfo under Risk Management.

Your Passport to Adventure"

The 2018 state conference theme is: "Your Passport to Adventure". This is an option for fair booth decorating ideas. The 2018 Clayton County Fair is August 1-6.


Prom Dress Consignment Sale

Highland Helping Hands 4-H club will be hosting their annual Prom Dress Consignment Sale on January 27, 2018 from 8 am to 12 pm at St. Joseph's Catholic Church Hall in Elkader. You may drop off dresses on Thursday, January 25 from 4:30 - 8 pm or on Friday, January 26 from 4-7 pm at church hall in Elkader. $5.00 to consign a dress. You set price and they sell!! You get 90% and the club gets 10%. For more information visit their Facebook page at Second Hand Style Prom Dress Consignment

New Member Night

All new Clayton County 4-H members and their parents are encouraged to attend the new member orientation on Sunday, January 21st. Topics to be covered include an overview of the 4-H program, communication, parliamentary procedure, goal setting, projects & exhibits, and livestock identification. Join us to have all your questions and concerns answered about Clayton County 4-H. Reservations required ensuring materials and snacks. Please RSVP by January 15 by emailing tamuller@iastate.edu or calling 563-2451451.

School Day Out Camp Opportunities for K-3rd Grade Youth

Join Clayton County Extension and Outreach Youth Staff on non-school days to enjoy some hands on learning. Each session will consist of a full day of learning with drop off between 8:45 and 9:00 am and pick up between 2:45 and 3:00 pm. Kids will stay all day and need to bring a sack lunch and water bottle.

Camps are open to ALL youth in grade K-3. Class size is limited and will be on a first come first serve basis. The $10 fee includes two snacks and a full day of fun filled activities for students. Discounts will be given to families with multiple children attending and when registering for more than one camp session. See flyer for more details. Flyers were sent to schools and also available on our webpage.

Dates for the Central, Clayton Ridge, Ed-Co, and Starmont school districts are included.





Osborne Nature Center, Elkader



Community Room, Edgewood




Osborne Nature Center, Elkader



Civic Center,

& Ed-Co Strawberry Point



Clayton Ridge

Municipal Building, Guttenberg


Winter Wonderland


Underwater Adventure

3...2...1... LIFT OFF!

Camp Locations Vary Time: 9:00 am ? 3:00 pm Cost: $10 Ages: Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

Bring a sack lunch and water bottle! Dress for outdoor activities! (snow pants, boots, hat, gloves, & coat if needed)

Please direct questions to: Nate Weber via email

(nweber@iastate.edu) or phone (563-245-1451).


Leader's Corner

Required Training

The annual Volunteer Training is now available online for volunteers who wish to view or and/or missed the face to face training of 4-H Builds Resilience.

Volunteers may access and complete the annual training online via 4H Online. Training must be completed by July 1, 2018. It will take approximately 30 minutes to complete the training. Please follow the following steps to complete the training.

Step 1: Access the supporting resources and documents on the 4-H website under Volunteer Resources, Annual Training Resources (http:// extension.iastate.edu/4h/volunteerresources). The resources for this year's annual leader training support the learning in the training and can be used in your work with youth.

Review the resources on the 4-H Volunteer Resources webpage prior to, or following the online training. It may be beneficial to print these resources for use in your work with the youth and also as a resource to share with the youth.

Step 2: Access the online annual training of "4H Builds Resilience" via 4H Online, link below as well as step by step instructions.

Open a web browser (use Firefox, Safari, or Chrome as IE does not always work) and type in: iowa.

Login to 4H Online using your family email address and login information.

Click "Continue to Family." Find your name and click "Edit" on right side by

your name. On the top of the page click on the "trainings"

option. Click the "Sign up for a training" option on the

upper right side of screen. View the trainings listed and click "Sign up"

next to the annual training online version "2017-18 Leader Training (4-H Builds Resilience)." Click "Take the Course" to get started.

Step 3: Upon completion of the online training be sure to click to receive your certificate! By clicking on the certificate you have verified completion of the course, you can also print or save the certificate.

4-H Exhibit Judges Trainings Offered

Are you interested in becoming a 4-H exhibit judge? Join a fun training designed to prepare individuals for 4-H exhibit and event judging. Participants will be equipped with information and resources to be utilized in evaluating exhibits, educating others and encouraging 4-H'ers. For more information go to extension.iastate.edu/4h/judgestraining. Upcoming training dates are January 6-- Jones County 9 am ?3 pm January 27--Clinton County 9 am ?3 pm January 27? Tama County 9:15 am ?3:30 pm

Clover Kid Day:

We will be having a Clover Kid Day planning meeting on Tuesday, January 16 at the Extension Office at 6:30 pm. We will be working on plans for the 2018 countywide Clover Kid Day. This year's theme is "Beach Party" and will be held Saturday, February 24. We need your ideas & input! Come join the FUN!

ISU Extension and Outreach--Clayton County 563-245-1451

Tammy Muller ?County Youth Coordinator Nate Weber--K-12 Outreach Program Coordinator

Holly Loan? Executive Coordinator Michelle Moser ?Office Assistant

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach does not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or status as a U.S. veteran. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Ross Wilburn, Diversity Officer, 2150 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, 515-294-1482, wilburn@iastate.edu.


January 2018 Clover Connection

Business Meeting Agenda 1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call & Introduction of Visitors 4. Minutes of Previous Meeting 5. Treasurer's Report 6. Committee Reports 7. Unfinished & New Business

Club Programs due New Member Night ?Jan. 21 Clover kid Day ?Feb. 24 Omelet Brunch? March 11 8. Adjourn/4-H Pledge

Clayton County Extension 120 S Main Street PO Box 357 Elkader, IA 52043



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