MINUTES OF THE VILLAGE OF FAIRCHILD REGULAR BOARD MEETINGAugust 8, 2019 7:00pmFairchild Community Center - 121 Farmers Street Fairchild WI 54741The meeting was called to order by President James Littlefair at 7:00pm on September 12, 2019. The statement of public notice was read.?The meeting was posted on September 8th, 2019 at the Village Office, Community Center, Post Office and Unity Bank.The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ?Roll call was taken. Present were Lisa Boettcher, Joel Boettcher, Darwin Durst, Mark Kuberra Jade Ruppelt, Jill Sabin and James Littlefair.Jill Sabin made a motion to approve the agenda. ?Lisa Boettcher seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Jill Sabin made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. ?Joel Boettcher seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Jamie talked Michael Rognuy from the DNR regarding the issues with the dam. We have 2 options currently, repair the dam or take the dam out. According to the DNR if we continue to make improvements, we are okay. There are other companies that do the same work as MSA (the company the village hired to do a dam inspection last fall) that Jamie will check into in the next month. The Treasurer Rosalie Nelson presented the treasurer’s report. ?Joel Boettcher made a motion to approve the Treasurer's report. Jill Sabin seconded it. ?Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Police Chief Chad Halverson presented the Police report. There is a program available to limit the number of community cats through a trap, neuter, vaccinate and return program that could potentially be free for the free roaming cats in the village, particularly the group near the Senior Living Center. Cats who can be homed will be, the other cats will be returned to the Center. Jill wanted to know the cost for this program, Chief Halverson said he was unsure as the representative for the program did not show up for the board meeting. Depending on the cost it may be the solution for the cat dilemma in the Village. Darwin Durst made a motion to approve the police report. Mark Kuberra seconded it. ?Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no. Jill Sabin made a motion to approve the Fire District report as read by Darwin Durst. Jade Rupelt seconded it. ?Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Joel Boettcher made a motion to approve the Library report. Mark Kuberra seconded it. ?Motion carried 6 yes, 0 munity Comments:There is an open seat on the School Board for a Village of Fairchild vacancy. Darwin Durst has a dumpster with Advanced and is under contract. Those with dumpster contracts can bring the contracts to the Village Hall to have their carts returned until their contract is up. Unfinished business:Bonnie Watchsmith stated to Jamie she is willing to be our village attorney “but if you can find someone to do it, let them do it”. John Behling from Weld Riley was present to answer questions. He was a farm kid from Cumberland, has 30 years practicing for towns and villages. Ben Ludeman is an Associate also from Weld Riley, he was with John. Weld Riley has offices in Eau Claire, Black River Falls, Menomonie and Wausau. This firm is willing to be our attorney for $150 per hour. Chief Halverson asked who will be handling pretrial hearings. When Chief Halverson writes up citations that are needed with good reason, he doesn’t want charges dropped. Chief Halverson wants a process set up to ensure citations are not dropped. Attorney Behling sated they won’t dismiss or change a charge with the chiefs’ permission. Jill Sabin stated she had no problem with President Littlefair handling pretrial hearing but would like to have something drawn up to protect the village. There will be a policy put into place. Joel Boettcher motioned for John Behling of Weld Riley and his team be the Village of Fairchild Attorney. Mark Kuberra seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no. The village nuisance ordinance is comparable to other towns and villages in the state. We do need to draft up a new penalty revision. President Littlefair will draft the changes and clerk Waugh will send out the changes for board review. Questions brought up were who can write a letter to let people know they are in violation of an ordinance? There will be an ordinance meeting before the next board meeting to discuss this. New business:Clerk Billie Waugh asked board permission to attend the Town Association Workshop on September 26. It is on budgets and is open to the clerk, treasurer and board members. No board members were interested in going at this time. Mark Kuberra made a motion for Clerk Waugh to attend the workshop and pay for mileage. Jill Sabin seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Clerk Billie Waugh asked board permission to attend the Wisconsin Municipal Clerk Association fall district meeting on September 19. Motion by Jill Sabin to pay for the cost of the meeting and mileage. Lisa Boettcher seconded it. Motion carried, 6 yes, 0 no.The Central States Health Plan has set its rates for 2020 and 2021. This health plan is all inclusive and includes health, dental, vision prescription and life insurance as well as covers dependents of the subscriber for 2 years after the death of the subscriber. Currently the Village of Fairchild covers all costs of the benefits. Benefits will rise $16.07 per family in 2020 and $16.69 in 2021. Clerk Billie Waugh did some figuring for the benefits for board members. The total next year for benefits for 2 employees and families would be $41, 180.88 and in 2021 the cost will be $42916.64. There was discussion as far as finding another health plan, but Darwin Durst stated it has been looked at before and for the coverage and cost this is the cheapest option that was found. Jill Sabin made a motion to cover all costs with the Central States Health Plan for 2 employees of the Village for 2020. Lisa Boettcher seconded it. Motion carried 4 yes, 2 no.As discussed earlier the Village is going to save the dam and work on repairs. President Littlefair will investigate other companies to give quotes for repair work. The Wastewater Discharge Permit that is renewed every 5 years is up for renewal. The DNR overlooked the previous compliance schedule and is revising the current schedule for the permit. This permit has to do with phosphorous levels being pumped into our lagoon. Public Works Director Curtis Eisberner spoke and said there may been need for a new flow meter to be installed at the pump station, rough cost on that is $5,000 - $7,000. There was discussion as to whether the phosphorus levels could be controlled naturally. President Littlefair brought up that Wildlands Charter School is currently doing work with controlling phosphorus naturally and could maybe do a project with the lagoon. A new compliance schedule is expected in the next few weeks that may include a need for moneys to cover funding for a grant. There was also discussion on raising the sewer rates 3% yearly to help cover costs. Jill Sabin made the motion to change the Assessor position from elected like stated in the Village Ordinance to appointed. Joel Boettcher seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Motion to pay all bills was made by Mark Kuberra. ?Jill Sabin seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Motion to transfer funds from the tax fund to the general fund if needed made by Jill Sabin. Mark Kuberra seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.Motion to adjourn made by Jill Sabin. Joel Boettcher seconded it. Motion carried 6 yes, 0 no.All minutes are considered a draft until Board Approval: Date Approved ________________________________ __________________________ James Littlefair, President Billie Waugh, Clerk Anyone requiring special accommodations, please contact the Village Office prior to the meetingat (715) 334-3002. “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” ................

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