VERNON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORSMINUTESJuly 21, 2020County Board Chairman Justin Running called the July 21, 2020 meeting of the Vernon County Board of Supervisors to order at 9:36 a.m. in the Vernon County Board room of the Court House Annex. Meeting was on Vernon County You Tube channel and had WebEx connections available. Due to Covid 19 public attendance was not allowed. Invocation was given by, Pastor Ray Matteson, Church of Christ Viroqua, WI.Board members and others present gave the Pledge of Allegiance. County Clerk affirmed there had been proper public notice of the meeting. Item # 5 on Agenda, Election of County Supervisor District 13 – Postponed till next meeting.Item # 6 Agenda, Oath of Office for Elected Supervisor - Postponed till next meeting.Motion by Goede, 2nd by Bringe to excuse Cary Joholski, David Strudthoff and Will Beitlich from today’s meeting. Carried all. 25 supervisors presentMotion by Eggen, 2nd by Ofte to approve the minutes of the June 2, 2020 meeting. Carried all.Chairman Running asked if there were any announcements, Ron stated that the WCA annual meeting is still on at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells. The dates are September 20, 21 and 22, 2020. Registration deadline is August 10, 2020, let Ron know if interested in going. There is an Amended Agenda and four added resolutions on your desk. Ofte stated the new County maps are on your desk, if anyone needs more contact Christina Dollhausen. Yttri stated The Towns Association Picnic is July 23, 2020 at the Highway shop.Chairman Running moved to Special Order of Business. Motion by Ofte, 2nd by Mitchell to move to item C. on the Agenda - Covid 19 Response Team update, Brandon Larson and Amy Kleiber, No Vernon County residents tested positive at the first drive thru testing. July 28, 2020 is the next testing drive thru at the Fair Grounds. Vernon County is starting a Keep Masked Campaign. Kleiber stated that 4110 people have tested for Covid, 4012 tests were negative, 45 people in Vernon County have tested positive thru July 20, 2020. Vernon County is not showing hot spots at this time. Henry thanked them for changes and all that their department has done. A. Dairyland Power Report on Genoa Power Plant - Brian Rude, VP of Government and Community Relations, Rob Palmberg, VP of External and Member Relations, John Carr, VP of Power Supply, Jennifer Radcliffe, Economic Development Representative, Jennifer Shilling, Government Relations Manager. Brian Rude led the discussion. Board viewed a power point. January 2020 the Board approved the closing of the Genoa Power Plant. Close by June to September of 2021 depending on coal inventory. Eighty employees at this plant, some will be moving up within the company. Rob Palmberg will be our contact person in future proceedings. 28% renewables by 2028. Solar and Wind power are increasing yearly and a new Gas Powered Plant is being built in Superior WI by 2025. John Carr stated they looked at adding gas fired in Genoa, but the plant is too old and gas not viable in that area. Power demand has not increased this past year. Plant will be dismantled as quickly as possible. Back up control center will remain in Genoa. Boat landing will stay in place. Taylor asked about Nuclear spent fuel onsite. 1987 stopped Nuclear power in Genoa. To date, Federal Government has not kept their agreement to take spent fuel. Barge dock may stay, not sure yet. Jennifer Radcliffe stated Plant has operated for 51 years. Looking at different options for site use after closing. Dairy land will cover 20% of grant, 80% by EDA. Ofte asked about DNR restriction on site. Yes, there are some. Bringe concerned about all job losses and impact. Nine in Iowa, seven in Minnesota and 27 live in Vernon County. Henry asked what could be a possible use of site, Solar power or recreational have been discussed. Amelse asked about tax loss. Plant pays no property tax, County get utilities share of revenue, $150, 000.00 to Vernon County for Spent Fuel. $596,000.00 is County share of Revenue. Recreational use of property in the future would go back on property tax. Olerud asked will dairy Land sell 137 acres property. That is an unknown at this time. Stanek asked for map of area. Yes, will send to the clerk. Representative Oldenburg asked at what time will it go on the tax roll. That is still being studied. Plant will be gone 18 months after closure. Taylor asked why we are partnering with a Minnesota Company and not a Wisconsin utilities. Needs and location drove decision. B. Johnson & Block - Audit Report, Carrie Leonard will issue unmodified opinion. Fund balance decreased approxitmaly one million in 2019, mostly from transfers from Ho Chunk for Highway shop. Fund Balances2019 tax levy $11, 242,2002019 equalized value 2,098,673,5002019 sales tax 1,838,422Revenues Vernon Manor had approximately $700,000 decrease in funds. County has 92% of debt capacity remaining.2019 ExpendituresOlerud asked about General fund balance and how much is recommended. Past policy keep 5 million unassigned reserve to run county three months. Amelse asked about Vernon Manor $700,000 loss – this is not part of general fund, separate from general fund. Vernon Manor owes money to General Fund from past years losses.Break at 11:05amReconvene at 11:19amD. Update on Business Park with City of Viroqua, Running stated, himself, Larson and Swayne met with the City. The offer to purchase has expired. New one is needed, only change is county gets ? of dirt pile in storage, will close in August. One business is secured, county will get double payment in August from City.Chairman Running moved to Regular Order of Business - Petitions, there were none. Chairman Running moved to next item on agenda: ResolutionsResolution # 2020 – 25Title: Support for Economic Development Administration Grant to Produce a"Redevelopment and Reuse Options Study & Report for the Genoa, WIPower Plant SiteWhereas, the United States Department of Commerce - Economic Development Administration (EDA) was created to help foster economic development; and?Whereas, EDA's Investment Priority #1 - Recovery & Resilience supports "Projects that assist with economic resilience and long-term recovery from natural disasters and economic shocks to ensure U.S. communities are globally competitive."; andWhereas, EDA's Assistance for Coal Impacted Communities Program prioritizes projects that create "multiple economic and workforce development outcomes, such as promoting regional economic growth and diversification, new job creation, and re-employment opportunities for displaced coal economy workers."; andWhereas, the EDA's Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Program has received supplemental appropriations to support projects in communities impacted by recent natural disasters; andWhereas, Vernon County is a coal and nuclear impacted community and has been impacted by three FEMA Major Disaster Declarations since 2017; andWhereas, Dairyland Power Cooperative will be closing its Genoa #3 Coal Plant in 2021; and?Whereas, Dairyland Power Cooperative plans to commission a "Redevelopment and Reuse Options Study & Report for the Genoa, WI Power Plant Site" to evaluate the highest and best potential reuses of the Genoa Site, keeping in mind the future vitality of the community; and Whereas, Dairyland Power Cooperative is seeking EDA grant funding to assist in producing the study and report; andNow, therefore, be it resolved, that the Vernon County Board of Supervisors does hereby support Dairyland Power Cooperative's grant application to the Economic Development Administration to conduct the study as described above.Motion by Nickelatti, 2nd by Call. Carried all. Voice vote.Certification, I do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly considered by the Vernon County Board of Supervisors, Vernon County, Wisconsin at its meeting in Viroqua, WI, at which time a quorum was present, and?that said resolution was passed this 21st day of July 2020. Ron Hoff, County Clerk?Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on July 21, 2020?Resolution # 2020 – 26Title: Vernon County Voting MachinesWhereas, Vernon Counties first Voting Machines were given to Municipalities in 2006 from a Federal Grant called Help America Vote Act at no cost to County and?Whereas, the current voting machines have worked well but are now showing increased maintenance due to years of service and?Whereas, maintenance for current machines will be ending in 2022 or 2023 and?Whereas, Vernon County has joined with three other counties to procure a larger order for volume discounts and?Whereas, Command Central can deliver machine's for the February 2021 Primary election and?Whereas, Command Central has agreed to half payment in 2021 and half payment in 2022 at 0%?interest.?Therefore be it resolved, that Vernon County purchase 33 Voting machines at $6,600.00 each,?$108,900.00 -- 2021 and $108,900.00 in 2022 from Ho Chunk Funds.?Dated June 18, 2020 Submitted by the Finance Committee?Rod Ofte, Chair?Motion by Muller, 2nd by Leis. Ron gave explanation of the machines. Call concerned about Ho Chunk Funds. Take first half from 2020 Ho Chunk and 2022 may need to come from General Fund. Motion by Ofte, 2nd by Leis to add or General Fund, pay 2021 payment from 2020 Ho Chunk & 2022 Ho Chunk or General Fund. Amendment passed by roll call, all 25 Yes. Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on July 21, 2020?Motion by Evenstad, 2nd by Stanek to suspend rules for electronic attendance. Carried all.Resolution # 2020 – 27Title: 2020 Ho-Chunk Funding For Business Support - AmendedWHEREAS, Vernon County businesses have been impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic, and;?WHEREAS, The Vernon County Board of Supervisors partnered with 19 impacted businesses that applied for a business support loan and approved $45,502 as a grant on June 2, 2020, and;?WHEREAS, One application was missed and a total of 20 businesses applied for assistance, and;?NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by Vernon County Board of Supervisors to authorize $2,500 of 2020 HO-CHUNK funds to partner with this business as well and provide 50% of this business request in a grant.?Date: July 21, 2020?Submitted by Economic Development Loan Committee, Garrick Olerud, Chair?Motion by Mitchell, 2nd by Taylor. McGinnis stated one business was missed on original resolution. The Cheese Store & More in Hillsboro was missed. Roll call vote 25 Yes 1 No. No vote, Shawn Redington. Carried. Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on July 21,?2020?Resolution # 2020 – 28Title: 2021 Lump Sum Payout to Step 12 Employees - Non-Union Positions WHEREAS, annually, the County Board designates a percentage cost of living increase for positions?that are on the non-union pay schedule; and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee recommends in light of fiscal responsibility to forgo a cost of living increase for positions on the non-union pay schedule for 2021; and? WHEREAS, the County Board will provide those employees in positions at step 12 in their grade who will not otherwise receive an increase receive a 1.5% lump sum payout effective the beginning of the first full pay period of January 2021;? THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Vernon County Board of Supervisors approves the following:? 2021: 1.5% Lump Sum Payout to Step 12 Non-Union Employees. Projected Fiscal Impact to tax levy: Wages:?$ 40,611 FICA: $ 3,107 WRS: $ 2,741 Total $ 46,459 Dated July 14, 2020Submitted by the Personnel Committee Will Beitlich, ChairMotion by Taylor, 2nd by Muller. Serena Inman explained, there are 12 steps in each grade. This resolution would be for employees at step 12. Those employees would not get an increase. 23% of employee’s are at step 12. Henry stated there will always be some staff at top step. Yttri does not agree, younger staff need increase too. Amelse feels we need to hold off on all raises. Roll call vote 15 Yes 11 No. No votes, Kyle Semke, Rod Ofte, Kevin Larson, Mike Leis, Adrian Amelse, Darrel Clark, Frank Easterday, Ole Yttri, Gail Muller, Dave Williams, and Kay Stanek. Resolution passed.Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on July 21,?2020?Resolution # 2020 – 31Title: Residential Care Apartment Complex FinancingWHEREAS, the Vernon County Board of Supervisors have voted to construct a 32 unit Residential Care Apartment Complex andWHEREAS, the Finance Committee was charged with studying the best Financial options, andWHEREAS, the Finance Committee and County Clerk submitted proposals to all Vernon County banks and Credit Unions and bonding option, andWHEREAS, it was determined the best fiscal option was Farmers State Bank of Hillsboro.?THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Vernon County Board of Supervisors procure a loan with Farmers State Bank of Hillsboro for 4.5 million at 1.25% for two year construction loan and 10 additional years at 1.50%.(12 year total) to be amortized over 20 years.?Dated: July 16, 2020Submitted by the Finance Committee Rod Ofte, Finance Chair?Motion by Evenstad, 2nd by Bringe. Ofte explained local banks were very aggressive and were lower than Bonding. Olerud concerned Vernon Manor will not have cash flow first 2 – 3 years. Goede feels Vernon Manor should make loan payment when profitable. Roll call vote 25 yes 1 no. No vote, Lorn Goede. Resolution passed.Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on July 21,?2020?Resolution # 2020 – 29Title: Authorization of Construction Bids and Contracts for RCAC ProjectWHEREAS, On June 2, 2020 the Vernon County Board of Supervisors approved Vernon Manor Board of Trustees and Vernon Manor Management to construct a 32-unit Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) on Vernon Manor Campus; and,WHEREAS, Vernon Manor Board of Trustees and Vernon Manor Management in conjunction with River Valley Architects and Market and Johnson construction management firm will oversee the construction of the RCAC to ensure the construction remains within specified guidelines; and,WHEREAS, On June 2, 2020 the Vernon County Board of Supervisors approved authorization for submission of the Community Development Block Grant CLOSE Application; andWHEREAS, On June 2, 2020 the Vernon County Board of Supervisors was presented a budget for the construction of the 32-unit Residential Care Apartment Complex (RCAC) that included a $300,000 loan with Vernon Electric Cooperative; and,NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, The Vernon County Board of Supervisors authorizes Vernon Manor Board of Trustees and Vernon Manor Management to review and authorize construction bids and contracts for the RCAC project.?BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Vernon County Board of Supervisors authorizes the County Board Chairman Justin Running to accept the Community Development Block Grant Award as well as the Vernon Electric Cooperative funding and enter into Contracts for these grant and loan funds.Dated July 10, 2020Submitted by Vernon Manor Trustee,?Ole Yttri,?ChairMotion by Evenstad, 2nd by Muller. McGinnis explained Vernon Manor committee to approve and select the bidders for construction. Carried all voice.Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on July 21,?2020?Resolution # 2020 – 30Title: Quit Claim Deed from Vernon County to Service Solutions Unlimited LLCWHEREAS, Vernon County, acquired title to the following described parcel by a Court Judgment recorded on 10/03/2019 in the Register of Deeds Office.?WHEREAS, legal description of the property is as follows: Lot Eleven (11) and the Westerly 48 feet of Lot Twelve (12) in Block (8), Original Plat, Village of De Soto, Vernon County WI.?PARCEL NUMBERS: 062-116-00047-0000 ADDRESS: 220 De Soto Street, De Soto, WI?WHEREAS, SERVICE SOLUTIONS UNLIMITED LLC have offered to purchase the property for $15,000.00.?WHEREAS, Vernon County has not used, occupied or improved said parcel.?NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Vernon County Land Sales Committee to authorize the transfer of property and to authorize the County Board Chair and Clerk to sign a Quit Claim Deed relinquishing any claim to title to said lands.?Date?July 16, 2020Submitted by Legal Affairs Committee, Michael Leis, Chairman?Motion by Eggen, 2nd by Leis. Leis explained this is a property taken from lack of tax payment. Carried all voice. Adopted by Vernon County Board of Supervisors on?July 21, 2020Chairman Running moved to next item on agenda: Ordinances, NoneMemorials RemonstrancesReports of standing committees Unfinished Business, Eggen would like LWCD to give a dam report at the next Board meeting. The next County Board meeting will be at 9:30 a.m. on September 15, 2020. With the meeting concluded, a motion was made by Mitchell, 2nd by Nickelatti to adjourn. Motion carried by all. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m. CERTIFICATIONState of Wisconsin ( ( County of Vernon ( Office of the Vernon County ClerkI, Ronald C. Hoff, County Clerk of Vernon County, Wisconsin DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the statements above are a correct report of all actions and decisions of the Vernon County Board of Supervisors at the meeting of July 21, 2020, as indicated in transcription taken personally by me.(Seal)/s/ Ron Hoff Vernon County Clerk ................

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