PI-PDP-1 PDP Writing Form and Checklist

|[pic] |Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction |INSTRUCTIONS: Use this form when writing your PDP. |


| |PI-PDP-1 (Rev. 08-09) | |

|Professional Development Plan (PDP) forms available at: |


|Educator Name |Educator Telephone Area/No. |

|High School Science Teacher |      |

|Educator Address Street, City, State, Zip |Educator Fax Area/No. |

|      |      |

|E-Mail Address |Educator File No.* |

|      |      |

|Educator School District |

|      |

|Current Educational Assignment |No. of Years in Current Assignment |Years of Educational Experience |

|High School Science |5 |5 |

|Month/Year PDP Submitted for Goal Approval (Initial Educators Only) |Month/Year Plan Submitted for PDP Verification |

|January 2007 |January 2010 |

|*Educator file numbers may be found on the DPI Educator License lookup at: . |

|Present Licensure Stage |Licensure Category |Date Current License Expires |

| Initial Educator | Teacher |6-30- 2010  |

|Professional Educator |Administrator | |

|Master Educator |Pupil Services | |


|Step I: Preparing to Write the Plan—REFLECTION |

|Reflect and prepare to write your PDP goal in Step II. While reflection is a required step in the PDP process, recording your reflection below is optional. |

|As a teacher at the high school level, students and parents expect that you have a clear understanding of the material you are teaching, and can present the |

|information in a way the students will understand, and then be able to apply it in their lives. While I am a confident teacher with it comes to the areas of |

|physical science, biology, and environmental science, I do not yet have that same confidence when it comes to the new forensic science class I am teaching for |

|the first time this year. I can honestly say I have been working very hard at the course, but I am still not satisfied with my current knowledge level, the |

|methods I am using, or the curriculum I have thus far put together.       |

Step II: Writing the Plan—COMPONENTS

A. Description of School and Teaching, Administrative, or Pupil Services Situation

|      The XXX School District is a rural district located about miles XX of Madison, just off highway. During the 2005-2006 school year, the district served |

|1121 students in K-12, with roughly 45% of students living outside of XXX city limits. As of May 2006, there were 173 students receiving free lunch, and 95 |

|receiving reduced lunches. During the 2006-2007 school year there are 161 students in grades pre-kindergarten through grade 12 receiving special education |

|services. |

|The mission of the XXX School District reads, "Students will be academically prepared to make informed life and career decisions as caring and responsible |

|citizens." The district is striving for improvements in academic performance, by means of curriculum development and standardized testing. There has been an|

|initiative to incorporate reading and writing across the curriculum with the aid of MAPS testing. While in the early planning stages at the high school, the |

|elementary and middle school level teachers have adopted the Foundation and Frameworks program. This program emphasizes thinking skills in K-8. Teachers in |

|the district have received training in the Format model. The focus of Format is to recognize the individual's learning style, and then incorporate a variety of|

|instructional strategies into the lessons. |

|The high school has an enrollment of 434 students in grades 9-12, with 96% being of Caucasian descent and 4% minority. Instruction is conducted in a block |

|schedule, with four 92 minutes classes meeting daily. Each one credit course is completed in one semester, as opposed to the traditional 0.5 credit per |

|semester. During the 2006-2007 school year I am teaching biology, environmental science, and forensic science at XXX High School. I am currently in my second |

|year of teaching during which my main focus will be developing the forensic science course, which is new for the 2006-2007 school year. Beside the new forensic|

|course, my assignment has changed in other regards since the 2005-2006 school year. I have moved from 0.83 FTE position to 1.0 FTE. Also, last year I taught |

|separate 0.5 credit land ecology and aquatic ecology courses. For the 2006-2007 school these two classes will be integrated into a 0.5 credit environmental |

|science course. Outside of the classroom, I am also involved with the cross country and track programs as an assistant coach. |

|I am very excited about the classes I teach. However, I feel my overall knowledge of forensic science is weak. At this point, I do not feel I possess all of |

|the necessary skills and information, to continue teaching the class year after year with my present understanding. Over the next two to three years I would |

|like to improve my subject content matter in the area of forensic science in order to better meet the demands of my students. |

Review Checklist for Description of School Situation

Did you include a description of your teaching, pupil services, or administrative position?

Did you include the number of years you have taught, been an administrator, or been in pupil services?

Did you include whether the school is located in an urban, suburban, or rural setting?

Did you include the ethnic, special needs, and socioeconomic makeup of the school population?

Did you include your building goals/mission and/or district goals/mission?

B. Description of Goal to be Addressed

It is recommended that you use this stem: I will… (research, study, learn, apply, etc.) So that… (describe what you want to see happening differently with student learning).

|I will research forensic science so that I can develop an effective forensic science curriculum, so students can understand and apply their knowledge to |

|real-life situations. |

Review Checklist for Description of the Goal

Did you describe how your goal will impact your professional growth?

Did you describe how your professional growth will have an effect on student learning?

C. Rationale for the Goal: Links to Professional Situation and Wisconsin Educator Standards

Based on your reflection, describe the reason for your goal. Describe how your goal is linked to your educational situation, and write out the Wisconsin Educator Standards (two or more) that you will focus on to meet your goal.

|      Over the last year, the science department at XXX High School has made some rather significant changes to the course offerings. We were not satisfied with|

|the separate aquatic and land ecology classes. It was felt the amount of curriculum present was not enough to support two separate 0.5 credit courses. We also|

|felt we wanted a little more variety in the course offerings. The goal was to come up with a class that would spark the interest of students, and yet be |

|practical and applicable. Forensic science is becoming a very popular field, especially with all of the crime scene investigation television programs out |

|there. I very much supported the idea of a forensic science elective course. I felt it would have real world applications and serve as an avenue for students |

|who were not interested in an intense chemistry or physic course. I also liked the fact that forensic science really focuses on observation, deductive |

|reasoning, logic, and critical thinking skills. |

|I am very excited about the course, and so far I am really enjoying teaching it. However, as stated in my self-reflection, I do not feel I am to the point I |

|need to be in order to do the best job I can with the forensic science class. I fully understand that in order to do a good job and feel proud of the |

|curriculum I am developing I need to become more educated in the area of forensic science and also become more comfortable with using technology and |

|instrumentation in a forensic science setting. I feel it is only fair to the students and parents that I take the initiative and find ways to improve my |

|understanding, and also stay current in the rapidly evolving field of forensic science. |

| |

|My goal addresses the Wisconsin teacher standards #1, #4, and #7. |

|#1 - Teachers know the subjects they are teaching |

|#4 - Teachers know how to teach. |

|#7 - Teachers are able to plan different kinds of lessons. |

Review Checklist for Rationale for the Goal

Does the rationale tell how your goal connects to your school, teaching, administrative, or pupil services situation? (Choose the category that applies to your situation)

Did you write out the Wisconsin Educator Standards that you will focus on to meet your goal? (must select two or more)

D. Plan for Assessing and Documenting the Goal

Record the anticipated methods you will use to assess your professional growth and the effect on student learning. It may be helpful to review steps III and IV when writing your assessment plan as they outline what is necessary when documenting your completed plan.

|In order to show growth, I will ask the principal and science colleagues to sit in on my class a couple times periodically, each time it is taught, and then ask|

|that they provide feedback. While the curriculum for forensic science is a work in progress I will submit the outcome goals and sample lessons to the |

|principal, the director of curriculum and instruction, and the head of the science department. I will also require students to provide me with their input |

|regarding the class through survey, focusing on areas they enjoyed, disliked, the areas they found the most interesting, and areas they feel need improvement. |

Review Checklist for Plan for Assessing and Documenting Achievement of the Goal

Did you include in the plan the anticipated methods you will use to assess your professional growth?

Did you include in the plan the anticipated methods you will use to assess the effect on student learning?

E. Plan to Meet the Goal: Objectives, Activities, Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration

Note: Completion dates will be filled in during Step III as each objective/activity is completed.


|To review current forensic science resources and practices in order to gain knowledge and stay up to date.      |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|I will attend a Forensic Science Activity Workshop |February 17, 2007 |With colleagues review workshop |February 17, 2007 |

| | |and discuss what information can | |

| | |be applied | |

|I will read two books related to forensic science each year -|Summer 2007-2009 |Ask members of the field for |August 2009 |

|at this time titles are not known | |recommendations | |

|I will do ride alongs with police detectives |Summer 2007-2009 |Analysis situations and discuss |April 2009 |

| | |ways to apply current techniques | |

| | |to class | |

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|To learn how to conduct forensic science testing procedures (fingerprinting, hand writing analysis, hair, fibers, etc)      |

|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

|I will have a Medical Examiner come in as a guest speaker |2006-2007 School Year and beyond   |Learning methods and procedures |Ongoing |

| | |used to examine corpses and cause| |

| | |of death | |

|I will attend a workshop on the practice of autopsy |February 17, 2007 |Gain information on what a |February 17, 2007 |

| | |autopsy can tell from a forensic | |

| | |science view | |

|I will have an investigator help me learn the proper |Spring 2007 - Spring 2008 |Learn proper crime scene analysis|January 2008 |

|procedure of analyzing a crime scene | |procedures and how to draw a | |

| | |crime scene | |

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|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

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|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

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|Activities |Timeline |Collaboration |Date Completed |

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Review Checklist for Objectives, Activities, Timeline, and Plan for Collaboration

1. Objectives

Did you include objectives that directly address the goal?

Did you include objectives that are observable and verifiable?

2. Description of Activities and Timelines

Did you align your activities with your goal and objectives?

Did you extend the activities through multiple years of the licensure cycle?

Did you state a timeline for completing the activities?

3. Plan for Collaboration

Did you include collaboration with others in your plan?

|Initial educators must submit Step II, A-E, to a PDP Team for Goal Approval. |

Step III: Annual Review of the PDP

Annual reviews are done in years two, three, and four and will be submitted as part of your completed plan in the last year of your licensure cycle.

Return to Step II E and enter completion dates for each activity completed.

Write a reflection in year two summarizing the progress made towards completing your goal.

Indicate, in your reflection, how you grew professionally and/or how your professional growth had an effect on student learning.

Write any revisions to your objectives or activities in the revision area.

Return to this step annually until your PDP is complete and ready to be submitted for verification.

Initial Educators may complete a 3, 4, or 5 year plan. One annual review is required for a three-year plan, two annual reviews are required for a four-year plan, and three annual reviews are required for a five-year plan. If there is a substantial change to your GOAL, you must complete and resubmit section II A-II E to a team for review and approval of the new goal.

Professional Educators must complete a five-year plan with three annual reviews.

|Reflection (Year 2) |Revision (if needed) |

|Date: June 2007 |Date: June 2007 |

|March 2007 |Year Two: |

|The Mysteries of Science in Health Care conference I attended in the middle of February was | |

|excellent. The main guest speaker was Wisconsin native, Lisa Misner. She currently works |I have been unable to do ride alongs with a police detective as of|

|for the New York Office of Chief Medical Examiner. I felt I gained a lot about the field of |yet. One of my activities included doing so between the summer of|

|forensic science, career possibilities, and where forensic science is likely going in the |2007-2009. I have been in contact with a detective, and hope to |

|future. I also attended Lisa's Forensic Science Activity Workshop. This too provided me |begin those in the spring of 2008. |

|with knowledge to take back to the classroom. She had six labs set up. I felt like I was on| |

|the right track with my class, because I have tried most of the labs she presented in some |Additional Activity for teacher standards #4 and #7. I feel that |

|form or manner. She had some great tips though, from possible chemical combination you can |because I am not only trying to develop the curriculum, but also |

|use to make test solutions, to the type of brushes to use for dusting fingerprints, to cheap |increasing my own understanding that I need more collaboration and|

|supplies that work great for many labs. The last workshop I attended that day was on |feedback. During Year Three I will be inviting my principal into|

|autopsies. Again, I found this talk to be educational and beneficial to my classroom. The |the classroom at various times to observe. |

|presenter, Christopher Cold, discussed common questions like, what types of deaths must be | |

|reported to the coroner in Wisconsin? When are autopsies ordered? Who pays for an autopsy? | |

|What are some of the major things to look for when trying to determine the cause of death? | |

|What is the history of autopsies? Through his Power Point presentation he was able to take | |

|the audience through a couple of case studies. His presentation really cleared up some | |

|misconceptions I had about laws regarding autopsies. I will be able to apply the knowledge | |

|gained from this conference to discussions regarding human remains. | |

| | |

|April 2007 | |

|I invited the XXX County Medical Examiner, | |

|Angela H., to speak with my forensic science class. She has to be one of the best presenters| |

|I have ever seen. The kids were enthralled with her presentation. She brought so much real | |

|life application to the table for my students to see. She walked the students through the | |

|common procedure that occurs when she receives a call regarding a deceased individual. She | |

|talked about some of the legal aspects to her career, including the fact that she spends a | |

|fair amount of his time testifying in court. She also brought along various sampling bottles| |

|and other materials common to her work. When she left, I felt like I learned so much myself.| |

|I pleased with the fact I took the initiative to get someone from the field into the | |

|classroom, in order for the students to see the ups and downs of the profession. The | |

|feedback I received from the students was positive. A majority of students commented on | |

|enjoying the opportunity to hear someone from the field apply some of the knowledge they are | |

|gaining from the class. | |

| | |

|May 2007 | |

|I invited a detective from the XXX Police Department to set up a mock crime scene and walk | |

|the students through the processing of a crime scene. It was a great activity in that the | |

|students were prepped, and then with the detective and myself at their side small groups of | |

|students physically got to process the scene. The detective also provided me with some | |

|training after class. I was having a difficult time trying to figure how to present the idea| |

|of drawing a crime scene to scale. She pointed out the importance of reference points, and | |

|told me that drawings typically are not even to scale, but instead rough depictions with | |

|measurements placed right on the sketch. She informed me that typically an exact drawing is | |

|done only in the case of a suspected homicide. At which point, the state crime lab is called| |

|in. Her visit provided me with more knowledge about the profession and accepted practices | |

|within. It provided the students with an opportunity to see the “science” being applied. | |

|After speaking with some of the students, it was obvious they had a different level of | |

|respect for the police department, because they were educated about what they do. | |

| | |

|June 2007 | |

|Changes/growth I have seen in myself over the year: | |

|The focus of the year was to gain as much knowledge about the field as possible. While there| |

|is still so much to learn I feel I have greatly increased my content knowledge in the areas | |

|of: fingerprinting, hair analysis, types of evidence, handwriting analysis, blood spatter | |

|pattern analysis, and processing a crime scene. | |

|I have established a strong support line between the XXX County Medical Examiner, the XXX | |

|Police Department, and myself. I feel these two resources will further help develop my | |

|knowledge, and the overall layout of the class into the future. | |

| | |

|Changes/growth I have seen in my students: | |

|While it is a new class, I feel from start to finish I have seen most students become engaged| |

|in this class. The class provides students with a different way to look and think about | |

|science. Many students have commented they enjoy the class because they can quickly and | |

|easily see the real world application to what they are learning. | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

|Reflection (Year 3) |Revision (if needed) |

|Date: |Date: June 2008 |

|June 2008 | |


|October 2007 |Year Three: |

|While it was not one of my documented activities to do, I met with my principal to discuss | |

|how we both felt the class and the curriculum were coming along. She paged through my |Additional Activity for teacher standards #4 and #7. I feel I |

|binder, and commented on the fact she feels I have a wide variety of balanced activities to |need to concentrate on improving literacy within my forensic |

|satisfy many learning styles. She was pleased to see the class is very structured and |science curriculum for next year. I will develop lectures, |

|expectations are clearly laid out. She complimented me on the amount of time and effort I |activities, and discussions to help students improving their |

|have put into this class in a short amount of time. I was also pleased that she had a couple|science reading skills. |

|of constructive suggestions to work on as I prepare to teach the class next time. She feels | |

|it would be beneficial if I do a little more reflection in order to provide myself with more | |

|reminders for the next time I teach the class, in order to continually improve. She also | |

|feels contacting a more people in the field would be not only beneficial for my own learning,| |

|but also the students. I have asked her to become a more active member of this process over | |

|the next year. She will be making observations per my request. | |

| | |

|May 2008 | |

|I feel I have established a strong support line for this class. The XXX County Medical | |

|Examiner, Angela H., continues to be a valuable resource. She has provided me with resources| |

|that are based on the most recent procedures and technology. She also continues to serve as | |

|a guest speaker at the end of each class. Together, we have worked to create a presentation | |

|that involved the students, and requires them to process, and apply their knowledge to real | |

|life cases. Mike R. from the XXX Police Department has really helped me develop the | |

|processing a crime scene unit. This quarter I was able to take the processing a crime scene | |

|activity one step further, and incorporate photography. | |

| | |

|April 2008 | |

|Terry S., from the XXX Police Department, provided me with the opportunity to ride along with| |

|him while on duty. Terry is in charge of the K-9 for the XXX Police Department. He was able| |

|tell about the K-9 unit/program in XXX County. He, along with the department’s K-9 | |

|demonstrated methods and techniques used when searching for the presence of drugs and missing| |

|persons. XXX was also able to provide me with some insight on proper procedures to be | |

|followed when dispatched, and the importance of documentation. The knowledge I gained from | |

|Terry has allowed me to better answer the questions of students regarding common practices | |

|and procedures at the local level. | |

| | |

|June 2008 | |

|Changes/growth I have seen in myself over the year: | |

|In terms of content, I feel I have become much more competent in the areas of entomology and | |

|the processing of a crime scene. I now feel confident in presenting and applying these two | |

|areas into the curriculum. I have gained this knowledge through reading, crime investigation| |

|resources (i.e. Court TV, NOVA, Nature), and working closely with professionals in the field | |

|of forensic science. | |

|As I review the curriculum I used last year, I have both added and made content changes to | |

|this year’s material. I feel I am presenting a more balanced curriculum that provides a | |

|learning experience for a variety of learning styles. All units now include the following | |

|components: reading/background information, lecture, lab/investigation, and real-life | |

|application | |

|I have provided students with more opportunities to give feedback on discussions, lectures, | |

|and activities. I have been using information constructively to reflect and reshape teaching| |

|methods and content. The goal is to provide a more engaging curriculum that students will | |

|not only learn from, but also enjoy | |

| | |

|Changes/growth I have seen in my students this year: | |

|From the beginning of the course to the end of the course, I see a vast improvement in | |

|student’s observational skills. This has become evident in observation/recalling information| |

|activities, and their writing. It is my hope they will be able to take these skills and | |

|apply them as they move forward in their education or work. | |

|Students show improvements in their ability to ask critical thinking questions. Students are| |

|able to articulate questions that demonstrate a deeper understanding of complex situations, | |

|where solutions may require multiple steps. | |

|Students show improvements in their ability to follow lab procedures, and also develop their | |

|own experiments based on observation and the situation presented to them. | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

|Reflection (Year 4) |Revision (if needed) |

|Date: June 2009 |Date:       |

| |      |

|June 2009 | |

|The changes/growth I have seen in myself over the last year: | |

|Over the last year, I feel I have enhanced the forensic science curriculum to reflect my | |

|greater understanding of the field. I have made improvements in the areas of entomology, | |

|processing a crime scene, and the human remains unit. | |

|During this year, I was able to introduce DNA electrophoresis into the class. This lab | |

|activity has allowed me to present students with a real world application experience. | |

|I have been able to take activities of previous years, and expand upon them, giving students | |

|an extension or opportunity for application. | |

|I have taken into account the importance of improving/emphasizing literacy within the class. | |

|I have worked to find interesting, informative readings that are written at a level student | |

|can understand, but yet serve to provide them with a learning experience. During this school| |

|year, more time has been spent going through readings together, and discussing them as we go.| |

|I feel this has been valuable to the students and myself. In this setting, they have been | |

|more open to ask questions as we go then to try and bring them up later. In many cases, | |

|their questions have required me to look deeper into an area. | |

|I provided parents with a forensic science survey. I asked parents | |

| | |

|Changes/growth I have seen in my students: | |

|From the beginning to the course to the end, I continue to see improvements in student’s | |

|observational skills. This is evident in their lab write ups. | |

|The DNA electrophoresis was an important addition, because it incorporated real life | |

|application of the field, and provided students with an activity that tested their ability to| |

|conduct an experiment, and process data in order to give a logical explanation for their | |

|findings. | |

|When students were asked what skills they felt they gained from the course. Common responses| |

|included improved observation, the ability to ask relevant questions, ability to write in a | |

|detailed manner. | |

| | |

Review Checklist for Annual Review

Did you include in your reflection how you grew professionally and/or how your professional growth had an effect on student learning?

Did you include any revisions to your objectives or activities?

Did you fill in completion dates for activities? (refer to Step II E of your plan)

Step IV: Documentation of Completion of the PDP

Your PDP must include 3-5 pieces of evidence that document professional growth and the effect on student learning. Number and label each piece of evidence (i.e., 1. Student test score analysis). You may use a single piece of evidence that focuses solely on professional growth or the effect on student learning as long as your completed plan includes both types of documented evidence. When attaching evidence, please include the number and label entered below.

A. Evidence of Professional Growth and the Impact of Professional Growth on Student Learning

▪ Number and label each piece of evidence.

▪ Indicate whether each piece of evidence documents professional growth, the effect on student learning, or both.

▪ Describe each piece of evidence identifying what is documented and the relationship of the evidence to the goal.

|1. Supervisor Comments – Comments focused on growth/changes in my forensic science content knowledge from the perspective of my supervisor (principal). The |

|evidence also focuses on changes/growth she has seen in my students through her observations. This evidence supports professional growth and competency of |

|Wisconsin State Standards #1, #4, and #7. |

|2. Letter from XXX County Medical Examiner – Documents collaboration between myself and the XXX County Medical Examiner. This piece of evidence documents my |

|professional growth and changes/growth she has seen students from 2007 to present. The evidence supports professional growth and competency of Wisconsin State |

|Standards #1, #4, and #7 |

|3. Samples of student work – These samples focus on professional growth and student growth, demonstrating I have developed a curriculum that engages students in|

|a variety of different learning activities. The evidence supports competency of Wisconsin State Standard #7. |

|4. Student and Parent Feedback – The surveys provided to parents and students, along with a summary of the comments and suggestions obtained from students and |

|parents discussing knowledge and skills gained from taking forensic science. The evidence supports professional growth and competency of Wisconsin State |

|Standards #1, #4, and #7. |

| |

Review Checklist for Evidence of Completion of Your Plan

Did you provide three to five pieces of evidence?

Did you describe how your evidence documents your professional growth?

Did you describe how your evidence documents the effect on student learning?

B. Reflection and Summary

▪ Describe how you grew professionally in the Wisconsin Educator Standards identified in your PDP.

▪ Describe in detail the effect of your professional growth on student learning.

▪ Describe how you collaborated with others while working on your PDP.

|I started my professional development plan with the realization that I needed to greatly increase my content knowledge in the field of forensic science. Prior |

|to the development of this curriculum I had no formal education in the area of forensic science, other than basic knowledge of biological substances like DNA. |

|I, however, began developing an interest in the field a few years prior with the introduction of forensic science to mainstream America through media and |

|television. At that time, I realized the educational potential of this area because it was mainstream and interesting to students. I knew it would be an area |

|of science that would be hands-on, and students would be able to see the real-life applications of the field immediately. |

|I found the professional development activities that were a part of my professional development plan to be very helpful in increasing my overall knowledge level|

|along with developing a sound, progressive curriculum. Throughout this licensure cycle I have found there is a wealth of information available in the area of |

|forensic science, however, it is also an ever changing and advancing field. This makes constant reflection and learning a necessity to someone working or |

|teaching in the field. The activities not only provided me with an opportunity to increase my own content knowledge of the material, but more importantly |

|helped to create connections between school and real life applications. |

|My students have shown growth in their observational skills, and their ability to articulate in a detailed and objective manner through speech and writing. |

|This has been apparent to me through an in class activity which requires students to analyze a photograph of a crime scene and hypothesize on the events that |

|transpired. Early in the course these analysis and observations were largely superficial and subjective lacking a scientific approach. By the end of the |

|course students are able to provide a probable explanation based scientific evidence and objective observations. Parents and students, upon evaluation of the |

|course, most commonly comment on growth of observational and critical thinking skills. I also see an improvement in students’ ability to follow procedures and |

|carry out a guided experiment, in order to obtain accurate and reliable results. For example, in the beginning many students do not recognize how taking poor |

|measurements or failure to follow a given procedure will impact results and give poor data. |

|I feel collaboration was an integral piece to my plan. The XXX County Medical Examiner along with the XXX Police Department helped me increase my content |

|knowledge and develop a curriculum based on real life applications of the field. Establishing a strong line of communication and support with these forensic |

|science professions has allowed me to keep current on information and practices as they evolve and change in the field. I feel this has kept me more up to date|

|and in touch with the subject of forensic science rather than solely relying on non-interactive textbook and journal materials. Collaboration with my |

|supervisor and science colleagues has provided me with support and guidance which has allowed me to develop this curriculum over the last four years. They have|

|served as a sounding board for new activities and methods. My supervisor has continually stressed the importance of reflection and development and has given me|

|the latitude to further the course in a self directed manner. |

|I feel I have accomplished the goals I set out to achieve at the beginning of this plan. While there are always advancements in science related fields, I feel |

|I have grown tremendously in Wisconsin State Standards #1, #4, and #7. I am now confident in my content knowledge of the area, and my ability to present the |

|material to my students in an engaging manner through a number of different forms and methods. |

Review Checklist for Summary and Reflection Statement

Did you describe how you grew professionally in the Wisconsin Educator standards identified in your plan?

Did you describe the effect of your professional growth on student learning?

Did you describe how you collaborated with others?

C. Submitting the Completed PDP for Plan Verification

|Submit your completed PDP including your 3-5 pieces of labeled evidence to a PDP Team no later than January 15 of the final year of the plan. If you are an |

|Initial Educator, include a copy of your signed Goal Approval Signature Form(s). |


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