
DateTextStoryWhy Jesus?January 6Matthew 2:1-23The Magi visit the infant Jesus; flight into Egypt, massacre of the innocents, the return to NazarethWhy does God go to great lengths to save this one baby? The truth of Jesus' story has a difficult beginning, but throughout his life Jesus will enter right into the difficulties of humanity again and again. What is your story? Has there been crisis, difficulty, an unexpected invitation, an unmerited forgiveness? Who went to great lengths to bring you here today??Why Jesus? Because Jesus is...January 13Matthew 3:1-17John the Baptist , Jesus is baptized to fulfill allrighteousnessJohn proclaims the kingdom of heaven has come near. What is the kingdom of heaven? It is God at work in human affairs. God entering into relationship with humanity. Here, as a parent to a beloved child.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus is relationship.January 20Matthew 4:1-17Jesus tempted in the wildernessJesus is tempted by the devil, enduring 40 days of this trial, angst and conflict. In the end he trusts in God, not the allure of the devil's promises, giving hope to people enduring darkness every day.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus is light.January 27Matthew 5:1-20Beatitudes, salt of the earth, let your light shineIn this familiar piece of poetry, Jesus promises God's favor to the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and those who are persecuted. We can each find ourselves in this list somewhere.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus is blessing.February 3Matthew 6:7-21Lord’s prayer, treasure in heavenWhere your treasure is, there your heart will be. Jesus teaches us to pray from the heart with an authentic voice. Don't try to impress or outdo, but pray with honesty and humility. In other words, the real you.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus knows your heart.February 10Matthew 7:1-14, 24-29Speck in the eye, narrow gate, wise man builds house on rockIts a lofty expectation for Jesus to say don't judge, because humans judge. Jesus sets high expectations for his followers to live an exemplary faith. Jesus also knows that we're going to fail. In the midst of these expectations sits grace, Jesus says ask, seek, knock.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus loves both saint and sinner.February 17Matt 13:24-43Parable of wheat and weedsBoth good and evil reside in every human heart. In the parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus says "let them both grow together." At harvest, we keep what is good and throw out the rest. We hear two more parables about the growth that is possible through just a small seed of faith.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus sees the possibilities.February 24Matthew 14:13-33Feeding the 5,000, walking on the seaIn a familiar story Jesus feeds a crowd of hungry people. Then, in a moment of crisis, Jesus is there again. Peter is afraid and Jesus offers his hand to rescue.?Why Jesus? Because Jesus is trustworthyMarch 3Matthew 16:24--17:8Passion prediction, bearing the cross, TransfigurationJesus gives a difficult assignment, take up your cross, lose your life. Who wants to be a loser? Then, Jesus gives these disciples a glimpse of glory and a change of heart. On the mountain they hear an echo of God claiming Jesus as the beloved son. Can you be both a loser and a beloved child of God??Why Jesus? Because Jesus is love.? ................

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