

Partner quiz



1. In the beginning of Act III, Banquo, in his soliloquy, suggests:

a. He hopes his sons may be kings.

b. He has proof that Macbeth killed Duncan.

c. Malcolm and Donalbain killed the king.

d. Lady Macbeth is the evil force behind the plot.

2. Which of the following is NOT a piece of information which Macbeth gains from his interaction with Banquo:

a. Banquo will be riding for the afternoon.

b. Banquo will be hosting a banquet.

c. Fleance will be with Banquo.

d. Banquo will be back some time after dark.

3. Macbeth manipulates the two murderers by:

a. Asking if they are men.

b. Blaming Banquo for their troubles.

c. Paying them a healthy sum.

d. Threatening them.

e. Both a and d.

f. Both a and b.

4. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth reveal that they feel:

a. That the witches have tricked them.

b. That the killing has been worth it.

c. That they think they have gained nothing.

d. That they are wary of Banquo.

5. Scene three in which Banquo is killed is curious because:

a. It takes place outside the castle

b. There are 3 murderers not 2.

c. Fleance escaped.

d. Macbeth is there hiding in the dark.

6. During the banquet, the first murderer reports on the result of their attack. Macbeth responds with

a. Praise for the murderer.

b. Upset for the escape of Fleance.

c. Regret for the death of Banquo.

d. Anger for their incompetence.

e. Both c and d.

f. Both a and b.

7. Whose arrival sparks Macbeth’s strange ranting?

a. Fleance

b. The murderer

c. Banquo’s ghost

d. Lady Macbeth

8. Lady Macbeth tries to cover up Macbeth’s strange behavior by:

a. Fainting.

b. Claiming he is drunk.

c. Claiming he has a childhood illness.

d. Changing the subject of conversation.

9. Lady Macbeth must change her tactics when:

a. The murderer comes to the door.

b. Banquo’s ghost is made visible to the guests.

c. Ross asks,” What sights my Lord?”

d. Macbeth confesses his murder of the guards.

10. Lady Macbeth’s final solution during the banquet is to:

a. Tell the guests to play along with Macbeth’s questions.

b. Take Macbeth aside and give him a stern talking to.

c. Faint

d. Send the guests home.

11. Directly after the banquet, Macbeth decides to:

a. Go to the witches to find out the worst.

b. Kill any dinner guest so they can’t tell his secret.

c. Kill Macduff’s family.

d. Find Fleance to kill him.

12. Hecate is angry because:

a. Macbeth killed a good king.

b. Her wicked sisters did not include her.

c. They have gained nothing by their tricks.

d. Macbeth is too overconfident.

e. Both a and c

f. Both b and d.

g. Both b and c.

13. Hecate claims she will make a spell to make Macbeth feel:

a. Immortal

b. Guilty

c. Overly confident

d. Overly masculine.

B. True or False – CLEARLY indicate with a T or F.

_____ In Act III the Macbeths are content as monarchs.

_____ Banquo is suspicious that Macbeth may have committed a crime to become king.

_____ Lady Macbeth is aware of the plot on Banquo’s life.

_____ All of the guests at the banquet see Banquo’s ghost.

_____ The witches are afraid of Hecate.

5 marks

C. Multiple choice ACT IV

1. Lady Macduff and her son exchange witty remarks. This is an example of:

a. Foreshadowing.

b. Comic relief

c. Pathetic Fallacy.

d. Slapstick humour.

2. Malcolm’s reception of Macduff can best be seen as:

a. Rude and cruel

b. Civil but cautious

c. Angry and vengeful

d. Melodramatic and comical.

3. Malcolm tested Macduff’s motives by:

a. Challenging him to a duel.

b. Accusing him of being a traitor to Macbeth.

c. Claiming he was full of vices such as greed and lust.

d. Claiming he would make a better king and get revenge.

4. Ross arrived in England to:

a. Escape Macbeth’s tyranny.

b. Trick Malcolm into returning.

c. Bring Macduff news of his family’ fate.

d. Raise an Irish army.

5. Which of the following was not one of Macduff’s reactions to Ross’s news?

a. Grief

b. Guilt

c. Disbelief.

d. Humiliation

6. “He has no children,” most likely refers to:

a. Duncan since his sons ran away.

b. Macbeth since he is literally childless.

c. Malcolm since he can’t feel Macduff’s pain.

d. Banquo since Fleance is nowhere to be found.

e. Both a and c

f. Both b and c.

7. As Act IV ends,

a. Macduff and Malcolm plan to march back to Scotland.

b. Macbeth is planning an invasion of England.

c. Norway is planning a new war.

d. Lady Macbeth is planning how to find Macduff.

D. . The Second Set of Prophecies - Fill in the blanks below with the 4 visions the witches show Macbeth, what each vision says, and Macbeth’s reaction to each.

1. Vision __________________________________

This vision says _________________________________________________

Macbeth’s response__________________________________________________


2. Vision __________________________________

This vision says _________________________________________________

Macbeth’s response__________________________________________________


3. Vision __________________________________

This vision says _________________________________________________

Macbeth’s response__________________________________________________


4. Vision __________________________________

This vision says _________________________________________________

Macbeth’s response__________________________________________________

12 marks

BONUS: The cartoon below refers to Act II as Macbeth is about to kill Duncan. Can you suggest any other scene where the actors might be replaced by Ninjas and still not change the outcome of the scene? Explain which character(s) in which scene and why.



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