
PRAYER BOOK 2016:The renunciation prayers are to create Holy Ground. So that only He can speak to the people. And that all our prayers will be answered from that place. To create a premises where satan can not interfere. Where each and everybody can hear the Spirit, 2Cron 7:13-15. African Blessings………………………... 31. African / Xhoi renunciation prayer:…….8 Anoint the premise/ Sanctify………….. 122. Anti-Semitism renunciation prayer:… 133. Babylonian roots prayer:………………16 Baptism prayer:……………………… 21 Battle Prayer……………………………22 4. Brother Hood renunciation prayer:….. 275. Colonialism prayer:…………………….31 Cover prayer:………………………. ….34 Daily Prayer…………………………….36 Darkness Prayer…………………… …..37 Decree: (Sinners prayer)…… …. …….406. Doctrine Prayer:………………………..417. Druid roots renunciation prayer:…….. 468. Egyptian roots renunciation prayer: ….49 Forgiveness prayer:……………………..519. Freemasonry renunciation prayer: ….52 Gates anointing prayer:……………. … 5710. German roots …………………..: ……..58 Healing Prayer………………………. …63 Holy Ground……………………… .. ... 64 Inner healing prayer:……………… .... 65 Intersession prayer:……………….…... 67 Intersession for someone……………... 69 11. Indian Shammanism………………… 7112. Islam ……………………:……………...7313. Jezebel …………………….……………75 Leaders …………………………………79 Mother love prayer:…………………. 83 Nations prayer:………………………. 85 Negative / bad fruits prayer;…………. 8814. New Age ……………………..-……... 9115. Old & New Apostolic prayer:……… 9416. Osse Wa Brandwag……………… .. 9617. Paganism ………………………. …… 97 Pappa Love……………………………104 Red Indian ……………………..:…… 10618. Roman Catholism:…………………... 108 19. Satanism: …………………………… 113 Shofar………………………………... 12120. Sin List………………………………...12221. Slavery ……………………..:………...129 Spiritual leaders:……………………...133 Souls prayer:………………………… 137 Souls petition prayer:…………………138 Spirtual Restration……………………142 Total surrender prayer:………………14522. Voodooism ……………………..…….. 14923. Voortrekker Monument …………... .152 Watchmen -1……………………...… 156 Watchmen-2…………………………. 160 Watchmen -3………………………… 164 Watchmen - 4……………...: ……... 168 Watchmen – New Season: ………… 17224. Word Commands 1:………………... 18224. Word Commands 2: ……………… 18824. Word Commands 3: ………………. 192 25. World order- Babylonian: …………. 201 Discipleship Manuel…………………. 206Remember this is not a study of the occult but prayers of repentance of sin. So if you do not understand a word, do not agree with me, do not understand how this can be possible or if a ritual mentioned seems strange to you, it is fine. The less you know about the occult, the better as long as you agree with Father that sin is sin. Rev 2:24, Do not study the occult or the depths of satan. (If you aren’t from South Africa, please just apply it to your country because satan does not have new plans, he operates the same everywhere just the make up changes but essentially the goodies remain the same). Please do these prayers for self, family, the Bride, Israel and nation. If you or your nation or ethnic group have not committed these sins, it would be even better if innocent people could intercede for these sins because that was exactly what Christ Jesus did for us, Lev 16:33 & Jam 5:16.Please pray this at the beginning of each Renunciation Prayer: Abba Father I come before Your Throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus. I repent of all my sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to gown me in Your righteousness. I submit to Your Spirit and ask You to come and speak through me and blow life into my words. I associate with the sins of my ancestors, my nation and Christianity and admit that we are all equally sinful before you. We are all saved by grace and through nothing that we have done or deserved. Therefore I bring our sins before You and ask You to forgive us and cancel every curse over me and my descendants, our nation and the Bride due to these sins, as I admit to them today. Please turn every curse into a blessing and give back seven times what Satan stole from us.Please pray this at the end of each Renunciation Prayer: Please send your angels to go and arrest every demon involved in keeping these curses and bondages in place over our lives, that we have repent of here today. Please remove every bondage, blindfold, trap, helper and instrument of satan and send them to the place that You have prepared for them. Bind the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places so that they can’t return at Your feet and make a foot stool for Christ of them. Place Your Name and Your Blood between them and us. Fill those areas where You have delivered us with Your Spirit, cover it in Your Blood and destroy all evidence against us, by Your all consuming Fire. (Eph 6:12) We curse every curse, bondage, fruit of darkness, work of darkness, bind these demons and ask You to rebuke them. Order the demons to flee from us in seven ways and never to return. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, In Christ Jesus‘ Name, Amen!AFRICAN BLESSINGS FOR ALL BELIEVERS: Father we come before Your Throne in Christ Jesus’ Name, submit to Your Spirit and repent of all our sins through words, deeds and thoughts. Gown us in Your Righteousness and speak through us, by the Power of Your Spirit, as we bring all Your children before You today and bless them, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father we come corporately before You to bless our fellow believers, we agree in unity, we pray in Christ Jesus’ Name and we belief that You will bless them and give us revival! In the Name of Christ Jesus, we bless you that you will not give up, but stand in faith, like a man and be bold! Every place you step on, we claim for the Kingdom of Christ Jesus! You are going to pursue and you are going to win, in Christ Jesus’ Name. The blessings of God is going to come upon your life. This is a new season that is on your lives. The blessing of God is going to touch you. In the Name of Christ Jesus, we command every weakness to be bound. We command every memory of failure to be erased. In the Name of Christ Jesus, you will not move in a cycle of failure. Father we ask You to break the cycle of failure over our lives, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We bless You with action. In the Name of Christ Jesus you are going to move and be successful. The Power of God is touching you! Heaven is touching you, and the anointing of God is coming upon you. In the Name of Christ Jesus, we stand in front of God, the Sheppard of your sole. We bless you with the blessings of the heavens above and the fruitfulness of the earth. The Lord that has brought you thus far, will see to the fulfilment of His calling in your life. We bring your life and your family under the covering of the Blood of Jesus and petition for a seize fire in your life. In the Name of Christ Jesus, we cancel every plan and every manoeuvre that satan has in your life, bind it and speak death over it and ask You Father to curse it. We decree that it will be well with you, you will win and it will be well with your soul and everything you touch. We command chaos and darkness to leave your life, in Christ Jesus’ Name. In the Name of Christ Jesus, we speak light and Life into your life, family, and into your finances! May Father order your steps with wisdom. We declare protection on your road. We declare life to everything you touch. May Father cause your health to prosper. We ask Father to break every generational curse over your life, your family and your future. In the Name of Christ Jesus, we release healing into your cause, your life and into your blood! Be healed in your marrows, organs, and in your body, be made strong, be healed right now. By His stripes you are healed. In the Name of Jesus, we bless your home, your family, your marriage, your house hold , your bread , your water and we curse the spirit of barrenness in every area of your life it may try to bear fruit. We command fruitfulness into your life. Receive the fruit of your womb. There will be sounds of laughter in your house. Your walls will be brushed with love, joy and prosperity, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We speak protection over your seed, we come against miscarriages and abortions and unsuccessfulness! May Father set the lonely into families. We declare promotion in every area of your life. We bind and ask Father to break you free from the spirit of stagnation. You will be raised and your life be put in order. We decree access for you, we command doors to open for you and that you will be the head and not the tail. You will possess the gates of your enemies. The gates of Kings, the gates of prison will be open to you so that you will be free, the gates of nations, and the gates of continents will be open to you, in the Name of Christ Jesus! We declare a season of turnaround and abundance for you. What the enemies has stolen from you shall be restored to you a thousand fold! You will enter a season of thousand fold. A season of abundance in every area of your life. Our Father will turn your shame into Glory! Your failure into success! He will wipe your tears and gown you with joy and laughter. May Father multiply and increase you! May He do a thousand times more, a thousand times sweeter, and a thousand times more glorious, may your end be sweet. You shall flourish and be a blessing to the nations, and your dead dreams will come alive, your wells will overflow with Living Water! May the Spirit make you a well watered garden, your story shall be beautiful and your song shall be glorious, and the Spirit of Christ shall go before you, He will fight for you, He will give you victory, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We bless you with the blessing of those who went before us, your sacrifice shall find favour with God. You will be delivered from calamities! Your seed shall become Great in the land! You will bear fruit in your old age! Were you sow in the land of farming , you will reap a hundredfold! Your name will be changed to a Godly name, and to you the wealth of the wicked shall be given. You will come out of the pits and prison and sit on your throne as a leader. Father will give you a second chance! The Spirit will lead you through the red sea! He will feed you in the wilderness! You will bring down Goliaths and Father will prepare the table before you in the presence of your enemies! Father will answer your prayers with fire! Father will shut the mouths of every lion in your life or who ever come against you! You will be highly favoured and produce blessings to the nations . We bless you with Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, and Life in abundance, to turn water into wine, make the blind eyes see, cripple to walk, deaf to speak, to cast out demons, still storms, to walk on water, to multiply the bread, to raise the dead, with His Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Wisdom, Grace, Love, Might, Power, and Glory, upon you, in Christ Jesus’ Name! May your days on earth be like days in Paradise! May Father, Christ Jesus and the Spirit, bless you and keep you! May They make Their Face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May They lift up Their countenance upon you and gives you peace. May They establishes you as a people onto Themselves, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Go from this place with confidence and assurance! In Christ Jesus, you are more than conquerors. Father, Bless Your children with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Bless them with Your perfect plans for their lives. Open the floodgates of Heaven with all Your blessings from above in Heaven and on the earth! We lift them up to You and ask You to put them on Your Lap and to hold them to Your Chest. To reveal Your Agape Love to them. Heal them, restore them, nourish them, equip them and overwhelm them with the presence of Your Spirit! Fill up the hollows in their lives, remove the hills and the mountains, straighten the roads and cut their corners, provide in all their needs. Give them strength, visions, revelations, joy, peace and prosperity. ?Bless them that all Your promises will be Yes and Amen in their lives. May Your Spirit strengthen their bodies, souls and spirits to walk in faith, with expectations on what You are going to do next. May Your angels carry them on their hands and protect them. Grant them supernatural power to keep their eyes from the worldly things, the worthless, the harmful, the negative and the evil things around us and to see the beautiful, wonderful things that You are planning for us. We bless them to be History makers in the revival of Your Bride and the building of Your Temple. That their ears will only hear the beautiful, the positive and the uplifting and be closed for the negative and the destructive. That their feet will walk on the High Way of Righteousness, where only the redeemed will walk. That they will have helping hands, comforting hands, healing hands and blessing hands. That they will stay humble all their lives with the discernment to see others’ needs and weaknesses and that they will have forgiving hearts, to be open to what You are doing in other peoples’ lives!We bless them to learn every lesson that You want to teach them in every situation. That they may be disciplined, balanced, stable, mature and steadfast in their faith. May their houses be Havens of rest, peace, equipping and of renewing. May sounds of joy, laughter and happiness brush their walls, where unconditional love for one another will be at the order of the day. May You cover them in Your Blood, encamp them by Your spirits so that satan can not steal from them anymore. Strengthen them to the point where they will be able to stand against the enemy, his deceptions and his traps so that satan will flee from them on seven ways, Jam 4:7. May You strike the enemy with blindness, deafness and dumbness, bring confusion in the enemy’s camp and give Your Children the victory. Give them dreams, visions, revelations, Scriptures and lead them into Your perfect plans for their lives! May prosperity, Joy, Love, health and Your Grace be with them all the days of their long life while they live in Your House. ?May You provide for them in all their needs and may Your Face shine upon them. May their houses be filled with riches, the gold and the silver is Yours. Thank You that the unrighteous will gather for them. That You will take their right hand to remove nations before them while You open doors before them, and gates will not be locked on their ways. That You will break copper doors and open iron doors before them and give them the riches that are hidden in darkness. That the riches of the nations will now flow to the righteous. That they will get a double portion of these riches of the nations. That they will receive the land of the unrighteous. That you will make them strong and give them the authority to manage and dedicate the riches of the unrighteous on behalf of Your Kingdom. Father bless, equip, discipline, renew, form and transform them to do Your will. Make them obedient, willing to do what You have built in to them. Anoint them with the gifts of the Spirit to will and to do what is pleasing in Your sight. Use them powerfully to Your Honour and Glory, to open the eyes of the blind, to set the captives free, to preach the Good News, and to proclaim the Year of Your Favour! May You pour out Your Spirit upon them and their decedents. Anoint them with the Spirit of Revival! Let Your Fire fall upon them! Protect, encourage, nourish, comfort and take them by their hands and lead them step by step in Your plans for their lives. Be with them in persecution, be their judge in disputes with the neighbours, answer their prayers in need, have mercy on them in times of drought, save them and their harvest from pests and mishaps, give them the victory in the battle and forgive them their sins. Wash them whiter than snow! Bless them in their town, in the veldt, in the fruit of their bodies, their land, the offspring of their flock, their cattle, in their basket, their kneading bowl, when they come in and when they go out, that their enemy will be defeated and flee from them in seven ways. Command the blessings on their storehouses and in all they put their hands to, in Christ Jesus’ Name. ?Establish them as Anointed People to You, Let all the people of the earth see that they are called by Your Name and fear them. Grant them plenty of goods in the fruit of their bodies, their increase, and the produce of their land. Open to them Your good treasure in Heaven and give unto them their rain in season. Bless all the work of their hands that they will lend to many nations but shall not borrow. Make them the head and not the tail that they will be above and not beneath! Deut 28:3-13.Bless them that there will be no one of the diseases of Egypt in their midst. Send bees among their enemies to bring confusion in the enemy’s camp and give them the victory. Blessed are those who bless you and cursed are those who curse you. May You release them from all oppression and redeem them from all evil. Bless them with the Spirit of wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship to design artistic works and to be creative in what they do, to cut, create and design! Bless them with knowledge and skills in literature, wisdom and understanding in all visions and dreams, with Your Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and Fear of You! May You bless them and keep them, make Your Face to shine upon them and be gracious upon them, lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace. We declare Your Name over them! Father bless you and keep you. He make His Face shine upon you and be gracious to you. He lifts up His countenance upon you and give you peace. He bless you that you will live and prosper in every area of your lives. Hear their prayers Father, and bring them into Your Body. Give them the strength and let the work of their hands be pleasing in Your sight, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Give them favour with You and all men. Bless them indeed and enlarge their territory that Your Hand will be with them and that You will keep them from evil that they may not cause pain! Blessed is the Father Who has given you rest and not one Scripture of all the good promises that He has promised will not be fulfilled in your lives. Father please be with them and do not reject them where ever they may go. Keep the words of this prayer day and night before You for Your Children, so that You may grant them favour and the world may know that You are our God, the Almighty! May their words be acceptable to You . May Your Name protect them. May You hear their calls in an emergency. May You grant the desires of their hearts and Renew their spirits. We bless them, that You the Father, the Creator of Glory, may give to them the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of You, that the eyes of their minds and understanding be enlightened. That they may know what the hope of Your calling is, and what the riches of the glory of Your inheritance is in us, and what the exceeding greatness of Your Power is towards us who belief according to the working of Your Mighty Power which You worked in Christ, when You raised Him from the dead. That Peace, Righteousness, Salvation, Faith, Love, Patience and Gentleness may be upon them, in Christ Jesus’ Name! May You make them complete in every good work to do Your will, working in them what is well pleasing in Your sight. That they may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom, and spiritual understanding. That they may walk worthy of You, fully pleasing You, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of Christ, Strengthened with all might, according to Your Glorious Power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. ?May Father perfectly establish, strengthen and settle you, Bless you with Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Self control, Perseverance, Godliness, Brotherly kindness and Love, That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you may be able to comprehend and know the love of Christ. That you may be filled with all His fullness. That you will do greater things than Christ. That every testimony of darkness against you will be cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, that every curse will be turned into a blessing, and that Father will give back to you seven times what Satan has stolen. That every stronghold, obstacle, bondage, yoke, cage or maize over you will be broken to pieces and be removed by His angels. That every wedge of disunity be removed, that all broken relationship will be restored, and that Father will tie you together with a triple ribbon of His Agape Love which will last forever.That He will raise your marriages to be the prophetic actions to the world in order that they may see how much Christ Loves His Bride! We bless you that you will increase in wisdom, insight and grow in your relationship with Father and all people. May Father supply in all your needs according to His riches in Glory through Christ. That He may gird your waist with the truth, Put onto you the breast plate of righteousness, Shod your feet with the preparation of the Good News of Peace, Give you the shield of faith, The helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, Grant that you will always pray in the Spirit, Be watchful till the end with all perseverance and supplication for the saints, That you may open your mouths boldly to make known the mysteries of the Good News! Father cover every word of this prayer in Your Blood, encamp it by Your serving spirits and send them to let it manifest in Your Children’s lives. For it is written, Your Word will do what You have sent it for. Thank You that we can agree on that and pray. And what we ask in Your Name, You will grant us. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen?1. African roots or Xhoi roots prayer:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the African Roots on our hands. We have created a whole new nation by mixing European blood with African blood and admit that we stand guilty of these iniquities of lust, illegitimate children, sex outside marriage and wedlock. We repent of all the children that were born out of wedlock, of adultery and unnatural sex.? Homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, bestiality, rape, abortions, idol worship, water witching, rituals around water spirits, mountain spirits, rain spirits, love witchcraft, magic instruments, magic-potions, herbs smoked, meat that was slaughtered by witchdoctors, the rituals involved, all sacrifices of the sick and of babies at water points, on mountains where rock art was done to worship demons, fertility rituals, animals sacrificed to demons, idol worship at fires. The medicine and muti from witchdoctors, the drinking of urine and the eating of the excretion of a rock rabbit with the rope around the body to abort a foetus, the rituals at birth to introduce the babies to the water spirits and rain, the occult fires, altars and the ritual of sacrificing umbilical cords to satan, false prophesies at births with the hood and the cursing of twins. Please forgive us, cut the soul ties and silence this innocent blood calling against us. ?The puberty rituals, the initiations and all the innocent bloodshed that is still causing innocent people to die today, all curses of fertility, the loneliness, isolation, wanderlust and damage to the soul, the ritual to eat the intestines of an animal, to drink blood, to eat any raw meat, cannibalism, mutations, tattoos, including lizards, salamanders, spiders, snakes, tattoos on the spinal cord, the transmission rituals, to inject the initiated with a mixture of sweat and filth from the body of the witchdoctor and the incisions all over our own bodies or those of our ancestors. Father forgive us for these iniquities and wash us clean, please deliver us from all demons involved and remove all filth from our bodies. ?Cancel the power of any substance or poison on us and turn the effect of this into a blessing. Cut all roots and ties with animal spirits, territorial spirits, water spirits, fertility spirits, sangomas, witchdoctors, our ancestors, any connections with domestic animals, the powers of water, the earth, the air, fire, smoke, and animals over us. The ritual of rubbing bodies with fat and blood of animals, wearing animal skins and intestines, all false religions and believes of death, myths about the dead and tokoloshe, the spirits of the fathers that are demons, ancestral worship, worshipping the moon spirit, the spirit of death, magic powers, magic words and hymns, all rituals during funerals, the starvation of the old and weak, the worship of the dead, all rituals and worshipping of the moon, heroes, forces of nature, creator demons, the first father, the demon of the dark, the crocodile, the demon of life, the elk, the serpent, hippo, elephant, birds, wild boar, the lion, the sun god and his sun medicine, the rainmaker and all lucky charms to shun off evil. ?The throwing of water and salt to keep demons away and all other superstitions that exclude the Name of Messiah and His Blood that protects us. We break all oaths sworn to over our lives, property, marriages, careers, fertility, finances, relationships, future or any thing to do with us and we declare a divorce with all African demons, demons of witchcraft, divination, soothsaying, ancestral worship, voodooism, shamanism and water spirits.Break all curses due to any rituals with animals, fire, dances, fat, blood, milk, rain, hunting, war, the moon, stars, sun or anything not mentioned as part of the sins of Africa. Please cleanse us of these iniquities and silence all the blood at any altar, high place and ungodly ritual or where graves were placed on strategic lines to make power points with human sacrifices. Please cleanse our continent and us Father. We renounce all voodoo and transference of energy in psychic circles, render powerless every water spirit used for healing, all occult powers, spells cast and witchcraft, magical or occult hypnosis, mind science, remote control, sorcery, astral projection and soul travelling by using pyramid powers, mind control or mind manipulation, amulets and charms, power crystals and religious medals, all submissions to traditional rituals and participation in them, every right that we have given to an idol priest or a demon over us. ?We renounce all sinful occult practices, idolatry, seeking of knowledge, healing, comfort, identity, double anointing or power from any occult, psychic or secret source. We repent of any submission to the false prophets, witchcraft, control and manipulation over us. We renounce submitting to any demonic apostolic anointing or demonic priesthood, worshipping at demonic altars, mixed altars and becoming part of any mixed altar of the antichrist and his idol priests. We renounce the cross with the figure of a human on it in these idol temples with the occult meaning that they keep our Messiah on the cross and that He is dead. With this goes the enrichment of these people. We renounce the prosperity image. The expensive cars, pulpits and jewellery they wear. The manipulation of people to give towards their ministry and the demonic communion rituals they perform. All the false healings, signs, wonders, water rituals of healing, and witchcraft to deceive.?We renounce submitting to a universal godhead and New Age thought patterns. The One World Order’s and Rome’s charismatic arm. We reject any false spirit of Jesus as a spirit guide, all wisdom and guidance from any false Christ spirit, the slogan Emmanuel meaning “my god is a universal god” and every religious spirit that we have allowed to oppose the Kingdom of Father, Is 7:14. We renounce all bewitchment that derives from all the demonic pictures, scriptures, rituals and slogans that originated from Catholicism, Islam and the Illuminati. We reject the spirit of the antichrist over us and over the continent. We renounce all false communion where wine is supposed to be changed into the Blood of Christ while the true meaning is repentance and the bread symbolic of Your Word that must be eaten, 1Cor 10:14-17 & 1Cor 11: 29-31. We renounce all secret oaths to pagan idols as part of initiation rituals and all worship given to the Queen of Heaven. Cut us loose from the sun, moon, stars and all other planets.?Break the links between the rays of the sun, moon and us and destroy all demonic rights due to this, Job 13:10. We Renounce trances, channelling, consulting demons, communication with the dead through séances, with wizards, ascended fathers, spirit guides, wise fathers, witches, Shamans or any mediums of darkness, all demonic, occult or psychic healing practices, including healing through water rituals, charming in order to heal, magic healing, psychic healing, magnetism or healing through magnets or mesmerism. The water spirits that we could have received through these rituals where water was thrown on us or where we walked through a pool with water. Where these idol priests were blowing on microphones and screaming fire, fire as if they can anoint the people with Your Spirit. We renounce using fire for cleansing, looking at false signs and lying wonders, watching occult healing practices on video or on TV and thereby allowing our senses to be programmed and veiled. We renounce any participation in any of these practices or of promoting them. Giving honour to any such a person and not to You, worshipping people and false prophets, honouring satan.?We repent of all money and gifts given to the demonic priesthood and the Mafia in control of these syndicates. We ask you Father to purify all money given by us to Satan and to turn the curses around into blessings. Please break every curse and give seven times back to us what satan has stolen from us. We renounce and repent of all methods of control and manipulation used to intimidate, create fear of punishment or to lose your salvation unless you give valuables to these idol priests of the end times with their false and lying wonders, Matt 7:22-23, Matt 24:24 & 2Tim 2:9-11. Of being discouraged to make our own choices based on the Spirit’s guidance and the lie that Satan is the source of all doubt, critical thinking or questioning of teachings and that we are sinful and rebellious if we should dare to differ from these idol priests. We also repent of the lies that one is able to manifest in other peoples’ dreams, that we receive healing for the salvation of our souls and that we can lose our spiritual powers if we blaspheme one of these anointed ones. We admit that we operate through the power of Your Spirit and not through our own powers. We give back every ungodly power, weapon or fruit that we have received from Satan and cancel his right over our lives. We repent of any lust for these demonic powers and abilities to impress people. We ask for Your divine protection from all backlashes, curses or judgments that can come on us, our families or any person that is involved with us through rejecting the false prophets of Africa. ?We renounce all false tongues, writing in tongues, speaking in demonic tongues and that we can give these gifts to people or take it away. We confess that tongues are a gift of the Spirit and are not received from men. We reject all false spiritual and physical food received, all food covenants made with darkness and it’s agents, all false gifts, talents, abilities, false prophesies that were spoken over us, all automatic handwriting, demonic callings and manifestations. Cut us loose from the spirit of confusion, the ancient serpent, all demonic spirits and dead human spirits working through us, due to these rights. Cancel all death rituals, rites and gateways to the underworld. We renounce all spiritual boundaries of darkness around us and we ask You, Father, to consume it with Your Fire. Beak all demonic prophetic words spoken over our descendants or us by any false prophet. We renounce any false gift received, demon inspired issues from the laying on of hands, eating with these idol worshippers or covenants made with them by association at these mixed altars. Specifically TB Joshua and Kobus van Rensburg. ?Father please remove every veil of the water spirits from our eyes due to these sins and open our spiritual eyes to see Your Truth, Eph 1:17-18. Nullify all worship given to the kingdom of Atlantis and the demons involved and cut our descendants and ourselves loose from it. Destroy all contact points over us as well as any human material from us in the spiritual and physical realm, on Satan’s altars. We curse every root of darkness in our family tree to die immediately. We renounce that being a vegetarian makes one a cleaner vessel, eating fish helps to discern water spirits and eating crocodile and lizards help to work with these water spirits. The lie that one needs to eat meat and cannot fast when you do deliverance ministries. Cut us loose from all serpents and reptile worship, every demonic umbilical cord connecting us to this false fatherhood, all demonic priests, their demons and the false prophets. We ask You Father to remove all control over us and silence all witnesses and testimonies against us in the spiritual realm. Father please break every curse over us and turn it around into blessings. Break and cancel all rights that these devils have in our lives through these mentioned sins or things that happened in nature, in the spiritual realm, pertaining to visions and behaviour of animals or the planets. We repent of any medicine that sangomas and witchdoctors gave us to heal, bring favour, help or protect us. We repent of all the sexual sins. Sex outside marriage, homosexuality, masturbation, bestiality, and rape. All pagan rituals, hexes, spells, curses, water covenants, love rituals, magic potions, or shakes, smoking grasshopper legs, and eating meat slaughtered by the witchdoctors through occult rituals, animal sacrifices, plant sacrifices, blood sacrifices, pagan altars, pagan fires, to carry the umbilical bag around the neck to cause abortions, to introduce new born babies to the water spirits, rock spirits, to curse twins, the pagan puberty rituals, initiation rituals, marriage rituals, the false sanctification rituals, to sacrifice the umbilical cord to satan, all other rituals right trough the life of the African people sins conception and every demon assigned to these rituals, every curse spoken over, and every demonic power involved, we renounce and repent of. To eat raw intestines, drink blood, to rub blood over one’s body, cannibalism, to amputate body parts as part of pagan rituals, make cuts on the body, to rub sweat and potions into these cuts, and pagan tattoos. To eat raw animal parts as hunting rituals, to drink concoctions made by witchdoctors, we renounce the demons and repent of these pagan rituals. Forgive us for consulting witchdoctors, any ancestor worship, worship of the dead, consultations with the dead which were demons, or any occult practises visiting the family, or at any specific celebration or achievement in live. Father cut all soul ties with animals, people, spirits or places involved. Cancel all powers or rights given or received from satan around these practises, over fire, water, smoke, animals, planets, natural sights, powers from nature, human sacrifices, pagan altars, rock art, high place, funerals, graves, power points, and pagan rituals. We renounce all false believes over death, the dead, the tokoloshi, ancestor spirits, the moon, the sun, water spirits, the snake in the water, the stars, the spirit of death, witchcraft and it’s powers, any fear of witchdoctors and their magic powers, or abilities to influence us, fear of curses, the power of animal, insect or bird or natural occurrence, visions, demonic dreams, and pagan wisdom, over us and we declare that no curse can harm us in anyway, in Christ Jesus! Father break every curse over us and our descendants and give back to us seven fold what satan has stolen, from our health, marriages, unity, spiritual growth, finances and success in all spheres of life, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We admit, repent and renounce that our political leaders are using these pagan powers and witchcraft to influence and brainwash the people of this country. They worship the ancestors, the spirits of Africa and voodoo spirits, give honour to witchdoctors, do animal sacrifices, practise all African pagan rituals and demon worship and pollute Christian churches by attending their services, and making mixed altars of them. Father sent Your serving angels to arrest these demons involved, break these jokes, remove the blindfolds, pull down the strongholds and blockages, remove the nets, and open the eyes of the minds of Your children so that they may see the truth. Arrest every demon involved and make a Footstool of them for Christ. We bind these demons and ask You to curse them. Bind them at Your Feet and set us free. Heal our land and save the souls of our people. Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen! ANOINT & SANCTIFY PREMISSES: Abba Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne, die to self and submit to Your Spirit of Truth. I ask You for forgiveness for all sins through thoughts, deeds and words. Come and speak through me and blow life into my words! I ask You to send Your serving angels and to remove all evil forces from this premises. Please cover us, our minds and this premises in Your Blood and encamp us with Your angels. Thunder in the Spirit and chase away all vultures!?Surround us with Your angels and keep us from listening to strangers. Anoint our ears, our minds and the table of our hearts and write Your Word on our hearts. We repent of all sin, iniquities, idol worship, honour to satan, hexes, spells, voodoos, rituals, curses, sacrifices, innocent blood spilled on this premises, sacrifices of animals or humans on these premises. Innocent blood on our hands because of passivity, lack of Love, Lack of knowledge, denial of Your Word, doctrines, false beliefs, and not Evangelising this world! We repent of all occult prints, tokens, copies, images, symbols, symbolism, art, idol structures, idol high places, ancestor, angel and human worship on these premises, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Father wash everything away with Your Blood, cut the soul ties, silence the blood, calling against us and turn all curses around into blessings! We declare these premises Holy Ground and Christ Jesus, King, Saviour and Creator over all!?Father we lift up this oil, symbolic of Your Spirit and we ask You to bless it and fill it with Your presence. As we anoint these premises and every entrance to it, we ask you to fill these premises with Your fullness! Seal the premises off with Your Blood and place your angels at the entrances to keep evil out! We declare You are the Saviour, Creator, and King over this premises! Let Your Name be glorified here! We bind every demon inside or outside us. Father cut all their communication lines and strike them with blindness, dumbness and deafness! We ask You to cause confusion in the ranks of darkness around us so that they will not interfere here. We ask for sound minds and open spiritual ears and eyes of our minds! Thank you Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit for Pouring out Your Spirit of Revival upon Your Children all over South Africa, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen & Amen! (Walk 7 X around premises and do repentance part 7X)! 2. Anti-Semitism renunciation prayer:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. ?We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these peoples eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy, therefore we want to extend this Mercy to the lost for these sins. Father, Your Word says that Abraham will be blessed, he will be a blessing, everyone that blesses him will be blessed but those who curse him will be cursed. Father we acknowledge that the day the number of heathens saved are full, You will restore the House of David, so that we have nothing to boost about, Rom 11:25-26 & Sag 12: 6-7. We admit that one third of the Jews are going to be ahead of many Christians that did not repent and had their lamps filled with oil before Your second coming, Sag 13:8-9 and will not be part of Your Bride! On the basis of Your Word we come before You to repent of the violation of these Scriptures by the Christians, our fathers and nation and for what we did to Your chosen people, the Jews. You revealed Yourself through these people to the world for thousands of years. We acknowledge that this hatred against Your chosen people was rebellion against You and service to the anti-christ! ?You made Your covenant with Abraham, a Jew. Moses, a Jew, received the Ten Commandments from You. The Jews gave us the Prophets, Christ Jesus the Messiah and the Word. Father You said: “Because they are a nation unto You, their Creator.” We admit that every Jew by the very fact of his existence points to You. It shows us that they are chosen and protected. Through all these years of hatred nobody could destroy them or their country, Israel. It is Your physical proof of Your existence to this world!?Right now You are restoring them and their country although the whole world hates them and wants to destroy Your people, as in Rom 11. Nobody can destroy Israel! You said in Jer 31:35–37 that You will protect them till the foundation of the earth is found, which is forever! They are the Physical Israel who represent the flesh and although unsaved till they except Christ, Gal 4:22-26, You promised to keep them till the end in a Covenant with David. We are the Spiritual Israel brought closer by Christ, Eph 2:12-22, and we can never replace the Physical Israel because we are Spiritual. We confess that we went right against Your will and helped satan in his efforts to destroy the Jews. Forgive us for all the false propaganda that “a conscience” is a Jewish idea and all the other lies that were launched against Your people. We confess the sin of Anti-Semitism by Your Bride for hundreds of years, by the early church during the crusades, by Luther and Calvin and until this day. Either one should convert to the policies of Christianity, be expelled from the circles of Believers or get killed for not obeying these decrees. ?We repent of all this hatred from day one by the so called Christians, who did not represent You, which pulled the trigger for all the humiliation, murders and destruction of Your people to come. We repent of all the millions of Jews whose blood is on our hands because we call these people church fathers. All this innocent blood was spilled and brought curses on Christianity and is now calling against us. This perverted us with disunity and bloodshed. The Bride was the government of Europe. Father please wash away all this innocent blood by Your Blood and silence the testimonies against us. Cut the soul ties from us as the descendants from those who were murdered and turn every curse into a blessing. Please restore to us and to Christianity what satan has stolen from us. Father, we bring before You the sins of the militant church of the dark ages under Constantine. We reject the lies of origin: (1) that we replaced Israel, (2) the Jews are no longer the chosen people, (3) Augustine’s replacement theology through which our Roman Catholic roots started the crusades and (4) all the hatred of the Jews and the occult rituals that perverted Christianity from then on. Father our ancestors claimed the country Israel and made slaves of Your chosen people, our elder brother, the Jews. ?Please cleanse us from these iniquities of fraud, theft, robbery and murder against Your people. We renounce that we can ever replace the physical Israel as the Bride and admit that the Jews are still Your chosen people. They are the true vine and we are the wild branches that became part of the vine through Christ.?We have been brought near to the Throne and it is the Jews that are carrying us and not vice-versa. We renounce anything else and confess it to be false doctrine and the rejection of You and Your Word! Father, please forgive us for all the violations and crusades against Your people. As Roman Catholics, Protestants and Christians we stand guilty of the slaughter of all who came in our way – Muslims and Jews, all the wars by Christians in Your Name – even Christians against Christians and all the wrong doings against the Jewish people, the humiliation, breaking up of families, destruction on every level of society, cruelties, fear and hardship for the Jews, hunger and starvation, disruption of their crops, businesses and the embarrassment, fear and anger. We admit that we hurt You badly through these acts. All the way through France, England, Germany, Prague, Poland, Bohemia, Spain, Lithuania, all over Europe, Russia, Africa and the Middle East, the blood of the Jewish people was shed as if they were wild animals! We repent of all the blasphemy and lies against the Jews; even through the arts, music and media. This paved the way for the violence of the Second World War against the Jews. The hatred blinded Germany and the world in a final effort to wipe out the Jewish nation. ?As the descendants of these European Christians we beg you for forgiveness of their sins and iniquities that are now on our heads! Our fathers, our nations and Christianity has been deceived and hence committed these gross things against the Jews. We associate with it and beg You for forgiveness. Please silence the blood that is calling and heal our land! Father forgive us even today when we go to Israel for our arrogance towards the orthodox Jews and all the harassment we cause them trying to convert them while they are doing what You want them to do to be a prophetic action to the world! We repent of all the ignorance and covering up by Christianity. We did nothing to help the Jews in their misery but actually rejected them. The Bride was passive while Your chosen people were slaughtered. We did not support the Jews when they needed us to show them the way but instead participated in the cruelty against them. Even here in our own country we oppressed them. We admit that we were totally outside Your will! We beg You for mercy on Christianity and on us as the descendants and as a nation. We renounce all the lies of the Israel vision. That we are the Jews. That the current Jews are false Jews and Edomites.?That only 144 000 will be saved. That anybody for that matter can be saved just because he is a Jew without excepting Christ Jesus as Saviour. Father please help the Jewish nation to see past these cruelties by focusing on You! We come today to place a petition before Your Throne for the Jewish nation. Please write their names in the book of Eternal Life by opening their eyes and removing them from the pit of bitterness that we put them in. Father please reveal Yourself as “Y’shua Ha Mashiach” to every Jewish person and end their misery! We thank You, Abba Father for the suffering that they went through so that we can be saved as gentiles but please help them to forgive us! We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We have grieved You but by Your stripes we are healed! Your Word says: “Your blows against My people have fallen on Me!” Please forgive us Father, and help us to reconcile with the Jewish people by living Your Love for them so that they will be able to see Your Light in us and glorify You! We beg You to remind us daily to pray for the peace of physical Jerusalem and the salvation of the Jewish people, but also for the Spiritual Jerusalem, Your Bride, Rev 21:2+9-10! We repent of our current government’s vendetta against Israel and the promotion of Palestine and the support of the Arabs and their efforts to destroy the Jews. We declare that there is no country with the name of Palestine and that Israel belongs to the house of David. Father we also repent of all the people that wants to become Jews. All the Hebrew words that we use among believers and the worship of demons. Adonai is a Freemason demon. Jehovah is the word for god in Egypt and we do not know how to pronounce YHWH and are calling demons with the dozens of so called Hebrew words we are using for Your Name and the Name of Christ! Forgive us for thinking one word can be Your Name because it is describing Your Character and You are so many things to us. Please set us free from the spirits of Judaism, Legalism, the Pharisee spirit, Religion, and the spirit of Israel Vision and help us just to belief like children. As we bind these spirits corporately over our nation, we ask You to rebuke them and to bring us over from the Old Covenant in the flesh, where we need to do things to Your New Covenant where we walk in the Spirit and are free from the Law, Gal 5:16-18. Father open our spiritual eyes of our mind so that we will think Spiritually and understand Your Word.Please send Your angels to arrest every demon involved in keeping these curses and bondages in place over our lives that we have repent of today. Give back seven time what satan has stolen and fill our hearts with Your Love for the Jews and help us to understand Your ultimate plans with the Jews and why they have to suffer so much. Remove every bondage, blindfold, trap, helper and instrument of satan. Send them to the place that You have prepared for them. Father bind them there, so that they can’t return and place Your Name and Blood between them and us. Fill those areas where You have delivered us with Your Spirit, cover it in Your Blood and destroy all evidence against us, by the Power of Your Sprit! We bind these demons and ask You to rebuke them. Order the demons to flee from us in seven ways and never to return. Arrest every demon involved and make a Footstool for Christ of them. Thank you Father, Christ Jesus our Jewish Christ Jesus and Spirit. In Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen & Amen!3. Babylonian & Egyptian roots, (RC)Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these peoples eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy, therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins. We repent and acknowledge that through our association with the Reformed churches from which all other Christian churches originated, we associated with Calvinism and their “Chosen” people theology, where we were brainwashed by men’s doctrine, under the Reformed church of the United Netherlands held in Dordrecht in 1618 & 1619. The Catechism of Heidelberg drawn up by Zacharias Ursinus and Casper Olivianus in 1563, Roman Catholic priests. The Faith Confession drawn up by Guido de Bress in 1561. Manmade rules and not according to Scriptures to bind us to the Babylonian system of the anti-Christ of Rome and keep us in passivity, Matt 28:19.We ask You to set us free from this creed of unity with Rome, of Calvinism, that it is the only true theology of salvation. We reject it and ask You to cancel the power of our father’s and our own words where we have taken this creed of Faith in the past or at our baby “so called baptism” where they anoint children with water to covenant with Rome. We renounce that by anointing a baby with water that it is a baptism and neither a sprinkling of water. Our hearts get sprinkled by the Blood of Jesus through repentance, Heb 9:13-14+22 and baptism means submersion in water, Mark 1:4-5 & Acts 8:36-37.Father please set us free and cut the soul ties between us and these agents of Rome with their manmade theology, Apostolic Faith Creed, The Faith Creed of Nicea, and the Faith Creed of Athanasius a pagan church father of the fourth century of Rome, the seat of the anti-Christ and a Freemason. We admit by associating with these people and calling them church fathers that we associated with satan and his agents of the anti-Christ. We admit that the true believers were persecuted by these people, killed, crucified and burned on altars for satan.Father open the eyes of our minds to see all this pagan manmade rituals, theology and false doctrine which infiltrated the Body of Christ because of this association with Rome. Please set us free from this Babylonian Church system, which is pagan and Old Covenant in the flesh where people act as intermediators between us and You while You want a personal relationship with each of us and where You teach each of us personally, 1John 2:20+27 & Heb 8:10-11.Father we renounce the ritual of baptism of children and the belief that this is one of the channels of grace through which we can be saved. The driving out of demons through oil and salt in the mouth. That we can be born again through the child baptism and any loyalty to the Roman Catholic Congregation or the Vatican. Every ritual of confession to a Priest, the unbiblical structures of the Pope, cardinals, bishops, monks, nuns, as well as every statue, candle, water or garb used. The communion bread that they say is You. Father, the idol worship of things and the eating of food sacrificed to idols, Rev 2:20. The continuous sacrifice of You, the letters “I”, “H”, and “S” on the bread that represent demons and the belief that if I eat the bread I will receive Your Spirit. The lies that babies that are not baptised must go to Limbo and that prayers will get them out of that, any prayers for the dead, every name of a Saint that was linked to us or any of our ancestors or congregations plus the protecting powers of these demons. That we have to suffer for You before we can be a witnesses. Every mass that was attended, the lies that we shall be cursed if we confess our faith in salvation, any belief in purgatory where souls are kept in suffering and that we can pay money to get them out of there. Any belief in mother Mary as more than a person. ?The value of repeating words. The bowing down before things and the making of a cross sign on the chest and forehead which came out of the occult and is a sun worship ritual, Ex 30:9, Deut 12:30 & Rev 2: 20-24. The Pope as the keeper of the keys to life, the Pope as the head of Your Kingdom on earth, that Peter was the rock. Matt 16:18, Eph 2:20 & Ps 71:3. 1Cor 9:5. Any worship to (Mary) who wants to establish Satan’s order on earth and all worship to Mary as godhead or any loyalty to this Queen of Heaven who is a demon and all the participation by the Romans to introduce satan’s lies in Christianity. All participation and worship at the stations of the cross, including all the Sun Worship involved. The whole system of the Roman Catholic Church, including the control of the world economy, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, Mafia, Club of Rome, the Free Masons, Islam, the false Christ and antichrist. All the defilement on the face of the earth with all their idols, statues of the Queen of Heaven, sun worship rituals, sun worship terminology and symbols of Sun Worship. All the beads that will bring favour and all the demons involved. Father we reject and ask You to cut us and our descendants loose from the whole system of the Roman Catholics, the Vatican, the Queen of Heaven or this Jezebel system. We repent of all bloodshed, manipulation and domination of others, the pollution and deception of the Body of Christ, the demonic terminology with which we worship you today because of the unification of paganism with Christianity during the times of Constantine and the destruction and poverty that this has brought all over the world where the Roman Catholics controlled the lives of the people in the rural areas, in Christ Jesus’ Name. ?We repent of the bloodshed of 68 million Protestants just in Spain alone, Dan 7:20-21. The manipulation, intimidation and domination of others and the destruction that this has brought all over the world where the Roman Catholics controlled the lives of the people. We repent for allowing these people to keep people from getting married, 1Tim 4:1-5. To change Scriptural times, festivals and dates, Dan 7:25. We keep the festivals that is fulfilled but ignore the ones that must still be fulfilled, which is prophetic actions of thing to come. Therefore we do not know the end times nor Your sequence of things to come.That we have adopted their pagan high days. That the Pope swear at You, Father and exult themselves above You, Dan 7:25 & 11:36-37. Do false signs and wonders to deceive us, Matt 24:24, 2Thess 2:9+11. Try and establish satan’s kingdom here on earth with us doing nothing against it and even supporting them. That we have allowed them to feed us food that was sacrificed to idols by saying the bread is Your Flesh and the wine is Your Blood, while it is symbolic of repentance and the reading of the Word, Rev 2:20 & 1Cor 19:14- 21. That we ran after idol priests to see manifestations while they do not know You and are abusing Your Name, Matt 7:21-23 & 24:24. That we are deceived by the false messiah and even pay money into his kingdom for the shows of his priests at temples built according to Herod, 2Cor 11:4. While You live in human bodies and no longer in temples of stone, 1Cor 6:19 & Hand 7:48-49 & 1Tim3:15. ?That we are studying the teachings of Jezebel and allow her in our congregations to teach and prophesy falsely, Rev 2:20-24, Ex 30:9 & Deut 12:30. Father we ask You for forgiveness for all the rituals, all the idol sacrifices, blood sacrifices, human sacrifices, people killed, defilement of premises, mixing Christianity with paganism and the taking over of their premises, fountains, rituals, terminology, high days, garments and the defilement of Your Bride with these rituals, Ex 30:9, Deut 7:25-26, Deut 12: 2-3+30 & Rev 2:24. Please silence all the innocent Blood that is calling against us, as the Bride of both Christians and of servants of satan, cut the soul ties and cancel every curse of death over us. We reject every part of any submission any one has made, or association on behalf of the Bride, our nation or ourselves with the antichrist and this Babylonian church system. We cancel any right which satan may have over us or on our children because of this. We reject any right that the suppressors of Rome or satan may have over us, our country and our nation and we dedicate all to the Kingship, and Creatorship of our Messiah. Cut us loose from anything to do with the Roman Catholic system, the curse of passivity, deception, false doctrine, lies, intimidation & control. The Queen of Heaven, Baal or Sun Worship, the occult trinity of the father, the mother and the son from Babylon. We reject all their idol worship days. We renounce the Roman Catholic’s secret task force, the Jesuits or the Society of Jesus with their Universal church’s authority over us. ?That they have infiltrated all religions and cults and are busy introducing all rituals and doctrines to all, to form a One World Church, the Universal church. That they are busy convincing everybody all over that the Jesus Christ of the Roman Catholic Church, the antichrist, is the true Messiah and a man and not the Creator. That we have trusted these people while they started wars, revolutions and rebellions all over the world. We renounce the spirit of rebellion murder and bloodshed, the antichrist, racism, disunity, the Pharisees, the Scribes and the Sadducees that operates through them. That they have been killing the true believers for ages. The Babylonian rituals and doctrine, the Jewish theology, Greek philosophy, the perversion of Your Commands, the absolute rebellion against every Commandment, and the perversion of the Scriptures. That they have added and took away to promote their doctrine and to deceive the believers. The spirit of Ignatius de Loyola the founder of this universal church under the Roman Catholic Church as their dark side. We admit that the Jesuits were launched to stop the Protestants, to destroy them and to pervert them with satanic doctrine and rituals from Rome. That they infiltrated every sector of society as highly respectable, intelligent and influential people and agents of the antichrist. That they infiltrated the church, other religions, and took it over from the inside to submit it to the Vatican, through the World Council of Churches and others non Christian movements by controlling them as part of leadership. The total takeover of education, arts and culture. The promotion of corruption. To create poverty over nations and their governments, The takeover of schools, pulpits, churches and the befriending of influential people.?That they are advisors to our governments. We renounce the indoctrination and deception of the youth with occult ideas, Roman doctrine, violence and rebellion. The control of education plans, recreation, art, culture and the media. That they take children on visions of supernatural powers, demonic powers and war games to promote violence. To teach children to kill their own and the enemy. To break down our ability to own choices, ideas, your will and ways of thinking. To apply the lie 40 times so that we will believe it. To liberate people from the self and to control your entire way of thinking to the way they think since 1546. That they are the Sheppard’s of our souls. The universal idea. The nets with which they catch our souls. They have infiltrated our churches, families, schools, universities and all organisations of importance to manipulate and control. That they are these wonderful members of society and leaders of the community but snakes behind the scenes. That they work hand in hand with the politicians. To manipulate the history by dictatorship and to destroy democracy and righteousness. That they create chaos and destabilize the economy, the social system, politics, moral values, education and religion all over the world. That they cause the separation in the Bride trough doctrine and occult rituals. That they are direct under the black pope who controls the highest forms of Satanism all over. They started both world wars. They are constantly causing conflict between groups and countries. They cause wars against countries that does not support the Vatican and the pope and destroy their infrastructure. That this hatred of the Jews by the Catholic Church manifested through Hitler and he killed millions. We renounce this origin of National Socialism with all its leaders. Also a national socialistic Catholic Christian Vatican state under the antichrist. All authority of the black pope over our finances, government and at spiritual levels. Over our country, nation, Your Bride, or any other religion or organisation under our authority. We declare the ruler ship of the Victor over our country and people, bind satan and speak death over his works and ask You to rebuke him, in Christ Jesus’ Name.?We renounce this Roman, Greece, and Babylonian hierarchy, a small group of people that decide on behalf of others, manipulate, dictate, control, financially benefit from and prescribe to society what is right or wrong to promote their belief, doctrine and aims on every level of society, political and spiritual. That they are constantly creating ethnical disunity to kill two thirds of the world’s population after they have taken over the control of the mineral resources of that country. Pollute true believers with prayer meetings, and mystic teachings to form a so called elite Christian group. That the spirit of the Virgin Mary protects them, the string of beads, the rosary saves them. The drinking of blood, milk from Mary’s breasts, may not eat apples, ancestor worship, statues at houses of assemblies, and the white dove symbol. That Hitler programmed his SS and Gestapo through them. That the RCC called Hitler a son of God and of the Mother of God. That All Hitler’s generals were Catholics. That the Jesuits controlled the incarnation camps and killed the Jews. That “Mein Kampf” was a Jesuit publication. We acknowledge that our main stream churches are some of the riches organisations with no heart for the poor. That even our born again leaders are so indoctrinated by the antichrist church system of a church hierarchy enriching themselves and the building of temples with Your funds that there is no money for the poor, the widow and the orphan or for evangelization. That us, our government, our nation, and our congregations associated with the Jesuits and allowed them to deceive, programme, brain wash and to bind us in our minds so that we could not receive Your revelations. We beg You for Mercy! Mercy Father! Give us Mercy and cancel these programming over our minds, will and ability to choose. Over us, our children, our nation, government, and spiritual leaders from all believes and cults. Break the blockages in our minds. Cut the soul ties with these people. We renounce everything they stand for or do.We declare that by proclaiming Christ Jesus with our mouths and believing with our hearts that You raised that Body from death on the third day and we are saved. Because we belief in Christ Jesus, we are Your children. Our Bodies are Your Temple and no church building of stone. Thank You Father that we can now walk away form religion, the pagan church system and Babylon and just be the community of believers in Christ Jesus. Where we are all equal, all of us have all the gifts of the Spirit in us, because Your Spirit lives in us. That we are all Your disciples and are free to exercise our gifts to grow up to maturity and do not need people to teach us, Eph 4:7+11-16 & 1John 2:20+27. ?We ask You to cancel every right that satan may have because of this association with these people and that you will cancel these rights in Heaven and wash the sins away with Your Blood. We bless these people with a double blessing of salvation, righteousness and the fear of You the Almighty One. We address a petition to Your Throne for the salvation of these people and agents of the 666 system, corporately as Your Bride. That You will expose these satanic priests in our midst, in the church and in government. That what ever they have done in the dark will come into the light That You will anoint Your children with the gift of discernment to recognise these agents of darkness and their works. That as we agree in unity, You will either safe their souls or remove them from any position of authority over us and replace them with born again, spirit filled believers. We declare a divorce between our church leaders and political leaders. That Your Thunder will sound in the spiritual realm so that no longer will politicians use spiritual leaders as platforms to raise votes for political parties or to brainwash believers, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We renounce and bind the sun god, the moon goddess, the soothsaying spirits of the stars, the Jezebel spirit, the spirit of the Beast, the Dragon, the False Prophet, and every other demon involved. We ask You to rebuke them. To open the spiritual eyes of our minds and spiritual ears to receive Your Truth and revelations and give back seven times to us what satan has stolen through these lies. That You will now send Your angels to take these demons captive, bind them at Your Feet and make a Footstool for Christ of them. We thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus & Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!BAPTISM PRAYER: Rom 10:9, Acts 8:37 & Acts 22:16.I call on Your Name, Christ Jesus, of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh, My Father, my Creator, theSon of the Creator. The Creator Himself. You raised Your Body from the dead. I admit that Your Body died in my place on the cross. I now come as a step of obedience and bring my flesh to be crucified and cleansed by Your Blood as in Galatians 2:20. As Peter said. Repent and be baptized, Acts 2:38. I am going into this water today, symbolically of Your grave, Rom 6:3-6. I ask You, by the power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name to raise my flesh from the dead and to make me alive to serve You, as I stand up out of the water, as Your Body was raised from the grave. To regenerate me and to circumcise me in the flesh with the circumcision of Christ, Col 2:11-14. To renew my body unto obedience to You, Tit 3:5! Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, Spirit of Truth for the miracle that is about to happen, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!”battle?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we admit our sins, through thoughts, words, and deeds. We Submit to Your Spirit and pray in the Power of the Spirit. Please gown us in Your righteousness and speak through us. With our Blood covenant with You, we ask You to extend our cover over every area of our lives, including over close and extended family, every person that comes near us, our personal relationships, physical property and belongings, livestock, pets, our gifting, anointing, ministries, Your perfect Plans for our Lives, and our personal prophecies. We stand in the gap for the Bride, the Body of Christ, the physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel, all those that still must be saved, and our country South Africa with all it’s people, in Christ Jesus’ Name!May the Blood of the Lamb silence all the blood that is calling out for restitution against us. Lift Your Hand of Judgment in accordance with these sins committed here and cancel every curse over our heads. We pray that all demons that have received worship through these acts of sin from us, from any human or animal sacrifice or any other demonic ritual, spell or curse on these premises, that Your angels will dethrone them right now of all positions and power over our lives. We petition that no plans against us will prosper. That no backlash from our prayers will be allowed to have any effect on any of us involved. That You will release Your Peace, Grace and Joy over Your Children and on to these premises.?We bind, rebuke, speak death over, and bring to no effect, all division, discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealousy, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, and we ask You to rebuke all fear spirits, murmuring spirits, hindering spirits, retaliatory spirits, deceiving spirits, religious spirits, occult spirits, witchcraft spirits (including the spirits of Jezebel, Delilah, The Sun, Moon and Star gods, The Beast, the Dragon, the False Prophet, and spirit of the antichrist. All curses that have been spoken against us, all spoken judgment made against us and judgments we have made against others, the power of negative words from others. Father, render useless all prayers not inspired by the Spirit; whether psychic, soul force, witchcraft or counterfeit tongues that have been prayed against us. Bless those who curse us! We pray blessings on those who despiteful use us. We are Your children, we resist the devil, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, we put on the whole armour, take authority over this day, let it be prosperous for us, let us walk in Your love, let Your Spirit lead and guide us, help us to? discern between the righteous and the wicked. We take authority over Satan and all his demons, and those people who are influenced by them, declare Satan is under our feet and remain there all day. We are the righteous, in Christ Jesus. Your property. Satan you are bound from our family, mind, body, homes and finances. We confess, we are healed,? whole, flourish, will have a long life, stable, durable, incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, full of peace, patience and love. Whatsoever we set hands to shall prosper, for You supply in all our needs. We have all authority over Satan, demons, and beasts, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Bless our ministry that You have for us. Anoint us, for all You have called us to do. We call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God ordained encounters and ministry positions. We Claim a hedge of protection around us, our spouses and children throughout this day and night. Dispatch angels to surround us, our spouses and children, put them throughout our possessions, souls and bodies, to protect our house from? intrusion, us and family from any harmful demonic, physical or mental attacks, in Christ Jesus’ Name.?That all demonic structures be dismantled and we ask for the decommissioning of every individual demon. That all demons that influence our lives will be taken captive and be bound at Your feet and made a Footstool for Christ. Break all powers of hexes, spells, and incantations over our lives. Reverse all rituals and change every curse into a blessing. Destroy all witnesses in the spirit, push all altars and idols over that have been raised in worship to the devil or his substitutes, and let it fall on their faces. Pull all strongholds down. Send Your Fire to burn up all evidence of these strongholds in the spiritual realm. Strike all forces of darkness and those which have influenced us or are planning to influence us in the future with deafness, dumbness and blindness. Rebuke them and muzzle the gatekeepers and the guardians ruling over us. Cause confusion in their ranks and cut their communication lines. Cut us free from all demons and their authorities. Strip every individual demon of its assignment and decommission them from their tasks and positions of authority over us! We bind all demons and ask You to command them to draw back in the spirit and to rebuke them. Re-establish new boundaries and send Your Glory and raise walls around us by Your Spirit. Disturb and interrupt the communication and unification of all lines of communication in the spiritual realm between the demonic forces and or any of their agents, in Christ Jesus’ Name. ?Sow confusion into their ranks and isolate them and their powers over us and forbid them to use any objects as power points over us and give us the victory. We declare it into the Heavenlies that this season of demonic interference is now over and is now changed into a season of Jubilee over us. We petition You for a season of seize fire. Remove all demonic banners and decrees in the spiritual realm, declare all prophecies and plans of darkness, not applicable and powerless over us and raise the banners of Christ over this area. Sent Your angels to make Your promises, Scriptures and Prophesies manifest over us! We declare it Holy Ground. Set apart for our Creator. We declare Him our King, Saviour, Creator, and Father. The King of South Africa! Close all gateways in the spiritual realm to us and seal it off over us with the Blood of the Lamb. Purify all elements in our area with Your Fire. We declare that this area will stay sealed and the seals will not be broken by any agent of satan or any one who are demonised. We know our authority in Christ Jesus and bind all demons involved and ask You to take them captive and take them to Your Feet and bound there forever as Your Footstool. We ask You to judge al demonic forces that seek to hinder and resist our prayers and that they are cast from their places of stubbornness and idolatry. Father loosen your angels and all angelic forces, Heavenly seeds, Glory and Fire of anointing of the Spirit of Truth over us. Let Your presence of the Spirit manifest in our lives. Send Your warring, serving, covenant, linking and ministering angles to fill this place with Your presence. Please raise Your Banner, in the spiritual realm over us and surround us by Your Presence. We petition for a time of cease fire. Hide us in the spiritual realm and cover us under Your Wings. Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus, & Spirit of Truth. In Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! BLESSINGS PRAYER:Abba Father, I come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus’ Name. I die to self and submit to Your Spirit. Please blow life into my words and come and speak through me. I repent of all my sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to gown me in Your righteousness. Bless Your children with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Bless them with Your perfect plans for their lives. Open the floodgates of Heaven with all Your blessings from above in Heaven and on the earth! Father we lift them up to You and ask You to put them on Your Lap and to hold them to Your Chest. To reveal Your Agape Love to them. Heal them, restore them, nourish them, equip them and overwhelm them with the presence of Your Spirit! Fill up the hollows in their lives, remove the hills and the mountains, straighten the roads and cut their corners, provide in all their needs. Give them strength, visions, revelations, joy, peace and prosperity. Bless them that all Your promises will be yes and Amen in their lives. May Your Spirit strengthen their bodies, souls and spirits to walk in faith with expectations on what You are going to do next. May Your angels carry them on their hands and protect them. Father grant them supernatural power to keep their eyes from the worldly things, the worthless, the harmful, the negative and the evil things around us and to see the beautiful, wonderful things that You are planning for us. We bless them to be History makers in the revival of Your Bride and the building of Your Temple. That their ears will only hear the beautiful, the positive and the uplifting and be closed for the negative and the destructive. That their feet will walk on the High way of righteousness where only the redeemed will walk. That they will have helping hands, comforting hands, healing hands and blessing hands. That they will stay humble all their lives with the discernment to see others’ needs and weaknesses and that they will have forgiving hearts, to be open to what You are doing in peoples’ lives!We bless them to learn every lesson that You want to teach them in every situation. That they may be disciplined, balanced, stable, mature and steadfast in their faith. May their houses be Havens of rest, peace, equipping and of renewing. May sounds of joy, laughter and happiness brush their walls, where unconditional love for one another will be at the order of the day. May You cover them in Your Blood, encamp them by Your serving spirits so that satan can not steal any more. Strengthen them to the point where they will be able to stand against the enemy, his deceptions and his traps so that satan will flee from them, Jam 4:7. May You strike the enemy with blindness, deafness and dumbness, bring confusion in the enemy’s camp and give them the victory. Give them dreams, visions, revelations, Scriptures and lead them into Your perfect plans for their lives! May prosperity, joy, love, health and Your Grace be with them all the days of their long life while they live in Your House. May You provide for them in all their needs and may Your Face shine upon them. May their houses be filled with riches, the gold and the silver is Yours, Ps 112:3. That the unrighteous will gather for them, Prov 13:22 & Eccl 2:26. That You will take their right hand to remove nations before them while You open doors before them, and gates will not be locked on their ways. That You will break copper doors and open iron doors before them and give them the riches that are hidden in darkness by the idol priests, Is 45:1-3. That the riches of the nations will now flow to the righteous, Is 60:3, 5-10.That they will get a double portion of these riches of the nations, Is 61:6-7. That they will receive the land of the unrighteous, Jer 8:10. That you will make them strong and give them the authority to manage and dedicate the riches of the unrighteous on behalf of Your Kingdom, Mica 4:13.Father bless, equip, discipline, renew, form and transform them to Your will. Make them obedient, willing to do what You have built in to them. Anoint them with the gifts of the Spirit to will and to do what is pleasing in Your sight. Use them powerfully to Your Honour and Glory, to open the eyes of the blind, to set the captives free, to preach the Good News, and to proclaim the Year of Your Favour! Is 42:6-7.May You pour out Your Spirit upon them and their decedents, Is 44: 3. Anoint them with the Spirit of Revival! Protect, encourage, nourish, comfort and take them by their hands and lead them step by step in Your plans for their lives. Be with them in persecution, be their judge in arguments with the neighbours, answer their prayers in need, have mercy on them in times of drought, save them and their harvest from pests and mishaps, give them the victory in the battle and forgive them their sins. Wash them whiter than snow! Bless them in their town, in the veldt, in the fruit of their bodies, their land, the offspring of their flock, their cattle, in their basket, their kneading bowl, when they come in and when they go out, that their enemy will be defeated and flee from them in seven ways. Command the blessings on their storehouses and in all they put their hands to. Establish them as Anointed People to You, Let all the people of the earth see that they are called by Your Name and fear them. Grant them plenty of goods in the fruit of their bodies, their increase, and the produce of their land. Open to them Your good treasure in Heaven and give unto them their rain in season. Bless all the work of their hands that they will lend to many nations but shall not borrow. Make them the head and not the tail that they will be above and not beneath! Deut 28:3-13.Bless them that there will be, not one of the diseases of Egypt in their midst. Send bees among their enemies to bring confusion in the enemy’s camp and give them the victory, Deut 7:14-15+20+23. Blessed are those who bless you and cursed are those who curse you, Gen 27:28-29. May You release them from all oppression and redeem them from all evil, Gen 48:15. Bless them with the spirit of wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge and in all manner of workmanship to design artistic works and to be creative in what they do, to cut, create and design! Ex 31: 3-5. Bless them with knowledge and skills in literature and wisdom and understanding in all visions and dreams, Dan 1:17. With Your Spirit, a Spirit of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and Fear of You Is 11:2! May You bless them and keep them, make Your Face to shine upon them and be gracious upon them, lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace and may they bless other believers like this. I declare Your Name over them! Num 6: 24 – 25. Father bless you and keep you. He make His Face shine upon you and be gracious to you. He lifts up His countenance upon you and give you peace. He bless you that you will live and prosper in every area of your lives. Hear their prayers and bring them into Your body. Give them the strength and let the work of their hands be pleasing in Your sight.Give them favour with You, Deut 33: 3: 29. Bless them indeed and enlarge their territory that Your Hand will be with them and that You will keep them from evil that they may not cause pain! 1Cron 4: 10. Blessed is the Father Who has given you rest and not one Scripture of all the good promises that He has promised will not be fulfilled in your lives. Father please be with them and do not reject them where ever they may go. Keep the words of this prayer day and night before You for these people so that You may grant them favour and the world may know that You are their Creator, the Almighty! 1Kings 8:56-61. May their words be acceptable to You, Ps 19:15. May Your Name protect them, Ps 20:2-7. May You hear their calls in an emergency, Ps 20:2. May You grant the desires of their hearts, Ps 21:3-7. and Renew their spirits, Ps 23:3. We bless them that You the Father, the Creator of Glory, may give to them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, that the eyes of their understanding be enlightened. That they may know what the hope of Your calling is and what the riches of the glory of Your inheritance is in us and what the exceeding greatness of Your Power is towards us who believe according to the working of Your mighty power which You worked in Christ when You raised Him from the dead! Eph1:17-20. That Peace, Righteousness, Salvation, Faith, Love, Patience and Gentleness may be upon them, 1Tim 6:11. May You make them complete in every good work to do Your will, working in them what is well pleasing in Your sight, Heb 13:20-21 That they may be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. That they may walk worthy of You, fully pleasing You, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of Christ. Strengthened with all might according to Your glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. Col 1:9-14.May Father perfectly establish, strengthen and settle you, 1Pet 5:10, Bless you with faith, virtue, knowledge, self control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love, 2Pet 1:5-7. That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you may be able to comprehend what the width and the length and the depth and height are to know the love of Christ. That you may be filled with all the fullness of Father, Eph 3:17-20. That you will do greater things than Christ, John 14:12. That every witness of darkness against you will be cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb, that every curse will be turned into a blessing, and that Father will give back to you seven times what Satan has stolen, Deut 28:15-68. That every stronghold, obstacle, bondage, yoke, cage or maize over you will be broken to pieces and be removed by His angels, That every wedge of disunity be removed, that all broken relationship will be restored, that Father will tie you together with a triple ribbon of His Agape Love which will last for ever.That He will raise your marriages to be the prophetic actions to the world in order that they may see how much Christ Loves His Bride! I bless you that you will increase in wisdom, insight and grow in your relationship with Father and all people, Luke 2:52. May Father supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, Phil 4:19. That He may gird your waist with the truth, put onto you the breast plate of righteousness, shod your feet with the preparation of the Good News of Peace, give you the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, grant that you will always pray in the Spirit, be watchful till the end with all perseverance and supplication for the saints, that you may open your mouths boldly to make known the mysteries of the Good News! Eph 6:14-19. Father cover every word of this prayer in Your Blood, encamp it by Your serving spirits and send them to let it manifest in our lives. For it is written, Your Word will do what You have sent it for, Is 55:11. Thank you that we can agree on that and pray, Matt 18:18. And what we ask in Your Name You will give us. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!4. Brother Hood renunciation prayer: Ossewa Brandwag (Sun Worship) Bloodshed:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these peoples eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy, therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins. Father, we bring before You the ungodly oaths sworn to by members of the “Ossewa Brandwag”, stating their commitments to Hitler and his representatives. Father we declare a divorce between us and this covenant with death, this organisation, the demons who are calling for blood, rebellion and war. We repent in association with this as the Afrikaner nation. We ask you to forgive us for the acts of rebellion and violence against the Government of those days. Father in Your great mercy, please forgive us as a nation for these acts of stubbornness and sin. Wash away all the anger, murder, rebellion, revenge and spilling of so much innocent blood in this country, the blood which is now calling against us. Turn all the curses around and set us free from these demons of war, bloodshed and from those who want blood covenants. Please cancel all these contracts with satan over us as a nation and push over the altars of idol worship. Father we admit that the secret oaths taken was sin and covenants with death. We come against all spirits of war, suicide, violence, bloodshed and murder. Please cut our descendants and ourselves loose from these curses. We reject all Egyptian demons, Freemason demons, the spirit of anti-Semitism or Apartheid and of war and bloodshed that perverted us as a result of above mentioned sins. We ask you Father to cancel all this evidence against us with the Blood of the Lamb. Please cut the soul ties and silence all innocent blood that is testifying against us. We admit that this perverted our nation and went over into the “Brother Bond”, in Christ Jesus’ Name.(The South African version of a Brotherhood. Every country has it’s own to control others. A minority group who gets favoured at the cost of their followers or fellow citizens who are not part of the inner circle or Bond. Change the name to your country’s version or political party. The devil does not have new plans. The sins are the same everywhere; manipulation, domination, intimidation and deception of the multitudes as part of the One World Order idea), Job 13:10 & Jam 2:1-7. Father in association with our ancestors and the government of South Africa since 1948, we bring the sins of the “Brother Bond” (Brotherhood) before You and beg You for forgiveness. Until this day, members of the “Brother Bond” are perverting society by trying to be an exclusive group to promote their own ideas and exclude those of others under the control of Freemasonry. ?They are manipulating and dominating others in getting financial benefits for themselves. While they are promoting themselves like this, the Freemasons with their One World Order, are hijacking them. First the National party and now the ANC. Father our ancestors, nation and we stand guilty before You for the ugly sins perpetrated in this country under the “Afrikaner Brother Bond” from 1948 to 1994. We are guilty whether on the receiving end, through silence or as if we committed these sins ourselves. We repent of the grief we caused You. The Bond employed philosophy, actions, machinery and parliament all over society on a social, economical, political and in religious circles in order to protect their own interests at the cost of other racial groups. Only members could be pastors. Jews and even Afrikaners who dared to disagree with these manipulators were destroyed financially. Father we used Your Scripture to justify our actions, since the very soul of Afrikaner Nationalism is bound in the Calvinistic philosophies of divine election. Our nation saw themselves as the chosen people which caused this separation of people as the ANC is now doing and just reversing the same thing under the Black Elite.?The Bride and the Government of the day propagated everything with the aid of religious leaders. Father these lies were preached from the pulpits of this country and are still happening today. The same devils are still bringing division in our country by preventing unity and the flow of Your Spirit in the Body of Christ. Please forgive us. We confused religious separateness on the basis of race and skin colour which led to the Apartheid era under Verwoerd with all its sins, Deut 23:2. Dr Malan clearly said, “We were God’s chosen nation”, Ezek 44:7. ?He confirmed clearly that he attended many of the “Broeder Bond’s” meetings and the entire country chose him as leader. This while all people are equal before You, Moses even married a women from Africa, Ex 2:16. Solomon had children with the queen of Sheba, a black women, 2Kon 9: 1-12. Solomon confirms this in Songs 1:5. Father, You even sent an apostle to pursue a black man of Ethiopia in Acts 8:26. Father, as part of those who are called by Your Name we come before you to repent of these wicked ways of our nation, the false message of Christ that Christians are proclaiming, the dishonouring of Your Word, all the domination, intimidation and manipulation of others, the deception of your children, and the false prophecies. We reject the spirit of Christian Social Nationalism, the Tulip Doctrine of Calvin, the Kantian and Hegelian philosophies, German philosophies, the Afrikaner religion and the ideals of self-determination of separated people groups, the people’s Church and all the worship of self and our nation. Father, the entire nation, all races, colours and sexes are equal before You, created in Your image. Solomon prayed that even when a foreigner pray to You to answer their prayers. Forgive us for these curses, judgments and rejection of Your people and creation. Please cancel our words and turn it around into blessings. ?We reject everything the Bond stands for; its rituals, oaths, covenants, secrets, exclusiveness, all the organisations linked to us and we reject all demons involved. We renounce the Bond with its entire character and all its sinful deeds and ask You for forgiveness. We repent of all the self promotion, self efficiency, greed, corruption, robbing of others of opportunities, Jezebel’s control of society on every level and in every sphere of life, the intimidation, manipulation and control of people’s lives over the last 50 years and the destruction and spiritual barrenness it brought on the Body of Christ, Job 13:10. Where they have even caused others to lose their farms because they were not members of the Bond. Where ministers of religion could not get a job unless they were members of the Bond. Father, this while we as the Bride stood passive and took everything these people told us for granted. We as Your children were upfront when it came to deceiving and manipulating one another and did not confront satan but gave our territory away. The founding members of the Bond took position with Adolph Hitler and Nazism which led to the National Party of this country who became the government in 1948. Please cleanse us from these iniquities. Father these people took over this country as the Government of our country in 1948. Most of their leaders were full-blown Freemasons and Sun Worshippers as the emblems of all “Brother Bond” organisations indicate to this day. Rebels and people who caused disunity and who sided with the devil in the second world war, became our leaders and deceived everybody. Father we sold this country to satan and gave away the leadership of the Bride to satan’s workers. None of them prayed in Your Name, because one can not worship You and Mammon at the same time. But we believed they were Your children and therefore submitted to their authority. We admit that we worshipped them, instead of You, Rom 1:21-27.?Please forgive us, and turn these curses of homosexuality around into blessings. The control over our country by these people has seriously influenced the lives of millions of people. We bring all these sins before You. They are too numerous to mention, but we beg You for forgiveness. We repent of the killings, destruction of families and property, lack of education and facilities, jobs, bad wages, poverty, moving of borders and forceful removal of people, theft and robbery of property, violence, bloodshed, anger, hatred, revenge, suffering, the Racial Classification Act, Group Areas Act, the Jobs Reservation Act, lack of opportunities for others and non members.Families were torn apart, the effect of fear on people, the unknown futures, the stirring up of people against others, the poverty of millions, all the wages that were kept back, all our arrogance, greed, power lust, intimidation, slavery, wickedness, pain and sorrows that we caused others, the long distances people had to travel to get to work, the cold and early hours that they had to wake up to be at their jobs and the lack of time with their families due to this. Your Word says not to favour the rich, Jam 2:1-7, Micah 6:10-12, Jam 1:10-11 & 1Tim 6:17-18. Please forgive us for all these wicked deeds. We ask You to turn all these curses of destruction, disunity, war and bloodshed around into blessings, Jam 4:1-3. Bless those who suffered so much, cleanse us from these sins and heal our country. Silence all the innocent blood that is calling against us in the spiritual realm and cut the soul ties between us and those who were killed. Father we declare a divorce with everything that the “Afrikaner Broeder Bond” stands for. Cut our descendants and ourselves loose from all the demons involved. Please unite this country to be One just like You are. Please tie a triple ribbon of Your Father love around us so that we will be in unity and become One. We pray that all denominations and races may be unified, to be One. Your Word says: “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have, you murder and covet and cannot obtain”, (James 4:1-2), in Christ Jesus’ Name.In Christ Jesus’ Name, we bring before You the symbolic tour by ox wagon that was organized by the “Afrikaner Broeder Bond” in 1938. We admit that this was a deed that started all the factions in this country and divided Afrikaner against Afrikaner, against the Jews, the British and all other races. This pulled the trigger for Apartheid that became official in 1948. It was exclusively for the Afrikaners and only the Bond members made decisions. It was a wrongful unification of the Afrikaner nation by means of deception. We reject the pagan fires and rituals with the burning torches which originated from the Roman gods and are idol worship rituals from Babylon and Egypt. They raised sun pillars, obelisk, sun disks, pagan statues and satanic symbols all over the country and polluted every town and place with demonic symbols and build a monstrous sun temple in Pretoria.Father we admit that this pilgrimage started all the sorrow, factions, bloodshed, anger, Apartheid and the covenant with Satan through the Freemasons. It just strengthened the covenant of Sun Worship, rebellion and bloodshed that was made with the devil a hundred years previously. ?The Afrikaners toured north with ox wagons from under the British government. Due to the disrespect for the government of the day that You placed over them because of their sin, Hos 11:5, Rom 13:2, Tit 3:1-2 Eph 4:1-3 & Gen 22:28. This again called for the building of a temple for more Sun Worship, bloodshed, deception and disunity that led to Apartheid and the partnership with Hitler. Father we ask You for forgiveness for the stirring up of anger among the various racial groups in this country. We reject the false prophecies of Siener van Rensburg. If he was Your true Prophet he would have warned the leaders, the workers of satan and this nation that you are going to punish them for these terrible sins, Lam 2:14. What You wanted to say to us is written in Your Word.?All these false prophets propagated lies that do not correspond with Your Spirit, (2Pet 1:19-21, Heb 8:11, 2Cor 3:3+6-6, John 16:8-14, John 15:26 7 1John 2:27. And only Your Spirit can tell us what You said, The Word, Which is from Gen to Rev. It must all correspond, John 1:1). The Ox Wagon Tour sent us into the desert for forty years, from the 31st of May 1961 to the 31st of May 2001 when the Strijdom Statue collapsed in Pretoria, the symbol of Apartheid. Father we renounce all the prayers and covenants with the spirit of religion at the war idol place for Baal, the “Voortrekker Monument”. We reject it as a high place for the sun god. It is calling for more blood of our nation and is worshipped on the 16th of December each year. Father we repent that these people did not pray in the Name of Christ Jesus. This is an altar built by rebels and blood hunger demons that are causing disunity and wants us to be at war at all times. While You are the Prince of? Peace, Is 9:6. Please silence all the blood that is calling due to these sins, with the Blood of the Lamb. We reject this spirit of victory, the spilling of blood, all salutes to people, the honouring of people, the leaders’ words and oaths sworn to, and admit it as sin. That the temple is an abomination in Your eyes. We renounce this idol worship and ask You for forgiveness that we visited the premises and participated in these rituals on the 16th of December on defiled ground. This has nothing to do with our Covenant with You at Blood River. We made a covenant to build Your Temple. That is to Evangelise the country because Your House is the bodies of Believers, 1Cor 6:19, Acts 7:48-49 and 1Tim 3:15. We need to build Your Temple, Hag 1:9 and not a pagan temple for demons made out of stones. Please cancel all curses on us. Cut our descendants and ourselves loose from the sun god and turn every curse of bloodshed around into a blessing. We reject all spirits of war, rebellion, disunity and Apartheid. We repent of every oath, made by our ancestors and us, to die for this country and we ask You to break it, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Father, we bind all these demons involved, ask You to rebuke them, to send Your angels to capture them and to make a footstool for Christ of them and to heal our land, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! ??5. Colonialism and nation’s renunciation prayer:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these peoples eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy, therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins.Father we come with great humility and beg You for forgiveness of our iniquities. Our fathers landed in this country with rebellion, where they left their countries of origin in rebellion and it has remained with us until this day. We repent of our own sins and also for the sins of our nation and fathers. The disunity and rejection of the authority of Governments over us, racism, judgment, manipulation, intimidation, slavery and addiction, no respect for others and Your creation, withholding wages, the shifting of borders, the humiliation and ill treatment of others, the murders, violence, bloodshed and the breaking up of families under a spirit of wanderlust, never being satisfied with what we have and allowing these evil spirits to control our country. We repent of the border wars, every time the borders were moved deeper inland, every time blood was shed on both sides, people murdered, humiliated and forcefully removed, hatred, retaliation and more violence, theft and destruction. More rebellion and the Afrikaners moved over the borders into Africa from under the British government, the bloodshed, breaking of covenants, violence and battles and killing of others for their land while we were supposed to carry out the Good News and evangelise Africa. More wars and battles followed. Every tribe was against the other in this country, with lots of murders and innocent bloodshed. All the sins of hatred, bitterness, fraud, disunity and covenant breaking were involved each time. The spilled blood called for more to be spilled, so fathers stirred the hatred on in their children’s hearts. This renewed these covenants of bloodshed, war, violence and disunity with the devil. This cycle of anger, bitterness, hatred, manipulation, intimidation, rebellion, power lust and bloodshed came on this continent with us, right from day one. We ask You Father to break all these curses over our nation, land and us, in Christ Jesus’ Name and to unite us as one nation.?Please wash away these iniquities and silence all the blood. More arrogance, disunity, pride, worship of land, property and gold followed, so the bloodshed continued. You sent Your anointed brother Marais to go and warn President Kruger not to go to war with the British, but he did not listen and it cost us one third of the Afrikaner nation’s lives, the total destruction of our country and economy. Father we repent of Your children murdering one another, the rapes, fraud, theft, robbery, farms burned down, nature and infrastructure were destroyed, the scorched earth policy of the British, all the humiliation, cruelty to humans and animals and people starved to death by the thousands, people were trampled on, stripped from all self-respect and treated as dirt. The starvation of thousands of both Afrikaner and Black people in the concentration camps.We admit that Your creation was dishonoured everywhere and that ideology and leaders were worshipped. We admit to and repent of all the hatred, disunity, pride of the nation, self-efficiency, shedding of innocent blood, evil deeds, massive destruction to the infrastructure of this country, the many families that were destroyed, all the children that became orphans, the brokenness and destruction caused by the lust for power and the worship of Mammon and that the entire country and nation was brought to their knees, Jam 4:1-3. Our ancestors did the same everywhere we were involved. So did the British, Dutch, French, Spaniards and Portuguese. Whenever we went somewhere, slavery, theft of property, violence, manipulation of others, adultery, rape, humiliation, disrespect for others and the spilling of lots of innocent blood happened. The lives of people were destroyed, poverty came and every country was robbed of their minerals and crops. The absolute fear, pain, panic and longing that our ancestors brought over women and children of other nations through these wars and violence. Father then followed the world wars, rebellion and the bloodshed. Please forgive us for all the cruelty and destruction that happened. We as the stewards of Your Kingdom grieved You. Have mercy on us as the descendants of those who were involved in all these sins and bloodshed and cleanse us of the iniquities. Silence the blood that is calling and cut the soul ties between us and these people who where killed.?This opened doors for satan to take this country captive for 50 years, since 1948. Satan took over the leadership of every sphere of society in this country through the Freemasons, The Afrikaner Broeder Bond (Brother hood), Islam and the Roman Catholic roots of the Anti-Christ. These people perverted Your Bride with all sorts of iniquities in their efforts to establish a One World Order. Please forgive us for giving up our stewardship to Satan. We cancel these rights and we ask You to turn these curses around into blessings. We pray for unity in the Bride and over us as believers, we ask You to thunder Your Voice and to expose the antichrist in our midst. The structures of Egypt, Allah, Freemasonry, Roman Catholic, Baal, Sun Worship and the spirits of tradition, doctrine and deception brought blindfolds on us as Your children. Their symbols and high places are everywhere. They are still controlling us to start their One World Order idea and are giving the Muslims all the rights they currently have in Government to control us. ?We repent of this bad stewardship on our side and declare a divorce between the demons involved and us, including the Queen of Heaven, all Freemason demons, the antichrist and Jezebel. Then came the riots in our country, wars in Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola and Mozambique. We admit to and repent of the helplessness of those poor indigenous people and the civilians that had nothing to do with the wars, alcoholism, prostitution, slavery, and destruction of private property, the total destruction of the infrastructure of these countries and the disrespect for others. Father we also bring the unrighteous killing of Jopie Fourie before You. All the disunity it caused in our nation between the “Natte” and the “Sappe”. The so called traitors and the joiners of the British forces and the curse of disunity that is still very much deeply rooted in our Afrikaner families and political parties where we see each other as enemies who are not from our group because we dare to differ of opinion. The rapes and the assassinations of sympathisers of the opposition or simply to hide crimes committed by our forces. Forgive us and help us never to get involved in a fleshly war again. Still all this innocent blood that we have repent of here today, cut all the soul ties and cover it with the Blood of the Lamb. Heal our country and this continent. Restore it to Your full potential, to be the Africa of Light. Turn every curse around into a blessing and give seven times back to us what Satan stole from Your Kingdom, the Bride, the nations and us. Thank You for Your precious Blood that cleanses us from all these iniquities right now. Thank You for setting Your Bride free from these sins and iniquities and opening the eyes of our minds, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father, we bind all these demons involved, ask You to rebuke them, to send Your angels to capture them and to make a footstool for Christ of them and to heal our land, stop the disunity and killing of political opponents, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! COVER PRAYER FOR BATTLE:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we admit our sins, through thoughts, words, and deeds. We Submit to Your Spirit and pray in the Power of the Spirit. Please gown us in Your righteousness and speak through us. With our Blood covenant with You, we ask You to extend our cover over every area of our lives including over close and extended family, every person that comes near us, our personal relationships, physical property and belongings, livestock, pets, our gifting, anointing, ministries, Your perfect Plans for our Lives, and personal prophecies. May the Blood of the Lamb silence all the blood that is calling out for restitution against us. Lift Your Hand of Judgment in accordance with these sins committed here and cancel every curse over our heads. We pray that all demons that have received worship through these acts of sin from us, from any human or animal sacrifice or any other demonic ritual, spell or curse on these premises, that Your angels will dethrone them right now of all positions and power over our lives. We petition that no plans against us will prosper. That no backlash from our prayers will be allowed to have any affect on any of us involved. That You will release Your peace and joy over Your Children and on to these premises.We bind, rebuke and bring to no effect, all division, discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, pride, envy, jealousy, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, poverty, fear of lack, fear spirits, murmuring spirits, hindering spirits, retaliatory spirits, deceiving spirits, religious spirits, occult spirits, witchcraft spirits (including the spirits of Jezebel, Delilah and spirits of antichrist. All curses that have been spoken against us, all spoken judgment made against us and judgments we have made against others, the power of negative words from others, and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Spirit; whether psychic, soul force, witchcraft or counterfeit tongues that have been prayed against us. Bless those who curse us, we pray blessings on those who despiteful use us. We are Your children, we resist the devil, no weapon formed against us shall prosper, we put on the whole armour, take authority over this day, let it be prosperous for us, let us walk in Your love, let Your Spirit lead and guide us, help us to discern between the righteous and the wicked. We take authority over Satan and all his demons, and those people who are influenced by them, declare Satan is under our feet and remain there all day. We are the righteous, in Christ Jesus. Your property. Satan you are bound from our family, mind, body, homes and finances. We confess, we are healed, whole, flourish, are long lived, stable, durable, incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, full of peace, patience and love. Whatsoever we set hands to shall prosper, for You supply all our needs. We have all authority over Satan, demons, and beasts. Bless our ministry that You have for us. Anoint us, for all You have called us to do. We call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God ordained encounters and ministry positions. We Claim a hedge of protection around us, spouses and children throughout this day and night. Dispatch angels to surround us, our spouses and children, put them throughout our possessions, souls and bodies, to protect our house from intrusion, us and family from any harmful demonic, physical or mental attacks.That all demonic structures be dismantled and for the decommissioning of every individual demon. That all demons that influence our lives will be taken captive and be bound at Your feet. Break all powers of hexes, spells, and incantations over our lives. Reverse all rituals and change every curse into a blessing. Destroy all witnesses in the spirit, push all altars and idols over that have been raised in worship to the devil or his substitutes. Pull all strongholds down. Send Your Fire to burn up all evidence of these strongholds in the spiritual realm. Strike all forces of darkness and those which have influenced us or are planning to influence us in the future with deafness, dumbness and blindness. Rebuke them and muzzle the gatekeepers and the guardians ruling over us. Cut us free from all demons and their authorities. Strip every individual demon of its assignment and decommission them from their tasks and positions of authority over us! We bind all demons and ask You to command them to draw back in the spirit. Re-establish new boundaries and send Your Fire and raise walls around us by Your Spirit. Disturb and interrupt the communication and unification of all lines of communication in the spiritual realm between the demonic forces and or any of their agents. Sow confusion into their ranks and isolate them and their powers over us and forbid them to use any objects as power points over us and give us the victory. We declare it into the Heavenlies that this season of demonic interference is now over and is now changed into a season of Jubilee over us. Remove all demonic banners and decrees in the spiritual realm, declare all prophecies and plans of darkness, not applicable and powerless over us and raise the banners of Christ over this area. We declare it Holy Ground. Set apart for our Creator. We declare Christ Jesus our King, Saviour, Creator, and Father. Close all gateways in the spiritual realm to us and seal it off over us with the Blood of the Lamb. Purify all elements in our area with Your Fire. We declare that this area will stay sealed and the seals will not be broken by any agent of satan or any one who is demonised. We know our authority in Christ Jesus and bind all demons involved and ask You to take them captive and taken to Your Feet and bound there forever. We ask You to judge al demonic forces that seek to hinder and resist our prayers and that they are cast from their places of stubbornness and idolatry. Father loosen your angels and all angelic forces, Heavenly seeds and Fire of anointing of the Spirit of Truth over us. Let Your presence of the Spirit manifest in our lives. Send Your warring, serving, covenant, linking and ministering angles to fill this place with Your presence. Please raise Your Banner, in the spiritual realm over us and surround us by Your Fire. We petition for a time of cease fire. Hide us in the spiritual realm and cover us under Your Wings. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, Spirit. In Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!DAILY PRAYER:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we admit our sins, through thoughts, words, and deeds. We Submit to Your Spirit and pray in the Power of the Spirit. Please gown us in Your righteousness and speak through us. With our Blood covenant with You, we ask You to extend our cover over every area of our lives, including over close and extended family, every person that comes near us, our personal relationships, physical property and belongings, livestock, pets, our gifting, anointing, ministries, Your perfect Plans for our Lives, and our personal prophecies. Father, protect us from all evil. Bless the saints. Equip Your children. Bless the leaders… and all the activities of the Bride. Open our eyes and discipline Your disciples. Give us the Gifts of the Spirit and fill us with Your fullness. Be with those who are prosecuted and comfort those who have lost dear ones, because of The Kingdom. Please provide in all the needs of Your children and bless us with Your perfect plans for our lives and congregations. Compel the Jews to return to Jerusalem. Thank You for raising the nation of Israel again. Thank You that the Scriptures are being fulfilled as we speak. Thank You for revealing Yourself to us. Thank You for the peace of Jerusalem! Raise the heathens including the Muslims, the Jehovah witnesses, the Old / New Apostles and give that their souls are harvested in these days. We also thank You for sending harvesters in to the harvest for the greatest harvest ever. Let the east wind blow and compel them to join in the harvest. We call them from all over the world. Be with the poor, the sick, those in hospitals and in pain, the widows and the orphans, the old aged, the hungry, the thirsty, the cold and the naked, those without homes and the foreigner in our town. Be with the children and the abused, the neglected and the outcasts. Compel us with Your Spirit to become Your Hands to the needy, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Help those in bondage and those in jail. Raise and restore our marriages to be the prophetic actions they are supposed to be. Bless and raise Christian business people to provide finances for Your Kingdom. We claim back all the money which the oppressors of the poor have collected for Your Kingdom! We come, in Christ Jesus’ Name and cancel every curse, every ritual, witchcraft or any spiritual jealousy that is launched against us.Every dart of fire. We ask You to forgive those involved and bless them with a double blessing of salvation. We ask You to remove every curse or dart of fire over us and that You will rebuke every bit of darkness in us and that Your will be done in these peoples lives. Thank You that those who come against us will not prosper, that we are the head and not the tail. Give us insight. Wisdom. Revelations and all the blessings from Your treasure rooms. Open the floodgates and pour out Your blessings on us in all areas of our lives. Provide in all our needs, physically, spiritually, mentally, financially and give that we will grow in our relationships with You and with all people to Your Honour and Glory so that Your Kingdom will be built. We come against every deception, lie, plan, bondage, spider web or anything the evil forces are planning against us. We bind it and pull it down. We release Your perfect plans for our lives. Satan. Father cancel every curse and everything you have stolen from us and turn it around into blessings. We claim it back seven fold. If there is anybody that has something against us, we ask You to forgive them and we choose to forgive them and love them with Your Love. We set them free. They owe us nothing. If there is anyone that we have hurt please forgive us and show us where we need to do restitution. Come and make us empty vessels so that You can use us unconditionally.Help us to be nothing, so that You can be everything through us, Your Temples. We want to be absolutely nothing. Come and live through us in every area of our lives. Be the speaker and help us to listen to what You are saying to us as passengers in Your Temples. Thank You, be the Potter and let us be Your clay. Mould us and form us. Transform us and renew us to Your image. Heal us, restore us, Sanctify us and compel us to Sanctification! Anoint us with Your Glory and unite us as one as You are One! Protact us from evil and open the eyes of our minds to understand Your Word!Do as You want, and not as we want. We choose to be available for whatever You want to do. Take us. Use us and equip us, just as You want. We thank You for killing the self that wants to flourish. Crucify every bit of self. Help us to show our gratitude for what You have done for us and to love You with all our mind, all our hearts and all our bodies. How Good You are for us. How little do we understand of what You are doing moment by moment to save and protect and to keep us. We are totally insignificant in comparison with You, but still You are constantly busy with each of us, caring for our needs, while we deserve punishment.With this in mind we now come and stand in the gap for our:1. Own house and children.2. Family.3. Disciples.4. Friends.5. Those in ministry, thank You Abba Fateher, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!DARKNESS PRAYER:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You, as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open their eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins.Our kings, priests, fathers, the people of this country and us have polluted the country with sins, iniquities, pagan symbols, rituals, statues, signs, symbolism and high places for darkness. Father we bless our enemies with a double blessing of salvation, Righteousness and Fear for You, the Almighty. Those who are trying and damaging us, our economy, our resources and our country. We choose to forgive them and ask You to save their souls. Father as we rebuke the works of darkness, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we ask You to save these people’s souls, but if they continue to renounce Christ, that You will remove them from places of authority and stubbornness. We come and stand before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus’ Name, in Your Authority as Blood washed representatives with our Blood Covenant with You, and declare, in Christ Jesus, satan and his demons are under our feet. We are the head and not the tail! If we pray Your Will, You will answer our prayers! If we belief and pray in Christ Jesus’ Name, You will answer our prayers, John 15:7+14+16! Father we do not associate with the unfruitful deeds of darkness and rebuke it to die and be null in void! We declare that everything that was done in darkness will come in to the Light, Eph 5:11-13. Thank You Father that Your Light will now shine on all things that was done in darkness in South Africa and will bring it to the Light, Eph 5:13. It is written! Therefore, everything that was done in darkness, or said in darkness, will be heard in the Light, and everything said in secret will be proclaimed from the roof tops, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Luke 12:3. We speak death over the unfruitful works of darkness and rebuke the things the political parties, our government, the Guptas, the Communist, the Socialists, the liberals, the students in the riots, the third party elements and every other evil forces are doing. Who wants to destroy our country, our economy, create chaos, who wants to degrade our economical states, who are busy brainwashing and deceiving our people, and who are feeding us lies. Who wants to implement the plans of the anti-Christ, the One World Order, or to implement communism and socialism, who are busy with corruption, tender entrepreneurs, giving illegal tenders to cadres, stealing government resources, finances and destroying infrastructure. Who appoint incapable people to cause inefficiency! The illegal administration and inefficient administration of our resources, finances and infrastructure. Who spread lies, are lying in the media, giving false information, false prophesies and spreading false doctrine and damaging political agendas. Father we declare that all of these evil actions will now be proclaimed from the roof tops and brought into the Light, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We bind these evil spirits working through these people and ask You to rebuke them. Satan Christ Jesus rebukes you! We speak death over the works of satan and command everything to come in to the Light. It will now be proclaimed from the roof tops! The thief has been caught out. Father we ask You to bless these people involved with these evil practises with a hundred fold harvest on what they have sowed! That You will save their souls and that You will give us leaders to be good stewards in Justice and in Righteousness. That You will send Your angels to bring these people over from darkness in to Your Glorious Light! For it is written; Is 33:1 Ah, you destroyer, who yourself have not been destroyed, you traitor, whom none has betrayed! When you have ceased to destroy, you will be destroyed; and when you have finished betraying, they will betray you. 5 The LORD is exalted, You dwells on high; You fill us with justice and righteousness, 6 and are the stability of our times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is our treasure. Jer 33:2 "Thus says the LORD who made the earth, the LORD who formed it to establish it—the LORD is Your Name: 3 Call to Me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. 6 Behold, You bring to us health and healing, and You heal us and reveal to us abundance of prosperity and security. 7 You restore our fortunes and the fortunes of Israel, and rebuild us as we were at first. You restore our fortunes and will have mercy on us." "Now I will arise," says the LORD, "now I will lift Myself up; now I will be exalted. 14 The sinners in South Africa are afraid; trembling has seized the godless: "Who among us can dwell with the consuming fire? Who among us can dwell with everlasting burnings?" 15 He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil. We shall dwell on the heights; our place of defence will be the fortresses of Rocks; our bread will be given to us; our water will be sure. For the LORD is our Judge; the LORD is our Lawgiver; the LORD is our King; You will save us. 9 And we shall be to You a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth who shall hear of all the good that You do for us. They shall fear and tremble because of all the good and all the prosperity You provide for us, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We exult and praise You. Thanks for the victory Father! Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus, and O’ Spirit of Truth. The victory is ours! We glorify Your Name! So it will be. We declare it in to the Heavenlies. It is done! We have done repentance all over South Africa. We have done reconciliation for the land. May we now Tabernacle with the Bridegroom, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You Father that You now send Your angles to capture all these demons involved and make a Footstool for Christ of them, and anoint Your children with Fire that they will strive Like soldiers for Your Kingdom in Turbo charge mood! Thank You, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! DECREE: (spiritual circumcision, Rom 2:29) (Sinners prayer)I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh, is my King, my Saviour, Abba Father and my God. That You are the Son of God, Eternal Father and Mighty God, John 1:1-3 & Is 9:6. Your Body died on the cross for my sins, iniquities, worries, sorrows, grieve, problems and rejections. By Your stripes we are healed, Is 53:3-5. Your Body died on the cross and You went down to the spirits in prison, 1Peter 3:19, to declare victory over sin and death, 1Pet 4:6. Father raised Your Body from the dead. You ascended to Heaven where You are sitting at the Right Hand of Father as our King and Saviour! You reign over Heaven, Earth and our Temples, our bodies, which belong to You! 1Cor 6:19-20. I surrender my body to Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name!For we have all sinned and fall short of Your Glory, Rom 3:23. The wages of sin is death but the gift that You gave us, is Eternal Life! Father if it has not happened yet, by the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, please circumcise me in my spirit, so that I am born again, Rom 2:28-29. Thank You, Abba Father that I am Your child and co-heir! Father by the Power of Your Spirit, please crucify the self and sinful man in me so that it will no longer be I that live but Christ Jesus that lives in me, Gal 2:20. I cancel every right and ability I have received, every fruit and every contract the devil has in my life! Please do the same in Heaven, set me free and deliver me from every indwelling or demonic power in my life. Fill me now with the fullness of Christ from the tip of my head to the tips of my toes! Father please take over every area of my life. My relationships, family, career and future! Please fill me with Your fullness! Please form me, transform me, renew me, mould and refine me and bring me into Your perfect plans for my life. Let Your will be done in my life! Open my spiritual eyes that I may receive Your revelations. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth. Let Your Name be exulted and glorified in Your Son, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!6. DOCTRINE PRAYER:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured, just like Your anointed, Jehu did, 2Kings 10:29-30. O’ we serve You, go to church, attend prayer groups, do course after cource, but we have no personal relationship with Christ. Is 58:2, Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of Me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God. Father in the meantime our country is falling apart at every level but we still think we are serving You!We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these sins as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these peoples eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy, therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins.Abba Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, as we repent please cancel these curses, break the bondages over our minds and remove the blindfolds from our eyes, open our ears for the truth of Your Word and break the stronghold of passivity over us. We have been misled by the Whore of Babylon and allowed Rome as the headquarters of the antichrist to pollute us with the doctrine of men and pagans. They seem to be the Angel of light but represent the devil. This pagan habits causes extreme disunity among believers of the different denominations and break Your Body up into thousands of pieces. Through denominations we act in the flesh and stop unity. We acknowledge that until we break down these walls between Your children in the different denominations and renounce our churches and become just Congregations in Christ, we will not have true revival as on the day of Pentecost.Father we admit that this fleshly behaviour has put us back under the Law from which Christ has bought us free and that we are not serving You in Spirit and Truth, Gal 5:16-18. Sad to say but we are back in the Old Covenant and operating in the flesh while You are Spirit and we have no personal relationship with You. Christ brought us over from this fleshly sinful physical world by dying in the flesh and raising from the grave as a Spirit but by walking in the flesh we renounce the New Covenant and cannot please You, Acts 7:38-42, just like Israel did at Mount Sinai and the flesh can not understand Spiritual things, John 3:3-6! ?We beg You Father, by the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ’s Name, help us. Remove the walls between the denominations that causes disunity. Open the eyes of our minds. Give us revelation and break these bondage and strongholds in our way of thinking over our minds of religion, politics and culture. Remove every though of disobedience against Your Word. Tie us as born again believers together with a triple ribbon of Your Love.? Glue us together with Your Love that we will have no choice but to love one another and serve other believers who proclaim Christ as Saviour, King and Creator, Eph 5:19-21. Put guards before our mouths that we will only speak blessings over all people and stop cursing and criticising other believers.?Father because of us being in the flesh You have given us over to serve the host of stars, Act 7:42. Your Bride is gowned in the sun, the moon and the stars because of our Roman roots, habits and lies, the rights Islam has on us and the false prophets operating in church, and this manifests all over in our churches, Rev 12:1+5. We admit that the church fathers broke away from Rome but never have they repent of their sins and witchcraft and always tried to go back to the mother of all the whores and the world council of churches. Father we renounce and reject this pagan system of churches with their stone temples and priests and we go out of her now, Rev 18:4, in Christ Jesus’ Name. ?We repent of the dozens of lies, rituals and festivals of the antichrist in our churches, denominations and cults which believers did and believed as the truth while it is satan’s perversion of Your Word. That we as believers want to keep these lies in place and are prepared to die for it. Father these lies are so deeply rooted in our way of living and believing that fourth generation cults are busy forming, based on these lies of things like apartheid, chosen nation, day of worship, and Israel roots. Father to the point that people want to go back to the Old Covenant and the Law, keeping Sabbath in the flesh, speaking Hebrew,? going back to Judaism and trying to live as the Israel of the Old Covenant. Keeping the rituals of Moses which lead to death, written on stones, 2Cor 3:7-9.?We have grieved You deeply and made Your New Covenant worthless through pagan doctrine and habits of the ancestors and church fathers. Father we were blind to Your Commands and allowed the scribes and the Pharisees with Freemason, “New Age” and pagan roots and doctrine to close our eyes and ears over many years. Satan and his agents, in our Universities and theology departments, where highly qualified professors reject that Christ is God, was born from a virgin, died on the cross and was resurrected from death, but are teaching His Word and teaching theology students. Father our Roman roots as descendants of the Roman church make us part of this pagan church, the mother of all the whores, Rev 17:5-6. We reject and renounce this pagan system and ask You to cleanse us from everything it involves.?We have allowed the yeast of Herod to take us back to the Old Covenant of temple building, 1Cor 6:19, while our Bodies are Your Temple. You do not live in temples of stone, Acts 7:48-49, and the Community of Believers is Your House, 1Tim 3:15, and no pagan temple. We have become passive babies in denominations and not disciples and followers of Christ, 1John 2:4+6. We refused to obey Your Great Command to make disciples from all nations and to teach them to become doers of Your Word, Matt 28:19. Under a religious spirit we became members of denominations keeping church benches warm. Under the antichrist spirit and this Babylonian system? of stone temples a curse of spiritual death came on believers and kept us passive as baby believers, 1Pet 2:5+9.? ?We now renounce this church system of satan and want to be in a personal relationship with Christ, Heb 8:10-11. We stand up from death with Christ and choose to obey Your Word to become living stones in Your Temple, Jam 1:22. We stand up and come to life and choose to be priests in our own Temples, our bodies, Your Temple. We choose to sanctify our Temples and set it aside for Your Kingdom so that You can live through us, Gal 2:20 & 2Cor 7:1. We walk under the New Covenant of Christ and do not need people to teach us, Heb 8:11 & 1John 2:20+27. We are now all priests ourself and Christ our High Priest, 1Pet 2:5. Forgive us that we have allowed one person to teach and control us. We undertake to take part when we come together, 1Cor 14:26 + Col 3:16 and to share as the Spirit leads us. That we will bless others in our congregations with what the Spirit tells us and that we will no longer be passive babies and passengers in Your Kingdom and no longer be satisfied with one man shows. You have given us all gifts and the fullness of Your Spirit lives in us with all the gifts, Eph 4: 7+11-16 & 1Cor 12:7. We all need to exercise our gifts to grow up to maturity in Christ. Father, we will no longer prescribe to You by whom You can or may speak to us and submit to one another as believers, because every Believer got Your Spirit in them, Eph 5:21. The Spirit will tell them what to say in every situation, Matt 10:19-20 and every Believer knows everything they need to know, to serve You, 1John 2:20. That we will all be responsible stewards and test what was said in our congregations by Your Word, Acts 17:11.?Forgive us Father for building stone temples while You do not live in them but in our bodies, 1Cor 6:19. That we call these stone temples churches as pagans and that we have appointed priests to serve us here as in the Old Covenant, in the flesh, 1Cor 3:3-4. We admit that most of these stone temples are polluted with pagan symbols as the design of Herod, a Baal priest. We admit that the first congregation in Acts came together in houses even after You added 3000 per day and never did any congregation after that, build any temples like pagans. It was only when Rome as the agent of the antichrist hijacked Christianity that they started building temples, to deceive Your Children and to come in as intermediators and stop any personal relationship Believers might have with Christ, just as they did with Paul’s disciples working for the romans. ?We renounce this counterfeit of the Truth. This while our bodies are living stones of Your Temple, 1Kor 6:19 & 1Pet 2:5. We declare that each of us as believers are priests in Your Temple, 1Pet 2:5 and priests appointed in pagan stone temples grieves You. These priests stand between us and You while Your Spirit is suppose to be our Teacher, John 16:8-13 & 1John 2:27. We are suppose to come together as community of believers where every one can give input and our meetings are organised by elders and where we get many different messages and corporately what You want to tell us through all involved, 1Pet 4:10-11, Col 3:16-17, Eph 5:19-21, 1Cor 14:12+26 & Heb 10:24-25 . But sadly Father we have chosen to appoint a Moses again and just get one person’s input according to that persons doctrine. We were brainwashed to believe that only these ordained knows Your Word while they treated us as children.? And if any of us should have dared to disagree we would have been met with disgust and anger from these pagan way of leaderships. We repent of this manipulation and control over Your children by pastors, ministers and priests as witchcraft and renounce any authority of these people over us as believers. You are our only Leader, Teacher and Head, and equip and anoint us as preachers of the Good News, 2Cor 3:5-6. Not with wise words but with Power and Godly Authority, 1Cor 1:17-20 &1Cor 2:1-4.?Forgive us for not having personal relationships with You but sending a Moses to hear from You and then coming back and tell us as at Mt Sinai. That we called these priests,? pastor, dominee, minister, priests, father, etc. That while Your Word clearly say in the New Covenant that Your Spirit will teach us, 1John 2:27, and only You are Rabbi, Master, Teacher and that no man have titles, and we should not call people as such, Matt 23:7-10.? Father these lies have broken Your Body into thousands of denominations, 1Kor 3:4-7, while there is no love for one another and believers criticises others. We judge, criticise and put other believers in jail. Every denomination declare that only they have the truth. All others are wrong and are rejected as heathens. Some even close Heaven for others. We have no love for anybody that differs from our ways of belief or using other rituals than we do. We are not mature enough to sit around a table and discuss our differences because it is demonic and based on man’s doctrine and not on Scriptures. Your Word say we must be in Unity! There should be no separation between Your Children! 1Cor 3:3 For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? The Love that Your disciples are supposed to have for one another does not exists, John 13:35. Father this is clearly pagan, demonic and not from You. We are not Your disciples with a personal relationship as between Husband and wife but Christians as the Vatican want’s us to do!?We worship churches, denominations and leaders and get extremely cross if someone should say anything about it or our hero’s. Our churches, denominations and priests became more important then? You and Your Word. We are legalistic and religious but not Spirit filled, Rom 4:15, and not prepared to die for seeking the Truth, Ex 34:16. We allow satan to mess with our minds, John 13:2, our emotions and thoughts, 2Kor 3-5 and stop us from thinking logically. Through the roots of Rome satan has blindfolded us from the Truth and took us captive and keep us from the knowledge of salvation, Luke 1:76-77 & Rev 22:14. Forgive us our spiritual pride that we refuse to get input from ordinary people and prescribe to You through who You may talk to us, Acts 2:17.?That we believed that a person had to go and study to preach Your Word, while it is You who equip people and Your Spirit who teaches us, Acts 1:8. Forgive us that we want to learn from people and Universities about Your Kingdom while You equip us as ministers of the New Covenant 2Kor 3:5-6. That we even demand that someone must have a theology degree to serve You, 2Tim 3:5-8.? That we have honoured these self appointed priests and made them equal to Your Spirit and brought the curse of Homosexuality over us, Rom 1:20-27.? This while You said all people are equal under the New Covenant.? Everybody must make disciples, be a disciple and be in a personal relationship with You, Matt 28:19. That it is actually by preaching the Word that we ourselves become anointed, equipped and receive the revelations, and are able to serve and do not go astray, Mark 16:16-20, Col 1:9-12, Phil 1:9-10, 1Pet1:10 & Heb 5:13-14. That we say we are baptised but we do not drive out demons, heal the sick and neither preach Your Word,? Mark 16:16-20. These priests study and study but have no knowledge of Your Kingdom or Power, 2Tim 3:5-8. They made a mockery of what we should have been as Your Body and representatives. Please forgive us for making a shame of Your Name and rejecting You as our Husband.? ?Father out there in the occult are so many captive people, broken hearted, depressive people, people in bondage but they have nowhere to go because the churches, as a counterfeit, does not know how to help them. These broken people are angry at You for what we have made of Your Body. We were supposed to be a blessing to these people but we have become a curse. Please forgive us for all the people and souls that we have lost because of this pagan system we have served. Forgive us for thinking we can serve You and worship You in pagan temples of stone. That we have been satisfied with this false system for so long while the non believers was screaming out at us that something serious was wrong with what we are doing. While everthing around us are falling apart, we still think we are serving You!That this pagan system has caused all the pain of Apartheid, many wars and terrible pain to so many of us, our people are murdered, rape and abused every day, but still we stuck to this monster. You are busy closing many of these stone temples but we just open new once. Father we have became a shade and a mirror image of what You have planned us to be as the Body of Christ. Where we should all be priests in Your Temple. Living stones to be the Light to this broken world. ?Help us to stand up and become truly Your Body and to build Your Temple. Help us to build the walls of the New Jerusalem, Your Bride and to lay the foundation of Your Temple in Christ Jesus!That You will sanctify us and compel us through Your Love and the Power of Your Spirit, to put on the full armour, Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 That we may be able to withstand satan. 14 Our loins girt with Your Word, The breastplate of righteousness through repentance; Our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Able disciples who spread the Good News, Is 53:3-6! 16 The shield of faith, 1Cor 16:13. 17 The helmet of salvation, Rom 10:9. The Sword of the Spirit, Your Word. While we do intercession for all 8 Praying always for all saints! Father we bind these demons of disunity and passivity over Your children and very other demon involved in this Babylonian system. The sun, moon en star gods, Jezebel, the beast, the dragon, the fals prophets and all their principalities and agents, Rev 2:20-24, Rev 12”1-2+5, & Rev 16:13. We ask You to rebuke them and to take these demons captive and make them a Footstool for Christ. That You will now open the eyes of Your Children’s minds so that they may receive Your revelation, mysteries, visions, dreams, understand Your Word, Spiritually, and will be in Unity, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!7. Druid and Celtic roots?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy, therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins.We associate with our fathers who originated from the nations of Europe and the United Kingdom. Our ancestors were involved in Druid worship which is again emerging all over society today. Father we bring the oak tree, oak leaves and acorns and all the idolization of trees and nuts as symbols of wisdom before You. Forgive us for planting oak trees at crossroads and on corners of important roads and then decorating them with idol heroes’ names and demonic symbols. We reject this so called “oak knowledge” that is obtained at oak trees or at hazel trees from demons. The trees as sacred places and all the names given to these places, fountains, rivers and wells as also sacred places. Forgive us for taking over these high places and for building our Houses of Assembly on polluted ground and for acknowledging the demonic healing powers of these waters. We reject all warrior spirits, conquering spirits, the spirit of monarchy, the curse that Britain rules and the spirits involved. We renounce the spirits of the Unicorn and the Lion of Britain, the spirit of the Bear power of England, spirits of bloodshed, spirits that demand human sacrifices, matriarchal spirits, spirits of mind control, domination and intimidation over us as descendants, this continent and over Christianity. Father cut us free from anything to do with Great Britain and their leaders.?The rituals, worship at and the eating of the nuts and sleeping in these trees to get visions from demons. Forgive us for planting these idol trees in the middle of our towns with totem poles, talismans and so called trees of “life”. The belief that dead peoples’ souls stay in these trees and the worship of these heroes or ancestors. The sacrificing of a tree by burning it to demons, the sprinkling of animal and human blood on these trees, and the worship of thunder. That Christianity adopted the “lady of the oak”, which is a demon. That the oak is a symbol of veneration with the demon of thunder staying in it. That sacred fires have to be fuelled with oak wood. That by touching oak wood we can influence a situation and coffins were made out of oak wood. The worship of water spirits in rivers, lakes, wells, fountains and pools. The human sacrifices to these spirits and the throwing of human heads into these rivers. The Shamanism, divination, reading of signs, mind control, occult healings and witchcraft of our ancestors at these sights. ?We renounce all mythology, stories, tales, folklore, the worship of fairies, human spirits and demons involved. The shaving off of their hair to make a fence on their heads, a bald patch, the white robes, the juggling with nine swords and the symbolism around the number nine. The sending of women to battle, the rebellion against masculine authority, the competition and control by women over men as leaders, the wickedness and cruelty of these women, the deceiving of men and the killing of those men that threatened their positions and that these women were declared sacred. The worship of the spirit of wine and ecstasy, the Norse sagas, the independence of women from their husbands, the fairies or fairy women, and all the sorcery and witchcraft around this establishment in order to keep control and power. We renounce the curse of utter darkness and ugliness over us as the descendants. The “Holy Grail” that was not Scriptural. The Da Vinci code, which is a lie to prove the Illuminated ones to be godly and superior to other people as offspring of Christ Jesus. All thirty-three demons of the folklore, the stories about giants, fairies and heroes, the spirits of fear in the dark and deep waters, the lies of the heroes and heroines who became their gods after they died, the worship of the sun, moon and stars, all links to Hinduism, Buddhism and Freemasonry, the Egyptian spirits, as well as the symbols, the serpent and the serpent with the ram’s head. Water, rivers, snakes and crosses, all other animals that were worshipped, false trinities and the powers or personalities that are linked to these demons. We renounce that rivers are female demons of fertility, life, health and prosperity. The raven as a symbol of death and war, the water baptisms after repentance so that the water can purify the person (only the Blood can), Heb 9:22 and the long headed Celtic cloaks. We renounce all curses that are linked to any of our names or places we come from and the demons involved that received any worship. The lies that there are females living in the lakes and wells. Fire walking rituals and all human and animal sacrifices to these spirits of the fire and the sun god. The rituals at funerals, ancestral worship and the sacrifices of prisoners and animals by burning them. The drinking of human blood, the rituals, medicine and curses to make people insane or to cause insanity through mind control, and the drinks of forgetfulness to block peoples’ memories, in Chris Jesus’ Name.?We renounce the curse of being baptised as a baby in streams into paganism. The making of voodoo dolls, the eating of raw horse meat to get nightmares and visions from demons, the use of human skulls as decorations, the ritual of cutting a mistletoe from a sacred oak with a sickle and the healing power thereof. The sacrifice of the two white bulls to the spirit of the moon, all demonic fasting to attain wisdom. Mind control and hunger strikes. To sacrifice one person to take away the sin of a town, the sprinkling of human blood to protect new buildings, to bury a living person under the foundation of a new building to scare off demons. All the child sacrifices to break curses and the mocking with the Blood of Christ Jesus. The baptisms of babies by washing them in springs or wells at these sights to get healing or deliverance from demons. The 1st of May as Mayday, which is Baal’s day. The Midsummer and the Eve of All Hallow Even and the fire worship that goes with it. The spirit of the jackal, wolf and eagle, the jumping through fires, and the 23rd of June as St John’s Eve. All Saints who are honoured and the demons involved that are said to have these special abilities and that represent these dead Saints. Supernatural protection or blessing that is demonic. The Mayday pole that is erected for young virgins to dance around, which symbolizes a male sex organ so that these young girls unknowingly give Satan rights to open the door to lust.?The extinguishing of all fires on the night of Halloween on the 2nd of November. The Loch Nan or lake of the spirits.The throwing of objects in a pool to divine or make wishes. The rituals that are determine by the direction the sun moves or the growth of the moon. The painting of hard baked eggs as an Egyptian ritual adopted by Christianity as our Easter eggs. The stone of luck under the King’s throne in West minister Abbey which is a curse and covered by wood. The bowing before and kissing of statues, stones or stone pillars. The throwing of salt on the ground or on the chests of corpses. The worship of Honeybees and the association with their hives. The seven stars and the cross key with Freemasonry and divination rods made of apple trees! Please send your angels to go and arrest every demon involved in keeping these curses and bondages in place over our lives that we have repent of here today. Please remove every bondage, blindfold, trap, helper and instrument of satan and send them to the place that You have prepared for them.?Bind the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places so that they can’t return. Place Your Name, and Your Blood, between them and us. Father fill those areas where you have delivered us with Your Spirit, cover it in Your Blood and destroy all evidence against us by Your all consuming Fire, Eph 6:12. We bind these demons and ask You to rebuke them. Order the demons to flee from us in seven ways and never to return. That You will bind them at Your Feet and make a Footstool for Christ of them. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!8. Egyptian roots renunciation prayer?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the Egyptian Roots on our hands, because Africa is Egypt. Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we repent of any worship the Egyptian demons received from our fathers or from us. We cut all soul ties with any person, demon, god, priest or anything associated with the spirits of Egypt and Pharaoh as South Africa is part of the Egyptian continent. The same wise men of the Pharaoh who changed sticks into snakes in the days of Moses are today’s Sangomas who practice the witchcraft in Africa with the same capabilities and demons involved, Ex 7: 11-12 +21-22 & Deut 8:6-7+18. Please remove our names as well as the names of our descendants out of any book that might testify against us or give Satan rights in our lives. We reject any demon of the air, rain, water, earth, life and death or that is linked to the Pharaohs. We renounce the nine demons of Egypt and all Sun Worship, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Cut us, as well as our descendants loose from all the prince demons as in Matt 12:24, “Beelzebub” the commander and every prince in the West, South, North and East. We reject all the fruits they have in our lives, repent of any animal worship and sever the soul ties between these animals and us. We repent of Numerology, Cabbala, the values of letters and their influences and every creation story of Egypt. We reject that the Nile River is a source of life and every connection between the river and death, fertility, plants, seasons, reincarnation, the moon seasons, the star Sirius, its connection to programming and all the water spirits involved. We reject Cleopatra, everything she stands for, the letters and the snakes. We petition against any mind control programming on us and curse its roots in Christianity over us of denying things as if they didn’t exist with its roots firmly entrenched in the Bride where these followers deny the existence of everything they are unable to deal with. We ask for the cleansing of these iniquities and the protection of our minds and souls against these demons. ?Please remove any maze over our minds and set us free. We repent of all rituals for the dead, magic oils and herbs, rituals at funerals, lucky charms, food for the dead or as sacrifices to demons, objects that are put in the grave for those who died, the boat of the devil of death (who takes you over the Nile), the realm of death in the West, the twelve provinces for the dead, the Hall of Two Truths and the feather to weigh people’s hearts. Cut us loose from all these demons from the Egyptian underworld and reject these lies, rituals, prayers for the dead, Egyptian magic and any beliefs in reincarnations, or stories and myths. We renounce as sin, the idolatry, the influences of astrology, sprinkling of water and burning of incense for demons, any magical powers, superstition, incantations, secret formulas, healing powers, crowns, jewellery, clothes, sceptres, temples, buildings, statues, obelisks, pyramids of sphinxes, the symbols of suns, moons, stars and sun pillars at our Houses of Assembly. The worship of nature, astrology, the sun, the stars, animals, the crocodile, hippos, jackals, cats, birds, the ibis, benu, phoenix, hawks, eagles, pigeon eagles, snakes, the white doves, Matt 3:16, the devil snake, the snake that spits fire, all the bulls, the scarab beetle and it’s seasons over us, any plants, trees and trunks, the false trinity, the Holy child and mother and the all seeing eye of Satan, Ex 30:9, Deut 12:2-3+30 & Rev 2:24. The T and Ankh as ancient crosses. We reject all bisexual births and bisexual frogs as lies. We take back all territory given to Satan by these sins. Cut our descendants and us loose from these demonic influences. We reject and renounce all fruits and spirits of divination, sangomas, witchdoctors, shamans or any super natural powers from Egypt or Babylon where they have their origin. We ask You to cleanse us from these iniquities and to turn every curse into a blessing. Cut all soul ties where blood was spilled or blood covenants were made. We ask You to silence all innocent blood that is calling against us, as well as all blood, body parts or images that were sacrificed to satan or used in rituals on behalf of us. Please burn all such evidence against us by You’re the Power of Your Spirit. Wash it away with the Blood of the Lamb and turn all curses around into blessings, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We bind these demons, ask You to rebuke them, send Your angels to take them captive and make a footstool for Christ of them. We ask You Father to save the souls of these people taken captive by satan through these sins, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!FORGIVENESS:I declare that Christ Jesus’ of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh, is my Father and my Creator. I repent of all my sins through words, deeds and thoughts and I surrender in every area of my life to Your Spirit. Father, please come and live through me by the power of Your Spirit. Please release my emotions and soften my heart. Cleanse me from the iniquities that are causing so much pain in my soul and are giving Satan rights in my life. I acknowledge that what was done is sin and identify with it. I am saved through grace alone. Therefore, I extend this grace to those who have hurt me so much. I declare that I am as sinful as they are and that it is Satan who is stealing from us. He/She hurt me very much (describe). I am very angry (emotions).Father, but You say we must forgive. I open my hand and choose to forgive (name the person). He/she owes me nothing. Please remove all bitterness, hurt, anger, hatred, hardness etc. out of my heart and give me a heart of flesh. Father, I also ask you to forgive (…) in heaven and bless him/her with salvation and prosperity in every area of his/her life. Please cancel every judgment and curse that I have spoken over (…) and turn it into blessings. Bless (…) with Your favour. I understand that I am unable of getting the anger out of my system on my own. I ask You to remove all this darkness from me by replacing it with Your love for (…). Please heal me in every area of my body, soul and spirit and fill me with Your fullness. Help me to see (…) through Your eyes and to understand that satan used our bodies to hurt each other. Please cover this whole situation with Your Blood. Seal it off by Your Spirit. Hit Satan with blindness, dumbness and deafness. Hide me under Your wings and cause confusion in the ranks of darkness, so that they can’t find me. Please give back seven times what Satan stole from me through these experiences. We take back our land. We declare You our Father and King over our lives. Your Stripes healed me through the shedding of my tears. Thank you Father, Christ Jesus and Comforter, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!9. Freemasonry: Sun Worshippers: Ex 34:6-9, Ezek8:16, Job 13: 10, Amos 1:9-11& Jam 2:1-7.?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the Freemason Roots on our hands. Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we bring Freemasonry before you and repent of this idolatry as occultism. We admit that these people governed our country right from day one and are still in charge behind the scenes of the One World Order idea, co-working with Islam and the Vatican, controlling the governments, the economy and the spiritual world on this earth. They were the leaders in Rome when Christianity arrived there and took it captive as soon as the apostles where gone and perverted it with paganism. They started the Roman church as the false counter fate version of what Christ originally taught the apostles.These sun worshippers defiled the believers and united it with paganism through Catholism. Through association with our fathers, our government, the Bride and own sins we stand guilty of this gross occultism in our midst that is influencing all of us on a daily basis at every level of life, physical and spiritually! Father the passiveness of the Bride to tolerate these people in the leadership of the Bride and our country through all these ages! They brought the Roman roots into the church through Martin Luther and polluted the entire Protestant church with Roman’s false doctrines. Then when the protestants started reading the Bible and realising some of these lies, they came with the charismatic movement of the charismatic Roman church and the Anglican church. All of this controlled from behind the scenes by the Black Pope in the Vatican and executed and implemented by the Jesuit priests. We admit that they also started Islam to control the Muslim world. We repent of our involvement and association with this witchcraft and that our Houses of Assembly were built and designed by these people. Their defiled money has in most cases made out a substantial part of the payments of our buildings. They put curses in the foundations of all buildings and placed them on curse lines all over the world. They defiled the premises where we are supposed to give You honour with graves, sun pillars, blood sacrifices, occult rituals, cocks and idol symbols to show their rejection and arrogance towards You as in the temple of Solomon, 2Cron 2:13, 2Cron 3:17, 2Cron 4:16 & Ezek 8:16. They are trying their utmost to change or take away crucial explanations from Your Word, every time it is translated to deceive the Bride and to bring in all their lies into the Word to promote false doctrine and very slowly pull the veil over our minds. Then they convince pastors and spiritual leaders to promote these latest versions of the Bible. We reject all spirits of Freemasonry, witchcraft and the occultism behind Freemasonry, the prince spirit Baphomet, the Beast, the Dragon, the False Prophet, the spirit of the antichrist and all the curses that go with it. The satanic doctrines, rituals, idolatry, secrecy, blasphemy, deception, the false security involved, the love of power, status, money, greed, the self promotion, pride and arrogance. We admit that almost everyone of our leaders at every level of society, including the Bride was part of these Sun Worshippers, their secret brotherhoods and their One World Order, Job 13:10. They have polluted everything we touch, use, wear, go to, read, look at or watch with sun worship symbols to pollute, brainwash and deceive us.?We reject every position, the deceiving of others with these lies and occultism, the lack of trust that could have harmed us as the descendants, and the effect of these curses on our tongues, airways, hormones, emotions and eyes. We ask for the healing of any effect thereof, the opening of the eyes of our minds, the release from spiritual blindness and deafness, a release of our emotions and a double anointing with Your compassion for others. We come against all fears, allergies and confusion. We reject the spirit of “Boaz” and we thank You for the healing of our airways, sinuses and nasal ways and for the release of Your Word into us. ?Thank you that we are healed by Your Stripes and bruises. We bring the curses on the heart, chest, lungs and emotions before You. We reject the spirit of “Joachim” and “Shibboleth” and pray for the healing of these parts of our bodies so that You can make us sensitive to the needs of others and to Your Spirit. We reject the curses on the stomach, womb and reproductive organs, as well as the curse words “Maha Bone”, “Machaben” and “Tubalcain” and all the demons involved with these words. We repent of the blasphemy and kiss on the Scriptures, the worship of the spirit of death, the witchcraft and idolatry and we pray for the healing of our stomachs, bladders, wombs, livers or any other organs that could have been affected by these sins. We bind the effect of any cancer cells on any part of our bodies, due to these iniquities and we ask You for healing Father.?Any jewellery, lucky charms, the spirit of “Jahbulon”, the words “Ammi Ruhamah” and the false communion that goes with it, the mockery, scepticism, deep anger and disbelief. We pray for the healing of any damage that was done to our brains and our minds because of these iniquities. We renounce the pelican witchcraft, Rosicrucianism, Cabbala, Numerology and the influences thereof on us, the words “Stibium Alkabar” and everything they stand for, the curses and demons of Egypt and the Queen of Heaven, the soul of Ceres, which is the chamber of death and reincarnation for these people, the false trinity and his three demons, “Ahura-Mazda” and the ritual of drinking out of a human skull. ?We repent of and reject the secret alliances with the Red Cross, “Brother Bond” or Brotherhoods, Round Tables, Lions Club, Rotarians and the thousands of other organisations that do “window-dressing” for them, the words “Joppa”, “Keb Raoth” and “Maher Shalal-Hash- Baz”, the death wishes of Jude, the ancient Arabic orders of the mystic Altars, the madness and the worship of the spirit Allah of the Moslems and every other demon associated with these rituals. The baptism into death in a coffin with a skeleton. We reject Lucifer to be the devil and no god, all the greed, witchcraft and efforts to control the whole world through the One World Order as the American Government proclaim and as Islam is confirming. We reject the rituals, curses, oaths, secret words that are words to call up demons, secret organizations, lodges, the demons involved or any effect it has on us as the Bride or as descendants by association.?We repent of all the blood rituals with human blood and the secret killings of unemployed tramps or people on the streets of this country, all the assassinations to fulfil their power lust, remove opposition or to get rid of those in higher ranks that want to quit by members of the Mafia or the Illuminati. We reject the tracing boards, point in a circle, occult mysticism of the black mosaic chequered floor, five-pointed blazing star of Satanism and it’s meaning of 666, that satan is the Morning Star, the occult all seeing third eye in the forehead on which Big Brother is based, the false communions, all confusion, depression, fears of insanity, suicide, death, anger, hatred, murderous thoughts, revenge, retaliation, spiritual apathy, false religion, unbelief and striving to please. We give back all fruits that we have received from Satan due to these iniquities and cancel all rights that Satan has in our lives. We ask You to cancel every contract in heaven and to cleanse us from all these iniquities. ?Father please remove all blindfolds, veils of mourning, nooses, marriage covenants, rings, chains, bondages and all Freemason regalia from our lives. We cut off the chain and ball of captivity and we ask You to deliver us from every spirit of sickness, infirmity, curse, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy due to these sins. Silence all the innocent blood that is calling against us and turn every curse around into a blessing. Give seven times back to us what Satan stole from us due to these sins. Father we pray for the opening of these people’s eyes to see what they are doing to their families and to Your Kingdom. Please save their souls. ?We reject all demons involved in Freemasonry, witchcraft, Mormonism and every sin involved. We break every curse spiritually and physically, reject it and turn it around into blessings, of poverty, bankruptcy, blindness, deafness, death curse, premature death, rebellion, rituals, every contract with satan, every false Christ, loneliness, abortion, isolation, rejection, abandonment and divorce. Every curse of homosexuality spiritual and physical. We repent of all the young boys that are sodomised, based on the lie that it will keep these sick people young. The spiritual curse is keeping the Bride apart in thousands of denominations, Rom 1:23-28. We renounce a Curse of cancer, membership of this demonic kingdom, every oath sworn to or on our behalf, covenants with death, every chronicle curse on our finances, health, the womb of the female, sorrow, broken heartedness, depression, oppression, and deep hurts. We renounce accidents, marriage problems, splits, disunity and arguments, twisting and turning of words to deceive, a curse of? mental problems, Hos 9:14 & Deut 28:20+28. Father break every curse in any sphere of society over us or our descendants because of the idolatry of Freemasonry. Cleanse us from all these iniquities and give back seven times what satan has stolen. By Your Stripes we are healed. Write this on our hearts that we can understand the evilness of this One World Order system and that we cannot play with this and not get dirty. Father reveal to Your children how these people are now using Islam and Isis to destroy our economy and Western standards, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Show Your Children that we should not even study them, their history, their rituals, bring their abominations into our houses and not mention the names of their demons, Ex 23:24, Ex 30:9, Deut 7:5+25-26, Deut 12:2-3+30 Deut 16:21-22, Josh 23:7+16 & Rev 2:20-24. Give that your children will start to call out to You day and night till these principalities (Eph 6:12) are removed over the Bride, our nation and us. Father that You will compel Your children with a burning desire to strive like soldiers for freedom and revival. Hos 11:5. That Christians will now wake up and realise how bad our situation has become and understand that only You, through revival, can shake us awake, give us revelation and can save this world from total destruction! That we will start to understand our calling of “Shammah” to stand in the gap and to fight, 2Sam 23:11-12, to take the battle back to the enemies camp. It is our duty, Ezek 22:30, Judges 5:23, 1Sam 12: 23, 2Cron 30:9, Ps 106: 23, Is 28:5-6, Is 62:6, Jer 1:8 Jer 48:10, Lam 2:14, Lam 2: 18-19 & Ezek 9: 4-76. Without renouncing these sins and principalities we cannot have revival and You can not sent Christ back to revive us, Act 3:19-21, 2Tim 2:20-21 & 2Cor 7:1.?Forgive us that we tolerate the replica of the phoenix on our code of arms. This is the symbol of the demon of chaos from Babylon and later from Egypt and a precise replica of this idol symbol that we are using. We reject the words of Nelson Mandela when he was set free that the phoenix will rise again and the further effort of the One World Order with Harry Potter’s Phoenix to get us under this world wide chaotic system of the One World Order through Illuminati brainwashing. We repent that the South African Code of Arms is an idol symbol and reject it with it’s meaning over us and cancel the curses that go with it. We proclaim that the Bride will now rise again. We repent of all the disunity and apartheid between people groups which are directly organized by the Freemasons world wide to create chaos and to steal the country’s mineral and oil resources when big brother, America steps in to restore order while they themselves have organized the situation behind the scene as in Angola, Iran & Iraq, destroying countries to have their oil and mineral resources. ?Their politics has got nothing to do with political parties, colour of the skin, religion or on whose side you are on, but just with greed and money, Jam 4:1-3. Father we repent that almost all our leaders were full blown Freemasons or leaders of the Brother Bond and linked to freemasonry and part of satan’s 666 system for this world. That South Africa was found by Freemasons and ruled politically and spiritually by the Freemasons till the last century when the Church started to appoint their own leaders who were in most cases still Freemasons. They are still dominating the top structures of the churches everywhere and polluting our minds and belief with their New Age thought patterns. The Vatican kept their people in the pound seats to rule and regulate the spiritual world for them on earth with their defiled money and influence every where in leadership as shown again with the death of the previous Pope. Father Your Word says they would rule the whole world and they did, Dan 7: 23-25, but You also said that we will rise against them and overcome, Dan 2:44-45.?Therefore we rise now and reject this demonic authority over us of the One World Order, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Dan 11:40- 41+45. All the disunity, corruption, chaos, poverty, lawlessness and crime that these people are organising all over the world to cause chaos so that a specific area can call in the help of the UN and they can take over that country. Father they stole all our gold from the Reserved Bank. They stole all our oil resources and are doing everything possible to keep the poor, in poverty and to destroy our economy! They are making us pay through our necks for commodities and daily needs. We confess that they are stirring up all the violence, wars and causing all the bloodshed all over the world to implement their One World Order idea to control all people like puppets. That they are working hand in hand with Islam and the Vatican, Dan 11: 31. controlling all governments, the spiritual world and the world’s finances and are planning the third world war to kill two thirds of the world’s population. Father please help us to throw off the yokes of these evil people over us in every area of society. Father bless them and save their souls but if they remain stubborn please remove them from these places of authority. Your word says we will be the head and not the tail, Deut 28: 3-13, Please give us born-again believers, filled with the Spirit as leaders, Zeph 3:9-10, Jer 31:10, Is 5:26, Is 24:14-16 & Ps 126:4. Father everything we touch, see in the media, use on a daily basis for survival, clothes that we wear, all vehicles we purchase, all supermarkets and big businesses we support, belongs to these people and is defiled with their idol symbols and names. Father please, we are in this world but not of it. Please forgive us, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We reject everything from them and their demons with disgust. Father this monster is huge but You are towering above it as the Creator of all things, even of the devil, Is 54:16. We praise You that we are in victory, we will not fear this one World Order System but will overcome. Please forgive humankind for being so stupid and so corrupt, challenging and mocking You as the Creator. Please forgive us and cancel the curses!We bind these spirits of Freemasonry over the Bride, over Israel, over our nation, over us and our descendants, we come against them and ask You to rebuke the devil. Matt 18:18-19, Jam 4:7 & Jude 1:9. We reject this sun worship, every demon of chaos, the antichrist spirit, the Jezebel spirit, the Ahab spirit and we take back what belongs to us and declare Christ Jesus, King, Saviour and Creator over our country. We renounce any further control or influences over our government, our spiritual leaders and our finances. Please restore Abraham’s covenant again so that we can be a blessing to the nations. We want to take Your Spirit to the north, Zach 6:6-8. Raise Your Shammah intercessors, Zeph 3:9-10. Be our Hero Who saved us, Zeph 3:17. Father we despise these sins of Freemasonry, their symbols or anything they stand for, the names of their demons and things that is used in idol worship. But we bless the people involved with a double blessing of salvation because they do not know what they are doing. Please open their eyes and set them free. We bind the spirit of greed, lust and Mammon over them and ask You to reveal Yourself to them as the Messiah. Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We bind these demons, ask You to rebuke them, send Your angels to take them captive and make a footstool for Christ of them. We ask You Father to save the souls of these people taken captive by satan through these sins, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!(NB! Remember Father loves these people even more than He Loves us because we are already saved. The battle is against the demons, and not the people, so please do not curse them!)Gates Anoint prayer: Jam 5: 14, Ezek 43: 20, Heb 9: 19 + 21 en Ezek 16: 9.?Abba Father, I come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We die to the self and submit to Your Spirit. Please blow life into our words and come and speak through us. We repent of our sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to robe us in Your righteousness. Send Your serving spirits to remove every evil spirit from this place. Cover us, our minds and this premises in Your Blood and encamp us by Your serving spirits so that we will not listen to strangers. Anoint our ears, our minds and the table of our hearts and write Your Word on our hearts. Give us visions, revelations and reveal Your Scriptures to us. Show us any sin on this premises that we need to repent of!We repent of all sins, iniquities or honour that satan has received on this premises. All rituals, hexes, spells and curses. All sacrifices, animal, blood or human sacrifices. Silence the blood of the innocent and cut the soul ties with us. We repent of all statues, symbols, images, signs or altars raised to satan and we ask You Father to wash it away with Your Blood, to cover it, to cancel everything and to heal and cleanse the land.We lift up this oil symbolic of Your Spirit and we ask You to anoint this oil with Your fullness, glory and healing power. As we apply this oil, please apply Your presence and fill this premises with Your Spirit. We declare this premises Holy Ground. Christ the Saviour, the King and the Creator of these premises. Let Your Name be glorified here. We say welcome Abba Father, Christ Jesus and to You, o’ Spirit of Truth. Let Your streams of Living Water flow through these gates. We anoint this gate now in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, in Christ Jesus‘ Name. We declare it Holy Ground! Set apart. We declare You the Creator over the gates of these premises, our bodies, our lives, the activities here, and our possessions.?Likewise we lift this wine up to You symbolic of Your Blood, in which the New Covenant is written and ask You to anoint it with Your Fullness and Glory. As we apply this wine symbolically, please apply Your Blood and wash away all the sins and iniquities of this place and cover us, this premises and the gates with Your Blood so that Satan can’t come back. We apply this wine now in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You Father for sealing of these gates with Your Blood and for placing angels here to keep evil out. We declare Christ the King, the Creator and Saviour of these Gates. Anoint each gate or entrance 7 X, Num 19: 4. ?Father we ask you now to send in Your serving angels to remove every evil spirit on these premises whose rights we have cancelled through our repentance. Take them to Your Feet and bind them there so that they can’t return. Satan with our Blood covenant with our King, the Creator, our Saviour, we come against you and all your demons, against the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness of this age and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. We take authority over you and this premises and declare the ruler ship of the Victor over these premises. We are the head and not the tail. We bind your works over these premises and over its people, speak death over your works, pull down every stronghold and take captive every argument against the knowledge of Christ, and ask You Father to rebuke satan. Let only Your Name be Glorified here, in Your Son. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! (Eph 6: 12 & 2Kor 10:4). (Do this once a month or at least once every three month. If it is a farm, drive around. Walk 7 X around premises or street block)! Do this as soon as possible with every new premises!\10. GERMAN ROOTS:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You, as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the German Roots on our hands. We renounce all Germanic gods and deities that our ancestors worshipped, which we confess as idolatry and for which we ask forgiveness. We renounce their gods and refuse to mention their names, and all others demons mentioned in the Ragnarok. Guardian Spirits, dead female ancestors who received worship, and we confess ancestral worship. The worship of elves, dwarfs, of Regnator Omnium Deus and the familiar spirits, Valkeries or battle spirits who accompanied these blood thirsty demons representing these females who choose to slain! We renounce the legends of Mittgard, the Edda, Ragnarok and Nordic Sagas. We renounce all worship these demons received by our families and us and all rituals performed. Destroy any covenants and pacts made with these demons and break down their altars in our lives. Dash in pieces their pillars! Cast down their craven images in the spiritual realm and destroy their names in Heaven! Break the power of the covenant, generational sin and bondages, which may oppress us and our children. We bind the gatekeepers and ask You to rebuke them to leave us right now. Cut the soul ties and set us free from all territorial spirits. We renounce involvement with all German social organisations and pagan cults such as the Order of Germany, the Wotan Society, Thule society, the Order of the new Templers, the Nordungen Fraternity, the German Belief Fellowship, the Wanderfogel youth movement, all anti-Semitic, and antichrist organisations. Forgive us for dismissing the Old Testament as Jewish folklore, and for rejecting Christianity in favour of the German Religion, from which Jews were expelled! Father severs all ties between us and German Order initiations and people involved, in the esoteric secret Armenian Order. We renounce the sacred flame, the horned helmet, the white robe, the blindfolds, the pilgrim’s mantle, demonic spear, the crossing of the knight’s swords and occult symbolism involved. Father cancel the effects of the words: “What separates the Aryans from the Hebrew is our Aryan / Germen concept of the world and Life!” We renounce the effect of these words on our descendants and us. We declare the Christ Jesus was Jewish and not Aryan, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We renounce all teachings of theosophy promoting the Aryan doctrine of the swastika, received from demons. We repent of and ask You to cancel the oath taken where members required pure Aryan blood, and the rituals at infant baptisms, confirmations, funerals and marriages at these pagan altars. Father destroy these altars over us. We renounce the term German godliness, all religious concepts of blood, race and German values and the term rebirth in the German spirit. Father sever all soul ties with pagan German cults and their festivals celebrated at the equinoxes and solstices, namely, Ostre, High May, the Feast of the May queen, May bride and partner, rooted in worship of the earth goddess. The Yul, Baal’s Birthday, and the Pagan Ascension day or Good Friday!We renounce and repent of all theories of racial mysticism and racial hygiene. The doctrine of the superiority of the blond race and its eternal battle with inferior races and phrenology. The teachings of the New Templar’s breviary, the Bibliomystikon, the initiation of the Holy Grail, and the teachings of the Foundations of the 20th century. The divination orders of the ancient way of writings, symbols and letters! Ancient powers and cults! The Futhark alphabet occult manual based on this way of writing, the heart of this religious cult. The magic powers of this law and all connections between the secret of these writings and the German demons.We renounce and repent of the protective magical and medicinal qualities of the runic rings. The spirit of divination, whoring with demons and deception. We bind and ask You to rebuke their familiar spirits, destroy their works and cancel their fruits, like adultery, spiritual darkness, addictions and spiritual prostitution. The teachings of the Holy Runen Power, Aryan wisdom, Rune Lore and links to astrology, Cabala and pagan Gymnastics! Deliver us from mind control powers, transmitted through Hagel Runes, the SS Rune, the Emblem of Himmler’s Schutstaffel or the Nazi SS. The swastika, as the symbol of the live giving sun and the ancient replica of the G Rune, known as Thor’s Hammer! Cut the soul ties between us and all representatives of the SS, and the initiation into the religion of blood, soil and fire of the Third Reich! Set us free from the covenants made at SS pagan altars, at rituals of marriages, baptisms, and child naming ceremonies. All salutations to Hitler, the Nazi Party, loyalty sworn and suicide pacts, agreements entered into. From the spirit of death, and cancel the fruits oppressing us. We renounce and repent of all pagan priestly roles of the religious practices of the children of this sun god religion, their teachings, sacred books, and every demon involved! All counterfeit gifts and works of Satan in our lives. Forgive us for all known and unknown sins and sins not repented of, all sinful and occult practices, idolatry, seeking knowledge, healing, comfort, identity, anointing, or powers from any occult, psychic or secret source. We confess unbelief and prayerlessness. Father, break the demonic seals over us and our families, we bind the sealing demons assigned to keep the Nazi religious structures in place! Dismantle and destroy the altars and covenants made with satan by ourselves or our forefathers, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We repent of and renounce submission to the spirit of Hitler, his “religion of blood”, his party, the NSDAP, membership to the NSDAP and its organisations. Cut us loose from these organisations. We stand in the gap for any of our ancestors who held a position in the NSDAP! We repent of participating in hall battles, destruction of Jewish property, robbery, spreading of Nazi thought patterns, establishing Nazi ruler ship, the use of forced labour, oaths and murder attacks. Cut us free from every covenant with Hitler and the power of Nazism and its fruits in our nation. Forgive that we had lifted our right arm in greetings with the words "Hail Hitler" and that we thereby blessed and worshipped Hitler. We renounce the bonding with Hitler as a high priest, as king, prophet, healer, leader, ‘messiah’, and his demonic anointing. We repent and renounce the song: “Adolph Hitler is our Saviour, our hero, he is the noblest being in the whole wide world, for Hitler we live, for Hitler we die, and our Hitler is our Lord! Hitler’s slogan "I want to see in the eyes of the youth again the gleam of the beast of prey ". The creed of the sacred blood ritual "it is great to fight for our country and even to die for our country ". Cancel the power of it over us. We bind and renounce the Nazi spirit that worked through Hitler and that was transferred to us as a nation, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Cut us loose from the oath sworn by the soldiers and their total obedience to Hitler. We repent and renounce, the oath of the Hitler Youth; “I give my blood and life to the one who leads us all. “ The Horst Wessel’s, "We will march further until everything falls into shatters! Because today’s Germany belongs to tomorrow and the whole world will belong to us". The youth chant, “we are rising up to face storms of battle and hero’s death is our right and we are nothing, our race and nation is everything”. The oath,“I swore to serve “volk and vaderland” to the last drop of my blood”.Please forgive us for this idol worship, this conceit of our nation and our race and the rejection of You. Break all ungodly covenants that were made with us, spirit, soul or body, tying us to our nation. Forgive us for being involved with these ungodly covenants. Restore us back into the Covenant that we have with You through the Blood of Jesus! Forgive us for making a covenant with the spirit of death and declare it powerless, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We repent of the murder of the so-called useless life that was allowed and practiced. Cut all soul ties of death rituals which were done with the spirit of death. Set us free, spirit, soul and body from every spirit of death and of each dead human demons assigned to us. Cut us loose from all gateways to the underworld, realms of the dead, graves and coffins. Break the curse of spiritual and physical death over us, and turn every curse into a blessing, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent of and renounce all ungodly spiritual boundaries that have been ordered to surround us and ask You to remove these boundaries. Cut us loose from the blasphemous writings of Nietzsche, of Hitler’s book "Mein Kampf", and Alfred Rosenberg’s teaching; "Myths of the 20th Century" and from all the principles these works proclaim. Forgive us for rejecting the Bible, as Your Word. Loose us as a nation from the spirit of racism which resulted in the religion of the superiority of the Aryan race and hatred towards the Jews, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent, bind and renounce the spirit of the anti-Christ! The New World Order and everything it stands for. The doctrine of total enlightenment to a point of total nothingness. The spirit of the beast and the number 666. The spirit of the dragon and the serpent. Every religious spirit that we have allowed to work against Your Kingdom! Render it powerless, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Forgive us for allowing lawlessness to rule our lives. We opened ourselves up to the strong spirit of delusion. We renounce the spirit of deception, and ask You to set free the Right wing people, the AWB, and Israel Vision people in our country, from these evil forces, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent and renounce the bewitchment of rebellion, seduction to evil and submitting to misleading influences! Render powerless all forms of witchcraft! The belief that Nazi blood attained a secret symbolic power, ritualized and sanctified in a ceremony known as the "order of the blood flag. We renounce this blood flag by which our nation rebelled against the Blood of Jesus, and renounce the swastika as the substitute for the Cross. Cut us loose from the ritual where power was transferred from Hitler’s flag onto each Nazi flag as soon as Hitler touched any flag with his blood flag, and that this transference of power was confirmed or sealed with a handshake. Break this demonic seal over us and our nation, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent and renounce the belief that the blood ties us to the superior Aryan master race and that the soul of the race is embedded in the blood of the nation. Cut us free from the blood and earth myths and the power of the Nordic Runen. Sever the umbilical cord and every tie to this demonic bloodline in which demons are transferred through the blood from generation to generation! We renounce the swastika and every spiritual meaning connected to it, all powers and assignments! The swastika as a gateway that draws one through a vortex from the outer world to the inner realm of the psyche into deeper levels of consciousness, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent and renounce the swastika as a cipher to represent the Greek goddesses, who demanded human sacrifices. Cut us loose from all the different dimensions, meanings and assignments of the swastika. Purify us body, soul and spirit and renew out minds. Close such gateways and fire the gatekeepers assigned to these gates! We repent of and renounce the "Walküre "and the connection with the sun as an Amazon or as a muse with the moon, as well as the glorification of the female personality of the universe. Loose us from any tantric sex, the two entwined serpents, the symbol of the Hindu god, the elephant head child god! Cut us loose from the animal spirit of the elephant, and all its attributes, and the Nordic myths that replaced the Christian Bible, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent of and renounce Wagner’s operas; "Dawn of the gods" and "Parsifal "which glorify the power of pure blood and that it was an ethnic retelling of the quest for the Holy Grail. Which was said is a mystic vessel that contained secret blood, with mystical powers to anyone who drank from it. This Grail could only be found by those who were of purest blood! Break the power of the sound magic, waves, hypnotic music and beats in rhythm with heart beats. Cut us free from the characters in the operas. We renounce the amalgamation of the elements of the Communion, declaring that the wafer and grail are the two interlocking keys to the hidden, spiritual universe of mankind, including the tribal empire of Wotan and Thor. Cut us loose from the shaman-practices and blood-thirst of Wotan and the hammer and lightning of Thor. From the Grail as the cup that contained the blood of the martyrs that were last sacrificed, and the cup from which Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. We renounce every knightly order, the Teutonic Knights, Knights of the Round Table, Most Noblest Knights and Temple Knights. The SS and everything it stood for, especially that they were regarded as special selected warrior priests who had to fight for the survival and the multiplication of the ‘super race’, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We repent for the so-called "Lebensborn", which practiced legitimate prostitution and selection for race purposes. We renounce the spirit of prostitution, and ask You to break the curse of fathering illegitimate children, over our nation. All sexual iniquities, sex magic, and for allowing Lilith and the Leviathan to rule over and through us. For war crimes and crimes against humanity, humanely despicable experiments in the concentration camps, and genocide. We renounce the SS dagger and the curse upon it causing confusion. Ancestral worship. Destroy every family and prayer-altar, and sever all strongholds in our minds because of this. We renounce the ritual in which 16 Nazi heroes were honoured as martyrs of the "Reich" when they died, and the myth that they were resurrected and achieved eternal life. Father, cut us and our heart beats loose from the marching rhythm and orders. From mass hypnosis through the marching and marching songs. Destroy all footprints, time clocks and the power of Father Time! Restore and renew our minds. We renounce the temple of Honour, a shrine to the German Nation - where the blood of the 16 Nazi heroes was held. We renounce each and every name of the 16 martyrs that were called out. Silence the voices of the dead human demons that answered “here” when their names were called out. We renounce the slogan “force without spiritual foundation is doomed to failure”. All rituals and sacrifices done by Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu and Tibetan monks, sacrifices to mountain gods of the Himalaya and every other occult priest in their temples. Destroy every object used in rituals and reverse the curses, into blessings, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent of and renounce all secret oaths to pagan and demi-gods as part of any initiation ceremony into organizations which still practice these beliefs. The demon as the “bearer of lightning” and its connection to the place of memory in our bodies, and as the synonym of the White Horse in Revelation. The practice of meditation that stimulates the spiral energy of the so called, coiled serpent, which rises from the base of the spine to the Pineal Gland of the brain to bring total enlightenment. Pegasus as a symbol of the time of new consciousness, which will bring forth a whole new civilisation - a new world, a new age. We renounce the constellations in the heaven as the gateway which leads into this new time era.Cut us loose from the sun, moon, its phases, stars and planets. Break every link between the rays of the sun, the moon, and us, and destroy any contract between them and us. Cut us loose spirit, soul and body from every evil spirit ruling over Germany. Render every territorial spirit used to control us powerless. Cut us free from all forms of occult powers, casting spells, black and white magic, and all other forms of witchcraft to reach higher levels of consciousness. We repent of and renounce trance channelling, consulting familiar spirits, communication with the dead, séances, consulting demons, consulting wizards, ascended masters, spirit guides, wise masters, witches, shamans, mediums or separatists, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We repent of and renounce magical or occult hypnosis, metaphysics, mind science, remote control, sorcery, astral projection and soul travel, using pyramid power, mind control, or mind manipulation, amulets and charms, power crystals, banners or flags with demonic powers and religious medals. Father render powerless all implants, chips or tracking devices that might have been placed in bodies, soul or spirit, and remove them supernaturally. Cut us loose from all worship given to the demonic kingdom in Atlantis. Rivers, waterways, and gateways to Atlantis, from the Queen of Atlantis, of being her slave, and from the god of the sea. Cut us loose from all crystal pyramids, crystals, light waves coming from the crystals, and crystal energy. From the water spirits of Atlantis and everything that binds us to Atlantis, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We renounce the Phoenix, the golden eagle and falcon as symbols of Atlantis and of reincarnation. Destroy all places and points of contact in the spiritual as well as physical realms, tunnels, bridges, highways, airways, waterways, foot prints, aromas, colours, videotapes, cassettes, sound waves, gifts received, human material that was left behind in Germany and that is being used in rituals, curse all the demonic roots of our family trees, the growth and fruit thereof. Uproot the trees growing in the under-world, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Cut us loose from every umbilical cord connecting us to the false fatherhood, which Hitler demanded from every subject, and connections to demonic kingdoms involved. Remove all control over us. Give us divine protection from all backlashes, whiplash and judgment that could come upon us, and apply the Blood of Jesus to us spirit, soul and body for purification, sanctification and reconciliation back unto You. Renew the Covenant that we have with You. Re-instate and activate all the blessings and promises that this Covenant speaks of, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Arrest every demon involved and make a Footstool of them for Christ. We bind these demons and ask You to rebuke them. Bind them at Your Feet and set us free. Heal our land and save the souls of our people. Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen! HEALING PRAYER:Father we come before Your Throne in Christ Jesus’ Name and repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts! We submit to Your Spirit and ask You to blow life in to our words! We bring ……(person) before You. …..(person). ………(suffer of). Father You are our Healer and we thank You for Healing ….(person)! We bind every unclean spirit involved! Every germ, infection, virus, bacteria, plan of satan and speak death over it’s works! Thank You for rebuking them, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We anoint …….(person) with oil as in Your Word according to, Jam 5:14! We lift up this oil symbolically of Your Spirit and ask You to anoint the oil with Your Spirit and healing Power! We declare that the oil is just symbolic! It is You Who heals, …………..! We anoint ….(person) in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We speek healing over ….. (persoon), in Christ Jesus’ Name! Father in Your Authority as Your disciples, in Your Name, we take authority over and speak death over every disease, illness, works of satan, every unclean spirit, virus, germ, infection, bacteria and we declare their works undone and ask You to rebuke them, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We declare it into the heavens! It is Writen! By Your Stripes, …… is Healed, Is 53:5! Your Word is healing for our entire body, Prov 4:22! It is You Who forgive us our sins and heal us from all our diseases, Ps 103: 3-4! Who set us free form destruction and gown us with blessings and Mercy! You took all our pain on You, Is 53:3. In Your Name …… is Healed, Acts 3:6+16! We Praise You! We acsult Your Name! You raised Your Hand of Healing upon …………. Acts 4:10+30! Every pain, infection, disease, virus, bacteria, germ or evil spirit will now leave …..’s body immediately, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We drive You out with the Finger of God! There you go and you will not return, in Christ Jesus’ Name! God rebukes you, Jude 1:9! We thank You Father! We praise You for totally healing ……..! You are the Great and Awesome Healer! You Heals us, Ex 15:26! We glorify Your Name! King of kings! Mighty Creator! Lion of Juda! We declare it into the heavenlies. God Almighty has Healed ……! Your Word will do what You send it for! Jes 55:11! It is written where two and more agree You will grant it to us! What we belief will be done! Thank You Father for sending Your angels to fulfil Your Word! Ps 103:20! Thank You Father, thank You Christ Jesus, thank You, o’ Spirit, in Christ Jesus’Name! Amen & Amen!Holy Ground Prayer:?(Anoint premises as you pray – Jam 5:14; Ezek 43:20; Heb 9:19+21 and Ezek 16:9). ?Abba Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name I come before Your Throne. I die to self and submit to Your Spirit of Truth. I ask You for forgiveness for all sins through thoughts, deeds and words. Come and speak through me and blow life into my words! I ask You to send Your serving angels and to remove all evil forces from this premises. Please cover us, our minds and this premises in Your Blood and encamp us with Your angels. ?Surround us with Your angels and keep us from listening to strangers. Anoint our ears, our minds and the table of our hearts and write Your Word on our hearts. We repent of all sin, iniquities, hexes, spells, sacrifices, innocent blood spilled on this premises, of blood, animals or humans sacrifices or rituals on these premises. ?Father we lift up this oil, symbolic of Your Spirit and we ask You to bless it and fill it with Your presence. As we anoint these premises and every entrance to it, we ask you to fill these premises with Your fullness! Seal the premises off with Your Blood and place your angels at the entrances to keep evil out! We declare You are the Saviour, Creator, and King over this premises! Thank You that Christ is the King of kings and the Almighty Creator over these premises! Let Your Name be glorified here! We say welcome Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth. Father please come and take over this meeting and let Your Will be done here! We come against every false prophesy, every lie and deception of satan and we take every own idea captive unto obedience to You. We destroy every stronghold, 2Kor 10:4. We bind every demon inside or outside us. Father cut all their communication lines and strike them with blindness, dumbness and deafness! We ask You to cause confusion in the ranks of darkness around us so that they will not interfere here. We ask for sound minds and open spiritual ears and eyes of our minds! Thank you Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen & Amen!INNER HEALING:Father thank you that Your Son did not only die for my sins and iniquities but also for my pains, sorrows and my hurts, my fears and my rejections and those dry and lonely places in my heart. Thank You that you are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and forever and that you want me to be totally healed physically, mentally, spiritually, in my soul and to be spiritually matured. I ask You to walk back through my entire past with me. Through every second of my life, in Christ Jesus’ Name. To heal me through the power of Your Spirit and through Your Stripes, purify me by the Blood of the Lamb. That You will take me back to the third and fourth generations and that You will look at every genetic bondage or curse in my life, and break it, turn it around into a blessing. You knew me before I was born. Thank You that You were there when my life commenced. I beg you to free me from any fears, from any negative forces and emotions that may have been transferred to me in my mother’s womb and to free me from the fruits of the sins and iniquities I may have inherited from my ancestors. Thank you Father that You were there when I was born and that You love me dearly. I was born into this world unwanted and unloved. I’ve just experienced so much rejection, fill me with Your Agape Love. Fill me every moment with Your Love and anoint me from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, and heal all the hurts inflicted upon me by others. Walk back through every second during those first years of my life where I was removed from my mother and /or…… where I was rejected and that I felt unwelcome, there where I did not received the love that You intended me to receive. Father go back and fill every empty space and give me Your Love because I need it so desperately and have never received it from the people who was supposed to have loved me. Father remove every hurt, every feeling of rejection, remove all fears, fear of the dark, fear of falling, fear of getting lost. I thank You Father that You free me from these fears and heal me from this moment. I thank You that You take my hand in Your Hand and walk back in time with me. That You revisit my school years. As I walked to school early in the morning where I was so ashamed, I feared the rejection of the teachers and of the children so that I wanted to stay at home because of my humiliating circumstances. There were times that I was afraid that the teachers would hurt me, reject me. The teasing by the children that I was not good enough. All the striving to prove myself. Free me from the hurts where teachers scolded me, my parents scolded me, where the big ones at school tried to bully me. Please heal me Father and cover me with Your Love and your Blood. Seal me off by Your Spirit. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me, traumatized me, bullied me, scolded me, mocked me and I set them free. They owe me nothing. I bless them with a double blessing of salvation. I thank You for my mother and my father and I ask you to come and stand between us and that Your Father love will now flow between us. That You will cover everything by Your Blood so that satan can’t steal any more. I ask You for forgiveness for what my mother and father did and I identify with their sins. I admit that I was part of it and I now ask You for Your Mercy and forgiveness. I forgive You for allowing these things in my life and I forgive myself.Please fill the empty void in me with Your Love and Compassion that I have never received and fill the empty spaces in me. I pray that Your Love will restore every broken relationship in my life. By Your Stripes and by Your Word, all broken relationships in my life are now restored. Forgive me for inflicting any pain on any other persons. By Your great Mercy, I lift up my brothers and sisters. Where there was any competition, jealousy and bitterness, I ask You by Your great healing power and Love to restore the broken relationships. I forgive my brothers and sisters who have hurt me and I ask them for forgiveness for any manner in which I may have subjected them to hurt and rejection. For being there in my teens where I was rejected, ashamed of my parents because of poverty, molested, …raped, ..traumatized, ...violence, drug abuse,… There were new emotions, fears and rejections. Father as I ponder on those terrible times I ask You to walk through those days with me and to heal those pains and restore me, fill me up with Your Love and cover it by Your Blood. Thanks for Your protective Hand Father where I was doing dangerous and harmful things to impress others. Father remove every painful feeling of humiliation. Guilt feelings because I was irresponsible. Where I experience feelings of inadequacy, fears of being deeply wounded and forsaken, where my tender love was crushed and rejected, where I felt unworthy, deceived, or where I suffered trauma. Show me that You loved me through all those hurts and that You were there in every situation. Take me back and show me how You are healing me. Give me a sound mind, a clear memory and a healed soul through the power of the Spirit.Write on my heart that You love me dearly and that my past is now washed away by Your Blood and that it is cancelled and that I am transferred to Your Bloodline and future. Father when I left the house there came new fears, new hurts. I wanted to further my studies but was unable to do so, because there was no money. All the disappointments, please heal them. Every piece of sorrow in me. Father all the dreams that I had. The trauma to get so far, just to release my dreams to see them go. Thank You Christ Jesus that you were there in every relationship, also when I got married/engaged/ started dating. Forgive me that I was outside Your will and please remove the ensuing pain and the sorrow, the loneliness. I pray that You will come and stand between me and ….. and that You will heal every hurt within us. I ask You and …… for forgiveness that I was outside Your will Father. For all the times that I hurt my friend and he/she has hurt me. Please forgive me and my friend/spouse unconditionally. Fill us with your forgiveness, Your love and your healing power. Cover us with Your Blood and seal it of by Your Spirit. Thank you for my children. Remove every feeling of failure and guilt that I may have experienced as a parent. The times that I acted without thinking, or had been too possessive. Where I spoke critically and in anger said harmful words. Please forgive me for every bit of pain I’ve caused. Father thanks for being there in every failure, in every situation where I experienced pain, was involved in any accidents, in all my diseases and illnesses. Where I was hospitalized, where I had to undergo operations. I ask You that You will now remove the pain and the sorrow and the fear, and the hurt in me, in my children and in my….(partner). That You will cut us free from all trauma and pain that we have experienced, and cover us by Your Blood and seal us off by Your Spirit. Thank You that You were present in our times of sorrow and loneliness and that You took us in Your Hands. Thank You that You carried us. Thank You that You wiped our tears and comforted us. Thank You that You fill us with joy and laughter and happiness. That You’ve walked back through every second of my life. That You’ve healed me from every moment of sorrow, painful memories and guilt feelings and that I’m free from them. That You filled me with Your Love, and enabled me to love myself. That You’ve helped me to love others, and above all to love You. I thank You, for joy and peace in abundance. That You went into the darkest corners of my mind, my soul and of my body and that You’ve purified it and that You’ve cleansed me in all aspects, by Your Blood. Thank You for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing and the healing of all my memories through the Stripes. I give You all the honour and all the glory. Thank You that the glory and the honour may come to You through Your Son, in Christ Jesus‘ Name. Amen!INTERCESSION: (On Holy Ground)!Abba Father we come before Your Throne in Christ Jesus’ Name and repent of all our sins through words, deeds and thoughts! Please gown us in Your Righteousness and come and speak through us. We ask You to send Your serving angels and to remove all evil forces from this premises. Please cover us, our minds and this premises in Your Blood and encamp us with Your angels. ?Surround us with Your angels and keep us from listening to strangers. Anoint our ears, our minds and the table of our hearts and write Your Word on our hearts. We repent of all sin, iniquities, hexes, spells, sacrifices, innocent blood spilled on this premises, of blood, animals or humans sacrifices, and rituals on these premises and we thank Your for cleansing this premises with Your Blood! ?Father we lift up this oil, symbolic of Your Spirit and we ask You to bless it and fill it with Your presence. As we anoint these premises and every entrance to it, we ask you to fill these premises with Your fullness! Seal the premises off with Your Blood and place your angels at the entrances to keep evil out! We declare, You are the Saviour, Creator, and King over this premises! Thank You that Christ is the King of kings and the Almighty Creator over these premises! Let Your Name be glorified here! We say welcome Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth. Father please come and take over this meeting and let Your Will be done here! We come against every false prophesy, every lie and deception of satan and we take every own idea captive unto obedience to You. We destroy every stronghold, 2Kor 10:4. We bind every demon inside or outside us. Father cut all their communication lines and strike them with blindness, deafness and dumbness! We ask You to cause confusion in the ranks of darkness around us so that they will not interfere here. We ask for sound minds and open spiritual ears and eyes of our minds so that we may receive all that You are giving to us! Thank you Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name!……………………………………………………………………………………………Abba Father, King of Kings, Mighty Counselor, Prince of Peace! Almighty Creator, the Alpha and the Omega! The Beginning and the end! We worship You! We give You all the Honour! Our Bridegroom, Source of our lives, Our Beloved, our Banner, Christ Jesus! You were before Abraham! Eternal Life! Our Rock, our Fortress, the Angel with a capital letter, Who gives us our daily bread, Image of God! Trusted One! Who sets us Free! Our Protector! Honourable King! Eternal Father! Sprit of Adoption, Power, Love, Self-discipline, Our Faith, Our Glory, Spirit of all Spiritual Blessings, Spirit of Unity, of Mercy, of Truth, and our Steadfast Witness! Righteousness, God of Promises, our Favour, the God of Justice! The One Who was Crucified, The Holy One! Our High Priest! Our Healing! Our Helper! Our Righteous Judge! The God of Miracles! Our Master! Our Glory! Heavenly Father! Our Hero! Restorer of our souls! Immanuel! Our Intercessor at the Throne! Jealous God! Our King! Power and Might! Our Strength and Joy! The Lamb, Who was sacrificed for us! Our Teacher, Leader, The Living Word! Love, Compassion, Lovely God! The Light. Lion of Judah! Live and Live in abundance! Our Messiah, Saviour and King! The God of Abrahm, Isaac & Jacob! Our Victory, Father, High and Anointed One! Who compel us through Your Love! Bright Morning Star! Our Maker! You are More than enough! Mighty Rock! Our Saviour, Christ Jesus!Rock of Israel, Rose of the Valley! Our Sanctification! Salvation! Saviour! Mighty God! Creator of the heavens and the earth! Creator of abundance Rain! Our Shield, Anointed One! Chosen King! Our Comforter! Safe Heaven! Our Friend! Provider, Exulted King! Our Creator! Forever and ever, King of kings, our Bridegroom, in Christ Jesus’ Name! ………………………………………………………….!Father we humble ourselves and give You all the honour! Thank You for the privilege to stand in ministry with You our Saviour and do intersession for Your Kingdom! We call on You and You will make known to us the things we do not know and need to know, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Father we come humbly before You and seek Your Face with all that is in us …………! O’ Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we surrender to You! O’ Spirit, please teach us, show us, correct us, reveal to us, give us visions, dreams, revelations, Scriptures and show us Your Ways! Rom 8:26. Thank You for taking over our situation. We are looking forward with excitement and expectations of what You are going to show and reveal to us here today, Eph 5:18. Father anoint us with Your Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation, Eph.1:17-18. Anoint us with the Prophetic Gift that It will now manifest here in our midst and through us! Father that Your Spirit will now rest upon us and manifest through us! The Sprit of Wisdom, Insight, Counsel, Strength, Knowledge and the Fear of You. Your Living Waters! Let the Dam walls break! Give us Your Everything! Let it Flow Father!We praise You for a wonderful time that we are now going to have in Your presence! Thank You for new thing! New revelations! You are wonderful ! You are Awesome! You are always New! Exiting! Thank You for Your Love! We surrender to You Father! Please take over this meeting! We are waiting on You in excitement and awe, on Your answers, visions, Scriptures and Revelations! Father we are waiting! Please give us Your Will! Your Agenda! Tell us what You want us to do! Thank You Father, Christ Jesus & Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Wait:………………………………………………………………………..!In absolute obedience, do as Father tells you! Share everything with everybody involved! His sheep hears His Voice! (John.10:27). God will not speak to you unless you are going to obey! Ask God for clear orders and direction and for the Spirit to lead you in every way, John.16:8-13) en 1Joh 2:20+27. Give God enough time to speak! Use God’s Word. Our Lamp, Ps. 119:105). The Spirit will confirm only Word, John 16:13-14. The Word is a two edged sword! Give Thanks to Father for everything and pray it back to Him! Rom 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen. in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! INTERCESSION FOR SOMEONE:Prov 8:34+35, Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My doors, waiting at My doorway, for whoever finds Me finds Life and receives favour from the King, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Listen, Waiting on Father is vital! ?Abba Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name we come before Your Throne. Die to self and submit to Your Spirit of Truth. We ask You for forgiveness for all sins through thoughts, deeds and words. Come and speak through us and blow life into our words! We ask You to send Your serving angels and to remove all evil forces from this premises. Please cover us, our minds and this premises in Your Blood and encamp us with Your angels. ?Surround us with Your angels and keep us from listening to strangers. Anoint our ears, our minds and the table of our hearts and write Your Word on our hearts.Father convict us of any wrong attitude that may hamper our prayers. Any sin. Forgive us as we choose to forgive even before. Wash us with the Blood of the Lamb. Anything we may be holding against …! Father please give us Your love and compassion for…! With You all things are possible. We repent and renounce any unbelief with regard to …’s salvation. We present … with love and compassion to You and ask You to forgive us of the sins of …(list) and we ask You for mercy and forgiveness in our lives. We have received so much love and mercy from You, therefore we associate with …’s sins before You and ask You for mercy on …! As You had mercy on us. We did not deserve anything neither does …! But all we can ask for is mercy, please have mercy on… , Ezek 22:30. You said You looked for a man who would stand in the gap before You. Here we are standing in the gap for …, declaring Christ Jesus, Saviour and Creator of our lives. Take captive every thought unto obedience to You. We submit to Your Spirit, come against every false prophesy, every lie of satan, pull down every own idea. Come and fill us up and speak through us. We choose willingly to die of self effort, Gal2:20. Father bind every evil force on this premises and over…., Mat 18:18. And we ask You Father to rebuke them and come against them. Satan you will not have any input here. We ask You to send Your angels to remove every evil spirit or anything that is not from You and cover our minds and this premises with Your Blood and keep us from listening to strangers. Father please release Your Word to us so that we can use it as “a Two edged Sword. Your Word penetrates even to dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges thoughts and attitudes of heart”, Heb 12:29. Show us who is the strongman or stronghold in …’s life. Your Word says we cannot plunder a strongman’s goods till we have first bound him, Mat 12:29. We bind the strongman of …, pull down the stronghold and pluck our beloved … from the kingdom of darkness. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against Your knowledge. The argument of …We Smash it with ... (scriptures). We join together in agreement for …’s Salvation. We claim .. soul for Your Kingdom. Mat 18:18. We declare You so loved … That You gave Your only Son to die for … on Calvary Hill so that … won’t perish but if …believes in You … will have eternal life, Eph 2:1-10 .., you were dead in your transgressions and sins in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and the ruler of thekingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time. Like the rest we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of His great love for us, Father, Who is rich in mercy made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions. By grace we have been saved. Father raised us up with Him in the heavenly realms. For it is by grace we have been saved through faith – and this not from ourselves, it is a gift of Father – not by works so that no one can boast. For we are Your workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which You prepared in advance for us to do.Write … name in Your book of life. Cover …and …. name in Your Blood and seal it of by Your Spirit. Compel … by Your Love and by Your Spirit to become hungry for the Truth and to study Your Word. Sent Your serving angels to go and serve … and bring … over from darkness into Your Light. We sing to You O Father Rich in Mercy. Thank You! Hallelujah! In Christ Jesus’ Name Amen & Amen!11. INDIAN SHAMMANISM: (Red Indian roots).Father due to our association and passiveness in regard to the sins of our ancestors, nation and Christianity, we stand guilty before You. We gave honour to the demons of Red Indian witchcraft. We ask You to forgive us and cleanse us from these iniquities as we admit to them here today. Please cancel the curses over our descendants and us. Please turn the curses into blessings and give back seven times what satan has stolen form us. Father we repent for playing the game “Indians and Soldiers”, where we made war against each other in our youth. We also watched movies of these two parties where they were fighting against each other. All the idol rituals of the Indians, including the honouring of demons, a medicine man, animal spirits and ancestral spirits, were shown in these movies. We also watched many videos on television about Indians in the rural areas or in the woods of America where demons were honoured. Every time an Indian person was included, there were supernatural powers and abilities involved, which are demonic.Ancestral spirits, plant and animal spirits were part of these stories. We repent of divining, fortune telling, reading of signs and the consultation of hidden or supernatural knowledge which is idolatry. All these Indian idol symbols are also seen at our Spur Steak Ranches countrywide. Totem poles, animal figures, wooden masks etc, which mock our Creator. With these idols we bring Shamanism all together before You and admit that this form of paganism is springing up all over society, specifically among the rich and form part of other New Age rituals and customs. We rejectand renounce all the demons, rituals and beliefs of Shamanism, the use of war symbols and signs for the amount of people killed, as well as the weapons used to kill during these fights. Frog spirits to show them where water can be found and fasting periods to receive hidden knowledge. The Thunder Ceremonies to worship the demons of thunder and lightning, the ritual of cutting masks from living trees in the shapes revealed to them by demons in dreams or trances.The dancing with these masks during demonic healing ceremonies, mind control rituals and the medicine to make someone fall in love with another person. The grass dances to invoke the war spirits to become brave and full of pride. All the ceremonial and voodoo dolls for cursing people. The sun worship, the rituals and self-torture by piercing the skin and hanging on hooks. Funeral rituals over a period of four days, the nine-day snake ritual for rain, the sun masks and the rituals and dances that goes with it, the colour red as the colour of the sun and its symbolism, the painting of their bodies and all the values and meanings of the symbols involved. Divination, witchcraft, the reading of signs and the consultation of the dead, soul travelling to the spiritual world and the ancient healing practices of Shamanism. That the earth is our mother, the worship of this earth demon that is supposed to feed us and therefore needs to be fed with worship. That we are obliged to influence the weather, the death of people and diseases through trances and rituals. The consultation of demons in receiving hidden knowledge about supernatural forces and powers over the universe, the beliefs in animism and that (rocks, animals and plants have spirits and personalities), all roots and demons of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca New Age and Red Indian magic.Any demonic eye or strong eye to see into the supernatural, any contact or honour given to Shaman demons, healings or medicine used or recognition given to its abilities and soul travelling. Any efforts to establish communication between demons and humans, sucking to free people from demons, poison or diseases, the use of herbs, rituals, massaging or medicine in these idol healing efforts. To escort souls to the under world, all tools, fire walk ceremonies, anointing or the rubbing on of stuff, the smoking of drugs, poison, magic mushrooms, meditations and trances to receive powers and abilities. Any clothes, costumes and equipment for ceremonies or rituals, all pipe smokeceremonies, sweat-lodge ceremonies, dances, sole saving ceremonies, rituals for the dead, vision seeking ceremonies, self-torturing ceremonies, the drug abuse and trances that go with it, which is all done during rave parties all over our country. The medicine wheel and its connection to spirits of water, fire, sky, earth and the four directions north, south, east and west. The use of herbs, plants, flowers, trees, jewel stones, crystals, minerals, bird feathers, animal products, hair and skin to honour demons. All teachers, representatives, exotic practices, drumming, songs, monotonous talking, rattling, and respiration techniques to honour demons and to control people’s minds. The drumming and monotonous beating of drums to enhance trances. Dream catchers, wind charms and all red Indian clothes, paintings, etc. All these New Age practices that are polluting our people and our houses all over society, in Christ Jesus, ‘ Name. Amen & Amen!12. Islam / Muslim:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the Islam Roots on our hands, because they are running our government and causing chaos all over the world and the world say no they are good people. Father these people are demon possessed and there is nothing good about satan! These good people can change into monsters overnight when satan takes over their minds. Abba Father, we come before Your Throne, in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus of Nazareth, to repent and associate with the sins of Islam. As we do this prayer we ask You to save their souls. Father we start by repenting for all the Muslims who were killed through the crusades. We are guilty through the worship and acknowledgement that our nation, government, and Christianity gave to the spirit Allah and his demons, which is part of Freemasonry and many of our leaders were and are part of this satanic organisation.We also stand in the gap for the Muslims and beg You to have mercy on them. We repent of the belief that Islam is the only true religion, that Allah is You and declare that Allah is a demon and the moon goddess. We reject the lie that Allah means “god” in Arabic. Why are they then still calling him Allah in Afrikaans? Because it is the name of their demon and not of You. Names are never translated. We ask Your forgiveness for the belief that dead works can help us, that Jude died on the cross in the place of Christ and that the four Gospels represent four different Bibles. ?Father please sever us from these spirits of false doctrine and deception. Thank you that we are now delivered through Your Spirit of Truth. We renounce the following lies of the Muslims: That Christianity is a false religion, that Islam came into being because of the corruption of Christianity, that followers of Islam being converted to Christianity are traitors deserving the punishment of death, that all Christians are blasphemers and have been deceived, that the Koran is superior to the Scriptures, that the Scriptures have been altered by translations and is therefore no longer a reliable source, that You had to send another true Word, the Koran, to replace the “unreliable” Word.?That the false prophet Mohammed was Your greatest, true and final prophet; that Jesus was only one of many prophets; that You established only three religions on earth, i.e. Judaism, Christianity and Islam; that you sent Moses to establish Judaism but the Jews were disobedient; that He brought us Christianity, but we became corrupt and then Mohammed brought us Islam; that Islam incorporates both Judaism and Christianity, thus being the only true religion; that Christ is not the only way to the Father. He did not die for our sins on the cross but that Jude died in His place, that You are One and not the triune Creator, i.e. Father, Son and Spirit, that Abraham had to sacrifice Ishmael instead of Isaac; that there is only one purpose and that is to unite the world through Islam; that Mecca is a Holy city as declared by Mohammed; that the Ka’aba containing the black stone is an anointed place and that the black stone is an anointed altar to the spirit Allah, and the lie that women have no rights. ?Father, we declare that Your purpose was never to establish a religion, but only to create a personal relationship between Yourself and us. We renounce the lie that Christ is not Your Son, because Islam believes that You could not have had intercourse with Mary. We confess that He was born of the virgin Mary by the working of Your Spirit. We renounce the following lies of Islam; The Shari’a or laws of Islam with it’s four pillars, the Koran, Sunna, Qiyas and Ijma, all the prescribed rules and regulations regarding a Muslim’s way of life, any blood sacrifice, which is calling out against us – sever us from these soul ties and by Your Blood wash away any curses or bondages established in the spiritual realm by these rituals – that there is no distinction between personal and communal religion and the worldly, sacred and sacrilegious, and between spiritual and material, everything being one and the same. We renounce Jihad, the Holy war, and that it is an honour to kill or to be killed for the demon Allah. That the Koran is Your Word; the lie that the repetition of passages from the Koran brings favour; the record of Mohammed’s life and the standards which he set for every Muslim; the example of the false prophet Mohammed according to which Muslims must live; the 99 names of the demons of the Muslims which have to be repeated over and over; as well as the rosary used for this purpose, (there is a name for every bead, just like the Roman Catholics have); All prayers to Allah and the facing in the direction of Mecca; any prescription regarding the number of times one has to prostrate oneself (seven times); the confessions of faith, rituals and praises. We renounce all Muslim “High days” and the worship of the moon on each of these days along with their bondages and rituals; the five pillars of Islam; the confession of faith – Shahada, Prayer-Salat, Ramadan, Zakat, pilgrimage to Mecca. Hajj; the “cave of Hira” and “the mountain of light” where the angel of deception appeared to Mohammed; the false Islamic calendar; all beliefs that the moon is a manifestation of Allah; the halaal and haraam signs on food, which are curses; the demons of Islam, the spirit of mind control / meditations, and the spirit of sacrifice of animals. Please sever our nation, Christianity, our families and us from every faction of Islam, the Sunni and the Shiite. Cut any soul ties with any teacher, any imam, Mohammed and guru. We claim back what is ours and tear up any contracts with Satan. ?We renounce the hidden Imam or Mahdi, the Anti- Christ. The False Jesus. We renounce any spokesman of this hidden Mahdi. Sever all soul ties with them as well as with any Mullah or Ayatollah. We renounce all authority or power that they may have in politics, our government, religion, finances, and legal systems over us and ask You to remove them or save their souls. We renounce everything related to Islam. We ask You to release Your warring angels to go and fight for us and to remove every blindfold or bondage. Please reveal to the Muslims and the world that the land Israel belongs to the Hebrew people and that Jerusalem is their headquarters, given to them by You and nobody else. Please write that on our hearts. Rom 11:25. We confess that Christ, Who came in the flesh is the Son, our Father and our Creator; that You raised Him from the dead and that we received redemption from our sins by Your coming in the flesh, Your Blood and Your victory on the spike of Calvary, in Chris Jesus‘ Name!Thank You Father, as we bind these demons, that You rebuke them. Send Your angels to take them captive and make a footstool of them to Christ. Thank You for opening the eyes of Your children so that they may realise what an dangerous religion this is and that we will never stop praying for their souls till every Muslim is saved, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!13. Jezebel:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the Jezebel Roots on our hands, because everything around us are under this spirit of control, manipulation, and deception. The entire world, the governments, the financial world, the religions, the churches everybody controls their people while you said we should serve and lead by example not rule like the world, Matt 20:25-26 & 1Pet 5:1-3.We come to You, in the Name of Christ Jesus and repent of hard-headedness, stubbornness, rebellion, unwillingness to be taught, spiritual pride, trying to destroy or to stop Your apostles, prophets? and leadership, disrespect for authority, the abuse of authority, attempts to infiltrate leadership, instigation of fear, idolization of own ideas and traditions, emotional manipulation, deception, walking with fleshly desires and evoking an Ahab spirit in others. Killing spiritual children. That we have distorted other people’s words to look good by means of lies and underhandedness. That we have stopped Your sent ones from bringing Your messages to Your children and are keeping Your children from repentance.?That we put blame and suspicion on others, dominated, intimidated and manipulated others, didn’t obey Your Word, discouraged others, lead others into uncomfortable situations, pride, arguments and tantrums. We repent being used by the Jezebel spirit to accuse others falsely, cause bitterness, criticize people, humiliate, desire material wealth to put us or others in financial difficulties, practice sexual immorality and spiritual immorality, intimidate by means of fear, bring bondages on others, keep believers in bondage, control others through a religious mask of knowledge, false spirituality, secretive works to impress, unique experiences and super spirituality which is lies, have anger outbursts and subsequently create confusion, step on people to get what we want and focus the lime light on our self instead of on You by saying it’s about You but we must get the attention.?We repent of the abuse of authority, criticism, causing others to feel like failures, deceiving others by adding tales that are not the truth, creating stories of testimonies that is false, breaking others down to hide own incapability, changing what You have said to adapt to our own desires for that specific time and day and then prove it with Scriptures. Use Your Scriptures to deceive. Manipulation through withholding sex or humiliating our partner’s abilities to break them down while putting others in captivity of isolation and depression, not allowing others to be released in their Spiritual callings, keeping believers baby Christians, using tears to soften people and thereby getting our own ways and humiliating others by using Your Word as a weapon. ?Talking too much and always wanting to be the centre of every group of people, having anger outbursts to control and have it my way, bringing confusion and destruction, being a “twister and turner”, creating permanent tension in close relationships, bringing disunity in groups, being a manipulator on stages to captivate audiences and making people believe things that are not Scriptural. These are occult powers, compromise, idolatry, immorality, domination, intimidation, manipulation, brainwashing and false religion by ignoring Your discipline and not having respect for You! We acknowledge these cords of satan in us, in the Bride, our nation and in our government. We take the Sword of the Spirit to sever these cords, in the Name of Christ Jesus! We repent of all this control, deception and manipulation by our government, organisations, companies, institutions, politicians, Banks and financial institutions, leadership and congregations. We admit that everywhere every person in a leadership position are in charge and his or her own god. This world are playing god and ruling over the people. Everywhere people are controlled by a small group of people who determine what we can do or not. It is a total Jezebel system of control of the masses and members of organisations. There is no freedom to choose. In many chases we are brainwashed to think we are free to choose but are brainwashed to make specific choices to make us think it is our choice.Father, as Your Bride we humble ourselves before You. We confess that we, as well as our forefathers, have sinned against You regarding worship to the Queen of Heaven, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We confess that we, as well as large parts of the Body of Christ, have entered into idolatry by giving honour, reverence, and prominence to this deity – knowingly and unknowingly and allowed people under this spirit to teach in our congregations, Rev 2:22-24. We want to express our remorse that we have rejected and grieved You, Your Son and Your Spirit in this way. We therefore humbly ask that You will mercifully forgive us our sins, transgressions and iniquity on the grounds of the Blood of Christ.Thank You, Father, for Your grace and compassion. Thank You for not dealing with us in ways which we thoroughly deserve, but that You are slow to anger, and rich in mercy and compassion. Before You, Father, the heavenly host, and before each other and the world, as well as the spiritual world, we now declare in the Name of Christ Jesus: We renounce any worship of creation, rather than the Creator. We renounce the worship of Eve, the wife of Adam, as the “Mother of All”, and “Mother of the earth.” I renounce the pagan doctrine, and its claim to be the Messiah of the world. We renounce the occult knowledge, worship and religious systems. We reject and renounce the entity known as Janus, the two-faced Roman god, as well as the hermaphrodite or androgynous man of the Mysteries which are associated with Noah. The religious system of the Babylonian Mysteries and its successors in other cultures, whether it be Eleusinian, Assyrian, Phoenician, Egyptian, Phrygian, Greek, or Roman – including the Roman Catholic Church, Mormonism, Cabbalism, Islam, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, the Knights Templar, and Knights of Malta.We renounce the Mysteries as the source of occult knowledge known in the Bible as “the deep secrets of Satan.” The Babylonian Trinity known as Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, as well as their successors in other cultures, by which ever name they may call this Jezebel spirit. We renounce all ancient and classical names of the Queen of Heaven: (do not mention) (Semiramis, Ishtar, Inane, Astarte, Ashera, Isis, Neith, Hathor, Ahtena, Venus, Aphrodite, Circe, Hera, Demeter, Diana, Artemis, Cybele, Rhea, Juno, Ceres and Nike).We renounce the madonna of the Roman Catholic Church as not a representative of Mary, the mother of Christ, but as a manifestation of the demonic Queen of Heaven. We renounce her countless images and icons all over the world to be the Image of the Beast of the Book of Revelation. We renounce every bit of worship that we, in our ignorance had ever given to this entity and its icons.We renounce the three manifestation forms of the Queen of Heaven: The Virgin, the Mother and the Witch. We renounce these manifestation forms in Freemasonry, known as Faith, Hope and Charity. We renounce the spirit and works of the demonic entity known as Jezebel, and her works known as domination, intimidation, manipulation and control. The spirits known as the nine muses, as well as every inspiration or revelation which we might have sought or received from them.The symbolism associated with the myths of the Queen of Heaven in their respective contexts, such as: the obelisk, the pine cone, the pine tree, the yoni, the mandola, the womb, the scallop shell, the cave, the madonna, the moon, sheaf of wheat, the book, anchor and suckled children, the flaming torch, the cube, the waters, the burning heart, the “tall” cross, the scale-balance, the mirror, the galley ship, the dog star, the golden cup, fountains, keys, the broken column, the parting veil, the paired lions and demonic descending dove, which is all pagan symbols. We renounce the meteorite known as the Black Stone or Capstone. Any allegiance to this stone or the Bonbon stone in Heliopolis (On), the Giza Pyramids or Ka’aba at Mecca. All water spirits associated with the Queen of Heaven, such as represented by fish, hippopotamus, octopus, dolphins, seals, mermaids and shellfish. Every covenant or seal over our lives that had been made with the Queen of Heaven.We hereby renounce my infant baptism as a covenant with this entity, as well as the seals that accompany this christening. o’ Spirit, we now ask that You will take Your Sword and cut us and my family free and loose from the following, in the Name of Christ Jesus: The Virgin, the Mother and the Crone. The Nephilin spirit. The knowledge, oaths, seals, covenants, curses, hexes, spells and witchcraft to the religious system known as the Mysteries. The cities and spirits of Babylon, Pergamum and Rome. We declare a divorce with these cities in the spirit. Mount Everest, Nepal and Tibet, the geographical stronghold of the Queen of Heaven. The unholy trinity. The madonna. Jezebel. The nine muses. The ancient, mythological, classical and modern symbolism of the Queen of Heaven. The black meteorite stone, and water spirits, in Christ Jesus’ Name.?Please cleanse us from these sins and iniquities! We curse these fruits of satan in our lives with death and ask You to deliver us! We break every curse of a bed of anguish and suffering, down-heartedness, utmost judgement, death, humiliation and nakedness, slavery, senility, homosexuality, cancer, schizophrenia, divorce, female domination, male domination, incest, blasphemy, loss of children, loss of marriage partner, disaster, destruction or evil, loneliness and desolation, witchcraft and persecution! Father we repent of all of these curses. We forgive those who brought them on us and we ask You to turn these curses into blessings. Father please deliver us from all the evil forces involved that kept these curses in place. Please fill up these areas of our lives with Your Love. We surrender it to You! We reject all unclean spirits, deaf and dumb spirits, spirits of infirmity, divination, of bondage, of slumber, seducing spirits, of doctrine, of fear, perversion, pride, deception, denial, of nightmares, of error, spirits of the antichrist, of jealousy, of heaviness, lying, haughty, familiar &, territorial spirits the spirits of whoredom, the Nicoliatans, Herod, legalism, religion & intellectualism. We repent of worshipping these spirits or allowing them to influence and control us and we ask You for forgiveness. Please cleanse us from these sins and iniquities and deliver us from these demons. Father turn every curse into a blessing and restore seven times to us what satan has stolen. Fill us up in these areas with Your fullness as we take this ground back! I hereby now proclaim: I believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel. I believe that only He is worthy of any worship, honour, reverence and glory. I believe in Christ Jesus as the One and only Mediator between the Father and man, and that the Spirit acts only in this Name. I believe that we need no other or additional mediator. I believe that man gets saved only in this Name, by grace through faith. I believe that the Father bestows every good thing on man and mankind in this Name. Thus, I pray that the mighty and powerful Hand of Almighty Father will keep us pure and steadfast on this road. In Christ Jesus’ Name, I now proclaim that the Queen of Heaven has no power over me, and that the Blood of Christ is against her. I thank you Father that you bind these spirits at Your Feet and make a Foot stool of them for Christ, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen & Amen! LEADERS PRAYER:Abba Father, we come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We surrender to Your Spirit and ask You to blow life into our words. We repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to Gown us in Your righteousness. Thank You for cleansing us with Your Blood so that we are now vehicles of honour for every good work, 2Tim 2:20-21. That we may now stand on the walls of Jerusalem and remind You of Your promises to us.Father, thank You for helping our leaders with their problems. Thank You for revealing the things You want us to pray for and which specific leaders we should pray for. For showing us if there is anything in us that may prevent our prayers from being effective, and for giving us a forgiving spirit and a loving heart for one another. Thanks for putting a guard before our hearts and mouths so that we will not judge, criticise or resent leaders. Please flood our hearts with Your Love for all people! We thank You for our leaders and the high prices they’ve paid to be leaders. For blessing them with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For straightening their ways and providing in all their needs. For comforting and encouraging them, healing their wounded spirits and hurting hearts, for revelation, for removing every cloud of deception over their minds, for cancelling every false prophecy over them. Every stronghold against the Truth is cast down and every argument against Your knowledge and wisdom is taken captive! Thanks for revealing to them that You were despised, rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, acquainted with grief and sickness. Like One from Whom men hid their faces, You were despised and we did not esteem You for that. O Father, please forgive us! Surely You suffered for our grievances, sicknesses, weaknesses and distresses. You carried our sorrows and pains of punishment, yet we ignorantly considered You stricken, smitten and afflicted by Father, as if with leprosy. But You were wounded for our transgressions; You were bruised for our guilt and iniquities. The need to obtain peace and well being for us was upon You. With the stripes that wounded You, we are healed and made whole! Thanks for giving our leaders grace and courage to endure. In our trouble You comforted us, helped us and gave us strength to endure. Thank You for being strengthened with All Power according to Your glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience. We joyfully give thanks to You! You qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light. We come against discouragement under leaders and we thank You that You will keep showing us to whom we should express encouragement. Thanks for pouring out Your supernatural grace and patience upon leaders and for revealing to us the pressures and pains that leaders have to face. Please help us so that we will not add to these pressures unnecessarily. Thanks for giving our leaders the physical strength to endure as promised to all Believers. Thank You that they will understand the Biblical Truth that humility is the basic key to cope with pressure. You oppose the proud but give grace to the humble. Thank You for teaching us the gentleness and humility of Christ.When we’re weary and heavy-laden, it will cause us to experience that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. For giving leaders clear understanding that the underlying purpose in all trials and tests is to conform them even more to Your likeliness while they live in obedience to Your Word. Thanks for releasing Your Mercy on our leaders and that heathens are no longer laughing at Your Kingdom. For seeing all the children who are crying for help, food, shelter and Your love. For equipping our leaders to bring the children out of misery to You. For giving leaders a greater and deeper revelation of Your unfathomable love, absolute justice and unswerving faithfulness to them in times of suffering. For lifting the veils of deception and doctrine over their eyes and ears, preparing their hearts to become humble before You. That fallen leaders did not only receive discipline in repentance and humility but that they were completely restored at the appropriate time. “Let a righteous man strike me, it is kindness; let him rebuke me, it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it”, Ps 141:5. Thanks that integrity and righteousness protects them because their hope is in You. You showed them what is good; it is what You required. To act justly and to love while walking in humility with our You.Thanks for compelling our leaders that their greatest fulfilment is in having a more intimate relationship with You rather than in ministry accomplishments. That our leaders are making Ministry to You a higher priority than Ministry to people. That our leaders understand that submission, repentance and obedience to Your Spirit is the pathway of sustained power. To fear You is to hate evil and through the fear of You a man avoids evil. Thanks for Creator-fearing leaders and for revelation to our leaders that wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city. That a passion for holiness in thought, word and deed, replace our leaders’ love for self-gratification and that our leaders are delivered from the fear of man. That Your Spirit is speaking through them and that Your Word is on their tongues. “When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of Father, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.” Thank You that our leaders are like this, that their lives are fresh and clean, that it brings light, life and beauty to our nation and is productive to expand Your Kingdom to Your Honour!Thank You that they understand that all academic and theological learning is no substitute for revelation by Your Spirit or for wisdom and that there are no short cuts. Thanks for helping them to study Your character and ways through meditation and revelation by Your Spirit! For revealing to our leaders that it is more effective to speak to You on behalf of men, than it is to speak to men on behalf of You. For having mercy on our deceptions and for revealing to us that not even You judge, but that Your Word will one day do the judging and that it is not for us to judge or to convince one another of our iniquities. Thanks for forgiving us in Your great Mercy! That our leaders are motivated to fulfil their priestly role of intercession. You forbid that we should sin against You in ceasing to pray for them. Thanks that our leaders have a worldwide vision for revival and world evangelism and that You prepare them for the awesome visitations of Your Spirit that accompanies revival and the great end-time harvest of lost souls. “The Father will lay bare His Anointed Arm in sight of all the nations.” Thanks that they have a greater understanding of the ways of the Spirit in Revival so that they will not resist Your workings, particularly when those workings are unpredictable and not familiar to us. That our spiritual leaders have a desire to be real and have a Heavenly hatred for hypocrisy, starting with themselves, and want to be transparent and honest, broken and contrite in heart. That none of us will preach the Truth, unless our lives validate what our lips say.Ezra set his heart to study Your Law and teach Your Statutes and Ordinances in Israel. Father thanks that You have powerfully convicted those who weren’t real and honest. You brought them to repentance and exposed those who resisted Your conviction. “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known.” As leaders of our nation, the Bride and Israel, we submit ourselves one to another in Fear of You. For giving us burning desires and spiritual ambition to be like Christ Jesus, the greatest leader of all times! Thanks for increasing their visions for the reaching of lost souls in the power of the Spirit. That they will truly make You their role model and not any human being, Rom 1:21-27. “To this we are called, because You suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow in Your steps”. Thanks for keeping them from the folly of comparing themselves with other leaders and ministries because this only leads to pride, competitiveness, jealousy, criticism or intimidation and insecurity. For showing them any resentment or anger they may harbour toward You or towards people for the price they have to pay to lead.For revealing to them that any bitterness in their spirits becomes evident to others. For purifying the motives of our leaders and giving us passion for You only. Thanks that they are given needed correction and discipline with humility, mercy and compassion, balanced with uncompromising firmness according to Biblical standards. “Correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” For increasing the flow of Your Love through our leaders to the world, to their spouses, their children and to other relatives, keeping them and filling them with Your fullness. For revealing to them that they are only one of the tools in Your hands to function in Your great plans and that they are not meant to do everything themselves. For giving them faith to release others in their tasks where You want them to complement one another. Thank You for compelling our leaders to become unifiers and reconcilers with a commitment to the Body. That You use them powerfully as such. Allowing this to lead to deeper levels of humility, love and commitment to one another and that it is openly expressed. For Your blessings on these new levels of unity that we are receiving. For a new level of outpouring of Your Spirit in humility, love and reconciliation and that it dissolves all ethnic, denominational, gender and cultural differences. We admit to the sins of pride, prejudice and sectarianism. For forgiving us and for washing us with the Blood of the Lamb. For keeping back Your servants from presumptuous sins. For giving our leaders the patience and humility to wait on You for directions in matters large, small and in every engagement to speak or to teach. “Which of them stood in the council of the Father to see or to hear His Word? Who has listened and heard His Word? I did not send these prophets yet they ran with their message; a message I did not speak to them.” For forgiving this sin and also forgiving us for not interceding for Word from You to be released to our leaders. We stand guilty before You but thank You for Your Mercy! We command the forces of darkness to cease their assault on our leaders. We yield the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of Father! We present the Blood, with the word of our testimony. In the Power of the Spirit we declare, You our Creator, Christ Jesus, King over our leaders! What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Therefore we proclaim that satan is forbidden to influence our leaders in this nation. We destroy every bondage or blindfold that is influencing our leaders. It is written that if we submit to Father and resist the devil, he will flee from us. We corporately reject and resist the lies of the secret organisations and the gods of Egypt, Baal and Dagon. We reject the demonic influences, ranks, fruits or any manifestations they might have had on anybody in and around our nation, the Bride and Israel! We declare into the heavenly that You are our Saviour and King. The Father of our Salvation, the One and only True Creator, the Son, Who is worthy to receive our praises! We reject any ranks, fruits or anything from the evil forces. Thank You, that these influences over us are now cancelled. We reject the evil forces of these secret societies and order these evil forces, to flee from our nation and not to return or to manifest in anybody’s life again in this nation or in Israel. We claim everybody’s soul that was ever involved in secret organisations in these nations for the Kingdom of Christ! Thanks Father that You will reveal Yourself to these people through the power of Your Spirit! Father, thanks that as we diligently make application of this message on an ongoing basis, the nations will hear You say to them in a coming day, “well done good and faithful servants, enter into the Joy of Father!” Thank You that You will do it for Your Great Name’s sake! We praise You as we stand on Your Word and we believe with faith that we can now thank You for granting the freedom of our nations. For Your faithfulness and all the wonderful revelations You have given us, for the way we could co-create with and be used by You to change history. For choosing to use us. We deserve nothing but by Your Mercy we are revived! Let the Father be glorified through His Son! All honour and glory belongs to You! Thank you Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!MOTHER LOVE: (Example, make your own)Father, You are also my Mother. I come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus‘ Name. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness in thought, word and deed. Robe me in Your Righteousness so that I may get onto Your Lap and receive Your comfort and Love that I so desperately need. Impart revelation to me of Your Mother Love, by the power of Your Spirit. Spirit set me apart and have empathy with me because I struggle to find the words in expressing myself adequately to You. Please intercede on my behalf and move Father’s Arm to restore me and transform me in to the person You intended me to be, in Christ Jesus. Father I need You desperately. Come and take command of this situation and fill this loneliness with Your Mother Love. Come and nourish me. Fill me with the compassion that I lack, with the tenderness of a mother that I never received, to comfort and to care, with humility, patience and dry my tears. Father please cure this hurt inside me. Please come and stand with Your feet inside this hurt and fill it with Your fullness, with Your Motherly compassion, softness, sincerity, sympathy and comfort. With Your Mother Love, nourish restore and heal me. Hold me to Your Chest and impart this special Love to me that I have never received. Father I so desperately long for this softness that typifies mother Love. I have only known a hard and terrible world out there with harsh people who are without any compassion who have no remedy for the void inside of me.Let Your comfort be real to me. Let me experience Your fullness in this moment. Your El Shaddai Heart, The Breasted One that nourishes and comfort with so much compassion and Who is also my Mother and provider of all the nourishment I need. Silence this longing inside me. This loneliness that drives me to roam, wander aimlessly and to seek for comfort and love at the wrong places. Please nourish this dryness and let the water flow deep within my soul with Your sincerity, softness and compassion, where I have never before received Love. I choose to forgive my mother. I open my hands, she owes me nothing. Forgive us and heal us from all this hurt. By Your Stripes we are healed. I needed my mother so desperately. Aching for her hugs, cuddling and compassion to be there for me in times of hurts and fear but she was not there for me…! She did not know how to demonstrate love to me or to nourish and cuddle me in her arms. She could not communicate. She did not express her love to me. Did not kiss me. Was unavailable.Always busy or still at work. Working late or out with friends. She was often absent. I was not aloud to sit on her lap. She did not tell me bedtime stories or spent time with me. I needed her so desperately. There was no eye contact. She was always angry, had sullen looks, did not show me love. Her looks cut into my soul. She was like an army commander. I was afraid of her. Her eyes had no love. We never had a close relationship. I needed to know I am loved and belong. That there was security and safety in a mothers arms when I have failed in this unfriendly world.Someone who believed in me although I failed and would always give me another chance in life. There was just nobody for me when I needed support or someone to talk to who cares. If I could only tell her about my fears, my feelings, my experiences, my thoughts and struggles that I had to work through these alone because she was simply not available for me. I was so lonely en felt so rejected. Torn apart by my longing for motherly love and to be cuddled, to feel special. Loved by someone that really cares. I desperately needed this love and warmth. I never realised how I was loosing out. How this would influence my life, that I did not have a mother who cared, cuddled and loved me.This special relationship with a mother that all small children so desperately need to develop compassion. I chose to let go of this anger inside of me because of what was stolen from me and caused me so much pain over these years. Father, I let go of this desire that my mother has to make right what she has missed to do. I choose to forgive her. She probably had her own hurts and could not function as she was supposed to as a mother. She had her own problems in life and just could not care for me. She owes me nothing. I let her go and ask You to remove all the bitterness, anger, pain, loneliness and longing for a mother out of my heart. Father, all the pain because she divorced my father. All the fights, all the longing and emptiness. Father when I was still in my mother’s womb and was not welcome. All the trauma that I went through. Her thoughts and the ways she reacted did not make me feel welcome. Every negative feeling during pregnancy that was carried over to me. I choose to forgive her completely for all the hurt that she has cause me over all these years. I renounce all anger, bitterness, rejection, loneliness, isolation, wandering spirit, fear, uncertainty, lack of compassion for others, the inability to be responsible and the seeking for love and acceptance that was transferred to me! I forgive my parents for any sexual iniquities, shame, self-consciousness, worthlessness and self-pity that were carried over to me because of their sinful deeds. I confess it as sin and sever these evil soul ties with my ancestors and ask you to deliver me from this sinful behaviour. I cancel these fruits of destruction in my life and speak death over them. Thank You Father for Your Mother Love that You pour out over me right now. Thank You for paying in full for these hurts in my life and that You heal and restore me now to be compassionate, patient and able to comfort others in need, to nourish, to cuddle, to love, have social skills, to communicate, have diplomacy and to show all of it, by the Power of Your Spirit. By Your Stripes I am healed. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen!NATIONS PRAYER:Abba Father, we come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We surrender to Your Spirit and ask You to blow life into our words. We repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to Gown us in Your righteousness. Thank You for cleansing us with Your Blood so that we are now vehicles of honour for every good work, 2Tim 2:20-21. That we may now stand on the walls of Jerusalem and remind You of Your promises to us.In Christ Jesus’ name, thank You for Who You are. We praise You for the privilege to intercede with You. We thank You for all the things you have already done. Thanks for an unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit in Revival power to come upon Your people. Thank You for reviving us again so that Your people may rejoice in You. Thank you that You motivated us powerfully to deep repentance of all idolatry and Sun Worship – everything that kept us from making You our supreme longing, first love and greatest purpose for living. Father, we thank You that You rend the heavens and came down, that the mountains trembled before You, like when fire sets ablaze and causes water to boil. Thank you that You made Your Name known to Your enemies and caused the nations to quake before you! You did awesome things that we did not expect. Thank You Father, “for as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Creator made righteousness and praise spring up before all nations”. Thank You for uniting us, Your Body and Your Bride. Father You said: “I in them and they in Me”. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You sent Christ, and love us as You loved Him.Father, thank You for convicting Your people of their pride, rebellion and religiousness that separated us and that the realisation will come to us, that without unity, Your people will suffer defeat. You said: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and every city or household divided against itself will not stand”. Thank You for Your mercy on Your children and that You united us, so that we can be in victory. Thank You for a spirit of humility that brought the realisation that we desperately need one another. Thanks for compelling us by Your love with a great desire for reconciliation and unity, to the point that we strive like soldiers for unity. Thank you for raising Christian leaders who will humble themselves in acts of repentance, confessing the sins of our forefathers where divisions originated and asking for forgiveness. Thank You for reconciliation walks with us apologising and asking for forgiveness of our sins to others. You say You have given us the glory that You received from the Father so that we may be one as you are One. We thank You that we are one! Let it be. Thank You for compelling Your Bride to encourage, support and intercede for one another and to be willing to work together and above all to learn from each other and intercede together in unity! Thank You for humbleness before You and that we can acknowledge that Your Body in our nation deserves judgment due to many sins, idolatry, apathy, disobedience to the revealed Truth, lack of love and the spirits of this world that pervade us. Father, we stand guilty before you and identify with the sins of Your people, like Nehemiah did.Thank you that Your ears are attentive to hear the prayers Your servants are praying before You day and night for Your servants, the people of our nation, the Bride and Israel. We confess the sins of our people, our church, our government, including that of our father’s house and those we have committed against You. We acted wickedly toward You and did not obey the commands, decrees and laws. We cry to You for mercy: In this time of our deep need, thank You for helping us, like You did in years gone by and for showing us Your power to save us. Thank You that in Your wrath You remembered Mercy”! We thank You for Your great Mercy and tolerance with us stiff necked people. Thanks for raising leaders with integrity who fear You and who will operate according to Your Character, with visions for the nations worldwide and who are not bound in themselves. Thank You for the current leaders that you placed in authority. Thank You for filling us with love and compassion for them and that You are working in them. “The only thing that counts is faith, expressing itself through love”. Father thanks for promoting righteous leaders and for placing them in positions of authority and influence in the church, government, judicial system, educational system, business and commerce, medical profession, media, sports, arts and entertainment.Above all let them have favour with You. “When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order”. Thank You for such a leadership! That Your Word is given its rightful place as the basis for the formation of just laws and as the standard for moral values and behaviour. We glorify You, Thank You that You have already responded to Your laws that were broken. Thanks for placing spiritual heads of homes in their rightful places of responsibility and authority so that children may be taught Biblical principals. Thank You that families will attend workshops at marriage counselling clinics, communication seminars and Biblical teachings. For providing all of these and for turning the father’s hearts to the children, the children’s hearts to the fathers and ultimately to You, our Father! (Malachi 4:6) Thanks for stirring Your people to see that obedience is the key to Christian life and prosperity in all areas of life. That Your priorities became our priorities by living a life of worship spending time alone with You, interceding for one another and getting to know You. Thank You for having taught us to wait on You for Your directions and that all of us are compelled to have a burdened heart for the lost and for revelation to see the needy to be empowered by Your Spirit. That the fear of You will come on all believers in this nation because “the fear of the Father is the beginning of wisdom”. For children and youth who will have a chance to be born, hearing the Good News. That you will touch them by the thousands by means of Youth Ministries to walk in front and show the people Your ways. We call forth the youth. Thank You for the healing and deliverance of all hurt, neglected, abused and addicted people and for clinics to care for them. For sovereignty revealing Yourself to our children so that they will know You love them and care about their hurts. That every nation is called to send harvesters to come and help us with intercession and the harvesting of the lost. This will enable us to become a blessing to the nations and send missionaries to every nation on earth. Father that You are doing this because we are asking it, thanks for giving this revelation to every believer so that they will start to ask You why they should not go. Please fill them with zeal to serve You by the power of Your Spirit!Father, thanks for laying the poor and needy on the hearts of Your children so that we will get involved in caring for them. “For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came to Me. Assuredly I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me,” Matt 25:34-40. For forgiving us in Your great Mercy regardless of the fact that it was neglected until now. Let the Fire fall! “If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor he too will cry out and not be answered!” Thank You for Your forgiveness towards us of those whom we ill treated and prosecuted because of their faith. We prosecuted, criticised and judged one another because we were imprisoned by religion ourselves. Forgive us for thinking that our denomination is superior to other believers and that only we know the truth. Thank You for the great spiritual awakenings that came upon us. That the unconverted are converted so that those unrighteous ones that seem impossible to regenerate are converted. That Your people are becoming radical followers of You and that powerful international ministries are emerging from our communities. All glory and honour to You. We worship You and lift up Your Name. You are the Creator of Salvation and the King of kings. Praise the Father,– what an awesome Creator You are!Thank You for revelation of the strongholds and principalities over our city that cause spiritual darkness and blindfold our leaders. For the privilege to work with You. For everything that You have done and still do for us. That our prayers are answered and for Revival in our country under the Bride and in Israel. We proclaim freedom for Your people, and all the leaders on earth will revere Your glory. Father rebuild Your Temple in South Africa and Israel and appear in Your glory. All kingdoms on earth will know that You alone are the great El, our Saviour, our King! We want to praise You for the many signs of Your mighty work throughout this nation. Thank You for the progress in unity and the unprecedented vision and commitment of Your people to reach the unsaved people of this world. Give us greater vision and understanding of the importance of interceding regularly for Your people, not only to shape the history of this nation but also to be prepared to rule and reign with You throughout eternity. Show us the big picture and deliver us from smallness of vision and religion. Thank you Abba, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth that You are already busy with this. Bless Israel, the Bride, and Jerusalem with peace, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!NEGATIVE SYMTOMS: (bad fruits prayer):1. Generational Sins: In Christ Jesus’ Name, Father, please show me where this sin is present in my generations. Why is it in my life? I repent of my ancestors’, my parents’ and my own involvement with this covenant with satan of …..! Also of my anger and rebellion against You because You have allowed this in my life. I forgive my ancestors who have brought this on me, they owe me nothing. I open my hand and set them free. Forgive me. I receive Your forgiveness and also forgive myself for participating in these sins. I place Your Blood between me and my ancestors at my conception as a baby. I speak death over these bad fruits of …and over all curses that go with it. That it will dry up, stop and perish. I ask You that You turn these curses into blessings and give back seven times what satan has stolen from me. Apply the Blood of the Lamb against satan. Thank You Father for setting me free from the reaping process of these sins and curses in my life, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Gal 3:13.2. Soul Ties: Father in Christ Jesus’ Name, I bring every person in my generation before You, every person with whom I have had a close relationship, friends, colleagues, employers, seniors, authorities, teachers, professors, club members, group members, secret societies or any other person with whom I have been soul mates and could have made a covenant with! Except current marriage partner. Any person, who has manipulated, controlled, dominated, has been my hero, filled me with respect or fear or could have transferred negative behaviour to me. Any person whom I have judged, criticised or cursed because of negative behaviour towards me. Any person with whom I had a close love or sexual relationship. Any sexual contact where I was too small to remember or any one from the occult making a covenant with me by taking blood, body tissue or anything that belongs to me. Any body that has received blood or body parts from me at a transplant. Or any covenant through a ritual or by drinking of blood or eating of raw meat. (E.g. hunting expeditions where intestines are swallowed). I repent of my ancestors, my parents and my own involvement in these sins as well as my anger and rebellion against You for allowing this to happen to me and making me a slave to this situation. I forgive …. for bringing this over me and for …. part of this sinful relationship. I thank You for my forgiveness and I forgive myself for my participation in these sins. Cut these evil soul ties between me and .. and restore my soul. Cancel the harmful effects hereof on my body, soul and spirit. Give back to me what Satan has stolen from me through this, in Christ Jesus’ Name!3. Negative Expectations: Is 66:4. (Causes death – Truth brings healing). Father in Christ Jesus’ Name, please show me the negative things that I am still speaking or have spoken over my life. (List) Please show me what negative expectation I have that will harm me, about others, self or marriage partners? Things that I believe will happen to me in my subconscious. What do I believe that is not Scriptural? What expectations robs me of my Joy and Peace? What blocks me from being thankful in all situations and worshipping You with everything? Eph 2:20 an 1Thess 5:18. I repent of these sinful expectations or faith in …! Forgive me that I have criticised, judged or believed lies. Cancel my words and thoughts and do the same in Heaven because of these lies and cancel the power of my words over others and turn it around into blessings. I forgive .. who has strengthened these sinful expectations in me by …!(trauma or sin). Forgive me Father. I receive Your forgiveness and I forgive myself for bringing so much harm to myself through these negative acts. I now declare: It is written in Your Word (40X) (Through faith I am in victory) Heb 6:12. Never moan or be negative. Every crisis is a course to grow. Rejoice. Believe that Father is planning good things for you to prosper you, Jer 29:11. If you are going to continue with a negative attitude you will stay in the desert till your flesh is dead. Speak word over Your situation till it changes! Hearing of the Word brings faith. Hearing nonsense kills!4. Inner Vows: Father please show me where I have taken inner vows that are keeping me in bondage. All the oaths that I have taken not to do this or that when I was in a specific situation and judged others in that situation. Or where I have said I will never be like ..! That I will never again do this or that….! I repent of every oath or vow that I have made as sin. You determine my future and what I should do or be, I have caused a bondage through this in my life. I forgive … who has contributed in me taking these oaths. I open my hand….. owes me nothing. I forgive myself for bringing this curse over me. Forgive me for my arrogance and rebellion against Your Word and for relying on own abilities, Matt 5:34-37. I declare into the Heavenlies that in Christ and by the Power of the Spirit, I am in victory, in Christ Jesus’ Name.5. Visions, Revelations & dreams: (Holy Ground): In Christ Jesus’ Name, please walk back with me through my entire life and show me every negative thing that has happened in my past that is causing turmoil, hurts and negative fruits in my life. Trauma, occult rituals, molestations, sexual abuse, rape, ..etc. I did not do it. It was done to me. I will no longer deny this if it has happened to me. Show me what I suppress in my subconscious. We petition that everything that was done in the dark to my body, will come to the light and that I will have a clear memory of it so that I can repent of it and receive my healing. Show me my negative thoughts in my dreams that I need to repent of and reveal to me the origin of these bad fruits so that I can get rid of the roots. I repent of all bitterness and anger against You because of pain in my life. I receive my forgiveness. By the Power of Your Spirit, please take me back to the situation of origin,…(rape, molestation, assault, trauma, occult ritual, abuse…). Show me where You were during this trauma. I see You Father, I watch You,..! Take me step by step through this awesome pain and situation and show me how You are healing me completely once and for all forever so that I can be the person You intended me to be! (Go through the emotions. If it’s too much for you, get someone to sit in as cover and to pray for you while you deal with this and get healed).6. Chase the demons away: (Holy Ground): Father please show me which evil forces are operating through me because of these sins? Which sins have I not repent of? What situations in life are blockages for me and make me stumble? (Make sure Satan’s rights are properly cancelled, on you, and the premises you stay. You have removed all physical things which was used, are replicas or pictures of anything in the occult or are worshipped in the occult or have common symbolical meaning in the occult. That you have not visited occult high places. Cursed gifts or pets used in occult rituals). In Christ Jesus, I submit myself to Your Spirit, Jam 4:7. I renounce every honour given to or covenant made with the spirit of…! I tear up every right and cast down every stronghold against the knowledge of the Truth. I know my authority with my Blood covenant with our Saviour. I am a Blood washed child. I am sitting in Heavenly places, satan you have no right in my life. I take authority over you and your demons of …! I bind you and speak death over your works in my life. I isolate you from one another and from any idol priest who may worship you. Christ came in the Flesh! This is Holy Ground! I now order you, spirits of …! Leave my body immediately. I bring the Name of Christ Jesus against you! I drive you out with the Finger of God! Satan God rebukes you, get out of my body, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Jud 1:8-9. Father please fill me now with Your Spirit in those areas where I have been delivered; bind the demons at Your Feet and cover every area in Your Blood.7. Spirit victory over sin: I must demolish the powers in my flesh by the Spirit and not by self effort. Rom 7:17. I must renew my mind Eph 4:23. Father please show me which sins or powers do I try or have I tried to overcome in the flesh that still keeps me in bondage. Which sins still have a strongholds over me? Father the power to overcome the sin of…. lies in You. I now turn away from self effort to get victory and submit to Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name! I beg You to fill me now with the fullness of Your Love by the Power of Your Spirit so thatYour Fullness may flow through me to cleanse me, to heal me and to set me totally free from sin and the power of the flesh! I thank You; I worship You! All glory and honour belongs to You! Let Your Name be glorified in Your Son, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! Rom 8:2+13.14. New Age: (A combination of all occult and the One World Order in one)?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the New Age Roots on our hands, because everything around us are under the control of this spirit.Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we bring New Age before You. Almost everything in the media, on TV and every area of society is flooded with New Age ideas of “I am okay”. It’s all about self and the ability to find freedom, wisdom and healing in the self. We beg You for their souls. As we do these prayers we thank You for setting the captive free.We repent of and renounce the Great Invocation Prayer of New Age which invokes the presence of the Cosmic antichrist on Earth and the oneness of the brotherhood which is demonic worship, participation in the Harmonic Convergence, the gathering of the New Age people at the same time in different places all over the world to curse the world into peace and One World-Government under their sun god, the same One World Order of the Freemasons and Islam. We renounce all aspects, teachings and leaders of this organization. We admit that our governments and New Agers are working together to organise these vortex parties on a regular basis and with all public occasions. Cut all soul ties between us and them. We renounce all practices, symbols or darts of fire that have been shot into our minds through the media, any propaganda and brainwashing that could have given these demons rights in or on our lives, the Arcane School, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, with all their lies from Edgar Cayce, self-hypnosis, visualization, psychic guidance and healing, the Association for Humanistic Psychology, the Mystery School, Alcoholics Anonymous which is a Freemason organisation, the Bilderbergers, Child villa Foundation, Church Universal & Triumphant. We renounce the Chinook Learning Community with their ecological perspective, the Club of Rome & the Black Elite, the Esalen Institute with their mystical practices for growth of the body, mind and spirit, the Werner Erhard & Associates Est., Yoga, Dale Carnage, Mind Dynamics, Silva-mind control, Scientology and Zen Buddhism, the Guardian Angels with their martial arts, the Hunger Project, Human Potential Movement, the Institute for Human Development, Secular Potential Movement, the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Fin Horn Foundation and their communication with nature’s spirits which are demons in plants and flowers. We renounce Friends of the Earth, the Ken Keyes centre for human potential and higher concentration levels, all ideas about consciousness, evolution, all human ability development, the Illuminati, Occultism, the Lucis Trust, the New Jerusalem Church, the order of Christian Mystics, the Golden Dawn, Planetary Citizens, People for the American way, Pacific Institute, Planetary Initiative, Hare Krishna, the Tara Centre, the Unity-in-Diversity council, the First Earth Battalion, the Vedanta-Community, World council of churches, Windsor Foundation, World Goodwill /Servers, Self Realisation Fellowship and all organisations that promote and give the glory to self and cut You out, in Christ Jesus’ Name. This entire organisation of secret knowledge which enables self to cure or to enhance one self. All books and writings of these leaders and participants of the New Age cult, anything published or shown on TV, all gurus that are worshipped and that Sai Baba is God incarnated, all brainwashing, doctrines, teachings and speculations of these people in the media, every utterance by the channelled spirits, the will and purpose of the father of Shambala and the love of the Hierarchy, the service of humanity and love of the world as we are Heavenly citizens and spirits and the physical can not help us.We renounce the practices to get to a higher consciousness level to be like You – this rebellion is witchcraft. The discovery of sources of power and methods, the initiation through hypnosis, visualization, auto suggestion, hypnotherapy and controlled imagery, which are all demonic worship. Psychological therapies without Your Spirit, meditations, bio referral, positive confessions, hypnosis, holistic medicines, self-improvement methods, motivational techniques, prosperity psychology, mind psychology, willpower enhancement, metaphysics, high-pressure sales techniques and all forms of self-discovery, all alternative healing, Acupuncture, Affirmation, Aikido, Astrology, Astral Projection, Art of idols, Auras, Automatic Writing, Bio-energy, Biofeedback’s, Biorhythms, Black Magic, Mind Development, Centring, Card reading, Chanting, Channelling, Christ Experiences with no dramatic spiritual growth, Consciousness Expanding Techniques, Dianetics, Dream Therapy, Crystal Ball Readings, Cabbala and I Ching. Chrome Therapy, Crystals and Divining, Dowsing, Movement into colour, Electro-Magnetic Healing, Fortune Telling, Gestalt Awareness, Gnosticism, Hypnosis, Holism, Homeopathy, Eastern Herbalist, Imagery, Iridology readings through Iris of eyes, and Isolation tanks, which is all demonic activities. Colour Test, Cloning, Levitation, Macrobiotics, Martial Arts, Eastern Massage and Aromatherapy, Meditation,Metaphysics, Music Therapy. Near-death experiences, Numerology, Paganism, Palmistry.We renounce Parapsychology, Pendulum, Polarity Therapy, Plant Communication, Psychic Surgery, Psychic abortion and we ask You to silence the blood that is calling against us and to cut the soul ties between us and the aborted. Cybernetics, Pyramid powers, Phrenology-reading (bumps on head), Reiki energy, Reflexology, Rolfing, Runes, Self-Actualisation, Self-Healing, Self- Hypnoses, Shamanism, Spiritism, Séance, Sorcery, Tarot Cards, Therapeutic Touch, Transcendental Meditation, Transactional analysis, Tantric Sex, Vedanta, Triangle Groups-visualisation and meditation, Water Witching, Wicca, Visualisation and Zen worship, in Christ Jesus’ Name.?All symbols and their occult powers over us, the Pentagram, the five point star, Morning Star, Magic Triangle, circle, Egyptian ankh, rainbow, Scarab beetle, Italian horn, Hexagram or David star which is a Freemason symbol. Christ is the star of David. We renounce the symbols of the sun, Swastika, centring symbol of circles in circle, circle divided into two or four, rays of light – 7, the horned moon, moon, all seeing eye, wheel, lotus, crystals, diamonds, dragons, serpents, Yin Yang, Unicorn, Pegasus, the Centaur, mermaids, butterflies, dolphins, angels, frogs, fairies, Dream Catchers, 666, the spiral sign with the “6” or “G” in middle, the Anagram and the Zodiac signs. We renounce that Lucifer is the light and that we can become Christ, that the energy of satan is positive, Cabbalism and satan’s Trinity, the Solar Logos and Sanat Kumara, the seven rays of light and the worship of the sun, the central spiritual being known as “The Force” which is also God Transcendent and is invited to come in at the forehead as a blue light or triangle, the Law of Avatars that gave humans new revelations, that the sun and the Zodiac has any influence on us and all hatred of You, Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We renounce that fire and intellect represents Christ on earth, that Your Kingdom exists of human spirits, that Jesus was just a Disciple of Maitreya, the Hierarchy of fathers, which are demons, all Evolution, karma and reincarnation doctrines That we are our own saviours, the state of Nirvana or the higher grail, the false tongues, the use of drugs to go to a higher level of consciousness, Globalism and Humanism, the starvation of people and the spreading of sickness and disease to kill half the population of the earth in order to survive themselves, the Humanist Manifesto and the hatred against the Jews and Christianity, Anthroposophy, Philosophy and Theosophy as antichrist and psychological counterfeits to Christian Truths, the lies of Atlantis, the land Babylon in Sinear, the worship of all pagan deities revered by the New Age. All the efforts to get to other planets to get away from Your coming wrath of the end times and the wasting of billions to build all these spacecrafts for the so called “Illuminated” to get there in time and the lies about alliance.All the crystals, mutes, natural stuff for healing porpoises. All the dream catchers, feathers, stones, frogs and symbols. All the tattoos all over, especially at the back over the womb to corrupt fertility and enhance women problems. All the special teas, candle burnings, special parties with special outfits, aroma pipes to smoke, magic mushrooms and drugs. All the festivals for satan that our current government has organized since 1994 for all the New Age people of the world where idol priests from all over met here in our country and tried to establish the false unity of the antichrist and pollute our country with idol worship, 2Kings 17: 24+29. We renounce all the rave parties, where thousands of people, including Christians, get together once a month to make a covenant with satan and to do all sorts of idol worship, including blood sacrifices and abortions to pollute the land with iniquity, 2Sam 21:1, Is 24:5-6, Is 26:21, Is 59:2-3 & Jer 14:12. Father please forgive us for all the idol worship at every major public festival, at openings of Parliament or rugby match by an idol priest, where Christians take part with no rejection or protest of this idol worship from any of Your children, denominations or those in positions of influence. Forgive us our passivity. We repent of all rituals, worship of ancestral spirits, spirits of divination and spirits of soothsaying, burning of incense, blood sacrifices, animal sacrifices, witchcraft or rituals by our government and officials, or the consultation of sangomas who are idol priests, before they take decisions in parliament. We repent of the public rituals at gardens or high places of honour to bring back the spirits of the deceased, which are demons, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We bind these demons of New Age over our nation and ask You to rebuke them. To send Your angels to take these demons captive and to make a Footstool for Christ of them. We bless these people involved with a double blessing of salvation and we back You Father to save their souls and to set the captive free. Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!15. Old and New Apostolic church of Africa:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the Old and New Apostle Roots on our hands!Father, I come to You in the Name of Christ Jesus and confess that He is my Saviour, Creator and King. His Blood has set me free. His life is within me and I am a child of You Father. I renounce the belief in the Old/New Apostle church and the apostle, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, elders, priests and assistant deacons. The Baptism by the sprinkling of water unto repentance, the Holy communion through which I receive forgiveness of sin and the holy seal confirmed through the laying on of hands by the apostle. ?We renounce the ministering of the three holy sacraments to the souls of the dead on behalf of the dead by the living. Membership as a “soul bride”. We renounce the forgiveness of sin spoken over us by the apostle. Every “holy communion” partaken in that could only be served by the apostle (holy communion served to small children - parents eat a small piece of bread from the baby’s lips). Any recognition or authority given to the apostle to administer Your will and grace. ?We renounce the teachings of the apostle. That we have submitted self in word and deed to the powers and authority in the congregation. The acceptance of the sign of the “Holy Cross” on our foreheads and chest, any guardian angel, the opening of the third eye or any ungodly access to the spirit dimension. We give these demonic fruits back to satan, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We ask You to destroy every third eye ability that we may have. We give back these demonic abilities to satan and declare a divorce between us and these demons involved of sooth saying. We renounce that the apostle has any abilities to administer Your grace. Any false baptism in holy fire. Our parents as our “saviours” and any promise we made as “Saviour” of our own children. ?The oath that parents must bring their children blameless and spotless before You and any similar promise we made as parents. (The Blood is ignored.) Any promise made to raise children according to the will of Father as announced by the apostle and if we were raised that way. Any laying on of hands by any apostle. The false teaching of baptismal sprinkling for conversion, the cleansing of the heart as well as the baptism in the false holy spirit and with fire in order to become a child and heir of You. (Babies do not understand). ?We renounce every “shepherd” of our souls in the congregation in authority over us. The holy covenant made when accepting responsibility as member of the congregation. Father cancel out the witnesses against us as well as the act of the sealing confirmation with the Communion. Having being married under the authority of the apostle and his blessings. The oath made to receive and abide in a true love for the apostle church. (Until the end.) Thanksgiving and blessing of the harvest of souls (1st Sunday of November). Having perseverance in the teachings of the apostle. Being dedicated to Jerusalem, mother of us all in the spirit. (She is recognized to bring forth rebirth to blessed souls. We reject that through fulfilling her covenant with You, many souls receive the mark of the Lamb and are thus redeemed.)?We repent of any prayer for the dead. (Egyptian rituals). We renounce the apostle as teacher, mediator and ambassador. (To judge you!) The Belief in the apostle as the one who has the keys of the Kingdom and his authority to either open or lock the kingdom to whomever he chooses. Faith in the apostle as the light to the nations and that only he can preach the Good News. Faith in the apostle that he is the only way to see You, Father. The apostle act as mediator in Christ Jesus’s place, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We renounce the doctrine that states heaven is a place of tranquillity, blessedness and peace and that we will only enjoy it if we humble self and become as a child in the house of the Lord. (Such a child is an angel in heaven and every day sees the face of Father who is in Heaven!) Any form of worship of man or the apostle. The denial of the second coming of Christ and that it is taught that He has already come. The denial that He will not come on natural clouds and that we believed it is the same heaven where the children of Father live -it is the cloud of witnesses that surrounds us which is a cloud of testimonies about the faith of the Believers and not people, Heb 12:1. Belief in the apostle that power was given to him to judge. Father break every curse spoken over us and members of this religion by these false apostles, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We renounce the foundation that the apostle laid in us. Father please break the seal of his apostleship over us. The lie that infant baptism is a process through which the soul is built up and nourished. The sacrament of the holy seal through which Father locks away our unrighteousness. (Job 14 : 17) Any spirit of insight and clarification received. The foundation laid firm with this seal on our foreheads as well as the curse that we will go to hell without this seal. (Where is the Blood ) The lie that one day the lost souls will get a new chance every three months to be invited over to Heaven. Thank You that You now set us free from the spirit of the False Prophet. ?Thank You that there is only One Mediator, namely Christ Jesus. Thank You for the Blood that cleanses us. Thank You for the Sword of the Spirit that now severs us from the Old / New Apostolic Church of Africa. We declare a divorce with this false religion and we thank You Father for saving the souls of the thousands of people taken captive by the spirit of the False Prophet. We praise Your Name for the Truth that sets us free. We bind these spirits, ask You to rebuke them and send Your angels to take them captive and bind them at Christ’s Feet to make a Footstool of them, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!?16. Ossewa Brandwag (Sun Worship) Bloodshed?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of the Ossewa Brandwag Roots on our handsFather, Christ Jesus’ Name, we bring before You the ungodly oaths sworn to by members of the Ossewa Brandwag, stating their commitments to Hitler and his representatives. Father, we declare a divorce between us and this covenant with death, this organisation, the devils who are calling for blood, rebellion and war. We repent in association with this as the Afrikaner nation. We ask You to forgive us for the acts of rebellion and violence against the Government of those days. Father, in Your great mercy, please forgive us as a nation for these acts of stubbornness and sin. Wash away all the anger,, murder, rebellion, revenge and spilling of so much innocent blood in this country, the blood which is now calling against us. Turn all the curses around and set us free from these demons of war, bloodshed and from those who want blood covenants.Please cancel all these contracts with satan over as a nation and push over the altars of idol worship. Father, we admit that the secret oaths taken were sin and covenants with death. We come against all spirits of war, suicide, violence, bloodshed and murder. Please cut our descendants and ourselves loose from these curses, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We reject all Egyptian demons, Freemason demons, the spirit of anti-Semitism or Apartheid and of war and bloodshed that perverted us as a result of abovementioned sins. We ask You, Father, to cancel all this evidence against us with the Blood of the Lamb. Please cut the soul ties and silence all innocent blood that is testifying against us. We admit that this perverted our nation and went over in the her Bond, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen.17. Paganism renunciation prayer:?We come before Your Throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus. We repent of all our sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to gown us in Your righteousness. We submit to Your Spirit, and ask You to come and speak through us and blow life into our words. We associate with the sins of our ancestors, our nation and the Bride and admit that we are all equally sinful before You. We are all saved through mercy and through nothing that we have done or deserved. ?Therefore we bring our sins before You today, and ask you to forgive us and cancel every curse over us and our descendants because of these sins as we admit to it. That You will turn every curse into a blessing and give back seven times what satan has stolen from us. As we repent Father please open the eyes of Your Children that they will realise that we are in Babylon serving You according to the principals of Rome under the Old Covenant and not according to the New Covenant where we should all be disciples in a personal relationship with You, 1John 2:27 & 1Pet 2:5.?Father we repent of the way the modern sermon is delivered from the pulpit by the same person, the pastor to a passive audience, a monologue with a specific structure. We repent that there is no dialogue or participation from the audience. People are trained as puppets to listen to one person and are not equipped for regular preaching – to win over the lost or equip the Bride, Matt 28:19, Acts 1:8 & 2Tim 2:2. Members are not allowed to minister one to another and exercise their gifts.?This does damage to Your Body and is not Your will. In Your Word apostles, prophets, and teachers are terms to describe a spiritual function but we have made it persons and titles. Apostles were people who were sent to plant congregations and to serve the sheep. Prophets were people who could articulate clearly to reveal Your present Mind to the Bride, Matt 12: 24, 31-32. We reject this doctrine of the Nicolaitans, Rev 2:6, the scribes and the Pharisees who want to conquer and control us by raising up “clergy” to Master over us, Matt 23:3-6. ?Father we repent that in most cases the pastor is better known, more highly praised, and more heavily relied upon by members than on You Yourself! If we should remove the pastor modern Christianity will collapse. The pastor has become the centrepiece of the modern congregation and one of the main causes for homosexuality among us, Rom 1:21-27. Pastors are supposed to be shepherds to describe a particular function merely one of many functions in the Body which anybody can do. Those who naturally provide nurturing and caring for Your sheep, Ezek 34:3-24. Forgive us for confusing shepherd with an office or a title Is 58:6-7.?We repent of the desire in man to have a physical leader as the Israelites did, while You are our leader, as paganism with the medicine man, the shaman, and the priests to beseech the gods on their behalf. This was never Your intention, Jer 31:31-34, Joel 2:28. You wanted a personal relationship with all people since the days of Mount Sinai and wanted to use all of us as instruments, everywhere. That is the very reason for Your New Covenant, Heb 8:10-11. We repent of seeking a person who is endowed with special spiritual powers, running after every guru that we hear of and missing out to hear from You ourselves. We reject the idea that these persons must always be marked by special training, special garb, and a special vocabulary, 2Cor 3:5-7. This is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which is the rise of a clergy. We repent of this one bishop rule. All of us together should lead the Bride under Your direct Headship. Our elders (shepherds or overseers) are supposed to stand on an equal footing, with no hierarchy among us, 1Pet 5:2-4, while workers who plant churches are sent-ones” or apostles, no pyramid structures should exist but horizontal relationships with one another, 1Pet 5:2-5, Eph 5:20-21, Eph 4:1- 6 & Rom 12:9-21. One submitting to the others and serving others to raise them and equip them better than we are.?We repent that Ignatius of Antioch (35-107) elevated one of the elders above all the others. This system that the bishop should celebrate the Master’s Supper, conduct baptisms, give counsel, discipline church members, approve marriages, and preach sermons is from paganism. We renounce this lie of single-bishop-rule that should rescue the Bride from heresy and internal strife. We repent of allowing the bishop to become the main administrator and distributor of the Body’s wealth, responsible for teaching the faith. That the congregation was now rendered deaf and mute and the saints merely watched the bishop perform, controlling and manipulating members. This made the bishop the forerunner of the modern pastor and we resurrected the Old Covenant order of priests and temples. The one Temple, 1Cor 6:19 became a lot of physical idol temples, 1Tim 3:15. We renounce the non Scriptural doctrine of “covering” while we are covered by Your Name and Blood. Please forgive us for associating the authority of a pastor and human being with Your Name and Blood, Rom 1:28.?Those members are kept in isolation from new revelations because of this lie that only those belonging to a church can hear from You. The greatest Evangelist ever, Paul operated on his own for 3 years before he went to Jerusalem for the first time and then the apostles still did not want anything to do with him, Gal 1:14-22 & Gal 2:1. You were his cover and not human beings. Father please break this stronghold so that Your children can hear the truth and be free to discern for themselves, 1John 2:27, John 16:8-14, 2Cor 3:3+5-6, Heb 8:11, 2Pet 1:19-21, and become disciples in their own right. Use their gifts, 1Cor 12:7, Rom 12:4-8 & Ef 4:5-8 + 11-16, to become mature!?Father the bishop also became the high priest who could forgive sins as in the occult while You are the High Priest of us all. Forgive us that this became the accepted form of church government. Churches began to exercise authority over other churches thus broadening this structure. That of humans controlling others and is demonic! Father we promoted people and bishops were given tremendous privileges. We reject this apostolic succession which is a lie of satan. We reject the belief that they are sanctified and more pure than normal people and that they have got special powers above that of normal believers. You live in all of us with all Your Power and gifts!We repent of the fact that ministry today is not functional, Spirit-led, organic and shared by all believers, 1Pet 4:10 & Eph 5:19-21. That we adopted pagan thinking and the one-bishop-rule had swallowed up the priesthood and participation of all believers, 1Cor 14:12+26. That Christianity “grew by the absorption of pagan faith and rituals. As Judea had given Christianity ethics, and Greece had given it theology, so now Rome gave it organization; all these, shaped the ministry of the entire Bride after Roman Law, the idea of the Queen of Heaven. Captive Rome, captured her conqueror and polluted Christianity with sun worship and placed us under satan’s rules. We are chasing after people who can do miracles, signs and wonders, Matt 24:24, Rev 16:13-14 & 2Thess 2:9-11, while it is supposed to manifest through us all, Mark 16:16-18. As Christ, we renounce and reject both this religious professional icon as well as the hierarchy of leadership as His first “lay-led” movement in history. We reinstitute this Scriptural way of serving leadership as Christ taught and showed us to do by washing feet. We repent that leadership enriched themselves, basking in the sun of imperialism, loaded with money and status, received fixed allowances and did not depend on Your provision nor shared it with the other members of the congregations, Acts 4:32+34! Or looked after the poor, the widow and the orphan, neither did they work with their own hands to provide in their own needs like Paul did, 1Thess 2:9, 2Thess 3:11-12 & Tit 3:14.We repent of the prestige of office-bearers, the privileges of a favoured class and the power of a wealthy elite. They had become an isolated class, with a separate civil status and way of life, Act 2:44-47. It had become more of a career than a calling, Matt 23:3-6. We renounce the lie that there are sacred professions, a call to the “ministry” and ordinary professions. We are all called to be disciples, everyday, twenty four hours of our lives. We reject the distinction between clergy and laity – pulpiteer and pew sitter as from hell. With the New Covenant in Christ, clergy and laity are abolished. There are only the people of the Father. We repent that Christians began to adopt the vocabulary of the pagan cults. That access to You was now controlled by the clergy. Clergy prayers were said in secret and a screen that separated clergy from laity was introduced.?That the clergy had become a spiritually elite group of “holy men in their own eyes, Ezek 8:15-16 & 1Tim 6:20. Father, then came the idea that theology and ministry was the domain of the priests and they were ordained to do that by higher authority. Work and war was the domain of the laity. The elders were ignored by the so called priests. This merely meant the endorsement of a function, not the instalment into an office or the giving of special status. Forgive us for leaders who needed an office and status. ?We renounce the ordination and that it should be a great fanfare, embellished by symbolic garments, solemn ritual and the words from pagan and sun worship. They raised the standard so high, they became like angels, something to be worshipped, Rom 1:21- 27, which is the direct cause of Homosexuality in the Bride. We repent for allowing them to abolish all the other gifts of apostles, prophets and the rest from the congregations. We renounce and ask You to break the curse that ordination makes the priest, a better man,” raising him above the laity, a teacher of righteousness, an instructor in hidden mysteries, 2Cor 3:5-7. That he is the minister of the Word, the keeper of knowledge, the mediator between Father and us. That he is our ruler and governor. That he is next after You our earthly god, who has a right to be honoured by us, 1Cor 1:20+27 &1Kor 2:4-5.A completely separate and holy class of man, a special order of men which is demonic. Father please forgive us and set the Bride free from this curse. Father we acknowledge that the Reformers failed to recover the corporate dimension of the believing priesthood. Only in their declaration did they state that all believers were priests and ministers. In their practice they denied it. We ended up with the same thing that the Catholics gave us, a selective priesthood with idol temples! ?Forgive us for tragically and violently denouncing the Anabaptists for practicing “every member” functioning in the congregations. Luther was in deception when he said it came from “the pit of hell” and those who were guilty of it should be put to death. Forgive us Father for all the blood of Your Spirit filled children that was shed because of this lie. Forgive us that the Reformers retained the idea that ordination was the key to having power in the Bride while Your Spirit is the source of all Power for us, Acts1:8. That it was the ordained minister’s duty to convey Your revelation to Your people. That he was paid for this role ignoring the Spirit’s role in this, 1John 2:27 & John 16:8-14. They became the paid mediators between You and Your people cancelling what You intended to do under the New Covenant of having a personal relationship with each person and our Christ being our Mediator.?We renounce all the doctrine, manmade laws and regulations. We renounce that the pastor is the functioning head of the congregation and declare that Christ is. That according to Calvin the pastoral office is necessary to preserve the Bride on earth. That the term “Pastor” means preacher and minister. This is replacement theology and removes Christ from the picture. The reinforcement of this primacy of the pastor by treating acts of contempt as a serious public offence. We renounce all 116 laws that were made. ?Father the Protestants are just as guilty as the Catholics. Both based their practices on human tradition, Mark 7:2-3. Both renounced the Old Covenant, our Israel roots, claimed the land of Israel and to be the physical Israel, renounced the Jewish Messiah and prosecuted the Jews. Luther believed that all are in the priesthood but not all can exercise the priesthood and exalted the pastor: The lie that You only speak through them who are set apart angels, saviours of many people, kings and princes, and gods made out of humans to Your disgust. That the mouth of every pastor is the mouth of Christ, listen to the pastor not as a man, but as God just as the Catholics did, 2Thess 2:3-4. We renounce that we never should assemble unless Your Word is preached and prayer is made and that the church is simply a gathering of people who listen to preaching. ?He called our houses of assembly a mouth or speech-house and that the ears are the only organs of a Christian. We renounce this Catholic structure of control inherited by the Protestants. The lie that ministry is the responsibility of the pastor. That we have focused all authority into the pastoral role so that we can sit back and do nothing. That the Pastor alone is ordained to preach, administer the sacraments, read Scripture publicly or trained in the original Biblical languages. That pastors had to have extensive academic training to fulfil their office and be revered and because of this supremacy refuse to listen to anybody else on any Spiritual revelations from You. We proclaim and repent that the pastor destroys and keep Body Life passive. ?The one-man ministry is suffocating our functioning. The pastoral office has stolen our right to function as members of the Body. It has shut our mouth and strapped us to a pew. This has overthrown the ending of the old priesthood and made ineffectual the teaching, that every member has both the right and the privilege to minister in our meetings. It made void that every brother and sister is a functioning priest who need to bring living sacrifices to build up Your Temple as living stones.?That we treat the Pastor as the professional expert while every believer is a priest not only before You but also to one another and by doing this we are losing countless of blessings from other congregation members. We repent that this rivals the functional Headship in Your Congregations. Illegitimately holds Your place among Your people,? the only Head, the pastor displaces by setting himself up as the Bride’s human head and hinders the fulfilment of Your eternal purpose to be our Head, and members cannot receive their anointing. ?We repent of the pastor’s destruction and damage to himself. That ministry affects their family negatively. We repent of all the hats Pastors are expected to wear! You never intended any man to bear such a load. For working for a company that pays you on the basis of how good you made your people feel, how friendly you are, how popular your wife and children are, how well-dressed you are, and how perfect your behaviour is. Father forgive us for bearing all these false responsibilities, playing a pretentious role to keep power, prestige, job security and renounce to receive any kind of help. We repent that the profession dictates how pastors are to dress, speak, act and therefore live a very artificial live.?Congregants expect pastors to be cheerful, available, never be resentful, bitter, to have perfectly disciplined families, and to be completely spiritual at all times. This accounts for the strange voice change when most pastors pray, the way they fold their hands, the unique way they say “the Lawd” (for Lord). We renounce that pastors are our gatekeepers of salvation. That Luther, Calvin, Zwingli or any of the others are the fathers of the Bride because only You are our Father and nobody else. Father we repent and renounce the mother and child cult of Babylon. We reject the pontiff as head of the priesthood who has the power of life or death over us. We renounce any authority that the Roman emperor who became head of the Babylonian priesthood and Rome may have over us. We reject any authority that the high priest of the Egyptian branch of the Babylonian order may have over us or the apostasy that was centred in the Roman Emperors.?We renounce any association with Babylonianism from Mount Carmel, founded by the priests of Jezebel in association with Rome, Rev 2:20-24. We renounce the Babylonian system that became part of Christianity in 378 A.D! When the Bishop of Rome became the supreme head of organized Christianity and was already Supreme Pontiff of the Babylonian Order. This system of the Queen of Heaven is still squarely on the Bride, Rev 12:1-2. The Bride under the sun with the moon under her feet and a crown of stars on her head. Ezek 8:16 was back again in the new Temple and we should move out of Babylon, Rev 18:4. We renounce the places connected with the lives of holy men that were considered sacred, and pilgrimages to these sights. Relics or bones that were believed to have miracle working power. The queen of Nimrod who was the demon of lust and licentiousness. The worship of images, Rom 1:21-27. The graves and statues of pastors on our premises and admit that it is pagan!The private confession to a priest. The sign of the cross from mystic “Tau” of the Babylonian cult, Ezekiel 8:14. We repent of the rosary of paganism, the order of monks and nuns, the festivals, We renounce and repent of the worship of the Cross, images, and relics, holy water mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by the priest, the prayers to St. Joseph, the baptism of bells, the baptism of babies in streams into occultism, the fasting on Fridays during Lent and the eating of fish, Matt 15:10, 1Cor 10:25.?That the Scriptures were forbidden to laymen. The piece of cloth with a picture of the virgin which was supposed to protect us from all dangers. That the church forbade the cup to the laity by instituting the communion of one kind. The doctrine of seven sacraments, that tradition and human teachings are of equal authority as the Scriptures, Mark 7:7-13 Col. 2:8, Rev 22:18 34. We renounce the apocryphal books, Rev 22:18-19 35. We renounce the worship of temples as if You live there, incense, oil lamps, holidays with seasonal devotions, processions, the blessing of fields, and ceremonies, in Christ Jesus’ Name. ?That we have changed the days of the week and the months to pagan names, Dan 7:25. That we are currently using the Roman calendar and the people in Israel the Babylonian calendar. Father we admit that there is only one Body, the Bride and that we are all part of that. Forgive us for not allowing You to manifest through us as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers as in Eph 4: 11 and as miracle workers and helpers as in 1Cor 12:28. That we call our leaders names other than “brothers”. Only You are Master, Teacher and Father, Matt 23:8- 10. That we have judged other denominations and thought we were better, Is 58:9. That the Body has so little love for the nations and the lost, Acts 1:8. That we hurt so many broken children of Yours who come to us and need Your love, Ezek 34:2-24. + Mat 23:13-33. Father we let satan take us captive through the wise. Through philosophy and empty deceit according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Your Word, Col 2: 8. Forgive us for all those who got hurt where we were a stumbling block to them that wanted to enter Your Kingdom, Matt 23:2-7. Father, as ministers of reconciliation we repent of racism and that we left it to the governments and the world while it’s the work of the Bride. Forgive us for all disunity, pride, classes and racism in our lives, Rom 1:21-27. ?Father we die to our natural heritage in order to enter fully into our spiritual heritage. We give our denomination, culture, spiritual order, status and racial prejudice up on to You. Please help us to share our liberty from spiritual separation and racism with boldness and bless us with a double anointing of Your Spirit of reconciliation and equality. We bring all broken covenants before You. We confess that South Africa is guilty of breaking covenants with one another. All nations with all the other. Please cancel the curses of covenant breaking on our land. Stop all the hatred, revenge and bitterness because of all this covenant breaking. ?Bring healing and unity between the people of this country and restore in South Africa the gift of Reconciliation and humility. Forgive us for all the marriage covenants and vows that were broken. We beg You for the restoration of our marriages, the broken families and above all our Engagement Covenant with You as Your Bride. We forgive others and our ancestors for the effect their deeds has had on us as descendants. Forgive us for renewing these covenants with satan. ?We bring before You all idolatry, worship of people, positions, institutions, denominations, churches, animals, white doves, crosses, images made from material, sacred pillars, poles or obelisks, standing stones, trees or idol symbols. All myths, legends, stories about gods and spirits, all forms of nature worship, the sun, moon, planets, the earth, totems, plants, ancestral worship, including ceremonies and rituals at ancestral tombs and graves, sprinkling of things, incense burning, rituals and prayers during burials, rituals at marriage ceremonies, all forms of humanism, rituals at monuments honouring ancestors and the visitation of these tombs or monuments.?The worship of our nationality or emblems and sport groups, all forms of exclusiveness, all forms of ideologies, any altars to idols, all superstition, all magic powers, secret formulas and medicine, all alternative medicine introduced from the east, all supernatural powers or energies received from spirits or ancestors, who are demons. We renounce and repent of the shedding of animal and human blood to idols or spirits. Any bloodshed, murders, killings, any suicide in our bloodline, any bloodshed during rituals, wars, accidents, miscarriages, or mutilation of our bodies, piercing of our bodies, drinking of blood, rituals involving blood, documents signed in blood, any ceremonies where blood was used, blood covenants that was made with the spirits of bloodshed and death and we ask You for forgiveness.?Please silence the blood that is calling against us and turn these curses of violence around into blessings of love and unity. We repent of all immorality, incest in the family, intercourse during menstruation, adultery, the uncovering of anybody’s nakedness in perversity, uncleanness in our thoughts, any illegitimate births. Break the curses of illegitimacy over our descendants and us until the tenth generation and turn the curses around into blessings. We ask you for forgiveness in any involvement in sexual sins that has contributed to all the violence and broken heartedness in our country.?Any broken covenants, treaties in business, any contribution to the breaking up of families and congregations. Father we now turn our backs on all forms of idolatry. We take our territory back from satan. We tear up any contract made with the devil. Cut our descendants and ourselves free from all oaths, blood bonds and soul ties with every person involved in the above mentioned sins. Forgive us for the using of the names of demons in the media and their images, Deut 12:2-3. That we call the land of Israel, Palestine. ?That we privately interpret Your Scriptures while You told us it never came by the will of man but anointed men of Father were moved by Your Spirit, 2Pet 1:20-21, 1John 2:27, 2Cor 3:3+5-6, Heb 8:11, John 16:8-14. John 15:26 & Eph 3:5. We renounce this system from Babylon and admit that we are under it and need to come out from it, Rev 18:3. We admit that the Bride is robed in sun worship, the sun, the moon and the stars, Rev 12:1-2. That this whole church system is part of the one world order, under the world council of churches and that we need to break away from it as the Bride and not as the church! ?We admit that this is satan’s perfect plan to keep us, as believers passive. Cut all soul ties with these people involved who brought these curses on us. We forgive them and bless those who are still with us. We renounce any authority that the pastor as a person, the office of the pastor or which the so called church as an instrument of the antichrist may have over us and we submit ourselves corporately to one another as your children and to the Bride in congregations! ?We give back Your Headship over us as Your Bride. We say welcome in our midst. We renounce any church system of control over us. Please remove any Jezebel system of control over the Bride, our congregations and us, set us free from strife and anoint us with humility to serve one another in Love, 1Pet 5:2-5, Eph 5:21, Eph 4:1-3 & Rom 12:9-21. Please send your angels to go and arrest, every demon involved in keeping these curses and bondage’s in place over our nation, the Bride and our lives that we have repent of here today. We admit that all these pagan roots of Rome is causing all the disunity in the Body of Christ and is the direct reason for the disunity and existence of all the thousands of denominations. Their should be no disunity among us, 1Cor 1:10-13, 2Cor 13:11, Eph 4:1-5, 1Pet3:8-9 & John 13:35. This is what is stopping revival! Father please remove every bondage, blindfold and trap. Every helper and instrument of satan and remove them to the place that You have prepared for them. Bind them there, so that they can’t return and place Your Name and Your Blood between them and us. Father fill those areas where you have delivered us with Your Spirit, cover it in Your Blood and destroy all evidence against us by Your all consuming Fire. Open our the eyes of our minds so that we may understand Your Word. We bind these demons and we ask You to rebuke them. Father order the demons to flee from us in seven ways and never to return. Take them captive and bind them at Your Feet and make a Footstool for Christ of them. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, Spirit of Power and Anointing, Acts 1:8 & 1John 2:27, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen!PAPPA LOVE: Do it 7 X (last X with someone who can pray for you)You are really my Dad! I come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus‘ Name. Wash me from all sins through words, deeds and thoughts and gown me in Your Righteousness so that I may climb onto Your lap with out hesitation. Nourish me, comfort me and hold me to Your Chest and by the Power of Your Spirit, please reveal Your Daddy Love to me. Father, I do not have the words to tell You how I feel, Set apart Spirit, please help me and intercede for me by the Source of all Love. I need Your help desperately. Come and take this deep hurt in my heart over, into Your Powerful Hands. Come and stand with Your Feet in this pain. Come and nourish me, come and comfort me, come and hold me and keep me. Father cherish me and cuddle me. Hold me tight and heal me. I cancel every curse and inner vow I made and ask You to cancel the power of my words in Heaven over me. Comfort me in this pain. Pour some ointment from Your Throne on this terrible dryness inside my soul. Come with Your softness, sincerity, sympathy, mercy and grace, Your Father Love. Father, I never had an earthly father and did not receive father love ever in my life. My earthly father rejected me, traumatized me, molested me … was not there for me, was absent all the time, did not have time for me. He was an angry man, harsh with his words, had the problem of...! Did not spend time with me, did not attend any of my activities, rejected me …! I forgive my father, admit that what he did was sin. Cut me free from any of these evil soul ties or negative characteristics. I bless my father. I choose to forgive him, I open my hand, he owes me nothing. Please remove the hurts, the anger, the bitterness, the hardness and the stones out of my heart and fill it up with Your Love for all people.Father You created me. You knitted my soul together, Ps 139:13. You have wonderful plans for my life on whom You look forward with excitement. You chose me to live right now for a specific reason and gave me life. That is why I live today. It does not matter what my parents did, Your plans for me remain the same. You wanted them to love me and to make me feel welcome in this world but they have failed. Father I did not receive the Daddy Love that I needed for my physical, spiritual and mental development. Father the basic needs that I had as a child from my conception till this day was never met so that I could not attain maturity in every area of my life. The fact that I was not excepted, did not receive encouragement, security, worth, purpose, comfort, cuddling, acknowledgement and did not have a caring earthly father and one who is there for me when I needed someone has caused me trauma and caused feelings of insecurity. Which caused me to wander through life seeking something I could not find. I struggled to have relationships with You and with people. It made me a loner. Confused sex with love. I struggled with discipline and feared people of authority because of this lack of a father figure in my life. I could not communicate with people because I never had a father who showed me how and taught me these skills. My emotional and spiritual maturity was hampered because of this. I now bring this situation before You and place all these empty containers before You. Requesting You to fill them now with Your Father Love where I lacked it through my entire live. I petition You to recreate me and to renew me, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You that You aren’t bound by time and that You start this restoration from the day of my conception till this day, right through my life. Thank You for healing me now and releasing me from every bondage and stage in my life where my development was kept in bondage. Father take me through my entire life, step by step through every stage that satan has perverted or stolen from me where my development was stopped, blocked, kept back and restore me. By Your Stripes I am healed! Stimulate my neuron connections in my brain as You fill me at every level emotionally and spiritually with my basic needs, right through my entire life, at every specific stage of development with what I need.I come against every curse, sin, idolatry, sacrifice or worship to idols, blood sacrifices, rituals, lust or anything that could have influenced my development through sinful deeds in my bloodline or certain characteristics that may have developed in me because of rights to satan. I repent of it, I forgive my ancestors. Cut me free from these soul ties and heal me and bring me over to Your Bloodline and past. Everything that could have blocked specific connections and growth. I petition that You will cleanse us from these sins and restore my nerve centres in my brain so that new patterns of Your Word may be formed in my brain. That I will start to think like You, talk like You and act in accordance with Your Word. Where damage was done to me due to trauma, alcohol or substance abuse or anything else. I repent of it and petition You to restore me to my fullest potential in every part of my development. To be the person You have planned me to be. Father start to change and cleanse me from all negative, sinful and perverted thought patterns, ideas, beliefs, habits, world visions, lies, false prophesies, deceptions or misunderstandings of You, Your Word, myself or other people and renew my mind in every area of my life. Father, please restore every hormone malfunction, any male/female disorder, chemical disorder, allergies, malfunction of my neuron transmitters or any ph abnormality in me because of the sins of the fathers and which could possibly hamper my development, my health, my maturity or spiritual growth. Everything that could cause or develop anger, aggression, depression, heaviness, a wandering spirit or loneliness. Please cancel the effect thereof on my life and development, give back seven times to me what satan has stolen and help me to receive the fullness of Your Love. Father, please remove every blockage, bondage, disruption, split or any evil seal over these areas of my life and over my brain so that I will be able to receive Your fullness. Please equip me to receive the fullness of Your Love, acceptance, comfort, healing or anything that is necessary to mature in Your Perfect Plans for every area of my life. I petition in accordance with the Scriptures in Is 61. That my spiritual eyes and ears, and the eyes of my mind be opened, physically and spiritually so that I shall begin to recognise the truth. That I will see and hear Your Voice and will be set free from all the damage that was done, from every stronghold and deception of my past. That I will be able to visit Your camp of Joy, frequently and be able to rejoice in the Father. That I will be able to have life and life in abundance. I petition for the release of my full potential, my creativity, my gifts, insight, wisdom, revelations, discernment, Your purpose for my life and that I will increasingly be able to identify with Your opinion and Scriptures over my life on an increasing way. That as I spend more and more time in Your healing and delivering presence, Your overwhelming Love will meet my needs at conception, as a new born baby, as a young child, as a teenager and right through my life to this day, through every stage of development. I petition that my needs will be met as quickly as possible so that my containers with Your Love will overflow and that I will not just mature but that I will be able to release Your Love to those around me. That I will be able to be a blessing to them close to me and be a source of Your overflowing Love and Joy to this world. Let Your Name be Glorified through Your Son. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus‘ Name, Amen!Red Indian roots renunciation prayer:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father due to our association and passiveness in regard to the sins of our ancestors, nation and Christianity, we stand guilty before You. We gave honour to the demons of Red Indian witchcraft. We ask You to forgive us and cleanse us from these iniquities as we admit to them here today. Please cancel the curses over our descendants and us. Please turn the curses into blessings and give back seven times what satan has stolen form us. Father we repent for playing the game “Indians and Soldiers”, where we made war against each other in our youth. We also watched movies of these two parties where they were fighting against each other. All the idol rituals of the Indians, including the honouring of demons, a medicine man, animal spirits and ancestral spirits, were shown in these movies. We also watched many videos on television about Indians in the rural areas or in the woods of America where demons were honoured. Every time an Indian person was included, there were supernatural powers and abilities involved, which are demonic.Ancestral spirits, plant and animal spirits were part of these stories. We repent of divining, fortune telling, reading of signs and the consultation of hidden or supernatural knowledge which is idolatry. All these Indian idol symbols are also seen at our Spur Steak Ranches countrywide. Totem poles, animal figures, wooden masks etc, which mock our Creator. With these idols we bring Shamanism all together before You and admit that this form of paganism is springing up all over society, specifically among the rich and form part of other New Age rituals and customs. We reject and renounce all the demons, rituals and beliefs of Shamanism, the use of war symbols and signs for the amount of people killed, as well as the weapons used to kill during these fights. Frog spirits to show them where water can be found and fasting periods to receive hidden knowledge. The Thunder Ceremonies to worship the demons of thunder and lightning, the ritual of cutting masks from living trees in the shapes revealed to them by demons in dreams or trances.The dancing with these masks during demonic healing ceremonies, mind control rituals and the medicine to make someone fall in love with another person. The grass dances to invoke the war spirits to become brave and full of pride. All the ceremonial and voodoo dolls for cursing people. The sun worship, the rituals and self-torture by piercing the skin and hanging on hooks. Funeral rituals over a period of four days, the nine-day snake ritual for rain, the sun masks and the rituals and dances that goes with it, the colour red as the colour of the sun and its symbolism, the painting of their bodies and all the values and meanings of the symbols involved. Divination, witchcraft, the reading of signs and the consultation of the dead, soul travelling to the spiritual world and the ancient healing practices of Shamanism. That the earth is our mother, the worship of this earth demon that is supposed to feed us and therefore needs to be fed with worship. That we are obliged to influence the weather, the death of people and diseases through trances and rituals. The consultation of demons in receiving hidden knowledge about supernatural forces and powers over the universe, the beliefs in animism and that (rocks, animals and plants have spirits and personalities), all roots and demons of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Wicca New Age and Red Indian magic.Any demonic eye or strong eye to see into the supernatural, any contact or honour given to Shaman demons, healings or medicine used or recognition given to its abilities and soul travelling. Any efforts to establish communication between demons and humans, sucking to free people from demons, poison or diseases, the use of herbs, rituals, massaging or medicine in these idol healing efforts. To escort souls to the under world, all tools, fire walk ceremonies, anointing or the rubbing on of stuff, the smoking of drugs, poison, magic mushrooms, meditations and trances to receive powers and abilities. Any clothes, costumes and equipment for ceremonies or rituals, all pipe smoke ceremonies, sweat-lodge ceremonies, dances, sole saving ceremonies, rituals for the dead, vision seeking ceremonies, self-torturing ceremonies, the drug abuse and trances that go with it, which is all done during rave parties all over our country. The medicine wheel and its connection to spirits of water, fire, sky, earth and the four directions north, south, east and west. The use of herbs, plants, flowers, trees, jewel stones, crystals, minerals, bird feathers, animal products, hair and skin to honour demons. All teachers, representatives, exotic practices, drumming, songs, monotonous talking, rattling, and respiration techniques to honour demons and to control people’s minds. The drumming and monotonous beating of drums to enhance trances. Dream catchers, wind charms and all red Indian clothes, paintings, etc. All these New Age practices that are polluting our people and our houses all over society, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father we bind these demons, ask You to take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them! We thank You for opening our peoples eyes and that You save those involved in these evil practises, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! 18. ROMAN CATHOLIC RENUNCIATION PRAYER:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Abba Father, we come before Your Throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus from Nazareth who came in the flesh. We declare that You are our Lord, our Saviour, King and Creator and that Mary had absolutely nothing to do with any of this! We subject ourselves to Your Holy Spirit. We ask that You will forgive us for our sins - whether it be in thought, word or action. We ask of You to cover us in Your cloak of Righteousness and use us as Your mouthpiece.Father, we associate with the sins of our forefathers, our nation and also Christianity and admit that we are equally sinful before You. We are all saved by grace and not through anything we have done or deserved. For this reason we bring the sins and the iniquities of the Roman Catholic Church before you since our own religion was founded on the first congregation in Rome and many of their practices are still visible in our churches. The so-called “mother” of all churches and the head of the World Council of Churches. The Roman Catholic Church is the spiritual arm and representative of the anti-Christ and satan itself. We acknowledge and agree with You that those were sinful practices and pray that You will turn away every curse and its effects from us, turning it into blessings and give back seven times what satan stole from us.Father, we renounce the ritual of infant baptism and the belief that this is one of the seven channels of grace through which we can be saved. The driving out of demons through oil and salt and that it can protect us against evil. We renounce the belief that we can be born again through child baptism. Faith saves us! We renounce any loyalty to the Vatican and its bondage. Every ritual of confession to a priest, the unbiblical structures of the Pope, cardinal, bishops, monks, nuns, priests, as well as every statue, candles, sprinkling of water, ceremonial garb and all of the Roman Catholic Church’s satanic symbols.In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we renounce: The belief that the bread is transformed into the flesh of Christ Himself and the continual crucifixion of Christ with every communion. Bowing in worship to this bread as being You. The false doctrine that we receive You by eating the bread. The sacrament that we receive Your Spirit by partaking in the bread. The lies that babies that are not baptised must go to Limbo and our prayers will get them out of there. Every prayer for the dead and any contact with the dead. Every name of a ‘saint’ received, citizenship of the Roman Catholic Church and being cursed if we confess surety of salvation.Any belief in purgatory where souls are kept in suffering and that we can pay money to get them out of there. The value of repetition of words and prayers to saints with the rosary and bowing before statues. That Mary was Divine and not a mere human. The occultic practice of making the sign of the cross on our foreheads and our chests.That the Pope is the keeper of the keys to life and death and that he is the head of Your Kingdom on earth. That Peter was the rock Any worship to Mary who wants to establish satan’s Babylonian order on earth and Mary identifying herself as part of the Godhead.In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we renounce: All loyalty to the Queen of Heaven, or Madonna, the whole system of the Roman Catholic Congregation, including the control of the world economy, the governments, the religions, the Free Masons, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, Mafia, Club of Rome, the anti-Christ and the Vatican. All participation and worship at the Stations of the Cross. Every false burden of this organisation, The different mysteries. That each bead carries with it a special privilege, the wearing of beads, jewellery, clothes and adornments of the organisation. We acknowledge and repent for allowing the Roman Catholic Church control of everything from behind the curtains and it to be the covering body of the One World Church. The pope’s control of everything and to do the work of the anti-Christ. Him to blaspheme Your Word by likening himself to You. Luke 5:20, Dan 7: 8, 24. We renounce the Roman Catholic Church to change times according to satan’s time roster – Dan 7:25. To defile Your Bride with occultic rites and practices and to build temples. – 1 Cor 6:19 and for teaching Your children to address people by titles. Matt 23: 7 – 9. Them to dethrone Christ as the only mediator between God and man. Them to halt the work of Your Holy Spirit. Them to appoint men as mediators, to reject the Old Testament, to fan hate against the Jews! We repent for allowing them to encourage worshipping of angels and for leading Your children astray. We repent of the use of heathen symbols as representative of Your Spirit. For giving power to a perishable cross. And for focusing people on the wood rather than Your finished work on it.We confess and repent of this Babylonian hierarchy that: manipulates, controls, prescribes to its members, and halts the work of Your Holy Spirit by keeping congregants blind and passive. That we allowed them to interpret Scripture for us and that they alone can hear from You. We reject their leaders and ask that You will destroy all soul ties in the spirit between us and them and that none of their actions will affect us in any way. We reject every Pharisaic spirit, the spirit of Herod, the Nicolaitans and the founding fathers of the Roman Catholic Church. We reject that only Roman Catholic appointees are allowed to preach Your Word and they alone have understanding of the Scriptures and may make use of spiritual gifts. 1John 2:27. We confess that this is a blatant rejection of Your New Covenant in which a personal relationship is promised between Yourself and a believer in Christ and that You Yourself will be our Teacher – Jeremiah 31l 32 – 34. We confess: Idolising people. The witchcraft and The false signs and wonders with which they mislead our people, being widely accepted by many congregations as originating from You; Matthew 24:24 and 2Thess 2: 9 – 11.In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we renounce: The Roman Catholic and the Vatican’s secret 666 army, The Jesus Society’s, namely Jesuits, authority over us on every level of our lives. We confess: that their aim is to unite all faiths into a One World Church. That they have infiltrated all religions in order to convince them to accept the Jesus of the Roman Catholic Church, the anti-Christ, as the true Christ Jesus.That the pope is a human and not the Creator. That the Roman Catholic Church brought in occultism, rites and doctrines to all religions in order for everyone to do exactly as other sects. That we trusted them while they caused revolutions, wars, extreme poverty, chaos and division all over the world.We reject the spirit of rebellion, murder and bloodshed, the anti-Christ, racism, division of the Pharisees, Scribes and Sadducees at work through them. We confess that they have persecuted all true believers and murdered 68 million believers. We confess and renounce all Babylonian practices, Jewish Theology, Greek philosophy, The perversion of Your doctrines, The blatant rebellion against every command in Your Word. The twisting en falsification of Your Scriptures. That they have taken away and added to it to further their own goals and to mislead.We reject the spirit of Ignatius de Loyola, the founder, with all the tenets of a universal church under the Roman Catholics in a bid to control and mislead all of humanity. We confess them to be the taskforce of the anti-Christ whose purpose it is to stop, to destroy and to pervert the protestant movement with satanic doctrines and rituals.That these agents of the anti-Christ have infiltrated all sectors of society as respected, highly intelligent and influential individuals. That they have infiltrated and hijacked churches and other faiths for the Vatican. They have indoctrinated and mislead the youth with occultic ideas, Roman Catholic doctrines, violence and rebellion. They have taken control of our children’s syllabuses, entertainment industry, art, culture and the media.They are taking our children on capricious roads of supernatural abilities, demonic powers and desensitizing them to murder through killing each other and their ‘enemies’ in so-called ‘war games’.We confess that they Are destroying the capabilities of all people and their freedom of choice. Our personal and individual wills and are programming our minds through media, films and computer games.We reject the principle of humans believing a lie to be the truth after it being repeated 40 times. That we should be liberated from ourselves as well as our minds being completely controlled by them to think like they do. We confess all influences on us due to brainwashing since 1546.We reject The universal thought! That they are the shepherds of our souls. The snares with which we were caught. That they can do anything as long as it is according to anti-Christ’s purpose and that people may accept any religion since it will all be under the control of the anti-Christ.We confess that they have infiltrated our churches, families, places of employment, schools to control us. Are these apparently wonderful people in our communities in leadership positions but are snakes in disguise. We confess that most of the mainstream churches have been subjected to the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican through the World Council of Churches. That they work hand in hand with the politicians to mislead people and have drastically manipulated history through dictatorship and that they have destroyed democracy and justice.That they are responsible for the chaos and disruption of the financial, social, political, moral, ducational, art, culture and spiritual sectors. Father, we confess their complete takeover of education, art and culture. The encouragement of corruption. The impoverishing of nations and governments. The control of schools, pulpits, churches and befriending influential people. That they act in advisory positions to governments. That they keep the Bride in perpetual division with dogma and the occult. That they resort directly under the Black Pope and in fact are practitioners of the highest form of satanism. That they have initiated both World Wars. They have purposely created conflict between groups and countries that did not support the Vatican and had such countries reduced to rubble.We confess that Pope Pius XII was instrumental in bringing Hitler to power through the German Catholic Party. That the hate of the Catholics against Israel was manifested through Hitler in order to kill millions of Jews. We reject the source of National Socialism with all their leaders and a state under the Catholic Christendom and the Vatican.We also reject the control of the Black Pope as the spiritual high priest over our finances, government, our spiritual lives, our country, our nation, Your Bride and any other religion or organization under our rule and authority. We declare the sovereignty of the Victors over our country and its people. We bind and speak death to the workings of satan and ask that You will reprove Him in the Name of Christ Jesus.We reject this Roman, Greek and Babylonian hierarchy system, where a small group of people make all the decisions, manipulating and controlling us, taking financial advantage of us according to their statutes and purposes.We reject them as sole decision makers on every level of our lives, political, spiritually and in our communities. We reject the ethnic conflict they cause by decreasing population with two thirds and destroying those countries economically in order for them to take charge of the minerals and raw materials. We reject their corruption of believers with their prayer crusades and education through mystics in an effort to form an elitist Christian group.We reject the so-called spirit of virgin Mary as protection. We confess and renounce ancestral worship, statues and images in places of worship and the white dove symbol. We reject their statement that Hitler was a son of God and of the mother of God. We acknowledge that all Hitler’s leaders were Roman Catholics.We confess ‘Mein Kampf’ to be a Jesuit publication. That the concentration camps and the murdering of the Jews were done by Jesuits. We confess that churches are of the richest organizations while the poor are being neglected. That even the born again leaders are being brainwashed into hierarchical enrichment and temple building with funds meant for Your work, Father, and that there is no money for the poor, the widows, the orphans and for evangelization. We confess and admit that we, our government, nation and communities associate with the Jesuits and allowed them to lead us astray, to program, brainwash and bind our minds and disabling us from receiving Your revelation knowledge. We cry out to You, Father, in Your Great Mercifulness, to show us mercy and cancel the programming of our thoughts, our will, our choices and our intellect. Over us, our children, nation, government and spiritual leaders of every religion and sect. Destroy the bindings on our minds. Remove our every soul tie with these people and open our eyes to the Truth.We ask that You will cancel in Heaven whatever rights satan achieved over our country and its people, because of our own naivety and passivity. That You will cleanse us with Your Blood and will turn away every curse and exempt us from all guilt. We bless this network of evil people with a double portion of new birth and justification in Christ Jesus and the Godly fear of You, the Almighty. Father, as Your Bride, we petition Your Throne to expose these people as agents of satan and priests of the 666 system, and will bring to light their dark works in our midst- on political, financial as well as spiritual levels. That all that is done in darkness and in secrecy will be brought to the light. Father, we pray that You will anoint Your children with the gift of discernment to recognize and identify these agents of the devil and their works. We stand in the unity of agreement, Father, that You will either save their souls or remove them from their positions of authority over us and that You will destroy the curse of denial and passivity over Your children.Make satan and his demons to be a Footstool of Your feet, Father, and bind them there forever, in the Name of Christ Jesus.Amen & Amen!19. SATANISM:?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of Satanism.Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we now confess any involvement with Satanism. We ask You to forgive us for this sin. Please forgive us for rejecting You and adhering to the teachings of Satan; for rejecting Jesus as the Son of God, for condemning and ridiculing Your death on the cross, and for rejecting Your Blood in total. We renounce all this and as of this day turn our back on Satan and walk away from all of his altars, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We now petition You Father to help us renounce and repent of every aspect of Satanism and the bonds it has on any person. As we renounce these sins we ask You to save the souls of those who are caught up in these sins. We stand in the gap and intercede on behalf of these people as if we have done it our selves. ?We renounce Satanism as a religion or belief that is essentially a religion of the self, holding that the individual and his personal needs come first. We renounce all guidelines, principles and philosophies relating to Satanism, which serve to encourage and enhance one's individual preferences, or as a celebration of individuality without hypocrisy, or teach solidarity without mindlessness, or teach Objective Subjectivity.?We renounce the influence of Dogism (which holds that if you can't eat it, and you can't mate it; then pee on it.), and Catism (which holds, don't run, if you can walk; don't walk, if you can stand; don't stand, if you can sit; don't sit, if you can lie down; and don't stay awake, if you can take a nap) and Freud's "pleasure principle" which is seen as the highest motivator of human behaviour.?We renounce the three sets of guidelines issued over the years by the Satanic Church and authored by La Vey, which give the basis of Satanic philosophy. - The Nine Satanic Statements - The Nine Satanic Sins - The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth. We repent for ever praying against, and for cursing or hexing people, organizations, churches or ministries on the Satanic Blacklist. Everything I have done I now reverse in the Name of Jesus and I release everyone into the full purpose of God Almighty.?We renounce all and any membership or dealing with the various Churches of Satan. We renounce my membership to any of these churches, as well as their offshoots and all their leaders, and the following by name. - The Temple of Set - Michael A. Aquino - Ordo Templi Orientis - Aleister Crowley - Church of Satan - Anton Szandor La Vey (and all spinoffs including The Church of Satanic Brotherhood, Ordo Templi Satanas, Order of the Black Ram, Church of Lucifer, The Orthodox Satanic Church)?We renounce all ties, covenants, oaths and rituals binding me to the Temple of Set and its headquarters in San Francisco, California as well as the philosophy of the Temple, the concept of Set and the obligations and responsibilities which a Setian assumes. We renounce all its components such as: Antinomianism, Individuality, Control and Black Magic - including both Operative (Ceremonial Magic) and Practical (Illustrative or Initiatory). We renounce Set, and I renounce his essential function of going out and expanding the borders of existence and then returning that Chaotic energy to the centre.?We renounce the horse (and the ass) as identified with Set. We renounce the star Alpha Draconis, which is the star of Set in the Constellation of the Thigh (today's "Big Dipper"). We renounce the Silver Star (Astrum Argentium) and Tzaddi (the Dog star or Sirius). We renounce the two Setian texts : "The Tale of Two Brothers" and "The Book of Knowing the Spiral Force of Ra and the Felling of Apep". We renounce all knowledge obtained through the extensive reading list of? published works in twenty-four specialized fields, the newsletter Scroll of Set, the publications of the Temple's various specialized Orders, and the series of encyclopaedias entitled the Jeweled Tablets of Set.?We renounce the Crystal Tablet of Set and I renounce all communication by means of the regularly-updated InterCommunication Roster contained in the Crystal Tablet, the periodic Conclaves as well as through Glinda (computer). We renounce the reconsecration and founding of the Temple of Set in 1975, accompanied by the Word of the AEon of Set, Xeper ("kheffer"). We renounce the six degrees that Initiates are recognized by: Setian I°, Adept II°, Priest / Priestess of Set III°, Magister / Magistra Templi IV°, Magus / Maga V° and the Ipsissimus / Ipsissima VI°. We also give back all ranks and degrees to Satan by whatever name, Satanist, Warlock, Warlord, Priests or Priestess.?In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we reject and renounce every grading and every ungodly level of spirituality that we have reached, and we now give this ranking back to Satan, in Jesus' Name, as well as all powers and strengths assigned to me. We renounce any cult name, namely ........., and return it to Satan and his demonic powers. We petition You, Father to remove this name from all of Satan's books in the spirit. Father, we petition you to sever all soul ties with all Satanists, cell members, lords, witches, priests, priestesses, magisters and magistras, magus and Satan himself, as well as his evil hierarchy. We petition You to cut us loose from every soul tie with any Satanist as well as with any satanic rituals.We repent of and reject the initiation rituals of drugs and sexual orgies, the calling up of demons to use their powers, all sacrifices that were brought to these demons for power and fertility, the surrender of spirit, soul and body to Lucifer and demons, the calling up of demons, the placing of demons into Satanists, sexual activity with animals (bestiality), and all forms of sex between Satanists, demons and satan himself. We petition You Father to please sever all the soul ties I may have with any one of these. In Jesus' Name, Father, will You please restore our souls from all directions into which it was scattered, and remove from us all that is not part of us in the spiritual realm.?We renounce the symbolism in, as well as the structure and operation of the Satanic temple and I renounce the Executive authority of the Council of Nine, which appoints both the High Priest of Set and the Executive Director. We?reject and renounce the council of 9, and I ask that You would please sever the soul ties we have with this unholy, godless council. We renounce all connections and affiliations with Pylons, namely, The Black Ring Pylon, The Black Runa Pylon, The Black Well Pylon, The Draconis Pylon, The Gates of Hell Pylon, The Kalevala Pylon, The Nan-Madol Pylon, The Pergamon Pylon, The Smoking Mirror Pylon, The Re-Setaue Pylon and The Ultima Thule Pylon.We renounce the Orders of the Temple, namely, The Order of Amon, The Order of the Black Tower, The Order of the Claw of the Bee, The Order of Leviathan, The Order of Merlin, The Order of Setne Khaumuast, The Order of Shuti, The Order of Trapezoid, The Order of Uart, The Order of Vampyre and The Order of Xnum. We renounce the Ordo Templi Orientis, also known as the Order of Oriental Templars, or the Order of the Temple of the East. We renounce the whole Outer Thalemic Order and its dedication to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.?We renounce all the influences of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and it's ROOTS IN magic, Cabbalah, alchemy, tarot, astrology and other hermetic subjects. We renounce all influences of the mental and physical disciplines of yoga, and Oriental mysticism. We renounce all influences from Egypt and especially the god Horus. (I especially renounce the picture of Horus depicted receiving a sacrifice from a priest named Ankh-f-n-khonsu).?We renounce all Freemasonry connections adhered to in the O.T.O. Any participation in all and every form of serpent worship including Nagalism, Chakra's, Kundalini, Tantric Yoga and the Third Eye. Any structures of the O.T.O. and their degrees. The Rituals of these degrees, whereby O.T.O. sought to instruct me by allegory and symbol in the profound mysteries of Nature, and thereby assist me to discover my own true Identity. The first three Degrees of O.T.O. and the pattern they follow based on the symbolism of the Chakra's and the rising of the Kundalini, as well as their representation of the Individual's Path in Eternity.?We renounce the higher degrees and their instruction in Hermetic Philosophy, Cabbalah, Magic and Yoga, which were all aimed at preparing me for the revelation and application of one Supreme Secret.? Participation, connection, membership or bond to all local O.T.O. Lodges, Oases, and Camps. All literature connected to the O.T.O especially the three chapters of verse known as The Book of the Law, the heralding of the dawning of the new aeon of Horus, and the governing by the Law of Thalema. We renounce Thalamic philosophy and "Do what thou will". All dealings with the Church of Satan established on April 30th,1966 by Anton Szandor La Vey, the High Priest, as well as all dealings with the First Satanic Church headed by Karla La Vey.?We dedication to rational self-interest, indulgence, and a glorification of the carnal and material. Any disbelief in any external deity figures. We renounce all degrees attained through proving myself via individual achievement in the outside world, my level of freedom from herd conformity and my independence from forced interaction with the masses. ?We renounce and ask You to cut us loose from every infernal name of Satan which we shall not mention as stated below! ( Abaddon, Adramelech, Ahpuch, Amon, Apollyon, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Azazel, Baalberith, Balaam, Baphomet, Bast, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Beherit, Belial, Bile, Cernunnos, Chemosh, Cimeries, Coyote, Dagon, Damballa, Demogorgon, Diabolus, Dracula, Emma-O, Euronymous, Fenriz, Haborym, Hecate, Ishtar, Jude/Judas, Kali, Lilith, Loki, Mammon, Mania, Mantus, Marduk, Mastema, Melek, Mephistopheles, Metztli, Mictian, Midgard, Milcom, Moloch, Mormo, Naamah, Nergal, Nihasa, Nija, O - Yama, Pan, Pluto, Proserpine, Pwcca, Rimmon, Sabazios, Sammael, Samnu, Sedit, Sekhmet, Shaitan, Shiva, Supay, T'an-mo, Taus, Tchort, Tezcatlipoca, Thamuz, Thoth, Tunrida, Typhon, Yaotzin and Yen-lowang).?We renounce all specific demons assigned to us for?’protection’, as well as ties to Hades (hell / the Underworld) and death. (Mention the names received personally, hand them back and cut all soul ties with them, bind, rebuke, resist and drive out the demons).?Father, please forgive us for distorting Your Word and for having applied it to the glory of satan. We repent for reading the Satanic Black Books (contain magic words of Black magic) and The 6th and 7th books of Moses (which contain magic words, curses and methods as to how a person can make contact with Satan - these books have nothing to do with the Moses of the Bible). We renounce and repent for reading all and any Grimoires (especially the Key of Solomon). For ever having bought, read, kept or quoted from any Satanic Literature.?Just as we have burnt and destroyed this literature in the physical realm, we ask You Father to destroy all of them in the spiritual realm as well. We renounce all the writings of Anton La Vey, including The Satanic Bible, The Satanic Rituals, The Satanic Witch, The Devil's Notebook, Satan Speaks, Satan takes a Holiday. The Satanic Mass and all or any not mentioned. The writings of Marilyn Manson, especially The Long Hard Road out of Hell. The writings of Blanche Barton, especially The Secret life of a Satanist and The Church of Satan. The writings of Charles Darwin especially the Expressions of Emotion in Man and Animals, and The descent of man and selection in relation to sex. The writings of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, such as Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals, The Portable Nietzsche, The Will to Power and the Basic Writings of Nietzsche.?We renounce the writings of Ayn Rand, especially Atlas shrugged, Capitalism: the unknown ideal, For the New Intellectual, Anthem, Philosophy: Who needs it, The virtue of selfishness and The Fountainhead. We renounce the writings of Alistair Crowley such as 777 and Other Cabbalistic Writings of Alistair Crowley, The Book of Law, Book of Lies, Magic without Tears and The confessions of Alistair Crowley. All Satanic Magazines such as, Not Like Most (A publication of Satanism in Action), The Cloven Hoof (The Official Bulletin and Tribunal of The Church of Satan) and The Black Flame (The International Forum of the Church of Satan).?We renounce The Eleventh Key. The Beatitudes from the Satanic Bible by LaVey as a perversion of Your Word Father and ask You to forgive me for this abomination. We state that these Beatitudes are lies and sin in Your eyes and repent for having uttered them individually or as a whole. We renounce the writings on Satanic Rituals and Numbers by LaVey especially the workings of the number 9. We especially renounce the Book of the Law (Liber Alvel Legis) and the following specific references therein:?The numbers 8, 11, 56, 880 and 418. The word Abrahadabra, the word Heru-ra-ha, the word "because" and the Secret Fourfold Word. The following sequence of numbers and letters: " 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L". The Three Grades (the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth). The work of the wand and the work of the sword; mantras and spells. Infinite Space, Infinite Stars, the Queen of Space and the Queen of Heaven and Tzaddi (the Dog star or Sirius). The East at the Equinox of the Gods and the four gates to one palace.?The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle; Red Circles and the colour black. The Scarlet Woman and the secret Serpent; the Obeah and the Wanga. The Hawk's head and Thelema. Ahathoor, Aiwass, Asar, Ankh-af-na-khonsu, Bahlasti, Bes-na-Maut, Hadit, Heru-pa-kraath, Hoor, Hoor-pa-kraat, Isa, Khephra, Nuit, Ompehda, Ra, Ra-Hoor-Khut, Tahuti, Ta-Nech, Thebes and Tum.?We renounce every Satanic Altar and every object or tool associated with it. Every wand (An-Shet, Sceptre or Fire stick), every Bell, Cauldron, Censer (Thurible), Cingulam and Crystal ball. Every sword and ritual dagger (Athame or Bolline) as well as the demonic inscriptions on the hilt, and the use of these swords or knives during rituals in the magic circle. The Magical Circle and its elements and symbolism. The outer and inner circle and every magic word within it; also the use of God's Names in these ungodly circles. The use of all and every occult or Satanic sign or symbol whether placed on an altar, on tools or on items of clothing.?We renounce the goat sign, the V-sign, the peace sign, the 666 or FFF, the swastika, anarchy sign, miracle working triangle, Udjat, scarab, upside down cross, Leprechaun's staff, black mass indicator, church of Satan, cross of confusion, beam of lightning, Satanist indicator, the ankh, Mulucca sign, hexagram, the yin- yang sign, the pentagram, the magic circle and the AC/DC sign. All and every symbol relating to occult practice and belief especially the Hexagram, Seal of Solomon, Pentacle, Pentagram and Triangle. We reject all power in ceremonial dress and give back to Satan all clothes, jewellery, cloaks, hats, thrones, sceptres, crowns and cords. In the Name of Jesus Christ I now strip myself of all cords around my arms, neck and legs, i.e. all black, red, brown and purple cords and I ask that You would render them powerless and cremate them with Your consuming fire.?We renounce the ABRA-CA-DABRA and ABLAN-ATHA-NAN-ALBA charms and amulets. Every form of charm or amulet round the arms and neck. We reject and renounce every form of tattoo that was made on us. All burnings on ankles and underneath feet, on hands, hand-palms and fingers, on buttocks and back, on chests and breasts and on stomachs and private parts. We renounce all and every cutting on left hand wrists or both wrists, on stomachs, the side of necks, chests or my private parts. All chaff marks from ropes round the ankles and wrists as well as all flogging marks on back and buttocks. We reject and renounce the power of all and every implant, pin, crystal or other object under my skin and ask You Father to burn them out with Your Holy fire.?We renounce participation in any Satanic ritual and all therein contained. We renounce all and every Satanic ritual, Black Mass or Left Hand Path Ceremony. We repent for ever having taken part in a Satanic ritual whether of own accord or against my free will. We renounce all and every form of Magic including White or True Magic, Black Magic or Black Arts. We renounce Ceremonial, Ritual or High Magic including Abramelin Magic, Cabala and Numerology. Practical, Folk, Natural or Low Magic including Image Magic, Sympathetic Magic and Candle Magic. All Red, Black, White and neutral magic. Counter Magic, countercharms and Counter spells.?Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I bring before You all involvement in Image magick. I ask forgiveness for every clay, wax, straw or leaden doll and other object that were used to push pins and other sharp objects into, in order to put curses, impregnations, execrations, illnesses, accidents or even death on people. All forms of Love Magic, including Sex Magic and Tantric Magic. We cancel all that was done on any person and release them now in Christ Jesus' Name. Father please reverse every curse into a blessing! We repent for having used Magic to influence love relationships, the weather, financial affairs or any other object, person or part of nature. For having used Magic to cause illness, misfortune or fear in people.?For having used Magic to cause hatred, revenge, and violence instigated with the purpose of drawing blood as a sacrifice to Satan. For using Magic to call on demons to use their powers to cause damage. We renounce all Magic used in the creation of brews, mixtures, potions, concoctions and herbal medicines used to my own advantage or to manipulate people. All Working magic, including all Anathema's, Bewitchments, Curses, Enchantments, Hexes, Incantations, Imprecations, Maledictions, Overlooking and Spells.?We repent for ever having summoned, called up or communicated with any demon, spirit, and angel, and deity, elemental or non-physical entity. For all and every ritual that summoned Satan or any spirit or deity (see list of names of Satan). Every method used to summons, call up or communicate with these Satanic entities, such as Words of Power, Conjuration, Evocation, Invocation and all and every other action, ritual or ceremony used. We renounce participation in all and every occult science, art or practice including the study of occult powers, supernatural influences, psychic phenomena, all methods of divination, meditation and sorcery, all methods of Magic, mysticism and spiritualism.?In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we now rebuke and renounce meditation originating from any country, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, visualization, calling on demons by means of chanting, controlling nature in the name of satan in order to call on demonic powers to work through these nature elements (i.e. air, fire, water, wind, earth and nature's neutral powers). We renounce all occult avenues pertaining to division, dissociation or visualization that formed, reinforced or controlled me, such as Apparitions, Visions and Visualization as well as Astral Body's, Astral Twins, Bi-locations, Doppelganger's and Fetch's.?Father sever from us all cosmic beams, all forms of pyramids and every ungodly eye (solar eye, evil eye of Lucifer, eye of Ra, eye of Ahurah Mazda, Third eye). We renounce any belief in the four (4) Ancient Elemental Spirits (Air, Fire, Water and Earth), and their powers, as well as our belief in the Quintessence or fifth and highest Ancient Element (Akasha, the witch spirit and the equal sided triangle). We renounce any belief in the four (4) Guardians of the Watchtower (Sylphs, Gnomes, Undines and Salamanders), and their relation to the four (4) directional points (N S E and W) at the perimeter of a magical circle.?We renounce the magical circle and the five point star in the circle and every demon represented by the five points. Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I now reject and renounce the 4 prince spirits of hell, which are called from the four (4) directions of the wind during Satanist high days, as well as the sword which is held into the 4 directions of the wind, namely Satan in the south, Lucifer in the east, Belial in the north and Leviathan in the west. We petition You Father to smash all and every world, kingdom or quarter in my life, built on these four (4) points or relating to them. We petition You Father to bring unity and wholeness to any division in our soul built or based on these four (4) points.?We repent of and reject all activities and acts of an abusive or traumatic nature, such as all methods of isolation, violation and pollution of the body, objects thrust into vagina or rectum to cause pain, drug abuse, all forced sexual deeds, starvation or water deprivation of cell members or self, all forced participation in murder rituals or execution of murder instructions, flogging by means of whips, putting nails or sharp objects through hands or any other body part, male and female prostitution, ghouling of tombs, participating in kidnappings and all and every method of infiltration of Christian churches.?We renounce all and every Satanic Ritual or Ceremonial act, such as the rubbing of my face with the blood of a goat which was boiled with vinegar, and mixed with broken glass in order to receive visuals and visions from Satan and incense offerings to Satan. All rituals aimed at humiliation and shame and making use of semen, urine and faeces that was smeared over bodies and all the occasions involved in these rituals. We renounce the use of human and animal parts in rituals, e.g. nails, blood, urine, faeces, hair, milk, embryo's and foetuses, corpses, insects, clothes, herbs, etc. We reject and renounce all initiation ceremonies, such as the blood covenant/contract I made with Satan by writing my name and surname in our own blood in a coven book.?We renounce the selling of souls to Satan in exchange for supernatural power and strength. The chewing of a piece of bread, and the spitting out of it as a sign of the denial of the Body of Christ. The drinking of blood from a silver goblet as a sign of the rejection of the Blood of Christ. The oath that I have made to reject the triune God of the Bible and to accept the ungodly, false trinity, namely Asmodius, Beelzebub, and Astoreth of Lucifer (anti Christ), false prophet and the beast. Father, please forgive us for involvement in all sexual rituals, sex molestation, rapes, sex with the same and opposite sex, sex with animals, sex with demons and perverse marriage ceremonies. We bind, and ask Yopu to rebuke and cast out every demon that came in through every sexual acts, cut us loose from the animal-kingdom, as well as from the specific animal involved in any sexual act.?We also ask forgiveness for participation in blood sacrifice through slaughtering of live animals and humans, all ritual murders, as well as for the occasions I gave my own blood and parts of my physical body to Satan as a sacrifice. Please remove from me all physical and spiritual scars and wash me with the precious Blood of your Son, Jesus Christ. Father, please heal all damaged areas in our bodies which were caused by burnings, cuttings or disciplinary actions from priests, and remove them, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father, please forgive me for acting as a breeder, for producing babies which were for sacrifice to Satan. Father, please silence the crying of those little voices, and heal my emotions. Please remove this heart of stone, that has become hardened and dulled, and replace it with your loving, soft heart. Please forgive every abortion I've undergone.?We renounce all Satanic Festivals and High Days and Holidays and repent of all and any involvement in them in any manner, function or role. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we now reject and renounce all Satanist high days which are held in honour of Satan, as well as every ritual which takes place on those days. We renounce all animal- and human sacrifices in which I was involved during these High Days as well as all sexual crimes, sexual orgies, sex with animals and demons, sex with children, sex with corpses, sex with cell-members and all perverse marriage ceremonies (the bride of Satan ritual), all blood-drinking orgies, all ridiculing and scorning of Jesus Christ's death, crucifixion, resurrection and becoming flesh and all burning of incense in honour of Satan.?We ask forgiveness for my involvement in these things and I turn my back on all these things today, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Please remove from us all bloodguilt and wash us clean with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We also pray that You will silence every drop of blood that is calling for vengeance against me, in Jesus Name. In the Name of Jesus Christ we reject and renounce the following ceremonial dates, and especially that of my own birth date (name date in full) as a spiritual holiday. We renounce the eight Sabbats (4 major and 4 minor), and the Wheel of the Year (cycle of the seasonal year).?We renounce participation in The Feast of Fools/Shivaratri Epiphany/Twelfth Night, St. Winebald Day, Feast of Fools (Old Twelfth Night), Satanic reveling, Old Epiphany/Dream Festival, Da Murr Ritual, Shrovetide, Ash Wednesday, Mysteries of Persephone, Imbolc, Candlemas, St. Valentine's Day, Lupercalia, Feralia/Terminalia, St. Eichatadt, Festival of Ishtar (Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus) Ides of March/Rites of Cybele & Attis, Sheila-na-gig, Jacques De Molay Day Spring Equinox/Pelusia, Invocation of Isis, Shab-i-barat, the Feast of the Beast, Easter/Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis, Easter, All Fools Day, Day of the Masters, St Marks Eve, Corpus de Baahl, Walpurgisnacht/Beltane, Ascension Day, Beltane (May Day), St.Michael's Day, Lumeria, Corpus Christi Feast, St John's Eve Feast Summer Solstice, Lammas, Mania, Feast of Nephthys, Feast of the Beast Fall Equinox Feast Day, Mysteries of Eleusis, Durga Puja (Kali), Opening of Mundus Cereris, Dashara, All Hallows Eve, All Souls Day, Hilaria/Mania, Winter Solstice, the monthly full moon ceremony and all family birthdays, weddings and baptisms, etc?Father, we come to You in the precious Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, on the grounds of His victory over Satan on the cross at Golgotha and the price He paid for us. Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we reject and renounce all above mentioned things, and we turn our back on it and walk away from it. We reject and renounce Satan as lord and master, and today we submit ourselves to You as our Lord and Master. We reject Satan as lord and master of our spirit, soul and body and ask You to demolish every contract possible between him and us. We turn our back on all the churches of Satan and walk away from them, as well as from all of his altars. Today we claim a divorce from Satan and his whole demonic kingdom, as well as between every ungodly human worker of Satan and us.?Father, will You please cancel all blood oaths with the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Please remove the seal of agreement between Satan and us with the Blood of Jesus Christ, for we now stand in an everlasting, valid Blood covenant with You. We give back all rings, gifts, ranks, abilities, power and might to Satan and take our legal, godly position in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, where He sits on the Right Hand of God the Father, in Heavenly places. We ask You to sever all ties with satan and his whole demonic kingdom, with Satanism and occultism, and I now command every demon to leave me immediately, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.?We declare and confess that we belong absolutely and completely forever to God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. Thank You Father, that Jesus Christ, Your Son, is our Redeemer and Saviour and that His Blood cleanses me from all sin. We bind these demons over our people, ask You to rebuke them, take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen!Shofar: When we blow the Shofar: In the Name of Christ Jesus. We accept Your Eternal Commandments and authority over us. We remind You of our Everlasting Covenant between You and us. We declare our faith in Your ability to demolish the strongholds in our lives. We declare that the sound of the Shofar causes confusion in the enemy’s ranks. We are calling on Your divine intervention and assistance in our lives. We are calling on Your manifest Presence in every area of our lives. We are praising and worshipping You the Almighty. It is a declaration of our loyalty to the King of kings, Christ Jesus and what You did for us. We declare that You will fight for us and that this is the year of Jubilee. We declare the restoration of our broken-heartedness and the truth in our lives. It is a call of urgent repentance and the turning away from sin for the Bride. We declare that we are ready for any demonic attack.It is a warning cry of the impending judgement, for the day of the Lord is here. It is a wake-up call, it’s a warning cry, it’s a beckoning call for the Bride to prepare and be ready! Thank You, Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen and Amen!20. SIN LIST PRAYER: – Own & Ancestors: (John 31-32-36! The Word sets us free through repentance! Jam 5:16, Acts 3:19-20, Acts 17:30 & 2Cor 7:1! Repentance give us knowledge of Salvation! Luk 1:76-77! Repentance renews the mind and give us a consions)! (Where you differ from me, just pray that Father will show me the truth and continue. Don’t allow satan to steal from you because of ten or twenty percent of this prayer. Lets agree on the stuff that we do agree. I am still learning every day).Abba Father we come before Your throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus. We repent of all our sins through words, deeds and thoughts. Please gown us in Your righteousness. We submit to Your Spirit, speak through us and blow life into our words. We associate with the sins of our ancestors, our nation and Christianity. We are all equally sinful before you. We are saved by grace and through nothing that we have done or deserved. Forgive us and cancel every curse over us and our descendants due to these sins, as we admit to them today. We stand in the gap for our nation, our government, the Body, our fathers and our own sins and for the fact that we have polluted the land and our bodies in which the blood of our ancestors are flowing. Please turn every curse into a blessing and give back seven times what Satan has stolen, 2Cron 7:14-15. Fill this place with Your warring angels to fight for us. Saturate us now with the fullness of Your anointing of deliverance and healing power. We take authority over every evil spirit and we bind them and ask You to rebuke every demon involved. We order every demon to leave this place now without manifestation and to go to the footstool of our Messiah. Father give us a sound mind, Your Love and Your Peace.Cover us, our minds, this place, our relationships, marriages, possessions, All our family members and what is going to happen here, with Your Blood so that no backlash will come to any of us because of these prayers that we are going to do. Seal everything off by Your Blood and encamp it by Your serving angels. Draw a wall of Fire around us, in Christ Jesus Name.We declare that we are guilty of the sins of idolatry. Please break every demonic seal that is placed over us and our families. Shake the wrong foundations that are in our lives. We bring before You any involvement in the occult, the counsel of the devil, co nsultations of mediums, fortune-tellers, all acts of divination, sorcery, witchcraft, superstition, incisions by witchdoctors, all forms of Wicca, spirits, astrology. The reading of horoscopes or zodiac signs, numerology and Baal worship. Divination: We bring Blood or hair analysis by the occult and the curses that were spoken over us.The Readings of Tarot cards, spinning of knife and divination, palm readings, interpretation of handwriting, divining with a rod, wires, a bottle, or a pendulum for water, Hos 4:12. Crystal ball readings, Past life readings, Tea and Coffee leaves readings, Character analysis and we admit that we were giving the divination spirits of Egypt honour through these acts. We renounce the curses, cut ourselves free from the spirits and turn the curses around into blessings. We cut us loose from any fixed character type that we are tied to. Eating cookies at a Chinese restaurant and wishing wishes.Witchcraft: Rewriting names on paper and burning it during rituals, Calling up demons at midnight in the mirror, calling names in the corners of a building and cursing people, doing rituals at full moon, Deut 4:19. Wishing by Chicken wishbones, chain letters with curses, blowing warts to the moon, black magic, voodooism, fire walking, Satanism, any from of witchcraft, consultations with these people and witchdoctors or sangomas, muti, ashes, spells, hexes, curses and all sorts of symbols used to do these things, sorcery, mind control, influencing people supernaturally through Harry Potter’s tricks, replacement of the voice, water witching, burial of things during rituals, rituals in graveyards or at graves, ancestral worship, rituals with human bones or any contact with the dead which are demons mimicking our family members. Nailing curses to trees and throwing things in water.Spirits: We confess all forms of worship to demons of the underworld and the dead. We renounce and give back every gift, ability, ranking and calling given to us by Satan. Any séance, trance, automatic writings, any divination with a ring and hair, playing with a glass, a book or table rapping. The moving or breaking of things supernaturally, consulting mediums, psychic healers, clairvoyant or family spirits. Reincarnation, astral travelling, psychic gifts, imaginary friends that talk back, noisy ghosts, friendship jewellery or bangles, healing or lucky bangles, stones, things or zombies for pain, Stigmata experiences at certain times of the year, rituals of rescue, healing circles and all literature on these things. Science fantasy, aliens and flying saucers, levitation, people flying to other places supernaturally using evil powers, (superman / spider man) or the reading and polluting of the mind with these evil deeds. All worship of animal spirits and totems, magic and herbal medicine obtained from occult healers. All forms of Shamanism, all forms of ancestral worship, circumcision rituals, fertility rituals, tattoos, incisions, using the four elements and the four directions in occult practices. Every water spirit from Egypt, from Atlantis, from the spirit of Leviathan or any alliances to the Queen of Heaven.Extra sensory perceptions (ESP): Telepathy, knowing others thoughts, second sight or born with the caul, bad visions or sooth saying, third eye or strong eye, books of Jeanne Dixon, Nostradamus, the Bible Code, Da Vinci’s Code, Siener van Rensburg or other false prophet’s lies. Divining by use of the iris, concentration or any irrational diagnoses of illness or disease which cannot be proven scientifically. We resist and renounce every demon and familiar spirit, every spirit of divination or soothsaying, to leave us now. Mysticism: Seeing demons, hearing demons, talking to demons, tormented by demons, not believing that they exist, moving to higher levels of consciousness through meditations, New age meditations, Yoga or self healing techniques, Soul travelling, Shiahatsu, acupuncture, any training in martial Arts. We renounce all rankings received, through the colour belts and the levels and cut us free from the Sensei. I Ching, Hypnosis, Deut 18:10-11 & Rom 6:16. Kundulini powers, eastern aromatherapy, reflexology, New Age occult chiropractors and Bonsai trees which all originate from the occult. Burning of incense, herbs, grasses and plants or any initiation and dedication rituals to Satan. Giving over our minds to demonic powers, emptying of our minds, seeking and using psychic powers, opening our third eyes, all forms of serpent worship and astral projection. Mind expansion to higher consciousness, using of drugs, music, dream therapy, magic mushrooms or water therapy. For receiving any occult knowledge, demonic wisdom, the mind of Satan. We confess all fantasies, imaginations, lust and perversions, stories of aliens, fairies, the supernatural, myths, fables and the travelling in the spirit.Cults, Secret Societies and Non-Secret Societies: We repent of any involvement with the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology, the Old and New Apostles, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Indian and occult rituals, Rastafarianism, Roman Catholicism or any other cult. We renounce all worship of the antichrist and the beast, loyalty to Hitler, the third Reich, the SS, the Freemasons, the Broederbond, (brother hood), Apartheid, The Ossewa Brandwag, the Communist party or any other secret organisation, Children gangs where blood covenants were made, bike gangs with evil deeds, Humanist Movement, Peace Movement, Green Movement, Feminist Movement, Feeder organisations like the Round Tables, Rotarians, Voortrekkers, The Red Cross, Alcoholics Anonymous, or any other Secret Organisation with evil motives or links to the One World Order.Other occult involvement: We renounce all superstitions, three dimensional pictures, Teachings of UFO’s and related subjects, the number 13, black cat, crow, owl, salt shaker falling over, breaking of a mirror, throwing of salt, burning of grass or incense to keep demons away, the tikoloshe, wedding cake under pillow, to open an umbrella in the house, wearing rubber o-rings for pain in the joints, wearing or using anything that was given to me for pain, healing or good luck or any other nonsense or things that will cause bad luck. We repent of hallucinations, nightmares or fears in our sub-conscience. You did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind.Every book read, video watched, cassette or CD listened to, giving any information, influencing us in any evil way, perverting us or where satan was given honour. All spirits involved. For opening our minds to demonic influences through the use of drugs and alcohol or any other addictions. We renounce the mind of Satan, Watching all the nonsense about Science fiction, as well as horror films, Satanic films, Star Wars, The Omen, Rose-Mary’s Baby, Birdie Murphy, The Believers, Angel Heart, Ouija Board, The serpent and the Rainbow, Harry Potter, Pokka monsters and many other related literature, Sun Signs, God Calling, Norman Vincent Peale, Jonathan Livingston Seagull and all the other demonic stuff and teachings of the false prophets. Any idol symbols: jewellery, zodiac signs, peace signs, moons, suns, stars, New age crystals and ideas, Egyptians obelisks, pyramids or models of their spirits, Buddha’s, St Christopher’s, beads or necklaces for blessings, charms, The Ankh, horse shoes for luck, dragons, snakes, lizards, cobwebs, the Leprechaun, African masks, dragons, snakes, any other religion’s stuff, Roman Catholic pictures of Jesus or angels, fairies, the crying women or lonely child, totems, red Indians and their items, dream catchers and wind charms.Eastern stuff: art, carpets, statuettes dedicated to their gods or any demonic symbol, the visiting of pagan temples or cursed ground, (2Kings 5:18), worshipping my denomination or church, my pastors instead of the Father, going to church or using communion as a tradition, rituals like candle burning, incense, garments, the sprinkling of water and all endeavours to try and impress the Creator through works. We confess all occult involvement and we renounce all occult callings. With the sword of the spirit we cut off the occult roots that we have inherited through the generations. We curse those roots and the fruits thereof to shrink up and die.Sexual: Father we bring before You all acts of sexual iniquities, harlotry, sodomy, rape, incest, bestiality, illegitimacy, lesbianism, sex with demons, adultery and fornication, prostitution, all acts of lust and perversion, masturbation, pornography, fantasies, molestations and homosexuality. Wherever our bodies were used as a temple for satan worship. Forgive us now and cleanse us with Your Blood. Please cut the impure soul ties between us and these people and set us free, from the sex kingdom of every water spirit, the scarlet women, the whore of Babylon; break those ties. Cleanse our finances that have been defiled, on books and videos, magazines or paid into Satan’s bank. Father break the curses over our marriages and relationships. Forgive us for worshipping Jezebel, for drinking out of her cup with our bodies with sexual impurities and allowing Jezebel to rule in our relationships.Addictions: Forgive us for all forms of addiction, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, caffeine, masturbation, gambling, Lotto, pornography, computer, TV, debts at the financial institutions. We remove the yoke of slavery over us. Tattoos, false oaths, cursing of others, rejecting Father’s calling, grieving the Spirit, divorce, death wishes, manipulation, hate, rebellion, bitterness and disbelieve.Bloodshed: Father we bring before You all acts of war, murder, rape, torture, violence, suicide, racism, abortions, miscarriages, and we ask for forgiveness for the shedding of innocent blood in our bloodlines. Using the copper T or the multi load as birth control causing abortions and killing babies, the drinking of blood and eating of raw meat, Worshipping warring demons, oaths of war, initiation rituals, acts of assassination and executions done by our nation and Christianity. We confess acts of human and animal sacrifices, the buying and the selling of human beings as slaves. Silence any blood that is calling out against us by the Blood of the Lamb. Cut the soul ties between us and these people. Cleanse our hands from all blood guilt. Thank You Father that we can raise Anointed hands to You, covered in Your Righteousness as we bring before You all involvement in secret societies, blood covenants, and oaths sworn to in Freemasonry, or any other organisation of the One World Order. We renounce all the rituals that were performed and we ask You to silence all the witnesses testifying against us, Finances: Withholding Tithes and offerings. The love of money, family feuds pertaining to inheritance, disunity in the Bride and congregation splits, bribery, corruption’s and all forms of stealing. Fraud, dishonest gain, greed, moving boundaries of properties, wasting and irresponsible spending, job failures and poverty. Forgive us for the worshipping of Baal and mammon. We come against the spirit of pride, jealousy, envy, falseness, lies and deception. Repent or hide behind talkativeness, do not want to fast, read Bible or pray, confused and lazy, all fears and phobias, sadness, insulting, impatience, sleep too much, bad self image, fear of authority, no friends, orphaned.Please cancel the curse of death over us, disrespect, intolerance, broken relationships, imprisonment, falsely accused, backslidden, guilty feelings and persecution. Remove the blindfolds over our eyes so that we can see the truth, the maize over our minds and the plugs from our ears. We command all things done in darkness to come to the light. Father we break every code of silence over our lives and we renounce the oath or the covenant that was made with the spirit of death and all sicknesses that have resulted from these oaths and covenants. Father please remove them from us and our children. Break all shocks that have come over our minds because of any form of trauma. Let everything be exposed to Your Light. I repent of all trauma that I have been involved in which was not Your will for me, accidents, losses, violence, abuse, verbal abuse or killings. Mental illnesses, if my birth was traumatic or if someone from the occult has taken blood, my umbilical cord or any body tissue and placed it on Satan’s altar; I repent of it, declare a divorce between me and any body tissue and ask You to wash it away with the Blood.Father forgive us that we have feared, Gen 15:1, Deut 31:6 & Deut 20:1. That we have looked behind us and longed for Egypt, Gen 19:17. That we have drank wine while we are in ministry, Lev 10:9.That we acted like the world or did as they do in Egypt, Lev 18:3. Kept to the customs of the world, Lev 18:30 & Mark 7:2-3, 7-8. That we bought and made craven images, moulded gods and brought it into our houses, Lev 19:4. That we allowed our daughters into prostitution or adultery and caused our land to become full of wickedness, Lev 19:29. That we are honouring mediums, soothsayers, fortune tellers and familiar demons on a daily basis on our TV channels, Lev 19:31. That we have profaned Your Name by our offerings, Lev 22:2. That we have worked on the tenth of the seventh month, Num 29:7.That we have sinned against You by not taking up the sword till the enemy is defeated, Num 32:23. That we did not take up the sword and drive satan and his demons from our land and are now being harassed by them, Num 33:55.That we forgot our rebellion and wickedness against You, Deut 9:7. Forgive us for not discerning and worshipping with all people at mixed altars that use the name Jesus, Deut 12:13 & 1John 4:1-2. The eating of raw meat and blood, Deut 12:23. That we destroyed useful trees and do not plant fruit bearing trees for the poor, Deut 20:19.That we are spilling innocent blood all over our country on a daily basis, Deut 21:8. That we defiled the land by suicides and accidents, Deut 21:23. That we have retained things that we picked up, Deut 22:2. That we have looked the other way when we should have helped, Deut 22:3. That we are wearing the clothes of the other genders provoking lust, Deut 22:5. We failed to fulfil Your commandments, Josh 1:7. We did not meditate on Your Word day and night so that we can live by it, Josh 1:8. We have rebelled against You, 1Sam 12:15. We have spared the sword on the goods of satan in our midst, 1Sam 15:3. We are killed because we do not keep Your commands, 2Kon 17:26. We do not ask for Your ways, 1Cron 15:13. We have dishonoured, hurt and neglected Your prophets, 1Cron 16:22. That we are fighting against You, Father, in our own efforts, self righteousness, haughtiness and spiritual pride. That we are keeping revival from the Bride, 2Cron 13:12. That we are taking the side of people and not Yours, 2Cron 19:6. That we do not warn our people about their bloodshed and sins, 2Cron 19:10. Father our government did not give money for evangelism and the development of our people, Ezra 6:8. We did not teach the people about You, Ezra 7:25. We have mixed with the non believers, gave our children to them in marriage, seek their peace and prosperity and lost the land that was supposed to be an inheritance to our children, Ezra 9:12 & Ex 34:16.Father please forgive us for not building Your Temple, Nehemiah 4:5, Hag 1:9-11, which is to Evangelise Africa. That we have not appointed intercessors to pray for the building of the Temple, Nehemiah 7:3. That we are morning our dead like non believers, Neh 8:9. That we aren’t rejoicing, Neh 8:10. Forgive us. We have rejected Your warnings and corrections, Job 21:4 while out entire country is falling apart.We have not craved after Your Knowledge and ways, Job 21:14. That we are too proud to ask for directions to discover Your ways or to learn from others, Job 21:29. We have rebelled against Your Truth, Job 24:13. We have not cared for the widow and are childless because of our lack of compassion, Job 24:21. Destruction has come because of our lack of interest in the building of the Temple, Ps28:5. We have kept quiet about the Good News, Ps 40:9 and do not make disciples. We are not changed and renewed by your Word and do not fear You Father, Ps 55:19. We rebel in haughtiness, Ps 66:7. That we grieve the anointed prophets who are sent by Father; therefore eyes are darkened and ways wobbled, Ps 69:23. We have not witnessed twenty four hours, seven days a week, Ps 71:15. That we have harmed the prophets and kept them for doing Your work, Ps 105:15. Forgive us Father for not putting Jerusalem first, Ps 137: 6. That we have trusted in people and not in You, Ps 146: 3. That we did not listen to and obey our parents, elders or to our leaders’ instructions and rules, Prov 1:8. We have not listened to older people, Prov 23:22. That we were wise in our own eyes, Prov 3:7. That we did not take note of Your corrections and warnings, Prov 3:11. Die not do good wherever we could, Prov 3:27-28. That we are stabbing others in the back, Prov 3:29. That we have strife with one another without cause, Prov 3;30. Lust after beauty, Prov 6:25. Despise the hungry when they steal to eat, Prov 6:30. Father that we associate with fools, boasters and those who talk nonsense and make jokes at the expense of others, Prov 14:7 & Prov 20:13. That we do not discipline our children, Prov 19:18. Kept the rod from our children, Prov 23:13.That we sleep too much, Prov 20:13. That we mixed with talebearers who give away secrets, Prov 20:19. That we have robbed the poor and made them pay interest, Prov 2:22. Associated with angry people, Prov 22:24. That we are dividing the land and moving beacons, Prov 22:28 & Prov 23:10. We are overworking to get rich and have no balance in our time schedule, Prov 23:4. We ate with the miser and desired his delicacies, Prov 23:6. We have harmed the inheritance of the orphans, Prov 23:10. We have mixed with wine drinkers and gluttonous eaters of meat, Prov 23:20. With noisy people who depend on change, Prov 24:21. Father forgive us for bad stewardship by giving away wisdom, instruction and understanding, Prov 23:23. That we rejoiced in our enemies misfortune, Prov 24:17. Gossiped and said bad things about others, Prov 24:28. Wanted revenge, Prov 24:29. That we have tried to impress the elite, Prov 25:6. That we took others to court, Prov 25:8. That we discussed secrets with others, Prov 25:9. That we have believed the friendly with seven demons in their hearts, Prov 26:25. Boasted about the future while you determine the outcome, Prov 27:1.Forsaken our friends by not keeping to our promises, Prov 27:10. We slandered employees by discussing them with their employers, Prov 30:10. Men gave their authority to women, Prov 31:3. We do not choose our words wisely before You but say things that we need to adhere to in the future and for making covenants with You that we are required to keep, Prov 5:1-5.We have allowed the poor to be suppressed, Eccles 5:8. We get angry like fools, Eccles 7:9. Are destroying ourselves by being overly righteous and overly wise in our pride, Eccles 7:16. Long for times that has gone by, Egypt, Eccles 7:10. Believe everything that believers are telling us like puppets, Eccles 7:21Cursed the rich, the government and leaders, Eccles 10:20. Have flirted, stirred up and awakened love in the other gender and did not get married to that person, Songs 3:5 & Songs 8:4. Have received bribes, did not care for the orphans or the widows, Is 1:23. Did not take notice of Your Works in our midst but rather tried to stop it, Is 5:12. Heard Your Word but did not understand it, we saw but did not recognise it, Is 6:9. Have made the fears of the nation our fears, Is 8:12. Chased away the outcasts and betrayed those who have escaped, Is 16:3. Mixed with the mockers, Is 28:22. Ceased to remind You of Your promises, Is 62:6. Made the excuse that we were too young, Jer 1:7. Oppressed the foreigner, the widow and the orphan, Jer 7:6.Stole, murdered, committed adultery , swore falsely and worshipped the sun (Baal) through the building of towers, Jer 7:9. Honoured the sun in any way, Job 31;26-28. Have introduced Babylonian rituals and culture into our worship, Jer 10:2. Star signs from heaven, Jer 10:2. Not listen to the prophets, Jer 23:16. Teased You with the works of our hands, Jer 25:6. Listened to the false prophets, diviners, dreamers, soothsayers and sorcerers, Jer 27:9.Father we repent that our shepherds have no sympathy, Zach 11:5 Swear to speak the truth, Matt 5:34.Have turned those away who asked us something which we could give to them, Matt 5:42. Gathering possessions on earth, Matt 6:20. Worry about tomorrow, Matt 6:34. Seek our own words and do not rely on the Spirit to give us Words, Matt 10:19.Called leaders anything other than brothers, Matt 23:8. Made a house of merchandise out of His House of prayer, John 2:16 our bodies.. Rejected the testimonies of other believers and miss what You want to teach us, John 3:11. Live in the flesh and not by the Spirit. Rom 8:3-4. Were outspoken about the Jews and Israel, Rom 11:18+25. Are wise in our own eyes, Rom 12:16. Are not in unity but full of spiritual pride, Rom 12:16. Have rather cursed and not blessed, Rom 12:14. Took revenge, Rom 12;19. Made dietary rules of what to eat and kept people from getting saved, Rom 14:15.Chased away strangers and missed an opportunity to host an angel, Heb 13:2. Have grumbled against one another, Jam 5:9. Marvelled when the world hated you, 1John 3:13. Loved the world and its things, 1John 2:15. Kept silent when others were sinning, 1John 5:16. Made graven images, Ex 20:4. Asked the poor interest, Ex 22:25. Cursed the government, Ex 2:28. Circulated false reports, Ex 23:1. Honoured demons, Ex 23:24. Cursed the handicapped, Lev 19:14. Our workers may not eat from fruit they help to produce, 1Kor 9:9 & 1Tit 5:18.We renounce every spirit of infirmity coming down the bloodline. By Your Stripes we are healed. We choose to forgive our ancestors for all sins committed. We open our hands: they owe us nothing. We forgive every one that has cursed us. Father please forgive us for entering into the sins of our fathers and yielding to these curses that have affected us and for making more covenants with Satan. We choose today to turn away from this idol worship altar of all the sins of our fathers and our own sins. We renounce all the ways in which satan was given honour which gave him rights in our lives. We ask You to cleanse us from any perverted umbilical cords and from any evil soul ties. Please unlock and release all of our potential, our gifts, our abilities, our covenants that have been stolen and locked away by satan. Deprogram any programming of our DNA that we have inherited, concerning death and depression, in the Name of Christ Jesus.Father close all the gateways to every level of the spirit, to the earth, the Heavenlies, the waters and the underworld.Please fire the gatekeepers and seal the doorways with the Blood of Christ Jesus. Thank You for the Blood of the Lamb that cleanses us and for the Victory that is ours. Father, please send your angels to go and arrest every demon involved in keeping these curses and bondages in place over our lives, that we have repent of here, today. Please remove every bondage, blindfold, trap, helper and instrument of satan and send them to the Feet of Christ Jesus. Bind the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Place Your Name and Your Blood between us and them so that they can’t return. Father fill those areas where you have delivered us with Your Spirit, cover it in Your Blood and destroy all evidence against us, by Your all consuming Fire and seal it off by Your Blood. (Ephesians 6:12) We bind these demons, and ask You to rebuke them. We order the demons to flee from us in seven ways and never to return. Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!21. Slavery:Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins of Satanism. Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I now confess any involvement with Slavery and makings slaves of others. Even where we are responsible for leading others into addictions or keeping them in addictions.?Father we repent of the sins of slavery that is keeping the Bride in captivity. We repent of all the addictions, our arrogance and pride that blindfolded us and prevented us to be able disciples. Where we follow leadership as slaves and are slaves of Rome. We repent of the thousands of people of other nations and countries that have been brought here as slaves. All the cruelty, bloodshed, manipulation and bad treatment of humans, the assaults and brutal force to subdue them, breaking up of families, the humiliations, shame, hardship, poverty, captivity, hatred, anger, bitterness, rejection, self-rejection, murder, adultery, homosexuality and the violence it brought to this country. The power lust, sexual lust, domination, manipulation, perversity, divorces, rapes, abortions, prostitution and curses spoken and vows sworn to take revenge. We admit that these curses are still well in place and are influencing our society badly. Please forgive us for this and cancel the power of these words and turn them around into blessings. Cut the soul ties between us and the people who made these inner vows.?Forgive us that we did not turn to You and that the yokes were not broken. We have allowed Satan to take us captive with all sorts of addictions, lack of self worth, bitterness, rejection, lack of love, violence, anger, bloodshed, drugs and alcohol. Forgive us as the Bride that we did not love these people but instead pushed them into Islam. We left them in their misery and the devil took advantage of their pain as is still happening today. Those with the most hurt and need for love are pushed away by our congregations into New Age and the occult. Please forgive us and turn these curses around. Father please set these captives in the occult free and reveal Your Truth to them. Please forgive us for what we have done to these people, in Christ Jesus’ Name.?Forgive us for all the violence, murder, bloodshed and destruction. Break every yoke of slavery over us. We withdraw and cancel all words of curses and oaths sworn to take revenge and we choose to forgive all the people who harmed us or anyone else. Please cancel these covenants with Satan in heaven over the Bride, our nation, family and descendants. Father we are still making slaves of people in this country and all over the world today by keeping people in poverty, by not paying them enough to live from, keeping labourers un educated and not helping them to grow in their careers, by using workers who stay far from their work place and not creating infrastructure entrepreneurship. We declare a divorce with slavery over every area of our lives and society. We choose to let go of every addiction. We beg you to silence the slave bells that are ringing and calling out against us as the Bride over the ages and to set the captives free. Father forgive us for allowing this to continue and please wash away all these sins. Forgive us for our emotional hardness and inability to discern the hurts and needs around us of those in captivity just like our ancestors did to the slaves. We have been selfish and greedy and did not had empathy on our brothers and sisters in need, Matt 25:40-41!?Release a double anointing of compassion and love for all people over us and help us to discern the broken hearted and the needy. Father, both the slaves and owners are under this curse of slavery. Forgive us for not turning to You and for the innocent blood that is still spilled due to this today. We repent of all the thousands of people who are still killed in violence, accidents, rapes, addictions, abortions, wars and poverty. We bring the curse of slavery over this country, nation and Christianity before Your Throne and we bind it and ask You to curse and rebuke it into it’s roots with death. We reject the demonic rights over us, every calling, rank, emotion, feeling, drive, contract or fruit that Satan has given us or is active in our lives that is not from You.?Every habit, use, roots, fears, eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia or gluttony), obsessions with anything or addictions to anything, any lusts for money, property, power, land, theft, gambling, destruction, wasting of things or physical and spiritual poverty and any manipulation or control over others. We admit that all of these are sin and fruits of slavery. We curse all poverty, addiction, lack of self worth, lack of love, masturbation, adultery, lust, rapes, molesting, inability to work with money, to eat too much, gambling, stealing and wasting, poverty in family, sexual promiscuity in the bloodline, adult masturbation or self-comfort, lack of faith, lack of relationships, broken families and illegitimacy. We admit that all of these are sin and we ask You Father to rebuke these spirits involved and to turn every curse around into a blessing.?Break every chain of slavery from our bodies, souls, spirits and minds. We ask You to heal every scar, root or influence on us because of these sins and to give seven times back to us what Satan stole from us through this. Anoint us with creativity so that we may stand up out of this mindset of slavery. Forgive us for excepting a slave mentality because of all the bad things the liberal media and the Communist in government and leadership positions are brainwashing us with. That we have allowed a Ahab spirit to take us captive and keep us from thinking for ourselves and become creative. Father that we have wasted all the talents You have given us all these years under this Communist government because of fear and a slave mentality. Forgive us for not Trusting in You!Father please forgive us for not taking up our responsibility and authority in Christ while our government is destroying our country, all government institutions and our economy. With this slave mentality we just sit passive and watch how satan destroys everything around us. Worst of all Father forgive us that we are taken captive as slaves of religious systems where churches are running a roaring trade and we finance them with Your money and resources but we sit passive, do not make disciples or fulfil any of Your Commandments and take up our responsibility to serve You and be Your representatives here on earth as the head and not the tale, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We repent and renounce our slavery as a nation of bitterness, anger, hatred, critic, judgement and retaliation! First the British degraded the Settlers as second hand citizens of their own land. The British oppressed the Settlers, treated them as sub standard, abused, humiliated and forced them to speak English! A quarter of the Afrikaner Settlers have been wiped out in the concentration camps! Their livestock killed, their farms and infrastructure burned down, women raped and they cast the country in total poverty by burning down everything and all infrastructures during the war! This hatred towards the British are still kept alive over the generations in the hearts of the Afrikaner! The Settlers judged and cursed the British and when the National Party took over the Government in 1948, they did the same to the indigenous people in South Africa! This anger, bitterness and retaliation are still deeply rooted in our sub-conscience! The Settlers just transferred this hatred towards the indigenous because they did not forgive the British! The Settlers in their part look down upon others, degraded them, cursed them, scolded them, humiliated them, treated them inhumanely, and as second hand citizens. Father Your calling to reveal Your Love to the people of Africa, to evangelise them, served them and build them up, was never answered to! The Settlers continued to live in rejection, lack of self-worth, pride, haughtiness, and greed under a spirit of poverty and allowed Mammon to take them captive through Free Masonry and just further enslaved the indigenous people by keeping them in poverty. The Settlers in pride and haughtiness thought they were better than others because of the gifts of wisdom, insight and creativity, that You gave us as Christians. Some of the descendants of the Settlers who themselves did not had any degrees, or school qualifications, looked down on others who had degrees, intelligent indigenous people! All people are equal before You and have the same abilities, while it is You that make us rich and bless us in our sleep! Secondly the heathen nations were cursed and You send Christianity here to set the captives free and not to enslave them further. To share, educate and provide infrastructure to prosper, as brothers and sisters! The Settlers missed their calling completely, and enrich themselves at the costs of the locals! They were neglected, treated harshly, rejected, looked down upon, slandered, scorned, and judged! Your creation was treated with disgust. They were cheated, not paid properly, treated unrighteous, against their interest, robbed, property taken away, education neglected and opportunities deprived from! Used, hurt, frustrated, angered, scorned, and humiliated! Father we have no idea of what we have done to others and how much we have caused our fellow citizens to suffer! Father then the ANC took over in 1994 and returned the anger, hatred, bitterness, judgement, critics, and curses on the heads of the descendants of the Settlers. The European and Coloured people are on the receiving end of this! Both Settlers and coloureds are no treated as second hand people in our country! This is just causing more anger and disunity for political gain. Father we come and repent and renounce this slavery of all nations, of anger, hatred, bitterness and retaliation. We choose today to forgive all other nations who has ever harmed, degraded, treated us badly or made us suffer! The British, the Settlers, every other indigenous nation and the Government, currently and previous! We open our hands and let them go! We will no longer be slaves of bitterness! Please remove every stone, anger, hatred, bitterness and retaliation from our hearts and give us a heart of flesh, filled with Your Love for others and those who have done these things to us. Cancel the power of every curse that was spoken, every judgement and word of criticism over the British, the Settlers, the Coloureds and every other nation in this country and our government! Turn the power of our Words around into blessings and give back seven times what satan has stolen from us as a nation! Forgive us and turn this whole situation around, and cover it in Your Blood so that satan can not steal anymore. We bless the British, the Settlers and all the indigenous people of this country to be the people You have created us to be. Thank You for removing all anger, hatred, racism, bitterness and retaliation! That You now heal us from all the hurts and negative experiences. Through Your Stripes we are healed. Arrest the demons and fill us with Your Godly Love for one another, in Christ Jesus’ Name! ?Remove our names from the books of slavery and delete the pages. Release us from any maze this has led us into and remove the maze over our minds. Please release us from any territorial or familiar spirits due to these influences, or because of our countries of origin. Cut the soul ties between us and all the sexual relationships partners out of wedlock, and cancel the curse of lust and wedlock over us and our descendants. We thank you for the Blood of the Lamb that washed away all these sins and silence all blood and evidence that is calling against us. Father please cut all the soul ties between us and those harmed through these sins, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We bind all these demons involved, ask You to rebuke them, take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!Spiritual Leaders prayer: fathers, congregations and national leaders?Father, thank You for helping our leaders with their problems. Thank You for revealing the things You want us to pray for and which specific leaders we should pray for. For showing us if there is anything in us that may prevent our prayers from being effective, and for giving us a forgiving spirit and a loving heart for one another. Thanks for putting a guard before our hearts and mouths so that we will not judge, criticise or resent leaders. Please flood our hearts with Your Love for all people! We thank You for our leaders and the high prices they’ve paid to be leaders. For blessing them with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For straightening their ways and providing in all their needs. ?For comforting and encouraging them, healing their wounded spirits and hurting hearts, for revelation, for removing every cloud of deception over their minds, for cancelling every false prophecy over them. Every stronghold against the Truth is cast down and every argument against Your knowledge and wisdom is taken captive! Thanks for revealing to them that You were despised, rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, acquainted with grief and sickness.?Like One from Whom men hid their faces, You were despised and we did not esteem You for that. O Father, please forgive us! Surely You suffered for our grievances, sicknesses, weaknesses and distresses. You carried our sorrows and pains of punishment, yet we ignorantly considered You stricken, smitten and afflicted by Father, as if with leprosy. But You were wounded for our transgressions; You were bruised for our guilt and iniquities. The need to obtain peace and well being for us was upon You. With the stripes that wounded You, we are healed and made whole! Thanks for giving our leaders grace and courage to endure. In our trouble You comforted us, helped us and gave us strength to endure. Thank You for being strengthened with All Power according to Your glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience. We joyfully give thanks to You! You qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the Kingdom of Light. ?We come against discouragement under leaders and we thank You that You will keep showing us to whom we should express encouragement. Thanks for pouring out Your supernatural grace and patience upon leaders and for revealing to us the pressures and pains that leaders have to face. Please help us so that we will not add to these pressures unnecessarily. Thanks for giving our leaders the physical strength to endure as promised to all Believers. Thank You that they will understand the Biblical Truth that humility is the basic key to cope with pressure. You oppose the proud but give grace to the humble. Thank You for teaching us the gentleness and humility of Christ.?When we’re weary and heavy-laden, it will cause us to experience that Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light. For giving leaders clear understanding that the underlying purpose in all trials and tests is to conform them even more to Your likeliness while they live in obedience to Your Word. Thanks for releasing Your Mercy on our leaders and that heathens are no longer laughing at Your Kingdom. For seeing all the children who are crying for help, food, shelter and Your love. For equipping our leaders to bring the children out of misery to You. For giving leaders a? greater and deeper revelation of Your unfathomable love, absolute justice and unswerving faithfulness to them in times of suffering. For lifting the veils of deception and doctrine over their eyes and ears, preparing their hearts to become humble before You. That fallen leaders did not only receive discipline in repentance and humility but that they were completely restored at the appropriate time. “Let a righteous man strike me, it is kindness; let him rebuke me, it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it”, Ps 141:5. Thanks that integrity and righteousness protects them because their hope is in You. You showed them what is good; it is what You required. To act justly and to love while walking in humility with our You.?Thanks for compelling our leaders that their greatest fulfilment is in having a more intimate relationship with You rather than in ministry accomplishments. That our leaders are making Ministry to You a higher priority than Ministry to people. That our leaders understand that submission, repentance and obedience to Your Spirit is the pathway of sustained power. To fear You is to hate evil and through the fear of You a man avoids evil. Thanks for Creator-fearing leaders and for revelation to our leaders that wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city. That a passion for holiness in thought, word and deed, replace our leaders’ love for self-gratification and that our leaders are delivered from the fear of man. That Your Spirit is speaking through them and that Your Word is on their tongues. “When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of Father, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.” Thank You that our leaders are like this, that their lives are fresh and clean, that it brings light, life and beauty to our nation and is productive to expand Your Kingdom to Your Honour!?Thank You that they understand that all academic and theological learning is no substitute for revelation by Your Spirit or for wisdom and that there are no short cuts. Thanks for helping them to study Your character and ways through meditation and revelation by Your Spirit! For revealing to our leaders that it is more effective to speak to You on behalf of men, than it is to speak to men on behalf of You. For having mercy on our deceptions and for revealing to us that not even You judge, but that Your Word will one day do the judging and that it is not for us to judge or to convince one another of our iniquities. Thanks for forgiving us in Your great Mercy! That our leaders are motivated to fulfil their priestly role of intercession. You forbid that we should sin against You in ceasing to pray for them. ?Thanks that our leaders have a worldwide vision for revival and world evangelism and that You prepare them for the awesome visitations of Your Spirit that accompanies revival and the great end-time harvest of lost souls. “The Father will lay bare His Anointed Arm in sight of all the nations.” Thanks that they have a greater understanding of the ways of the Spirit in Revival so that they will not resist Your workings, particularly when those workings are unpredictable and not familiar to us. That our spiritual leaders have a desire to be real and have a Heavenly hatred for hypocrisy, starting with themselves, and want to be transparent and honest, broken and contrite in heart. That none of us will preach the Truth, unless our lives validate what our lips say.?Ezra set his heart to study Your Law and teach Your Statutes and Ordinances in Israel. Father thanks that You have powerfully convicted those who weren’t real and honest. You brought them to repentance and exposed those who resisted Your conviction. “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known.” As leaders of our nation, the Bride and Israel, we submit ourselves one to another in Fear of You. For giving us burning desires and spiritual ambition to be like Christ Jesus, the greatest leader of all times! Thanks for increasing their visions for the reaching of lost souls in the power of the Spirit. That they will truly make You their role model and not any human being, Rom 1:21-27. “To this we are called, because You suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow in Your steps”. Thanks for keeping them from the folly of comparing themselves with other leaders and ministries because this only leads to pride, competitiveness, jealousy, criticism or intimidation and insecurity. For showing them any resentment or anger they may harbour toward You or towards people for the price they have to pay to lead.For revealing to them that any bitterness in their spirits becomes evident to others. For purifying the motives of our leaders and giving us passion for You only. Thanks that they are given needed correction and discipline with humility, mercy and compassion, balanced with uncompromising firmness according to Biblical standards. “Correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction.” For increasing the flow of Your Love through our leaders to the world, to their spouses, their children and to other relatives, keeping them and filling them with Your fullness. For revealing to them that they are only one of the tools in Your hands to function in Your great plans and that they are not meant to do everything themselves. For giving them faith to release others in their tasks where You want them to complement one another. Thank You for compelling our leaders to become unifiers and reconcilers with a commitment to the Body. That You use them powerfully as such. Allowing this to lead to deeper levels of humility, love and commitment to one another and that it is openly expressed. For Your blessings on these new levels of unity that we are receiving. For a new level of outpouring of Your Spirit in humility, love and reconciliation and that it dissolves all ethnic, denominational, gender and cultural differences. We admit to the sins of pride, prejudice and sectarianism.?For forgiving us and for washing us with the Blood of the Lamb. For keeping back Your servants from presumptuous sins. For giving our leaders the patience and humility to wait on You for directions in matters large, small and in every engagement to speak or to teach. “Which of them stood in the council of the Father to see or to hear His Word? Who has listened and heard His Word? I did not send these prophets yet they ran with their message; a message I did not speak to them.” For forgiving this sin and also forgiving us for not interceding for Word from You to be released to our leaders. We stand guilty before You but thank You for Your Mercy! We command the forces of darkness to cease their assault on our leaders. We yield the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of Father! We present the Blood, with the word of our testimony. In the Power of the Spirit we declare, You our Creator, Christ Jesus, King over our leaders! What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Therefore we proclaim that satan is forbidden to influence our leaders in this nation. We destroy every bondage or blindfold that is influencing our leaders. It is written that if we submit to Father and resist the devil, he will flee from us. ?We corporately reject and resist the lies of the secret organisations and the gods of Egypt, Baal and Dagon. We reject the demonic influences, ranks, fruits or any manifestations they might have had on anybody in and around our nation, the Bride and Israel! We declare into the heavenly that You are our Saviour and King. The Father of our Salvation, the One and only True Creator, the Son, Who is worthy to receive our praises! We reject any ranks, fruits or anything from the evil forces. Thank You, that these influences over us are now cancelled. We reject the evil forces of these secret societies and order these evil forces, to flee from our nation and not to return or to manifest in anybody’s life again in this nation or in Israel. We claim everybody’s soul that was ever involved in secret organisations in these nations for the Kingdom of Christ! Thanks Father that You will reveal Yourself to these people through the power of Your Spirit! ?Father, thanks that as we diligently make application of this message on an ongoing basis, the nations will hear You say to them in a coming day, “well done good and faithful servants, enter into the Joy of Father!” Thank You that You will do it for Your Great Name’s sake! We praise You as we stand on Your Word and we believe with faith that we can now thank You for granting the freedom of our nations. For Your faithfulness and all the wonderful revelations You have given us, for the way we could co-create with and be used by You to change history. For choosing to use us. We deserve nothing but by Your Mercy we are revived! Let the Father be glorified through His Son! All honour and glory belongs to You! Thank you Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!SOULS PRAYER:Lost friends. (At least 7X, (Ex 29:37, Lev 26:18+21 and Gen 4:15). Abba Father, we come before Your Throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus, Who came in the flesh. We declare that You are our Saviour, our Redeemer, our Father and our Creator! We submit to Your Spirit and ask You to forgive us all our sins through thoughts, deeds and words. Gown us in Your righteousness and blow life into our words. 1John 2:27. Father we bring … before You and ask that You will cover … in Your Blood and encamp … with Your serving spirits so that satan can’t get to …! That You will now write …’s name in the book of eternal life. That You will cover … name and … , in Your Blood and seal … off by the power of Your Spirit, so that satan can’t steal or kill anymore. We petition for a time of cease fire in the spiritual realm so that … may have peace and silence to hear Your Voice, 1Tim 2:1. Father hit satan with blindness, deafness and dumbness, bring confusion in the spiritual realm among the enemy and give us the victory! It is written, 2Pet 3:9 that You want all people to be saved. Therefore we plead with You for the soul of … and that You will bring … over from the kingdom of darkness to Your Kingdom of Light. The Kingdom of Your Love, Col 1:13. That you will send Your spirits to go and minister to … and bring … over to the Light, Heb 1:14. We beg You that You will compel … to approach You, by the power of Your Spirit and rip … out of the fire, Jud 1:23. Father that You will do whatever is necessary to get … before Your Throne. We petition against satan’s control and deception over …! We bind the gods of this world, the principalities, the powers and the rulers of darkness, the spiritual hosts of wickedness and every demon involved, everywhere, Eph 6:12. Those who have blindfolded …’s senses. Send Your angels and pull of every blindfold so that … can now see the Truth and the Light, 2Col 4:4-6. Our weapons of warfare are not carnal but mighty in You. We pull down every stronghold with Your Word, cast down every argument and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Father over …! Father bring every thought of … into captivity to the obedience of Christ Jesus, in …! Punish all disobedience, , 2Cor 2:10:4-6. We bind satan’s hold over …! Father command satan to let go of …’s will, mind, emotions and ability to choose. Release … from whatever keeps … in bondage, Matt 18:18-19. Satan, the Creator rebukes You, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Jude 1:9.Father we beg You to reveal Yourself in such a way to … That … will be able to identify You as … Father, Friend, Saviour, Redeemer, Counsellor and Prince of Peace in every area of … life. Compel … through the power of Your Spirit and by Your Love. That … shall get hungry for Your Word and start to seek the Truth. Put a burning desire in …heart to seek You. That … will strive like a soldier for Your Kingdom. Father, it is written that You will encamp us with Your protection, Job 5:21-23. Put a circle of thorns and a burning fire around … so that … will run and get tired and return to You, Hos 2:5-6. Thank You that You Loved this world so much that You sent Your Son to save us. We rejoice in You and give You al the Glory for the testimonies of … salvation that will go out to Your Honour in these days. Thank you that … will not die but have eternal life to give You all the Glory, Ps 118:7. Thanks that where two and more agree in Your Name You will give us, Matt 18:19 & John 16:23. This is a Decree! We declare this into the Heavenly realm: … is born again. So shall it be! It is official. (Blow shofars 7X, Num 10:9). Let Your Name be glorified through Your Son. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus and You Spirit of Truth! In Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! Souls petition prayer:Abba Father we come before Your Throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus, Who came in the flesh. We declare that You are our Saviour, our Redeemer, our Father and our Creator! We submit to Your Spirit and ask You to forgive us all our sins through thoughts, deeds and words. Gown us in Your righteousness and blow life into our words. Father save … the way you know is best. If I dictated anything to You and been a hindrance, I withdraw it and cancel my words, and ask You to set …Free to be saved Your way, Heb 1:14. Purify my motives so that my request for …’s soul to be saved comes from a genuine, deep desire for You to be glorified to the maximum, regardless of the cost to us, or to … and to be more conformed to Your image. That … will agree to this. Father pour out Your abundance of favour upon .. and help …. to receive that in faith. We ask in the Name of the Son so that the Father is exulted. We know You will only do what is best for all of us because You plan good things for us, Father, Jer 29:11. Father, what is it You are trying to teach … and us. Compel … to ask You this question? I want to learn the lesson more than I want our circumstances changed. Father keep us from presumption as to what Your answer would be due to from past experiences, or fear of man. Father if more honour can come to Your Name by delaying the answers to my prayers, that is fine with me. Do what ever is needed in my life to bring me to the place where I have maximum effectiveness when I pray for those who are lost.Assist me to really mean this and remove anything from my heart that could hinder my prayers from being answered. Father I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed but will have sufficient courage so that now as always You will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. If by my death … could be brought to You I’m a candidate for death and relinquish my own life. Father, I also want to relinquish … to you. I pray that if more honour can come to Your Name by bringing lost ones to You and then immediately taking them to heaven, that is fine with me.Do anything that is required to bring … to the end of h…self – even if that means illness or injury, temporary or permanent. Use anyone, anywhere and under any circumstances, to bring …’s soul to You. Father if after .… conversion You should call h.. to a foreign mission field or if … is martyred for You and I face the possibility of never seeing ... again, that would be my blessing! … is in Your Hands for the present and the future forever more. I really want to relinquish my dear one to You. Even if it means that … must die in order to be saved and You be glorified.Help me to keep my hands open and leave my love one in Your capable Hands at all times and show me wherever I am interfering. Father I truly want the greatest honour to come to Your Name through each of our lives. You are just in all Your ways and kind in all Your doings and only U Know what is best. We can also trust You to heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds. I choose to forgive because this is a choice and I willing forgive every person even before they have done anything that could hurt me. Help me in this. I realise that anger and bitterness are destructive to my mind, body, soul and spirit and ask Your Comforting Spirit to demolish any form of it in me towards … and to heal any wounds that we have caused to one another. It makes the bones rot. Fill us with Your love and compassion for one another. We receive this in faith.. I choose to forgive ... so that You can forgive me. I choose to forgive instantly, joyfully and wholly as You do. You forgave the many iniquities in my life. You are a great Father, full of Mercy and tolerance. I choose to have Your Character. I thank You for all the blessings You brought to me through the hurts … has caused me. With thanksgiving to You, the Mighty Creator I request You for the saving of … soul and the restoration of our marriage / relationship. Father … had … own mental, physical, emotional. and spiritual needs when he/she injured me and now. They are far greater then my needs.Give me Your supernatural ability to love and forgive h… through the Power of Your Spirit. I receive it in faith. Thank You! Please give me the opportunities to communicate Your Love to…, both through words and deeds! Please create favour for me in ... heart. Please bless, encourage, comfort, strengthen and meet …deepest needs and desires. Show me any area where I have tempted … to rebel against You and please forgive me for that and the hurt I caused You and…! I Listen to Your Voice. Please cover me in Your Blood and keep me from listening to strangers, Reveal to … that Your Love, Mercy and Power are much greater then our mistakes. I have contributed to the warped view…. has of Your Character, through my ignorance, misrepresentation and disobedience to reveal the truth on my side to .. . I beg You to forgive me and to give me the opportunity to set this right if it is Your will and that You will create a set apart appointment with … for me and confirm it. Give us broken and contrite spirits and let us tremble at Your Word to bring about contrition in … so that … will repent, Eph 1:15. Father thank You that You bless … with Faith and Love. Thank You for h… fellow believers that will make h… strive for their companionship. I thank You for giving …over to satan to pester… , but that Your angels will still protect … from serious harm as Your will dictates, 1Cor 5:3. Father please keep … from evil. Thank You for killing the self in … so that … will stand naked before You in Heaven covered by the Blood of the Lamb, 2Cor 5:3. Father thank You for removing the people with bad influences from … and putting walls of fire and thorns between the people and ... who causes … harm and to sin, 1Cor 5:13. I shout with great joy because of this, Eph 1:16! We won’t stop thanking You Father when I see how … do prayers of thanksgiving to You. We praise You. We pray that You, our Creator, the Father of our Messiah to Whom belongs all the honour and the praise, will give … wisdom through Your Spirit and that You will reveal Yourself to … so that ... will really know You and that You will open …spiritual eyes so that … will know the hope of Your calling and the riches of Your inheritance for … and that … will become acquainted with the awesome power that dwells in believers.Father give … greater revelation of Your Character, unfathomable Love, absolute Justice, limitless Power, infinite Understanding, unswerving Faithfulness, Your perfect works, and just ways. Give that through this suffering … will not lose faith in Your Character. A faithful Creator. You are able to do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, according to Your Power that is at work within us. We commit our ways to You, we trust in You, thank You that You will act. Command the evil forces, to retreat from … and loose their grip from …spirit, mind, soul and body. Drive them back. We bind you. Father release their grip on …, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We submit to You, our Creator, and come against you evil ones! We declare that it is written! We bring the Blood against you and ask Father to rebuke you! The reason the Son of the Creator appeared, was to destroy the devil’s work! We overcome you satan by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony; and we loved not our lives on-to-death! Praise the Father! We declare! You said, I will build My Temple and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.Whatever we ask in Your Name will be done! It is written, satan: “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world”! Praise Our Father! We shall constantly remind you satan that Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. Someone is going to lose this battle, and devil, it is you, we are in victory and sit in Heavenly places. Satan, as long as there is breath in my body, I’ll fight you by the power of His Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name! So satan, you might as well quit now. You are wasting your time with …! Father I ask you to frustrate satan’s plans in …. life and trust You for miraculous intervention in … circumstances. I speak death over satan’s plans, please release ..., from satan’s bondage. Pull every stronghold down and take every own idea captive unto obedience to Christ. We ask You to cover … in Your Blood and to encamp … with Your serving spirits. To strike satan with blindness, deafness and dumbness, to bring confusion in the spiritual realm over … and to give us the victory, in You! I pray that You will reveal to … the absolute understanding of surrendering … will to You Father, by giving h… clear understanding of Your Character to restore and correct … distorted view by the use of any means to correct the distortion. I trust You Father to do what ever is necessary to accomplish that. I ask you to reveal Yourself to … in person and bring … to the realisation that by becoming a believer he/she has everything to gain! Father bring .. to an end of ….self. I pray that everything …. is doing to pursue fulfilment outside the pursuit of You will turn sour and only produce frustration and emptiness and that You will use these frustrations to quicken the process.Furthermore I ask You to put the fear of the Creator on …and to restrain … from evil. To sow thorns in … paths and to build a wall of fire around h… so that he/she will run after the world and get tired and return to . .. first love! Hos 2:5. Father the entrance of Your Word gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. Therefore I pray, bring Your Word to …. or take … to Your Word and give … a burning desire to read it and to strive like a soldier for Your Kingdom. Father, quicken comforting and encouraging Scriptures to ...to build… faith. If… heart is hardened please soften it by the Power of Your Spirit and give … a retentive heart. I cry out please release h… in Your great Mercy. Soften every stone, bitterness, and break every inner vow and set h.. free from every bondage in …mind. I beg You for Mercy, in wrath remember Mercy as it is written! Please quicken some Scriptures to us that will encourage us to keep on believing that You are working regardless of what we may see. Help …to walk towards You, to lift up our faith so that it will be easier for us to enter into the praise of faith. Show us, how you are going to make h… a new creature in You. We worship You! Thank You for the Great Father that You are! We pray that as we throw … on to You, that You will act to bring the greatest honour to Your Name in …circumstances. Thank You. You have given man a free will but through our intercession according to Your ways, Let Your Hand be moved to bring influences and pressures to bear upon … which will compel … to choose Your ways and Your will for …! Bring … to the point where … will find it easier to yield …. life to You, than to hold out against You! Answer me Oh, Father, answer me, so that … will know that You, are on our side and that You are turning .. heart back again! Thank You! We pray that … will become a deeply committed disciple. That …will have a burning desire to know You and make You known and impact .. ‘s generation in the Power of Your Spirit. We pray that through …’s steps of obedience to revealed truth ... will be an over comer and part of the Bride. Father give … a burden for lost souls as You have given us, in Christ Jesus’ Name!I give You all the honour and the praise for bringing …. over to the light. Nothing that we have done, but by Your Spirit it will be done. It is due to Your Grace, Mercy, Power, and Your Love. Not to us, not to us but to Your Name be the Honour because of Your Love and Faithfulness! Thank You for making it clear that no one is beyond the reach of Your unfathomable Love and unending Mercy. Enlarge my heart, by making it more like Yours, and give me compassion for the lost. Increase my faith to persevere in prayer for those who still resist You. By Your Mercy, I choose to pay whatever price You may ask in order that precious lost souls may come into Your Kingdom. Give them and me a far greater revelation of what You’re really like. I believe that is our greatest need! Father, I ask You for a miraculous intervention in …’s circumstances, because it is written: You are the Creator of all mankind. Is there anything too hard for You? Exalt Yourself to the maximum in …life that …will be conformed to the image of Your Son. Your image Father. I pray that …will recognize and desire this above all else. Pour out Your abundance of Mercy and Favour upon …and effect the necessary changes in… in order that the Son may bring Honour to the Father. Father also show us what you want to teach us through these trials of …! Thank You that You will. Thank You, Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth. We bless …That You blesses …., and keeps …. That You make Your Face shine upon …., and be gracious unto … That You lifts up Your countenance upon …., and give … peace. I lay Your Name, in Christ Jesus‘ Name upon … as Your children of Israel and You will bless ….., in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!SPIRITUAL RESTORATION: Dissociation Identity Syndrome: (DID)Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We petition You for the spiritual and physical restoration of Your Bride, the Believers, Israel our families, and us, in every sphere of our lives. We admit that we have given ground to satan through sin and bad stewardship. We are Your anointed! You hear when we call on You! Thank you for forgiving our sins and cleansing us from all iniquities. We stand before You in our Blood Covenant! If there is anything evil in us please reveal it to us by Your Spirit. Search our hearts and expose all darkness. Let there be nothing between that causes separation. Anoint us with the Fear of God and Fear of Your Word. Raise our spirits to strive like soldiers for Your Kingdom and open the eyes of our minds to understand Your Word. Remove every wedge between us! Bring us in Unity that we will be One as You are One! Cover us with You Blood and surround us with Your angels and Your Name! We trust in You, Father! Walk with us in every situation constantly! We stand in our Covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with You, in Your Authority in Christ, and petition You, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Father, reveal to us all that satan has stolen, all that was done to us in darkness and in secret! Let nothing be a secret but let everything com to the Light, Luk 12:2-3. We petition You for a time of cease fire in the spiritual realm so that we can deal with everything of darkness so that this process will fully be dealt with and we will be fully restored, spirit, soul and body, to walk in victory and be spiritually matured, in Christ Jesus’ Name! That our year of Grace, Mercy, Restoration and Times of Refreshing will now start! That it will be given back seven times what satan has stolen, destroyed or damages! That we will now receive all our blessings and promises, of our Covenant with You! That You for Your Good Hand of Glory, Anointing, Protection, Healing and Restoration is upon us, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We petition that You will gown us with the Full Armour according to Eph 6 and Psalm 91, for our families, friends, congregations, Bride, relationships, property, finances, possessions, and callings! Through the Power of Your name, Mat 12:21. Mat 18:5. En Ps 144:1-2, by Your angels, Ps 91 & Heb. 1:14. By Your Blood & Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Protect us against everything we are involved in, demonic forces, agents of Satan, evil worldly organisations, systems, and governments! Protect us against all satan’s plans and snares he has set for us! We bind all witchcraft, curses, spells, activities of people that have been involved in ritual abuse, occult programming, and are used by satan against us and ask You to rebuke the curses and them! We bless these agents of satan and ask You to save their souls that they will be set free and be born again, healed and restore in Your perfect plans for their lives, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We petition for freedom from all hexes, curses, rituals, witchcraft, spells, deception, programming, mind control, false prophesies, manipulation, deceptions, denials, blockages, and activities of satan! We renounce and cancel every evil covenant, contract, connection or association with evil. Destroy every evil altar or contact point, open door or right, in our lives. We petition against backlashes, retaliation and attacks against us. That the works of satan, the false prophet, the antichrist, the beast, Jezebel, the sun god, the moon goddess, the star gods of divination, every spirit of destruction, deception, manipulation and infirmity will be made null and void in our lives. Their rights cancelled and all doors sealed by Your Blood! That all power and influence coming from worldly Political systems, the New World Order, the Antichrist, Freemasonry, the Vatican and all evil structures will now be cancelled and destroyed over us. We bind all spirits of murder, destruction, death, infirmity, denial, deception, witchcraft, the Illuminate, the antichrist, principalities and every other evil spirit and ask You to rebuke them, arrest them, and make a Footstool for Christ of them, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We petition You to save us, sanctify us, compel us to sanctification, give us a retentive heart, humbleness, vigour for Your Kingdom, seal to run with the Good News and to strive like soldiers for You! We choose and petition to be transformed, renewed in our minds, to be Christ Like, representatives and living letters of Christ! To be servants and to do to others as we want them to do to us and Love our neighbours! That You will fill us with Your Love so that we will love all people and the world will see Your Love in us. Father have Mercy, we can’t do it. Help us to do it. Come and live through us! Come and manifest through our Temples so that You can receive the Honour and Your Name will be Glorified! Let Your Light shine through us and Your Glory be seen upon us, so that the world can see, Belief and be saved, in Christ Jesus’ Name!In Christ Jesus’ Name, we command every part of our body, soul and spirit, dissociated conscience, conscience and sub-conscience to serve you! We renounce and repent of any blood covenant made with satan or made on our behalf, every marriage covenant made by us or on behalf of us with satan, any rights given to satan, every denial or inner vow taken by us, and declare we stand in a Blood Covenant with You alone, our only God, Creator, King, and Saviour, Christ Jesus! We renounce and repent of every command, right, association, involvement, fruits, marriages, children, deeds, thoughts, words, or any other action or deed that was done to us, or on behalf of us, that gave satan rights and open doors in our lives! We declare that we belong totally, spiritually and physically in our spirit, soul, body, conscience and sub conscience mind, and everything that we are and posses, to Jesus Christ, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Him only we will serve, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We bind and ask You to rebuke all spirit guides and demons dedicated to us and declare we are lead by Your Spirit! We repent of, renounce and declare a divorce between all blood, images and body parts of us that was sacrificed to satan! We repent of and renounce everything that we ever ate at any idol altar! We repent of and renounce all spiritual overseers, parents, and authority over us from satan, and declare a divorce between us. All initiations, baptisms and sacrifices to Satan that gave evil rights to and over us! We petition You Father that every piece of darkness, iniquity, trauma, involvement in occult rituals, negative experience or right to Satan that has harmed us, would come to the light and revealed to us, 1Cor 4:1-5 & Matt 10:25-26! That everything that was ever done to us will be remembered and come to our conscious mind! Where we have been traumatized, submitted to intense pain, abused, molested, raped, hypnotised and have dissociated or pushed the negative experience into our sub-conceive mind, at any stage of our lives, please let it be revealed! We repent of it, forgave those who have done it to us and ask You to heal us! Heal us from every piece of darkness, brokenness, fear or trauma we have been expose to, that is stuck in our sub conscience, and that we are unaware of. Bring it to the Light Father and cancel satan’s rights to keep us in bondage, in Christ Jesus’ Name!In Christ Jesus’ Name, we command every denial, bad and traumatic experience to come in to the light! It does not matter who has done it to us! It does not matter what was done to us! We open our hands and forgive them, and bless them! But Father we choose to be healed, sanctified, released from any bondage and to be totally free form all sin and iniquities! We choose to know what ever has happened to us and where ever our bodies were involved in sin and our hearts were broken in pieces. We renounce every fruit of spilt personalities and bi-polarism! We want every part of our conscience to be one in unity, healed and our memories restored! We release everything in our subconscious to come to the service and conscience mind so that we will remember it clearly. We bind the demons involved to keep us in bondage and ask You to rebuke them, in Christ Jesus’ Name! By Your Stripes, through Your Word and in Your Name, we are healed, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Bless us with Your Love, Mercy, Grace, Long Suffering, Diplomacy, Patience, Friendliness, Humbleness, Obedience and Goodness! With the gifts of discernment, that our flesh will be crucified, to be blessings to fellow Believers and all people alike! That we will be Fountains of Living Water and Love, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We petition You to remove every hurt, piece of anger, seed of corruption, deception, false doctrine, evil world view, iniquity, root of disbelief out of our hearts and fill us with obedience, righteousness, thankfulness, and zeal for You! That You will blow life into Your Word and Promises and that it will manifest in our lives! Father anoint us, equip us, from us, renew us, make us humble, sanctify us, compel us to sanctification, give us repentive hearts, and set us free from all snares of satan! That we will have open hands, freely give, be submissive to one another, and bless us with wisdom, revelation and insight! That we will give You all the honour, that every bondage in our minds will be broken and the eyes of our minds will be open to understand Your Word and the mysteries hidden for the world!That we will make Your ways known, that You will teach us Your ancient ways, to be thankful, that we will serve You through Love and appreciation because we are thankful for what You have done for us, and not out of fear of going to Hell! Teach us to be thankful and appreciate You under all circumstances! That we will have peaceful times, the richness of full salvation, wisdom, insight, the Fear of You and Your Word, to be true representatives and examples of Christ, that we will be one as You are One, that we will stand in Faith, that we will have no fears or worries, and that we will testify in season and out of season of what You have done for us! Father blesses us with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Raise our spirits to strive like soldiers, fill us with Your Revival Fire to be the salt to this world, and open the doors and break the bronze gates open to Your plans for us! We petition You will save every member of our families, spirit, soul and body! That You will send you angles to minster to them and bring them over from darkness in to Your Light, and wrights their names in the Book of Life! Cover them with Your Blood, encamp them with Your angels and Your Name and rip them free! That our marriages will be prophetic actions of Your Love for Your Bride, for the world to see and belief! Thank You for providing in all our desires and needs in every situation! That You ad all things unto us! That we will no longer be a mockery to this world, but that will stand in awe and admit You have blessed us! We rejoice, are glad, praise You and give You all the honour for Renewing, Transforming and Reviving us, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You that it is time for the Harvest! Thank You that we can bring in the Harvest! That You are adding million to come and help to Harvest! That You have chosen us to build Your Temple and to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem! That all idols are now removed from our midst. That every idol will now fall on its face and that no more smoke will go up for demons from our midst! Thank You fro times of refreshing, that Jerusalem and Your Bride live in peace! We petition You, That we may now harvest the summer fruits, that the needs of the poor will be addressed, the widow and the orphan will be provide for now, in the needs of the foreigners in our cities, for the broken hearted, those in prison, physically and spiritually, that the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and that the Glorious year of our Father will be proclaimed, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Father we petition that we will be able to provide in all the needs of Your children, physically and spiritually. That You will anoint us that a double anointing of Your Spirit will be upon us and You will pour out Your Spirit as on Pentecost on all flesh! That we will be able to do greater things than You have done! That every person You send on our way, crosses our paths, every person that has seen our faces, every person who had a relationship with us, that they will be born again and that Your Sprit will come down upon them like a dove! Thank You for anointing us to go and testify about these things. That we will no longer keep our mouths shut! That the people of this country will be saved and repent! That You are raising prophets to show and lead the people in the way of Righteousness! That You are now finishing the good work You have started in us. That Your light is shining for us, we live in peace and are in Your rest! That we will father many nations, our youth are many and serving You, and that You drive the devourer away from us. Thank You that our pastures are green, our desert are blooming, our trees bares fruit, You gave us teachers of Righteousness, and let the rain of abundance fall on us! The early rain, the rain in season and the latter rain, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We petition You to give back hundred fold what the devourer has eaten up! For a hundred fold restoration of financial losses, material losses, prosperity, income, profit, available funds, positions, jobs, promotions, job satisfaction, joy, peace, unity, and whatever else we have lost or did not get! Whatever blessing satan has stolen or kept from us. The lost of our immune system, health, infirmity, bondages, inabilities, dysfunctions that came on us, decease, allergies, or malfunctions of organs and hormones. We bind these effects, plus every, germ, bacteria, infection, enzyme, or organisms that could harm us and ask Your to rebuke them. Father restore back to us any lost, damaged or stolen, physical, spiritual, or mental, in our relationships with You and all people, our friendliness, patients, long suffering, Love, father love, mother love, education, knowledge, performance, finances, positions, talents, gifts, creativity, wisdom, insight, intelligence, reason, understanding, capabilities, discernment, memories, abilities, emotions, capacity, intelligence, and damage to our brains! Any damage to our mussels, nerves, brain, spirit, soul, body, voice, organs, bones, taste, sight, hearing, smell, feeling, spiritual dysfunction and way of thinking, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We petition You for the restoration and Healing of our unity in marriages, lack of love, peace, joy, and Grace! Remove every wedge and bind us together with Your Love! Father help us to communicate, clearly, understandable, intelligent, to be understood, to have favour with listeners, and to explain our feelings and thoughts! That we will be able to keep unity, stay calm, prevent arguments, to keep quit when necessary, to think before we speak, speak Godly with Love, speak with insight, wisdom, to transfer information and be led by Your sprit under all circumstances, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We petition for total restoration and healing in every sphere of our lives, spiritual, physical, financial, in righteousness, spiritual insight, where our hearts were hardened, we blinded, in our authority, calling, faith, spiritual growth, Your perfects plans for our lives, every soul that we missed, our relationship with You, prayer lives, studying Your Word, good deeds, being a blessing to others, every gift of the Spirit that we did not used or get, in unity with others, and opportunities! We petition that whatever held us back, all walls will no crumble, wedges removed, blockages destroyed, strongholds pulled down, every own idea taken captive unto obedience to You, so that we can receive our inheritance, poperties, possessions, gifts, abilities, finances and needs, physical and spiritual! Whatever satan has stolen, murdered, destroyed, aborted, taken captive, damaged, perverted in our lives! Every bid of joy, peace, pleasure, prosperity, opportunities, anointing, success, we claim back seven times, We claim back every piece of ground, authority, position, calling and break through satan has taken or held back from us, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Father, cut us loose from every chain, yoke, blindfold, cufs, obstacle, blockage, argument, legal right, disability, hindrance, and deception, as we petition You for total freedom, openness, the Truth, that Your Light will shine in our lives, for clarity, wisdom, insight, revelation, visions, dreams, Scriptures under all circumstances, so that we will walk in Your Ways, according to Your Word. Father release Your angels to come and serve us and minister to us, protect us and to remove all stumbling block from us and to help us! Father please blow life into our Harvest and blessings, cover us and everything in Your Blood and camp it of with Your angels and Your Name and sent Your angels to let it manifest in our lives. We praise You for Victory, for total restoration! By Your Stripes, through Your Word, and in Your Name, we are healed! We agree in unity, pray in Christ Jesus Name and belief! Therefore it is done! You have grant us restoration and freedom! Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! Total surrender prayer?Father, in the Name of Christ Jesus, let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done, as in Heaven, on earth and in my life. I choose to forgive everyone, even before someone has hurt me, please forgive me my sins as I forgive those who have sinned against me. Convict me if there is anything in me that is not from You, any sin that I have not repent of. Anything that I hold against anybody else. Please show me if there is anything that is keeping You from listening to me which influences the effectiveness of my prayers from being answered. I declare Christ Jesus of Nazareth the Creator of the fathers, the Creator of Abraham, the Creator of Isaac, the Creator of Jacob, my Creator, King and Saviour and surrender totally to Your Spirit. In the All-powerful Name of Christ Jesus, I bind every evil force of darkness on these premises and ask You to rebuke them, in submission to Your Spirit. ?Command the evil ones to flee from this place and not to come back. Take captive every thought unto obedience to You. Father, give order that Your angels will remove everything evil from these premises, and cover my mind and this premises with Your Blood and keep me from listening to strangers. You ordered us to be filled with the Spirit. Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with Thy Spirit. When my entire soul is yielded to Your o Spirit, You Yourself will fill me. Rid me of self, self life, self comfort, self consciousness, self pleasing, my rights, my possessions, my ideas, plans, agendas, visions, ministry and my will. Deliver us from the power of self. I am Yours and all that I have is in absolute surrender. I yield myself completely, body, mind, soul and spirit to You. You are the foundation of Life, the source of existence and power and goodness, and throughout the universe there is nothing like You.?We belong to You as our Creator and I choose to obey You. Change me into Your image because You only work in me when I am entirely given up unto You. I choose to give the imperfect, total surrender as best as I can, willingly and beg You to work in me, both to will and to do of Your good pleasure. You raised Abraham up and prepared him as an instrument for Your glory, so do it with me. I choose willingly that You should do it. Even if I perform and throw my toys out of the cot. Please continue and kill the self in me. I am hanging on to You the vine tree as one of Your branches and can’t do anything for myself. I am entirely dependent on You for anything and to bear fruit as a channel and empty container. ?I wait on You Father in a deep rest to do Your will through me. Pour Your life giving waters into me, to give buds and leafs and bear Your wonderful fruits. Give me moisture to keep me fresh through the hottest days. I am willing that You should make me willing and I trust You Father to work that absolute surrender in me. I believe, help my unbelief. I yield myself in absolute surrender, even though with a trembling heart and with the consciousness, I do not feel the power, I do not feel the determination, I do not feel the assurance that it will succeed. Even so, while I am feeble and fighting and trembling, in faith, in the hidden works of Your Spirit, I do not fear, but yield myself and belief that You will maintain my surrender. Father complete Your work. As a worm, I trust myself in obedience to the Mighty Creator Who is willing and able. By Thy grace I desire to do Thy will in everything, every moment of every day. Not a word upon my tongue but for Your glory, not a movement of my temper but for Your glory. Not an affection of love or hate in my heart but for Your glory according to Thy will. Let my absolute surrender be one of simple, childlike, and unbounded trust in You.?O King according to Thy Word I and all I have is Yours. Everything for Thee! I accept Thy demands, I bow in humbleness before You and confess that I have sinned against You, I have grieved Your Spirit by self. I beg You to break my heart and bring me into the dust before You. I agree with You that in my flesh there dwells no good things and nothing except another life must come in. I deny self once and for all. Father, strengthen me, with might by the Spirit in the inner man, and fill me with Your mighty Power. Prove Thy mighty Power in my soul, day by day in such a way that it shows to men that You are Almighty to save and to keep. ?This love is utterly beyond my power, it is absolutely impossible but it is possible with You! Yes, You are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think. I claim Thy Greatness to manifest through all saints. Father our spiritual life is not what it should be. Father I have received the Spirit, and I must live according to His guidance, and I must live in His Power, please equip me to do that. Thank You that Your Spirit Lives in me to teach and to learn and to comfort and strengthen me. O’ Spirit lead me to live every moment a life obedient to You, by Your Power. Guide me to live a life acceptable to You, in the enjoyment of Your Salvation and Love, to live and walk in the Power of this new life.?Guide us not to seek glory in our own flesh, that we will not be shunted off to the line of flesh again. I am tired of my sinfulness, striving to be justified by works of the law, quarrelling, envy, jealousy, bitterness, strife, to try and serve You in my own strength, the power of sin and the sinful flesh that got the better of me, my lack of high standard of integrity and godliness, of not loving and temper, of condemnation, judgement, edginess and bitterness, of sensitiveness and pride. Please, deliver me from this and give me the marks of the presence of Your Spirit. We have tried to be Your ambassadors with as little of Your Spirit as possible. ?We have not sought to be temples filled with Your Spirit. You alone can work out Your will in us. We wait upon You alone. Your Spirit to come with all Your omnipotent and enabling Power to equip us to be, what You want us to be, and what You are willing to make us. To build into us to will and to do what is pleasing in Your sight. I bow before You and confess the state of the entire Body, so little power, so little devotion or consecration. So little conception of the truth that a believer, is a man utterly surrendered to Your will. Please forgive us. Separate us from partnership with worldliness.?We confess our sin of not giving up ourselves, to be entirely at Your disposal and that all was done in the spirit of the flesh, self, our efforts, our will, and our thoughts manifested, there was little or hardly any waiting on You. Please keep my eyes on You as my example and You in me as my strength and my life in every moment and action, all the time. I yield my heart to You, search me and reveal to me whether the life of Christ has been the Law that I took as a guide. This is my desire and I wait on You to do it through me. Give me the humbleness and obedience unto death before You. Thou has a right to do it, and my heart desires it, and gives absolute surrender to You from henceforth. The life of Christ must become mine. It is Your Will. I want my whole life opened to Your indwelling, control, and sanctifying power. ?He is my Strength, I want more of Him, the whole of Him, in all His fullness revealed by Your Spirit through me. You said,” He that believes in You, out of him shall flow rivers of living water. Let Your rivers flow through and out of me”! I am utterly given up to Thee. It is done feebly, trembling, but it is done. I received but little of what I know You can give, but as an empty vessel, cleansed and lowly, I place myself at Thy feet again, day by day and wait upon You. I love You. Have mercy on this worm, Ps 22:6. The fruit of the Spirit is love. I give myself up to love everybody and I ask You to teach me to love by the Power of Your Spirit. Let all men know that we are Your disciples by loving one another.?Let me be a vessel overflowing with Love to everybody all the day to Your glory and Honour. Let Your Love be shed abroad in my heart, in its fullness as an indwelling power, a love of You to me that leaps back to You in love and overflows to my fellow men in love. The complete relationship, with You. Renew my thoughts and keep me from sharp remarks, criticism, judgement, hasty opinions, secret contempt, condemnation, or judgement of my fellow men, but to love them. To love them with Your Love and compassion with their foibles and failures. I beg You for this, for Heavenly Love. ?I give up my rights to be happy, to be loved, to be acceptable, to be understood, not to get hurt, to be married, to be healthy, to have a career, money, possessions, a family, friends, relationships, or any relationship to be restored. I give up the right to any sexual relationship, to rely on anyone else, any lifestyle that is not Your will and to Your honour, to have a successful ministry or to be part of one, to any way of escape from problems, to own desires, a choice where to serve You, self protection, not willing to fail, disbelief, retaliation, and choose to crucify any fear not knowing what You expect from me, any fear to lose my individualism, fear for intensive emotional pain, fear for emotional disbelieve, and all rights to anything. I choose to die to everything and make You the Father and the Creator of my entire body, soul, mind and all aspects of my life. I beg You to take me into a covenant that we love one another with Your Love for the most unloving and unlovable, and unworthy and unbearable and trying and that You will equip me to love them with Your Love. ?Let Your Love just flood the hearts of all Thy saints. o’ Father, my lack of love, lack of friendliness, intolerance, jealousy, pride, non diplomatic behaviour, not taking others into account, seeking my own benefits, touchiness, ill temper, un forgiveness, to have pleasure in others misfortune, and judgment. I cast these sins at Your feet, let Your Blood cleanses me from that. I must do it. Please equip me. My heart loves Your Law, and my will has chosen that Law, Father work in me, both to will and to do because I want to do it if I just can. It is impossible for me, my Father, let there be an end of the flesh and all its powers, and end of self, and let it be my gift to be helpless at Your feet. Give me divine revelation of my state of helplessness and make me totally helpless that I can understand it.?I accept this absolute helplessness in anything. My heart’s desire and delight, is absolute helplessness and surrender in the dust before Your Feet. But I am even helpless to perform that. It is impossible for me to live that life. It is beyond me. Come and work it in me, not only to will, but also to do by Your Mighty Power and make it possible. Please! I beg You! I can do nothing of myself, I can just worship You and trust You to do it. Reveal this to me. I claim my deliverance from self, in Christ Jesus’ Name. ?All the Honour belongs to You. Thank You. I am in my Father’s Hands. My Father is working out my life for me, Hallelujah! I am delivered from self. The I is dead. You live through me. Praise the Father. Thank You that You grant me, according to the riches of Your glory to be strengthened with might by the Spirit in my inner man. Thank You that Christ Jesus has become my indwelling Saviour! O’ Spirit with Your divine Power sanctify me and enable me to do Father’s blessed Will, and fill my heart with joy and with strength.?I bow down in shame and confess before You, that my fleshly religiousness, my self-comfort, and self confidence, have been the cause of every failure, having begun in the Spirit, we tried to perfect it in the flesh. You Love me and plan good things for me, therefore I want to embrace Your Will for me with everything in me. Please have mercy and force Your Will down my throat. I beg You to do it. If there is anything that stop You, in me, please use what ever is necessary, I beg You, kill the self in me! ?Please reveal to me that it is only when I am brought to utter shame and emptiness that I shall be prepared to receive the blessing that comes from on high. Have mercy and accept and seal my consecration, I am willing and choose to be consecrated and to die in myself and give self up to the Power of Your Spirit. I come into Your presence, cleansed by the Blood. You alone can cause the change. You alone, Who gave us Your Spirit, can restore Your Spirit in Power into my life, that my whole existence will be to Your honour and glory, kept by Your Almighty keeping and nothing from my own doing. ?You are my Fortress, My Refuge, my Strong Tower, my Strength and my Salvation and I am kept in the very hollow of Your Almighty Hand. In the secret of Your Pavilion, under the shadow of Your Wings, that is where I want to live, kept by You. I am nothing. I am entirely dependent on You for my whole existence. I rest in You and wait on You to do Your responsibility. In Thy Strongholds I lay myself down, so shall the work be done, for who can work so wondrously as You, The Almighty. ?I have no cares, my cares are Yours, I have no fears, You care for all my fears. I go into Your rest. Remind me daily, to have much communication with You, to be continuously filled with You. You can give me as much or as little sap as You choose. Here I am at Your disposal, and You can do with me what You like. I have no will or interest of my own. You bought me with Your Blood, I belong to You and You Love me dearly, unconditionally and only want what is best for me, therefore Your plans is in my best interest and I choose to embrace Your will for my life. ?Please let Your will be done! Keep me from sin. Link me to You, The Living Vine, so that my heart shall sing, You are my Vine, and I am Your branch, I want nothing more, now that I have the everlasting Vine, I worship and adore You, I praise and Trust You, I love You and wait for You to pour out Your Love in me. Place an angel before my mouth and keep me from judging or speaking death, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, In Christ Jesus’ Name,Amen & Amen!21. Voodooism: (Curses are repeated three times).?Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We associate with our ancestors, our nation, the Body of Christ, the Physical Israel, the Spiritual Israel and those that still must be saved with the knowledge that we were equally sinful and are saved through Your Grace and Mercy! Therefore we want to extend this to the lost for these sins.Father we bring the evil idolatry of voodooism before You, in Christ Jesus’ Name. It forms part of all black magic, Freemasonry, Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism and Shamanism all over the world. Even our leaders are using this form of the occult to brainwash, hypnotise and manipulate us into doing what they want us to do. The sport teams all over the world are using it to influence their opponents. The children are using it at school to influence their teachers and the believers are fast asleep. On the 6/6/2004 (666)(2+4=6) a church service was held by a voodoo priest, who happens to be a Roman Catholic priest as well in one of our Christian congregations to implant voodooism in Christianity. We renounce these acts. We admit that in the books of Harry Potter voodooism is used. We admit that the Olympic flame also arrived in Cape Town after it went through Egypt to bring the Egyptian spirits to Cape Town and open the gateway for the Phoenix to rise again with it’s spirit of chaos. All this happened during the month of June which is the month of Juno with the symbol of a white dove out of the Greek mythology and was organised by our government leaders setting containers of white doves free. We renounce this idol worship and the spirit of Zeus that goes with this sun worship of the Olympic flame.?Father, break these curse of the One World Order over us and cancel any authority it may have over us. We renounce every form of ancestral worship which is the basis of voodooism. Every curse, witchcraft, mind control, hypnosis, brainwashing, blindfold, making zombies of us or manipulating us to do things without thinking. We renounce all blood sacrifices, occult medicine, sooth saying, African, Inca and Amazon magic, the ways of enlightenment, symbols, dolls, drugs, spells or hexes cast on us. We renounce all voodoo crosses, the four directions of the wind, the earth, fire and water. The voodoo trinity and all its powers. All spirits of initiation into voodooism. Cut any soul ties that we may have with any of our leaders involved. We reject this so called ancestral wisdom. We reject the voodoo Queen of Heaven as (Mary of the Roman Catholics). The marriages with her by Roman Catholic priests. The opening of graves to play with the bones to obtain powers. The waiting period of nine days to bury someone on the voodoo way and the playing of glassy-glassy after a year at the grave to call back that person. Father please silence all innocent blood that is calling against us because of these rituals. We have cursed these people from the occult over many years and opened doors for them to curse us. We have hurt them and called them names and are constantly fighting the people and not the evil spirits, Prov 26:2. This while you love these people and want to save their souls.?We repent of all the Pride, discrimination, haughtiness, arrogance, & intellectualism. All the disunity, criticism and slander. The lack of love in the Bride for these people in captivity gave satan these rights over us, Ezek 34. Father forgive us that we are not prepared to learn how to help these poor broken people and not to push them away into the occult, Is 58:6. This is why their curses struck home. We curse our own leaders, our government and one another and these people are using our words to empower their curses, 2Kings 2:24, Tit 3:1-2, John 19:11 & Prov 18:21. We repent of this and withdraw our words and set these people free. We come against every ritual against the Bride, our nation, us and our descendents and ask You to set them free from any bondage of fear they could have placed on us, to control society through fear. To intimidate us through the media. Break every fear of crime, death, rape, violence, Africa standards, unemployment, or fears about the future of our country over our minds. Break every cage over the Bride, our nation, our families and over us. Untie every knot and open every door where we are locked away. Every hexagram of disunity, chaos, false accusations, sleeplessness, restlessness, anger, hatred, total darkness, confusion, deception, twisting and turning of words and false doctrine. We speak death over it and bind the effect thereof over us. Remove every maze over our minds and anoint us to think outside the bocks again. Set us free for naivety to just belief everybody in the media! We bring every curse where any of us has been dedicated to satan, chosen to serve satan or were sold to satan. Where any of our body materials, umbilical cords, fluids, property, photos or images has been sacrificed on any altar of satan on behalf of the Bride, our nation, our families or on us. We declare a divorce between us and things testifying against us and ask You to wash it away by the Blood of the Lamb. Cancel every curse three times as it is customary to curse three times in voodooism. Break the curse of utter darkness over all of us. We ask that You will light up our total existence by Your Light, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Cancel this blood thirsty curse of murder over the Bride, the nation, our families and over ourselves. We repent of the ritual of throwing dried, crushed, cursed chicken bones on our premises, after the way in which the victim would die, was spoken over the bones three times. Please cancel the curse on the premises physically and spiritually which were also spoken three times while the crushed bones were sprinkled over the premises. Father please forgive every drop of innocent blood that was spilled in such manner where satan had rights to kill Your children, Ezek 9:4-6. We repent of and ask You to cancel the ritual to drip candle wax on photos of people while curses of pests, bruises, wounds and diseases are placed on the person on the photo. The ritual to use a doll and needles to curse people with the utmost pain, heaviness, depression, frustration, sorrow, destruction and all sorts of illnesses, physically and spiritually over the Bride, our nation, our families and ourselves. ?We repent of and ask You to cancel the curses on our marriages to create disunity, of utter chaos, to make people so angry at one another that they want to kill while they love, by bombarding them with all sorts of frustrations, deceptions, lies about one another and evil thoughts. We repent and ask You to cancel this ritual where four black candles with oil are placed around a photo or an image of the people. The painting of a red heart on the forehead or chest of the victims, the burning of the candles, the curses of total chaos, mental hell, confusion, deception, twisting of words, verbal abuse, extreme anger, hatred, violence, the bombardment with evil thoughts, the breaking up of relations, divorce and a bitter ending. The driving of a nail through the hearts on the photos and the curses of lack of love. Pull the nails out of our hearts, our minds and we ask You to fill us anew with Your Love for one another. Cancel this triple curse over our marriages and over our minds of mental disorders, that we will become crazy, irrational, irresponsible, will become mad or emotionally unstable and that we will not hurt with our words.?Cancel the curse where wax gets dripped on the photos and cut us lose from all demons of the wind directions involved. Thank You for giving back seven times what satan has stolen. For restoring our marriages, our relationships and our hurts to be a prophetic sign to the world to show them how much You Love Your Bride.?Thank You for cancelling every curse three times and for turning it back into blessings, for revealing this to every marriage partner that the evil forces are, in fact to blame and not our partners. For Your Word says that nothing that was done in darkness will not be shouted from the roof tops. Let Satan’s works be known from the roof tops. Expose satan’s works in our marriages so that both parties involved will understand his works and plans and stop fighting one another. Please restore every broken marriage and relationship in the Bride, our nation, our families and in our lives, cleanse us by Your Blood and heal us by Your Stripes. Keep us from going to bed angry so that we will not open doors for these curses to have affect on us.?Forgive us where we have been arrogant, haughty or full of pride. Where we acted as if we were better than others, relied on our own wisdom or the tradition of man, 1Cor 3:18-19. We opened the door for satan, please forgive us and cancel these curses. We repent of the curses of craziness, self-hatred, irrational thoughts, hallucinations, unworthiness, false responsibilities, self destruction and evil thoughts. We repent that our images were put in a witch’s pot and burned with the words “Famous, beauty and self- exaltation on it. That the ashes were sprinkled on our premises. ?Cancel every “voodoo to u” that we have been cursed by. We ask You to cancel it in Heaven and to turn it around into a blessing. Please wash away all the iniquities of voodooism, the things used, the human and animal sacrifices, blood sacrifices, asses thrown and everything that has polluted our premises with the Blood of the Lamb. Father, that You will either save these people or remove them from their places of stubbornness. We ask that You will bless every person involved in ancestral worship and voodooism in our leadership and places of authority with a double blessing of salvation, righteousness and the fear of the Creator. We bind the works of satan, every ancestral spirit, voodoo spirit, witchcraft spirit, gate keeper, every curse spoken over us and every demon involved and declare the Ruler of the Victor over our lives, our nation and our country. ?We declare that we are Blood washed children of the Most High. We take up our authority as ambassadors of Christ. Satan, we bind you and your unrighteous works over the Bride, our nation, our families and over us. We bind the works of hexes, witchcraft, demons, water spirits, curse, covenants, initiations, and spells. We ask You Father to rebuke satan and his evil forces. To strike them with blindness, deafness, dumbness and to create confusion among his ranks so that they cannot communicate with one another or their priests. That You will take all these demons involved captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen, 1John 2:27.23. ?VOORTREKKER MONUMENT: renunciation prayer: (Sun worship).Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father, we come before Your Throne! We die to self, surrender to Your Spirit of Truth and ask You to blow life into our words, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Anoint our minds, our ears and our spiritual eyes. Give us visions, revelations and reveal Your Will to us. Thank You that in the Name of Christ Jesus, we may come before You with favour and that our prayers will be acceptable to You. That we may stand in the gap for our nation and offer this prayer of repentance on their behalf to You. Father through our Blood Covenant with You, we now ask You to extend this Covenant over every area of our lives. Including close and extended family and friends. Our personal relationships, physical property, belongings, pets, gifts, anointing, Your promises to us, our calling and Your plans for us. That You will cover everything in Your Blood, encamp it with Your angels, send lions and wasps into the enemies camp, strike them with blindness, deafness, dumbness, bring confusion among our enemy and give us the victory. We bring any national covenant of witchcraft that our nation, our government and the church of any specific time has made with the sun god, Baal through the building of a national sun worship temple as the Voortrekker monument and renounce it. We admit that we have honoured the Baal’s, Ashtoreth and the whole constellation just as the Israelites has done. You do not live in temples of stone, Acts 7:48-49, but in our bodies, 1Cor 6:19. The Believers is Your House, 1Tim 3:15 and no temple or building made by men! We were suppose to Evangelise the country but walk in the flesh and did not think spiritually!We repent that we have allowed the Freemasons, the Brotherhood (Broeder Bond), the government of the day and the church to mislead us in raising a national sun temple for Baal under the spirit of nationalism and liberty, connecting every family, every city and town in our nation to this idol worship place. We repent of the roots of sun worship in our nation because of Anti-Semitism, Catholism, Babylonian roots, Freemasonry, secret brotherhoods and associations with Hitler, Slavery, our German or gentile roots, our Egyptian roots, African or Shamanism roots, whether we are from Africa, Celtic or Inca origin, it is the same spirits. We acknowledge that all of these roots come together in the raising of this sun worship temple. It was through rights that we have given satan over ages to deceive us as a nation that brought us to this national idolatry to corrupt the Bride of Christ to keep us in disunity and passive. All the fruits of these roots manifested through this. The act of rebellion of the Ossewa Brandwag raised a brother hood, which was controlled by the Freemasons, who used their influence and money to get the church and all political parties involved and mislead all in this national act of idolatry. We have polluted the face of our country with sin, iniquities, worship to satan, rituals, spells, witchcraft, curses, human and animal sacrifices, handmade idols, graven images, standing images, statues, and set up images of stones everywhere. We made demonic symbols, signs, structures and drawings to honour the sun god or the queen of heaven, Lev 16:1-3, in Christ Jesus’Name.We build these idol altars of sun worship, of honouring the ancestors, of dead heroes, of bloodshed or just plain statues of occult symbolism honouring demons in every little town. Linking these towns to the national temple for sun worship to honour Baal. We have done Babylonian rituals, marriages, baby baptisms to covenant the nation with the sun god and to pollute the Bride. We have implemented all shorts of sun worship festivals, to tease You Father. Christ mass, Easter, Valentine’s day etc. We have polluted our places of assembly with sun symbolism, sun pillars, Egyptian needles, obelisks, pyramids, hero graveyards, graves, and all sorts of ancestor worship for corpses which become dust. Everywhere there are suns, sun disks, circles and stone craft works symbolising sun symbols or sun rays. Father Ezekiel saw this in Ezek 8:9- 16, the wicked abominations that we do among us on our places of assembly. Every form of creeping thing and abominable beast, all the idols were portrayed everywhere. Ladies are weeping for the queen of heaven and our leaders are bowing before the sun to the east. Father we dedicate our country to You and repent of all sin concerning this national idolatry. We repent of every sinful act, idol ritual, unrighteousness, iniquity, backstabbing, rebellion, disunity, hatred of the Jews, secrecy and secret organisations, idol, human and animal sacrifices, all occult rituals, voodoo and spells, violence, bloodshed, cruelty, lust for power, adultery, rape, sodomy, and abortions, in Christ Jesus’ Name. The raising of sun pillars, stone images, high places, sun temples, idol statues, monuments, statues for heroes and the dead all over the country. The association with the One World Order, the Freemasons, the brotherhood, Ossewa Brandwag rebel organisation, Hitler, the rebellion of 1914 and those rebel deceased who were honoured as heroes through national statues by our government.This marriage between the church and government under the One World Order that tied the nation in a national covenant with the sun god through this sun temple and the involvement of the people on a national scale through the ox wagon trails, the Rapport riders with their horses in 1949 and the festivals of 1988 as the 50 year anniversary of this idolatry. The occult spells, curses, hexes to take people captive, covenants with darkness, blood covenants, oaths and secret covenants on behalf of the nation. The pagan rituals, traditions and teachings of doctrine, the commandments of the fathers. The distrust and the stirring up of hatred towards other people groups and nations. The soothsaying, astrology, false prophesies, the spiritual prostitution, the distortion of Your Word to support our doctrines like apartheid.The raising of one people group above the other. The pride, haughtiness, self promotion, hero worship, ancestral worship, the raising of people as Your equal, Rom 1:21-27,while we knew You, we glorified people. That we profess to be wise and changed Your glory into the image of corruptible man and creeping things. The rebellion, grumpiness, self righteousness, the robbery of people’s land, the keeping away of opportunities to outsiders, the appointment of Babylonian priests, the building of pagan temples, the use of torches as the symbol of illumination and the solar wheel or ox wagon wheel during all these rituals. We renounce the use of symbolism for curse lines, the wind directions, west, east, north and south, and the elements, water, fire, air and earth. Every altar, memorial board or statue or monument which is covered in occult symbolism. Many of our town centres are one huge occult memorial network. It is so sad how these people have polluted our country with these idol high places. Under every green tree and on every hill. Father please forgive us and heal our land so that You will hear our prayers prayed from this place, 2Cron 7:14-15.Cancel every curse of death, bloodshed, hatred, bitterness, disunity, spiritual prostitution, spiritual barrenness, spiritual blindness, of being an orphan, of apathy, hopelessness, depression, negativity, false doctrine, backstabbing, criticism, passivity, abortion, anarchy, chaos, religion, ancestral worship, witchcraft, the curse of the antichrist, the false prophet and false prophecies, the church system, manipulation, domination and deception. The curse of spiritual pride and haughtiness, worship of one’s nationality, greed, poverty in every way, bankruptcy, soothsaying curses, idolatry, sniping, eliminating people of the opposition, self protection, the rejection of the Old Covenant, false authority and anointing, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You for turning every curse into a blessing and for giving back seven times to our nation and us what satan has stolen through these curses. Father please cancel the power of the words spoken by these false prophets in authority positions over us that we will die for our country. We will die for you, South Africa. For our nation and land of birth we will die and that this is the way forward. We renounce all these and other words that are not from You, and a covenant with darkness.The words that we are on our way! Cut us loose! Father please cut the Bride, ourselves, our nation, the people involved’s families and every town involved loose from these occult altars, the high places where rituals were done, stone images raised, the spirits involved, the false prophets, the main sun temple at Voortrekkerhoogte, the occult priests, the Babylonian church system involved, the government and the officials involved, the sun god, Egypt, the One World Order, the Baal worshippers, the Freemasons, the Broeder Bond, the Ossewa Brandwag, the Rapport riders, the Rotary club, the ATKV, the Voortrekker movement and Hartenbos as the headquarters of the ATKV and linked to all these high places.Cut us loose from the spirits of these corrupt leaders, the soothsaying spirits, the false visions of Siener van Rensburg. The false prophet, the Beast, the Dragon, and the old snake, Rev 16:13-14. The spirit of homosexuality and hero worship, Rom 1:21- 27. The spirit of lust, perversion and physical and spiritual prostitution. The spirit of backstabbing and criticism. Jealousy, the Ahab spirit, apathy and loss of interest. The spirit of Hitler, German warring spirits and of National Socialism. The spirit of national pride. The spirit of war, bloodshed, hatred, revenge, violence, bitterness, that calls from these sun worship temples for bloodshed. The covenant with the sun god, the oaths, and the words declared, the publications, and every covenant made on our behalf with darkness or their agents. Cut us loose from the nets, the traps and the cob webs that are over our country to entangle us and to blindfold us from the truth through this idolatry of sun worship. Cut us loose from these things from the East. We bind and speak death over the works of satan and over the false light of the torches of the Illuminati, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We renounce that satan is still Lucifer with any light at all. He is full of darkness! Father please still all the innocent blood of all the people that were killed and sacrificed because of the sun worship in our country. All the bloodshed through wars that we have been involved in, the murders, the racial murders, the accidents, the ritual murders, the death of all the children of these people involved that have brought a curse of death upon the descendant, the blood sacrifices and the bloodshed daily throughout our country because Baal is calling for blood sacrifices of our children. The deaths because of drugs and abortions. Father our hands are just covered in blood. Please cut the soul ties between us and these people and silence every altar of bloodshed and sun worship that is testifying against our nation with the Blood of the Lamb and turn every curse of death around! Let these high places fall on their faces, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Send Your serving spirits to take captive every spirit involved in keeping these yokes, blindfolds, nets, traps and cobwebs in place which kept our people captive from understanding Your Word. Every gatekeeper and servant of darkness keeping our eyes from seeing and our ears from hearing Your Voice. Bind them at Your Feet so that they can not return again. Destroy every legal right that satan had in our nation or in our lives with Your all consuming Fire, by the Power of Your Spirit of Truth! Cleanse us from these sins and iniquities, rituals, bloodshed, sacrifices, soothsaying, and idol worship, with Your Blood. Cover every satanic alter, sun worship temple, high place or stone image in our country with Your Blood and set our nation free from the reaping process of these sins. Remove the nets, the webs and the blindfolds from our people that is keeping us blind and in disunity. Open our eyes, ears and the eyes of our mind to hear and understand Your Ways and to see and recognise this network of the One World Order all over us. That we can unite as Your Bride and be One as You are One. Help us to get to the point where You can anoint us with Your Spirit of Revival and pour out Your Clean Water on all flesh! Break the powers and forces of all occult cages, curses, spells, rituals, bondages, voodoos, witchcraft or muti thrown on our premises. We declare a divorce between us and any photos, images, materials, blood, body parts or possessions of us that agents of darkness want to use as contact point on us. We bless those who curse us with a double blessing of salvation. Cancel the power of their words and turn it around into blessings. Push every occult altar against us over in the spirit. We bind every demon involved and declare their works useless. We thank You Father for blowing life into our words. For covering it in Your Blood and for sending Your serving spirits to make it manifest in our lives so that satan can not stop it.We declare it into the Heavens! It is a Decree! It is a new season of victory over the Bride in our country. A season of Unity, Peace, Prosperity and Sanctification. A season of restoration and to be set apart to our Creator, the Creator of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. A year of Jubilee. We remove every banner of satan. None shall teach his neighbours, and none his brother, saying, Know the Father, for all shall know You, from the least of them to the greatest of them, Heb 8:11. We renounce all things that honours darkness and raise the banners for our King to come back to our country. Our Messiah, the King of kings, our Saviour, Our Creator, our Father, Christ Jesus! We bind these demons involve and ask You to take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, in Chris Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen!JESUS IS KING - LIVING WATER: 1:Abba Father. In Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne, and confess all our sins through thoughts, words or deeds! We submit to Your Spirit and ask You to blow life into our words. O Prince of Peace, Saviour, Living Word, Lion of Judah, King, Redeemer (Deliverer), Counsellor, Magnificent God, Almighty Father, the Beginning and the End, Righteous Judge, our Fortress, our Rock, our Provider, our everything! Christ Jesus, Who came in the flesh. Our Messiah!We bless our government. We bless our enemies and choose to forgive all people that have ever wronged or offended us. We withdraw all negative words and ask You to cancel the power thereof in the heavens, and to turn it around into Blessings. We open our hands, and release them. They owe us nothing. Father, remove every stone out of our hearts, and replace it with Your Godly Love for those we were offended with. Cover everything with Your Blood, and seal it of so that Satan can no longer steal from us. We declare this in to the Heavenlies. It is written. You prayed it in John 17. We agree, and pray it in Christ Jesus’ Name! Therefore it done! It shall be so! Your Glory will shine on us, and we will be one, as You and Father are one, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We bind Satan and his evil forces. Speak death over their works over South Africa and ask You to rebuke him!. We cast down every stronghold in our minds, and take every thought captive under the obedience to Christ. We ask You to bind the enemy at Your Feet, and to make a Footstool for Your Feet of them, to rebuke them, and that You will Command Your angels to encamp us and to protect us, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We rejoice in honouring You, o’ Father! We sing Praises to the honour of Your Name, make great Your Praises. We sing a New Song to make Your Name Great. To lift Your Name on high. Almighty Creator of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Father, how Mighty are Your Deeds! How we revere You and Your deeds! How we stand in awe of Your Deeds! Through the splendour of Your Might, Your enemies will come crawling to You. Let the whole earth worship You and sing Psalms to Your Praise; Let the people exalt Your Name in singing. What an Awesome God You are!You turned the sea into dry land; they crossed through the river on foot. We rejoice in You. You rule by Your Might forever; Your Eyes observe and keep watch over the nations. You gave life to our souls, and will not allow our feet to slip. For You, O’ God, have Proved us; You have Tried us as silver is tried, Refined, and Purified us. You brought us into the net, You laid a heavy burden upon our loins. You caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water, but You brought us out into abundance and refreshment, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We will come into Your House with our offerings; We will pay our vows which our lips uttered and our mouth promised when we were in Distress. Here we are Father. We and our house will serve You, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We will offer what You Require. We will tell the world what You have done for our souls, to all who Reverently and Worshipfully fear You, we will declare the wonders that You have done! We cried out to You; We exult The and high praise was under our tongues. You have regarded and listened to our prayers. You have given heed to the voice of our prayers! You have not rejected our prayer nor removed Your Mercy and Loving-kindness from our midst. We thank You, and praise You, that this is our turn around year. The world will be shaken, but You will bless Your children with the best year of our lives. This is Your Godly year of restoration. We praise You for the greatest year of restoration for Your children ever. Thank You that Your action will flow over to Your children, so that we will also become active. Thank You that You Recalibrated us according to Your blueprint for our lives, and that You restored to us, seven times what Satan has stolen, in this New season, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Thank You that You raise us up again, and Restore us in Your Perfect Plans for our lives in accordance with Your Will and Purpose. Thank You that Your calling on our lives are Irrevocable, and Satan cannot steal it. Thank You for Spiritual guidance in every situation, which enables us to walk by the Spirit and in Your Will. That we may know You, and know Your will, and do what is Pleasing to You, so that You can Anoint us to grow continuously to Spiritual maturity, Col 1:9-12. Thank You for wisdom, understanding, revelations, visions, dreams and Scriptures, to direct us into Your Perfect Plans for our lives, so that we may Please You, and Glorify Your Name! Thank You For enlightening the Eyes of our minds to understand Your Word, and that Your Spirit will teach us in all things, 1 John 2:20 +27. Thank You for this Spiritual earthquake that is moving through this world, through which, You established and restored Your Kingdom and Your Children, in Christ Jesus’ Name.(Is 42)Thank You Father that You called Christ in Righteousness, took His Hand, and protected Him, as You now also take our hands, and protect us. That You kept Him, and gave Him as a covenant for the people, and a Light for the Gentiles. That Your Light now Shines through us, to open the eyes of the blind; to set free the captives, and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. You are God, that is Your Name! You will not give Your Glory to another, nor Your Praise to idols. The former things have taken place, and now You declare New Things; before they even spring into being, You Announce them to us. We sing to Your Honour, a New Song! We praise You from the ends of the earth. In Christ Jesus’ Name, You go forth as a Mighty Warrior; You stir up Your Zeal like a man of war: You Cry out, yes, You Shout out aloud. You will do Mighty things against Your enemies. Reveal Yourself to Your enemies. You are destroying the kingdoms of this world. We exult and praise Your Wonderful Name! Is 42:13 & Dan 2:44-45!For a long time You held Your Peace, You have Restrained Yourself. Now You will Cry out like a woman in travail, You Gasp and Pant. You lay waste the mountains and hills. Thank You that You are now bringing the blind by a way that we have not known; That You lead us in paths we have not known. That you make darkness into light before us and make uneven places into plains. These the things You are doing; You will not leave us forsaken. Those who trust in Graven Images shall be turned back, they shall be utterly put to shame! Hallelujah! Thank You that we can now hear, and look and see. Thank You that we are now out of our comfort zones so that we can now obey and do Your Instructions. That the curse of spiritual passivity is now broken over Your children! We are spiritually matured and we live Your Word, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Jam 1:22 & 1John 2:4+6! We glorify You and praise You for action. Thank You that the community of Acts is now restored. That You Rearrange everything according to Your Perfect Order through this spiritual earthquake that are hitting the Believers, and compel us into action in Christ. Father let Your Name be Glorified!Thank You that through Your Love and the Power of Your Spirit, Your children are awakened, in Unity, and that You are covering these Dry Bones with flesh! That You put breath and Your Spirit in them , to stand as an exceedingly Great Army for Your Kingdom. That You anoint us with Revival Fire, so that we are men that are steadfast in faith! That we are devoted to Your Kingdom, Empowered, Brave, full of Boldness, Faithful and Courageous soldiers, Spirit filled, with Enlightened eyes of our minds, and Anointed for every Good Deed. Thank You for favour with You and all people. That the dead bones have come out of the Graves. That You established every Believer to take their place in this Mighty Army of Yours. Every soldier Anointed, Equipped, and correctly Positioned in Your Perfect Plans for our lives. That You anoint every one of Your Children with the Fire of Revival, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You for Lighting this Fire of Revival here in the South Africa, that will burn every dead tree and every green tree, and that no one can quench it, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Ezek 20:46-49! Thank You Father that we can now remain steadfast during these storms here on earth, and during the chaos that Satan is busy with in our land, and that we can enter into Your rest. That You now Restore, Establish and Equip us in every sphere of our lives, Body, Soul and Spirit. By Your Stripes we are healed. Your Word is Healing for our entire body. In Your Name we have been Healed, Is 53:5! Thank You that You now open the Floodgates of Heaven and bless us with the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Father, thank You for every child of Yours! Thank You that You Bless Your children with every blessing in the Heavens, and on earth. That You Bless Your children far above what they expect or can think. Thank You for times of refreshing that are now coming over us. That Your Children walk in Righteousness, in Justice, in Your Kingdom, and that You add all things to us. That You anoint us with Your Peace, Love and Grace! Sanctify us, Purify and Compel us to Holiness. That we will now be one, as You are One, and that You deliver us from evil, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You Father that You now break all cycles of Poverty, famine and Lack in the generations, and that You bring us into Christ, in every area of our lives, so that we are now so Blessed that we will be a Blessing to the nations. We Glorify and Praise You for Abundance in every area of our lives. We thank You for Love, Peace, Grace, Mercy, Provision, Finances, Relationships, Households, Careers, Understanding, Wisdom, Revelations, Health, Families, Fruitfulness, for the Peace of Jerusalem and for the Souls of those that are lost. We receive Your Blessings and Praise You, for Breakthrough in every area of our lives. We thank You for Spiritual Discernment and that You warn us of every onslaught of the evil forces, the enemy’s Deceptions and the Onslaughts of those who hate us. That You Pour out streams of Grace and Mercy over us. We thank You for a life in Victory and Abundance. That we are now the head, and no longer the tail. That every onslaught of the enemy will fail. We now choose life and speak life over our soul, spirit and body, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Hosanna to You, Father, You King Jesus, and to You, O’ Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We now walk over into the New Season of Breakthroughs, in Christ Jesus Name. We praise You and Glorify Your Mighty Name for Breakthroughs in every area of our lives. Thank You for the Blessings, Revelations, Provisions and Wonderful Plans that You have for us in this Season and that You implement this now in our lives. That all Your Promises, all the Scriptures, Dreams, Visions, and Revelations that You gave us, will now manifest in our lives. We call everything in, in Christ Jesus’ Name, so that we will be fully Equipped for Your Perfect Plans for our lives! We give every Promise, Dream, Vision, and Scripture back to You, to establish it. The Battle belongs to You, but the Victory is ours.Thank You that You Restore our Families and Relationships in Unity. Thank You For Your love, Your Glory, Your Anointing, Your Compassion, Your Mercy, Your Devotedness, Your Zeal, and Forbearance that You fill us with, to love one another. Thank You that You turn around every Negative Situation in our lives, and that You Equip us to handle and change it into a Positive and restore us as family, in Christ. That You Enlarge our Territory, and keep us from Harm.Thank You that You fill up every Valley, make level every Mountain, cut straight every Corner, and tar every Road for us! That You command Your angels to remove all Obstacles, carry us on their Hands and Protect us. Thank You that every one that attacks us, will fall over us, and that You will Restore unto us seven times what Satan has stolen in every area of our lives and to lost Souls, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We declare this into the Heavens. This is the year that we will be Clothed with Christ. That we will now be Like Christ. Walk like Christ walked, do as Christ did and be Your Ambassadors here on earth. This is now the Season of the Great Awakening of Your Children. This is Harvest Time. The Joshua’s and the Elijah’s will now be Established to lead Your Chosen People, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We are preparing and make straight Your ways, so that You can return to us here on earth, Act 3:19-21. Your Body is now being Restored. We eat Solid food, we are Spiritually mature, receive Spiritual revelations like never before, are fully Restored in our Relationship with our Bridegroom, with deep Spiritual understanding, a Spiritual anointing like never before, and Your Glory that Shines over us, that the world will see and Belief that You have sent us. Saul’s become Paul’s. Thank You that You Raise up Your Children to do Mighty Wonders and Signs and save lost souls. Father, through the power of Your Spirit, in Jesus’ Name, Deliver South Africa from destruction! Let Your angels Pursue day and night, those that rob us of our Love, Peace and Joy in SA! We bind every Evil Force and devil that opposes our future and calling in SA, speak death over their works and ask You to Rebuke them. Please dethrone all Controlling, Manipulating and Misleading evil force over South Africa, and bind them at Your Feet, as a Footstool for Christ. Every evil Altar will now Crumble and fall on their faces. Thank You that You give Your angels charge to destroy and remove every Obstacle that opposes our Progress. That You cover South Africa with Your Blood, encamp us with Your angels and fill us with Your Glory. That every evil Stronghold is now destroyed, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We as Believers now corporate TAKE authority over South Africa, and declare Christ Jesus, King, Saviour and Creator over our Lives and South Africa. We proclaim that You alone are our Lord and our God! You alone are the Lord of hosts! We welcome You King Jesus. Welcome Abba Father, Welcome o’ Spirit of Truth. Father, please come and take over our Land and come and be our King. Come and Establish Your Kingdom here in South Africa. Let Your will be done in South Africa. This is Official! Let it be officially declared and noted in the Heaven! We proclaim this official into the Heavens. Christ Jesus is now officially our King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We take authority over South Africa as Your ambassadors! Father, struck the enemy with Blindness, Deafness, Dumbness, and Confusion and give us the Victory. Keep Your children from further listening to Foreigners. Thank You that we will now be Prosperous in South Africa, through the Power of Your Sprit, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You Father , Revival Fire is falling on us. This is the year of a double Blessing, double Favour, double Restoration and the biggest Harvest season of souls. Thank You for the Restoration of Your Bride. Thank You for thousands of Work opportunities for Your Children and Provision in all of our needs. Thank You Abba Father, thank You King Jesus, thank You o’ Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen!WATCHMEN ON THE WALL: 2Thank You Father! We glorify and praise You for Revival in Christ Jesus’ Name! We submit ourselves to Your Spirit, and confess our sins through words, thoughts, and deeds. Please breathe life into our words! Ezek 36:15 No longer will You make us hear the taunts of the nations, no longer will we suffer the scorn of the peoples, or will You cause our nation to fall or be destroyed by the One World Order. 23 You will Glorify of Your Great Name, which has been profaned among the nations. The nations will now know that You are God as You show Yourself Holy through us before their eyes. 24 You are taking us out of the nations; Bring us back to our land. 25 Sprinkle Clean Water on us so that we are cleansed from all our Impurities, and our Idols. 26 You give us a New Heart and put a new spirit in us; You removed from us our Hearts of stone, and gave us Hearts of flesh. 27 You put Your Spirit in us and Compel us to follow Your Decrees and to obey Your Commandments. 28 We live in the Land that You gave our Forefathers; we are Your People, and You are our God. 29 You saved us from all our Unrighteousness; You call for the grain, and make it plentiful and will not bring famine upon us again. We declare that You Increased the fruit of the trees and the crops of the field, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We proclaim the restoration of the Spiritual Israel. Your Hand is upon us. Thank You that the Dry Bones are coming alive. We command: Dry Bones! Hear the Word of God, the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thank You that Your Breath enters them, and they come alive. You attach Tendons to them, make Flesh come upon them and cover them with Skin; You put Breath in them and make them come alive. Thank You that the Spiritual and Physical Israel and the South African Nation will now know that You are God. We prophecy it into the Heavens. Bones! Come together! Each bone to its bone. O Spirit: Come from the four winds, O Spirit, and Breathe into these slain, that they may live, through Your Power, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Thank You that Your Spirit now comes into them, that our Nation now comes alive and stands up on their feet – a Vast Army for the Good News of Your Kingdom. Thank You that You Pour out Your Spirit of Revival on us. South Africans, so says Father. You open our Graves and we come out of our graves! Thank You that the nation is now Alive and that they come out of the Graves. Thank You that we now move in to the Fullness of our Promised Land and Calling for South Africa and Africa. That You have made us alive. That You gave us Your Spirit and Established us in our land! That You Anointed us, Equipped us and put our Hearts ablaze for the lost Souls and for Your Kingdom, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Ezek 37:19 You took the stick of Joseph – in Ephraim’s hand – and of the Israelite tribes associated with him, and joined it to Judah’s stick, making us a Single Stick, we become One in Your Hand. 22 You made us one Nation and one King will be King over us all; Never again will we be divided into two Kingdoms. 23 We no longer Defile ourselves with idols, Vile Images or with any of their Offenses; You saved us from all our dwelling places where we have Sinned, and Cleansed us. We are Your people. 24 Your Servant is King over us, and we all have one Shepherd; We follow Your Commandments and keep Your decrees. 26 You made a Covenant of Peace with us! It is an everlasting Covenant. You established us and will increase our numbers, and put Your Sanctuary among us forever. Lord Jesus Christ we declare: You that came in the flesh, are our Lord and our God! Our Heavenly Father, King and Saviour! Please Breathe life over our words, and let it manifest here in South Africa! You Are! God who Is, I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the Almighty, the Amen, the Spirit of Adoption, Abba Father, the God Who Hears everything, the Strong God, Victorious God, Omnipresent, Faithful one! Deliverer, Beginning and End, our Strong Tower, Protector, Originator of Creation, Banner, Beloved, Bridegroom, Just and Righteous One, You are here, Immanuel, the First and Last, Everlasting Life, the Only Creator, Glorious God, and our Faithful God, Who never change, in Christ Jesus’ Name!You are God. The Beginning and the End! Keeper of Creation, Creator of all! Manager of all times. You always were, always is, and always will be...Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone! You were bruised and brought Healing! Was pierced and eased Pain! Was persecuted and brought Freedom! Your Body was Dead and brought back to Life! Is Risen and brings Power! You Reign and bring Peace! You are Light, Love, Longevity, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God, in Christ Jesus’ Name! You are Holy, Righteous, Mighty, Powerful, and Pure. Redeemer, Saviour, our Guide, and Peace! Your Bond is Love, Your Burden is Light! Your Goal for us is Abundant Life. You are the Wisdom of the Wise, The Power of the Powerful, The Ancient of Days, the Ruler of rulers, The Leader of leaders, the Overseer of the over comers! The Sovereign Lord of all that Was and Is and Is to Come. You are Everything to Everybody, Everywhere, Every time, and in Every way. You are God, and You are Faithful. You have Defeated the gods of this World. You are in Control, We are on Your side, and all is Well with our Souls. Everyday is a Blessing, for You are! With You all things are Possible, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You Father that You Deliver us: You visit South Africa and greatly enrich it, You Poured out Your Spirit on us. Your River is full of water. Streams of Living Water! You crown the year with Your Goodness. Your paths drip with abundance. You Deliver the needy when they cry, Provide for the poor, and Help the helpless. You Spare the poor and needy. You redeemed our lives from oppression and violence; Precious in Your sight is our blood. With Your Mighty Arm You redeemed Your people here in South Africa, in Christ Jesus’ Name!You are Merciful, and full of Compassion. You forgive our iniquities, and remember that we are flesh. You Woke from sleep. You took pleasure in us, changed our destiny. Ps 85 You showed favour to our land, O King, You restored our fortunes. You forgave the iniquity of our people and covered all our sins. You set aside all Your wrath and turned from Your fierce anger! Removed our iniquities, covered all our sins. You withdraw Your wrath, You turned from the blaze of Your anger. You gave everything that is Good, our land supplies its yield. Our Creator, Full of Mercy, Rock of Salvation, Creator of abundant Rain! You incline Your ear to hear us, released our Bondages. You gave good things to us in our sleep. Peace be over the Bride, Israel and South Africa.Thank You, O King of kings, Master, Living God, Lamb, Lovely God, Light of Salvation & Alleviation, Lion of Judah, Lily of the Valley, Life, Bright Morning Star, Mighty Rock, Provider, Who focuses on us, Establishes and Equips us, makes us great. Who has anointed us with Fire, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You for Revival; You blessed us, You surrounded us with Goodwill. Righteous Judge, Almighty Creator, Who hides us under Your wings, our Strength, our Victory! Our Favour! Our Help! Saviour, our High Priest, Heavenly Father, Lord of hosts, Our Hero, The God of Promises, our Glory! Thank You! (Ps21) You welcome us with rich Blessings and place a crown of pure gold on our heads. Through the Victories You gave us, our Glory is great; You bestowed on us Splendour and Majesty. You made us glad with the Joy of Your Presence. Through Your Unfailing Love, Most High, we will not be shaken. Your Mysteries are for those who fear You. You committed to reveal it to us. You lead our feet out of the net. You Hide us in Your Shelter on the day of disaster. You Conceal us in the Refuge of Your Tent. You Lift us on a Rock. You adopted us. You taught us Your Ways. You are our Banner! Our Strength and our Shield; a Fortress of Salvation for all Your Anointed. Thank You, You delivered our nation, Blessed Your inheritance, and are our Shepherd. You carry us into eternity. You gave us Strength, You blessed us with Peace, Living Word, Shield, Mighty Rock, Fortress, Rock of Israel, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You, Rose of Sharon, Rock of Salvation, Marvellous Counsellor, Holy One, Hand of Healing, Saviour, All Seeing God, Key of David, Almighty Creator, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Creator of Abundant Rain, our King! Thank You, thank You, Christ Jesus!(Ps 32)Thank You Father. You are our Hiding Place. You protect us from trouble and surround us with Songs of Deliverance. Instruct us, and Teach us in the way we should go; You Counsel us, and Watch over us. You Answer us, and Rescue us from all our fears. (Ps 34), Your Eyes are on us, the Righteous, Your ears attentive to our cries for help. You are close to the brokenhearted, and Save us when we are Crushed in spirit. You Delivered us from many troubles. You Delivered the souls of Your servants. You Support the Righteous. Confirm our ways, take pleasure in our Paths. Support us. Your Word is in our Hearts. Our Help, our Refuge. You helped and Rescued us; You rescued us from the ungodly people, delivered us who seek refuge with You. Omnipresent, the One that is More than Enough, our Provider, the One with Whom we have Favour! Thank You, thank You, thank You Jesus!Your Right Hand, Your Mighty Arm, the Light of Your Countenance, has given us the Victory because You are pleased with us. You are our King! You commanded our Victory. You Delivered us from our opponents. King of hosts, Creator of Israel, You Woke up to visit all the gentiles and the evil people; our Strength, we want to wait on You, because You are our Stronghold. Our Merciful Creator has come to our aid; Creator of Miracles! You have given us who fear You a Banner, to flee from the bow! We, Your Beloved are rescued! We are Delivered by Your Right Hand! You heard us. You trampled our enemies under Your Feet. You have become a Refuge for us, a Strong Tower. You have heard our vows. You have given double in Possession to us who fear Your Name. Your Loving Kindness and Faithfulness keeps us, our Creator, Who purifies us as gold, gives us our Daily Bread, gives us our Riches, Who Establishes us, Equips us, and Makes us great, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You!You are God, the one that dwells among the praises of Israel, Crucified, Sin Offering, Power and Strength, Who rescues us, Draws us, Compel us through Your Love, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Strong Creator, Omniscient, Living Word, The Way, Who Is and Was and Is to come, Who never changes, Who hides us from the enemy, our Comforter, Son of Man, Lamb of God, Thank You, thank You, Jesus!Thank you that You gave life to our souls. Thank You for Leading us out in Abundance. Truly, You have Heard. You have Listened to the voice of our Prayers. Praise be to You Who did not refused our prayer Requests! You didn’t withdraw Your Loving Kindness from us! You have shown us Mercy, have Blessed us; You have made Your Countenance Shine apon us, so that the people of the earth may know You! That all nations may see Your Salvation. You, our Creator, Blessed us. You Restored our Land! You blessed us, and are feared to the ends of the earth. You place the Lonely in a Household; You lead the Captive out into Prosperity, our Redeemer, our Deliverer, our Salvation and King! Thank You! Thank You for the Victory, in Christ Jesus’ Name!With Abundance of rain You sprinkle Your inheritance; when we are Tired, You Strengthened us. Praise be to You! Day after day You carried us; You are our Salvation! You turned Yourself to us, gave us Mercy; You gave us Strength, Delivered us. You gave Signs for our good, so that our haters can see, can be put to shame, because You, o Father, Helped and Comforted us. You assisted Your hero’s, Lifted high Your chosen ones from the nation. You found Your servants, anointed us with Oil! Us with whom Your Hand is steady; Your Arm strengthened us. Your Mercy and Loving kindness is with us, Your Name is for us a High Tower and Protection. You made us the First-born, the Highest among the kings of the earth. Forever You will preserve Your Loving Kindness for us, Your Covenant remains fixed for us for ever. You will not remove Your Loving Kindness from us, and will not fail us. You will not defile Your Covenant that went out from Your Lips, You will not Change. Once You gave Your Oath of Holiness: Surely, You will not lie to us! The witness in Heaven is Trustworthy, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You that You preserve the souls of Your Favoured ones, Saved us. You made known Your Holiness, revealed Your Righteousness to the nations to see. You remembered Your Loving Kindness and faithfulness to us; all the ends of the earth see Your Salvation. You confirmed what is Just, Right and Sanctified us, o Prince of Peace. You raised us up, Who owns us, Who is Present, Who is with us, You are lovely, and have made an oath in Your Name! You forgave all our iniquities, healed our diseases, delivered us from destruction, corruption, dishonest and evil people, You Who crowns us with Kindness and Mercy, satisfy our souls with Goodness, so that our youth may be Renewed like that of an Eagle, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You, for Performing Righteousness and Justice to us in oppression. You quarrel no more, Your wrath is turned away. You do not deal with us according to our Sins, repay us according to our Iniquities. As far as the East is from the West, so far have You removed our Transgressions from us. As a father has Compassion on his children, so You have Mercy on us. Everlasting Rock, Steadfast One, the One that never changes!Thank You that You visited us, and sanctified us, so that we can see the success of Your Chosen ones, can be glad in the Joy of Your people, that You Glorified us with Your Inheritance. You have Delivered us for Your Names sake, to make Your Might known. You Considered us in Your Covenant, and did not Regret Your multiple Mercies. Praise be to You, the Creator of Israel, for ever and ever! Thank You Abba Father, Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You, o’ Spirit of Truth! , in Christ Jesus’ Name. Amen & Amen!WATCHMEN 3 - Abba Father, we submit to Your Spirit and come before Your Throne in unity, in Christ Jesus’ Name, as the Community of Believers in South Africa. We confess our sins through word, thoughts and deeds and ask You to Breathe life into our words. We agree and Pray in Christ Jesus’ Name, we Love You and do Your Will, therefore You will Answer us. We call out to You Father. We implore You day and night. Have Mercy on us through Your Loving Kindness. Forgive all our words of Judgement and Criticism over our fellow Believers, other Denominations and Your children. Cancel our words, and turn the Curses around into Blessings, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Please fire a Spiritual atom bomb through the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, and shoot Your children awake. Destroy every Wall of Division between us. Shoot every Rampart, every Wedge, every Stronghold, Plan of satan, every form of Disobedience between us, to pieces. Shoot every Lie from satan, every Idol practice of our fathers, every false Prophecy, every man made Rule, Doctrine and habit down and tattered. Take every own Idea captive unto Your obedience, and bind Your children together in Unity, Humbleness with a triple band of Your Godly Love, urge us through Your Spirit to be Zealous for Your Kingdom and to Love each other.Anoint us with Fire to be the salt and the light of this world. Shoot our Eyes and Ears open so that we can see and hear. Urge us to persevere Unanimously in Prayer for Unity and Revival in Your Body. Establish Your Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. An Everlasting Kingdom that will never be Destroyed, through which all other kingdoms will now be Crushed and brought to an end, and made a mockery of, (Dan2:44-45)!Father, let Your Will be done here on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Awake from Your Room, oh Bridegroom and come and be our Hero, Zeph 3:17! We are Your Children and desperately need You. Roar and Thunder in the Spirit and drive away the vultures. Move out. Awake Your Zeal like a Warrior. Wage war. Shout out against the enemy. Reveal Yourself as our Hero. Shake us awake from our Passivity, as Your body. Joel 2:16. Start a Fire in our Hearts through Your Love and urge us through Your Spirit to take Action, to build Your Temple, the rebuild the Walls of Jerusalem, to win Souls for Your Kingdom.We bless all Your children and fellow Believers. We call out Your Name over them that You will Bless them and Protect them. Thank You that Your Countenance shines on Your children, that You have Mercy on them. Thank You for Lifting up Your Countenance upon them and that You give them Peace. Num 6:23-24. We Bless them with Righteousness and Reverence for You and Your Word. With Enlightened Eyes of their Mind to Understand Your Word. We thank You that You now open the Floodgates of Heaven and Bless Your children with all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Thank You that all Your Promises in Your Word are now Yes and Amen in their lives. Thank You for making Straight their Paths, removing all Obstructions and Stumbling blocks and for giving Your angels charge to carry them on their hands. That You now Restore Your children within Your Perfect plans for their lives, Provide in all their Needs, defend their Case and protect them from evil. By Your Stripes, we ARE Healed. You have saved us from our fears. You drew us out of darkness, the valley of shadow of death, and broke our Bondages. You Brake the gates of Bronze and cut the Bars of Iron apart for us. You Establish a legacy for Your Wonders; You are Merciful and full of Loving kindness, in Christ Jesus’ Name.You provided food for us; You remembered Your Covenant forever. You have Revealed the Power of Your Works to Your people, given us the Inheritance of the gentiles. The works of Your Hands are true and right; All Your Commands are Trustworthy. Established for ever more and into Eternity. Executed in Faithfulness and Sincerity. You have sent Salvation to Your people; You have Introduced Your Covenant for ever; We are now being Blessed. You are Lifted on high for us as a Light in the darkness: Almighty King, Christ Jesus.You have thought about us: Blessed us, Blessed the House of Israel. Blessed those that fear You. We are Blessed by You that have Made the Heavens and the earth. You are our Strength and Song, You have become our Salvation. Your Right Hand does mighty Deeds. Your Right Hand raised us up. Your Loving-kindness last into Eternity: do not give up on the works of Your Hands! Thank You that You came Quickly; that You Listened to our Voice. Thank You that our Prayers stand before Your Countenance like a Perfume, the RAISING of our hands like night offerings.O Spirit of God, of Mercy, of Truth, Comforter, of Power, Love, Self-control, Faith, of Glory, Spiritual Blessings, of Unity, thank You, thank You! Thank You, Christ Jesus! King of kings!You have Opened Your Hands, satisfied us with Your Pleasures. You are Righteous in all Your Ways. Kind in all Your Works. You Fulfilled the wishes of those who fear You. You Restored Justice to the Oppressed, gave bread to the Hungry. Thank You that You Release the Captives, opens the eyes of the Blind, raised up those that are bowed down, Love the Righteous, Protect the Stranger, raise up the Orphan and the Widow, make Crooked the way of the Ungodly, the Corrupt and those who serve Ancestor spirits and Anoints us with the Fire of Revival in, Christ Jesus’ Name! You have crowned us with Honour and Glory. You let us reign over the works of Your Hand, You have set everything under our feet: You have attended to our Rights and our Court Cases, You went to sit on Your Throne, oh, Righteous Judge! You are our Stronghold in times of Oppression. You Love Justice; the Righteous see Your Face. You have set free Your Oppressed people. Delivered us! You made our Lamps Shine; Almighty, You have cleared up our darkness. You have Girded us with Your Power, made our Ways perfect. Set our feet like those of deer, made us Steadfast on High Places. Saved us from our enemies, Raised us above our opponents. You made our Deliverances great, showed Loving Kindness to Your Anointed!You have healed us. A moment we were in Your Wrath, but a lifetime in Your Kindness. You have turned our Lamentations into Dancing, loosened our mourning-dress, girded us with Joy so that we can sing praises to You. You saved us through Your Righteousness. You have set us free from the Net, You are our Refuge. You have Redeemed us, o’ Creator of Faithfulness. You Hide us under the Safety of Your Countenance, You Concealed us from Strife. You have made Your Loving Kindness marvellous. Everlasting Father. Our Provider and Healer, Thank You Jesus!You are Great who take pleasure in the Peace of Your Servants! Our tongue will praise Your Righteousness, Glorify You the whole day long. Our Creator, Our Witness, our Master, the Creator that fixes our eyes on You, Almighty! You gave us the Desires of our hearts. You brought forth our Righteousness like the light, Justified us. You have done Wonderful things. You, the Holy one of Israel, are Great in our midst. You send the Hornet out ahead of us. You, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, our Maker, King of kings, Thank You Father! Thank You for Revival! For Your Anointing. Let it fall, in Christ Jesus’ Name!You destroyed the veil that covered the Nations. Conquered death forever, wiped our Tears, wiped away our Insults and shame, You Spoke, and it was. You Sanctified our walls, our Ramparts, we praise You. You opened the Gates so that the Righteous can come in! Thank You Father. Our everlasting Rock, we yearn for You. Our longing for You tears us apart inside. O’ Anointed One, how we desire Your Lovely Presence. Your Glory. Heavenly Father! You own the whole earth and the fullness thereof! Bless us with Your Fullness And Your Presence!You have shown us Mercy; as soon as You Hear us, You Answer us. Our ears hear a voice behind us saying: This is the Way, walk on it! There is steadfastness of our times, Richness of full Salvation, of Wisdom, Knowledge, and the fear of the Almighty is our Treasure. You are Omniscient, the All Seeing God, the One that Hears everything, our Provider, our Forgiveness. You Redeemed us from the pit of Destruction, pulled us out of the miry Clay, set our feet on a Rock; made fixed our Passages. You gave us a New Song in our mouths, we testify of what You do for us daily. The curse of Denial and Passivity is broken over Your Children. Your Anointing moves us to action. Your Children are now Commissioners of Your Word. Doing and Living Your Word! Gowned with Christ. Doing as He did!You Reign over the nations, sit on Your Holy Throne. Your Right Hand is full of Mercy. You Sanctify us, washed us with Your Blood. Cleansed us! Light of our lives. Living Bread, Thank You , thank You, thank You. Christ Jesus.Hosanna to You, our King! Our Strength, our Merciful Creator. Hosanna! From You are our Salvation, our Rock, we will not be shaken, from You are our Expectation! Our Stronghold! In You alone we Trust! With You are our Salvation, our Honour; Rock of our Strength, our Refuge. Strength belongs to You, to You, the Loving Kindness. You are our Creator, we seek You with our whole Heart; our souls thirst for You, our flesh Yearn for You. You are our Help, our Restoration! In the shadow of Your Wings we Rejoice. Our Soul clings to You; Your Right Hand supports us. We Love You! We Adore You. We Yearn for You! We are Jubilant about You! Our Beloved! You Reign forever through Your Power; Your Eyes keep watch over the Nations. Almighty is Your Name; Father to the fatherless, Righteous Judge to the widows. You have offered us Strength! Your Majesty is over us, Your Strength in the skies. Immense are You in our Sanctuaries! You gave Strength and Power to us. Thank You, Christ Jesus! Let the whole earth Rejoice and be glad in it, filled with Your Glory! Your ways are Holiness. Your are Great and Mighty. You are the Creator that do Wonders; Thank You that You made known Your Strength among the people. Revealed Your Mighty Power to the pagans. How Lovely are Your dwelling Place.Lord of hosts, our King and Creator! Thank You that You look and behold the Countenance of Your anointed. You gave Grace and Honour; You did not withhold the Good from us who walk upright. O King, You are Great and do Wonders, You alone are GOD. We learn Your ways: Your Loving Kindness is great over us, You are a Merciful, Gracious Father. Longsuffering and great in Faithfulness! You crushed satan with Your strong Arm, Your Righteousness and Justice is the Foundation of Your Throne! You are a Mighty Creator, yes, a Great King above all the gods. You are our Creator, we are the people of Your Pastures, the sheep of Your Hand!You are Great, and Worthy to be Praised; Formidable. You are the Almighty! Majesty and Glory are in the forefront of Your Countenance. We give You honour and Glory! Almighty Creator! King of kings! The Alfa and Omega! You have done Wonders; Your Right Hand, Your Holy Arm has helped You. Holy are You! Holy, Holy, Holy is Your Name! You are Good; Your Loving kindness last till eternity, Your Faithfulness from generation to generation. You are our Help and our Shield. Your Loving Kindness overwhelms us, Your Faithfulness last forever. We Love You. Our desire is for You. We want to cuddle on Your lap. We want to drink in Your Love until we can’t any more! Fill us Father. Open the Floodgates from Heaven so that Your Anointing will fall. Fill us Father with Your Fullness. Streams of Living Water! We Rejoice and are Glad in it. Thank You Father for Your Salvation, for Your Prosperity, for Your Light. Our feet do not slip; our Guardian doesn’t slumber. You do not slumber nor sleep. You are our Keeper. You protect us from every Calamity; You protect our Souls. You Bless us! Thank You for Your Glory that flows over us! Your Anointing that fills the Bride, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Messiah, King, Redeemer! Thank You, o King! O’ our Creator, You are Good, You Mercies are over all Your works and endures for ever. You are for ever King; You are from generation to generation! Strong Deliverer, Everlasting Father, Mighty Counsellor, Prince of Peace. Thank You, thank You, thank You! You build Jerusalem; You gathered us that were expelled. Healed the broken hearts, bind up our wounds. You are Great and Rich in Power; Your understanding is infinite. You raised up the humble. Have Blessed us. You Enriched us and Increased our Possessions. You drove away the enemy before us. Father, if You don't go with us or before us, we are not going anywhere. You?? will provided for us.??We won't let go of You unless You bless us. ??As for us and our houses, we will serve You. Speak, Lord, for Your servants are listening. Your joy is our strength. You are our Shepherd, we shall not want. This is the day that You have made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. We Trust in You, oh our soul, and lean not on our own understanding, in all our ways we acknowledge You and You direct our paths. Arise and shine for our Glory has come! No weapon formed against us shall prosper You have plans to prosper us and not to harm or fail us. Thank You that You bless us and enlarge our territory. We will not bow down to any image but will serve You alone. Every dry bones in our lives, live again, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord! Come Lord Jesus Christ, come! Come Lord Jesus Christ, come, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Amen & Amen!JESUS IS KING: 4: VICTORY SONG:Abba Father, we come before Your Throne in Christ Jesus’ Name! We praise You for Revival! We submit to Your Spirit and repent of all our sins through words, deeds and thoughts. Blow life into our words and let Your Word manifest here in South Africa! Is 55:11, Your Word will not come back void but do what You have sent it for! With joy we depart and with Peace we are led. The mountains and the hills rejoice! All the trees of the veldt clap their hands. Mat 1:24, we renounce self, take up our cross and follow You! We lay down our lives because of You, therefore we have found life! Matt 17:20, Matt 17:20, our faith is greater than a mustard seed! We command every mountain in our lives and country, cast yourself in the sea, for it is written! Every mountain leave our land! Mountains, hear the Word of God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! In Christ Jesus’ Name, corruption, Lawlessness, un forgiveness, Plunder of state funds, Unrighteousness, Injustice, Inadequateness, Godlessness, Paganism, un obedience, Rebellion, Retaliation, Racism, Chaos, and every agenda of the anti-Chris, plans of the One World Order or 666 system, plan of satan, every Pagan altar, false Prophesy and Lie! Every action in Darkness! Cast yourself in the sea, in Christ Jesus’ Name! You shall no longer manifest in this country! You are bind and shall no longer bare fruits! Satan we bind your works! We speak death over everything that is evil, pagan and against God’s plans for our country! We declare and decree! We declare in to the Heavenlies! Satan your time is over! Your time has run out! You will be a footstool to Christ from now on! You will take of your claws for all believers, our property, possessions, and God’s plans for us and our blessings for us and our country! Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who came in the Flesh, is our God, our Saviour and King! South Africa is the Kingdom of Christ Jesus and no demon or agent of satan may any further influence the future of the believers and South Africa! With our authority in Christ, in His Name, with our Blood Covenant with Him the Almighty Creator, and in Faith, we declare and decree, it is written, Christ Jesus said it! Nothing will be impossible for us in Christ! There you go satan, you and all your demons and evil plans, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Matt 18:18-19, Everything we bind on earth, will be bound in Heaven, and everything we release will be released in Heaven! We release the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we release all the Blessings in Heaven and on the earth over the Believers! We Release Revival, Transformation, the Renewing of our Minds, Healing, and Restoration over the Believers and South Africa! We release Times of Refreshing, the year of Your Favour, The day of Your Glory and Blessings, Freedom to prisoners, that every yoke is broken off, every prison will now open, every door in the Believers’ lives will open now, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We decree freedom and release over South Africa and the implementation of God’s Plans for our country! We release Breakthrough on every level! We decree deliverance and freedom from all slavery and control from satan and his agents! Every strongman is taken captive and bound at The Feet of Christ Jesus, removed from every position of authority over us and our country and are a Footstool for Christ from now on, in Christ Jesus’ Name! For it is written! Matt 18:19, where two and more of us agree on anything which we may ask You Father, You will grant our request! Where two and more are gathered, You are in our midst! Matt 19:19 We honour our parents and love our neighbours as ourselves! Matt 20:25, We will not rule over one another as the governments of this world and control others, 26 but everyone who wants to lead among us will be a servant, serving others! Everyone among us that wants to be first will be washing feet of our fellow believers. 29 Every one that has given up, property, possessions, family or land for Your Kingdom, will receive it back hundred fold in this life!Thank You Father for authority in Your Name! Matt 21:21, Because we belief without any doubt, we will not only do what You did to the fig tree, but to any mountain which we command to be casted in the sea! It will happen! Everything we ask You in prayer, with faith, we will receive! Matt 22:37, We love You with all of our hearts, all of our souls and all of our minds, and our neighbour as our selves! Is 60:1 Arise, and shine, South Africa; our light has come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon us. 2 Behold, the LORD raised upon us, His glory are seen upon us. 3 The Gentiles come to our light, and kings to the brightness of our rising. 4 Lift up your eyes round about, and see: all are gathering themselves together, they come to us: our sons come from far, and our daughters are nursed at our side. 5 We see, and flow together, and our hearts are enlarged; because the abundance of the sea are converted to us, the forces of the Gentiles are coming to us. 6 The multitude of camels are ours, the dromedaries of Median and Ephah; all they from Sheba are coming: they bring gold and incense; and show forth the praises of the LORD. Is 60:7 All the flocks of Kedar are gathered for us, the rams of Nebaioth are ours! You glorify the House of Your glory in our midst! 9 The ships of Tarshish bring our sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, unto the Name of Christ, and to the Holy One of Israel, because You have glorified us. 10 the sons of strangers build our walls, and their kings serve us: because You had mercy on us. 11 Our gates are open; they shall not be shut day or night; that men may bring unto us the forces of the Gentiles, and their kings. 12 For the nation and kingdom that will not serve us shall perish; those nations shall be utterly wasted. 13 The glory of Lebanon come unto us, to beautify the place of Your sanctuary; and You will make the place of Your Feet Glorious. 14 Our oppressors shall come bending before us; and those that despised us shall bow themselves down at our feet; and call us, The city of God, Zion of the Holy One of Israel. Is 60:16 We suck the milk of the Gentiles, know that Christ is our Saviour and Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. 17 For brass you gave us gold, and for iron, silver, You made our officers Peace, and our exactors Righteousness. 18 Violence are no more heard off in our land, wasting nor destruction within our borders; We are called walls of Salvation, and our gates Praise. Is 60:19 You are our everlasting light, and our Glory. 20 Christ Jesus shall be our everlasting light, and the days of our mourning have ended. 21 Our people are all righteous: we inherited the land for ever, the branch of Your planting, the work of Your Hands, that You may be glorified. 22 A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: You, the LORD will hasten it in Your time, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Is 61:1 Your Spirit is upon us; You have anointed us to preach good tidings unto the meek; You have sent us to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and opening of prisons to them that are bound; 2 To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; 3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness; We are called Trees of Righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that You might be Glorified. 4 We raise up the former desolations, and repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations. 5 Strangers stand and feed our flocks, and the sons of the alien are our ploughmen and our vinedressers. 6 We are named the Priests of the LORD: men call us the Ministers of our God: we eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory we boast ourselves. 7 For our shame we received double joy; and for confusion we rejoice in our portion: in our land we possess double: everlasting joy are on us. 8 You love judgment, hate robbery for burnt offering; and You direct our work in truth, and make an everlasting Covenant with us. 9 Our seed are known among the Gentiles, and our offspring among the people: all that see us acknowledge us, that we are the seed which You have blessed. 1:10 We greatly rejoice in You, our soul are joyful in our God; for You have clothed us with the garments of Salvation, covered us with the Robe of Righteousness, as a bridegroom with ornaments, and as a bride with her jewels. 11 You caused Righteousness and Praise to spring forth before all the nations. Is 62:1 For the Bride’s sake we will not hold our peace, and for Jerusalem's sake we will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burns. 2 And the Gentiles see our righteousness, and all kings our glory: we shall be called by a new name, which the Mouth of the LORD shall name. 3 We shall be a crown of Glory in the Hand of the LORD, and a Royal Diadem in the Hand of our God. 4 We shall no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall our land any more be termed Desolate: but we shall be called Hephzibah, and our land Beulah: for You delighted in us, and our land shall be married. 5 For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall our sons marry us: and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall our God rejoice over us. 6 You have set watchmen upon our walls, O Bride, we shall never hold our peace day or night: we that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, 7 And give Him no rest, till He establishes, and till He makes us a praise in the earth. 8 You have sworn by Your Right Hand, and by the arm of Your Strength, Surely You will no more give our corn to be meat for our enemies; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink our wine, for the which we has laboured: 9 But we that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise You; and we that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of Your Holiness. 10 Go through, go through the gates; prepare the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people. 11 Behold, the LORD has proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say to the Bride, Behold, your salvation has come; behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him. 12 we are called, The holy people, The redeemed of the LORD: and Sought out, A city not forsaken, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Mat 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for us is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are they that mourn: for we shall be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek: for we shall inherit the earth. 6 Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for we are filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful: for we shall obtain mercy. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for we shall see God. 9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for we are called the children of God. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for ours is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are we, when men revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against us falsely, for His sake. 12 We Rejoice, and are exceeding glad: for great is our reward in Heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before us. 13 We are the salt of the earth: 14 We are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. We let our Light shine before the people so that it glorifies our Father. Matt 6:15 We forgive other their trespasses so that we may be forgiven! 33 We seeked Your Kingdom first, came into Your Righteousness and therefore You ad us all that we need. Matt 7:1 We do not judge so that we will not be judged! Matt 7:21 Not everyone that calls You Lord, Lord will enter Your Kingdom but only we that do Your Will! Matt 9:35, We do as You did, Preach the Good News of Your Kingdom, heal the sick, and cast out demons. Matt 9:37 The harvest is huge, the workers few! We pray that You will send harvesters into the harvest! Matt 10:1 You gave us authority to trample on serpents, heal the sick, 8 and raise the dead. You gave it for free, freely we give. Matt 10:16 You sent us as sheep under the wolfs, We are weary like snakes but righteous like doves. Matt 10:19 , When we are given over to men, we do not care for what we will say, for Your Sprit will teach us in that moment what to say, 20, because it is not us that speaks but Your Spirit in us, 1John 2:20 &. 1John 2:27, Your Spirit lives in us and tells us everything! Matt 11:25 We praise You Father for you have hidden these things for the wise but revealed it to children. 28 We came to You because we were tired and You gave us rest! 29 We took up Your yoke and learn from You because You are Humble and Kind. 30 Your yoke is soft and light. Who ever do Your Will are Your brother and sister and mother! Matt 13:11, thank You for revealing the Mysteries of Your Kingdom to us and not to the wise! Matt 16:16, You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God! 24 If someone wants to follow You he needs to take up his cross, deny himself and follow You! Thank You Father for pouring out Your Roth on the False Prophets, John 3:36 He that belief in the Son has Eternal Life, but he who denies the Son will not see life but the Wroth of God will be upon him! Mat 23:2 The False Prophets sat on the chair of Moses! 5 They do things to be seen by people! 6 they like to be important! 7 to be called Rabbi, Rabbi! 8 but we do not allow people to call us on titles, because only You are our Master, our Father and our Teacher and we are all brothers and sisters, we are servants of one another and serve one another in humbleness! Mat 23:13 Wow to the False Prophets who lock the Kingdom to others, you do not enter and keep others from entering! 14 Wow to you who eat up the widow and the orphan! 15 Wow to you who make your disciples twice as evil as you! 23 You give ties but neglect Justice, Righteousness, Mercy and Faithfulness! 25 Your hearts are full of greed, evil and iniquities! 27 Full of dead bones and dirt! 29 You built the graves of the prophets but chase away those God sent to you! Your own words will testify against you one day! Thank You Father! Matt 28:19 All Your Children are making disciples now of all nations, baptise them in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit and teach them to do everything You taught and did! Mark 1:5 Al South Africans are getting Baptised in the rivers with Repentance of their sins! Mark 16:16 We that believed and are baptized and saved; 17 And these signs follow us that belief! In Your Name we cast out devils; speak with new tongues; 18 We take up serpents; and if we drink any deadly thing, it does not hurt us; we lay hands on the sick, and they recover. 20 And when we preach, You work with us, confirming the Word with signs following, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Luk 14:33, We let go of everything, follow You and are Your disciples. Act 3:19, We did repentance and received times of refreshing! Rom 8:14, We are led by Your Spirit. 2Kor 7:1 We have cleansed ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh an spirit, perfecting Holiness in the fear of God! Heb 12:14 We follow peace with all men and sanctified ourselves, therefore we see You from face to Face! Jam 5:16 We repent to one another and are healed! We are anointed with Fire! Revival is here! Streams of Living Water are flowing from us! You are in control and nobody can stop You Father! Thousands of people are saved daily! The Community of Acts are restored and everyone share everything with fellow Believers in Love! Nobody say his or her possessions are their own! Your children are equipped, Baptized with the Spirit and strive like soldiers for Your Kingdom. Thank You Father, King Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! WATCH MEN PROCLAIM!Abba Father we come before Your Throne in Unity, in Christ Jesus’Name as Believers. We Love You, do Your Will and therefore You will answer our prayers. Thank You for waking up Your Children! For destroying every wall, wedge, trench, stronghold, plan of satan,, disobedience, and obstruction between us. For destroying every lie, bad habbit, false belief, false prophesy, carnal rule or false doctrine. Thank You for taking captive every own idea unto obedience to Christ. For binding Your Children together in Unity with humbleness, with Love and for compelling us with Your Spirit to love one another. For anointing us with Your Fire to be the salt and the Lighr to this world. For opening our eyes and ears so that we can see and hear. For raising Your Kingdom here on earth that will never be destroyed as in Heaven, in Christ Jesus’ Name! That Your will will now be done here on earth as in Heaven. That You cry out like a women in birth, gasp and pant and deliver us from evil and bring us forth out of Babylon. Thank You for revealing Yourself as our Hero! For shaking us awake form our passivity as Your Body and Bride. For setting us on fire. Thank you who foils the signs of the false prophets and makes fools of deviners, who overthrows the learning of the wise and turn it into nonse. Who carries out the words of Your servants and fulfils the predictions of Your messengers, we who say, Jerusalem must be rebuilt and the Temple’s foundation must be laid, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You that You bless and keep us. That You make Your Face shine apon us and are gracious to us, that You turn Your Face to us and give us peace. Thank You for opening the flood gates of Heaven and that You Bless us with all the Blessings of Abrraham, Isaac and Jacob. That all Your promises in Your Scriptures will now be Yes and Amen in our Lives. That You will straighten our ways, remove the obsticles and stubling blocks, and command Your angels to carry us on their hands and protact us from evil. Thank You that You have healed, restored, equipt, and anointed us in Your perfect plans for our lives. That You provided for us in each situation in what we need and lead us in Your Foot steps. By Your Stripes, in Your Name and through Your Word, we are healed, restored and equipped. Thanks for victory, in Christ Jesus’Name! We proclaim in Christ Jesus’ Name. As we enter into this New Season we remember Your goodness and faithfulness. We keep our eyes on You. We have never experienced or encountered what You are NOW Doing in our midst. We Shook off all the past hurts, doubts, and failures and focus on You. This It is time to believe and behold Your promises and Your ways. Thank You for this day and season of new beginnings, which You are releasing now. Thanks for a new start for the weary and the wounded. New sounds, new ideas, and new visions are being conceived and birthed. We are stepping into new territory and new opportunity, in Christ Jesus’ Name! You are calling us as pioneers and visionaries. You called us where no worshiper has ever gone before. Our breakthrough has come. We will not let anything or anyone stop our pursuit of Your presence and Your Glory. We come in passionate pursuit of Your presence. The time is short and the labourers are few but the dry bones are rising. A magnifisant new army that is rising up in these days. You will have Your way and there is no person, system, or demon strong enough to stop You. You are Breaking through, Pouring out, and Releasing unprecedented Anointing, Favour, Joy, and Blessings upon us." It is time for Revival! "This is the season to get out of the Boat and to Walk on the Water. You are calling us to take leaps of Faith like never before. We are going where others have Refused to go because we Trust You. Thank You that this is the Season to Act on Your Word. Thank You for Opening Spiritual Ears to not only hear but to fully understand what You are now Doing and Saying. Thank You for pulling back the Veil for people to see You as You really are. Your Goodness, Loving Kindness, Mercy, and Love which You are revealing now even to those who have opposed You and hated You in the past. Thank You that this is the Year of the Second Chance for many who have even turned their backs on You. You are a Long-Suffering God who Wishes that no one should Perish. This is a Year of Mercy. We will not be offended when You show Mercy to those that we think deserve Judgement. Your Mercy is a way out of Trouble but it is also a door into Triumph." We Praise You. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Abba Father!Thank You for the Heavenly Excitement that is Spilling over into the Earth. The Hosts of Heaven are Cheering us on to Victory. We Release Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Spirit. We take Heart, are of Good Cheer, and Manifest Your Kingdom into the World around us, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We Enter into a Greater Realms of the Power and Gifts of the Spirit. Thank You that the Earth are now Covered with Your Knowledge and Glory, Father." Thank You for Opening the Doors to Hearts, Minds, Regions, and Nations like never before. Thank You that the Key to this New Season is Obedience out of Love. Here we are Father. We have Willing Hearts who offer up no Resistance to Your Plans and Ways. We Enter into this Season of Open Doors with Praise and Thanksgiving. We walk according to Your Word, Walk by Your Spirit and Live According to Your Spirit, and Your Power Rest upon us! Your Glory are Seen upon our Faces and many are Turning to You in this season of Harvest! This is a Time of Exceeding Great Days, Great Times, and Great Blessings for us! We Rejoice and are Glad in it! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus’ and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Your Promises are Great, True, and are Manifesting in our Midst! Thank You for Coming Quickly to Open Doors of Opportunity. We will no longer delay and Run the Risk to Miss it. Thank You for Opening Platforms in Public Arenas, Schools and Universities to the Good News of Your Kingdom and that You Anoint us to walk through these Doors Speedily. We will not Try and Do an Old Thing in a New Way. This Generation has seen it all Already. We will not Start a Another Club, Organization, or Group. They need and want something Real filled with Love, Power and Your Glory! Thank You Father that You Anoint us with Your Fire, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You for Stretching forth Your Healing Hand to Heal, Deliver, and do the Miraculous. We will not Fear but be Stong, we will not Hesitate, and will not Procrastinate. But be Bold and of Good Courage and will have Great Success. This is a Season of Great Outpouring, Spiritual Renewal, Revival, and Transformation. Thank You for Fanning the Flames of Passion in Your People once again. A Fresh Fire of the Spirit are Falling upon the Bride. Pour it out Father. Open the Flood Gates of Heaven. Thank You for a Time of Unprecedented Spiritual Hunger and Thirst. For Preparing the Hearts with a New Appetite for Spiritual Things and absolute Truth both in the Bride and in the World. For Sending forth the Harvesters into the Harvest. Thank You for Turning the Hearts of the Prodigals and Lost and that You cause them to Return to their First Love, Christ Jesus. Thank You for the Sanctification of Your Bride. Generational Curses are being Broken off and Your Blessings are Being Returned Seven Fold to Family Trees. Finances are Returning to Your Children and Bride for Kingdom Ventures and Soul Winning. Your Kingdom are Raised to Destroy the Worldly kingdoms. The Rock has come loose without man. Things that were Stolen are Restored Seven Fold and things that were Lost are Found again, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You for Breaking the Shackles and Cycles of Delay and Disappointment off of Your people, and for Bringing us into a New Season of Victory. We see You Waving Your Banner of Freedom and Victory over us like never before. The Season of Struggle many of us have been walking through has come to an End. The Seasons of not Enough and just Enough are over! Welcome to the more than Enough of God! We declare the Season of Abundance. A Season of the Overflow. Thank You! Thank You, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We are Blessed to be a Blessing to the Nations. We have Stood; we have Given; we have Sent, now we Rest in the Promise, we Receive the Promises, we Go with the Promises, and Grow with the Promises." "The past 7 years have been years of Preparation. We have defeated our Enemies in the Wilderness and they can no longer Invade our Promised land. We are going through the Jordan! We looked around and took note of our Surroundings for they have Completely Changed. The Atmosphere has Changed, the Spiritual Landscape has Changed, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We Declare the Season of Your Rewards for Kingdom work, Reparations for Battles Fought and Restoration of things and people that have been Stolen. Thank You that this is the time of Restoration of all things! Health, Life, Resources, Relationships, Finances Mariages and Families ARE Rrestored, through Your Stripes. We are Restored better than our Original Condition. This is a Year of Laughter and Joy. Great Joy has come into Your House and Ministry are more Fun than Ever. You have Restored the Joy in the Harvest Fields. Battle Fields will become Harvest Fields." Thank You, thank You, thank You, Abba Father!It is of the utmost importance for us to be about "Your Business". We stay in constant connection with Your Spirit and we Enter into Frequent Miracle Moments. We are Keeping our Eyes on what You are Doing as You Make Your Move in us. We Die to the Self. The Efforts in the Flesh. Thank You Father that You Possess our every Thought, Move, and Word. We were Created to be Your Dwelling Place and You Created a Culture of Habitation in Your House and for Your people. Thank You for Possessing us Completely, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You for substantial change on the Horizon, what we have known as normal has become alien to us. We do not Hang on to the Past, we Celebrate the Victories, we Learn from the Mistakes, and Repent of the Failures. Thank You for a Clean Break for us who are Willing to cross over the Jordan. Many are Launched into our Destinies to Do the work of the Ministry in this Season. We Do not Settle for what is Good, but Pursue the Best. We do not Walk in the Flesh, but Walk in the Power and Leading of the Spirit. We do not Grow Cold to the Conviction of the Spirit and do not Harden our Hearts. Instead we Have Humble spirits and are Eager to Serve and Learn and to Do Your Will. Thank You for Leading us in Your Ways. Thank You for Sanctifying us in to Holiness to be Vessels of Honour for Every Good Work. We are walking in the Spirit and has Crusified the Flesh. It is no longer us that lives, but Christ in us. We are Gowned with Christ. Doing as He did, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Your Bride is in Unity! New Alliances are Established that crosses over Denominational barriers. Thank You Father that the Walls of Division are levelled and Bridges of Unity are Built. Thank You that this is done without Compromising Scripture, Sound Doctrine, the Spirit and Gifts of the Spirit. A secret weapon are being released. It is beginning with the Children and the Youth. You are releasing Heavenly Sounds and Heavenly Sights to Capture this Generation. It is time to Train, Activate, and Release the Sons and Daughters in this Generation. It’s time! Thank You for Investing in and Releasing a Fresh Anointing upon Children and Youth. They are Containers and Vessels of Your Glory. You have Chosen them because they Despise man made Religion and Tradition. Children are used Mightily in Healings and Miracles during this season. We are making every effort and Move as Quickly as we can to Raise up Training and Equipping Centres in the nations to gather the Harvest of this Generation. Doors are Opening for Training Centers. We have favour with venue owners and people of Authority to use these premises, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You Father that You have Prepared the Hearts, made Heavenly Appointments and Prepared the Hearts to be Acceptive to Your Word and Your Needs.Thanks for invading public schools and secular institutions of higher learning with the Supernatural. That You give us favour and open Doors. That You are moving by unconventional means to get the Truth into the Public Sector. That Young people are Causing an “Uprising” in the Spirit Realm as they Seek and Speak the Truth about Falsities and Lies being taught as truth by Educators. Thank You that Your Spirit has sent out the call for Joel’s Army to come forth. This has been Prophesied for years but Now is the time!" It is happening in our midst. Thanks for Releasing Sounds that only You have heard and known until this day. Thank You Father that this is the Season of Release. The New Sound for the New Move is being Sounded. It is not the sound of instruments but it is the Sound of the Daughters and Sons. Thank You for Awakening this Generation that will usher in the Eternal Kingdom Age. That this Sound and these Sights are causing great Stirrings in the Hearts of men and in the nations of the earth. Thank You that there is now an overflow of Your Grace in this Season." " We declare that this is a time of Kingdom Acceleration. Thank You that you are making up for Lost Time. That what used to be done in 100 years are now Done in one Year. What has been Hidden Through the Centuries are now Revealed to us and through us!You are Releasing the Mysteries. We Embrace it, Possess it, Reclaim it, and Redeem it for Your Kingdom!" "A River of Fire are flowing from the Bride and it is making a great Impact. A purifying Fire are being Carried from Your House on the Winds of our Worship and it Carry forth Change to Governments, Spiritual Institutions and Economies. Thank You that what You are Doing in this Season are Reverberating throughout the ends of the earth. We take authourity over governments, spiritual institutions, and the financial institutions and resources and claim it for Your Kingdom. We declaire that the non believers has sored up for the righteous, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You that "Miracles are Common to show the World Your Power. That Creative Miracles are Connected to Creative Purposes. Thank You that You are Restoring Creativaty in Your people. As the Painters Paint, Bodies are Healed, as the Dancers Dance Deliverance are Released, as the Musicians and Singers Release the Sounds of Heavenly Revelation,?Creative Miracles are Flowing Freely. We shall not Hold back, will not Hesitate, we Are Entering in, Pressing in, we Want Everything. We are Letting Every Joint and Gift Supplied, to Manifest and do what You Need it to Do, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thank You for Releasing Revival upon us. It is a new season. The doors are open we have favour with You and all people. Your Children are Taking Hands and are in Unity. All denominations are now Uniting in Christ. All Walls of Separation Are Crumbling, Hallelujah We Are One at Last! We Unite as a Neutral Body of Believers in Christ where all feel Comfortable to get Involved in. This Vehicle Involves all Spheres of Society and all Believers are getting Involved in Taking the Good News to the Market Place. We are Living Christ and are Your Ambassadors in the Market Place by Creating Jobs and Employing people to Experience Your Goodness Father. We Have Become Living Letters Of The Word With Your Glory Shining From Us. You are raising the Agricultural Projects And All Sorts Of Activities On The Farms. All people from all Spheres of Society are Involved, Adding Value to the Agricultural Products. The Dream and Visions of the Farms are Manifesting in our Midst. Father You are Adding the Expert Farmers, Experience People with all Sorts of Technical Gifts Needed from Every Sphere. It is so Beautiful and Perfectly Squarely laid out and Everything are Just Flourishing. We are Blessed and have Abundance to be a Blessing to all Your Children and All The People Around Us. We have Training Centers, Public Venues and Stadiums to Train and Equip Your Children as Disciples of The Good News of Your Kingdom and We Are Reaching out to the World. As we Proclaim the Word You are doing the Miracles. We are Gowned with Christ and Doing as He did. Members are Trained, Anointed and Equipped. Every Believer are Active and Involved. Believers have Become Doers of the Word, Living the Word and are Doing even Greater things then You have Done by the Power of Your Spirit. We are Moving with this Vehicle, Uniting all true Believers from all Denominations as one Large Community of Believers Networking all over South Africa as the Bride and Body of Christ and no Longer Focus on one Another and our Differences but on Christ and the Good News of Your Kingdom. We are Building Your Temple and Your Kingdom. Reparing the Walls of Jerusalem. We are no Longer Churches but Communities of Believers Networking all over as one, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Believers are Mature, Spirit led and Anointed with Your Glory. Your Children are Sanctified, Set Appart and Vehicles of Honour Living Holy lifes. They Walk on Holy Ground and are taking Your Presence and Glory where ever they Set there Feet, making Your Glory Manifest Everywhere they Are! The dead bones of Ezek 37 Have risen and became a mighty army. The Community of Acts are Restored. Believers are Corporately Pooling their Infrastructure, Talents, Experience, Possesions, Money and Resources to Corporately Advance Your Kingdom. The Elders are Inplace to Manage and Steward Your Store Rooms and You are giving back Hundred Fold what People have Invested in Your Kingdom. Revival are all Over. Your Fire is Falling on all Flesh. How Wonderfull. How Special. What a Previledge to live now. We Love You. We Adore You. We Praise You. We Thank You, Thank You, Thank You so much Father, King Jesus and Spirit of Anointing, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen! Amen, and Amen! Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit, in Christ Jesus’Name! Amen & Amen!WATCHMEN - RECONCILLIATION PRAYER: Abba Father, we come before Your Throne, in Christ Jesus’ Name! We surrender to Your Spirit and ask You to blow life into our words. We repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts and ask You to Gown us in Your righteousness. Thank You for cleansing us with Your Blood so that we are now vehicles of honour for every good work, 2Tim 2:20-21. That we may now stand on the walls of Jerusalem and remind You of Your promises to us. That we will day and night prophesy Your Word till You have made us the Head and no longer the tail and we have Revival, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Thanks for removing all evil from this premises. That You anoint our ears, our minds and encamp us and this premises with Your angels and keep us from listening to strangers. That You give us visions, revelations and Scriptures. That You send Your angels to make our words manifest in our midst! We declare, we announce it into the Heavenlies, we proclaim. It will be done. Thank You that we can come and stand before Your Throne and stand in the gap for the Physical and spiritual Israel, our nation, the Bride, the Body of Christ and our country. It is a Decree. You have said it. It is Written! It is a Promise to us. Ps 89:34 You will not dishonour Your Covenant with us and what You said will never change. We bind satan and bless all our enemies with a double blessings of righteousness and salvation and choose to forgive them for what they have done to us and our country!We agree and pray in Christ Jesus’ Name.We belief that it is done, therefore we have it and take it into possession. Your Word will do what You have send it for. You are planning to bless us. Your thoughts on us is to prosper us, Jer 29:11.Is 44:24 "This is what You said, our Redeemer and the one who formed us in the womb: "I am the LORD who has made everything, who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth—who frustrates the omens of idle talkers, and drives diviners mad, who turns back the wise, and makes their knowledge foolish; 26 who carries out the words of His servants, and fulfils the predictions of His messengers, who says of Jerusalem, 'It will be inhabited,' and the Bride, 'They will be rebuilt,' and of her ruins, 'I'll raise her up'; Mat 18:19-20. If we agree on anything on earth, it will be given to us. Where 2 or 3 in Your Name assemble, You are there! Mark 11:23. Father You said; If we say to our mountain, lift yourself up and cast yourself in the sea, it will happen if we belief. Father we belief! We are in victory and it will manifest now. In Christ all these promises are ours. You have already given us all that we need to be successful. In Christ we are co-heirs. We receive the blessings of Jacob. Thanks for pouring out abundance of rain on our harvest. For giving us a hundred fold harvest in every area of our lives. Many nations will serve us and we are leading many on the Road of Righteousness. Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your throne on this day to do Reconcilliation, symbolic of Your mariage with the Bride, the thousand years of Peace, where You will rain as our King in Jerusalem. Because a day in Your Kingdom is a thousand years. Father, what a privelage to stand before You today as Your anointed, the apple of Your Eye. Thank You for favour to stand in the gap for Your Body, Your Bride, the Physical Israel, the spiritual Israel, our people and our nation and to do reconciliasion for our country, South Africa. Father the past months the intercession prayer teams have agreed on the renunciation intercessorry prayers on the sins and iniquities on the land. We renounced the sins of the sungod, the moongoddess and the star gods, Rev 12:1, the Jezebel spirit, Rev 2:20-24, the Beast, the Dragon and the False Prophet that our kings, our priests, our fathers, we and the people of South Africa did. Father Your Word say our battle are not against flesh and blood but against the principalities, the evil forces of darkness and their world rulers. We have gowned ourselves with the full armer to come against evil to remane standing. We have put on the Shield of Faith, the helm of salvation, the Breast plate of Righteousness, we shod our feet with the willingness to run with the good News, we took the Sword of the Spirit, Your Word and interceded in prayer for Your children, Eph 6:12-18.Father it is written; Whenever You close the skies so there is no rain, or whenever You command the ANC to destroy our country and our economy to lay waste the land, or whenever You send epidemics among us, when we humble ourselves—the Believers, who are called by Your Name—and pray, seek You, and turn away from our evil practices, You will listen from Heaven, You will pardon our sins, and You will restore our land. Now therefore Your Eyes will remain open and Your Ears will remain listening to the prayers that are offered in this place. We come today as Ezra, Esr 9:7, Daniel, Dan 9:6+8+11 and Nehemiah, Neh 9:33-37 and we admit, we, our kings, our priests, our fathers, and our nation has sinned and grieved You deeply. We have honoured Moloch, Astarte and build altars for the whole constellations all over South Africa. Our leaders have deceived the people of this country and polluted us with pagan worship. We have polluted the land with sin, iniquities, pagan rituals, symbols, statues, altars, and high places for satan under every green tree and on every hill. Father, but like Moses, Ex 34:8-9, we come and stand in the gap for this nation as Your Holy Priesthood, 1Pet 2:5 and intercede for our nation. Please have Mercy on us. Let our prayers of the past months bring Reconciliation for our country before Your Throne for our nation and the land of this country. Thank You that we may have favour with You. We have a stubborn nation, but forgive our sins and our iniquities and take us as Your inheritance. Thank You for accepting our prayers and that You will now live in our midst and wash us clean with the Blood of the Lamb. Thank You for removing Your Roth form this land and reconcile this country to You as our Father, King, and Saviour, Ps 106:23. We declare it into the Heavenlies, it is written, You said it, You have prayed in John 17, we agree in Christ Jesus’ Name. Therefore it is done. You have gowned us with Your Glory so that we can be one as You are One, and the people will now see Your Glory on us and belief that You have send us. We bind satan and speak death over the works of satan over South Africa. We cast down every stronghold over the minds of the people and take every thought captive unto obedience to Christ. Thank You Father that You rebuke satan, take every demon involved captive and make a footstool for Christ of them, in Christ Jesus’ Name!We rejoice. We lift up Your Name. We honour and glorify Your Name. We sing a New song. o’ Almighty Creator of Abraham, Isaac en Jacob! How awesome are Your works. Let the whole earth rejoice. Let the nations praise Your Name! Your Eyes are over the nations. You have made us alive. You have blessed us abundantly, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We will pay our promise to You. What we have said we will do. We will serve You all the days of our lives. Here we are Father. We and our houses will serve You. We want to tell the world how good You are. We want to build Your Temple. Evangelise the world. We praise You and exult Your Name for accepting our prayers and restoring our land. We thank You Father, We rejoice. This is the Year of Your Favour. This is the Year of the return to Your awesome ways. The world are going to suffer till they repent but this is glorious times for us ahead. This is the best time ever and ever to come. Thank You Father our times of refreshing are here, Acts 3:19-21. This is the greatest restoration for the Bride and Your children that has ever taken place. Thank You for Heavenly Breakthroughs. For Heavenly restorations in every area of our lives. Thank you for action. Thank You for souls by the millions that is going to be harvested. Thank You that every believer is now compelled into action. Thank You for recalibrating Your blueprint plans into our lives and for giving back seven times what satan has stolen from us and Your Kingdom. Thank You for restoring us in Your perfect plans for our lives in Your Kingdom. Thank You that Your calling on our lives are irreversible. Thank You that Your Spirit is now leading us in every situation. That we now know Your Will and You and do what is well pleasing in Your Sight. Thank You for Wisdom, insight, revelation, visions, dreams, and Scriptures to walk in Your Perfect plans for our lives, to please You and Glorify Your Name. Thank You that the eyes of our minds are now open to receive Your Revelations, to understand Your Word and that Your Spirit teaches us everything we need to know, 1John 2:20+27. Thank You Father for a spiritual Tsunami that is now hitting the earth and our country through which You are restoring us and Your Kingdom in our midst, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You that Your Light will now shine through us, to open the eyes of the blind, to lead the prisoners out of captivity, to set the captives free, to raise the dead, to heal the sick, to drive out demons and to be an instrument for You to reveal Yourself as the Crucified Saviour and as we preach Your Word You do the miracles, Mark 16:16-20. You are the Great I Am. You are everything we need You to be for us. The old things has come. Now You are showing us new things which we have never seen. Before it happens You reveal it to us. We sing a New Song to Your honour and Glory! We praise You and honour Your Name here from the ends of the earth, in the land of the sun from the sea. We Glorify Your Name! You are moving out as our Hero! You strive like a soldier for Your children. You shout out. You reveal Yourself to Your enemies. You destroy the kingdoms of this world. We praise You and exult Your Name, in Christ Jesus’ Name. You are awesome. You are Glorious. You are exulted. Let Your Banners fly high over South Africa. Let the nations come and see what You are doing in our midst and build Your Temple. You have destroyed mountains and hills. You breathe hard, shout out like a women in labour. You have been quiet for ages, but now You Thunder and chase away the vultures that came to destroy and steel. You expose the false prophets and remove those who do not fear You. You lead us on ways we do not know, show us roads we have not seen. You light up the darkness before us and make valleys level roads.Those who trust in their immortal gods are falling apart and are ashamed. Thank You that Your Bride woke up. We are now doers of the Word. We have become written letters of Your Spirit for the world to read. The curse of passivity and disunity is broken. Believers are now spiritually matured and representatives of Christ. We are gowned with Christ and walking and doing as You did. We praise You Father for action and compassion in the Bride. We thank You that the community of Believers of Acts is now restored. That You rearrange everything according to Your plans and perfect order, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You that Your Love and Power of the Spirit shake Your children into action and unity to love one another. That the dry bones are now coming alive and that You put flesh and mussels on them. Fill them with Your Spirit to become a Mighty Army for Your Kingdom. Thank You for anointing us with Fire to be the salt of this world. That we are now men who stand in faith. That we now strive like soldiers, full of courage, faith and steadfast. Sprit filled, opened eyes of our minds and anointed for every good deed. Thank You for favour with You and all people. Thank You that everybody serves in Your army with precision, Koevoet in their place, 32, 101, the Reccies, Air Force, every soldier in position, anointed, equipped and ready to do whatever You lead us in. Thank You for opening the floodgates of Heaven and pouring out Your Sprit on all flesh. That You set us on fire and that this fire will burn north and that nothing will stop it, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Thank You that we can now stand in the midst of the storms of this world and face it. That we can handle the chaos and the destruction that satan and his agents are busy creating, overcome them and rest in You. Thank You for restoring us in every sphere of our lives, spirit, soul and body. By Your Stripes we are restored and healed. Your Word is healing for our entire body. In Your Name we are restored and healed. We praise You and lift up Your Name! Thank You for opening the Floodgates of Heaven and blessings us with all the Blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For blessings us to be a blessing to the nations. Thank You for blessing each child of You with all the Blessings in Heaven and on earth. That You bless Your children far above what they can ever think or expect. That all believers are now walking in Your righteousness, in Your Kingdom and that You ad all things un to them. That You anoint them with Your Love, Mercy, Glory, Grace, and provisions. That You sanctify them, compel them to sanctification and give them humble and repentive hearts. That all believers will now be one as You are One and that You will protect them from evil. Enlarge their territory and keep them from harming others, in Christ Jesus’ Name.Father Thank You that You now break every cycle of poverty, famine, lack, misfortune, abortion, and unsuccessfulness over Your children and bless them that everything they put their hands on will succeed. We thank You for live and live in abundance with Love, Mercy, Peace, Compassion, Grace, Provision, Finances for all our needs, Healthy relationships, families, careers, with insight, revelations from You, wisdom, physical health, fruitfulness, for the Peace of Jerusalem and for millions of souls, in Christ Jesus’ Name. O’ Father, by the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, save South Africa from destruction. Let Your angels prosecute those who steel our future day and night. We bind every evil spirit, power and force, every principality and demon involved in all the corruption, violence and destruction to keep Your perfect plans for our country back and on hold. We speak death over their works and command it to die. Satan God rebukes you, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Father we thank You for dethroning all spirits of control, manipulation and deception over this country. Thank You Father that You take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them. We corporately command every evil altar to fall on their faces. Thank You Father that You send Your angels to remove every obstacle that holds back Your plans and our future in Christ. Thank You for covering South Africa with Your Blood and encamping it with Your angels to keep satan from interfering with Your people one day longer. Thank You for pouring out Your Spirit on us and gowning us with Your Glory and Your Presence that all evil and every stronghold will flee and be destroyed, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father, we as Your anointed now take corporately authority over South Africa and declare Christ Jesus officially our King, Creator and Saviour over our lives, over the people of South Africa and over the land. We declare that You, as the only Living God, is our God and Creator! We say welcome Abba Father, Welcome King Jesus, Welcome Spirit of Truth, our Mighty Counsellor. Father come and take over this country and be our King, our Hero and our Saviour. Come and raise Your Kingdom here as in Heaven. Let Your Will be done in this country. Let only Your Name be glorified in this country and only You be worshipped! Let this be declared in Heaven. It is official, in Christ Jesus Name. It is our choice and our only desire that You will rule over us and this country, for ever more.We take authority over the country as Your ambassadors and we ask You to strike satan and all his demons with blindness, dumbness and deafness. That You will bring confusion in the enemies camp and give us the victory. Keep us from listening to strangers any further. Thank You for restoring us and this country and for anointing us with Your Power. Thank You for pouring out Your Spirit on us. Thank You for anointing us with Fire. Thank You for Blessing us with a double blessing, with favour, restoration, a hundredfold harvest and with millions of souls. Thank You that we may now bring in the harvest of the lost in abundance. Thank You for restoring Your Bride, our economy and for thousand of job opportunities for the poor and Your un employed children! Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen and Amen!24. WORD COMMANDS PRAYER: 1 False Prophet, Anti-Christ and curse of passivity:Abba Father, we submit to Your Spirit and repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts. We admit that we as the community of believers in South Africa are passive and are not doing what we are supposed to do as Your disciples. We call on You. We beg You day and night. Have mercy on us and light up a fire in us. Forgive us all judgement, criticism and things we have said about other believers or denominations. Cancel the power of our words and turn it around into blessings. Father let a spiritual bomb explode among us by the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, and shake us awake and compel us into action. Destroy every wall of disunity between all believers. Ever blockage, separation, stronghold, plan of satan, deception, rebellion or disobedience. Destroy every lie, false doctrine, tradition, manmade rule, habit or pagan practice. Take every own idea captive unto obedience to You and bind Your children together in unity, humbleness and love with a triple band of Your Love. Compel us by Your Spirit to strife like soldiers for Your Kingdom and to love fellow believers with Your Love. Anoint us with Your Fire to be the salt and the Light to this lost world. Put Your Glory upon us so that we can be one as You are One and the world can see that You have sent us. Open the eyes of our minds so that we can understand Your Word. That we may hear and see the Spiritual things. Compel us to stand in unity in prayer, one of mind and thoughts for unity and Revival in the Body. Raise Your Kingdom in us so that Your Kingdom will be on earth as it is in Heaven. An Eternal Kingdom that will never be destroyed, through which You will now destroy the kingdoms of this world, Dan 2:44-45.Let Your Will be done as in Heaven as on the earth. Father wake up in Your Chambers, o’ Bridegroom, come out of Your Chambers, Joel 2:13-17 and come and be our Hero, Zech 3:17. We are Your children and need Your help urgently here on this earth. Let Your Voice thunder and chase away the vultures. Move out. Strife like a soldier. Shout against the enemy. Reveal Yourselves as our Hero. Shake us out of passivity as Your Body, Joel 2:16. Light up the Fire in our hearts by Your Love and compel us by Your Spirit to take action and to build Your Temple and restore the walls of Jerusalem, Your Bride and to build Your Temple, to win souls for Your Kingdom. We bless Your children and all believers. We lay Your Name, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob upon them so that You may bless them. Thank You that You bless them and keep them. That You make Your Face shine upon them and that You are gracious to them. That You lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace, Num 6:23-24. We bless them with righteousness and the fear of the Lord and Your Word. We thank You that You now open the floodgates of Heaven and bless Your children with the blessings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That all Your promises will now be yes and amen in their lives. Thanks for straightening our ways, remove the stumbling blocks and that You command Your angels to carry Your children on their hands. That You restore Your children in Your perfect Will for their lives, provide in all their needs, be their advocate in every case against them and protect them from evil. Through Your Stripes they are healed, in Christ Jesus’ Name!Father we admit that we do not repent and come out of Egypt before we are baptized, Matt 3:6 & Acts 2:38. That we do not carry the fruits of Salvation, Matt 3:8. That we are not baptized with Your Spirit and with Fire and try to serve You in the flesh, Matt 3:11 & John 3:5-6. We admit that the white dove simple is a pagan symbol. We are not allowed to make images of You, Ex 20:2 & Matt 3:16. Father we are teasing You through prescribing to You what to do, Matt 4:7. That we have not worshipped You alone, Matt 4:10. That we do not tell people that they need to repent for the Kingdom has come near, Matt 4:17. That we do not make fishers of men, Matt 4:19. That we have not sanctified our hearts and therefore do not see You, Matt 5:8. That we aren’t peacemakers but causing trouble, Matt 5:9. That we judge, curse, prosecute, close Heaven for people, look down on other denominations and speak evil of others, Matt 5:11. That we aren’t the salt of this earth, Matt 5:13. That people cannot see Your Light and Glory in us and ask where is our God, Matt 5:14.That we have said that the Law is cancelled, while the Law gives satan his power, Matt 5:17-19. Forgive us that our righteousness is not more than those of the Scribes, Matt 5:20. That we get angry with our fellow believers without reason, and that we curse them, Matt 5:22. That we bring worship to You while we have not forgiven and made peace with others, Matt 5:24-25. That we live in lust, adultery and have desires for other people partners, Matt 5:27-28. That we get divorced and marry others who are divorced, Matt 5:32. That we take oaths, Matt 5:34-36. That we do not forgive and turn the other cheek. We do not do good to our enemies, Matt 5:39-42. That we do not bless and pray for our enemies, Mat 5:44. That we do good to be seen, Matt 6:1-4. That we assemble treasure on earth, Matt 6:19-24. We worry about tomorrow’s problems, Matt 6:31-34.We judge our fellow believers and measure them according to our standards, Matt 7:1-5. That we do not do unto others as we want them to do to us, Matt 7:12. That we do not walk with wisdom according to Your Word, but being passive and in disobedience as a fool, Matt 7:24. That we are bringing sacrifices instead of mercy, good deeds, empathy, and to call sinners to repent, Matt 9:13. That we do not Fast and intercede for the lost souls out there, Matt 9:15. We do not pray for the labourers to bring in the harvest, and are passive ourselves and do not make disciple and lead people to salvation, Matt 9:38. We do not drive out demons, heal the sick and lay hands on them, Matt 10:1.That we do not tell the people to repent for the Kingdom has come near, heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, and even want to be paid to serve You Father, Matt 10:7-8. That we worry about tomorrow what we will say to people while we should trust in Your Spirit to speak through us, Matt 10:19-20. That we neglect to testify and acknowledge Christ before people, Matt 10:32. Forgive us for putting, our parents, children, possessions and job before You and that we did not want to take up our cross and serve You, Matt 10:36-38. That we were spiritually haughty and did not receive Your children that You sent to come and open our eyes from deception and man maid rules. Matt 10:41-42. That we do not heal the blind, those with leprosy, and do not share the Good News with the poor, but just move in the important peoples circles, in Christ Jesus’ Name!, Matt 11:5.That we reject Your Word and replace it with man maid religion and rules according to Rome, Matt 11:6. That we do not teach believers to repent and sanctify themselves, and create Holy Ground so that You can return to earth, Matt 11:10 en Hand 3:19-21. That we do not want to listen to children and the un worthy to whom You reveal the mysteries but instead we have appointed our own wise men to whom You hide these revelations, Matt 11:25. That we do not walk in a personal relationship with You and learn from You at Your Feet, Matt 11:28-29.That we criticise the thing that You do trough Your anointed just because it does not fit our doctrine, Matt 12:31. That we talk idly about things we do not know anything about or are ignorant of, Matt 12:36-37. That we chase sign, wonders, powers and wisdom but do not stand in a personal relationship with You, and cannot discern the lies, and get deceived by false prophets, Matt 12:39.That we do not recognise those who do Your Will and live by Your Word as our family and respect them as Your anointed, Matt 12:50. That we are un teachable and hang on to man maid doctrine and New Age teachings, Matt 13:52. That we do not care about the lost souls, the poor, the sick, the broken souls, those who suffer, and that we do not empathise with them and show Your Love towards them, Matt 14:14 en Matt 15:32. That we do not feed the poor and the widows, Matt 14:16.That we live in fear and we do not keep our focus on You because of our un believe, Matt 14:31. That we hold on to church doctrine, tradition, the lies of Rome and rituals of the ancestors while we reject Your Word on these topics, Matt 15:2+9. That we do not honour our parents, elderly people and authority over us, Matt 15:4. We admit that food that goes in by the mouth cannot pollute us, but instead it is what comes out of our mouths that pollute us, Matt 15:11+17-20. Forgive us for not continuing in prayer till the breakthrough comes, Matt 15:28. That we are so easily deceived by false doctrine, and that we do not study Your Word to discern the false prophets, Matt 6+12.We admit that Jesus is the Rock and not Peter as Rome told the church, Matt 16:18. That we do not use our authority to bind satan, to take him captive and to make a Foot stool for Christ of him, Matt 16:23 en Heb 2:8 + Heb 10:12-13. That we do not want to die to the self and our selfish desires and become Your servants, Matt 16:24. That we do not want to humble ourselves and become like children and therefore we cannot enter Your Kingdom, Matt 18:3. That we mislead the children and make them stumble because of the falseness in our churches, Matt 18:5-6+10. Forgive us for all the children who were raised in churches who are lost today because of false religion and man maid efforts in the flesh, Mark 18:14.That we as community of believers do not come in unity corporately, bind the evil, agree in unity and pray in Christ Jesus’ Name so that we can have breakthroughs and be in victory, Matt 18:18-20. That we have no love for one another, do not want to reconcile with other believers, and other denominations because of man maid doctrine, Matt 18:22+35. That we say people are good, we worship leaders and make idols of them, while only You are Good, Matt19:17. That we are not prepared to get rid of all our possessions for Your Kingdom’s sake and therefore cannot be Your disciples, Matt 19:21-22 + Luke 14:33 +Mark 10:23-24 +29-30. We admit that we want to be important and get recognition, Matt 20:22-23. That we want to rule over others while You said we need to serve and wash feet, Matt 20:25-28. That we want to be secret agents, politically correct and diplomatic to please people, Matt 21:12-13. We do not want to walk the way of righteousness and refuse to repent, Matt 21:32. That we do not carry the fruits of Your Kingdom, Matt 21:43. That we as the invited guests do not want to attend Your Marriage festival, because we aren’t cleanse and are not filled with the Spirit to the maximum, Matt 22:3+8. That we have not gowned us with the marriage gown, washed by Your Blood through repentance, and are not baptized with Your Spirit, Matt 22:11. That we put people on pedestals or ranks of importance, Matt 22:16. That we are deceived on the Eternity because we do not study the Scriptures and do not believe in Your Power, Matt 22:29-30. That we do not love You with all our hearts, all of our minds and all of our souls, and therefore struggle to serve You to the fullest and to be obedient to Your commands, Matt 22:37 in Christ Jesus’ Name.That we do not love our neighbour as our selves, Matt 22: 39. We just do the talking but no walking, Matt 23:3. That we want to be more important than others, want to rule over others, want to control others, want to be honoured by others, and are calling people on ranks and titles which You forbid, Matt 23:5-12. That we want to decide who can be saved and close heaven for people. We harm the widow and the orphan and deceive people with our false doctrine, Matt 23:13-15. That we neglect justice, righteousness, Mercy and faithfulness and break Your Heart, Matt 23:23. From the outside we are so smart, new painted walls but on the inside we are evil, haughty and miserable towards others and are chasing away those broken people who need You so desperately by our behaviour, Matt 23:25-31.We admit that we do not listen to Your sent ones, because they are not from our denomination but rather stone them than to compare their message to us with Your Scriptures and ask Your Spirit to show us the truth, Matt 23:37. Forgive us that we do not preach or do the Good News of Your Kingdom that You and Your disciples taught and lived, Matt 24:14 + Mark 16:16-20. That we rather follow the false prophets, signs and wonders and do not seek You, Matt 24:24. We admit that the Great Tribulation is right at the end before Armageddon and the White Throne Judgement and not now as many churches are saying, Matt 24:29. We admit that our Lamps aren’t filled with oil and we are not ready to meet our Saviour. We aren’t sanctified and are not anointed with Your Glory because the people can’t see it on us and believe, Matt 25:4:13 + John 17: 19-23.We admit that we do not use all our talents to be a blessing to others and to build up Africa, but instead we are sitting passive and moan about our situation while You have anointed us to make a difference in unity, Matt 25:26. That we do not feed Your children, we do not give them water to drink, we do not give them a place to stay as foreigners in our city, do not visit them in prison or visit them when they are sick, Matt 25:34-40. That we do not make disciples of all nations, baptize them in Your Name and do not teach them to do everything which You have done and taught us, Matt 28:19. That we do not evangelise the sinners but only speak to our fellow believers and people from our own social stand about You, Mark 2:17. That we do not anoint the sick with oil and heal them, Mark 6:13. That we do not have empathy for our fellow believers who are homeless, Un employed and hunger and that we do nothing to make a difference to create infrastructure to employ these people or to care for them, Mark 6:34. Forgive us for honouring You with teachings of men, with our lips but do not have any action, Mark 7:7.Father we repent of adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: passivity, laziness, Mark 7:21-23. That we are scared to testify about You and ashamed to speak out in public about all the things You are doing for us, Mark 8:38. That we do not live in peace with all people, but instead we started 28?000 different denominations in the flesh, Mark 9:50. That we do not bless and anoint the children in our presence at every possible opportunity, Mark 10:16. Forgive us for trusting in our possessions and on people and that things are keeping us from entering Your Kingdom, Matt 10:24. That we are not born again through Spirit and water which are two things and therefore we strive forth in the flesh and struggle to serve You because we are not walking in the Spirit, Mark 16:16 en John 3:3-6. That we hang on to our possessions and are only having 1% of what You intend to have and give to us, Mark 10:29-30.Forgive us for all the people we hurt by trying to help them, serving You in the flesh instead of waiting till they ask for help and You have made a Godly appointment with those people for us, Mark 10:47. That we have made a house of robber of Your House, robbing Your children through manipulation instead of a House of Prayer, Mark 11:17 en 2Tim 3:15.Forgive us that we do not believe what we speak will happen through disbelieve and through our unbelief we make Your Word and promises meaningless and causing others to stumble, Mark 11:23-24. Forgive us for un forgiveness and bitterness so that we can be forgiven for our sins, Mark 11:25. Forgive us for saying we are unworthy, not qualified, inferior, not anointed, not equip, do not have the self belief, cannot speak well, because it is not us that needs to speak but Your Spirit through us. We just need to be available, You are able to do any good thing through any of Your children who has cleansed their Temples, Mark 13:11 en 2Tim 2:20-21.Father we believe, are baptized but do not heal the sick, do not drive out demons, do not raise the dead and neither peace Your Word so that You can do the miracles, Mark 16:16-20. We have allowed satan and his agents to rule over, steal from us and dominate us on every level of society, while You have given us the authority to be the head and not the tail, and to take authority over this world, Luke 10:19. Father that we do not come and seek Your Face for the answers to the problems of this world and in our Country. We are simply irresponsible and bad ambassadors, stewards and guardians of Your Kingdom, possessions, people and things that You have placed under our stewardship, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Luke 11:10-13.That we waist, neglect and destroy our resources, positions, finances and possessions that You have given us and that we are unfaithful with the unrighteous Mammon, Luke 16:2+9-10. That we do not take Your Kingdom by force, Luke 16:16. That we are disobedient servants and fail our duty to serve You, Luke 17:10. That we do not call out to You day and night while our people are murdered, our government is busy destroying our economy and country, Eskom and all government organisations are falling apart, pagans are ruling over us, polluting our land with satanic practises, and running the country, Luke 18:7-8. Forgive us our spiritual haughtiness which causes us to refuse to repent of our sins, Luke 18:12-13. Father forgive us for not having a servant attitude like You, Luke 22:26. That we do not preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins to the nations, Luke 24:47. That we have made a business out of You Kingdom and are trying to make money out of sharing the Good News while we got it for free, John 2:16. Father forgive us for not having zeal for Your House, the believers and do not feel anything for the state the believers are in. Their brokenness, deception, spiritual blindness, spiritual immaturity, suffering and lack of knowledge, and that we do not make exception between the Old and New Covenant, the Old Temple and the New Temple, our Bodies, John 2:21.That we are not born again in spirit and in our flesh and that we are trying to understand Your Word with our fleshly minds and not depend on Your Spirit to give us revelation because the flesh cannot understand the Word, John 3:5-6 & 2Cor 3:3-6. That we do not pray in the Name of Christ Jesus as You have commanded us and which is our key to enter Your Throne Room but instead we only talk to a god and just end our prays without mentioning His Name, John 3:18 & John 15:14-16. Father that bring Your Roth upon us trough disobedience, John 3:36. That we do not drink from the Fountain of Living Waters and therefore we do not have Living Waters in us, John 4:14.That we do not pray in Spirit and in Truth in line with Your Word, John 4:23. That our food is not to do Your Will in everything we are doing, John 4:34. That we do not honour Your anointed in our midst, because we do not ask You who is from You but rather trust on our spiritual leaders, John 4:44. That we do not belief Your Word, John 4:50. That there is still believers who believe in the healing abilities of the Bath of Bethesda, John 5:2-3. That we do not belief that sin causes disease and bad things to happen to us, John 5:14. That we do not have Your Love in us, John 5:42.That we do not discern and honour false Christs, John 5:43. That we walk in the flesh and therefore put ourselves under the Law and will be judged by Moses, John 5:45 & Gal 5:16-18. That we do not eat Your Flesh, the Word, neither do we drink Your Blood, Repentance, John 6:53. That we judge other believers without listening to them of what they preach just because they are not from our denomination, John 7:51. That we do not stay in Your Word and therefore we do not know the Truth, aren’t free but are in captivity and deception through man maid doctrine because we do not know Your Word and therefore You cannot set us truly free, John 8:31-32+36. Forgive us for not preserving Your Word with our lives, John 8:55. Forgive us for saying You have rejected Israel or the Jews, in Christ Jesus’ Name, John 11:52, Rom 11:25-26 & Sag 12.That we do not call You back to the earth and declare You King over our country, John 12:13. That we love to be honoured by people more than to be honoured by You, John 12:42-43. That we reject Your Word when quoted to us and say people are judging us by quoting Your Word while Your Word judges us, John 12:48. That we do not wash one another’s feet and serve fellow believers with our gifts, John 13:10+14. That we do not love one another as Your disciples, as the disciples loved one another, John 13:34-35. That believers say every religion pray to the same god while Christ is the only way to You and Your Throne, John 14:6. We thank You Father that we can stand in the gap for Your children, agree corporately, pray in Christ Jesus’ Name and that You set Your children free, thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus and Spirit! Father please break this curse of passivity over Your children, as we bind these demons keeping Your Body captive, we ask You to break this web over their minds and to rebuke the demons. Satan, Christ Jesus, rebukes you, Jude 1:9. Father send Your angels to take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, and anoint Your children with Fire that they will strive Like soldiers for Your Kingdom in super charge moud, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! WORD COMMANDS 2:Abba Father, we submit to Your Spirit and repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts. We admit that we as the community of believers in South Africa are passive and are not doing what we are supposed to do as Your disciples. We call on You. We beg You day and night. Have mercy on us and light up a fire in us. Forgive us all judgement, criticism and things we have said about other believers or denominations. Cancel the power of our words and turn it around into blessings. Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, that we do not do greater works than You have done because we do not belief You can do it through us, John 14:12-13. That we do not act and do Your Word and therefore You do not manifest through us, and do not make our Bodies Your House, John 14:15+ 21-23. That we do not allow Your Spirit to teach us everything in a personal relationship but rather run to people to come between us and You, John 16:8-14 & John 14:26, 1 John 2:20+27, & Heb 8:10-11. That we say satan do not have any rights any more while satan is the authority here on earth through our sins and we do not use our authority to make a footstool of him to You, John 14:30. That we do not stay in You, submit to Your Spirit and try and do thing in the flesh with our own abilities and fail, John 15:5.That Your Word does not stay in us because we do not act on it and therefore our prayers aren’t answered, John 15:7. That we aren’t Your friends because we do not do what You told us to do in Your Word, John 15:14. That we do not bare Your fruits and therefore You do not answer our prayers, John 15:16. That we ban Your children from our congregations because they differ from us in opinion, John 16:2. That we say Your Spirit has said things to us which differ from Your Word while You are the Word and Your Spirit should confirm Your Word, John 16:14. That we do not enter the Throne Room, in Christ Jesus’ Name and our prayers aren’t answered, John 16:23-24. That we do not, daily pray for all believers and give You thanks for what You are doing for them, that we do not ask You to protect them from evil and that they will be one as You are One, in Christ Jesus’ Name. John 17:9+15+17. That we do not have Your Joy completely as You have given it to us, John 17:13. That Your Glory is not upon us so that we can be truly one as You are One and the world can see Your Glory upon us and belief that we represent You, John 17:21-23. That we do not proclaim Your Character and Personality, declare Who You are and therefore Your Love can not stay in us, John 17:26. That we do not proclaim that You stay in us as Your Temple, John 18:6. That we get angry with people who differ from our doctrine, John 18:10. That we are ashamed of You in public, John 18:17-25+27. That we do not want to forgive people their sins, John 20:23. Through disbelief we chase signs and wonders, John 20:27-29. That we do not testify about what You are doing everywhere where we are, at home, at work and where ever we go, to the ends of the earth, Acts 1:8. That we make images of baby angels and say angels has wings, which is pagan, Acts 1:10. That we do not continue steadfast, in unity to pray for revival, Acts 1:14. That we appoint people in the flesh in spiritual positions, without consulting the Spirit, Acts 1:26. That we do not expect and belief that You are going to Pour out Your Spirit on all flesh in these last days, Acts 2:17-18. That we do not include our employees in our spiritual meetings, Acts 2:18. That we do not want to turn to You, repent and be baptized but rather belief the lies of churches and Rome, Acts 2:38 & Mark 1:4-5. That we refuse to return to the community of acts and corporately own and share our possessions as believers, but rather covenant with non believers and lose everything to the world, Acts 2:44-48 en Acts 4:32-34. That we do not break bread daily in unity from house to house, Acts 2:46-47. That we do not Praise You with enthusiasm, Acts 3:8-9. That we do not want to turn to You, repent, so that You can give us revival and sent Christ back to us, Acts 3:19-21. That we aren’t a blessing to the world, Acts 3:25. That we do not use the Name Christ Jesus, to heal the sick, Acts 4:10. That we do not testify about what we see and hear You are doing, Acts 4:19-20. That we do not corporately come before You in unity about the things that the governments and the leaders of this world are doing against You and us, and that they are gathering against You, planning to destroy us and Your Kingdom, Acts 4:24-30. That we aren’t Spirit filled to preach Your Word with zeal, Acts 4:31. That we are teaching Your Spirit, lying to Your anointed, Acts 5:9. That we come against You when You want to save us from our stupidity and refuse to listen to Your sent ones, Acts 5:38-39. That we do not daily care for the believing widows and orphans in our congregations, Acts 6:1. That we aren’t steadfast in prayer and the preaching of Your Word, Acts 6:4. That we rejoice in the works of our hands and are given over to worship the constellation, the son the moon and the stars, Acts 7:41-43 & Rev 12:1-2 +5, and have covered everything with symbols of the son. That we are back in the Old Covenant and have build temples of stone like Moses and call it Your House, 1Kor 6:19, Acts 7 : 48-49 & 1Tim 3:15. That we listen to magicians with signs and wonders, who do not know You, Acts 8:9, Matt 24:24, & 2Thess 2:9-11. That many believers are walking around in bitterness and ropes of unrighteousness but refuse to repent, Acts 8:22-23. That we baptized people who do not belief and proclaim Christ Jesus with their own mouths, Acts 8:37-38. That we do not live in the fear of You, Acts 9:31. That we do not live Holy, God fearing, do not give to the poor, and do not pray continuously, Acts 10:2+4. That we do not belief that You still talk to us through dreams, visions and Your Word, Acts 10:10. That some of us say some food is not causer after we have asked You to Bless the food, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Acts 10:15 & 1Tim 4:3-5.That we judge people according to their race, position in live, background, of place of origin and belief they cannot be saved, and think we are better then they, Acts 10:28+34-35. That we do not look after our fellow believer’s needs in times of lack, Acts 11:29. That we get sick and die because we do not give You all the honour for what we have achieved in life, Acts 12:23. That we do not wait on You and allow the Spirit to lead us in where and how we need to serve You but rather fall around in the flesh, Acts 13:3-4. That we do not appoint elders and stewards trough fasting and prayer, Acts 14:23. That we do not daily pray for all believers for Mercy and Father’s Blessings upon their lives, Acts 15:40. That our towns and country are pollute with statues, idols, symbols and high places, Acts 17:16. That we reject people of other races while You made all people from the same blood, Acts 17:26. That we as priests (all believers) refuse to repent and stand in the gap for our people, our churches and our governments’ sins so that You can heal our land, Acts 17:30 & Acts 19:18-19. That we as Your disciples refuse to work with our hands, want to serve You full time but have to beg to survive and ask for donations for our work, Acts 18:3. That when we come to salvation people aren’t taught to repent and burn all their occult or satanic stuff, Acts 19:18-19. That we as believers do not assemble after the Sabbath and eat together while we share all that You did for us the past week, Acts 20:7. That our elders do not act as shepherds and stewards of the community of believers, Acts 20:28. That missionaries do not want to work and earn their own money so that they can provide for their own needs and those around them, Acts 20:33. That we do not bless one another before we go on a journey, Acts 21:5. That we do not call on the Name Christ Jesus when we are baptized, Acts 22:16. That we slander and blaspheme our authorities and leaders while we stand guilty of having them because of our own sins as believers, Acts 23:5. That we renounce the Law and the Prophets, Acts 24:14. That we do not bare the fruits of salvation, Acts 28:20. That we cannot convince the Jews out of the Law and the Prophets that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, Acts 28:23. That we do not give You thanks for our fellow believers, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Rom 1:8. That we have no desire or conviction to share the Good News with the lost, Rom 1:15. That we renounce Your Wroth on sin and unrighteousness and say Your Grace and Mercy will protect us. Father even when young people die pre-maturely, we still say it is Your Grace, Rom 1:18. That we do not honour and thank You as the Almighty God, but have made You equal to humankind and therefore You have given some over to homosexuality, Rom 1:21-27. We have not retain You in our knowledge, and are given over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; We repent of all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; being whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedience to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing Your judgment commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Rom 1:29-31.We acknowledge that in what we judge others will happen to us, Rom 2:1. That we take Your Goodness, Mercy and Patience for granted, and brought Your Wroth upon us and this country, Rom 2:4-5 + 8-9. That we aren’t acting on Your Word and therefore Your Word judges us, Rom 2:12. That we rob Your Temple, by not blessing our fellow believers with our gifts, Rom 2:22. That pagans are blaspheming You because of our lack of Godliness, Rom 2:24. That our hearts aren’t circumcised, Rom 2:29. That Your Glory is not upon us, Rom 2:23. That we do not confirm Your Word through our Faith but instead are making a mocking of Your Word, Rom 3:31. That our faith saves us but we need action to confirm our faith, Rom 4:5+7. That many believers do not belief that You will still do miracles but say it was only for the time of the apostles, Rom 4:20-21. That we do not expect You to pour out Your Glory on us again, Rom 5:2. That we do not rejoice when hard times come upon our lives, and realise it is for our own good, Rom 5:3. That we do not want to die with Christ so that You can live through our bodies, Rom 6:3-6. That we are still walking in the flesh and allow sin to rule over us, and that we are not tools for You to be used in righteousness, Rom 6:11-14. That we walk in the flesh and are sold to the Law from which we are supposed to be bought free from, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Rom 7:1+6+14+17 & Rom 8:1-2+4-5+23+26.That we allow sin to live in our flesh and do not kill the sin in our flesh through the Power of the Spirit, Rom 7:17 & Rom 8:8+13. That we aren’t led by Your Spirit in all things but take decisions in the flesh, Rom 8:14. That we let Your Creation suffer through our sins while they are waiting to see Your sons and Your Glory on Your sons to set creation free from suffering, Rom 8:19-21. That we do not preach the Good News of Your Kingdom, but just go to church, Rom 10:14-15. That we do not make the Jews jealous on what we have, because they cannot see that we have anything, Rom 10:19 & Rom 11-14. That we are wise in our own eyes and do not admit that the rejection of the Jews are just temporally, Rom 11:25-26. That we say You reject people because of sin, Rom 11:29-31. That we do not give our bodies as a Holy, sanctified sacrifice to You, Rom 12:1. That we do not renew our minds and test what is Your perfect will for us, Rom 12:2. That we aren’t humble, Rom 12:3. That our love are false, not spontaneous, that we do not honour all others, do not strive for You, we are lazy, have no patience, hospitality, do not bless our enemy, do not pray, do not provide for others in their needs, we are in disunity, retaliate, do not think how to do good, do not live in peace, and allow evil to rule over us, Rom 12:9-21. That we do not want to submit to authority and are in rebellion against You who have appointed these authorities over us, Rom 13:1-3. That we refuse to pay taxes and dept to other people, Rom 13:8. That we aren’t gowned with Christ Jesus, Rom 13:14. That we judge people on what they eat or not eat, Rom 14:3-6. That we annoy people on what we eat or not eat and make young believers stumble, Rom 14:14-15. That we do not promote Your Kingdom in Joy, Peace, Righteousness, and in Your Spirit, Rom 14:7. We do not chase that what brings peace and corporate upliftment, Rom 14:19. That we eat and drink wine that make others stumble, Rom 15:1-2. That we aren’t in unity according to Your Will and we do not honour You in unity, Rom 15:5. That we talk and testify about things that aren’t our personal testimonies and are actually talking about hearsay, Rom 15:18. That we do not give donations to the poor believers in our midst, Rom 15:26-27. That we associate with those who cause disunity and are false prophets, Rom 16:17-18. That there is disunity among us and we do not come together one of mind and one in heart, Rom 1Kor 1:10-13. That we are preaching the Good News with wise words, with men’s words and doctrine and aren’t led by Your Spirit, with authority and Power, and do not just preach the Crucifixion and the resurrection but any other story and teachings become the Good News which cannot save people, Rom 1Kor 1:17 + 1Kor 2:1+4. That You aren’t to us, Wisdom from God, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Salvation, in Christ Jesus’ Name, 1Kor 1:30. That we do not understand what You have given us through Your Great Mercy and are not taught by Your Spirit but by men’s wisdom, who preaches fleshly nonsense, 1Kor 2:13-14. That we are spiritually immature and refuse solid food, 1Kor 3:1-5. We admit that our denominations are men’s fleshly version of Your Temple based on disunity and false doctrine from Rome, 1Cor 3:3-5. That we have no fear of You and no respect for Your Temple our bodies and pollute Your Temple with sin. 1Cor 3:9+16-17. That we do not serve fellow believers with Your mysteries, 1Cor 4:1. That we judge one another without knowing their motives, 1Cor 4:5. That we have big heads because of our God-given talents, qualifications, and status in life, 1Cor 4:6-19. That we do not honour those who have gone before us and prepared the road for us, and therefore our words have no power, 1Cor 4:19-20. We repent of lust, adultery, greed, giving honour to satan, lies, robbery, slander, drunkenness, and association with these people, and that we eat with such people and do not remove them from our midst, 1Cor 5:10-11. That we go to the world for judgement on our cases, 1Cor 6:1-8. That we sleep around and pollute our bodies, Your Temple with demons, 1Cor 6:13-20. That we refuse marriage rights to our partners, 1Cor 7:10-11+14-16. That we make people stumble by doing things they belief is sin, while we think we are serving You, in Christ Jesus’ Name, 1Cor 8:4-13. That we have no zeal, conviction or fear because You have commanded us to share and preach the Good News of Your Kingdom, 1Cor 9:16. That we are not prepared to humble ourselves to adapt to cultures, status and circumstances to win souls, 1Cor 9:21-23. That we do not take in to consideration the exodus of Israel out of Egypt, their idolatry, and sinful behaviour, but mown and grown and do not take up Your warnings to us seriously, 1Cor10:1-12. That we associate with idol worshippers by eating with them and provoke Your anger against us, 1Cor10:21-22. That we eat idol sacrifices, 1Cor 10:25-26. That we do not have communion frequently to remind us of what You have done for us at Calvary and by doing so proclaim the Good News of the Crucifixion, and resurrection, 1Cor 11:23-26+29-30. That we take part of the communion with bitterness, get sick and some have died, 1Cor 11:29-30. That every believer does not practise their gifts to serve others, 1Cor 12:4-7+11+13+27-30. That we do not have Your Love, we are impatient, unfriendly, jealous, tell tales, are rude, act like pagans, selfish, want revenge, rejoice in other’s sufferings or lost, and do not cover everything with love, do not belief for good things about others, do not have hope and neither tolerate others in all things, 1Cor 13:4-7. That we do not desire Your Love and strive for all Your spiritual gifts, 1Cor 14:1. That we do not strive with all we have to bless and to build up our community of believers with our gifts, 1Cor 14:12. That all of us do not have a Psalm, a teaching, a revelation, a vision, a dream, or a testimony when we get together as community of Believers, 1Cor 14:26. That we aren’t more abundantly in serving You, 1Cor 15:58. That we aren’t steadfast in our faith, stand like a man and aren’t strong, 1Cor 16:13. That we do not submit to all believers out of respect for You in those people and that we do not honour and recognise other believer’s position in Christ, 1Cor 16:16+18. That we do not daily pray for Your Mercy and Peace to be with others, 1Cor 1:3. That we aren’t a letter written by Your Spirit which others can read, 2Cor 3:2-4. That we want to reason out what the Scriptures mean or meditate on Scriptures, preach the Good News in the flesh and not allow Your Spirit to equip us or to give us revelation on the Scriptures, 2Cor 3:5-6 & 1John 2:20+27. That we keep people captive in the flesh with religion and kill them spiritually, 2Cor 3:6-8. That we serve You in the flesh and blindfold people to understand Your Word, 2Cor 3:14-18. That Your Glory is not upon us because we walk in unrighteousness in the flesh, 2Cor 4:6. That we are negative, hopeless, depressive, desperate, lonely and crushed in the spirit, because we are trying to serve You in the flesh, 2Cor 4:8-11+15. That we allow the storms of life to overcome us, because we do not act on Your Word, in Christ Jesus’ Name, 2Cor 5:5-7. That we only live for ourselves and forget we are suppose to live for You who have died for us, 2Cor 5:15. That we do not preach the ministry of reconciliation, 2Cor 5:18-20. That we do not serve You in Holiness, in Wisdom, with Knowledge, Longsuffering, Friendliness, in the Spirit, in True Love, in The Word, in Truth, with Power, and with Your Weapons of Righteousness, 2Cor 6:6. That we associate and covenant with non believers, 2Cor 6:12-18. That we do not sanctify ourselves and cleanse us from all iniquity and pollution of the flesh and spirit, 2Cor 7:1. That we do not learn from our hardship and suffering, that You want us to turn to You and get us away from evil and wrong doings so that we may have life and life in abundance, 2Cor 7:9-15. That we refuse to give when we have lack towards Your anointed, 2Cor 8:1-7. That we that have are not seeing to the needs of our fellow believers who suffer, 2Cor 8:12-14. That we have no zeal to serve You, 2Cor 8:22. That we sow where no souls are harvested and give against our free will because those who win souls will praise You abundantly for the provisions, 2Cor 9: 5-7+12. That we do not cast down the strongholds, destroy every obstacle and plan of satan against Your Knowledge, nor do we take every own idea captive unto obedience to You, and do not curse every rebellion against You, in Christ Jesus’ Name, 2Cor 10:4-6.That we aren’t waiting for Your timing, but are promoting our selves, advertising our ministries and try and open our own doors as if we are something, 2Cor 10:18. That we except it that another version of the Good News are preach and another Jesus is proclaimed in our congregations and still associate with these denominations and people who does it, 2Cor 11:4. That we tolerate fools with men’s wisdom who make slaves of us, eat us up, and rule over us as gods, 2Cor11:19-20 & Gal 1:7-9. That we do not rejoice in everything, grow up to maturity, allow people to reprimand us, aren’t in unity, do not keep the peace, and that You aren’t with us under these circumstances, 2Cor 13:11. That we are pleasing people and neglect to be Your servant, Gal 1:10. That we allow people to teach us and we do not have a personal relationship with You that You can teach us, Gal 1:16-18. That we do not discern the false prophets in our midst who come and spy on us, Gal 2:4-5. That we are not prepared to give fellow believers from other denominations the right hand of reconciliation, Gal 2:9. That we are false in the presence of fellow believers towards other races, cultures or people from lower status in life, because of what they will say, Gal 2:12-14. That we do not want to crucify the flesh so that You can live through us, Gal 2:20. That we started in the Spirit but try and serve You now in the flesh, Gal 3:3. That we are trying to keep the Law of Moses, which was only applicable up to Christ, in the flesh, Gal 3:13+19. That we are placing people in different categories and status while we are all equal in Christ, Gal 3:28. That we are spiritual and physical slaves, are suffering and aren’t free as the New Jerusalem, Your Bride in Heaven, Gal 4:22-26. Thank You Father as we repent, that You open our eyes, so that we can now hear and see and that we can now understand Your Word! Father please break this curse of passivity over Your children, as we bind these demons keeping Your Body captive, we ask You to break this web over their minds and to rebuke the demons. Satan, Christ Jesus, rebukes you, Jude 1:9. Father send Your angels to take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, and anoint Your children with Fire that they will strive Like soldiers for Your Kingdom in super charge moud, in Christ Jesus’ Name Amen! WORD COMMAND 3Abba Father, we submit to Your Spirit and repent of all sins through words, deeds and thoughts. We admit that we as the community of believers in South Africa are passive and are not doing what we are supposed to do as Your disciples. We call on You. We beg You day and night. Have mercy on us and light up a fire in us. Forgive us all judgement, criticism and things we have said about other believers or denominations. Cancel the power of our words and turn it around into blessings. We come before Your Throne in Christ Jesus’ Name and repent, that we do not discern between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant, the physical Israel in the Flesh and the Spiritual Israel in the Spirit, the physical Jerusalem and the Spiritual Jerusalem , Your Bride. The things in the Old Testament was mirror images of the real things, the Spiritual things, Gal 4;25-27, Heb 8:5-6 & Heb 10:1. That some of us wants to be circumcised in the physical to serve the Law and by doing so reject what Christ has done, Gal 5:1+4. That we do not have the Fruits of the Spirit, of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, and Friendliness, and do not bare one another’s burdens and has fallen into idolatry, disunity and jealousy, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Gal 5:19+22. That we Live by the Spirit but walk in the flesh, Gal 5:25-26. That we do not support the weak with kindness, and help them to carry their burdens, Gal 6:1-3. That we sow in the flesh and reap destruction, Gal 6:8. That we do not bless one another and show good will to fellow believers, Gal 6:10. That we are busy with all sorts of teachings and courses, study the depts. of satan and satanic practises but do not preach the crucified Christ, Gal 6:15. Father that we blame You for curses, sickness, death of love ones, and bad things that happens to us while You want to bless us and give us life in abundance, Eph 1:3, John 10:10 & Jer 29:11. That we trough our passivity are stopping the process of uniting all things in Christ, Eph 1:10. That we do not preach the crucified Christ that people can hear, belief and get sealed off by the Spirit, Eph 1:13. That because we walk in the flesh we do not have Your Spirit of Wisdom, and Revelation in Knowledge of You and the spiritual eyes of our minds are closed and therefore we do not experience or know Your Glory, Eph 1:17-23.That we do not walk in the good works that You have created us for, Eph 2:10. We admit that we are the Spiritual Israel, Your Temple in Christ and that all people are equal In You, Eph 2: 12-22. That we do not preach the Good News of Your Riches and neither do we make known to the demons the greatness of Your Wisdom, Eph 3:8:10. That we aren’t empowered by Your Spirit in our inner man so that You may live in us and we may know Your Love to be filled by Your Fullness, Eph 3: 16-19. That we do not walk worthy to our calling with meekness, humbleness, and patience to tolerate one another and try as hard as we can to keep peace and unity, Eph 4:1-3. Father we admit there is only one Body, one Bible, One Sprit, One God, You are One, one baptizism and only one true Faith in Christ, but we have broken Your Body in to thousands of pieces in manmade denominations, Eph 4:4-7. You gave us all gifts of the Spirit. It is not titles but gifts. The Spirit with all Your Fullness lives in all of us, but we do not use our gifts to build up and to equip the community of believers so that we may all grow up to maturity in Your Love because of our passivity, Eph 4:11-16, 1Kor 12:4-7+28-30. That because of our ignorance our hearts are blinded and we are alienated from You, Eph 4:17-18. That we do not want to crucify the old sinful man and get renewed in our minds to have Your Character and personality, Eph 4:22-24. That we are false, lie to one another, belief false doctrines, get angry and give satan a handle to hold on to us. We repent of bitterness, slander, anger, evil speaking, clamour, malice, shouting and all evil in us that breaks Your Heart, Eph 4:26-31. That we do not follow Your example and walk in Love, Eph 5:1. We repent of greediness, unrighteousness, nastiness, foolishness, talking nonsense, and that we get deceived by false prophets, Eph 5:3-6. That we do not live in Mercy, Righteousness and Truth, but are involved in the fruitless works of satan, Eph 5:9-11. That we do not make an effort to know You personally but get drunk with wine, Eph 5:17-18. That each believer does not partake in our gatherings with Psalms, Praise, spiritual songs, testimonies, and submit to one another out of fear for Your Spirit in each of us, Eph 5:19-21. That men aren’t the head of their houses, Eph 5:22-23. That we are full of evil and men do not love their wives as their own bodies, Eph 5:24-31. That children do not honour parents and elder people, fathers annoy their children, and servants and employees do not respect their employers, Eph 6:1+4-6. That we do not walk in Your authority, with the full armour, but we fight our opposition in the flesh, we do not know Your Word, we aren’t walking in righteousness, we aren’t sharing the Good News, do not use Your Word as our Sword, and we do not constantly pray for fellow believers, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Eph 6:10-18. That our knowledge and experience do not increase because of our passivity, we do not have testimonies, and cannot discern so that we can walk in righteousness and do not provoke people, Phil 1:9-10. That we judge others who win souls in ways we do not understand, Phil 1:18. That we aren’t in unity, in Love, with the same goal and aim but selfish and we do not honour others but only look at our own interest, Phil 2:2-7. That we do not work out our own salvation in fear or allow You to work in us to do Your Will and to please You, but mown, Phil 2:12-14. That we do not receive Your sent one in joy, with hospitality and honour, Phil 2:29. That we do not discern the dogs, the False prophets and the false teachers in our midst, Phil 3:2. That we do not know the Power of Your Resurrection, neither have we Your Love, nor do we give everything to gain the future but rather hold on to the things of the past, Phil 3:10-14. That we think in the flesh about earthly things and forget that we are spiritual beings, who need to think about spiritual things, Phil 3:19-20. That we worry and do not ask You to address our needs through prayer, praise and thanksgiving, Phil 4:6-7. That we do not think about honourable, Holy, And Righteous. Lovely and Praiseworthy things, Phil 4:8. That we are ungraceful and not satisfied under all circumstances, while we have everything that we need, Phil 4:11-14. That we do not know Your Will or You, we do not have Wisdom and Spiritual Insight and do not walk in righteousness before You to please You and to do Your Word so that You can equip us and anoint us with Power to do Your Will and to please You with what we are doing, Col 1:9-12. That we do not correct and teach every believer to maturity to present them to You, Col 1:28. That we are taken captive by the knowledge of men, foolish deception of people, the habits of our ancestors, the principals of pagans, Col 2:8. That our flesh, our physical bodies aren’t circumcised, are not born again by Your Spirit, and now we are trying to understand Your Word with our brain in the flesh, which is imposable because it is Spiritual, Col 2:11-14. That we judge people on Feast, the Sabbath, on food and wine, while it is a mirror image of the Spiritual, Col 2: 16-18+20-23. That we do not think about Heavenly and Spiritual things but earthly, in Christ Jesus, Name, Col 3:1-3. That we do not gown ourselves with bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness and longsuffering, and we do not want to forgive others as You forgave us our multitude of sin, Col 3:12-13. That we do not gown us in Love and are not appreciating what You have done for us, Col 3:14-17. That we do not do everything we do as unto You but are negligent, do things half heartedly and untidy, Col 3:23-25. That we do not act right, righteous and fare to our employees but we slander them, talk harsh to them, misuse them, offend them, that we are cruel to them, do not take their circumstances in to consideration and do not pay them fairly what they deserve, Col 4:1. That we do not talk to people in Love but are arrogant, offensive and ugly, Col 4:6. That we aren’t serious about Your calling on our lives and we do not put in every effort to fulfil it to our best, Col 4:7. That we do not preach the Good News with Word, Power and in the Spirit with self-confidence, that we are not following Your example and do not walk in Your footsteps, 1Thess 1:5-7. Father that our nation did not turn from our idols and worship You alone the only Almighty Creator, 1Thess 1:9. That we are pleasing people with greed in our hearts to get honoured by people, 1Thess 2:5-6. That we are outside Your Will and do not care about Sanctification and therefore will not see Your Face, 1Thess 4:3. That we get married because of lust and pollute other’s marriage beds, 1Thess4:5-8. That Your disciples do not want to work with their own hands so that they will be able to take care of their own needs, 1Thess 4:11-12. That we say those who die go to Heaven while they sleep in paradise and Your Word say nobody will be before the others and the dead will only be raise at the Second coming, 1Thess 4:13-17, John 5:28, John 6:39-40+44 en Open 20:6. That we say that Your Second coming will come like a thief at night while Your Word say we as Your Bride will be expecting You, we won’t know the day and the hour but we know the season, 1Thess 5:4-6. That we do not honour those who has gone before us, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, are patient towards all men, see that none render for evil unto any person and do not follow which is good, 1Thess 5:12-14. That we do not chase what is good, rejoice over everything, pray without cease, glad over everything, we Block Your Spirit and ignore the Prophesies, 1Thess 5:15-23. That we follow and execute the ways of satan, Rome and their agents, run after lies, powerful witchcraft, signs and wonders, which is not the truth, we belief their lies and get deceived, 2Thess 2:9-11. That we eat bread without paying, in Your Name, because we are lazy and do not want to work, 2Thess 3:8-12. That we keep ourselves busy with family trees and fables on Bible figures which lead to arguments, 1Tim 1:4. That we keep us busy talking nonsense, Jewish roots, the Feasts, and the Law which were meant for non believers, 1Tim 1:5-9. That we do not do intersession, begging, praying and giving thanks and praises to You for all people, the lost, and our government, 1Thess 2:1-4. That we want to prescribe to You who You must use and reject people because of their youth and lack of qualifications, 1Tim 4:12. That believing men do not care for their families, household and children and do not pay support but say they represent You, 1Tim 5:8. That we are haughty, full of pride, know it all, trust in our Bank accounts, do not trust in You but rather fill our stores with Mammon which You are going to destroy in the near future, 1Tim 6:17-19 & Dan 2:44-45. That we live with all sorts of fear, nightmares, worrying over everything and not trusting on You, 2Tim 1:7. That we argue about Your Word and do not ask Your Spirit for revelation, 2Tim 2:14 + 2Kor 3:3-5. That we do not sanctify our bodies, Your House through repentance, so that we can be an instrument, Holy and able to be used by You for any good work, 2Tim 2:20-21. That we argue about Your Word and do not direct people with Love according to Your Word, 2Tim 2:23-25. That we are lovers of the own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof and that we associate with these people, 2Tim 3:1-5. That we misuse single women, rob them from their money, always study theology and do Bible courses but never get revelation about Your mysteries and neither know anything about spiritual principals or how to discern the spirits, but rather try and solve problems with philosophy, men’s knowledge and ideas, and New Age, in Christ Jesus’ Name, 2Tim 3:5-9.That we blaspheme those who want to truly serve You and criticise them, 2Tim 3:12. That we do not know the Scriptures and can’t use them to teach, counter arguments, show people the way, or to train others in Truth, 2Tim 3:15-16. That we do not timely or untimely, counter, rebuke, warn, or teach people on Your Word, 2Tim 4:2. That we do not want to hear the Truth out of Your Word anymore but have appointed teachers who please us and tell us fables and New Age teachings, 2Tim 4:3-5. That every believer do not fulfil his calling, 2Tim 4:5. That we are not blameless, stewards of You, but self-willed, soon to anger, given to wine, strikers, given to filthy lucre, not lovers of hospitality, lovers of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate, not holding fast the faithful Word has been taught, and are not able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. Tit 1:8-11. That we turn our houses upside down and hurt our children and families through Jewish roots, fables, the Law and teachings of men, because we do not understand the New Covenant and are still in the flesh, Tit 1:11+14-16. That we are in rebellion, curse and criticise authorities and government, not willing to do good things, violent, unfriendly, without mercy, and everybody is just looking after his own interest to try and survive, Tit 3:1-3. That our flesh is not born again through the washing of regeneration, by Your Spirit, Tit 3:5. That we do not withdraw from people who argue about the law, family trees and causes disunity, who closes Heaven for some who do not belief as they belief, and say they are going to Hell, Tit 3:9. That we say the building that we gather in is Your House while the community of Believers is Your House, Heb 3:6 en 1Tim 3:15. That we do not listen to Your Voice or Your Word and do not have peace and struggle to belief, can’t come into Your Rest, and rest from our own efforts, because we do not belief like children, Heb 3:15+19. That we do not belief and trust in You and all Your promises and therefore live in all sorts of fears, Heb 4:2-3. That our disbelief prohibit us from going into Your Sabbath’s Rest so that every day can be a Sabbath, and therefore we are striving in the flesh to please You, Heb 4:9-10. That we say because of our sin we are to bad and therefore You do not hear us while there is nothing that can stop Your love for us, Heb 4:15-16. That we are slow to hear Your Word, do not know Your Word and are still drinking milk and do not grow up to spiritual maturity through passiveness, Heb 12:14.We admit that we are still practising Old Covenant practices, building temples of stone, appointing priests, while we are Your Temple and we are all priest in the New Covenant and You are the High Priest, 1Pet 2:5+9, That Your Spirit teaches us now and we do not need teachers anymore, Heb 8:10-11 + 1John 2: 10+27. That You are waiting on us to make through us Your enemy Your Footstool, but we are sitting passive and just wait on the Second Coming, Heb 10:13 + Heb 2:8. That we do not repent so that our hearts can be washed by Your Blood and after that be baptized so that our bodies can be washed from the sinful man and born again, Heb 10:22. That we do not enter the Throne Room in Christ Jesus’ Name and only pray to a god and then we want You to answer our prayers, Heb 10:19. That the moment we sin or do bad things we are ashamed to enter Your Throne Room because we think You are angry at us while it only gives satan rights and the sooner we repent we will be restored again, Heb 10:17 + 35. That we aren’t steadfast in our Faith in the things we trust and therefore we cannot please You, because without faith our prayers will not be answered, Heb 11:6. That we do not receive Your promises through disbelief, Heb 11:33. That we belief there is a cloud of dead believers sitting in Heaven as witnesses watching us, while the Word talks about testimonies and not people, Heb 11, Heb 12:1. That we do not fight sin with all our lives, Heb 12:4. That we get angry at You when You correct us or put us in hardship while You want us to repent and turn back to You so that You can bless us, Heb 12:5-11. That we do not have peace with all people and sanctify our Temples so that we may see You Face to face, Heb 12:14. That we do not understand that Zion, Your Holy City, Holy Mountain, Jerusalem are only mirror images of the real thing, the Spiritual Zion, Jerusalem, Your Bride, the Spirit filled Believers, Heb 12:22 + Open 21:2+9-10.That we do not fear You and understand that You are a Consuming Fire Who are going to kill billions of people before the Second Coming, Heb 12:28-29. That we have no love for the prisoners, the abused, those who got raped, the murdered, molested and orphans, widows and street children, and that we do not keep our marriages pure, Heb 13:1-7. That men do not love their wives as their own bodies and that the world by looking at us believers cannot see how much Christ Love His Bride. We admit that we do not belief that You can’t change and that we do not belief the same Christ that did all those miracles in Jerusalem, lives in us, Heb 13:8. That we do not worship and praise You continuously and neglect to share our blessings with those in need, Heb 13:15-18. That we moan and groan when we suffer and do not realise that You are going to bless us once the lesson struck home, Jam 1:2-4+12+14-16. That we get angry and are not acting on Your Word, Jam 1:20-22. That we neglect the widow and the orphan in their suffering, and we do not take up their case in court, Jam 1:27. That we choose sides and neglect the poor, and harm the poor rather than show compassion to them, we do not give them clothes, feed the hungry believers, and do not bare the fruits that say we are believers, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Jam 2:5-9+ 13+ 15+17+20. That we do not guard our tongs, pollute our Temples and set the world on fire, curse, criticize, and blaspheme, Jam 3:6-10. We do nasty things because of our greed and jealousy, Jam 3:14-18. That we are making war and just want to kill those who differ from us politically because of greed and selfishness, because we do not pray and come to salvation, Jam 4:1-2. That we do not submit to You and come against satan so that he can flee from us, Jam 4:7. That we do not approach You so that You can solve our problems, we do not cleanse our hands and hearts, travail and cry before You, humble ourselves so that You can raise us above our misery and heal our land, but slander, criticize and curse, Jam 4:8-12. That we rely on our own abilities and do not say if You allow it, it will happen, Jam 4:15-16. That we are gathering treasures on earth but do not cry about Your Roth that is about to hit this earth, plus we keep payment back from our labourers, Jam 5:1-6. That we do not call the elders when we are sick to anoint us with oil and pray for us, but run to doctors for healing, Jam 5:14-16. That we do not rejoice in suffering, 1Pet 1: 6-8. That we aren’t Holy as You are Holy and do not have any fear for You, 1Pet 1:15-17. That we do not allow ourselves to be build up as a spiritual house, to grow up to maturity, to bring spiritual sacrifices to You as Your priesthood, 1Pet 2:5+9. That women believers adore the outside, dress like the world and husbands do not honour their wives taking into account that You have made them being the weaker vessel to be cared for, comforted and build up, like You are caring for us, so that our prayers can be answered, 1Pet 3:1-7.We aren’t in unity, do not have sympathy with others, do not bless others, do not guard our tongs, and do not seek peace with all people. We fear the enemy, get upset, and do not take responsibility for the state our country is in, and do not take up our authority in Christ to salve the problems, the corruption and the unrighteousness in our country, 1Pet 3:8-16. That we say You went to Hell while You went down to where all the dead people were before the Cross and preach the Good News to them so that all people could be saved, 1Pet 3:19 +1Pet 4:6. That elders do not take care of believers, showing the example how, but rule like the world and pagans, 1Pet 5:2-5. That we are backsliding because we do not fulfil our callings, do not practise our gifts, have action, we do not know You nor Your Power intimately, and therefore we do not have Your Godly nature, 2Pet 1:4-10. That we are not constantly reminding one another to serve You, and to act and to do Your Word, 2Pet1:10-13. That we try and work out the meaning of Your Word with our own abilities, trust theologians on the lay out, and do not ask Your Spirit for the lay out and meaning, 2Pet 1:18-21. That we curse satan who is Your creation, while the angels did not dare to do that but only said God will rebuke you, 2Pet 2:10-18 + Judas 1:4 +8-9. That we do not act on Your Word, do as You did, as You showed us when You walked the earth, and therefore we do not know You, neither Your Will, and lack Your Love, 1John 2:3+5-6 & 1John 3:14-18. That we hate believers from other denominations and nations and do not have Your Light nor Love in us, 1John 2:16-17. That we do not have Your Glory and Anointing on us, aren’t taught by Your Spirit but by men, 1John 2:20+27. We do not sanctify ourselves through repentance and aren’t Holy and Pure like You, 1John 3:3+1John 1:9. That we sin because we do not walk in the Sprit in Christ, 1John 3:6+9-10. We pray but do not receive because we do not act out Your Word and do as You have done, 1John 3:22+24. We do not discern but belief every person that can cause manifestations, 1John 4:1-3+15. That we live in fear because we do not have Your Love in us, because Your Love drives the demon of fear out, 1John 4:18. That we do not test the false prophets, invite them into our houses, associate with them, and even pray with them at mixed altars, 2John 1:7+10-11. That we allow pagans to infiltrate our meetings and even eat with them and make unholy covenants, Judas 1:4+12. That we moan, walk in the flesh with fleshly desires, talk proudly, and please people with our words, Judas 1:16. We admit that we talk of the Revelations of John, while it is You Yourself that is speaking to humankind. Open 1:1. That we do not fulfil our calling to rule as kings and priest as Your Stewards, Open 1:6. That we do not expose the false apostles and prophets among us, Open 2:2. That we do not hate the works of the theologians with their false doctrine, Open 2:6. That we do not withdraw from those that falsely presume to be Jews and practise Judaism, Open 2:9. That we tolerate the teachings of Balaam to eat idol sacrifices, Open 2:14. That we allow Jezebel with her false Roman doctrine to mislead, deceive, control and pollute believers, while occult doctrine is been brought into our lives and communities under the excuse that we need to know the enemy, Open 2:20-24. That we do not want to repent and sanctify our Temple and will be casted in the Great Tribulation till we repent, Open 7:9-14. That we do not want to come out of Babylon and reject Rome and her false doctrine, the world’s financial systems and the world’s political systems, Open 18:4. That we believe the New Jerusalem is a city with golden mansions that comes down from Heaven, while it is Your Bride, the Born Again, Sanctified, Spirit Filled Believers, because spiritual beings do not need physical things, Open 21:2+9-10. That we do not do Your Word and Commandments and therefore walk on thin ice to get our names removed from the Book of Life, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Open 22:14. We repent that we have added and removed things from the Book of Revelations and made false doctrines out of it, we just want to go to Heaven and be raptures while we need to Evangelize the Lost, with the Good News of Your Kingdom and not just the Good News of Salvation, so that people can repent, be sanctified and presented to You without blemish! Father please break this curse of passivity over Your children, as we bind these demons keeping Your Body captive, we ask You to break this web over their minds and to rebuke the demons. Satan Christ Jesus, rebukes you, Jude 1:9. Father send Your angels to take them captive and make a Footstool for Christ of them, and anoint Your children with Fire that they will strive Like soldiers for Your Kingdom in super charge mode, Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus & Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!WORLD ORDER - BABYLONIAN & EGYPTIAN ROOTS, (RC):Father, in Christ Jesus’ Name, we come before Your Throne and repent of all our sins through deeds, thoughts and words. We come and stand in the gap for the sin and iniquity on the land. Our Kings, our Priests, our fathers and we, the people of this country has polluted the land through sin, iniquity, pagan rituals, pagan symbols, statues and high places where satan are honoured. We stand in the gap for those who are taken captive through these sins and iniquities. As Christ did on the cross we associate with these people as if we did it ourselves and beg You as we stand in their shoes before You, that You will have Mercy on them and save their souls. As we repent of these sins we ask You to open these people’s eyes so that they can turn to You as their King, Creator and Saviour, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Father we renounce the ritual of baptism of children and the belief that this is one of the channels of grace through which we can be saved. The driving out of demons through oil and salt in the mouth. That we can be born again through the child baptism and any loyalty to the Roman Catholic Congregation or the Vatican. Every ritual of confession to a Priest, the unbiblical structures of the Pope, cardinals, bishops, monks, nuns, as well as every statue, candle, water or garb used. The communion bread that they say is You. Father, the idol worship of things and the eating of food sacrificed to idols, Rev 2:20. The continuous sacrifice of You, the letters “I”, “H”, and “S” on the bread that represent demons and the belief that if I eat the bread I will receive Your Spirit. The lies that babies that are not baptised must go to Limbo and that prayers will get them out of that, any prayers for the dead, every name of a Saint that was linked to us or any of our ancestors or congregations plus the protecting powers of these demons. That we have to suffer for You before we can be a witnesses. Every mass that was attended, the lies that we shall be cursed if we confess our faith in salvation, any belief in purgatory where souls are kept in suffering and that we can pay money to get them out of there. Any belief in mother Mary as more than a person. The value of repeating words. The bowing down before things and the making of a cross sign on the chest and forehead which came out of the occult and is a sun worship ritual, Ex 30:9, Deut 12:30 & Rev 2: 20-24. The Pope as the keeper of the keys to life, the Pope as the head of Your Kingdom on earth, that Peter was the rock. Matt 16:18, Eph 2:20 & Ps 71:3. 1Cor 9:5. Any worship to (Mary) who wants to establish Satan’s order on earth and all worship to Mary as godhead or any loyalty to this Queen of Heaven who is a demon and all the participation by the Romans to introduce satan’s lies in Christianity. All participation and worship at the stations of the cross, including all the Sun Worship involved. The whole system of the Roman Catholic Church, including the control of the world economy, the Jesuits, the Illuminati, Mafia, Club of Rome, the Free Masons, Islam, the false Christ and antichrist. All the defilement on the face of the earth with all their idols, statues of the Queen of Heaven, sun worship rituals, sun worship terminology and symbols of Sun Worship. All the beads that will bring favour and all the demons involved. Father we reject and ask You to cut us and our descendants loose from the whole system of the Roman Catholics, the Vatican, the Queen of Heaven or this Jezebel system. We repent of all bloodshed, manipulation and domination of others, the pollution and deception of Christianity, the demonic terminology with which we worship you today because of the unification of paganism with Christianity during the times of Constantine and the destruction and poverty that this has brought all over the world where the Roman Catholics controlled the lives of the people in the rural areas, in Christ Jesus’ Name. We repent of the bloodshed of 68 million Protestants just in Spain alone, Dan 7:20-21. The manipulation, intimidation and domination of others and the destruction that this has brought all over the world where the Roman Catholics controlled the lives of the people. We repent for allowing these people to keep people from getting married, 1Tim 4:1-5. To change Scriptural times, festivals and dates, Dan 7:25. That we have adopted pagan high days. To swear at Father and to exult themselves above Father, Dan 7:25 & 11:36-37. To do false signs and wonders to deceive us, Matt 24:24, 2Thess 2:9+11. To establish satan’s kingdom here on earth with us doing nothing against it and even supporting them. That we have allowed them to feed us food that was sacrificed to idols by saying the bread is Your Flesh and the wine is Your Blood, while it is symbolic of repentance and the reading of the Word, Rev 2:20 & 1Cor 19:14- 21. That we ran after idol priests to see manifestations while they do not know You and are abusing Your Name, Matt 7:21-23 & 24:24. That we are deceived by the false messiah and even pay money into his kingdom for the shows of his priests at temples built according to Herod, 2Cor 11:4. While You live in human bodies and no longer in temples of stone. That we are studying the teachings of Jezebel and allow her in our congregations to teach and prophesy falsely, Rev 2:20-24, Ex 30:9 & Deut 12:30. Father we ask You for forgiveness for all the rituals, all the idol sacrifices, blood sacrifices, human sacrifices, people killed, defilement of premises, mixing Christianity with paganism and the taking over of their premises, fountains, rituals, terminology, high days, garments and the defilement of Your Bride with these rituals, Ex 30:9, Deut 7:25-26, Deut 12: 2-3+30 & Rev 2:24. Please silence all the innocent Blood that is calling against us, as the Bride of both Christians and of servants of satan, cut the soul ties and cancel every curse of death over us. We reject every part of any submission any one has made, or association on behalf of the Bride, our nation or ourselves with the antichrist and this Babylonian church system. We cancel any right which satan may have over us or on our children because of this. We reject any right that the suppressors of Rome or satan may have over us, our country and our nation and we dedicate all to the Kingship, and Creatorship of our Christ Jesus. Cut us loose from anything to do with the Roman Catholic system, the curse of passiveness, deception, false doctrine, lies, intimidation & control. The Queen of Heaven, Baal or Sun Worship, the occult trinity of the father, the mother and the son from Babylon. We reject all their idol worship days. We renounce the Roman Catholic’s secret task force, the Jesuits or the Society of Jesus with their Universal church’s authority over us. That they have infiltrated all religions and cults and are busy introducing all rituals and doctrines to all, to form a One World Church, the Universal church. That they are busy convincing everybody all over that the Jesus Christ of the Roman Catholic Church, the antichrist, is the true Messiah and a man and not the Creator. That we have trusted these people while they started wars, revolutions and rebellions all over the world. We renounce the spirit of rebellion murder and bloodshed, the antichrist, racism, disunity, the Pharisees, the Scribes and the Sadducees that operates through them. That they have been killing the true believers for ages. The Babylonian rituals and doctrine, the Jewish theology, Greek philosophy, the perversion of Your Commands, the absolute rebellion against every Commandment, and the perversion of the Scriptures. That they have added and took away to promote their doctrine and to deceive the believers. The spirit of Ignatius de Loyola the founder of this universal church under the Roman Catholic Church as their dark side. We admit that the Jesuits were launched to stop the Protestants, to destroy them and to pervert them with satanic doctrine and rituals from Rome. That they infiltrated every sector of society as highly respectable, intelligent and influential people and agents of the antichrist. That they infiltrated the church, other religions, and took it over from the inside to submit it to the Vatican, through the World Council of Churches and others non Christian movements by controlling them as part of leadership. The total take over of education, arts and culture. The promotion of corruption. To create poverty over nations and their governments, The take over of schools, pulpits, churches and the befriending of influential people.That they are advisors to our governments. We renounce the indoctrination and deception of the youth with occult ideas, Roman doctrine, violence and rebellion. The control of education plans, recreation, art, culture and the media. That they take children on visions of supernatural powers, demonic powers and war games to promote violence. To teach children to kill their own and the enemy. To break down our ability to own choices, ideas, your will and ways of thinking. To apply the lie 40 times so that we will believe it. To liberate people from the self and to control your entire way of thinking to the way they think since 1546. That they are the Sheppard’s of our souls. The universal idea. The nets with which they catch our souls. They have infiltrated our churches, families, schools, universities and all organisations of importance to manipulate and control. That they are these wonderful members of society and leaders of the community but snakes behind the scenes. That they work hand in hand with the politicians. To manipulate the history by dictatorship and to destroy democracy and righteousness. That they create chaos and destabilize the economy, the social system, politics, moral values, education and religion all over the world. That they cause the separation in the Bride trough doctrine and occult rituals. That they are direct under the black pope who controls the highest forms of Satanism all over. They started both world wars. They are constantly causing conflict between groups and countries. They cause wars against countries that does not support the Vatican and the pope and destroy their infrastructure. That this hatred of the Jews by the Catholic Church manifested through Hitler and he killed millions. We renounce this origin of National Socialism with all its leaders. Also a national socialistic Catholic Christian Vatican state under the antichrist. All authority of the black pope over our finances, government and at spiritual levels. Over our country, nation, Your Bride, or any other religion or organisation under our authority. We declare the ruler ship of the Victor over our country and people, bind satan and speak death over his works and ask You to rebuke him, in Christ Jesus’ Name.We renounce this Roman, Greece, and Babylonian hierarchy, a small group of people that decide on behalf of others, manipulate, dictate, control, financially benefit from and prescribe to society what is right or wrong to promote their belief, doctrine and aims on every level of society, political and spiritual. That they are constantly creating ethnical disunity to kill two thirds of the world’s population after they have taken over the control of the mineral resources of that country. Pollute true believers with prayer meetings, and mystic teachings to form a so called elite Christian group. That the spirit of the Virgin Mary protects them, the string of beads, the rosary saves them. The drinking of blood, milk from Mary’s breasts, may not eat apples, ancestor worship, statues at houses of assemblies, and the white dove symbol. That Hitler programmed his SS and Gestapo through them. That the RCC called Hitler a son of God and of the Mother of God. That All Hitler’s generals were Catholics. That the Jesuits controlled the incarnation camps and killed the Jews. That “Mein Kampf” was a Jesuit publication. We acknowledge that our main stream churches are some of the riches organisations with no heart for the poor. That even our born again leaders are so indoctrinated by the antichrist church system of a church hierarchy enriching themselves and the building of temples with Your funds that there is no money for the poor, the widow and the orphan or for evangelization. That us, our government, our nation, and our congregations associated with the Jesuits and allowed them to deceive, programme, brain wash and to bind us in our minds so that we could not receive Your revelations. We beg You for Mercy! Mercy Father! Give us Mercy and cancel these programming over our minds, will and ability to choose. Over us, our children, our nation, government, and spiritual leaders from all believes and cults. Break the blockages in our minds. Cut the soul ties with these people. We renounce everything they stand for or do.We ask You to cancel every right that satan may have because of this association with these people and that you will cancel these rights in Heaven and wash the sins away with Your Blood. We bless these people with a double blessing of salvation, righteousness and the fear of You the Almighty One. We address a petition to Your Throne for the salvation of these people and agents of the 666 system, corporately as Your Bride. That You will expose these satanic priests in our midst, in the church and in government. That what ever they have done in the dark will come into the light That You will anoint Your children with the gift of discernment to recognise these agents of darkness and their works. That as we agree in unity, You will either safe their souls or remove them from any position of authority over us and replace them with born again, spirit filled believers. We declare a divorce between our church leaders and political leaders. That Your Thunder will sound in the spiritual realm so that no longer will politicians use spiritual leaders as platforms to raise votes for political parties or to brainwash believers, Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus & Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!EL-SHAMMAH SERVANTS: E-mail: mariba@zsd.co.za:KOEVOET FOR CHRISTDISCIPLESHIP & PRAKTICAL PRAYERSmariba@zsd.co.zaEL-SHAMMAH SERVANTSMarius BrandDISCIPLESHIP-MANUEL: THE GOOD NEWS AND SCRIPTURES……………………………………….. Pg 207.DECREE:…………………………………………………………………………….. Pg 208.MOSES’ SHADOW IMAGES OF GOOD NEWS: ……………………………… Pg 209.FORGIVENESS PRAYER: (PRAYER BOOK)………………………..……….. Pg 212.PERSONAL SIN LIST: ……………………………………………………. Pg 213.25 RENUNCIATION PRAYERS: (PRAYER BOOK)………… ..…………….. Pg 222.THE BAPTISM:………………………… ……………………………………… Pg 223.INNER HEALING: a. Personal: Inner Healing Prayer ………….….. Pg 228. b. Papa Love Prayer: c. Mather Love Prayer: d. Soul ties: e. Oaths and self cursing: 9. THE DO LIST……………………………………………………………. Pg 229. 10. SPIRUTAL GATHERINGS OF CONGREGATIONS: …….. Pg 232. 11. THE FEESTS & SIMBOLISM:…………………………………………………. Pg 234. 12. THE JEWISH MARIAGE:……… ………………………………………….. Pg 235. DEUR: EL-SHAMMAHCHAPTER ONE:THE GOOD NEWS: John 1:1, Is 9:6, Is 53:3-5, Is 52:14, Gal 2:20, 1Cor 6:19, & Rom 10:9.O’, ARE YOU GOING TO CHURCH?QUSTION 1: WHAT DOES YOU OR YOUR CHURCH SAY, WHO IS JESUS?QUSTION 2: WHAT DO YOU OR YOUR CHURCH SAY, WHY WAS JESUS CRUSIFIED?WONDERFULL. CAN I NOW TELL YOU WHAT I BELIEF?OK! BUT FIRST WE NEED TO ASK GOD TO SPEAK THROUGH ME, BECAUSE ONLY GOD CAN DO THE CONVINCING! HOLY GROUND PRAYER! …PRAYER BOOK …………………………………………….!LET US SEE WHAT THE WORD SAY, WHO IS JESUS:JESUS IS GOD: John 1:1, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word is God. DO YOU SEE, JESUS IS GOD:JESUS IS ALSO THE FATHER AND THEY ARE ONE. Is 9:5, a Child is been born, a son has been given to us, al authority rest upon Him and He is called, Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of PeaceDO YOU SEE, JESUS IS THE FATHER.WHY WAS JESUS CRUSIFIED? Isa 53:3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Isa 53:4 Surely he hath borne our grieves, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. Isa 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Do you see, He died: for our Rejection, our sorrows, our grieves, trauma, and sickness, for our sins He was wounded, for our iniquities His body was totally marred, Sis happen in a moment but the curse or iniquity can carry on for years and make people suffer. EXAPLE: a Women is raped or molested as a child, Someone else sinned. But the women is broken and in pain till she comes to Jesus and receive healing! Then the wonderful news, by His stripes we are Healed! Al we need to do is belief and take it for us! WHAT HAPPENED TO CHRIST? The Romans arrested Him! Gave Him 39 stripes with a sambok with pieces of bone tied to it! They took of all the flesh on His back so that you can count His ribs, PS 22:17-18. Then they hang Him on a pole where the Anger of God came upon that Body while God Himself was inside that Body! The wroth of God completely marred the Body! Isa 52:14 As many were astonished at thee; His visage was so marred more than any man and His form more than the sons of men: NOW JESUS SAY TO YOU: IF YOU BELIEF THIS, COME LET ME CRUSIFY YOU: Gal 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lived in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. NOW HE ASK YOU TO GIVE YOUR BODY OVER TO HIM 1Cor 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. DO YOU SEE! You are the priest in your body, The Temple of God! You are responsible before Christ as our High Priest of what we do with His Temple, 1Pet 2:5, Acts 7:48-49, Heb 3:6 & 1Tim 3:15! IF YOU BELIEF ALL OF THIS – COME AND PROCLAIM IT WITH YOUR MOUTH! Rom 10:9 That if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved. DO YOU SEE BY CONFESSING WHO JESUS IS YOU WILL BE SAVED AND BELIEVING THAT HIS BODY WAS RAISED FROM DEATH! DO YOU WANT TO DO THIS? To declare Who Jesus is and what we have now read in the Bible! I CAN LEAD YOU IN A DECLARATION! Just repeat after me! ………………………….. DECREE! …………………………………………………………..DECREE: (spiritual circumcision, Rom 2:29) (Sinners prayer): Heb 13:15!I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh, is my King, my Saviour, Abba Father and my God. That You are the Son of God, Eternal Father and Mighty God, John 1:1-3 & Is 9:6. Your Body died on the cross for my sins, iniquities, worries, sorrows, grieve, problems and rejections. By Your stripes we are healed, Is 53:3-5. Your Body died on the cross and You went down to the spirits in prison, 1Peter 3:19, to declare victory over sin and death, 1Pet 4:6. Father raised Your Body from the dead. You ascended to Heaven where You are sitting on Your Throne as our King, Creator and Saviour! You reign over Heaven, Earth and our Temples, our bodies, which belong to You! 1Cor 6:19-20. I surrender my body to Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name!For we have all sinned and fall short of Your Glory, Rom 3:23. The wages of sin is death but the gift that You gave us, is Eternal Life! Father if it has not happened yet, by the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, please circumcise me in my spirit, so that I am born again, Rom 2:28-29. Thank You, Abba Father that I am Your child and a co-heir! Father by the Power of Your Spirit, please crucify the self and sinful man in me so that it will no longer be I that live, but Christ Jesus that lives in me, Gal 2:20. I cancel every right and ability I have received, every fruit and every contract the devil has in my life! Please do the same in Heaven, set me free and deliver me from every indwelling or demonic power in my life. Fill me now with the fullness of Christ from the tip of my head to the tips of my toes! Father please take over every area of my life. My relationships, family, career and future! Please fill me with Your fullness! Please form me, transform me, renew me, mould and refine me and bring me into Your perfect plans for my life. Let Your will be done in my life! Open my spiritual eyes that I may receive Your revelations. Thank You Father, Christ Jesus, and Spirit of Truth. Let Your Name be exulted and glorified in Your Son, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!CHAPTER THREE:MOSES’ VERSION OF THE GOODNEWS: Heb 6:1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. Someone must tell you to hear it! Hear.Belief.Salvation and come out of Egypt through Repentance! Baptism. Desert time! For character building, renewing of the mind & Inner Healing! Baptised with the Spirit! Go through Jordan and inherit Promised Land! Evangelise! MOSES’ STORY IS A MIRROW IMAGE OF OUR SALVATION: Gal 4:22-24 & Heb 8:5-6 & Heb 9:9-10 & Heb 10:1. Evangelist Moses went to the Israelites and told them about God! I AM!The Israelites Believed! Ex 3:14-15!They declared their Faith in I AM!Salvation. They came out of Egypt! The sinful world through repentance and they died to their enemy, Pharaoh’s soldiers drowned in the red see! We need to forgive everybody before we can be baptised! They were baptised in the Red Sea, 1Kor 10:1-2 & Acts 2:38!Now the Israelites went into the Desert and stayed there for 40 years till all the original people (the flesh) died! We need to die to the flesh, politics, church doctrines; old people’s habits; only Joshua & Caleb who were walking in the Spirit could enter the promises land! (Inner Healing).Now the Israelites went through the Jordan, (Baptism with the Spirit) to be anointed for your task as soldier for Christ! To have the full armour! Even Christ Himself had to walk this road of Water Baptism and then Baptism with the Spirit to start His Ministry, Acts 19:3-6!This is the road every believer needs to walk and it should not take longer than 40 days so that we can be equipped body, soul & spirit to operate as Disciples and to do Spiritual warfare!HOLY GROUND: BIND STRONGMEN: Matt 12:29.Ex 3:5, Josh 5:15, Sag 2:12, 2Kron 7:13-15, 2Tim 2:2:20-21, & Jam 5:16.TO SANCTIFY PREMISSES: (Symbolic Prayer in Prayer Book).1. Repent of sins, iniquities, pagan warship, honour to satan, curses, hexes, spells, voodoo’s, rituals, sacrifices, animal, human and pagan! And everything else the Sprit shows!2. Walk / drive 7 times around, anoint entrances and corners of place, in Christ Jesus’ Name. (Jericho Practise).3. Declare Christ Jesus, King, Creator and Saviour over premises X 7! 4. Blow rams shorn 7 X and ask God to let the angels blow the rams horns in Heaven! 5. Do Holy Ground Prayer when services start! PERSONAL HOLY GROUND - BODY:You are three parts: Body, soul and spirit, 1Thess 5:23.Soul and flesh, 2Cor 7:1.Without Sanctification you can’t enter Throne Room, ………………….. Heb 12:14.Flesh can’t enter His Kingdom, ………………………. John 3:3-6.Renew your thoughts, …………………………… Eph 4:22-24 & Rom 12:2.Mirror Image; Priest at old Temple: Firsts self then intercede for people! Full Armour, …………………… Eph 6:12-18.Steel Plates in mind, …………………. 2Cor 10:3-6.It gives us knowledge of Salvation, ……………………. Luke 1:76-77.Entire nation need to do this, …… Mark 1:4-5. Before Jesus’ Second coming!Pagans burn books and repent, …………………….. Acts 19:18-19.Ps 15:1-5, Ps 24:3-6, Is 58: 1-12, Rom 8:19-21 & Matt 6:33!HOW: 2Cron 7:13-15, Acts 3:19-21 & Joel 2:12-17 +28.GET SATAN OUT OF THE WAY! GIVE PEOPLE THE OPORTUNITY TO HEAR AND MEET GOD ON HOLY GROUND! Satan close peoples ears, Mrk 4 : 4. Satan plant thoughts, John 13 : 2. Satan blocks peoples minds and casuses confusion, 2 Kor 10:3-5. Satan blind us to understand the Word, 2 Cor 4 : 3 - 4. Satan governs on earth, John 12:31. Flesh can not understand the Word, 1Cor 2 : 13 - 14. The Spirit needs to give the people revelation on Holy Ground, 2Cor 3:3+5-6.SUMMARY FOR DISCIPELS:1. Read your Bible daily! Read at five different places. Put markers in there! 2. Pray every day for souls. Do not look for souls! Ask Fahter to send them to you! Expect that it will happen and be ready! When someone start to talk about God or his need for God, you have your disciple! 3. Holy Ground, Good News, Sin List, Baptism, equip your disciple, Send, Monitor person, meet frequently and ask for testimonies! The Spirit will teach you in each circumstances! Do not fear! God will do everything! Just be available!Just go in to action! Things will just happen!CHAPTER FOUR: FORGIVENESS PRAYER:FORGIVE every person: Do it with everyone who ever hurt you! FORGIVENESS PRAYER:I declare that Christ Jesus’ of Nazareth, Who came in the flesh, is my Father and my Creator. I repent of all my sins through words, deeds and thoughts and I surrender in every area of my life to Your Spirit. Father, please come and live through me by the power of Your Spirit. Please release my emotions and soften my heart. Cleanse me from the iniquities that are causing so much pain in my soul and are giving Satan rights in my life. I acknowledge that what was done is sin and identify with it. I am saved through grace alone. Therefore, I extend this grace to those who have hurt me so much. I declare that I am as sinful as they are and that it is Satan who is stealing from us. He/She hurt me very much (describe). I am very angry (emotions).Father, but You say we must forgive. I open my hand and choose to forgive (name the person). He/she owes me nothing. Please remove all bitterness, hurt, anger, hatred, hardness etc. out of my heart and give me a heart of flesh. Father, I also ask you to forgive (…) in heaven and bless him/her with salvation and prosperity in every area of his/her life. Please cancel every judgment and curse that I have spoken over (…) and turn it into blessings. Bless (…) with Your favour. I understand that I am unable of getting the anger out of my system on my own. I ask You to remove all this darkness from me by replacing it with Your love for (…). Please heal me in every area of my body, soul and spirit and fill me with Your fullness. Help me to see (…) through Your eyes and to understand that satan used our bodies to hurt each other. Please cover this whole situation with Your Blood. Seal it off by Your Spirit. Hit Satan with blindness, dumbness and deafness. Hide me under Your wings and cause confusion in the ranks of darkness, so that they can’t find me. Please give back seven times what Satan stole from me through these experiences. We take back our land. We declare You our Father and King over our lives. Your Stripes healed me through the shedding of my tears. Thank you Father, Christ Jesus and Comforter, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen!Do not go and do reconciliation with these people unless the Spirits leads you to! Sometimes you will cause more harm! In most cases other people do not even know that you got hurt! CHAPTER FIVE: PERSONAL SIN LIST: Prayer in Prayer Book!SIN LIST: – Own & Ancestors:1. Who are you angry at?2. Which churches are or were you and ancestors involved in?Where you differ from me, just pray that Father will show me the truth and continue. Don’t allow satan to steal from you because of ten or twenty percent of these things. Lets agree on the stuff that we do agree. I am still learning every day.Abba Father we come before Your throne, in the Name of Christ Jesus. We repent of all our sins, through words, deeds and thoughts. Please gown us in Your righteousness. We submit to Your Spirit, speak through us and blow life into our words. We associate with the sins of our ancestors, our nation and Christianity. We are all equally sinful before you. We are saved by grace and through nothing that we have done or deserved. Forgive us and cancel every curse over us and our descendants due to these sins, as we admit to them today. We stand in the gap for our nation, our government, the Body, our fathers and our own sins and for the fact that we have polluted the land and our bodies in which the blood of our ancestors are flowing. Please turn every curse into a blessing and give back seven times what Satan has stolen, 2Cron 7:14-15. Fill this place with Your angels to fight for us. Saturate us now with the fullness of Your anointing of deliverance and healing power. We take authority over every evil spirit and we bind them and ask You to rebuke every demon involved. We order every demon to leave this place now without manifestation and to go to His Footstool. Father give us a sound mind, Your Love and Your Peace, in Christ Jesus’ Name. Cover us, our minds, this place, our relationships, marriages, possessions, All our family members and what is going to happen here, with Your Blood so that no backlash will come to any of us because of these prayers that we are going to do. Seal everything off by Your Blood and encamp it by Your serving angels. Draw a wall of Fire around us. We declare that we are guilty of the sins of idolatry. Please break every demonic seal that is placed over us and our families. Shake the wrong foundations that are in our lives. We bring before You anyinvolvement:The following checklist has been put together to help work through the various roots / issues that must be broken off, renounced, and dealt with. Please note, this checklist is only a guideline. We have tried to cover as many of the major points as possible, however there may [and probably will] be roots / issues in your life that are not listed. We encourage you to list these in the last section of this checklist [blank lines]. If you are not sure of something, we encourage you to list it anyway. This way, you and your counsellor can pray and work through all roots / issues that the Holy Spirit may be highlighting. In working through the checklist, mark a check if you or your ancestors have had involvement in the point listed. If you are able to answer specifically [if there are several points listed in one box], we encourage you to do so in the space provide.Divination: hidden knowledge, foretelling, foreseeing future events, and/or fortune-telling.Involvement in DIVINATION Ancestors & Self:Counsel of the devil, consultations of mediums, fortune-tellers, sorcery, witchcraft, vsuperstition, incisions by witchdoctors. Astrology, horoscopes, zodiac signs, numerology ... Amulets [tiger’s claw, shark’s tooth, horse-shoe, mascots, talisman, and so forth] ... Blood, hair, saliva analysis using witchcraft methods ..., Tarot cards ... Spinning knife ... Palmistry, reading of palms ... Graphology, interpretation of handwriting ... Dowsing or witching for water, minerals, underground cables, or finding out the sex of an unborn child using a divination with rod, water bottle or sticks, pendulum, twig, and / or pancetta [Hosea 4:12] ...! Un-Scriptural dream interpretation, as with the books by Edgar Cayce ...! Pyramid & mystic powers associated with models of pyramids] ...! Crystal ball ...! Past life readings ...! Tea leaf or coffee cup readings ...! Character analysis ...! Turn the curses around into blessings. Cut us loose from any fixed character type that we are tied to. Fortune cookies at Chinese restaurants ...! Turning apple stem ...! Wish on a shooting star ...! Wish on a eyelash ...! Wishbone wishes ...! Reading of intestines ... Fortune-telling with a sceptre ...! Wedding cake under pillow ...! Scratching out of names to find out name of future spouse ...! Blowing birthday candles and wishing ...! Throwing the bones [dollos] ...! Other ...! WITCHCRAFT and MAGIC:Involvement in WHITE magic, including: Writing names on paper and burning it to ashes ...! Calling of names in four corners of room ...! Looking in mirror at midnight ...! Biorhythms with the moon [Deuteronomy 4:19] ...! Chicken wishbones ...! Chain letters ...! Blowing warts to moon or planting it into a potato or plant, blowing over body parts to the moon, and so forth ...! Magic potions, herbs, and/or powders ...! Malay magic [Slamaaiers] ...! Nails / hair planted to keep away evil spirits, or to stop occult happenings ...! Driving in pegs on the corners of a plot to chase away evil spirits ...! Involvement in BLACK, red, green, neutral magic, and/or DEATH magic [where the name of a sickness plus a written spell is cast into a coffin or grave], including: Swearing oaths ...! Fire walking or dancing around so-called “holy” fires ...! Satanism ...! Witchcraft [manifestations can include stomach pains and nausea] ...! Witchdoctor, including consultations, medicines, charms, and so forth ...! Voodooism, any form of witchcraft...! Sangomas, Njangas, muti, ashes, spells, hexes, curses and all sorts of symbols used to do these things, ...! Numerology ...! Kabala ...! Ashes ...! Spells, hexes, curses, as well as the use of symbols ...! Incantations ...! Sorcery ...! Water witching, hydromancy, (divination by viewing images in water] ...! Mind control and telepathy [manipulating and control others through your mind-power] ...! Harassment by psychic means ...! Ventriloquism [not simple puppetry] ...! Evil thoughts ...! Water witching ...! Burying objects ...! Graveyard experiences ...! Ancestral worship [rituals at funerals, and at the times of dedication] ...! Rubbed with the contents of animal stomach ...! Items nailed to a tree ...! Items thrown into the sea, river, and/or dam ...! Idolatry [anything you worship that is not God] ...! Incense burning ...! Cuts, incisions, burnings, and/or piercings on the body ...! Hairstyles with occult themes [punk, goat’s, and/or devil’s tail] ...! Pestering through psychic powers ...! Sleep-paralysis ...! Replacement of the voice, water witching, burial of things during rituals, rituals in graveyards or at graves, ancestral worship, rituals with human bones or any contact with the dead which are demons mimicking our family members. Nailing curses to trees and throwing things in water. Other ...?SPIRITISM: Ancestors & Self:Confess all forms of worship to demons of the underworld and the dead. Renounce and give back every gift, ability, ranking and calling given to us by Satan. Séances and /or trances ...! Materialization [physical appearance of demons during séances] ...! “Trumpet speaking” [a medium’s demonic way of speaking] ...! Apportations [objects appear in the air] ...! Spirit raps [demons answer through rapping sounds] ...! Table rapping, booky booky, Spirit photography [mediums allow the dead to appear through familiar spirits] ...! Imaginary friends and/or escape escorts ...! Automatic writing and/or drawing ...! Playing with the glasses ...! Spirit guides ...! Ouija board ...Table rapping ...! Telekinesis [allowing objects to move or stop without physically touching them] ...! Consultation with a medium ...! with a psychic healer ...! with a clairvoyant ...! with a familiar spirit ...! The moving or breaking things supernaturally, consulting mediums, psychic healers, clairvoyant or family spirits. Reincarnation [including déja vu experiences] ...! Astral travelling [Ecclesiastes 12:6, silver cord] ...! Psychic experiences or gifts [reading time with your mind] ...! Psychic phenomena [including imaginary friends] ...! imaginary friends that talk back, noisy ghosts, friendship jewellery or bangles, healing or lucky bangles, stones, things or zombies for pain, Psychokinetic [lighting fires, fusing light bulbs, and so forth] ...! Poltergeist [noisy ghost] ...! Psychometric [contact points including bangles and/or jewellery] ...! Stigmata [“wounds of Jesus”, blood from idols and/or statues] ...! Non-Christian exorcism [including “rescue circles”] ...! Science fantasy [including “Star Wars”, “Star Trek”, and “E.T.”] ...! Levitation [person moving above ground] ...! Related literature [Edgar Cayce, Lobsang Rampa, Aleister Crowley, Manley Hall, and so forth] ...1 Santeria [organization] ...! Astara [organization] ...! Rituals of rescue, healing circles and all literature on these things. Other ...?Science fantasy, aliens and flying saucers, levitation, people flying to other places . Supernaturally using evil powers, (superman / spider man) or the reading and polluting of the mind with these evil deeds. worship of animal spirits and totems, magic and herbal medicine obtained from occult healers. Shamanism & Indian rituals, circumcision rituals, fertility rituals, tattoos, incisions, four elements and the four directions in occult practices. water spirit from Egypt, from Atlantis, spirit of Leviathan. alliances to the Queen of Heaven.EXSTRA SENSORY PERCEPTIONS: Ancestors Self: Telepathy, knowing thoughts,….! Second sight [born with caul] ...! Visionary dreams or prophetic insight NOT from the Holy Spirit [examples of this include Jeanne Dixon and Nostradamus] ...! Clairsentience [irrational diagnosis of illness [examples include concentration, crystal ball gazing,and/or touching with the hand] ...! Pendulum rod [cork/hair tied to a hair or cotton thread to determine baby’s gender] ...! Other ...? MYSTICISM: Ancestors & SelfSeeing demons [NOT as a gift from the Holy Spirit] ...! Hearing demons ...! Demons tormenting you ...! Not believing in demons ...! Sex with demons [spiritual spouses] ...! Talking to demons, tormented by demons. Transcendental meditation [concentration, “moving to higher levels”] ...! Eastern forms of meditation ...! Yoga [kundalini] ... Reiki ...! Eckankar [soul travelling] ...! Shiahatsu ...! Martial arts [including Karate, Judo, Kung Fu, Ninja, Maya Kiri, and so forth] ...! I Ching [occultic textbook] ...! Hypnosis [Deuteronomy 18:10; Romans 6:16] ...! New Age ...! Ikabana flower arrangements [sun worship] ...! Bonsai trees ...! Burning of incense for demons...! Fung Shei ...! Mind expansion to higher consciousness through drugs [DMT], music, mind-techniques, meditation, and so forth ...! Other ...? New age meditations, Yoga. self healing techniques, Soul travelling, Shiahatsu, acupuncture, martial Arts. Renounce rankings - colour belts and the levels and cut free from Sensei. Kundulini powers, eastern aromatherapy, reflexology, New Age occult chiropractors. Burning of incense, herbs, grasses and plants to demons. initiation and dedication rituals. Giving over our minds to demonic powers, emptying of our minds, seeking and using psychic powers, opening our third eyes, serpent worship and astral projection. Mind expansion to higher consciousness, using of drugs, music, dream therapy, magic mushrooms. water therapy. occult knowledge, demonic wisdom, the mind of Satan. fantasies, imaginations, lust and perversions, stories of aliens, fairies, the supernatural, myths, fables and the travelling in the spirit. New Age and/or Occult Alternative Medicine: Much research has been done today that much of what was first thought as “occult” is actually scientific. However, it is VERY important to know the source of the power being used. The person performing and/or prescribing the treatment methods must be a born-again believer. You must distinguish between scientific methods, and those using the occult and/or New Age. Chiropractics ...! Homeopathy ...! Aromatherapy ...! Reflexology ...! Acupuncture ...! Kinesiology ...! Other ..! FALSE RELIGIONS: Ancestors Self: This includes cults, metaphysics, and related literature.Visit or attended funeral or wedding!Mormonism ...! Rosicrucianism ...! Jehovah’s Witness ...! Swedenborgianism [Church of the New Jerusalem] ...! The Way International [The Christian Education Society] ...! The Family ...! Bahai ...! Scientology [L. Ron Hubbert] ...! The OLD Worldwide Church of God [under the leadership of Herbert Armstrong], Plain Truth Magazine [please note, the NEW leadership of this organization has repented and corrected their ways] ...1 Moonies ...! Old/New Apostolic Church ...! Hare Krishna ...! Christian Science ...! Buddhism ...! Children of God [cult from the U.S.A] ... ! Zen ...! New Thought ...! Islam ...! Unity School of Christianity ...! Hinduism ...! Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship ...! Black Muslim Church ...! Christa-delphians ...! Indian Occult Rituals ...! Rastafarianism ...! Any / all teaching of a guru ...! Other ...?SECRET SOCIETIES: Ancestors Self:Freemasonry ...! Ossewa Brandwag ...! Afrikaner-bond, Broederbond ...! Hitler / Nazi movement, SS ...! Fraternity ...! Sorority ...! Ku Klux Klan ...! Order of Darkness ...! The Brotherhood ...! The Brotherhood of Ram ...! Sons of Satan ...! The Order, Temple of Set ...! Eastern Star ...! Knights of Columbus ...! Rainbow Girls ...! Sworn falsely [Zechariah 5:1-4, oaths/vows made at the altars of satan, such as those sworn in Freemasonry, gangsterism, and so forth] ...! Gangsterism (name the gang you were in or the number gang in prison - 26, 27, 28)...! Other ...! NON-SECRET SOCIETIES: Ancestors SelfHumanistic/charity organizations [including peace, green peace, feminist movements] ...! Un-Biblical government parties [such as Communism, Nazism, Liberals, and so forth] ...! Guerrilla, revolutionary, or terrorist groups ...! Other ...! OCCULT/DEMONIC OPENINGS Ancestors Self:The tokoloshi, wedding cake under pillow, to open an umbrella in the house, wearing rubber o-rings for pain in the joints, wearing or using anything that was given to me for pain, healing or good luck or anyther nonsense or things that will cause bad luck. Hallucinations, nightmares or fears in our sub-conscience. You did not give us a Spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Every book read, video watched, cassette or CD listened to, giving any information, influencing us in any evil way, perverting us or where satan was given honour. Opening our minds to demonic influences through the use of drugs and alcohol or any other addictions. We renounce the mind of Satan, other demonic stuff and teachings of the false prophets. False teachings / literature on UFO’s, aliens, fallen angels, and/or nephilim [for example, “Chariots of the Gods” by Erik von Danieken] ...! Superstitions [thirteen, eleven, black cat, crow, salt shaker falling over, wedding cake under pillow, opening umbrella in the house, lucky charms, and so forth] ...! Hallucinations ...! Nightmares, night tremors ...! Un-Godly TV, films, movies [all horror; specific titles include “Star Wars”, “The Omen”, “Rosemary’s Baby”, “Bride Murphy”, The Believers”, “Angel Heart”, The Serpent And The Rainbow”, “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “Twilight”, “Avatar”, “Charmed”, “Ghost Whisperer”, “Medium”, “X-Men”, and so forth] ...! Un-Godly video/computer games and/or involvement in “virtual reality” [including violent games; specific titles include “Ben Ten”, “Zelda”, “Second Life”, “Avatar”, and so forth] ...! Un-Godly literature [specific titles include “Twilight”, “Harry Potter”, “Sun Signs” by Linda Goodman, books by Norman Vincent Peale, books by Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, books by Dale Carnegie, books by Stephen King, and so forth] ...! Occult literature, including “The Greater World”, “The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses”, “The Other Side”, “The Book of Venus”, books by Levi Dowling, books by Arthur Ford, Johann Greber, Andrew Jackson Davis, Anton Le Vay, Ruth Montgomery, John Newborough, Dennis Wheatley, and so forth ...! Idol symbols: jewellery, zodiac signs, peace signs, moons, suns, stars, New age crystals and ideas, Egyptians obelisks, pyramids or models of their spirits, Buddha’s, St Christopher’s, beads or necklaces for blessings, charms, The Ankh, horse shoes for luck, dragons, snakes, lizards, cobwebs, African masks, dragons, snakes, any other religion’s stuff, Roman Catholic pictures of Jesus or angels, fairies, the crying women or lonely child, totems, Red Indians and their items, dream catchers and wind charms. Yin-yang, “cross of life”, peace sign, crescent sign, Leprechaun’s staff, dragons, Buddha, Hindu, and Chinese deities!Eastern objects/symbols [including art, carpets, statues, idols, Zodiac-sign jewellery/decorations, and so forth] ...! Folklore [fairy tales, fairies, gnomes] ...! Visiting of pagan temples and/or places of worship [2 Kings 5:18] ...! Visiting of burial grounds [ such as Indian holy men, African culture] ...! Worshipping (church) leaders/pastors instead of worshipping God, trusting in the flesh [Jeremiah 17:5-6] ... ! Un-Scriptural traditions [Constantine religion] ...! Rituals [candles, incense] ...! Condemnation [person must work/pay for forgiveness] ...! Rituals like candle burning, incense, garments, the sprinkling of water and all endeavours to try and impress the Creator through works. Renounce all occult callings. Cut off the occult roots that we have inherited through the generations. Curse those roots and the fruits thereof to shrink up and die. Other ...!SEXUAL INIQUITIES: Ancestors Self:Adultery [sexual encounter with the opposite sex outside of marriage] ...! Fingering ...! Uncovering [denudation] ...! Sodomy [anal sex]...! Harlotry ...! Lesbianism and/or homosexuality ...! Transvestism ...! Pre-marital sex [fornication] ...! Illegitimate children [Deuteronomy 23:2] ...! Incest ...! Rape ...! Sex with demons [can manifest in dreams] ...! Paedophilia [sexual attraction to children] ...! Bestiality [sex with animals] ...! Pornography ...! Sadism [sexual pleasure from infliction of pain and suffering upon another] ...! Masochism [sexual pleasure from infliction of pain, humiliation, and/or domination upon another] ...! Sadomasochism [combination of the two above] ...! Illegitimacy, adultery and fornication, prostitution, acts of lust and perversion, pornography, fantasies, molestations. Wherever our bodies were used. Cut the impure soul ties between us and these people set free, from the sex kingdom of every water spirit, the scarlet women, the whore of Babylon; Cleanse our finances that have been defiled, on books and videos, magazines or paid into Satan’s bank. break the curses over our marriages and relationships. Worshipping Jezebel, for drinking out of her cup with our bodies with sexual impurities and allowing Jezebel to rule in our relationships.Abortion/s ...! Sex toys ...! Prostitution ...! Molestation ...! Masturbation ...! Strip shows ...! Geisha Girls ...! Frigidity [lacking sexual responsiveness] ...! Trans-sexuality, or desire thereof ...! Seduction [Delilah] ...1 Switching partners [key parties, “swingers”] ...! Sex orgies [including those for Satanism and the occult] ...! Seen parents in nudity in perverse way ...! Living together with partner ...More than one partner [three-some] ...! Peeping Tom ...! Lust ...! Other ...?ADDICTIONS & ESCAPES: Ancestors & Self:Alcohol ...! Nicotine ...! Caffeine ...! Any/all drugs [legal and illegal], including cocaine, tik,downers/uppers, marijuana, ecstasy, and so forth ...! Pornography ...! Masturbation ...! Demonic Music ...! Gambling [Proverbs 16:33; Isaiah 65:11-15] …! Gluttony [over-eating] ...! Bulimia and/or anorexia [Psalm 107:17-20] ...! Sports ...! Entertainment [including TV, movies, magazines, tabloids,video/computer games, Face book, Twitter, and so forth] ...! gambling, Lotto, computer, debts at the financial institutions. remove the yoke of slavery. cursing of others, grieving the Spirit, death wishes, manipulation, hate, rebellion, bitterness and disbelieve. Other ...!OTHER OPENINGS: Ancestors & Self:Playing/acting demonic roles in dramas ...! Spent time in prison, concentration camp (including war orexile) ...! Certain types of [sexual] dances [Hip-Hop, Eastern, and so forth] ...! IUD [Copper T, Multi-load] ...! Tattoo/s [Leviticus 19:26-28] ...! False oaths (making any type of un-Godly oath/vow) ...Treason and/or betrayal ...! Dirty language and swearing ...! Touching of corpses ...! Not breaking curse of Halaal sign on food ...! Rejecting God’s Voice/Calling ...! Blaspheming God and/or the Bible ...! Grieving the Holy Spirit, cursing God ...! Eating food offered to idols [Hindu weddings] ...! Dishonouring parents [Proverbs 20:20; Ephesians 6:2-3] ...! Divorce ...! Death wish [idle words] ...! Manipulations, intimidation, domination, [charismatic] witchcraft, operating in a Jezebel spirit ...! Ahab [inferiority] ...! Breaking of promises ...! Hate ...! Rebellion ...! Bitterness ...! Un-forgiveness ...! Love of money ...! Wreaths of flowers around head or neck [such as those used on tropical islands for protection against evil spirits] ...! Jealousy, envy ...! Pride, arrogance ...! False, hypocritical ...! Lies, deception ...! Too talkative ...! Fear, anxiety [panic-attacks] ...! Misery, sadness, never happy, depression ...! Insulting ...! Impatient ...1 Sleeping too much ...! Uneasy with others [not trusting] ...!Divisive, argumentative ...! Doubt, unbelief ...! Disrespectful ...! Forgetfulness, confusion, losing time [DID] ...! Spiritual drought, uninterested in the LORD ...! Long periods without praying ...! Laziness ...Bad education ...! Trauma [in an accident, loss of loved one, violence, abuse, and so forth] ...! Shock [from an accident, abuse, and so forth] ...! Any/all mental illness [bipolar, depression, insanity,paranoia, schizophrenia, and so forth] ...! All fears and/or phobias [such as worry, heaviness, fear ofdeath, fear of small spaces, fear of people, fear of authority, and so forth] ...! Dismissed from work ...Broken relationships ...! Divorced! Orphaned ...! Having been poisoned ...! Arrested, imprisoned, jailed ...! Hospitalized for any reason ...! False accusations ...! Persecution ...! Other ...?BLOODSHED: Ancestors & Self:Bloodshed: all acts of war, murder, rape, torture, violence, suicide, racism, abortions, miscarriages, the shedding of innocent blood in our bloodlines. Using the copper T or the multi load as birth control causing abortions and killing babies, the drinking of blood and eating of raw meat, Worshipping warring demons, oaths of war, initiation rituals, acts of assassination and executions done by our nation and Christianity. Confess acts of human and animal sacrifices, the buying and the selling of human beings as slaves. Incisions ...! Self-mutilation [cutting] ...! Haemophilia [“Bleeder”] ...! Murder ...! Suicide ...! Abortion/s ...! Violence, strife, and/or fighting ...! [Suppressed] anger ...! Constant and violent arguing [self and witnessed] ...! Cruelty, unfair treatment/judgment [Deuteronomy 27:25], abuse [physical, sexual, emotional] against women, children, animals, and/or any persons ...! All forms of racism ...! Revenge, payback ...! Plundering ...! Blood pact, oath, vow, and/or sacrifices ...! (Belief in) Birds of ill omen [owl, crow, ravens] ...! Other ...? Silence any blood that is calling out against us by the Blood of the Lamb. Cut the soul ties between us and these people. All involvement in secret societies, blood covenants, and oaths sworn to in Freemasonry, or any other organisation of the One World Order. silence all the witnesses testifyingFINANCES and/or POSSESSIONS: Ancestors & Self:Theft ...! Fraud ...! With Holding tithes [Malachi 1:14, 3:8-10] ...! Standing surety for someone ...! Dishonest gain ...! Greed ...! Love of money [diggings, gambling] ...! Pyramid schemes ...! Bribery and corruption ...! Lying, cheating ...! Moving boundaries of property ...! Fighting over inheritance ...! Irresponsible spending ...! Job failures/losses ...! Poverty ...! Stinginess [what the Scriptures term “evil eye”] ...! Goddess of Fortune [reliance upon fortune, luck, or fate] ...! Lottery ...! Bonus obligations ...!Betting ...! Fah Fie ...! Sweepstakes ...! Ithuba ...! Coin flipping [tossing] ...! Dice throwing ...! Casinos ...! Family feuds pertaining to inheritance, disunity in the Bride and congregation splits, bribery, corruption’s and all forms of stealing. Fraud, dishonest gain, greed, moving boundaries of properties, wasting and irresponsible spending, job failures and poverty. Break curse of poverty and abortion. The worshipping of Baal and mammon. Others, …………!PRENATAL and BIRTH EXPERIENCE: Ancestors & Self:Conception: [premarital, rape, lust, perversion, incest, and so forth] ...! Not welcome, not accepted in the family ...! Abnormal pregnancy ...! Attempted abortion ...! Shocks during pregnancy [accidents, trauma] ...! Difficult and/or abnormal birth [umbilical cord around neck, delivery by forceps, C-section, induction] ...! Place of birth (such as prison, concentration camp, in war or exile, as well as the type of hospital, Roman Catholic for instance) ...! Parents not content/accepting of gender ...! Star sign ...! Names [family names], nicknames ...! Other ...! Family Patterns: Please check if the following patterns are common in your immediate or extended family [which includes aunts, uncles, cousins, and so forth]. Lack of intimacy in marriage [with your spouse]. Women dominating men. Family secrets. Sexual iniquities. Deformity [physical and/or mental]. Children idolized. Favouritism shown among children. Lack of communication between spouses. Idolatry [sports, beauty, children, spouse, and so forth]. Incest. Illegitimate children.Lack of intimacy/communication between parents and children. Children not valued. Most family members are followers of Jesus. Most family members are NOT followers of Jesus].Pride, jealousy, envy, falseness, lies and deception. talkativeness, do not want to fast, read Bible or pray, confused and lazy, all fears and phobias, sadness, insulting, impatience, sleep too much, bad self image, fear of authority, no friends, orphaned. Cancel the curse of death, disrespect, intolerance, broken relationships, imprisonment, falsely accused, backslidden, guilt feelings and persecution. Blindfolds over our eyes. Maize over our minds and the plugs from our ears. Ask all things done in darkness to come to the light. Break every code of silence over our live. Renounce the oath or the covenant that was made with the spirit of death and all sicknesses. Break all shocks that have come over our minds because of any form of trauma. Let everything be exposed to Your Light. Repent of all traumas - involved in, accidents, losses, violence, abuse, verbal abuse or killings. Mental illnesses, birth was traumatic. Someone from the occult has taken blood, my umbilical cord or any body tissue and placed it on Satan’s altar; repent of it, declare a divorce between me - body tissue. Feared, Gen 15:1, Deut 31:6 & Deut 20:1. Longed for Egypt, Gen 19:17. Acted like the world or Kept to the customs of the world, Lev 18:3+ 30 & Mark 7:2-3, 7-8. Bought and made craven images, moulded gods - brought it into our houses, Lev 19:4. Allowed our daughters into prostitution or adultery and caused our land to become full of wickedness, Lev 19:29. Honouring mediums, soothsayers, fortune tellers and familiar demons on a daily basis on our TV channels, Lev 19:31. Sinned against God - not taking the sword till the enemy is defeated, Num 32:23. & Num 33:55. for not discerning and worshipping with all people at mixed altars that use the name Jesus, Deut 12:13 & 1John 4:1-2. Destroyed useful trees and do not plant fruit bearing trees for the poor, Deut 20:19. Spilling innocent blood all over our country, defiled land by suicides and accidents, Deut 21:8+ 23. Retained things that we picked up, Deut 22:2. Looked the other way when we should have helped, Deut 22:3. Wear the clothes of the other genders provoking lust, Deut 22:5. Failed to fulfil Your commandments, Josh 1:7. We are killed because we do not keep Your commands, 2Kon 17:26. We do not ask for Your ways, 1Cron 15:13. We have dishonoured, hurt and neglected Your prophets, 1Cron 16:22. Fighting against You, in our own efforts, self righteousness, haughtiness and spiritual pride. Keeping revival from the Bride, 2Cron 13:12. Taking the side of people and not Yours, 2Cron 19:6. Do not warn our people about their bloodshed and sins, 2Cron 19:10. Our government did not give money for evangelism and the development of our people, Ezra 6:8. We did not teach the people about You, Ezra 7:25. Mixed with non believers, and lost the land - supposed to be an inheritance to our children, Ezra 9:12. Forgive us for not building Your Temple, Nehemiah 4:5, Hag 1:9-11. Not appointed intercessors to pray for the building of the Temple, Nehemiah 7:3. That we are morning our dead like non believers, Neh 8:9. That we aren’t rejoicing, Neh 8:10. Rejected Your warnings and corrections, Job 21:4. We have not craved after Your Knowledge and ways, Job 21:14. That we are too proud to ask for directions to discover Your ways or to learn from others, Job 21:29. We have rebelled against Your Truth, Job 24:13. We have not cared for the widow and are childless because of our lack of compassion, Job 24:21. Destruction has come because of our lack of interest in evangelism, Ps 28:5. We have kept quiet about the Good News, Ps 40:9. We are not changed and renewed by Your Word and do not fear You Father, Ps 55:19. We rebel in haughtiness, Ps 66:7. Grieve prophets who are sent by Father; therefore eyes are darkened and ways wobbled, Ps 69:23. Do not witness 24 hours, 7 days a week, Ps 71:15. Harmed prophets - kept them for doing Your work, Ps 105:15. Did not put the Bride first, Ps 137: 6. Trusted in people and not in You, Ps 146: 3. Dishonoured parents, elders, leaders’ instructions and rules, Prov 1:8. Do not listened to older people, Prov 23:22. We were wise in our own eyes, Prov 3:7. Did not take note of Your corrections and warnings, Prov 3:11. Did not do good wherever we could, Prov 3:27-28. That we are stabbing others in the back, Prov 3:29. That we have strife with one another without cause, Prov 3;30. Lust after beauty, Prov 6:25. Despise the hungry when they steal to eat, Prov 6:30. We associate with fools, boasters, those who talk nonsense, make jokes of others, Prov 14:7 & Prov 20:13. Do not discipline our children. spare the rod from our children, Prov 23:13. We sleep too much, Prov 20:13. Mixed with talebearers who give away secrets, Prov 20:19. That we have robbed the poor and made them pay interest, Prov 2:22. Associated with angry people, Prov 22:24. That we are dividing the land and moving beacons, Prov 22:28 & Prov 23:10. We are overworking to get rich and have no balance in our time schedule, Prov 23:4. We ate with the miser and desired his delicacies, Prov 23:6. We have harmed the inheritance of the orphans, Prov 23:10. We have mixed with wine drinkers and gluttonous eaters of meat, Prov 23:20. With noisy people who depend on change, Prov 24:21. Father forgive us for bad stewardship by giving away wisdom, instruction and understanding, Prov 23:23. That we rejoiced in our enemies misfortune, Prov 24:17. Gossiped and said bad things about others, Prov 24:28. Wanted revenge, Prov 24:29. That we have tried to impress the elite, Prov 25:6. That we took others to court, Prov 25:8. That we discussed secrets with others, Prov 25:9. That we have believed the friendly with seven demons in their hearts, Prov 26:25. Boasted about the future while you determine the outcome, Prov 27:1.Forsaken our friends by not keeping to our promises, Prov 27:10. We slandered employees by discussing them with their employers, Prov 30:10. Men gave their authority to women, Prov 31:3. We do not choose our words wisely before You but say things that we need to adhere to in the future and for making covenants with You that we are required to keep, Prov 5:1-5. We have allowed the poor to be suppressed, Eccles 5:8. We get angry like fools, Eccles 7:9. Are destroying ourselves by being overly righteous and overly wise in our pride, Eccles 7:16. Long for times that has gone by, Egypt, Eccles 7:10. Believe everything that believers are telling us like puppets, Eccles 7:21Cursed the rich, the government and leaders, Eccles 10:20. Have flirted, stirred up and awakened love in the other gender and did not get married to that person, Songs 3:5 & Songs 8:4. Have received bribes, did not care for the orphans or the widows, Is 1:23. Did not take notice of Your Works in our midst but rather tried to stop it, Is 5:12. Heard Your Word but did not understand it, we saw but did not recognise it, Is 6:9. Have made the fears of the nation our fears, Is 8:12. Chased away the outcasts and betrayed those who have escaped, Is 16:3. Mixed with the mockers, Is 28:22. Ceased to remind You of Your promises, Is 62:6. Made the excuse that we were too young, Jer 1:7. Oppressed the foreigner, the widow and the orphan, Jer 7:6.Stole, murdered, committed adultery , swore falsely and worshipped the sun (Baal) through the building of towers, Jer 7:9. Honoured the sun in any way, Job 31;26-28. Have introduced Babylonian rituals and culture into our worship, Jer 10:2. Star signs from heaven, Jer 10:2. Not listen to the prophets, Jer 23:16. Teased You with the works of our hands, Jer 25:6. Listened to the false prophets, diviners, dreamers, soothsayers and sorcerers, Jer 27:9. Father we repent that our shepherds have no sympathy, Zach 11:5 Swear to speak the truth, Matt 5:34. Have turned those away who asked us something which we could give to them, Matt 5:42. Gathering possessions on earth, Matt 6:20. Worry about tomorrow, Matt 6:34. Seek our own words and do not rely on the Spirit to give us Words, Matt 10:19. Called leaders anything other than brothers, Matt 23:8. Made a house of merchandise out of His House of prayer, John 2:16 our bodies. Rejected the testimonies of other believers and miss what You want to teach us, John 3:11. Live in the flesh and not by the Spirit. Rom 8:3-4. Were outspoken about the Jews and Israel, Rom 11:18+25. Are wise in our own eyes, Rom 12:16. Are not in unity but full of spiritual pride, Rom 12:16. Have rather cursed and not blessed, Rom 12:14. Took revenge, Rom 12;19. Made dietary rules of what to eat and kept people from getting saved, Rom 14:15. Chased away strangers and missed an opportunity to host an angel, Heb 13:2. Have grumbled against one another, Jam 5:9. Marvelled when the world hated you, 1John 3:13. Loved the world and its things, 1John 2:15. Kept silent when others were sinning, 1John 5:16. Cursed the government, Ex 2:28. Circulated false reports, Ex 23:1. Honoured demons, Ex 23:24. Cursed the handicapped, Lev 19:14. Our workers may not eat from fruit they help to produce, 1Kor 9:9 & 1Tit 5:18.We renounce every spirit of infirmity coming down the bloodline. By Your Stripes we are healed. We choose to forgive our ancestors for all sins committed. We open our hands: they owe us nothing. We forgive every one that has cursed us. Father please forgive us for entering into the sins of our fathers and yielding to these curses that have affected us and for making more covenants with Satan. We choose today to turn away from this idol worship altar of all the sins of our fathers and our own sins. We renounce all the ways in which satan was given honour which gave him rights in our lives. We ask You to cleanse us from any perverted umbilical cords and from any evil soul ties. Please unlock and release all of our potential, our gifts, our abilities, our covenants that have been stolen and locked away by satan. Deprogram any programming of our DNA that we have inherited, concerning death and depression, in the Name of Christ Jesus.Father close all the gateways to every level of the spirit, to the earth, the Heavenlies, the waters and the underworld. Please fire the gatekeepers and seal the doorways with the Blood of Messiah. Thank You for the Blood of the Lamb that cleanses us and for the Victory that is ours. Father, please send your angels to go and arrest every demon involved in keeping these curses and bondages in place over our lives, that we have repent of here, today. Please remove every bondage, blindfold, trap, helper and instrument of satan and send them to the Feet of Messiah. Bind the principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Place Your Name and Your Blood between us and them so that they can’t return. Father fill those areas where you have delivered us with Your Spirit, cover it in Your Blood and destroy all evidence against us, by Your all consuming Fire and seal it off by Your Blood. (Ephesians 6:12) We bind these demons, and ask You to rebuke them. We order the demons to flee from us in seven ways and never to return. Thank You Father, Messiah and Spirit of Truth, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen!CHAPTER SIX: 25 RENUNCIATION PRAYERS in Prayer book! AFRICAN ROOTS: AFRIKANER BROEDERBOND:AFRIKANER COLONIALISM:ANTI-SEMITISM:DRUIED & CELTIC ROOTS:EGIPTION ROOTS:GERMAN ROOTS:INDIANS SHAMMANISM:ISLAM ROOTS:JEZEBEL ROOTS:NEW AGE:OSSEWA BRANDWAG:OLD / NEW APOSTELS:ROMAN CATHOLIC ROOTS:SATANISM: SLAWERY:SIN LIST PRAYER:VUDUISM:VOORTREKKERMONUMENT-PRAYER:FREE MASON ROOTS:WORD COMMANDS PRAYERS: ONE TO THREE:WORLD ORDER PRAYER:WORLD ORDER DOCTRINE PRAYER:WATCHMEN ON THE WALLS: ONE TO FOUR: MOTHER LOVE & FATHER LOVE:CHAPTER SEVEN:THE BAPTISM: BAPTISTO:Call on His Name, ...................................................Hand 22:16.All Jews Baptised, ................................... Mark 1:4-5 en Luk 29:30.All Israel Baptised in Red Sea, 1Cor 10:2.Bathe of Regeneration, ...................Tit 3:5.Lots of water, ........................................ Joh 3:23. Repent and be Baptised, .......................................Act 2:38Jews Baptised with Repentance, .......... Acts 2:38 &Mark 1:4-5.Baptism of Salvation, ............................... Matt 3:11.Baptised in Christ, ................Gal 3:27 & Rom 6:3-6.Repent before, .............. Mark 1:4-5, & Acts 2:38 & Heb 10:22.Promise of Spirit.........................Gal 3:14Christ’s Baptism, .......................Matt 20:22 & Rom 6:3-6.Christus se waterdoop deur Johannes, .............Mark 1:9-10+12.Christ Baptism, .........Matt 3:15.Water & Blood, ....................... 2Joh 5:5-8.Disciples Baptise disciples........................ Matt 28:19.Batism circumsition by Spirit,..............................Col 2:11-14Baptism of Spirit,........... Acts 8:16-18, Acts 19:3-6 & Heb 6:1.One Baptism, ............ Eph 4:5, & 1Cor 12:13.Etiopian Baptised in water, ...................Acts 8:36-37.Part of Good News,.................... Eph 1:3 & Heb 6:1-2. Haands layed on, ................ Rom 19:3-6 & Acts 8:15-17.Hear, Belief and sealed off, ......................................Eph 1:3Crisified with Christ, .................................Rom 6:3-10, & Gal 2:20Faith safed Abrahm not circumsition, Rom 4:3+5+10-11.Righteousness may prefail, ........................................ Matt 3:15 & Ex 30:19-20.Three witnesses.........................1 Joh 5:7-8Belief and be Baptised, ................................ Mark 16:16 &Hand 8:12.Concience be given, .......................1Pet 3:20-21.Hands layed on and recieve Spirit, ......................... Acts 19:3-6 & Acts 8:15-17.Hearts Spricled by Blood, bodies washed, .............Heb 9:13-14+22Hearts spricled before Baptism, ...............Heb 10:22Entire nation Baptised– Johnn, ................................ Mark 1:5 &Luke 7:29-30In Christ’s Name, ........................ Acts 19:3-6 & Matt 28:19.In the Jordaan, comes out of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mark 1:9-10.In Jesus’ Death, resurrected, new creation, ........Rom 6:3-6In water bathed, ..................Lev 16:4+24Israel in Red sea, .................1Cor 10:1-3.Jesus’ Baptism, His death on cross, .................. Matt 20:23 &Luk 12:50Jesus Baptised, Luk 3:21-22.John send, .........................................John 1:33.Jordan, in the Jordan, ................... Mark 1:5. Body washed with clean water, ....Heb 10:22Good concience,1 Pet 3:20-21 Moses’ Baptism, Isralites, ...........1 Kor 10:1-2Call on His Name, ............................. Acts 22:16 & Acts 8:37Not the washing of of sins, .................... 1Pet 3:19-21.Nickodemus, through water & Spirit, .................. John 3:3-6.Noag ark mirror image, ................1Pet 3:20-21Victory – water - blood, baptise & repent, ...............1John 5:4-mandment to wash body before Temple service, ..... Ex 30:19-20 & Lev 16:4+24.Paul evangelise other Baptise, .............................................1Cor 1:17Paul’s Baptsm, ...............................Acts 9:18.Priests bodies washed before service, ....... Lev 16:4+24 & Ex 30:19-20.Call on His Name, .................. Acts 8:37 & Acts 22:16. Natural becomes spiritual, ................................1Cor 15:44Barried with Christ Jesus, ..................Col 2:11-14 & Rom 6:3-6.Seal of Righteousness, .........................Rom 4:11 +25.Mirror Image, Israel in Red Sea, ............1Kor 10:1-2.Die with Christ, born again in grave, live with Him, ..2Tim 2:11 & Rom 6:3-6.Dust to earth, ......................................Pred 12:6-7.Repent before , ...........Mark 1:4-5 & Matt 3:5, & Acts 2:38 & Heb 10:22.Preach Crusified Christ, .......................... Acts 18:24-25.Different Baptisms, ....................................... Acts 19:3-6, & Eph 4:5Sealed by Sprit, .................................Eph 4:30.Reconsilliation, Baptism before servace,................................. Lev 16:4.Flesh Born Again, ................. Rom 6:3-6, & Rom 6:18, & John 3:6, & Kol 2:11-14.Before Servace,........................Ex 30:20, &Ex 29:4 &Lev 16:4+24+26.Sealed, Heared, Belief...................................Eph1:3+ 13-14. Scedule, preach, belief, Baptised, Hands layed on, Heb 6:1-2 .Wash body or are killed, ........ Ex 30:18-21.Wash no sins away, ..............1Pet 3:20-21. Through Water & Blood, ........................2 John 5:6.John with Water, He Baptise with Spirit, ................... Luk 3:11.Circumcised through Water & Spirit, spirit and flesh, .......John 3:3-6 & Ezek 44:7.Born Again, spirit and flesh, ....... Rom 2:29 & Col 2:11-14.Baptism, Baptisto is to submerge, not sprinkling water on the forehead:The baptism is a commandment under the Law of Moses for all priests and Levites, to go through a cleansing period of seven days (repentance) and then to wash himself in clean water before commencing with his temple services, Lev 16:4+24 en 1Pet 2:5+9. That is why you find thirty two baths till this day outside the Temple of Solomon. Under the New Covenant we are all priests and need to do the same. First do proper repentance and then be baptised. Under the Law I would have died if I have not obeyed this commandment, Ex 30:19-20. That is why when Father wanted to introduced the New Covenant to all people, they all needed to repent and be baptised, Mark 1:4-5.As was done by John to prepare them for the New Covenant. Because now all people are going to start serving in the Temple which is people to make disciples, Mark 1:4-5. Everybody was baptised while repenting of their sins. That is why Christ Jesus said John must baptise Him to fulfil all righteousness. It meant to fulfil the commandment of the Law. Although He never sinned. His Body had to be washed with clean water. That means His Body and all of us need to be anointed by the Spirit before we can go and serve in His Temple, Ezek 36:25. The Messiah was circumcised on the eight day but still He was baptised at the age of thirty as we all need to do. First we need to be born again, circumcised under the New Covenant. And that can only happen when you yourself call on His Name and ask Him to circumcise you with His Spirit in your spirit, Rom 2:29, Ezek 44:7. So this is why Father introduced the baptism under the Law to all people, through John which was called the baptism of repentance. The baptism did not replace the circumcision, it is another thing that we all have to do. It is Spiritual! Both these things needs to happen to each believer. It was a physical thing in the old days. Now it is a spiritual thing. Both the circumcision and the washing with the clean water. Both are done by His Spirit to us. You see he did away with the flesh at Calvary. Before that the people have to do a lot of things. Now He does these things spiritually to us.He circumcises my spirit and my flesh. Only those who are born again in flesh and spirit can appear before Him and serve Him, Ezek 44:7. If you are not born again in the flesh as well, you will operate in the flesh and that is witchcraft. Plus you cannot understand spiritual things or His Word and will have no power or authority! You need to be circumcised in the flesh through the baptism of submersion, Col 2:11 & Tit 3:5. Nicodemus asked Him how will he be born again as he is already old, John 3:4! Jesus told him that you need to be borne by water and the Spirit that is two born agains. Without those two born agains you cannot enter the Kingdom of Father which is spiritual, John 3:5. So for Temple service and spiritual duties you need to do what the Law and the Messiah said. You can get angry which just prove how in the flesh you are or you can start fearing your Creator and do as He did. John 3:6, flesh cannot understand the Word! The Two born agains: My flesh, Rom 2:29 happens the day I invite Christ in to my life, Rom 10:9. Then I need to go through a purification period like the old priests to cleanse and heal my Temple, 2Tim 2L20-21. Repent and be baptised, Acts 2:38. Without this sanctification I will not see the Face of the Father, Heb 12:14. First I need to belief. Then I have to sprinkle my heart with the Blood and thenBe baptised with clean water, Heb 10:22. Over and over the same story. Those who belief and are baptised, they will be saved, Mark 16:16. You see it is the same every time. Not once did they baptise any person that was not born again first. Secondly the person had to repent first and then he or she was baptised with clean water. Clean water means to get anointed by the Spirit for Temple service! The second born again is the flesh through the water, by His Spirit, Col 2:11-14. “Circumcised by His Spirit in the flesh through the circumcision of Christ during the water baptism. The flesh was dead in sin and now becomes alive, born again and obedient during the baptism and filled with the Spirit to the full!It is a bathe of regeneration, Tit 3:5 You get wet in a bath. Born again in that bath. Regenerated. A New spiritual been that are equipped to contain the full anointing of the Spirit for Temple service. This is so important that we recognise the need to follow these commandments from the days of Moses. Every time the apostles talk about the baptism they confirm these specific steps that follow one another. Heb 6:1. The foundation is to recognise your sinfulness and that you are lost. Next you have to believe and to call on His Name to be born again. Repent of your sinful deeds to kill the flesh and to have a funeral of this flesh. Then the funeral, which is the baptism. Then they lay hands on you and you get properly filled with the Spirit for Temple services, Acts 19:3-6.Before you can go into ministry you need to be baptised. You need to cleanse your temple, 2Tim 2:20-21. to become a vessel of honour. When the baptism was done by John that was what the people did. So when he baptised Christ Jesus, the Spirit immediately came upon Him and drove Him out into the desert and His ministry started. Believe me the day you go and do this, satan will come for you like he did with Christ. Like the day you were circumcised in the spirit now it is the flesh. You need to call on His Name and ask Him to circumcise your flesh, Acts 22:16 & Acts 8:37! It is a funeral. Rom 6:3-6. We go symbolically with Him to the cross and into the grave. A water grave. In the grave His Body was transformed to a spiritual body. In the water our bodies get transformed. Renewed and resurrected from the death with Him and now we can walk in the Spirit.The promise that we will receive was His Spirit, Act 2:39, Eph 1:13-14. He came through water and Blood. We to need to do that. Because the water and the Blood will testify against us weather we did, 1John 5:5, Matt 3:13-17 and the Blood, Matt 20:23. We have to follow Him. 1John 5:7 there is three in Heaven who testify, Father, His Word and the Spirit. And three on earth, the Spirit, the water and the Blood. You will not be able to enter His Kingdom this side of the grave unless your body is made spiritual through the baptism and not be part of the coming revival to work in His Temple. This has nothing to do with going to Heaven. So I am not saying like the charismatic churches, you cannot go to Heaven unless you are submerged. I am saying you can’t serve in His Temple here on earth unless your flesh is crucified and resurrected through the baptism and has become spiritual to receive the full anointing of His Spirit to be able to be a vessel of honour and to preach the Good News of His Kingdom, Matt 24:14. Flesh cannot enter the spiritual world and be of use in the spiritual world. His Kingdom is spiritual and your flesh must first become spiritual which happens in the water, Tit 3:5 during the funeral, Rom 6:3-6. If even He Himself had to do that why do people still argue about such an important command by the Father. This is the very bottom line of Christianity. Just go and do what Christ Jesus did. If He did not do it then you don’t have to do it. Now you will probably ask but why am I then telling you to anoint things? Well He did not do it but He Himself was anointed with oil for His funeral! Now let’s look at the mirror image of Israel and Moses, coming out of Egypt again. Moses preach, Israel Believed, Salvation, Israel came out of Egypt, Personal Repentance. Israel died of their enemies in the Red See. Forgive everyone! Israel was Baptised in the Red Sea going through the water! Our Water Baptism going through the water! Israel went into the desert. Die to the flesh. The old generation all died. Here you do the rest of the Renunciation prayers, die to the flesh, your politics, own ideas, false doctrine, lies and get equipped with the Good News to be a soldier yourself. Then Israel went through the Jordan. Baptism with the Spirit! To get anointed to take the Promised Land. Your ministry to go out and make disciples and exercise your gifts! BAPTISM PRAYER:Abba Father I come before Your Throne in Christ Jesus’ Name! I repent of all my sins through words, deeds, and thoughts! Gown me in Your Righteousness. I acknowledge and proclaim that Christ Jesus is my Saviour, my Creator, my King and my Abba Father! That You bought me free on the cross by sacrificing Your Body for me! Your Blood has washed away all my sins and reconciled me with You! I now come as a step of obedience so that all Righteousness may prevail and follow Your example through the Baptism. I die to the self and ask You to crucify my body with You! I call on Your Name! Father, in Christ Jesus Name, crucify my flesh, the sinful nature, and bury me with You in the grave, Rom 6:3-6. Let it be the funeral of the old sinful man! I am going into the water, symbolic of Your Grave, a water grave and die to the flesh! Father please circumcise my flesh, by the Power of Your Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, with the circumcision of Christ! So that my flesh will now be born again. A New Creation, raised from the dead with You as You stood up out of the Grave! Regenerated in the Bath to be a new creation! Just as You raised out of the grave let me be raised with a spiritual body! Cleansed of the sinful flesh, able to walk in the spirit and to understand spiritual things! Anoint and equip me as an instrument to Your Honour, useful for every deed, in Christ Jesus’ Name! Thank You Abba Father, Christ Jesus & Spirit, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen & Amen! Facilitator Baptise person and send them, in Christ Jesus’ Name! In Christ Jesus Name, I now send you! Mat 28:19 Go and make disciples of all men, Baptise them in the name of the Father, the son and the Spirit, In Christ Jesus’ Name! And teach them to keep and do all the things Jesus taught and did! Acts 1:8, You have received Power when the Spirit came upon you! Be His witness, where you are, in your area and to the ends of the earth! 2Tim 4:1 I command you before our Father and Christ Jesus, Who will judge the living and the dead when He comes and restore His Kingdom! 2 go and preach the Word, keep on, timely and untimely, correct, rebuke, warn, with Love and Longsuffering and teaching! Luke 4:18 The Spirit of Father is upon you, because Christ has anointed you: to go and preach the Good News of His Kingdom to the poor. He has send you to go and heal the broken hearted, 19 to set the captives free, to heal the blind, and those who are broken to be send away in freedom and to declare the year of Faviour of our God to this world! Jam 5:14 to pray for the sick after you have anointed them with oil in the Name of Christ Jesus. Mat 10:8 To heal the sick, cleanse those with leprosy, raise the dead, drive out demons, freely He gave it, freely you need to give it! Go then and let the Spirit teach you and lead you in all circumstances, 1Joh 2:27, to honour our Father and our King, Christ Jesus! Matt 5:16 Let your light shine before the people, through your good works and our Father be glorified in Christ, in Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen! Let the newly Baptise serve the Covenant Meal! You do not have to be ordained to serve the bread and the wine! Do it as often, from house to house where ever you meet as disciples! We need to do everything Christ did except to die on the cross physically, 1Joh 2:4-6!So those who want to argue on the Baptism!Just answer honestly!1. Were you a disciple when baptised? - Matt 28:19.2. Did you Belief when you were Baptised? - Mark 16:16-20.3. Do you have Spiritual Power and Authority, heal the sick and drive out demons?4. Did you call On Jesus’ Name when you were Baptised? - Acts 8:37 & Acts 22:16.If the answer is no – then you missed the point and cannot be His Bride!CHAPTER EIGHT:INNER HEALING: Inner Healing Prayer: In Prayer Book:Pappa Love: In Prayer Book:Mamma Love: In Prayer Book:Soul Ties: Make a list of all people from you birth, right through you life, your family, your parents, the women we caught you at birth, nuses, doctors, teachers, spirital leaders, trainers, people in authrority over you, employers, colleges, team members, friends, and all people you had a close realasionship with, people you associated with ate with, and ask Father to cut the sun Holy soul ties with each of these people so that they can not influence you anymore in the spirit, in Christ Jesus Name! (You may only be in Covenant with God and your spouse).Inner Vows, judgements and curses: Ask the Spirit to show you and go through the names above and deal with all inner vows, negative words spoken over you or others, where you were cursed by people in authority over you, judged, put in a box, or where you in a moment of anger took an inner vow or cursed someone! Where you said I will never do this or that! Or I will never be like this person! (We can do nothing unless in Christ!). Ask Father to cancle the power of your or their words and turn it around into blessings, in Christ Jesus’ Name! CHAPTER NINE:DO - ACTION!Everything in Christ Jesus’ Name, ................................... ......Col 3:17Everything for Jesus and not people, ............................................Col 3:23.Act out your calling so that you may not fall, , ..............2Pet 1:10.Deeds save you and others, ......................1Tim 4:16, & Rev 2:26 & Rev 22:14.Do the Word, ..................... Jam 1:22. Disciples teach to do what Jesus did, .. Matt 28:19.Do as Jesus did, ................ 1John 2:3-6 & 2Kor 5:15. Do with Words and deeds, ...................... Rom 15:18.Created to do good works, ...................................... Eph 2:10. Be example to fellow believers, ............................ 1Thess 1:6-7.Do Name in Book of Life, ................... Rev 22:14. Do good everywhere, ...........................Prov 3:27Good News live, save self plus others, ............... 1Tim 4:16.Faith without deeds are dead........................Jam 2:17-20.Prayer answered, do the Word, ...................1John 3:22+24.Know God + Wil and do, anointed, .......... Col 1:9-12.Do good to all, ............ Gal 6:10Do not get tired of doing good, ... Gal 6:9.Do Good in service of Love, ......... Heb 6:10.Hear and do House on Rock, ........................... Luke 6:49.Never stop doing good, .............Gal 6:9-10, & 1Pet 4:19. Jesus will live with you, and manifest to you, ............... John 14:21+23.Do never stop, ................................. 2Thess 3:13.Exercise gifts, .....................Heb 5:14.Exercise to have knowledge and exsperience, ................. Phil 1:9-10.Paul did, Father with him, .........................Phil 4:9.Prayer answered, ....... 1John 3:22+24, & 1John 5:14, & John 15:7+14+16.Friends of Jesus do, ............. John 15:14+16.Walk as Jesus did, ..................................1John 2:3-6.Do what you preach, .......................... Luk 6:46-47.What I do not want to do I do, Rom 7:15+17;Rom 8:13 & Rom 8:2-3Wil of God do prayers answered, ..........John 15:7+14+16.Wil ofn God do, get anointed, ..................Phil 2:12-14 & Col 1:9-12.Signs and wonders,......... Acts 14:3.Word prove by deeds, testimonies......................Rom 15:18. DO1. Preach the Good News of His Kingdom, ……………… Matt 24:14, & Luke 21:17. With Power and Authority, ……………………. Mark 16:16-20. 2. Make disciples, ……………………….. Matt 28:19. 3. Gown yourself with Christ, …………………….. Rom 13:14. 4. Do as Jesus did, …………………….. 1John 2:3-6. (5 things). Heal the sick, drive out demons, raise the dead, feed the poor and live and preach the Good News of His! 5. Do what you preach, …………. Rom 15:18. 6. Act out the Word, ……… Jam 1:22. 7. Do His commandments so that Your name can be in the book of Life, Rev 22:14. 8. Be an example to other believers through deeds, …… 1Thess 1:6-7. 9. Love all Believers as Christ, …………………….. John 13:35. 10. Make Jesus’ enemies His Footstool, ………….. Heb 2:8, & Heb 10:12-13. 11. Your Prayers will be answered if you do His Commandments, John 15:7+14+16, & 1John 3:22+24. 12. Give thanks to Jesus for all Believer, ….Eph 6:18, John 17:15+17 +21, 1Tim 2:1, Col 4:12 & Matt 9:38! 13. Pray to God about what the pagans are doing in our country, Acts 4:24-26. 14. Know Him and His Will and do it, Col 1:9-12. 15. Grow up spiritually with experience, Phil 1:9-10. 16. Sanctify the country, so that Revival can start, Acts 3:19-21! 17. Seek His Kingdom; come in Righteousness, Matt 6:33. 18. Come out of Babylon, Rev 18:4! Our political system, financial system and church system! 19. Anoint the sick with oil, Jam 5:14! 20. Repent to one another, Jam 5:16! 21. Do His Word and He will live with us, , … John 14:15+21+23. 22. Do ant you will not back slide, , …………………. 2Pet1:10. 23. Practise your gifts, …………….. Heb 5:13-14. 24. Pray in His Name, …… John 14:13-14, & John 16:23+-26, & Col 3:17. You cannot enter the Throne Room without mentioning His Name! 25. We do not keep God’s Feast therefore we do not know His time line! Acts 18:21 & Acts 20:16. We keep Rome’s festivals which is pagan according to Rome’s calendar! Dan 7:25 & Rev 17:18. 26. Feed the poor, visit the sick, …..Matt 25:34-40.WHAT DO DISCIPELS DO?1. They preach the Good News of His Kingdom, Matt 24:14 2. They make disciples and send them, Mat 28:19 3. They heal the sick, drive out demons and raise the dead, Mark 16:15-20. 4. They have a lifestyle of testifying what Jesus do in their lives, Acts 1:8. 5. They preach Repentance, Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19-20 & Acts 17:30. 6. They focus on spiritual things, Rom 8:4-6!7. They are led by the Spirit in all things, 8:14-15. 8. The glory of God is over them and they are in unity, Rom 8:19-21, & John 17:22. 9. They love one another, John 13:35. 10. They are in unity with the same mind and thoughts, 1Cor 1:10 (Not 30?000 Christen denominations)!11. They walk in the Spirit, 1Kor 3:3-4 12. They are equipped by God to preach the Good News, 2Kor 3:3-6. 13. They are humble and submit to one another, Eph 5:19-21. 14. They grow to Spiritual maturity, Phil 1:9-10. 15. They read their Bibles, know God and His Will and do it, Col 1:9-12. 16. They are waiting on the Second coming of Christ and expect it, 1Th 5:3-6. 17. They continuously pray for others, 1Tim 2:8 &. Acts 17:30.18. Do not fear all sorts of things, 2Tim 1:7. 19. They have sanctified their Temples, 2Tim 2:19-21. 20. They make Christ’s enemies His Footstool, Heb 2:8 & Heb 10:12 -13. 21. They have a personal relationship with Christ, Heb 12:14, 1John 2:20 +27. 22. They do the Word, Jam 1:22, John 15:7 +14 +16. 23. They sanctify themselves daily, 1John 1:9! 24. Walk in Righteousness, Matt 6:33! 25. They have and use the Full Armour, Eph 6:10-18. 26. They exercise their gifts for their own spiritual maturity, Eph 4:7 + 11-16 & 1Kor 12:7-8. 27. They do not interpret the Scriptures but ask the Spirit the meaning, 2Cor 3:5 & 2Pet 1:19-21. ANSWERED PRAYERS:1. Jam, 5:16, Prayer of a Righteous man! 2. Ps 15:1-2, Righteous man, speak truth, do not slander, criticise, or gossip! 3. Ps 24:3 , Righteous man, pure heart, and speak the truth! 4. Is 58:6-9, Set captives free, feed poor, do not judge, and speak truth! 5. John 14:13-14, Ask in Christ Jesus’ Name! 6. John 15:7, Read and do His Word!7. 1John 5:14-15, Ask according to His Will. 8. 1John 3:22 do His commands. CHAPTER TEN: SPIRITUAL GATHERINGS:1. Serve one another with your gifts, 1Pet 4:10-11. 2. Each one should teach, warn, sing and do everything in Jesus Name, Col 3:16-17!3. All partake with psalms, praises, songs, and submit one to another out of fear of God, Eph 5:19-21. 4. Jesus lives in each of us with all the gifts of the Spirit, bless one another with your gifts, When you gather each have a revelation, teaching, testimony, 1Kor 14:12+26. 5. We all have received gifts to build up the Community of Believers for our own growth to spiritual maturity in Love, : Eph 4:7-8+11-16. 6. The fivefold ministry is a lie from Rome, there are many more gifts, 1Cor 12:4+7+28-30!7. Every one is a living stone in His House and a priest, all must serve, 1Pet 2:5+9. 8. Our congregational meetings is important to attend as Community of Believers to be a blessing to one another, Heb 10:24-25. 9. Everybody should grow up to be a teacher, trained by experience, Heb 5:12-14. THE ELEDERS IS OUR OVERSEERS: TO MENTOR, MENAGE AND STEWARD!1. Elders as overseers to shepherd, Acts 20:28. 2. Elders lead by example while serving others in humbleness, 1Pet 5:1-3. 3. Elders teach new believers, 1Tim 5:17. NO TITLES IN HIS KINGDOM: 1. We are all equal no titles, we are servants, brothers and sisters, Matt 23:8:12. 2. All one in Christ, no Jews or Greeks, Gal 6:2- 3, & Gal 3:26-28 & Gal 2:6.SUBMIT TO ONE ANOTHER:1. Submit to all out of fear of God, … Eph 5:19-21. 2. Submit to all who serve God, 1Cor 16:16. 3. Submit all to other and be humble, 1Pet 5:5. EQUIPED TO BE A DISCIPLE: Only in a personal relationship with Christ!1. Act 1:8 anointed by the Spirit. 2. 2Cor 3:5-6, Equipped by the Spirit to preach the New Covenant! 3. John 16:8-14, the Spirit will teach, convince, give to us and show us what to do. 4. Heb 8:10-11, The New Covenant brothers will no longer teach one another but the Spirit! 5. 1John 2:20+27, You know all things and the Spirit will teach you all you need to know. 6. Gal 1:15 -18, Paul was taught by the Spirit and did not consult flesh! 7. John 6:4, God will teach us all. 8. 1Kor 2:1+4-5, not with fancy words but by the Power of the Spirit. INTELECTIAL KNOWLEDGE: \2Tim 1:8-9, Not through our ability or knowledge. 2Tim 3: 5-7, They look very spiritual, study and study but do not know spiritual things. INTERPRET not the Scriptures: 1. 2Pet 1:19, Scriptures is given by the Spirit! 2. 2Kor 3:5-6, we cannot reason out Scripture but the Spirit will show us the truth! THE HOUSE OF GOD: 1. Our Body is His Temple, 1Cor 6:19. 2. He does not live in temples of stone, Acts 7:48-49.3. The Congregation of Believers is His House, 1Tim 3:15.3. We are all priests and do not need priest, 1Pet 2:5. 4. They gathered in houses in the days of the Apostles, Philemon 1:2 & Acts 20:7-8! GOD’s KINGDOM NEEDS TO BE RESTORED:1. The restoration of all things, Acts 3:21. 2. Everything reconciled with Christ, Eph 1:10. 3. Everything to it fullness, , Eph 4:10. 4. everything reconciled with Him, Col 1:20.He is waiting on us, Heb 10:12-13! SOUTH AFRICA CHOSEN!1. THE REMNANT, Zeph 3:10.2. REJOICE AT THE SEE, AT THE END OF THE WORLD, Is 24:14-16. 3. START A FIRE IN THE SOUTH, Revival, Ezek20:46-48. 4. HIS SPIRIT will come to rest in the north, Zach 6:6-8. 5. THE NATIONS WILL COME AND HELP US, Zach 6:15.THE ENTIRE CREATION IS WAITING FOR US! Rom 8:19-21.REPENT:1. And in His Name the MESSAGE about REPENTANCE and forgiveness of sins must be preach to all the nations, Luk 24:47.2. Then PETER said to them, REPENT and be baptized, every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ, Acts 2:38. 3. REPENT YE THEREFORE, and be converted that your sins may be blotted out… so that Jesus can come back and everything can be restored, …………………………….Acts 3:19-21. 4. HE HAS GIVEN US REPENTANCE and the forgiveness of sins, ………………Acts 5:31.5. AND THE TIMES OF THIS IGNORANCE God winked at, But NOW Commanded all men EVERYWHERE to REPENT, ……………………………………….Acts 17:30.6. AND MANY THAT BELIEVED came, and CONFESSED, and showed their deeds. Many of which used curious arts, (witchcraft), brought their books and burned it, Acts 19:18-19.7. CONFESS your sins one to another, and pray one for another so that ye may be Healed, James 5:16.8. IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS, He is faithful to forgive us, 1John 1:9.9. BEHOLD I WILL CAST HER (Rome, The Mother Church, The whore of Babylon) into a sick bed, and them that COMMIT adultery with Her into “THE GREAT TRIBULATION”, except they REPENT of their deeds, Rev 2: 22-23.10. THE FALSE PROPHETS will tell you not to REPENT. Lam 2:14.CHAPTER ELEVEN: FESTIVALS AND SIMBOLISM: PASS OVER = CRUSIFIXSION AND RESURRECTION: It is done! SEWEN WEEKS: TIME OF SANTIFICATION: 50 DAYS! Till Pentecost!PENTICOST: IT IS DONE. WAS THE OUT POARING OF THE SPIRIT! Acts 7:38, Luk 1:26 & John 1:1, John 16:8-14.FEEST OF THE TRUMPETS: 1st of seventh month, = Second Coming! 1Thess 4:13-17.RECONSILLIATION DAY: 10TH of 7th month, Marriage of Christ = 1000 years of Peace Rev 20:1-6.FEEST OF TABERNACLES: 15th of 7th month, = Marriage Week of Christ! It Happens in Paradise. (Rapture)! On earth it will be the 7 years of Great Tribulation, Zach 14:16, Matt 24:29, & Rev 20:7-10!EIGHT DAY FESTIVAL: 22ND OF 7TH month, = Marriage Feast of Christ in New Jerusalem! Rev 19:9.CHAPTER TWELF: Jewish marriage -our time Line for the Bride:The Marriage: Wow! So that’s how Christ Loves me! By John & Helen Gardiner.The Messiah began speaking to us recently about the marriage – and giving us some understanding of why so many marriages are in a mess or out of order, and even why so few Believer marriages are what they could be. Daily we seem to hear of people suffering the most terrible abuse and unhappiness and fear within marriages, and hear of more and more Believer marriages ending in the cataclysm of divorce. Something that Father purposed to be one of His greatest sources of joy and blessing to people often ends up as a curse and misery. Christ began to reveal that the reason why marriages are under such incredible attack is because of what He meant it to be. You see, He purposed marriage to be a prophetic sign and a wonder. Yet the enemy so often succeeds in making it a laughing stock instead of a prophetic signpost that points the way to something much deeper. Eph 5:21-33 says: Submit to one another out of reverence for Messiah. Wives, submit to your husbands as to Christ. For the husband is the head of the wife as Messiah is the head of the Bride and His Body, of which He is the Saviour. Now as the Bride submits to Messiah, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives just as Messiah loved the Bride and gave Himself up for her to make her pure, cleansing her by the washing with water through the Word, and to present her to Himself as a radiant Bride, with out stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, butt pure and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Messiah does the Bride, for we are members of His Body.For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery. But I am talking about Messiah and the Bride. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Paul says this is a great or profound mystery he’s speaking about. The only other great or profound mystery is found in 1 Tim 3:16 “And without controversy great is the mystery of His image. He was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” Whenever Scripture speaks of a mystery, it is something that can only be understood by divine revelation. How much more so a great mystery? However, these mysteries are something Father wants us to understand, because if we don’t the enemy will run riot in that area of ignorance in our lives. So Paul is saying, when I’m talking about marriage, I’m talking about Messiah and the Bride. He is saying that every time you look at a Believer marriage you should be able to say: Aha, so that’s how Christ loves His Bride, and that’s how we as the Bride should respond to Him! Marriage was made by the Creator to be a sign that shows the world how much Jesus loves His Bride. Yet how many of us can say we’ve seen even a handful of marriages in our lifetimes that have been this? Marriages where you look at the way the husband love his wife and you can say:”Wow! That’s how Jesus loves me as part of His Bride.” Or you look at the wife and are able to say “Yes, I see now, I understand now how I as a Believer need to submit to Messiah in love.” Because this man and this woman have painted a prophetic picture for you, you now have a greater understanding of this great mystery! Now do you begin to see why Satan hates marriages, and especially Believer marriages with such a passion? Why he will do everything within his power to pervert, make a mockery of, and destroy marriages? Because every time he does that he’s not just causing misery in the lives of the people concerned, he is also destroying and pulling down something that the Creator purposed to be a prophetic signpost. When there are problems in a marriage, you’re not just dealing with difficult people, you’re dealing with all the hoards of hell trying their utmost to make a mockery of a prophetic statement that the Creator wanted to make..Those who are in difficult marriage situations, or who have areas of their marriage that are out of order, must wake up to this truth. It’s not just that you and your spouse cannot get along with each other, it’s also because you have powerful demonic forces working against your marriage becoming a prophetic sign and statement! You need to start pulling down those demonic strongholds over your relationship. Not just in your spouse! But strongholds in you and over your relationship that cause both of you to react and allow friction and division to rush in. Every area of marriage was purposed to be a prophetic sign. If you want to understand what idolatry does to the heart of the Creator, then look at what sexual infidelity does to a marriage. If you want to gain a clearer understanding of what it does to the Creator when we have other gods, other things that illicit our love and devotion. Then look at what adultery does to a marriage. It’s a prophetic sign! You will often find in marriage the same extremes as you find in congregations. Lust in a marriage is the same as spiritual licentiousness in the church. The same as just bingeing and going overboard on grace with no boundaries. Then, at the other end of the scale you get frigidity in marriage, which is the same as legalism in the church. Cold, hard, truth with no love. You often get these two forces at work in the same marriage, just as you get them at work in the church, and they are both just as destructive. Lust in the marriage and licentiousness in the church are just as destructive as frigidity in marriage and legalism in the church. You also find rebellion and reaction against the Creator’s order and authority is a problem in both marriage and in church. Just as you also get domination, manipulation and control both in marriage and in the church.We have got to start waking up to what marriage is meant to be, and why so pitifully few are what they should be! People get married so lightly without really understanding what they’re doing. Few people who go into marriage realise they are entering into something that was meant to be a blood covenant. This is why virginity is so important. The Creator’s purpose for marriage was that on the wedding night the marriage covenant would be sealed with blood. Again, this is a prophetic picture of Jesus' Blood covenant with us. Yet how many marriages are that today? We want to say to any young people (both male and female!) reading this: Your virginity is one of the most precious gifts the Father has given you. Don’t ever let the devil snatch it away from you. In Biblical times if a man took away a woman’s virginity they stoned him to death. Nowadays, they label him a super stud or a lover boy or something like that! The Creator purposed marriage to be a blood covenant, and it is our firm belief that if you have two people entering into a marriage as virgins, and with an understanding of the awesomeness and sacredness of what they are doing on their wedding night, then Father will honour that covenant and protect that marriage supernaturally. If those getting married are not virgins, they at least need to have an understanding of this awesome covenant relationship they’re entering into. Father cannot fully bless and anoint and rebuke the devourer over many marriages today because they were never established on the foundation of covenant. People went through all the man-made rituals of the wedding ceremony, but never entered into a true covenant with each other. If you look at the average wedding ceremony today, much of what goes on has its roots in the occult.The veil was originally believed to ward off evil spirits. Confetti was also originally purposed to chase away evil spirits. Tradition has it that it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding ceremony, and that it is good luck for the bride to wear something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Then there’s the whole ritual of catching the garter and bouquet and the lucky souls who catch them. The average wedding table is filled with lucky horseshoes or wishbones, and then the lucky couple is sent on their way to the strains of “Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye.” All this “good luck” is just a smokescreen to distract people away from the real meaning of the ceremony, that it was meant by Father to be a time of two people cutting covenants with each other before their Creator. The average wedding ceremony today is a total mockery of what He intended. You get two people who’ve been sleeping together for years going through a silly little ritual that has no real binding upon their souls. And then people wonder why the whole thing ends up in the divorce courts two years down the road! He wants us to begin to understand the sacredness of marriage. If you look at what marriage entailed in Biblical times, you begin to understand just how much it point to Jesus, and why He even said some of the things He said. At marrying age, the young man might be attracted to a young woman, or his parents might have chosen an appropriate bride for him. The procedure could be followed by one of three different parties: The father making the arrangements for his son, as Samson’s father, as Eliezer did on behalf of Abraham in Gen 24:1-67. If the Father does not draw you to Him you cannot be saved! For illustration’s sake, an example of the last possibility will be used. A young man went to the home of his potential bride to be. He carried three things with him: a large sum of money in order to pay the price for his bride, a betrothal contract called a Shitre Erusin, and a skin of wine. He paid with His Life! Of course, anyone arriving with these things would immediately arouse the curiosity of the household! The man approached the girl’s father and older brothers. The contract was laid out, and the bride-price was discussed. Finally, a glass of wine was poured. If the father approved, then the young lady was called in. If she also approved, then she would drink the wine. In doing so, she committed herself to this man, agreeing to follow the contract that now was a legal document between the two. They would be called husband and wife at this time, and their union could only be dissolved by a divorce. However, their status was that of betrothed, rather than that of fully married. This is where we as the Body are today: the contract has been paid in full. We are betrothed. After the wine had been drunk the man made the statement that he would go to his father’s house and prepare a place for her. This place was known as the chadar (chamber, or a bed with a canopy). The young Jewish bridegroom would make the following speech as he was leaving: “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. “ Does that sound familiar to you?" Our Jesus spoke those same words of us in John 14:2-3! When leaving he would give them presents, Matt 24:53. He gave us His Spirit, Acts 1:8. From the time that the Shitre Erusin was ratified, the young women were consecrated, kiddushin, set apart to her husband. That’s how we as Believers should be. She has been bought with a price and her body is no longer her own. 1Cor 6:20 says, “You were bought at a price. Therefore honour Father with your Body” and 1Cor 7:23 says “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men. Now the Jewish bride prepares herself, Ester 2:12. We do it through repentance and the baptism, Eph 5:26.She must spend her time preparing to live as a wife and a mother in Israel. Her days of waiting for her wedding are spent in learning how to please her husband. Meanwhile, the young man returned to his father’s home, and the chadar went under construction. The room is provided with every comfort, as they will retire here for a whole week following their wedding ceremony. We see this seven-day period in Gen 29:22-28. Laban says “Finish this daughter’s bridal week; then we will give you the younger one also, in return for another seven years of work. And Jacob did so. He finished the week with Leah, and then Laban gave him his daughter Rachel to be his wife.” And read Judges 14:10-18, too. The young man, if asked when the day of his wedding would be, replied. “No man knows except my Father, Mark 13:32.” In Israel the father had to be satisfied that every preparation had been made by his son before he gave him permission to go and get his bride, Jesus spoke these same words of His wedding day. The groom secured two close friends to assist him in securing his bride and during the actual ceremony. These two are known as the friends of the bridegroom. They functioned, as the two witnesses required for a Jewish wedding. One of them was to assist the bride, and to lead her to the ceremony, while the other was stationed with the groom. He performed a special task when the couple retired into the chadar after the ceremony. At the last trumpet when the Bridegroom comes to fetch us, we will be transformed, 1Cor 15:52. She looks forward to this day with excitement, 1Thess 5:4 & 2Pet 3:13-14. During the ceremony, known as Kiddushin, a second contract was brought forth called a Ketubah. This marriage contract was witnessed by the friends of the bridegroom and turned over to the parents of the bride. It contained the promises that the groom pledges to his wife. As at all weddings, focus was centred on the bride and groom. For this one-day they were looked at as king and queen. Every effort was made, and no expense was spared to ensure their joy. On this day, tradition says; their sins were forgiven. They stood pure, without spot or blemish as they were united. Eph 5:25-32, Husbands, love your wives, just as Messiah loved the Bride and gave himself up for her to make her pure, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, And to present her to himself as a radiant Bride, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but pure and blameless.” One day in His Kingdom is a thousand years, 2Pet 3:8. This is the thousand years of peace when Messiah will be living with us forever, Rev 20:1-6 and then we go into our Marriage chambers for seven years when satan is released again, Rev 20:7. Num 14:4, according to the number of days you will carry your iniquities one year per day, Ezek 4:6. That is the seven years of Rev 11:3. & Rev 13:5. All that Revelations is, is seven letters to seven congregations telling the same story seven times over of what will happen in the end of days. Following the ceremony, the bride and groom entered the chadar. Here the groom gave gifts to the bride (Gen 34:12& Gen 24:53). The couple spent seven days under the chupah, or literally in the chamber, Gen 24:53. The friend of the bridegroom stood at the door. All the guests of the wedding assembled outside, waiting for the friend of the bridegroom to announce the consummation of the marriage covenant, which was related to him by the groom. John 3:26-30: “They came to John and said to him, Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan – the one you testified about. Well, He is baptising, and everyone is going to him. To this John replied. “ A man can receive only what is given him from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said,” I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.” The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears His voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less.” At that signal, great rejoicing broke forth in a weeklong celebration, until the two emerged from the chupah to begin the actual wedding feast. Rev 19:4-9: “The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshipped Messiah, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: Amen, Hallelujah Yah! Then a voice came from the throne, saying: Praise our Creator, all you His servants, you who fear Him, both small and great!Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: Hallelujah! For Christ Jesus, the Creator Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come and His Bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) Then the angel said to me, Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb! And he added, These are the true words of the Creator.” Do you begin to understand the enormity of what we’re touching here? You need to start looking at marriage through new eyes! Even as the first trump (Shofar) announced the betrothal, so the last trump announced the wedding. Today, when the Shofar is blown in congregations, we are reminded that we are betrothed and that there’s a wedding feast yet to come! Rev 19:9 Then [the angel] said to me, Write this down: Blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who are summoned (invited, called) to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me [further], These are the true words (the genuine and exact declarations) of God. Rev 19:17 Then I saw a single angel stationed in the sun's light, and with a mighty voice he shouted to all the birds that fly across the sky, Come, gather yourselves together for the great supper of God, [Ezek. 39:4, 17-20.] Rev 21:2 And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, all arrayed like a bride beautified and adorned for her husband; Rev 21:9 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven final plagues (afflictions, calamities) came and spoke to me. He said, Come with me! I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife. Rev 21:10 Then in the Spirit He conveyed me away to a vast and lofty mountain and exhibited to me the holy (hallowed, consecrated) city of Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God, [Ezek. 40:2.] Rev 21:11 Clothed in God's glory [in all its splendor and radiance]. The luster of it resembled a rare and most precious jewel, like jasper, shining clear as crystal. Rev 21:16 The city lies in a square, its length being the same as its width. And he measured the city with his reed--12,000 stadia (about 1,500 miles); its length and width and height are the same. The New Jerusalem is us. It is the Bride of Messiah! In Ps 45 we are brought to the Biblical portrayal of not only the wedding of the Messiah but also His coronation. The guests are assembled, and gifts are distributed. Is 61:10 + Is 62:5 shows the glory of the bride and groom bedecked in all their wedding finery:” For He has clothed me with garments of Salvation and arrayed me in a robe of Righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. The nations will see your Righteousness, and all kings your glory; you will be called by a new name that the mouth of Jesus will bestow. You will be a crown of splendour in Jesus’ Hand, a royal diadem in the Hand of your Creator. No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolated. But you will be called Hephzibah and your land Beulah; for Jesus will take delight in you, and your land will be married. As young man marries a maiden, so will your sons marry you: as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your Creator rejoice over you.We left the best for last: Before the wedding the groom required three days to prepare. We know that one day is as a thousand years to Jesus. And just as with working out the three days of the death and resurrection of Christ, know that the Jewish method of measuring days is different to ours. So, we are on the brink of the third millennium, the third day. Yes, the third day is almost upon us. Our bridegroom has been preparing Himself for three days. He is fully prepared and fully expectant, longing to be with His Bride, The marriage supper of the Lamb could be any day now.No one knows the exact day except the Father. The third day is upon us, and the Bridegroom is fully prepared. But are we? He wants to release us out of much and into much when it comes to our understanding of marriage. He wants to pull down and smash man made myths and perceptions of marriage. He wants us throw out all Mills & Boon and Bold & Beautiful junk, and begin to come into a Biblical understanding of what marriage is all about. He wants to pull down demonic strongholds over existing and past and future marriages. Strongholds of lust and frigidity, strongholds that have been established because the enemy has done everything in his power to make a mockery of His prophetic purposes. Some of you are sitting in marriages with things over you, some of you who are divorced are still bound by hurts and bitterness, others are sitting under things that keep you from being released into marriage, because of fear and demonic oppression. There are some to whom Father would say: “I’ve kept you from marriage. You’ve fought and kicked and got angry because you’ve never got married, but it’s been My grace that kept you and protected you from entering into something that would just be a pale, weak, wishy-washy counterfeit of what I’ve really purposed for you. And as those strongholds come down, you will begin to find marriages restored and unsaved partners coming to Jesus. Good marriages will become even better as they are elevated into the realm of becoming prophetic statements. Becoming a sign and a wonder that people will look at and say, “ So that’s how Jesus loves his betrothed, so that’s how we as Body should submit and respond to Him!”Father, in Jesus’ Name forgive me for taking marriage so lightly. Forgive me for my perverted and wrong understandings of what marriage is meant to be. Father as You forgive me, I pray that you will deliver me from every stronghold that is over my life in the area of marriage. Strongholds that have come down through generations, as well as strongholds that I have allowed to become established through my own fears and sin. Jesus, I ask you to give me a revelation in my heart of Your purpose for marriage, so that my marriage will become the prophetic sign and wonder to the world that You purposed it to be. I ask You to do this in the precious and powerful Name of Christ Jesus through the power of Your Spirit.”With acknowledgement to Greg Killian for his information on Biblical wedding ceremonies. Joy Magazine October 1999So if you look at this Jewish marriage it is much easier to get the Heavenly picture of what Father has planned. We must stay here for seven thousand years before the dreadful days at the end which was also supposed to be seven thousand years but was shortened to only seven years. Then after the seven years of the great tribulation Armageddon will strike this earth. Then the seven cups that you read about throughout the book of Revelations will be poured out at once. Each of them will totally destroy mankind completely. Lets see for our self. Nobody can survive any of these disasters.ARMAGEDDON: The End: Rev 6:12 When He [the Lamb] broke open the sixth seal, I looked, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun grew black as sackcloth of hair, [the full disc of] the moon became like blood. [Joel 2:10, 31.] Rev 6:13 And the stars of the sky dropped to the earth like a fig tree shedding its unripe fruit out of season when shaken by a strong wind. [Isa. 34:4.] Rev 6:14 And the sky rolled up like a scroll and vanished, and every mountain and island was dislodged from its place. If one star drop on this ball called earth we are finish!End: 2 Rev 8:7 The first angel blew [his] trumpet, and there was a storm of hail and fire mingled with blood cast upon the earth. And a third part of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned up and all the green grass was burned up. 8 The second angel blew [his] trumpet, and something resembling a great mountain, blazing with fire, was hurled into the sea. 9 And a third of the sea was turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea perished, and a third of the ships were destroyed. 10 The third angel blew [his] trumpet, and a huge star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it dropped on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water- 11 And the name of the star is Wormwood. A third part of the waters was changed into wormwood, and many people died from using the water, because it had become bitter. 12 Then the fourth angel blew [his] trumpet, and a third of the sun was smitten, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that [the light of] a third of them was darkened, and a third of the daylight [itself] was withdrawn, and likewise a third [of the light] of the night was kept from shining. 13 Then I [looked and I] saw a solitary eagle flying in mid heaven, and as it flew I heard it crying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the rest of the trumpet blasts which the three angels are about to sound! Einde: 3. Rev 9:18 A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues--by the fire and the smoke and the sulphur (brimstone) that poured from the mouths of the horses. 19 For the power of the horses to do harm is in their mouths and also in their tails. Their tails are like serpents, for they have heads, and it is by means of them that they wound people. 20 And the rest of humanity who were not killed by these plagues even then did not repent of [the worship of] the works of their [own] hands, so as to cease paying homage to the demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor move. End: 4. Rev 11:15 The seventh angel then blew [his] trumpet, and there were mighty voices in heaven, shouting, The dominion (kingdom, sovereignty, rule) of the world has now come into the possession and become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (the Messiah), and He shall reign forever and ever (for the eternities of the eternities)!16 Then the twenty-four elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin], who sit on their thrones before God, prostrated themselves before Him and worshiped, 17 Exclaiming, To You we give thanks, Lord God Omnipotent, [the One] Who is and [ever] was, for assuming the high sovereignty and the great power that are Yours and for beginning to reign. Rev 11:18 And the heathen (the nations) raged, but Your wrath (retribution, indignation) came, the time when the dead will be judged and Your servants the prophets and saints rewarded--and those who revere (fear) Your name, both low and high and small and great--and [the time] for destroying the corrupters of the earth. 19 Then the sanctuary of God in heaven was thrown open, and the ark of His covenant was seen standing inside in His sanctuary; and there were flashes of lightning, loud rumblings (blasts, mutterings), peals of thunder, an earthquake, and a terrific hailstorm. [I Kings 8:1-6.] End: 5. Rev 14:18 And another angel came forth from the altar, [the angel] who has authority and power over fire, and he called with a loud cry to him who had the sharp scythe (sickle), Put forth your scythe and reap the fruitage of the vine of the earth, for its grapes are entirely ripe. 19 So the angel swung his scythe on the earth and stripped the grapes and gathered the vintage from the vines of the earth and cast it into the huge winepress of God's indignation and wrath. 20 And [the grapes in] the winepress were trodden outside the city, and blood poured from the winepress, [reaching] as high as horses' bridles, for a distance of 1,600 stadia (about 200 miles).End: 6. Rev 16:15 Behold, I am going to come like a thief! Blessed (happy, to be envied) is he who stays awake (alert) and who guards his clothes, so that he may not be naked and [have the shame of being] seen exposed! 16 And they gathered them together at the place which in Hebrew is called Armageddon. 17 Then the seventh [angel] emptied out his bowl into the air, and a mighty voice came out of the sanctuary of heaven from the throne [of God], saying, It is done! [It is all over, it is all accomplished, it has come!] [Isa. 66:6.] End: 7. Rev 17:14 They will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will triumph over them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings--and those with Him and on His side are chosen and called [elected] and loyal and faithful followers. 13 He is dressed in a robe dyed by dipping in blood, and the title by which He is called is The Word of God. 14 And the troops of heaven, clothed in fine linen, dazzling and clean, followed Him on white horses. 19 Then I saw the beast and the rulers and leaders of the earth with their troops mustered to go into battle and make war against Him Who is mounted on the horse and against His troops. 20 And the beast was seized and overpowered, and with him the false prophet who in his presence had worked wonders and performed miracles by which he led astray those who had accepted or permitted to be placed upon them the stamp (mark) of the beast and those who paid homage and gave divine honors to his statue. Both of them were hurled alive into the fiery lake that burns and blazes with brimstone. Rapture: Matt 24:14, The Good News of His Kingdom must first be preached to all the nations because it was never done before. Then the end will come. 13 Now also we would not have you ignorant, brethren, about those who fall asleep [in death], that you may not grieve [for them] as the rest do who have no hope [beyond the grave]. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will also bring with Him through Jesus those who have fallen asleep [in death]. 15 For this we declare to you by the Lord's [own] word, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord shall in no way precede [into His presence] or have any advantage at all over those who have previously fallen asleep [in Him in death]. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud cry of summons, with the shout of an archangel, and with the blast of the trumpet of God. And those who have departed this life in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we, the living ones who remain [on the earth], shall simultaneously be caught up along with [the resurrected dead] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so always (through the eternity of the eternities) we shall be with the Lord! 18 Therefore comfort and encourage one another with these words. So when He comes we will be with Him forever. No tribulation for His Bride! Phi 3:20 But we are citizens of the state (commonwealth, homeland) which is in heaven, and from it also we earnestly and patiently await [the coming of] the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) [as] Savior, 21 Who will transform and fashion anew the body of our humiliation to conform to and be like the body of His glory and majesty, by exerting that power which enables Him even to subject everything to Himself. 1Co 15:44 It is sown a natural (physical) body; it is raised a supernatural (a spiritual) body. [As surely as] there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body. 51 Take notice! I tell you a mystery (a secret truth, an event decreed by the hidden purpose or counsel of God). We shall not all fall asleep [in death], but we shall all be changed (transformed) 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the [sound of the] last trumpet call. For a trumpet will sound, and the dead [in Christ] will be raised imperishable (free and immune from decay), and we shall be changed (transformed). 53 For this perishable [part of us] must put on the imperishable [nature], and this mortal [part of us, this nature that is capable of dying] must put on immortality (freedom from death). This is the first resurrection. It is only for born again spirit filled believers. There can be no tribiulation without the non believers. Rev 20:4 Then I saw thrones, and sitting on them were those to whom authority to act as judges and to pass sentence was entrusted. Also I saw the souls of those who had been slain with axes [beheaded] for their witnessing to Jesus and [for preaching and testifying] for the Word of God, and who had refused to pay homage to the beast or his statue and had not accepted his mark or permitted it to be stamped on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived again and ruled with Christ (the Messiah) a thousand years. 5 The remainder of the dead were not restored to life again until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed (happy, to be envied) and holy (spiritually whole, of unimpaired innocence and proved virtue) is the person who takes part (shares) in the first resurrection! Over them the second death exerts no power or authority, but they shall be ministers of God and of Christ (the Messiah), and they shall rule along with Him a thousand years. So it is first the thousand years of peace and then the great tribulations of seven years. It is only those with their lamps full of oil that will be part of this thousand years. The rest of the believers will go through the tribulation, Rev 2:23. Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his place of confinement, 8 And he will go forth to deceive and seduce and lead astray the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth--Gog and Magog--to muster them for war; their number is like the sand of the sea. 9 And they swarmed up over the broad plain of the earth and encircled the fortress (camp) of God's people (the saints) and the beloved city; but fire descended from heaven and consumed them. 10 Then the devil who had led them astray [deceiving and seducing them] was hurled into the fiery lake of burning brimstone, where the beast and false prophet were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (through the ages of the ages). 11 Then I saw a great white throne and the One Who was seated upon it, from Whose presence and from the sight of Whose face earth and sky fled away, and no place was found for them. 12 I [also] saw the dead, great and small; they stood before the throne, and books were opened. Then another book was opened, which is [the Book] of Life. And the dead were judged (sentenced) by what they had done [their whole way of feeling and acting, their aims and endeavors] in accordance with what was recorded in the books. 13 And the sea delivered up the dead who were in it, death and Hades (the state of death or disembodied existence) surrendered the dead in them, and all were tried and their cases determined by what they had done [according to their motives, aims, and works]. 14 Then death and Hades (the state of death or disembodied existence) were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. You see those who repent and do what I ask you in this book do not have to care when the rapture will take place or what will happen. We worry about how many people we can still get saved before messiah comes to fetch us. The church wants to be ruptured because they believe a lie, Rev 3:3. And they are taking millions with them on this road of the false prophet. Because my Bible tells me the false prophet sits in church, Rev 16:13 And I saw three loathsome spirits like frogs, [leaping] from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and from the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For really they are the spirits of demons that perform signs (wonders, miracles). And they go forth to the rulers and leaders all over the world, to gather them together for war on the great day of God the Almighty. 15 Behold, I am going to come like a thief! Blessed (happy, to be envied) is he who stays awake (alert) and who guards his clothes, so that he may not be naked and [have the shame of being] seen exposed! The End times, Rapture, Second coming: Not the second going!The churches are telling us to prepare for the rapture and most believers are just waiting to be ruptured. Now I wonder what they want to do in the spiritual because the only place to do something and to get treasures for is here on earth by getting people born again and disciple. Then there is another group of believers that wants to know how we can say it’s the end of times. Because according to them we will not know the times. 1Thess 5:4 However, brothers, you are not in the darkness, in order that the day might surprise you like a thief. 5 For all of you are children of light and children of day. We do not belong to the night or to darkness. 6 Therefore, let us not fall asleep like others do, but let us stay awake and be sober. Rev 3:3 So remember what you received and heard. Obey it, and repent. If you are not alert, I will come like a thief, and you won't know the time when I will come to you. Repent so that your eyes can open.The end times: 2Tim 3:1 You must realize, however, that in the last days difficult times will come. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 unfeeling, uncooperative, slanderous, degenerate, brutal, hateful of what is good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. 5 They will hold to an outward form of godliness but deny its power. Stay away from such people. (Do you see this?) 2Tim 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with healthy doctrine but with itching ears will surround themselves with teachers who cater to their own needs. 4 They will refuse to listen to the truth and will turn to myths. (There are thousands of denominations and all believe they are busy with the truth and hate others. There is no love for other believers, denominations or messengers of Father. Do as we do or leave. We criticize, judge and speak death over one another and curse the self in the process. Is 2:2 In days to come the mountain where the Temple stands will be the highest one of all, towering above all the hills. Many nations will come streaming to it, 3 and their people will say, "Let us go up the hill of the LORD, to the Temple of Israel's God. He will teach us what he wants us to do; we will walk in the paths He has chosen. For the Lord’s teaching comes from Jerusalem; from Zion he speaks to his people." Thousands of people are streaming to Jerusalem annually. Is 5:26 The LORD gives a signal to call for a distant nation. He whistles for them to come from the ends of the earth, (South Africa). And here they come, swiftly, quickly! (We are just more and more working together with the Jews). Is 24:1 The LORD is going to devastate the earth and leave it desolate. He will twist the earth's surface and scatter its people. 2 Everyone will meet the same fate---the priests and the people, slaves and masters, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, rich and poor. (church leaders will also die). 3 The earth will lie shattered and ruined. The LORD has spoken and it will be done. 4 The earth dries up and withers; the whole world grows weak; both earth and sky decay. (Famine over all the earth in this end times) 5 The people have defiled the earth by breaking God's laws and by violating the covenant he made to last forever. 6 So God has pronounced a curse on the earth. Its people are paying for what they have done. Fewer and fewer remain alive. (Aids and other deceases) 12 The city is in ruins, and its gates have been broken down. (the cities will be destroyed). 13 This is what will happen in every nation all over the world. It will be like the end of harvest, when the olives have been beaten off every tree and the last grapes picked from the vines. (only a few will be left over). 14 Those who survive will sing for joy. Those in the West will tell how great the LORD is, 15 and those in the East will praise him. The people who live along the sea will praise the LORD, the God of Israel. 16 From the most distant parts of the world we will hear songs in praise of Israel, the righteous nation (South Africa). But there is no hope for me! I am wasting away! Traitors continue to betray, and their treachery grows worse and worse. 19 The earth will crack and shatter and split open. 20 The earth itself will stagger like a drunk, sway like a hut in a storm. The world is weighed down by its sins; it will collapse and never rise again. 21 A time is coming when the LORD will punish the powers above and the rulers of the earth. (Third world war). 22 God will crowd kings together like prisoners in a pit. He will shut them in prison until the time of their punishment comes. (Till after the thousand years of peace). 23 The moon will grow dark, and the sun will no longer shine, for the LORD Almighty will be King. He will rule in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, and the leaders of the people will see his glory. (the thousand years of peace)Is 42:10 Sing a new song to the LORD; sing his praise, all the world! Praise him, you that sail the sea; praise him, all creatures of the sea! Sing, distant lands and all who live there! 11 Let the desert and its towns praise God; let the people of Kedar praise him! Let those who live in the city of Selah shout for joy from the tops of the mountains! 12 Let those who live in distant lands give praise and glory to the LORD! 13 The LORD goes out to fight like a warrior; he is ready and eager for battle. He gives a war cry, a battle shout; he shows his power against his enemies. 14 God says, "For a long time I kept silent; I did not answer my people. But now the time to act has come; I cry out like a woman in labour. 15 I will destroy the hills and mountains and dry up the grass and trees. I will turn the river valleys into deserts and dry up the pools of water. (Famine). 16 "I will lead my blind people by roads they have never travelled. I will turn their darkness into light and make rough country smooth before them. These are my promises, and I will keep them without fail. (Revival here in South Africa). Is 48:20 Go out from Babylon, go free! Shout the news gladly; make it known everywhere: "The LORD has saved his servant Israel!" Our people are born again by the thousands all over South Africa annually). Tell this to every one. People are just daily testifying everywhere as never before. Believers are telling about breakthroughs all over. It’s here!)Jer 23:19 His anger is a storm, a furious wind that will rage over the heads of the wicked, 20 and it will not end until he has done everything he intends to do. In days to come his people will understand this clearly." (Here I am telling you this. We are the people that will understand this.) Do you see all the wicket will die? This is not Armageddon because there will be people left that lives.Gog & Maggog or the third World War: (This has not happened yet) Ezek 38:8 After many years I will order him to invade a country where the people were brought back together from many nations and have lived without fear of war. He will invade the mountains of Israel, which were desolate and deserted so long, but where all the people now live in safety. 9 He and his army and the many nations with him will attack like a storm and cover the land like a cloud." 14 So the Sovereign LORD sent me to tell Gogh what he was saying to him: "Now while my people Israel live in security, you will set out 15 to come from your place in the far north, leading a large, powerful army of soldiers from many nations, all of them on horseback. 16 You will attack my people Israel like a storm moving across the land. When the time comes, I will send you to invade my land in order to show the nations who I am, to show my holiness by what I do through you. 19 I declare in the heat of my anger that on that day there will be a severe earthquake in the land of Israel. 20 Every fish and bird, every animal large and small, and every human being on the face of the earth will tremble for fear of me. Mountains will fall, cliffs will crumble, and every wall will collapse. 21 I will terrify Gog with all sorts of calamities. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken. His men will turn their swords against one another. 22 I will punish him with disease and bloodshed. Torrents of rain and hail, together with fire and sulphur, will pour down on him and his army and on the many nations that are on his side. 23 In this way I will show all the nations that I am great and that I am holy. They will know then that I am the LORD." Ezek 39:1 The Sovereign LORD said, "Mortal man, denounce Gogh, the chief ruler of the nations of Meshach and Tubal, and tell him that I am his enemy. 2 I will turn him in a new direction and lead him out of the far north until he comes to the mountains of Israel. 11 The LORD said, "When all this happens, I will give Gog a burial ground there in Israel, in Travellers' Valley, east of the Dead Sea. Gog and all his army will be buried there, and the valley will be called 'The Valley of Gog's Army.' 12 It will take the Israelites seven months to bury all the corpses and make the land clean again. (You see we will still be alive. Therefore it is not the end, only the thousand years of peace that starts). 25 The Sovereign LORD said, "But now I will be merciful to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel, and make them prosperous again. I will protect My Holy Name. 26 When they are once more living in safety in their own land, with no one to threaten them, they will be able to forget how they were disgraced for having betrayed me. (Thousand years of peace).Dan 12:2 Many of those who have already died will live again: some will enjoy eternal life, and some will suffer eternal disgrace. Dan 12:3 The wise leaders will shine with all the brightness of the sky. And those who have taught many people to do what is right will shine like the stars forever." Knowledge will increase in the end times! It is happening! People will repent as Daniel told us, Dan 12:9 He answered, "You must go now, Daniel, because these words are to be kept secret and hidden until the end comes. 10 Many people will be purified. Those who are wicked will not understand but will go on being wicked; only those who are wise will understand. (We have been doing Repentance in South Africa intensively for the last ten years). Mat 24:14 and this good news of the Kingdom (of His Authority) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end. The Good News the apostles lived and were living testimonies of with power and which the church lost 70 after Christ. Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not shed its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. (Please tell me how many years is there between the great tribulation and immediately? Therefore the thousands years of peace must be before the tribulation just as the Scriptures tells us) Is 24:22-23 & Open 20:7. Second Coming: 1Cor 15:51 Take notice! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be changed (transformed) 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the [sound of the] last trumpet call. For a trumpet will sound, and the dead [in Christ] will be raised imperishable (free and immune from decay), and we shall be changed (transformed). 53 For this perishable [part of us] must put on the imperishable [nature], and this mortal [part of us, this nature that is capable of dying] must put on immortality (freedom from death). Only flesh can be tortured and from this day we will be with Him forever so we will not go through the great tribulation). 1Thess 4:13 But we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, about those who have died, so that you may not grieve like other people who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so it is through Jesus that God will bring back with Him those who have died. 15 For this we declare to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have died. 16 With a shout of command, with the archangel's call, and with the sound of God's trumpet, the Lord himself will come down from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up in the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 So then, encourage one another with these words. (This is only the Spirit filled born again believers that will be with Him in the thousand years of peace). Those people who has done proper repentance! Those who came out of Babylon, Rev 18:3-4). Rev 2:20 But I have this against you: that you tolerate the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess [claiming to be inspired], and who is teaching and leading astray my servants and beguiling them into practicing sexual vice and eating food sacrificed to idols. 21 I gave her time to repent, but she has no desire to repent of her immorality [symbolic of idolatry] and refuses to do so. 22 Take note: I will throw her on a bed [of anguish], and those who commit adultery with her I will bring down to pressing distress and severe affliction, (Great tribulation) unless they turn away their minds from conduct [such as] hers and repent of their doings. 23 And I will strike her children (her proper followers) dead. And all the assemblies (churches) shall recognize and understand that I am He Who searches minds (the thoughts, feelings, and purposes) and the [inmost] hearts, and I will give to each of you as your work deserves. (The Body is fast asleep and will go through the tribulation unless they repent). Heb 12:14 Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord. Is 24:6 Therefore a curse devours the land and the earth, and they who dwell in it suffer the punishment of their guilt. Therefore the inhabitants of the land and the earth are scorched and parched [under the curse of God's wrath], and few people are left. (You see only the five wise virgins)Rev 20:4, Only those without the mark of the beast will rule. The Great tribulation is there to save people and get them to the point of repentance. Most churches renounce Repentance and keep people from repenting. They will be doing their Repentance in the Great Tribulation, Rev 7:14. When multitudes will be saved, Rev 7:9. Is it by change that we hear 2Cron 7:14 at every prayer meeting. So everybody knows that we need to repent but do not want to do it. Therefore those who say it is not necessary to do all these prayers or Repentance will have some more time to rethink it during the Great tribulation, after the thousands years of peace when the dead will raise again, Dan 12:2 Many of those who have already died will live again: some will enjoy eternal life, and some will suffer eternal disgrace. (Only flesh can die therefore the flesh will live again. This will be the second resurrection of those who are not believers and the virgins whose lamps were not full of oil. Those believers who came to their senses in Rev 7:14. Thousand Years of Peace: Rev 20:1 THEN I saw an angel descending from heaven; he was holding the key of the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and a great chain was in his hand. :2 And he gripped and overpowered the dragon, that old serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. (During the thousand years of peace there is no demons hear on earth. Its our marriage day with the Bridegroom, 2Pet 3:8). Rev 20:3 Then he hurled him into the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and closed it and sealed it above him, so that he should no longer lead astray and deceive and seduce the nations until the thousand years were at an end. After that he must be liberated for a short time. (seven years of the Great Tribulation). Rev 20:4 Then I saw thrones, and those who sat on them were given the power to judge. I also saw the souls of those who had been executed because they had proclaimed the truth that Jesus revealed and the Word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image, nor had they received the mark of the beast on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and ruled as kings with Christ for a thousand years. 20:5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were over.) This is the first raising of the dead. (Then there must be a second raising of the dead). 6 Happy and greatly blessed are those who are included in this first raising of the dead. The second death has no power over them; they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they will rule with him for a thousand years. (Only bodies can die. So these people’s bodies will die a second time, which will be final during the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. This means all those who died and are not part of the thousand years of peace will be raised again to have Hell on earth during the Great Tribulation). Dan 12:2 Many of those who have already died will live again: some will enjoy eternal life, and some will suffer eternal disgrace. You see the Bride will only be a few people, and then the Body will be saved trough the Great Tribulation, Rev 7:14. During the seven years of Tribulation the Bride and the Bridegroom will be in the marriage chambers, Gen 29:27. Then the multitudes will be saved Rev 7:9.The heathens will be gone: Ps 37:7 Be patient and wait for the LORD to act; don't be worried about those who prosper or those who succeed in their evil plans. 8 Don’t give in to worry or anger; it only leads to trouble. 9 Those who trust in the LORD will possess the land, but the wicked will be driven out. (Gone). 10 Soon the wicked will disappear; you may look for them, but you won't find them; 11 but the humble will possess the land and enjoy prosperity and peace. (a Thousand year of peace). Pro 2:21 Righteous people---people of integrity---will live in this land of ours. 22 But God will snatch the wicked from the land and pull sinners out of it like plants from the ground. Great Tribulation: Rev 20:7 After the thousand years are over, Satan will be set loose from his prison, 8 and he will go out to deceive the nations scattered over the whole world, that is, Gog and Magog. Satan will bring them all together for battle, as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. 9 They spread out over the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people and the city that he loves. But fire came down from heaven and destroyed them. 10 Then the Devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur, where the beast and the false prophet had already been thrown; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. 11 Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sits on it. Earth and heaven fled from his presence and were seen no more. Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, great and small alike, standing before the throne. Books were opened, and then another book was opened, the book of the living. The dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books. Therefore just before Armageddon there must be a rapture of the believers. All that will actually happen is that they will just step over into spiritual bodies like us, Rev 7:3-4 & Rev 6:9. Then the people must flee to the mountains, Matt 24:16. The one will still be there and the other will be gone, Matt 24:40.)Therefore we are at the greatest revival that has ever been. Hundreds of thousands of people are getting born again annually. The prophets are constantly confirming this from all over. All you need to do is to go to one of Angus’ meetings and you will see how the Spirit is moving over South Africa. Any person who renounce this lives in a cave. There is such an expectancy every where I come. Everybody I met who is spirit filled are just talking about wonderful things. People are constantly testifying about break troughs in all spheres of live. The time is now. Revival will sweep this country this year and South Africa will be restored during the year of 2011 because we will be 50 years old as a Republic. A year of restoration to Evangelise the world. It is wonderful times. South Africa is the place to be. Do not fear. Do not immigrate, Just Repent and seek His Face with all your heart and everything you have.Forget about the rapture. Satan just wants to keep us passive. Lets start seeking His will for us. Do not miss your calling. Read your Bible daily. Spent time with Him. Come into a personal relationship with Him. He wants to talk to you. Remember our battle is against satan. Ask Father to place a guard before our mouths and lets stop criticizing, judging, speaking bad things about others, other nations, denominations and our government. Let’s start to speak blessings over others and start to call them into the positions we want them to be. Do not even mention what others have done in darkness, Eph 5:12. Forgive all people so that we may be forgiven and start speaking forgiveness out over people so that Farther can forgive them and save their souls. Never say anything bad about other believers, denominations or spiritual leaders. We do not know weather someone in that group may be the next Paul.TO IDENTIFY THE BEAST / 666 SYSTEM: 1. He receives power from Rome, Rev 13:4.2. He rules the earth for 1260 years, van 538 a.C till 1798 a.C.3. He receives a deadly blow, but recover, Rev 13:3.4. He is both Political and Spiritual, Rev 13:4.5. Changed the Ten Commandments, Dan 7:25. (Shabbat, Matt 28:1).6. Their leader claims to be the Creator, Rev 13:1, Dan 7:25 & 2Thess 2:3-4.7. It is a mother church, Rev 17:5.8. The make war against true believers, Rev 13:7 & Dan 7:21+25.9. It is a world force and are honoured by all governments, Rev 13:3-4.10. a Person with the number of his name, 666, Rev 13:18 & Rev 15:2.11. Makes statues, Rev 13:14.12. Mark of the Beast opposing Fathers Mark, Rev 14:9-10.13. The make the people eat sacrifices to idols, Rev 2:20. You now have all that you need! Go and get the people saved and make Disciples of them!THE BEGINNING! ................

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