AACPA Minutes

AACPA Minutes

17 Feb 2004

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(Additions and corrections, including typo's should be e-mailed to fix@, thank you!)


Meeting was called to order at 11:48 A.M. with 13 attendees.

Each attendee introduced themselves

Board Member reports

President: Ron Miller presented Bob Sills' report in his absence. The Mid-Winter conference was

held with 105 attendees which makes it the highest in recent years. AACPA had 15

members. People were networking and new classes were implemented. Summer

conference will be at the Holiday Inn in Corpus Christi. Minnesota tied Texas with NNO

awards, with San Antonio winning 1st place for cities of like size. Thanks to all who

helped make this possible.

1st VP: No Report

2nd VP: No Report

Secretary: No Report

Treasurer: Don Carr presented the 2003 Annual Treasurers Summary Report and the 2004 Monthly

Summary Report which covered the period 1 Jan 2004 to present.

2003 total income: $1,366; expenses: $4,151.73; total

2004 1/1 – 1/16: income: 288.46; expenses: 848.41; total

Current bank balances: Ck: 5918.99; Cash: 32.89; total $5951.88

Civilian Rep: Anna Cleve reported activities occurring within the civilian sector and the upcoming fund

raising project for "Paws For Justice" Event occurring Saturday Feb 28th at the Pets Mart

on Hwy 281 N. in San Antonio.

Military Rep: No Report

Law Enforcement Rep: No Report

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AACPA Minutes

17 Feb 2004

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(Additions and corrections, including typo's should be e-mailed to fix@, thank you!)


Old Business

Bylaw Changes, not having 20 members present, this business was tabled to the March meeting.

Board of Directors elections


Don Carr nominated, declined.

Gilbert DeLaPortilla nominated by Laura Tobias.

Hearing no further nominations, Tim Kolbe moved that nominations cease.

Seconded by Anna Cleve. Motion carried.

Vote for Gilbert DeLaPortilla for president was taken and carried.

1st Vice President

Linda Furlow was nominated for 1st VP by Anna Cleve.

Hearing no further nominations, Tim Kolbe moved that nominations cease.

Seconded by Captain Tobi Johnson. Motion carried.

Vote for Linda Furlow for 1st Vice President was taken and carried.

2nd Vice President

Laura Tobias was nominated for 2nd VP by Beth Hish.

Hearing no further nominations, Tim Kolbe moved that nominations cease.

Seconded by Captain Tobi Johnson. Motion carried.

Vote for Laura Tobias for 2nd Vice President was taken and carried.


Beth Hish was nominated for Secretary by Laura Tobias.

Hearing no further nominations, Tim Kolbe moved that nominations cease.

Seconded by Captain Tobi Johnson. Motion carried.

Vote for Beth Hish for Secretary was taken and carried.


Hearing no nominations for Treasurer, motion made by Tim Kolbe, to table

election for treasurer to the March meeting.

Seconded by Gilbert DeLaPortilla. Motion carried.

Appointment of Representatives

Gilbert DeLaPortilla announced the appointment of Anna Cleve as the Civilian

Representative, Richard Green as the Military Representative and Tim Kolbe as the Law

Enforcement Representative.

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AACPA Minutes

17 Feb 2004

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(Additions and corrections, including typo's should be e-mailed to fix@, thank you!)


New Business

(1) Next meeting to be held at the Acadiana Cafe located 1289 SW Loop 410, in San Antonio

locations phone number is (210)674-0019.

(2) Captain Tobi Johnson announced that the Texas Women's Law Enforcement organization

will be sponsoring their conference May 3-7 in Kerrville. Information is available on their

web site: .

(3) Motion made by Linda Furlow, seconded by Harold Lovejoy to become a "Life Member" of

the TWLE organization. Total cost $260.00. Motion passed.

(4) Harold Lovejoy suggested the "Lab Track" program as a means for fund raising. As their

agent locally we would receive 10%. Initial cost will be $30.00 and $20 annually. Officer

Harold Lovejoy agreed to return in March and present the complete details and application

for AACPA to become their local agent for this program.

(5) Gilbert DeLaPorilla discussed the details of the upcoming conference in July at Corpus


Other Business

(1) Linda Furlow announced a Retro-build Dare Program on March 8 & 9th.

Contact her for details.

(2) Linda Diaz announced "Come Out & Play Day" Saturday Mar 27th & Saturday Apr 3rd in

San Pedro Park. SAPOA will be giving out hot dogs.

(3) SAPD is getting some grant money for graffiti and will be receiving some "graffiti cameras",

one for each sub-station.

(4) Linda Furlow announced that they are having a NNO coordinators get together in Austin on

March 12th.

(5) Linda Diaz announced that they will be having a "Graffiti Wipe Out" program on Saturday,

Feb 28th.

(6) Tim Kolbe is in need of :'Neighborhood Watch' informational flyers

(7) Anna Cleve discussed the Feb 16th's WOAI channel 4 program about Kids Candy Sales

happenings occurring throughout the San Antonio Neighborhoods.

(8) Ron Miller announced an upcoming 5K Road Race on May 29th.

(9) Tim Kolbe announced an upcoming Poker Run in New Braunfels on May 1st.

(10) Beth Hish announced that on Saturday March 6th (8am to noon) at the Alamodome's north

end that there will be free CPR training. A $5.00 fee for certification if desired.

(11) Linda Diaz requested that a roster of email addresses be created for all our members with

email addresses.

(12) Gilbert announced that TCPA plans to do a fund raiser by selling tickets for a HD

Motorcycle, they will only be 500 tickets sold at $100 each. Several models will be available

to choose from. Details will follow shortly.

(13) Tim Kolbe discussed some possible fund raising ideas for AACPA.

(14) Richard Green thanked Harold Lovejoy and his group for hosting our February meeting.

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AACPA Minutes

17 Feb 2004

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(Additions and corrections, including typo's should be e-mailed to fix@, thank you!)



Captain Tobi Johnson – motion to adjourn, second by Harold Lovejoy, motion carried.


Karen Tucker – UT Police;

R.D. Green – Castle Hills C.O.P.

Linda Diaz – SAPD

Anna Cleve – C.O.P./CPAA (Westside)

Tim Kolbe – Comal Co. S.O.

Barbara Bird – Bexar Co Constable Pct 3

Beth Hish – SAPD

Capt. Tobi Johnson – Kendall Co S.O.

Laura Tobias – San Antonio

Harold Lovejoy – Trinity Univ PD

Gilbert DeLaPortilla – SAPD

Don Carr – San Antonio

Ron Miller – Dept Homeland Security – Federal Protection Service

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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