
51226790The City SchoolNorth Nazimabad Girls Campus Final Term 2018-2019 History Class 8Questions related to chapter 4 and chapter 5The Road to Independence-1Part aWhat was theosophical society? What were the aims put forward by Congress in the first meeting? Why did Indians support British in WW1? What was British reaction towards Communism?Why did communism decline?After Morley-Minto reforms, what events destroyed Muslim’s hopes? Part bWhat do you know about ‘The Great British Debate”? Highlight the justification British politicians had given to stay in India. Discuss the reaction of Hindus to the partition of Bengal.Why did British rule weakened in the subcontinent after WW1? Discuss in detail the changing role of Indian National Congress since it was established. Part cAnalyze the impact of World War-1 on the Indian subcontinent.Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the most important cause of WW1. Explain.The Great British debate put forward different views for or against British rule in India. Discuss the views presented by politicians and other writers. Give your judgment about their views.Formation of Muslim League was the important step in road to creation of Pakistan. Discuss.The Road to Independence-2 Part aWhat were the aims of Khilafat Movement?How did the Khilafat movement begin?Why did Jinnah disapprove of Gandhi’s methods?Who was Kemal Ataturk and what changes did he bring in Turkey? What were the new laws introduced under the Rowlett act?What is meant by Satyagraha movement? What were its aims?What was the message given in the poem “White men’s burden’?Part b“Iqbal is seen to be an inspirational factor for Muslims”. DiscussDescribe the Amritsar Massacre of 1919 and its consequences on the political scene of the Sub-continent. Elaborate Iqbal’s influence over the idea of Pakistan.Explain the purpose of holding Round Table Conferences and their failure. Part cEvaluate Ataturk’s role towards the modernization of Turkey and the abolishment of the Ottoman Caliphate.Explain in detail the different the problems that led to failure of Khilafat movement and give your opinion about the most dominant cause of the war.Note: Read and observe the sources given in the chapter carefully and practice to explain them. Attempt quick quiz and questions given at the end of the chapter for more practiceQuestion Bank Section ASource A“It was the period of great expectation. World War I had wrought the revolution in people’s idea of equality and liberty everywhere. The claim that the white man was superior to other races was undermined by the sight of the British and German viciously at each other’s throats. Indian soldiers had fought as valiantly as any other. Britain, hitherto indisputably the greatest power on the Earth.” According to the given source, why did people take the era as “era of great expectation?”Which statement tells us that the role of Indian soldiers was important?Jinnah’s ideas on women need to be clearly brought out. He believed Islam gave women more rights than did the West. This generation of Muslin women had to take their place in History. On several occasions he defied traditional leaders by asking his sister to take the platform. No women can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side by you; we are victims of evil customs. It is a crime against humanity that are women are shut up within the four walls of houses as prisoners.According to the given source, why do you think Jinnah stress upon the involvement of women in the freedom movement?(From past paper 2016-2017)(From past paper 2017-2018)Source B /5What do you think is “Suffragist”? /1Interpret in your own words the message conveyed through the picture? /2Do you think the picture is for or against the Suffragettes? Give reason for your answer. /2 According to the given source, Why did Gandhi started the Salt march? (From Teacher’s Practice Source) Past(From past paper 2016-2017)(From past paper 2017-2018)Past Paper 2017-2018Please use these questions for Practice of Section B Past Paper 2016-2017Please use these questions for Practice of Section B An extra exercise for you !!!Questions on “Communism”What is communism?Describe the effects of Russian Revolution?Which countries were taken in control of Soviet Union?How did the world’s first Communist Government form?Discuss the cultural revolution of China?Justify Chairman Mao as the Savior of China. Part a type questions of 4 marks:Q1. What do you know about the Rowlatt Act?Q2 What difficulties were faced while dividing the assets of the subcontinent?Q3. What is meant by Satyagraha movement?Q4. What were the reasons of the failure of the Round Table Conferences?Q5. What was the purpose of sending the Cripps Mission to India?Q6. What was Lucknow pact?Q7. Who was Chaudhary Rehmat Ali and what were hos contributions towards Pakistan? Q8. What were concentration camps?Q9. What do you know about the incident of great Calcutta killing?Q10. What was the poem White Men’s Burden? What does the poem reflect upon?Part b type questions of 6 marks:Q1. Describe the reforms brought by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk to modernize Turkey.Q2. Explain, why was the year 1919 said to be the year of unrest?Q3. “Iqbal is seen to be an inspirational factor for Muslims.” Discuss.Q4. Analyze the influence of western women on Indian society.Q5. What events followed the spread of Communism to India?Q5. Elaborate the reasons for the partition of Bengal.Q6. Why the World War II was said to be more deadly than the First World War?Q7. Discuss the role played by women during both of the wars.Q8. Explain the features of 1956 Constitution of Pakistan.Q.9 Analyze the role played by the Muslim women in the society during 20th century with examples.Q-10 –Explain the reasons for decrease in loyalty towards British?Part c type questions of 10 marks:Q-1 Do you agree that the formation of a government was the most important problem facing by the newly established country of Pakistan in 1947? Explain with reasons. Q-2 Compare the role of Hindu and Muslim women in socio economic life of the subcontinent. Extend your explanation for the changing role of women in Pakistan during 21st century. Q-3. “Lahore Resolution is a turning point in the history of the Muslims of subcontinent.” Do you agree? Give reasons. Q-4. “Do you think that the creation of Bangladesh in the year 1971 was inevitable?” Justify with reasoning. Q-5. “Non-cooperation movement started by the Hindus was the main reason for the annulment of the partition of Bengal in the year 1911.” Discuss the reasons for the decision of annulment. ................

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