Curriculum VitaeTri Keah S. Henry, PhDDepartment of Criminal JusticeIndiana University- Bloomington Sycamore Hall 302 1033 E. Third St. Bloomington, IN 47405-7005trihenry@iu.eduEDUCATION2015 – 2020Doctor of Philosophy, Criminal Justice & Criminology Sam Houston State UniversityDissertation: Racial Stereotypes and Gendered Crimes: A Multi-level Examination of the Effect of Race and Gender on Sentencing DisparitiesDissertation Committee: Travis Franklin (chair), Elisa Toman, and William ‘Bill’ King2013 – 2015Master of Arts, Criminal Justice & CriminologySam Houston State UniversityThesis: Examining Perceptions of Police Legitimacy in Street Stops: The Effects of Race, Class, and Procedural JusticeChair: Travis Franklin2009 – 2013Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Baylor UniversityMinors: English & Criminal JusticeRESEARCH INTERESTSDiscretionary decision-making; Racial and ethnic disparities in criminal justice processing; Procedural Justice and legitimacy in policingACADEMIC POSTIONS2020 – PresentAssistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice, Indiana University- Bloomington2020Research Consultant, Crime Victim’s Institute of Texas2017 – 2020Graduate Teaching Fellow, College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University2013 – 2017 Graduate Research Assistant, College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State UniversityREFEREED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONSHenry, T.S., Franklin, T.W., & Franklin, C.A. (Forthcoming). Facilitating Sexual Assault Reporting on the College Campus: The Role of Procedural Justice in Bystander Decisions to Provide Police Referrals Following a Hypothetical Disclosure. Violence Against Women.Franklin, T. W., & Henry, T. K. S. (2019). Racial Disparities in Federal Sentencing Outcomes: Clarifying the Role of Criminal History. Crime & Delinquency, 0011128719828353. Henry, T. S., Hayes, B. E., Freilich, J. D., & Chermak, S. (2018) Comparison of Honor Killings to Anti-LGBTQ Homicides. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, , T. K. S., & Franklin, T. W. (2017). Police Legitimacy in the Context of Street Stops: The Effects of Race, Class, and Procedural Justice. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 0887403417708334.Franklin, T. W., & Henry, T. K. S. (2016). One Day Makes All the Difference: Denying Federal Offenders Access to “Good Time” Through Sentencing. Crime & Delinquency, 0011128716682227. Franklin, T. W., Dittmann, L., & Henry, T. K. S. (2015). Extralegal Disparity in the Application of Intermediate Sanctions: An Analysis of U.S. District Courts. Crime & Delinquency, 0011128715607533.Manuscripts Under ReviewFranklin, T. W., & Henry, T.S. “Punishing Federal Offenders: Does National Origin Matter?”Henry, T.S., “Revolving Doors: Examining the Effect of Race and Ethnicity on Discretionary Decision-making in Parole Revocations.” Henry, T.S., & Jurek, A. “Identification, Corroboration, and Charging: Examining the use of DNA Evidence by Prosecutors in Sexual Assault Cases.” Manuscripts in ProgressHenry, T.S., “Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Examining Racial Disparities in Bail Outcomes.”Henry, T.S. “Six Degrees of Separation: The Influence of Direct and Indirect Contacts with Law Enforcement on Perceptions of Procedural Justice.” NON-REFEREED PUBLICATIONSBourgeois, J. W., Henry, T. S., Kwende, M., & Henderson, H. (2019). An Examination of Prosecutorial Staff, Budgets, Caseloads and the Need for Change: In Search of a Standard. Center for Justice Research. Texas Southern University.RESESARCH EXPERIENCE2016Co-Principal Investigator, “Perceptions of Police Procedural Justice and Sexual Assault Reporting.” Co-Principal Investigators: Courtney Franklin and Travis Franklin. Grants and Contracts2017Research Assistant, “Suicide Risk Among Individuals Incarcerated in Jails: A Longitudinal Study of Biopsychosocial Factors and Adjustment to Jail Incarceration.” Principal Investigators: Brandy Blasko & Danielle Boisvert. 2016Research Assistant, “Research and Evaluation of Houston Police Department’s Response to Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Survivors.” Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. Principal Investigators: Courtney A. Franklin. 2015Research Assistant, “The LoneStar Project: Study of Offender Trajectories, Associations, and Reentry.” National Institute of Justice Funded. 2014Research Assistant, “Biological and Environmental Factors Related to Stalking.” Co-Principal Investigator: Danielle Boisvert. Unfunded Applications2019Henry, T. S., “Racial Stereotypes and Gendered Crimes: A Multi-level Examination of the Effect of Race and Gender on Sentencing Disparities.” Ford Fellowship Foundation.PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONSNational Conference PresentationsHenry, T. S. 2019“Discretionary Decision-making and Parole Revocation: Examining the Effect of Race and Ethnicity.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March, Baltimore, MD.Henry, T. S. 2018“Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Examining Racial Disparities in Bail Outcomes.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, Atlanta, GA. Henry, T. S., & Franklin, T. W.2017“Racial Disparities in Federal Sentencing Outcomes: Clarifying the Role of Criminal History.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, Philadelphia, PA.Freilich, J., Chermak, S., Hayes, B., & Henry, T.S. 2017“Generalists or Specialists? A Comparison of Domestic Violence Across Ideologically Motivated Offenders in the United States.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, Philadelphia, PA.Henry, T.S., Franklin, C. A., & Franklin, T. W.2017“Trust, Respect, and Neutrality: The Role of Procedural Justice in Facilitating Sexual Assault Reporting on the College Campus.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, March, Kansas City, MO.Henry, T. S., & Franklin, T. W.2016“One Day Makes All the Difference: Denying Federal Offenders Access to ‘Good Time’ Through Sentencing.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, New Orleans, LA. Henry, T. S., & Franklin, T. W.2015“Examining Perceptions of Police Legitimacy in Street Stops: The Effects of Race, Class, and Procedural Justice.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, Washington D.C. Henry, T. S.2014“The Equal Application of Stand Your Ground Law Defense Among Races.” Poster presented at the American Society of Criminology, November, San Francisco.Regional Conference PresentationsHenry, T. S., & Franklin, T. W.2017“Six Degrees of Separation: The Influence of Direct and Indirect Contacts with Law Enforcement on Perceptions of Procedural Justice.” Paper presented at the Southern Criminal Justice Association, September, New Orleans, LA.Henry, T.S., & Zhang, Y2017“Examining the Effects of Concentrated Illegal Weapons and its Relationship to Other Violent Crimes.” Paper presented at Southwest Division of the American Association of Geographer, September, Huntsville, TX.University Conference PresentationsHenry, T.S. 2018“I’m Locked Up, They Won’t Let Me Out: Racial Disparities in Bail Outcomes.” Presented at Sam Houston State University’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition.Henry, T.S. 2017“Policing by the Golden Rule.” Presented at Sam Houston State University’s Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. Henry, T.S. 2016“Prosecutorial discretion and the charging decision: The effects of organizational factors.” Paper presented at The Woodlands, TX Center 3rd Annual Student Research Symposium. TEACHING EXPERIENCECourses Taught3378Introduction to Research Methods3378Introduction to Research Methods (online)2364Fundamentals of Criminal Law2364Fundamentals of Criminal Law (online)Acting Teaching Assistant 2394Courts and Criminal Procedure4332Legal Aspects of Corrections4377Civil Liabilities3396Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice Teaching InterestsSentencing and Criminal Courts Race/Social Diversity and CrimePolicing Research Methods Guest Lectures2018Zheijang Police College (Hangzhou, China) – Criminology (2 Weeks)2017Sam Houston State University – Introduction to Research Methods (Survey Research)ACTIVITIES AND SERVICEProfessional Service2019Office of Justice Programs’ Bureau of Justice Assistance Peer Reviewer2019ASC Division of Policing Awards Committee (San Francisco, CA)2018ACJS Student Volunteer for the Employment Exchange (New Orleans, LA)2017ASC Division of People of Color and Crime Student Volunteer (Philadelphia, PA)2017Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Conference Volunteer (Houston, TX)2017Panel Chair, ACJS, “Sexual Assault on Campus: Predictors & Procedures.” (Kansas City, MO)2016 – 2017ASC Division of People of Color and Crime Student Member Collective Planning CommitteeDepartment & University Service2019Undergraduate Research Mentor. SHSU Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization –Lambda Alpha Epsilon research partnership2018 – 2019Statistics Tutor. The Graduate School ASPIRE Program, SHSU2017Sothern Criminal Justice Association (SCJA) Recruitment graduate students for the College of Criminal Justice, SHSU (New Orleans, LA)2017 – 2018College of Criminal Justice Academic Review Committee, SHSU 2017 – 2018President, Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization, SHSU 2016 – 2017Vice President, Criminal Justice Graduate Student Organization, SHSU2016Student Representative, Dean of the Graduate Studies search committee, SHSU 2015 - Present Student Representative, Faculty Search Committee, College of Criminal Justice2015Student Representative, Dean of the College of Criminal Justice search committee, SHSUManuscript ReviewerCrime & DelinquencyViolence Against WomenPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT2018Teaching and Learning Conference, SHSU2018Teaching Assistant Certification Series, SHSU2017ICPSR Introduction to Mixed Methods Research 2017Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Doctoral Summit2017Effective Strategies for Evaluating Student Writing 2017Blackboard Teaching Online Certification SeriesAWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPSAwards2019The Division on Women & Crime Larry J. Siegel Graduate Fellowship for the Studyof Gender and Crime2018Norman White Outstanding Student Paper Award, ASC Division on People of Color and Crime2018Recipient, Ravens Scholar Award, Who’s Who Among Students 2018Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Finalist2016Recipient, Outstanding Scholarly Performance Award, SHSU2016Excellence in Writing Award, SHSUScholarships2017 – PresentRecipient, ROAD to Ph.D. Scholarship. The Graduate School, SHSU 2017Recipient, Summer Fellowship, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU 2017Recipient, ACJS, Doctoral Summit Scholarship Recipient 2016 – 2017Recipient, Ellis-Gibbs Memorial Scholarship, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU2016Recipient, Summer Fellowship, College of Criminal Justice, SHSU2015 – 2016Recipient, Graduate Studies Bridge ASPIRE Program Scholarship, SHSU2013 – PresentRecipient, Sam Houston State University Graduate Fellowship, SHSUPROFESSIONAL AFFILLIATIONSAmerican Society of Criminology Division of Women and Crime Division on People of Color and Crime Division of Policing Division on Corrections and SentencingAcademy of Criminal Justice SciencesINTERNSHIPS2015Children’s Defense Fund, Houston, TX2010 – 2013 Drug Enforcement Administration, Houston Division, Waco, TX ................

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