My Notes

My Notes

Early Cold War

Early Tension

• 1917 Russian Revolution—Woodrow Wilson deployed U.S. troops to support anti-communist forces in Russia

• U.S. did not support Soviet government until 1933

• WWII Alliance—only temporary agreement

o Joined forces to defeat great evils (Germany/Italy)

• WWII Disagreements:

o Battle Tactics

o Postwar Plans

o Soviets signed non-aggression pact with Hitler (U.S. was angered)

o U.S. delayed invasion of Western Europe—that would take pressure off of Eastern Front

o By end of war—U.S. and Soviet relations were tense

Yalta Conference

• Feb 1945: Big 3—FDR, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin

• Results:

o Development of United Nations

▪ International peace keeping organization

▪ Promote peace and justice/prevent future wars

▪ 11 Country Security Council—permanent seats belonging to S.U., G.B. France, China, U.S.)

o Liberated Europe

▪ Solve issue of dominated governments by Nazis

▪ Emergency relief

o German War Reparation

▪ Soviets wanted Germany to pay $22 bill in war costs

▪ Soviets lost $ and men during WWII

▪ U.S. and Soviets didn’t agree.

▪ Split Germany: 4 sections (U.S., Britain, France, S.U.)

o Future of Poland

▪ Poland provided access to S.U.

▪ Free elections with Communist framework

▪ S.U. army in place

o War with Japan

▪ Soviets will enter war w/ Japan after German surrender

▪ Soviets get several islands in Pacific

Potsdam Conference

• July 1945: Truman, Clement Atlee, Stalin

o Truman got word of Atomic bomb—told Stalin

o Stalin already knew and was concerned.

Postwar Goals

• Soviet Union

o Deal w/ Loss of Life and Money

o Need to protect from future invasion

▪ Create Buffer Zone between Capitalist W. Europe.

▪ Satellite Nations: S.U. dominated, western boarder

▪ Future Protection: World-wide communists was inevitable; speed up process

• U.S.

o Democracy/ Capitalism

o Economic opportunity in Europe

o Open world benefits U.S. and its exports

Soviet Satellites

• Poland- free elections never happened for 2 yrs, opposition had been eliminated

• Albania & Bulgaria—1944, 1948

• Czechoslovakia—1948

• Hungary and Romania

o Hun—Communist lost elections, army stayed, demanded Communism

o Rom—army forced King to choose Comm.

• Finland and Yugoslavia

o Fin—signed partial pact

o Yugoslavia—dictator Tito Ruled

The Speeches

• Stalin

o 1946- predicted Communism over Capitalism

o Established Coniform—agency to coordinate Communist activities worldwide.

• Churchill “ Iron Curtain Speech”- 1946

o Asked U.S. to step up against S.U.

o Declared Soviet buffer zone as “Iron Curtain” of communist domination and oppression

• These two speeches set tone of Cold War

• Kennan Telegram—1946 (U.S. ambassador)

o Soviets no faith in coexistence of Soviet& Capitalistic Worlds

o Pressed for Long-term Containment Policy

o U.S. adopted Containment Policy—contain spread of communism

Containment Policy

• Soviets wanted Turkey

• GB could support as world leader

• Passed torch to U.S.

• 1947—Truman Doctrine

o Support free people resisting conquest

o Assist free peoples

o Policy to aid anyone against S.U.

Truman Doctrine

• March 12, 1947—President Truman—speech before joint session of congress

o Requested financial aided for Greece and Turkey

• Greece

o destroyed by retreating Germans

o small army, poverty, large economic loss

o Need assistance- must rebuild and be self-sufficient

• Turkey

o Not destroyed

o Need $ to modernize

o Preserve order in M.E.

o Soviet Threat

• Implications: Objective create way of life free of coercion

• United Nations = freedom and independence

• Support people against aggression

• Totalitarian regimes imposed on free people, undermine foundations of international peace & integrity of U.S.

The Marshall Plan

• WW2 Left Destructive Path

• Truman Doctrine—Give economic aid to European Countries

• Marshall Plan 1947

o Nations draw economic recovery plan

o U.S. supports plan with money

o Create new markets for U.S.

o Contain Communist

o Soviets Declined aid

Berlin Airlift

• U.S./France/GB merged western Germany

• Include West Berlin—Laid in Soviet Zone

• Soviets responded—Eastern Germany—Communist Government

• Many migrated to west Berlin to safely leave country

• Stalin Closed escape route—threatened Western Powers to leave

• Blockaded West Berlin—created shortages for 2.5 mill people

• Truman airlifted supplies for 15 months


• Soviets used U.N. veto against any nations request

• North Atlantic Treaty Organization

o Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, and others

o Attack against one was an attack against all

o Collective Security

o Soviets Responded With Warsaw Pact

Soviet Atomic Threat

• 1949—Evidence of atomic blast in USSR

• U.S. developed Hydrogen bomb—to contain superiority

• Federal Civil Defense Administration—protection against bombs

China Communist

• Communist Mao Zedong vs. Jiang Jieshi (Nationalist)

• U.S. backed Jieshi—Zedong’s take over too large

• 1949 Claimed China—Nat. Fled to Tawain—claimed China’s government

• U.S. recognized Nat. China

Cold War at Home

• Fear of Communist Spies to overthrow government

• Loyalty Program

o WW2 spies came to light

o Increased Scare in U.S.

o Truman—Federal Employees Loyalty Program

▪ investigation among Fed employees—suspicious actions

▪ removed several hundred employees—added suspicion to country

• House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

o Probe infiltration in government and in Hollywood

o Hollywood Ten

▪ Refused to answer questions plead 5th

▪ Cited for contempt and jailed

▪ Black list- those who shouldn’t be hired

• Walter-McCarren Act

o SENATE Communist Hunt

o Redeveloped quota limited immigrants

• Spy Cases

o Alger Hiss—accused of spy served jail time

o State Department official

o Juluis and Ethel Rosenberg

▪ members of communist

▪ found guilty and executed

▪ inflamed anti-communist threats

▪ final present day rulings indicate that Julius and Alger Hiss were guilty-Ethel Not

Korean War

• History

o Japan harsh rule starting during WWI

o Koreans hoped for return of power after defeat of Japan in WWII

• Split Korea

o Post Japanese defeat, Korea Split

o Along 38th parallel

o Soviets organized North/ U.S. South

o “Temporary Split” —turned into Cold War struggle

o Koreans destined to reunite

• Korean War

o Phase 1

▪ June 1950 N.K. invaded South—to reunite

▪ U.S. viewed as prompted by Soviets


▪ Pushed S.K. forces clear to the sea

o Phase 2

▪ U.S. 8th Army—1st UN army deployed with help from British launched Counter-attack

▪ General of U.N—Douglas MacArthur—brain child, Sept drove enemy past 38

▪ Drove enemy past 38th against warning by China

▪ Pushed toward Yalu ”we’ll be home by Christmas”

o Phase 3

▪ 180,00 Chinese forces pushed 8th Army across 38th.

▪ 1951 N.K/China captured Seoul

▪ Gen Ridgeway recaptured Seoul 1951”Operation Ripper”

▪ Small skirmishes developed truce line at 38th parallel

o Truman relieved from Duty

▪ Subordination against Truman

▪ Mac wanted full out war, Truman allowed limited war, fearful of WWIII.

▪ Replaced by Ridgeway

o Truce

▪ Truce period nearly 2 years

▪ 1953 Final Chinese attack squandered

▪ Cease-fire signed July 27, 1953

• Results of War

o U.S. 34,000 killed, 103,000 wounded.

o Integration of Armed forces 1948

o Huge military spending increase

o Military-industrial Complex—3.5 million employees.

o Proved U.S. would use military—Containment

o Worsened China- U.S. relations


• Depression was over

• Soldiers Return—wanted comfortable homes; wanted time to enjoy life

• Businesses

o Gross National Product doubled

o Per Capita Income doubled

o Major Cooperate Expansion

▪ General Motors, Chrysler, General Electric, Westinghouse

▪ Conglomerate—3 or more unrelated business, diversify

▪ Franchise—Ray Kroc McDonalds—small business gives small percentage of profit to parent business

• Technology

o Television

▪ Rose in popularity

▪ 195: 5 hrs/day

▪ Howdy Doody, Mickey Mouse Club, American Bandstand, I Love Lucy

▪ Commercials Became prevalent

o Computer

▪ Computers and calculators expanded by wartime technology

▪ Transistor Radio—smaller less space as vacuum tube

o Nuclear Power

▪ Atomic energy into Power

▪ Nuclear Submarine

o Medicine

▪ Polio Vaccine

▪ Penicillin

▪ Surgical Advances

o Workforce

▪ New White Collar Jobs

▪ Growth of Service Industry

• Suburbs

o 1957—Baby Boom peaked

o GI Bill—low interest on mortgages

o Levittown—new developments

• Cars and Highways

o Transportation demand increased

o Automakers developed cars every year

o Cars sales doubled

o 1956 Federal-Aid Highway Act—Interstate Highways system

o Dive-in movies/restaurants

o Consumer Credit

▪ Developed by gas companies

▪ 8Bill-56 bill in decade

▪ Buy new cards



• “Strength in Conformity” —“Circle the Wagons”

• Increase in Religion

o Communism

o Atomic threat

o 1954 “Under God” in pledge

o 1956 “In God We Trust” – currency

o Radio Religion

• Gender Roles

o Men—school, work and support, political, money

o Women—support husband, raise children, cook and clean

o The Common Sense of Baby and Child Care (1946)

5 Prepare for Nuclear Attack

o Government’s Goal- Keep people feeling safe & ease fear of Nuclear Attack

o Civil Defense

▪ Duck and Cover

▪ Bomb Shelters

▪ Advice from “Experts”

▪ To make USSR believe the U.S. was prepared for Nuclear War

▪ 50 years later—many of these films appear comical

Truman v. Eisenhower

|Truman’s Domestic Policy | |Eisenhower’s Domestic Policy |

| | | |

|Strikes—Taft-Hartley Act—allowed president to step in and force | |Eisenhower & Nixon |

|workers back to work for essential industries | | |

|Fair Deal | |Checkers speech- clearing Nixon’s name about abuse of special |

|21-point program | |funds. |

|employment, min wage, unemployment comp, housing assistance. | | |

|Many failed | |Modern republicanism- conservative with economy and liberal with |

| | |human rights. |

|Civil Rights | | |

|Open opportunities | |Coup in Guatemala—1954 |

|Discrimination in hiring Fed employees. | | |

| | |Suez Crisis—1956 |

|1948 election—upset Thomas Dewy after train speeches across country, | | |

|called the 80th Congress the “do nothing” congress. | |Farewell Address—support of the Military Industrial Complex |

| | | |

|Coup in Iran—1951 | | |



1. Super Powers routinely disagree

2. FDR dies April 1945, Stalin tries to intimidate new president

3. Red army still occupying parts of Europe

Eastern Bloc—the Soviet Satellite Nations of Eastern Europe

2 Chinas:

o Which one do we support in Korea?

o Which one will get UN seat?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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