Job Transition groups host guest speakers and offer group discussions on topics related to job search, an opportunity to network for job leads and the chance to gain support from other job seekers. Please share the list with Out Placement Firms, Recruitment Firms, Temporary employment firms, Churches, Work Force Centers and all individuals seeking employment so they can choose a group that meets their needs at a convenient location.

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|APPLE VALLEY | | | | |

|"theDoor" |Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran |Monday’s from 10:00am to 11:30am in |Speakers, workshops, networking and a chance to share |Rick Hatch |

| |Church |the community room |with others who are encountering many of the same |TheDoor_SOTV@ |

| |McAndrews Road [county road 38] and | |challenges you are today. Free Day Care is available |952-484-5581 |

| |Johnny Cake Ridge Road | | | |

|BLAINE | | | | |

|The Networking Group |Work Force Center |Monday | |763-783-4800 |

| |1201 89th Ave. NE |9:30 AM – 11:30 AM | | |

| |Suite 220 | | | |

|BLOOMINGTON MNIPS – IT Group | | | | |

| |Bloomington Holiday Inn |3rd. Tues. – Holiday Inn, I35W & 94|3:30 – 5 p.m.: Support Group Meeting | or call |

| |35W and 94th St. S., Bloomington |th St. |5 – 6 p.m. Social Hour; 6 – 8 p.m. Dinner Meeting |Joe Prezel 612-340-1110 |

|Sales/Marketing Professionals |Oak Grove Presbyterian Church 2200 |every-other-Saturday |Networking |George Burr 612-669-0455 |

|Network Group (SMPnet, aka |Old Shakopee Road |9:00 AM |Specializing in Sales & Marketing |Email: gburr@ |

|SADSAMS) |(Intersection of Old Shakopee and |(Jan 3rd, Jan 17th, Jan 31th, Feb |Executives’ networking support | |

| |Penn) |28th etc.) |$50.00 per/year |Group Web site: |

| | | |$30 per ½ year | |

|HIRED |HIRED |1:00pm-3:00pm |Pre-registration required | |

|Transition Seminar |Hennepin South |Thursday – Weekly |Bloomington, 952-346-4028 |General Information |

| |WorkForce Center | |Special Job Search Topics Each Week |763-536-6020 |

| |4220 West Old Shakopee Road | |Varied Speakers | |

| |Bloomington, MN 55437 | |Networking opportunities | |

|BROOKLYN PARK | | | | |

|Job Club |Work Force Center – (Hennepin North) |Once a month |*Pre-registration required |For information please call |

| |7115 Northland Terrace |1:00 – 3:00 PM | |763-536-6000 |

| |Suite 100 |Call for information | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|HIRED |HIRED |1:00pm-3:00pm |Pre-registration required | |

|Transition Seminar |Hennepin North |Wednesday – Weekly |Brooklyn Park, 763-536-6016 |General Information |

| |WorkForce Center | |Special Job Search Topics Each Week |763-536-6020 |

| |7115 Northland Terrace Suite 100 | |Varied Speakers | |

| |Brooklyn Park, MN 55428 | |Networking opportunities | |

|BURNSVILLE | | | | |

|Work Force Center |14551 County Rd 11 |Thursday | |John Stiffin |

| |Burnsville, MN. |1:30 – 3:30 PM | |952-997-4846 |

| | | | | |

|IT Sub Group |14551 County Rd 11 |Friday mornings 10:00-12:00 |IT Sub Group |John Stiffin |

|Work Force Center |Burnsville, MN. | | |952-997-4846 |

| | | | | |

|Job Transition |Berean Baptist Church | | |Bill Goodman, 952.891.1724 |

| |309 E Cty Road 42 | | |goodmanresources@ |

| |Burnsville MN 55306 | | |952.432.7168 |

| | | | | |

|Prince of Peace |Christian Life Center |Tuesday |Networking, speakers addressing job search skills and |Bob Callahan |

|Lutheran Church |Rooms 200 - 202 |6:30 – 8:30 PM |small group discussion/support |952-898-9388 |

| |200 E. Nicollet Blvd. | | | |

|CHANHASSEN | | | | |

|St Hubert's Catholic Community |8201 Main Street |1st and 3rd Tuesday |The JTSG is designed to provide spiritual, physiological,|George Davisson |

| | |7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. |and moral support for people that are going through job |952 443 0010 |

| | | |transition. |George_Davisson@ |

|CRYSTAL | | | | |

|Minnesota Management Society |Verious locations |3 to 4 times a year, call or e-mail |Networking ans speakers |Brian Thomas |

| | |for location & time | |bsthomas@ |

| | | | |952 544 9464 |

|EAGAN | | | | |

|Saints Martha & Mary Episcopal |4180 Lexington Ave. S northeast |Wednesday from |Focuses on emotional support & Networking. May discuss a |Cindy Schultz |

|Church |corner of Diffley Road and Lexington |10:00 to 11:30 AM |specific topic related to job searches, use a skill |651-686-4419 |

| | | |builder exercise, or other job search related activity |fax: 651-688-9997 |

| | | |(mock interviewing, critiquing resumes, etc.) as needed |e-mail: schultz.c@ |

| | | |by the group. | |

| | | | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|EDEN PRAIRIE | | | | |

|Pax Christi Catholic Community |12100 Pioneer Trail |1st and 3rd Tuesday |Our meetings focus on spiritual and emotional transition |Steve Tatro |

| | |7:00 PM to 9:00 PM |as well as specific job search skills and networking |jobtran@ |

| | | |jobs.html. |Church office: 952-941-3150 |

|St. Andrew Lutheran |13600 Technology Drive Eden Prairie |Wednesday |Networking |952-937-2776 |

|Church | |11:30 AM – 1:30 PM | | |

|ITNetworkers @ |13600 Technology Drive |Wednesday |Speakers, small group discussons for all Techies | |

|St. Andrew Lutheran | |10:00 AM – 11:00 AM | |ITGroup_Minnesota@ |

|Wooddale Job Transition Support |6630 Shady Oak |Monday |Networking, Accountability, Encouragement, and Prayer |Don Rasmussen, 952-927-1668 |

|Group |Road |7:15 AM |Support |Wooddale Church, 952-944-6300 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |jtsg@ |

|EDINA | | | | |

|C-Group |6800 France Avenue South |Every 3 weeks |CEOs, COOs, & Senior VPs |Jack Baloga |

| |Conference Room #580 |9:00 AM – 11:00 AM |By invitation or referal |952-944-5194 |

| | | |Introductions, networking, & mutual assistance |jackbaloga@ |

|Christ in Career support |Christ Presbyterian Church 6901 |1st & 3rd. –Saturday |Job Support Workshop |952-920-8515 |

| |Normandale Road Room 316 |8:30 AM – 10:30 AM | | |

|Minneapolis Job Support Workshop |Christ Presbyterian Church 6901 |Tuesday 6:30 PM |Job Support Workshop for Managers, Professionals and |952-949-0521 |

| |Normandale Road |Professionals |Others |Stan Brown |

| | |$3.00 donation | |sbrown6908@ |

|The Financial executives |Christ Presbyterian Church |Fourth Tuesday of the Month |Networking and support for finiancal executives only. |William Nolte, C.P.A. |

|networking group |6901 Normandale Road |7:00 PM – 9:00 PM |You must verify your credentials. |Phone-612-920-0414 |

| |Mail -William Nolte, C.P.A. | | |e-mail: wnolte@mn. |

| |2604 W. 42 St. | | | |

| |Minneapolis, MN 55410 | | | |

|Job Transition Support Group |Colonial Church of Edina 6200 |Monday |Networking, Speakers & Small Group |Paula, 952-925-2711 |

| |Colonial Way |7:00 – 9:00 PM | | |

| |Tracy Ave. & 62 | | |jobtransition@ |

|Saint Stephen’s Job Search Support|Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church |Every Saturday |Support, encouragement, and networking for job seekers |Len Slade and John Barrow |

|Group |4439 W. 50th Street  Edina, MN  |8:30 am – 9:30 am | |jobsupport@ |

| |55424    |in the library | |jobsupport |

| | | | |952-920-0595 |

| | | | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|Starbucks | |Wednesday |By Invitation Only | |

| | | |Networking | |

| | | |Specializing on Sales & Marketing | |

|Smilin’ N Dialin’ |Radisson South |2nd Tuesday bi-Month |By invitation only |By invitation ONLY |

| |7800 Normandale Blvd. |6:30 AM to 10:00 AM |Networking | |

|SAMS net |Good Samaritan Methodist Church |Wednesday |By Invitation Only |Shane Smith |

| |5730 Grove Street |1:15 PM – 3:00 PM |Networking |mshanesmith@worldnet. |

| | | |Specializing on Sales & Marketing | |

|S n D I/T Subgroup |Pentagon Park |1st Tuesday each Month |Individual commercial – 30 seconds to 2 minutes |Phillip Brooks |

| |4620 West 77th Street |7:00 AM to 9:00 AM |Networking & speakers |651-470-1257 |

| |lower level conference | | |philbrooks@ |

|S n D Supply Chain Transportation |Pentagon Park |Open to Smilin & Dialin members only|Individual commercial – 30 seconds to 2 minutes |John Brumbaugh |

|and Logistics Subgroup |4600 W 77th street | |Networking & speakers |952-432-4801 |

| |in the conference room | | |jbrumba742@ |

|Women Networking Group Meeting |Christ Presbyterian Church 6901 |6:30 pm, Thursday | |Eleanor Ling |

| |Normandale Road | | |952.944.4054 |

| | | | |eleanor_ling@ |

|HOPKINS | | | | |

|Minneapolitan Toastmasters Career |Hopkins Area Family Resource Center |Thursday 6:45-7:45 PM |Job skills & Speaking Aids |Karen Kenzie, 952-936-9374 or David Alrowitz |

|Enhancement& Transition |915 Mainstreet |Call for information | |at 952-939-9749 |

| |Hopkins, MN 55343 | | |jim_4004/Toastmasters.html |

|MEDINA | | | | |

|Holy Name of Jesus Church |155 County Rd. 24 |1st. Thursday |Networking Introductions & then either a speaker, panel |Contact Cathy Roth |

| |Wayzata/Medina |7:00 PM – 9:00 PM |discussion, or open networking |763-473-2269 |

| |Area |Emmaus Room | |Bill Corrigan, wcorrig@ |


|Twin Cities Job Connections Group |Beth Jacob Synagogue |Thursday |There are speakers the second and fourth Thursdays of the|Rabbi Morris Allen |

| |1179 Victoria Crve |7:00 PM – 8:30 PM |month. The goals of the group are to provide support, |651-452-2226 |

| |Mendota Heights, MN 55118 | |networking and advice about job search skills. |bjadmin@beth- |

| |near 110 & Lexington | | |Rich Markovitz |

| | | | |r.markovitz@ |

| | | | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|MINNEAPOLIS | | | | |

|Basilica Employment Ministry |Basilica of St. Mary |Quarterly Workshops & Individual |One-on-one work with Tom Green (ministry leader) and |Heather Craig |

| |17th and Hennepin Avenues, |meetings as scheduled |volunteer coaches; Assistance networking, locating |612/317-3508 |

| |Minneapolis | |postings, resume work, managing career transitions; |E-mail: Hcraig@ |

| | | |Quarterly workshops on job seeking topics. | |

|Thursday Morning Job Club |WorkForce Center 777 East Lake Street|Thursdays |Support Group & Check - In 9:00 - 10:00 Meeting from |Steven Chirpich |

| |cor. Lake & Chicago Ave. South |9:00AM - 11:00 AM |10:00 - 11:00 "Different topic each week to help |612/821-4045 |

| | | |individuals make progress in their job search. Emphasis | |

| | | |on fine-tuning job search skills. "Guest presenters about| |

| | | |once per month | |

|Medical Device Job Transition |Southview Seventh Day Adventist |Once a month at 7 pm |The mission of the Medical Device Job Group is to give |Jack Heil |

|Group |Church |Starting June 3rd |medical device job seekers (engineering, quality, |jackmheil@ |

| |5750 S. Wentworth Ave | |regulatory, purchasing, sales and marketing etc.) an |map.html |

| |SW corner of Wentworth & 58th St | |opportunity to discuss issues relevant to their | |

| |Minneapolis | |particular job search while meeting others in the | |

| | | |industry. | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|HIRED |HIRED |Every-other Tuesday |The HIRED Networking Groups focus on helping participants| |

|Networking Group |North Minneapolis WorkForce Center |1:00-2:30 |generate job leads through networking and gain support |Nancy Stellick |

| |1200 Plymouth Avenue N |Call or email to confirm next |from fellow job seekers during job search. |nstellick@ |

| |Minneapolis, MN 55411 |meeting date and to RSVP | | |

| | | | |612-287-1393 |

|East Side Neighborhood Services |1700 Second St. NE |9 – 10 a.m., Tuesday and Thursday | | |

| | | | |Audrey Harris-Blount |

| | | | |612-787-4051 |

|S n D |Acadia Café |Third Thursday |Mission: Help members start, buy, and/or grow successful |please RSVP |

|Entrepreneur's Subgroup |1931 Nicollet Avenue South |at 7am |businesses by providing information, resources, and |Tom Davidson |

| |Franklin and Nicollet | |networking |(612) 669 – 8468 |

| |(612) 874-8702 | | |tdavidson1@mn. |

|First Friday | |1st Friday of month | |612-339-9963 |

|(Black Professionals) | |Call or check web site for | | |

| | |information | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|Pillsbury Neighborhood Services |Brian Coyle Community Center |Orientation – must | |612-338-3808 |

|Mpls. Residents only |420 S. 15th Ave. |Pre-register | |to Pre-Register |

| | |Call for meetings | | |

| | |M-F 7:30 – 9:30 PM | | |

|Twin Cities Men’s Center |3255 Hennepin Ave. South – (Room 55) |12:30 p.m., Monday; 7:30 p.m. |Divorce, Uncoupling and General Issues Workshops – |Randy Genrich, |

| | |Thursday |Support Group |612-822-5892 |

| | | | |E-mail: tcmc@ |

| | | | | |

|WAND, Women Achieving New |3200 Penn Ave. N., Minneapolis |6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Thursday |Services primarily for single, working mothers; however, |Anie Umoeka, 651-752-8500 |

|Directions | | |single, working fathers also welcome |or 651-752-8554 |

|MedicalSuds |Medtech, Biotech & |Meets Quarterly on Thursday evening |Education, seminars, & networking | |

| |Life science professionals |at various locations |For Medtech, Biotech and Life Science Professionals |Matt Noah |

| | | | |952-934-5424 |

|Netsuds |IT & High Tech Professionals |Meets quarterly at various locations|Education, seminars, & networking | |

| | | |For IT and High-tech professionals |Matt Noah |

| | | | |952-934-5424 |

|MISRC |Carlton School of Business – Univ. of|Monthly during academic year – call | |Seminars for IT professionals |

|Research Seminars |Minnesota campus |for information | | |

|Off Ramp Network group |Business/Tech. |Meets 3rd Thursday quarterly at |Networking & Socializing | |

| |Social & networking |different location see web site for | |Register to attend |

| | |information | | |

|Employment Transitions, |Westminster Presbyterian Church |Sat. 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM | |Ken Huskins |

| |12 St. and Marquette Ave., |Bates Room | |ken.huskins@ |

| |Minneapolis | | |Miriam Haines, 612-332-3421 |

| | | | | |

|Minnesota Teamsters Service Bureau|2829 University Avenue SE Suite 720, |Wednesday from |We work with everyone; |John Coffey |

| |Minneapolis |10:00A.M. until noon |both union and non-union |612-676-3759 |

| | | | |john@ |

|MINNETONKA | | | | |

|Job Transition and Support Group |JVS - Suite 300 |Tuesdays 10-11:30 am |Job search skills, networking, speakers, individual |Diane Daleiden, 952-417-2129, |

| |13100 Wayzata Boulevard, Minnetonka | |check-in time and support |ddaleiden@ |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|MOUND | | | | |

|West Metro Employment Support |Our Lady of the Lake Church, 2385 |Every other Thursday: Sept 25, Oct |Speakers on job search skills, networking, support, job |Phone:  952-472-1284 ext. 161 |

|Networking Group |Commerce Blvd |9, Oct 23, Nov 6, Nov 20 |leads, employment counseling services through WeCAN |e-mail: |

| | | |(Western Community Action Network) | |

|NORTH ST. PAUL | | | | |

|Work Force Center |2098 E. 11th Ave. |Thursday |Speakers,networking,current job leads, on going job |Michael Ellison |

| |North St. Paul |1:00 PM – 3:00 PM |search strategies and encouragement on you journey to the|651-770-4491 |

| | | |next job. Coping mechanisms and ideas. Join other jobs | |

| | | |seekers to share and be informed. |651-779-5666 |

|PLYMOUTH | | | | |

|Wayzata Evangelical Free Church |705 County Rd. 101 N. |Every other Tuesday at 7:00 PM |Focuses on spiritual needs of individuals in transition |Pastor Carroll, 763-473-9463 |

| | | |Prayer support for job seekers. Offers mentoring and |Mac Troost, 952-473-6198. mctroost@ |

| | | |sharing of job leads | |

|Plymouth Covenant Career |Plymouth Covenant Church 4300 |Call for a no obligation |One-on-one support to clarify and provide personal help |Pastor Dan Johnson |

|Transition Support Group |Vicksburg Lane, Plymouth, MN 55446 |appointment. |relative to Career Transition. Go to website for list of|763-559-4300 |

| | | |individuals and special interests associtation with | |

| | | |Career Transition - | |

|SAVAGE | | | | |

|Bridgepath Support Group & |Bridgewood Church |Support group meets second Mondays |one-on-one support, assistance and accountability |Michele Boeder |

|Workshops |6201 W. 135th St |of each month at |Special work shops as needed |952-736-2779 |

| |Savage, Mn. |6:30 – 8:30 PM | |tboeders@ |

| | | | |John Whitmore |

| | | | |952-830-1420 ext 227 |

|SHAKOPEE | | | | |

|Work Force Center |Canterbury Park |Every other Tuesday | |Call Tom Reese at |

|Hidden Job Market is focus of |1100 Canterbury Road |1 – 3 PM | |952-346-4330 |

|group |Enter through door on South Side |Meet twice a month | |for exact meeting date or speaker subject |

| | |(1st Hour - Employer | | |

| | |Presentations) | | |

| | | | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|SHOREVIEW | | | | |

|SOAR for Jobs |St. Odila’s Catholic Community |Monday 7 – 9 PM |The St. Odilia’s Job Transition Support Group is a |Call 651-484-6681 |

| |3495 Victoria St. North | |non-denominational group open to all persons. The group |Or See Our Web Site |

| | | |coaches people to take control of their future and |soar4jobs |

| | | |achieve a successful job transition. To accomplish this, | |

| | | |the group offers seminars with guest speakers, | |

| | | |mentorship, training, fellowship, networking and | |

| | | |referrals. | |

|Spring Lake Park | | | | |

|North Metro Job Networking Group |Emmanuel Christian Center |Thursday evenings 6:30 - 8:30 P.M. |NMJNG is a non-denominational group open to all persons. |Emmanuel Christian Center |

| |7777 University Avenue NW | |A positive evening that begins and  ends with prayer. We |763-784-7777 |

| |Spring Lake Park, MN  55432 | |offer Speakers, networking, current job leads, on going |jobnet@ |

| | | |job search strategies. One-on-one work with Dick White | |

| | | |on resume work, interviewing techniques and managing | |

| | | |career transitions; Join other jobs seekers to share and | |

| | | |be informed. | |

|ST. LOUIS PARK | | | | |

|AITP – Association of |Northwest Chapter AITP |Meeting 5:15 p.m |1st. Thursday |contact |

|Informational Prof. |Doubletree Hotel |Dinner: 5:30 p.m |September through May |612-751-2138 |

| |Park Place |Program: 6:30 to 8 p.m | | |

| |1500 Park Place Blvd. | | |Info@ |

|Bet Shalom Job Search Support |Sabes JCC |2nd and 4th thursdays of each month,|"check-in" and updates, question and answer, networking, |Barb Krantz Taylor |

|Group |4330 S. Cedar Lake Road |9-11 am |and tips/skill building |612-327-4508 |

| |St louis Park, MN 55416 | | |Ardis Wexler |

| | | | |952-417-2117 |

| | | | |bktaylor.1@. |

|Women In Transition |Lennox Community Center |1 – 2 p.m., Monday |Open to women only |Naomi McClanahan |

| |6715 Minnetonka Blvd. | |Open house held monthly |612-752-8448 |

| | | |Job coaching & support - | |

| | | | | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|Starbuck Networking Group |Starbuck coffee shop highway 55 & |1 – 2 p.m., Thursdays |Informal meetings but we share ideas, job leads, & |Youssef Haddad |

| |Winnetka | |contacts through e-mail. The group is very helpful, and |y_haddad@ |

| |in the strip mall | |made of many IT leaders, managers, some business people &|cell (612) 791-5544 |

| | | |recruiters. | |

|ST. PAUL | | | | |

|Women Venture |2324 University Ave. West |3rd Tuesday 10 – 11:30 a.m. |Set goals and develop new ideas and leads for your job |651-646-3808 |

| | |3rd Thursday |search. Network with others to create new contacts and |Career open house |

| | |7 – 8:30 p.m. |create solid support systems as you make that career | |

| | | |transition | |

|MEMSNet |Room L104 |At Noon |East Metro Management Focus, Networking, Speakers | |

|Metro East Management Search |New Main Building |On every other Tuesday | | |

|Networking |Metro State University | | | |

| |700 E 7th Street | | | |

|Coffee Hour |Quality Career Services |Mondays |Networking & Speakers |651-647-9322 |

|Jobs In Transition |2515 Wabash St |10:00 AM –11:00 AM | | |

| |Suite LL1 St. Paul | | |directorqcs@ |

|Veterans Center |2480 University Ave. |Open to Veterans |Job assistance or Individual Counsel no groups/meetings |651-644-4022 |

| | | | |Job search help |

|HIRED |HIRED |Every other Wednesday |The HIRED Networking Groups focus on helping participants|Mary White |

|Networking Group |Griggs Midway Building |1:00-2:30 |generate job leads through networking and gain support |mwhite@ |

| |1821 University Avenue |Call or email to confirm next |from fellow job seekers during job search. | |

| |Suite N263 |meeting date and to RSVP | |651-999-5645 |

| |St. Paul, MN 55104 | | | |

|WORK FOR PEOPLE |Woodland Hills Church |Thursdays |Help with resumes, interviewing, and job search practices|Christopher Stewart |

| |1740 Van Dyke Street |7:30 PM to 9:30 PM |provided in a supportive, faith-based environment. |(651) 233-0000 |

| |St. Paul, MN 55109 | | |christopher@ |

|WAYZATA | | | | |

|St Bartholomew Catholic Church |630 E Wayzata Blvd. |First Monday of the month | |Ursula Pottinga 952-449-0409 |

| |Wayzata, MN 55391 |4:30 PM - 6:00 PM | |Anna Hudson 952-945-0075 |

| | |downstairs | |amhddh@ |

|WEST ST. PAUL | | | |Mary Reis |

|Dakota County Northern |1 Mendota Road West, #170 |Monday 1:30 – 3:30 PM |A speaker the first hour |651-554-6584 |

|Service Center |West St. Paul 55118 | |and then networking the second hour | |

|Group |Location |Meeting Time |Format or Specialization |Contact |

|WOODBURY | | | | |

|Career Transition Connection |Woodbury Lutheran |Meet 2nd. & 4th Thursday 7:00 PM |Christian aspect of strength and guidance through prayer.|Amy Zastrow or |

| |7380 Afton Road |- 8:30 PM |Guest speakers on relevant topics, mentoring & networking|Tom Colosimo |

| |Woodbury |Except holidays | |tbcolosimo@ |

| | | | |651-739-5144 |

| | | | | |

|Washington County WorkForce Center|2150 Radio Drive Woodbury 55125 |9am - 11am every Friday |Networking, Support, Job Searching Strategies, and we |Cindy Hinderks 651.275.8681 |

| | | |invite guest | |

| | | |speakers from time to time |General Number 651.275.8650 |


|Job transition group (BASCIS) |Christ Community Church |Monday (except holidays) |Our focus is on prayer, encouragement, support and |LeRoy Bendickson |

| |4604 Greenhaven Drive |starting June 16th |networking |651-426-5597 |

| | |6:00 PM Room 101 | |leroybendickson@ |

Prepaired and up dated by a fellow networker. Please contact Bruce Hanson at bghanson@ with any changes, corrections, additions or leads. I am a versatile & adaptable manager, with strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and lead at a technical and non-technical level. A manager of hardware & software: customer service, field service, system, and application engineers in manufacturing, and operations. Working nationally and internationally, in the areas of Production Automation, System Certification & Integration, SCADA, IC Etch & ATE, Telecommunications & Radio. Specializing in putting systems together, getting them out the door, keeping them running, & training, by managing production & service personnel, vendors, integrators, distributors, & mfg's rep’s. For more info see my web site


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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