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-457200-22860000CONTRIBUTORS DRAGON TALES WINTER 2013-2014Mrs. Bateman Gr. 3Ms. Lamare/Ms. PietrantinoMs. Morgan Gr.3 Dennis Lee Daniel Allen Halle Burgess MacKenzie Proukou Livy Antaya Hannah Canty Mae Zimmer Jake Berry Payton Cicerone Brett Bossi Maya DalyMrs. Burns Gr. 5 Emme Bouthiller Daniela Cawley Joey CooperMs. Nissi Gr. 3 Lilly Horgan Merryn Couoto Andrew Curley Samantha Lovett Ava DeAngelis Madie Hong Aidan Dormady Tyler KadishMs. Donovan Gr. 5 Paige Hornan Peter Koulouras Cat Atkins Angelina Ivanof Sofia McAuley Berit Cederlund Dominic King Reilly Murray Bella Crovo Chloe Laviolette Mary Norberg Gavin Thomas Will LeClair Luna Porciatti Julian Lopes Camden StarrickMs. Geigle Gr. 4 Seamus McCarthy Cole Bourgeois Allie MurphyMs. Rinkus Gr. 4 Lydia Chesley Cam Reagan Robby Dimler Alexis Dent Jacqui Slayter Victoria Doherty Zoe Garrett Lucas Fadden Joe HenryMs. Marrone/Ms. Aldrich Gr.3 Charlie Gilbert Layne Kohler Cameron King Max Pastore Ali McArdle Kiley Plunket Annie PalombellaMs. Madigan/Theophilos Gr. 4 Ryan Anderson Dr. Swanson Gr. 3Ms. Hanlon Gr. 3 James Anderson Margaret Bayston Chloe Antaya Remy Andrews Mae Casey Matthew CiesielskiMs. Sullivan Gr. 5 Nathan Dannemiller Ryan Clancy Katie Wiemeyer Lily M. Juliette Colucci Cole Slocum Mya Cusson Parker Villarin Elizabeth Delia COVER BY: Teddy Stravin Scott DoyleMs. Desmonds ClassMs. Held Gr. 4 Colleen Fahey Ella Friend Chloe GagnierThis issue of Dragon Tales could never Matthew Hutton Maya Gearin Virga have become a reality without the Campbell Johnston Ethan Hunttyping help of these parents: Brady Markella Nathan LaporteMia Antonia, Amy Asbedian, Liz Katie MarkellaBayston, Betsy Campbell, CaraMs. Kelly/Mr. Tam Gr. 5 Liam McGrailClelland, Valri Fountain, Kristin Kelly Barr Chatam MortonGearin, Alex Giofriddo, Karen Gordon, Emma Szachta Cody PantonNancy Hardwick, Devon Kohler, Tracy Ben WalshMcDermott, Maureen Meyer, KealyO’Brien, Dawn Siegel, Kim Szafran,Ron Ulich, Maria Villarin, Kim Wiemeyer, and without the hours ofhelp Mrs. Whitaker spent getting thisissue published.Berit CederlundMrs. DonovanWhat I Found in My Top DrawerAn old wad of pink bubble gumA shriveled up plumA little rubber sharkA glow stick that won’t glow in the darkA pair of cut up shortsA teddy bear with stuffing wartsA daisy chain all shriveled upA lazy whistle in a cupA brown and white cow toy that can’t mooA bucket of green gooAnd one more thing I must confess,A note from Mom clean up this MESS!!Halle BurgessMrs. MorganLollipop Tree!Once upon a time, there was a lollipop tree. I found a stack of wood. Then, I built a tree house in the Lollipop tree. I painted it and painted it all day and night. It was beautiful! When I was finished, I went up there and looked around. Something was missing. I was thinking and thinking. Then, I found out what was missing- the decorations and furniture! I put a hot pink couch and chair by the window. Then, I put a horse picture on the wall, and a table. I added a giant lollipop too! My lollipop tree is AMAZING!!!!!Mae ZimmerMrs. BatemanShould trampolines be banned?I do not agree that trampolines should be banned. They provide great exercise, and they can be safe too. Also they helped lots of people such as acrobats. Trampolines must not be banned, they are too much fun!Trampolines provide great exercise while having fun. The heart pumping exercise is great for your body. Kids need to get fit and active, and this is a great way to do it.Some people say trampolines are way too dangerous but they can also be safe. The nets on trampolines are made for kids not to fall off, and they don’t. Also the bars help too.Last, trampolines helped a lot of people such as acrobats to train for their performances. So if they helped them they can help us. If trampolines were banned, it would be no fun. That is why I strongly think trampolines must not be banned!How to Eat an Oreo CookieBy Cole SlocumGrade 3 Mrs. HanlonThis is my absolute favorite way to eat an Oreo cookie. First you’re of course going to need a hand, a mouth, and an Oreo. Now let’s start eating. Take off the top and devour that Oreo. Next use your teeth to scrape off the inside. Finally eat the rest. That’s how I eat an Oreo cookie. How to Eat an Oreo CookieBy Nathan DannemillerGrade 3 Mrs. HanlonThis is how I eat an Oreo cookie. Sing the Oreo song. Hop on one leg. Open up the Oreo and find the cream. Then take a small bite. Then swallow the cream. Take a small bite again. Munch. Be careful. Do not choke. That is how I eat an Oreo. The Daily Geigle TributeBy: Cole Bourgeois and Joe HenryThe Bearded Bros Bring Home the CupDavid Ortiz is the MVP of the World Series. He was so happy to have such a wonderful team during the season and post-season. He said it was a privilege and a goal to be the MVP of the World Series.New manager John Farrell led the sox to the World Series, winning his first career championship. It is John Farrell’s first season as manager for the red sox.Shane Victorino led the red sox offensively hitting a base clearing triple and a grand slam in the World Series. Shane Victorino said “the beards brought our team together”. Shane Victorino batted 2nd in the batting line up for the World Series. When the red sox won the World Series it was very important to the victims of the Boston bombing. First baseman Mike Napoli said, “When I heard of the tragedy of the marathon bombing, I knew we needed to do something special.”Just four days after the red sox won the World Series they had a massive parade. There were nearly two million people there! While the Red Sox toured Boston in duck boats, they stopped at the finish line of the Boston marathon, they put down the world series trophy, and the Red Sox jersey that said 617 “Boston area code”. After, they sang god bless America.SUB SECTION 4B FOR MORE SPORTSA Day in the Arctic by Mae Casey Mrs. Hanlon’s classHi! I am a penguin. I live in Antarctica. It is cold here. Ice and white are big things here. This morning my mom gave me fish for breakfast and “Yuck!”, it was gross. Being a penguin is very hard. When my Mom and Dad leave I play with my friends. I have to sleep standing up and I hate that. I was playing on the ice with my friends when an animal with something on his head smacked his face on the ice. On my way home I went toboganning and a seal popped up and I said “Come on that was rude!”. I am just a kid and that’s my life.A Day in Antarctica by Chloe Antaya Mrs. Hanlon’s classCan you guess what I am? I have a black and white body, an orange beak and some chilly orange feet. Yes, I am a penguin!It’s chilly in Antarctica but I am young so I get fed and I get to play with my other penguin friends. We tobogan alot and the only color here is white. What I eat is fish, squid and krill.Life as a penguin is difficult. You have to sleep standing up and I need my beauty sleep and that’s tough standing up. That’s the life as a penguin.Sugar World! By Maya DalyMrs. Morgan’s Class Have you ever heard of Sugar World? It’s a magical place where the water’s made of sugar, and the grass is twirlers and the trees, they are lollipops. And the rocks are pretty much the same; they are jawbreakers so you don’t eat them. Would you like to know where it is? It’s far, far in the solar system. So far that nobody knows about it, not even scientists know about it. The food is gummy hotdogs and gummy hamburgers. AND THAT’S SUGAR WORLD!Beaverby Katie Markella Madigan/TheophilosBeavers are very cool,With their really big teeth, Chopping down every tree in sight,Gathering sticks, Making a den, Slapping their tails against the water,Warning the others, Therefore a predator is coming,They hide in their den, The predator sees nothing, The predator leaves,The beavers come out, Years pass, It is winter, And it is time to hibernate,They gather up food, Then they sleep for the winter.Lion Lion by Miles Sampson Madigan/TheophilosLion, Lion, what do you see? I see a striped Tiger growling at meStriped Tiger, Striped Tiger what do you see?I see a Goldfinch chirping at meGoldfinch, Goldfinch what do you see? I see a little dog barking at meLittle dog, little dog, what do you see?I see a slithering snake hissing at me. Slithering snake, slithering snake, what do you see?I see a white wolf howling at meWhite wolf, white wolf, what do you see?I see a monster stomping at meMonster, Monster, what do you see? I see a child grinning at meA Veteran’s StoryBy Cameron King (Grade 3/Marrone & Aldrich)Mr. Cram is our custodian. Mr. Cram was in the Navy with the Marine Corp. He was on a helicopter aircraft carrier in the war in Beirut. Mr. Cram was a 2nd Class Petty Officer. He ordered aircraft parts. It was his first deployment and he was at sea for five long months with no land. Thank you for serving our country Mr. Cram.My Elf on the ShelfBy Lily M. Mrs. Hanlon’s ClassMy elf on the shelf has a little red hat. It is a boy with brown hair and rosey cheeks. He has a red shirt and green collar. He has a brown belt and green pants. He has green and red shoes. Oh! I almost forgot! His name is Hank. He is 7 inches tall. My goodness! Hank ate a lot of cookies! He’s eating some cookies right now! His favorite food is spaghetti. I need to go. Bye! Hank will talk to you.Hi. I’m Hank, Lily’s elf. I bet you know already. Can you please pass the plate of cookies? I love cookies. Lily said I eat too much. I don’t think so! Oh! Here comes Santa! He’s bringing me dinner. Spaghetti! Yum! Thank you Santa. Cookies for dessert! Oooo, good! Lily’s coming home! Better get in my spot. Hi again. Did you talk to Hank? Good. Did he eat dinner? Ok. What did he have for dessert? Two plates of cookies? Wow! Time for me to go to sleep! Merry Christmas!The Worst Day Ever!!!By Hannah Canty Mrs. MorganI new I was going to have a bad day. It was my first day of school I hate school its so boring. I also had to wear the worst clothes ever. I had to wear ugly pants and a yellow shirt. I had to have waffles I hate waffles. I have the worst bus driver ever. School was the worst all we did was work nothing fun just boring. When I got home I had to do homework. Then I had to go to the doctor’s and get 4 shots Then I had to go grocery shopping the grocery store was so busy and boring. I hate the grocery store. After we getted to go to the toy store. Then we had to go home. When we got home we had to eat right away because I had to go to dance after I had to go to gymnastics then I had to go to soccer. When I got to go home and watch TV and to go to bed. Then I had to go to bed because I was bad at dance. I had to go to bed by myself and be alone until I get called to go downstairs. Worst day ever in my entire life!!!!The End!!!The Best/Worst Day Ever By Payton CiceroneMrs. Morgan I woke up at 8:00 in the morning. I fond my self in the garage I bet my brothers did it. I came up to my room. My dad came up to my room, and he said, Payton time for the day. My parents told me to go in my and get all my blankets that were in my room. Because we were going to make a fort. When I came down no one was there. They scared me, jumped up and yelled spurries. I was so happy! We played games like hid and seek, tag. The best part was playing in my pool. We had chockalott cake. My brothers told me to smell the cake so I did and they smashed my face in the cake. Then we played more and we got all muddy. My mom told us to wash off in the pool. Then we played in my pool more. It was so amazing. After that my parents had to leave and they said my mean brothers were in charge. I now that this was going to be the worst day ever. I knew that if my brothers were in charge that this was going to be the worst after known. They smashed the party! Then when my parents got home. My parents yelled at my brothers all day. Every body left. But 3 of my friends stayed. We stayed up till 3:00 a clock and we had bacond and eggs. We got ice cream for breakfast. Then we played more in my pool even more and we played marrow polo. Then we annoyed my brothers even more, it was so fun. Then my friends went home. And I played in the pool with my brothers. We playedbasketball. Then my brother’s friends came over they annoyed me all day, and all night. The End!!!By Scott Doyle Madigan/Theophilos Grade 4Jaguar, jaguar what do u seeI seeA blue bird chirping at meBlue bird blue bird what do u seeI seeA lion look-in at meLion, lion what do u seeI see an elephant takeing a shower in front of me. Scaly The Scaly Lizard By Ryan AndersonMadigan/Theophilos Grade 4 Scaly the Scaly lizard Like never before with 1234 that’s a whole lot of legs sometimes green sometimes yellow sometimes all of the colors sometimes bite sometimes nice sometimes mean and sometimes sweet sometimes they hiss sometimes they lick. Campbell Johnston Mrs Held Surely a dog is the right pet to add to our family. Three reasons why a dog would be a good pet are, we would exercise more, the dog will keep us busy, and dogs are very lovable. Our lives will change forever when a dog comes into our family. The first reason a dog will be a good pet is a dog will exercise us more. If the dog wants to go for a walk we would have to walk it. We wouldn’t sit around all day. Our family would stay healthier. Getting the family to exercise more will make them fitter and happier. The second reason a dog is the right pet for us is because our dog will keep us busy. We could go to new parks we haven’t been to. We could meet new people at puppy training centers. Instead of watching TV we could play with the dog. Getting the family to get out more and do different things will bring us closer together. The third reason is that dogs are very lovable. Dogs are very sweet and lovable. They could make the family very close to animals. Dogs love to snuggle up and sleep with people. Dogs love to kiss you and when you say goodnight to everyone and kiss them you could let the dog kiss you too. So as you can see I would really like a dog. Three reasons I would like a dog are, we would excercise more, the dog will keep us busy, and dogs are very lovable. As you can see I would really like a dog and hope that you want one too. Maya Gearin VirgaGrade 4, Madigan/TheophilosTurtle by Maya Gearin-VirgaOh turtle, how your shell does sparkle andglisten,And when I talk to you, you seem to sit andlisten.I watch you pop out of your shell, first head,then feet,And I watch you crawl up the hill, so delicate, so sweetMaddie HongGrade 3, Mrs. NissiMy father’s favorite tradition during Thanksgiving is to watch the balloons get blown up the night before the Macy’s parade. He and his brothers would walk to the Natural History Museum at midnight. The front steps of the museum was always crowded with many people. It was very fun because many of his friends from school were there. He will always remember this tradition from his childhood because it signified the beginning of the holiday season.Lucas FaddenGrade 4, Mrs. RinkusThe important thing about Lucas isthat he is good at fishing. He is good at lacrosse; He is good at running; He is good at hockey; But the important thing about Lucas is that he is good at fishing.Remy AndrewsGrade 4, Madigan/TheophilosBlaiseI love Blaisehe always stayshe youthfully prayshe finds his wayshe sometimes playshe is a mazehe raises the roofhe lies on my laphe is my butteHoliday TraditionBy Reilly Murray (Grade 3/Mrs. Nissi)My Mom’s favorite holiday tradition is to work with our neighbors to line our street with luminaries. Luminaries are candles that you light and put in white bags along our entire street so Santa can see our street. My Mom likes this because it is something that our family does together. This tradition started for my family when we moved to our house four years ago. My Mom is looking forward to doing it this Christmas Eve.Holiday TraditionBy Andrew Curley (Grade 3/Mrs. Nissi)Christmas is my Mom’s favorite holiday tradition. First, Dad goes downstairs before everyone else and he turns on the tree and makes sure Santa is gone. Then he gets ready to video you as you come into the family room to see all of your gifts. It seems like it goes by in a flash! Everyone rushes to find what belongs to them. Towards the end we take turns opening presents because we don’t want it to end. After that we get ready to have our family breakfast. It’s great that we get to have grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins come over in pjs and comfy clothes to have the most yummy french toast and egg casseroles and fruit. Spending time with our family and seeing everyone so happy and excited is what my Mom likes best about Christmas morning.About RobbyBy Robby Dimler (Grade 4/Mrs. Rinkus)The important thing about Robby is that he is good at baseball. He likes to read the 39 Clues. He’s awesome at soccer. He loves pizza. But the important thing about Robby is that he is good at baseball.FallBy Emma SzachtaGrade 5/Ms. Kelly and Mr. TamFall is one of my favorite seasons. One thing I like about fall is Halloween! Halloween has so many amazing sights to see. Kids in scary costumes are everywhere. On Halloween I can feel the candy wrappers sitting in my hand still covered in sweet chocolate. I smell the candy I have in my mouth and it smells sweet, gooey and yummy! I hate hearing my dog whimper when trick or treaters run past us. The taste of mouth watering candy makes me jump with joy. I love Halloween!Thanksgiving is another thing I love about fall. At Thanksgiving I get to see my twin sister wearing her giant turkey hat. I can feel the heat of the mashed potato bowl I’m holding in my hand. The scent of the hot mouth watering turkey makes me happy. I can hear my busy family talking about future trips and plans. The sizzling turkey in my mouth tastes so good. Fall is on season I love!AutumnKelly Barr Grade 5/Ms. Kelly and Mr. TamOne day in fall I walked outside and smelled smoke of a fire in the distance. I watched an array of leaves of all shapes and sizes fall to the ground. I had to rake a pile of leaves in my yard. It started to get warmer outside. The wind whistled all around me. I smelled the sweet smell of candy apples in the fresh air. Fall is a wonderful time of the year.Halloween is a wonderful holiday. I love going around on a beautiful night asking for delicious candy. After I get candy I unwrap it and I feel the crinkling candy wrapper in my hand. I put the candy in my mouth and it tasted so sweet. I relish seeing all the creative designs on the pumpkins. When I carve my pumpkins I always feel the slimy pumpkin guts. I enjoy Halloween.On Thanksgiving I love the smell of all the delicious foods cooking in the kitchen. Like the turkey, I also really like the smell of gravy. I have fun going outside on Thanksgiving and jumping into a pile of leaves. I hear the leaves crunch beneath me. I adore the taste and smell of apple cider. I admire the fall season.A Day in the Antartic by Parker Villarin (Mrs. Hanlon's Class)There I am in a cold damp egg "I mean people don't know that there's nothing to do but sit all I do is sit. Get me out of here! I peck and peck and get out It's even more boring standing. I grow up and soon meet lots of other penguins. I'm loving it! I go to get my food from my mom when I get even older I get my own food in the cold water I find fish I eat and go back to land. My baby brother sits in an egg all day. I'm not that old I'm only 2. I'm just thinking. wait...was I thinking out loud? Well I ran into a seal on the snow. Can you move please. HE DIDN'T EVEN BUDGE! Can you believe that guy. Does he even have manners? By the way my friend Nathan knows how to sing peck her face. I mean peck he face why would you want to peck her face. And its by Penguin bak bak!Charlie Gilbert (Mrs. Rinkus Class, Grade 4)The important thing about Charlie is that he is Good at basketball. He loves his dog, he likes going on boats, and going to the beach. But the important thing about Charlie is that he is good at basketball!!Mary Norberg (Mrs. Nisi Class, Grade 3)My favorite holiday tradition is going to Mrs. Madden's Gingerbread party. It is her favorite tradition because she has been going to it for a long time. She can see her college roommate because it's at her mother's house and She can take us too. The tradition started when her college roommate invited her to the party. At the gingerbread party (mom's favorite holiday tradition) they sing christmas Songs, have good food including homemade pizza, a pinata for kids, Santa visits, and we decorate homemade gingerbread houses. It's special to mom because she gets to see her friends. She's been going to it through many stages of her life, and she can take us to it now. My mom really likes this tradition!!:-)THE SECRET SHORTCUT By Cat Akins Mrs. DonovanYou have been late to school for two weeks! If you‘re not on time tomorrow, something really bad will happen. I was almost sure I would make it to school on time. When I got home from school that day, I started to make a plan to get to school. I found a shortcut.I got up at 5:00 a.m. so I could be there a little early and in case I got attacked again by some cat-related thing. School starts at 8:00 a.m. I made sure everything would work which took about 30 minutes. I ran to the bus stop to try to catch the bus, but with my luck, giant catnip started to lie down in front of me. I missed the bus.Plan B: I took a shortcut through the giant catnip’s fur and I started to ride it. I could not see where I was going. Then I felt a bump and next thing I know, I am flying on the giant catnip A huge cat is attacking the giant catnip. I start to fall into the cat’s food/water bowl.I swam for a long time and then I started to fall. Next I saw kitty litter. I was going to turn around when the cat started to chase me again. I walked through the litter box and it smelled horrible. For a second I thought I was going to pass out.When I got to the other side, I jumped out and ran to school. I hear the teacher say, “You finally made it to school on time. Now go take a shower or you will have to be sent home because you smell so bad.”Then my mom woke me up and said, “Time for school.”?“I just went a little while ago, Mom. I got sent home to take a shower.”?“WHAT are you talking about? Are you ok? Do you have a fever or something?” “Mom, I think it might have just all been a bad dream.”?I got to school on time that day and was never late again.On the side table there was a picture of a giant cat with giant catnip in its mouth with a food and water bowl under it with a litter box in the background. Maybe it did happen, maybe it did not. Nobody will ever know!PERSUASIVE WRITING By Brady Markella Mrs. Held’s classSince we’ve moved, we have a big backyard with no use. Why not get a teacup pig so it’s not useless? We can teach it to do tricks. They’re small and do not weigh much.We can save money on food and our backyard is the perfect shelter for our wonderful pig. I think a teacup pig will be a perfect fit in our family. One reason we should get a teacup pig is because of all the things it can do. We can teach it many new things. Teacup pigs are much smarter than dogs are. They have very poor eyesight but a wonderful sense of smell. It will keep all of us off our electronics. When we’re not home, Lulu and Lola can exercise the pig. We’ll have a 2 for 1. We can teach it to sit, play dead, roll over and many other things, like play instruments. It would keep us very busy and exercised.Let me tell you about the body weight and size. When we get it, it will be a piglet so it will be 2.5 lbs. It will be very small and easy to carry. They are called teacup pigs because they’re as small as a teacup. When it grows up, it’ll be the size of Lola and will weigh about 500-700 lbs, (sic) but I have the perfect plan for when that happens.I know exactly where to put it for shelter. In my opinion, in our backyard we could build a little pigpen out of wood. The teacup pig will roll around in the mud when it gets hot. In the summer we’ll have to bring it inside with the air conditioner on. Teacup pigs are very clean and we will not have to give it baths all the time. A teacup pig will fit perfectly in our family.It eats many things and will save us lots of money on pig food. When we don’t finish our vegetables, instead of throwing them away, we could give it to the pig. The best thing about a teacup pig is in the fall we will not have to rake because our pig will eat all of the leaves that fall down. Isn’t that awesome? It can also dig up its own food from outside.A teacup pig will be a great fit for our family. They’re so small and adorable, how could you not want one? And guess what,I’ve already got the perfect name for it,Pinkie.Pinkie the cute little teacup pig! That is why I firmly believe we should get a teacup pig.DRAGON ?By Gavin Thomas Mrs. Donovan’s classI saw a dragon outside.?I was scared out of my mind.?The dragon gave me a jump.?I thought they were in fairytales, but I guess not.?I think I might be dreaming.?So I pinch myself.?I wasn’t.?Finally the dragon left and then I had a normal day. Well, maybe. FISH? By Chatham Morton Madigan/TheophilosFish, fish. I am a jellyfish.?Fish, fish. The water makes me go swish, swish. Fish, fish. I wish to not be put in a dish.?Fish, fish. I am a jellyfish.THE POLAR BEAR By Juliette Colucci Madigan/TheophilosWhy do you sleep in an igloo??With it so cold and so hard??How do you swim in the water so freezing cold??To eat those fish raw and so fast??But then at last you go into your den to start the day all over again!My Favorite Holiday TraditionBy Tyler KadishMrs. NissiMy mom’s favorite holiday is Christmas. Every year my family goes to look for a Christmas tree. My family spends about one hour looking for a tree, because my mom looks for perfect tree with perfect branches, top, and width, and how tall it is. When we get home my dad brings out a stand that holds the tree in place. After my dad does that, my mom moves it so that it is just right. We let it sit for a while so the the branches go down. Then it’s time to decorate the tree. So first we put on the lights and make sure they work. Then we put on the plain bulbs. Third we put our own personal items on. Finally we put on the angel on the top of the tree. The tradition got started when my mom was a little girl. Her family started the tradition. The tradition is so special to her because she wants to teach me and my brothers her tradition so that we can use that tradition in our future lives. That’s why my mom’s favorite holiday is Christmas. Should Trampolines be Banned?By MacKenzie ProukouMrs. BatemanTrampolines must be banned! Lots of people think trampolines are fine, but the fun ends when you get an injury. First, trampolines are causing too many injuries to kids. Also, trampolines were invented in the 1930’s for acrobats in their performances, not kids. Last, the American Academy of Pediatrics say that studies show that trampolines should never be used in homes or at playgrounds. Trampolines are causing way too many injuries! In the article, it says, “Trampolines caused nearly 95,000 injuries in 2012 alone!” That’s a lot of injuries! It’s not too late to ban trampolines though. You can ban them now.Trampolines were not invented for children. In the article, it says, “Indeed, when it was invented in the 1930’s, the trampoline was meant to help acrobats in their performances.” Trampolines are not safe for kids to play on.Even doctors agree that children should not be using trampolines as play equipment. In the article, it says, “These injuries are such a big problem that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a group of doctors that specialize in treating children, said in a 2012 study that trampolines should never be used at homes or at playgrounds. Never.” Trampolines are proven not safe for children, so why can’t we ban trampolines and stop the injuries. People believe that kids can get injuries in any sport, and it’s normal. I don’t agree. The injuries that people get on trampolines are too serious to keep happening. Trampolines are causing way too many injuries to kids and have to be banned. If they are not, kids will keep having serious injuries. Do you think trampolines should be banned?Teacher – Dr. SwansonThe Pumpkin That Forgot to Turn OrangeBy Margaret BaystonOnce upon a time in a pumpkin patch far far away lived a little green pumpkin. That very day it was Halloween. All the other pumpkins were orange. The farmer came with some people who wanted to buy pumpkins. They look at all the other pumpkins except him. He felt sad. Every pumpkin that was left teased him. Even the farmer cracked jokes about him. The pumpkin felt mad and sad about not turning orange. The problem was he didn’t know how.One day a painter came to fix up the pumpkin. He fixed up the pumpkin in no time. The pumpkin was bright orange with a dark black face. Every pumpkin cooed at his new look! The EndTeacher = GEIGLE, Grade 4Duxbury TriathlonBy Alexis Dent, Layne Kohler and Lydia Chesley2013Every year on 9/14 people from all around the country come to Duxbury, Massachusetts to swim, bike and run. It’s the annual Duxbury Triathlon! You can do the whole thing yourself, but some do it in relays. To do it in a relay, one person does the swim, one does the bike, and one does the run.“I have a lot of fun doing the Duxbury Triathlon every year,” says Devon Kohler. The Duxbury Triathlon is important because people come to exercise and to get a challenge. The order in which the three events go in is: swim, bike, run. The youngest age is twelve.Since nobody in our class is above twelve, we asked them what they think of it. Zoe Garrett quoted, “it was an amazing event and everyone had fun.” “I think it is really cool how Duxbury has its own Triathlon,” remarked Charlotte MacCallum. “My family did it and had fun,” Annie D. declared. Both Addison Thawley and Delaney Williams think it’s exciting and would like to do it.The different events have different lengths. The swim is 0.5 miles. The bike is 13 miles, and the run is 3.1 miles. It is always on a Saturday and it starts at 7:45am.Most people say that they have a lot of fun at the Duxbury Triathlon. A good amount of people want to do it when they are old enough. It’s a great chance to get exercise and to have fun.Teacher = Madigan/Theophilos, Grade 4Oh Little BearBy Ben WalshOh little bear, oh little bear you have fur like a blanketYou have razor sharp teethAnd razor sharp claws to catch little fishOh little bear, oh little bear you can stand eight feet tallOh little bear, whatever you put your claws on you will eat itYou have a really good sense of smellYou can smell things ten miles awayOh little bear, oh little bear go sleep in your cave you need to hibernate for winter.Teacher = Madigan/Theophilos, Grade 4By Matthew CiesielskiCardinal you are bright redYou behave like a hummingbird,Hummingbird, hummingbirdYou are bright greenYou behave like a woodpecker,Woodpecker, woodpeckerYou are bright blueYou behave like a mocking bird,Mocking bird, mocking birdYou are dark greenYou behave like an annoying 7 year old kid.BATEMAN- Dennis LeeDear Sir or Madam,I strongly think that Duxbury should have more technology. For example auto doors. It would be safer, cleaner and less plain. There should be more technology so people can focus on the important things more. Then machines can do the not important things. An expert would say it would be good because it would make life safer, cleaner and less plain. Someone who has a different opinion might say it would be too expensive. In response I would say it will be expensive but we would use the money we would have used to buy things to do stuff like fix buildings to buy and maintain the machines. That is why Duxbury needs more technology.Yours truly,Dennis LeeHELD- Ella FriendI want a baby koala! I bet you would like one too! It can eat our leaves, it is a friend for our other animals, and we can build it a home! My opinion is that a baby koala is spectacular! In addition, our baby koala can grow very big and that would help us!One way a baby koala is helpful is that it can eat our leaves. We don’t have to remember to rake the leaves every year. Even if we don’t get to jump in them. Furthermore, it might also eat the pine needles. Our grass will be clean and healthy. We don’t have to buy so much koala food since they eat leaves. A baby koala could have 4 playmates! Our baby Koala can play with Gracie, Jackson, Ficty, and Riela. Our Koala is about the same size as Gracie. Moreover it would be funny to watch our koala and Gracie goof around. We could take it outside with Riela and have races. We could train the koala to go fast to win a race. It would keep me and Evan off the TV while training it.This offer comes with a bonus! We don’t have to buy a home for it! We can build one of wood and other things. Or maybe once you build our treehouse we can have a spot for our koala! I believe he would be safe up there. Mainly because it can climb trees. I could go up and check on his food and water every day. When it gets cold we can put a ton of blankets for him.See I told you that there are many reasons for a baby koala. It could eat our leaves and pine needles. Also, it is a friend for our other animals, and we can build it a home! In conclusion, you might think a baby koala could be a handful, but I think it could be fun!By Ella FrlendGEIGLE- Zoe Garrett, Ali McArdle and Annie PalombellaThe Piping PloversHello! This is Zoe Garrett, Ali McArdle and Annie Palombella. Today we will tell you a tragedy so big it will knock your socks off! It’s so tragic you will have to watch this over again to believe it! It all started with the day we got the newspaper…It was Sunday morning when I looked at the newspaper and I literally fell out of my chair! The Piping Plovers strike back at the beach! “I was disappointed because I couldn’t go to the beach!” quotes Delaney Williams. “I think we should keep protecting them because if they die out, other plants and animals would die, too” answered Layne Kholer. “I was sad that the beach was closed but happy that we were saving the Plovers” quotes Alexis Dent.The scene was at Duxbury Beach, from the start to the middle of summer. We had Harbor Master Office Karl Gumpright come to our school to talk about it. “The babies look like cotton balls with toothpicks for legs” he informed us. The Plovers nests are very small so you have to be careful not to step on them. Fun Fact! Did you know that when the baby plover wants to move, it runs away from its old nest and in to a new one? The babies are in charge!Also, one bird nested on the camp of the drive on part of the beach so we had to go on the walk on part. This is Zoe Garrett, Ali McArdle and Annie Palombella signing off. Good bye folks!MADIGAN/THEOPHILOS- Elizabeth DeliaLittle Puppy by Elizabeth DeliaHay you little puppy sitting in the sun. You do not have any problems none not one.Oh you tiny puppy relaxing in the sun. You do look cool and you are sitting by the pool. Yes you ruleYou rule you rock you are the cutest puppy on the block!MADIGAN/THEOPHILOS- Ethan HuntDeadly Scorpion by Ethan HuntWhy is your tail so pointy?Why are your claws so sharp?Why are you so scary?You carry buckets of poison.You live in the desert and jungles.Ouch. That really hurtMadigan/ Theophilos Grade 4SquirrelBy Colleen FaheyYour tail is like a swirl?You nibble on acorns, Your teeth are like thorns?You have a cave in a tree?You roam free,Dogs try to get you?But you don’t let them,You run up the tree I feel a fast breeze?Up up near the top of the pine tree, Where birds fly I see?I hope I can see you again,Please?The Sea TurtleBy James AndersonSwimming fast through the ocean.All of a sudden stop.The big sea turtle is a giant dot.Hiding from your prey.I don’t see you. You’re probably blending in.Mrs. Hanlon Grade 3How To Eat An Oreo CookieBy Lily M.Do you know how to eat an Oreo cookie? I do. Now lets get started. I have my own way. First, take top cookie off. Second, lick the frosting off. Third, lick it off slowly. Fourth, eat the cookie. Fifth, eat other cookie. Sixth, say, yummmmm. Yummmm! I had a yummy snack! Time for another one!Mrs. SullivanSurvival Story By Katie WiemeyerLucas was flying. He looked out of the window of the plane. A green wonderland, he thought to himself as they flew over the forests of Yellow Stone National Park. All of a sudden, he felt a big jerk and a rattling sound coming from the engine. He slowly walked up to the pilot’s seat. “What’s going on?” he asked the pilot.“Engine failure.” the pilot replied grimly.Lucas ran to the end of the plane and he found a survival pack along with two parachutes. He read somewhere that a boy had survived a plane crash by parachuting out of the plane before it crashed. He gave one to the pilot.“Open the hatch in the back.” he told him.“Good luck boy.” said the pilot giving the parachute back to him. “Save yourself.” he said and opened the back hatch. Just then the plane gave a mighty lurch and started to fall. There were screams from the first class people. Not needing to be told twice, Lucas clipped the parachute on, took the survival pack, ran to the back and hurled himself out thehatch. Lucas pulled the cord and stopped falling as fast immediately. He looked below him and saw he was falling into Yellow Stone’s deepest woods. Lucas landed with a loud THUD. He laid on the ground for a bit, a messy lump of parachute. He had managed to escape his first plane crash with just a cut on his hand from a branch of a dead tree. Lucas looked around. He seemed to be in the middle of a thick wood. He got up and started to gather the materials he would need to start a fire. Then, the survival pack bumped his arm, of course! He thought as he pulled out a knife, a sleeping bag, a box of matches, a big ball of coil and a little stick of flint. “Flint and steel make a spark!” he said aloud again. Lucas made three fires in a triangle that’s what he could remember was the sign of distress. Or was it four in a diamond? He couldn’t remember. Leaving the fires to smoke, he went off in search of materials for shelter. Lucas had a feeling he would be here for a long time. Bark, sticks, leaves, rocks and fire. Those were the materials Lucas had to work with. Fortunately, Lucas had come across a strong flowing stream when scavenging the materials for his shelter. He tested the wind; it was strong blowing from the East. Lucas decided to try to find a big boulder that had a flat side and use that as his east wall. So even if his walls weren’t the thickest, the wall where the wind was blowing had some thickness. Lucas trekked the forest, picking up sticks and sharp shards of rock for tools and shelter. He would need a spear or something before dinner, he thought hungrily. As Lucas walked he thought about what to get for supper. He was so preoccupied he walked right into what he was looking for. “Ouch! Who leaves a –“ Lucas looked up at a boulder that was a few feet taller than he was.“What a coincidence!” he said joyfully. Without wasting anytime, Lucas got right to work on building a sturdy shelter. He collected bark, long sticks, and leaves for the hut part and long sticks and the coil from the survival pack for a fence. Lucas had read that Yellow Stone is home to foxes, bears, and malicious wolf packs. Lucas had never seen a wolf up close before, but he knew if you ever were found near one of their prized pieces of territory, you wouldn’t get out without a fight, and a fight, was the LAST thing Lucas needed at the moment. As Lucas scourged the forest looking for materials he came across a clearing.“That’s odd.” he said to himself. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw what looked like the ruins of a fireplace. He ran to it. Yes, it was a fireplace, and there were flakes of rock and a bench! Then he heard a growl. Lucas turned and saw a great brown bear lumbering around a ripped up tent. Lucas stifled a scream of terror. The bears claws and mouth were caked with dried blood. Whatever or whoever had gone to sleep in this camp had never woken up. Lucas sprinted out of there; he was not sure if the murderous bear had seen him or even smelled him. He ran so hard that he collapsed halfway through the woods. There he lay, not caring that this was not the most comfortable of all collapsing poses, not caring that he may never wake up again. The last thing that he remembered is noticing a gaping cut on his left leg. As he lay, he let sleep and unconsciousness crash into him like a wave.When he awoke, he lay in his shelter, miraculously; his savior was not human but a dog. No, not a dog, he corrected himself when he saw the size of this canine, a wolf. The wolf, lay in the yard inside the fence. How he got into the fenced area he had no clue.“You’re a strong looking fella.” Lucas said to the wolf. When Lucas spoke to the wolf, it came right up to him and started licking his cut.“So that’s why its not as bloody as I remember.” Lucas murmured as he let the soft, rhythmic, licking lull him into unconsciousness once more. When Lucas awoke, the dog stood over him, a dead rabbit in his jaws. Lucas looked around. He saw the fur and bones of a rabbit in the fenced area. “Wow.” said Lucas.Fifteen minutes later, Lucas had a cheerful fire and a rabbit leg roasting on a spit above it. Twenty minutes later, Lucas had a full belly, and a happy canine friend whom he called Hunter because every day when Lucas was recovering, Hunter would bring him a rabbit or squirrel and growl if he refused to eat. Finally, when Lucas had recovered enough to walk, he decided since the winter was coming, he needed a leather jacket, pants, and some moccasins so he could stay warm. “Bison fur is soft, but I’ll need a weapon to hunt it.” he told Hunter. Hunter looked at him. Lucas looked around the woods until he found a strong, four-foot stick. Then, he got his knife out and sharpened the end. Lucas tried throwing the stick, but he could not aim very well, and even if he did hit something, he thought he would need a sharper point to penetrate the animal’s skin. Lucas remembered reading about early man and them using their atlatl. Lucas tried to picture the spear. Then he remembered the spear had a skinny but strong stick, and a stone tip. “That makes more sense!” he said to Hunter. Hunter barked happily. What type of stone to use Lucas had no idea but he was getting somewhere! Then Lucas remembered another thing, when he had first gone looking for a boulder, he had picked up shards of rock. Lucas opened the survival kit. There were seven shards, only three of them; he decided were usable for throwing spears. The other four he would use a daggers. He collected three skinny but strong looking sticks that looked a lot like the ones from the picture of the early men hunting. Then, he bound the shards to the tip of each stick with coil.“If you are bored from watching me you could always go hunting again.” he told the sleeping Hunter. At the sound of his voice, Hunter jumped up, stretched, licked him goodbye and jumped the fence with a single bound.“Show off.” Lucas muttered under his breath, even thought he was on the verge of cracking up. Hunter sure knew how to win him over. Focusing back on his spears he saw that he had done fine work, he had three handsome looking spears and a beginning of an atlatl.“I might be able to do this.” he said excitedly.The night he set out for the bison herd was stormy and dark.“They are less likely to smell us.” he told the soaking wet Hunter. Hunter grumbled and whined.“You can go home if you want!” Lucas told him sternly. Hunter gave him an affectionate butt in the leg with his head. When they reached the bison herd, Lucas almost shouted in delight, the herd had left behind a wounded male. Unfortunately, this male was well enough to put up one last fight. Lucas was positioned to throw. He aimed for the bison’s head. His spear whisked past harmlessly when he threw it. A gust of wind had thrown him off! As he prepared another attack he heard a voice. “Lucas! LUCAS! LUCAS! WHERE ARE YOU!” it said.He recognized it, it was his father! Lucas ran like he never ran before. He was dimly aware of Hunter keeping pace with him on his side. Then he stopped. Lucas wondered what his parents would say about Hunter. He wondered if they would allow him to keep him. Slowly, he walked towards the sound of his father’s growing voice. When he got in to sights range of his father, he saw that the whole family was there. His mom, his dad, his sister Sadie, and his brother Gregory. “Lucas! There you are!” screamed his mom.“I knew you would make it!” said his dad.“I almost got your room!” said Sadie sounding disappointed.“What’s that?” asked Gregory pointing at Hunter who was sitting patiently at Lucas’s side.“Our new dog, I call him Hunter.” Lucas said proudly.“No, honey, there is no way we are going to have a wolf in our living room.” Said his mom.“Barbara, come on, Lucas trained him and all, plus he would make a good guard dog. Hunter barked and jumped on his dad. His dad fell over in surprise, laughing as Hunter licked his face.“Leonardo, I don’t know, what will the cops think?” she said. “We could live out here.” Lucas suggested.“I will not agree to that young man” said his dad, still recovering from Hunter’s unexpected burst of energy. “We might as well stay here for the night, it’s getting dark” said Gregory. “Yeah, let him show us his fail of a shelter, I bet it couldn’t even hold three of us” replied Sadie arrogantly.Lucas rolled his eyes, he knew better than to fall for Sadie’s games.“Come on” he said to his family, shooting an angry glance at Sadie. Surprisingly, Sadie followed, without complaint. As Lucas led them through the woods, Hunter trotted at the front, his wet nose in the air.“Wow” His sister breathed as they arrived at the shelter. Lucas rolled his eyes.“Come on in and make yourself at home” he told his family. Lucas gave his mom the bed, and he showed his dad, sister and brother how to make beds of pine boughs. Then, he heard a helicopter landing. “Hello?” said a voice.“We’re in here!” said his dad. The helicopter driver entered and stood before them.“I am here to take you home,” he said to them.A couple of months later, Lucas was back to his normal routine of homework, hanging with friends, and taking care of his dog, Hunter.THE END (Hopefully)TruckMuddy, loudRoaring, hauling, off-roadingChevy, Ford, Toyota, HondaRacing, speeding, driftingAutomatic, standardRacecarBy Dominic KingWinterCold, snowySledding, ice-skating, snowingBlizzards, snowman, bathing suits, sunglassesBlazing, running, playingWarm, sunnySummerByJake BerryHeroStrong, mightySaving, flying, helpingTrustworthy, amazing, evil, maniacalScheming, destroying, ruiningDevilish, sinisterVillainByMerryn Couto SweetTasty, deliciousTasting, eating, smellingTreat, candy, lemon, limePuckering, eve wateringBitter, tartSourBy Paige HomanLacrosseExciting, fastChecking, scoring, runningGoal, stick, cleats, batHitting, stealing, slidingDiamond, homerunBaseballBy Seamus McCarthyDayBright, lightPlaying, working, runningHot, shadowy, cold, chillyMoonlight, spooky, moonStarry, darkNightBy Julian LopesMoonDark, blackShining, freezing, waningCraters, darkness, light, starBoiling, sizzling, shiningBright, yellowSunBy Aidan DormadyDragonsFiery, greenScreeching, broiling, flyingMonster, creature, horn, horseFlying, galloping, talkingMythical, magicalUnicornsByAllie MurphySummerFantastic, warmRelaxing, swimming, tanningFriends, sun, snowman, snow angelPlaying, skating, freezingSnowy, icyWinterByAngelina IvanofSummerWarm, sunnySwimming, playing, runningBeach, sunglasses, blizzard, snowmanSledding, skiing, snowingIcy, coldWinterBy Ava DeAngelisWinterSnowy, chillyFreezing, skiing, sleddingIcicles, blizzard, beach, boatTanning, burning, swimmingSunny, windySummer By Brett BossiFootballTough, dirtyTackling, passing, kickingField, touchdown, basket, courtShooting, passing, runningFast, action-packedBasketballByCam ReaganPencilSkinny, woodenWriting, drawing, sketchingLead, eraser, ink, permanentCorrecting, checking, fixingRed, neatPenByChloe LavioletteFallColorful, coolJumping, raking, burningRake, leaves, snowballs, skatesSledding, snowboarding, skiingFreezing, snowyWinterByDaniel AllenHealthEnergetic, happyRunning, eating, exercisingFruit, water, soda, junk foodSmoking, television, bugSick, tiredIllnessByEmme BouthillierHeroHelp, superWinning, saving, lovingJustice, caring, rude, twistedDestroying, trapping, wreakingMean, evilVillainByJacqui SlayterFootballIntense, loudTackling, throwing, catchingPads, helmets, cleats, shin guardsKicking, passing, shootingFast, excitingSoccerByJoey CooperRelaxedCalm, quietMeditating, sleeping, restingAlone, silence, headache, crankyAnnoying, sweating, screamingNervous, anxiousStressedByLivy AntayaHeroRole model, adventurerMotivating, encouraging, rescuingGrateful, honest, evil, sinisterDespising, stealing, hurtingExtreme, hatefulVillainByWill LeClairThe Sea TurtleBy Cloe Gagnier (Grade 4 Madigan/Theophilos)Why do you swim alone, with nobody there to give you company?How do you swim so elegantly, looking so majestic?Eating all those salty plants, thinking that they are yummy? Just one plant filling up your tummy?Your beautiful green shell protecting you so that you can start the day again!FoxLiam McGrail (Madigan/Theophilos, Grade 4)Why do you not speak?Why do you not chase me?Why are you so small?Did you shrink yourself?Are you in my imagination?Do you even make noises!?!?You’re not a fox!You’re a patch of flowers like I saw yesterday.Tradition ParagraphLuna Porciatti (Mrs. Nissi, Grade 3)My sister Jade’s favorite holiday is Feragasto (National Water Fight Day in Italy). It is her favorite because everyone goes outside to play. Emperor Augustus began this tradition in 18 BC. The emperor started this tradition because the people wanted time to rest after their hard work. The Emperor had to keep his people happy. So he stared the tradition. This tradition is special because she gets to play with her family. The reason we do this tradition is because our Babbo passed in to us.Kiley Plunkett (Mrs Rinkus, Grade 4)The important thing about Kiley is that she is good at swimming. She likes dogs. She can play soccer. She likes the color green.But the important thing about Kiley is that she is good at swimming.Tradition ParagraphBy: Camden Starrick Mrs. NissiI interviewed my grandmother and her favorite tradition is Christmas pajamas. She buys Christmas pajamas and then watches her grandkids open them on Christmas Eve. When my grandmother was young, her parents went to church and afterwards they opened one present on Christmas Eve. It is special to my grandmother because she can now keep the tradition going on. I’m going to keep the tradition alive when I have a family. Persuasive WritingBy: Matthew HuttonWhen we buy a house, we should get a dog. A dog can play with me, scare coyotes away and be a good guard for the house and our family. One reason I feel we should get a dog is it will play with me. This is helpful because it can make me be more of an outdoor person. I would also get a lot of exercise playing catch with the dog. We could play catch with the dog. We could play catch and run in the backyard. At the end of the day we would have a lot of fun and be tired.Another reason we should get a dog is to scare away coyotes. If the dog can scare the coyotes away, the coyotes won’t make a big mess in the garden. If I was camping and the coyotes came near, the dog will bark! The dog would keep our family safe and protect our garden.In summary, this is why I want a dog. It can play with me, scare coyotes and be a good guard dog. I think if I had a DOG, I would be really happy!What do you think of Fall?By: Daniela CawleyYou might think of falling leaves,perhaps a pumpkin with unwanted holes.Some might dread their rake from Lowes,you might be glad you can take out your sweateror, you might fear of the cold weather.Some might praise hot apple cider, candy, witches or an old scary spiderYou’re the one that thinks of orange in your head or instead of orange, do you think of red?Maybe it’s that you love pumpkin pie.Do you love November so much you think you’ll die?Are you waiting to draw that colorful turkey?In Fall we never have weather too murky.Many think of Fall a lot.Is it stuck in your head like an everlasting dot?I don’t know about you, but when I think of FallI think of the best season of all!MICEBy Cody Panton, Grade 4 Ms. Madigan/Ms. TheophilosThose little fat mice are really really really roundand they run and hide in the wallsso if you have a catlet him or her catch the miceThe SkunkBy Nathan Laporte, Grade 4 Ms. Madigan/Ms. TheophilosYou are a very small critter.Some of the berries you eat are very bitter.You sleep in the day and come out in the night.Albino skunks are white and bright.You are a skunk that’s who your are.You are a little star.Your stench could even harm a wrench.You are a skunk that’s who you are.Victoria Doherty, Grade 4 Ms. RinkusThe important thing about Victoria is that she is a figure skater. Her Favorite color is lime green. She loves to sail. She is a good ballet dancer.But the important thing about Victoria is that she is a figure skater.Max Pastore, Grade 4 Ms. RinkusThe important thing about Max is that he is good at riding dirt bikes.He can play football.He can ride his bike.He can run.But the important thing about Max is that he is good at riding his dirt bike.Family TraditionBy Sofia McAuley, Grade 3 Mrs. NissiMy Mom’s favorite family tradition takes place during the winter solstice. On that day, her family gets together to have a special meal of “Tongyuan”, which are make from glutinous rice flour and water. Her Mom (my Grandmother) would wake up early to prepare the meal. The “Tongyuan” is formed into spheres and are boiled in hot water. Then, my Grandmother prepares the soup to serve the “Tongyuan” in. She makes homemade stock with chicken or pork bones that are boiled for a long time. When the soup is done, she puts the spheres into the soup with lots of veggies. It is traditional to have “Tongyuan” during the solstice because the circular shape represents the family circle which is really important for my Mom and her family.Secret ShortcutBy Bella Crovo “Come on. Let’s go. We can’t be late,” I said to Olivia. I walked into Mrs. Potter’s room, and she screams and yells, “Miss Crovo and Miss Mendoza, you are late again! If you’re late one more time, you will get it!” The next day, Olivia sai d to me, “I have an idea.” I said, “Ok. It doesn’t hurt to try.” So she said that there was a shortcut that only she knows about. I said I would try it. We stumbled, we tripped, and we fell. Then we thought we got to school, but when we walked through the door, suddenly I was wearing a leotard in a group huddling. Then I looked up and saw Aly Raisman and Jordyn Wieber and some other Olympians from the USA Gymnastics Team. I was shocked! Then I thought, where is Olivia? I looked and I looked but could not find her. Then Aly Raisman said, “Come on team. Let’s go win the gold!” So I did and so did the team. We went out to the Olympic place. I saw Olivia. She was the coach by the bars. Then the lights went off, and I had the spotlight. Every eye in the gym was on me. They were waiting for me to do a big Olympic flip that I could not do. My face got so red. I did a round-off back handspring. I can’t do layouts like Olympians. The room fell silent and Olivia asked me where we were. I could not answer her because I was so shocked. Then I heard screaming. “Good job!” they said. “Woo hoo!” I heard clapping; they were cheering for me. I went in the backroom with Olivia to get some water. We went through the back door, then we were all normal with clothes on and not leotards, and we were outside. “Lets go!” I said. “But not back in there.” Olivia and I were looking for the school hoping we would not be late. We were walking for an hour. We stopped so suddenly because a stampede of cartwheels came towards us. I heard the coach say, “You guys lost.” He was talking to Olivia and I. He thought we were doing cartwheels too. He said we had to do the most cartwheels and we cannot leave ‘til we won, and I said to Olivia, “We need to get to school and home.” So we got ready to start the race. Then we lost. Then we lost. Then guess what? We lost again. And there was one more round; whoever won could move to school. Whoever didn’t win would be stuck there together forever. We had to win. Then I remembered that there could only be one winner. If I won, then Olivia was stuck there forever and if Olivia won, I’d be stuck there forever. Olivia and I did the race and we both won. It was a tie. So he let us both go. I was so relieved. We saw the school. It was right there. So we ran and ran then we fell and fell and fell down the big hill. It was dark and quiet. Then I saw a rack, a person and lots and lots of people. Then I saw them and I realized they were holding leotards. They were trying to pick out a leotard that they wanted to buy. So Olivia and I went with it. “Why not,” I said. So we were deciding what one we wanted. And I did not know that gymnasts could be so crabby. “I want this one.” “No, I do.” That’s what they said. We picked out the one we wanted. Then the voices got quieter and quieter, and it got darker and darker and scarier and scarier. Then we started to roll again and again. Then we were back on the hill thinking we will never roll down that hill again. We were in Mrs. Potter’s room finally. And we heard her say, “Time to go home now.” We missed a whole day of school. Mrs. Potter came up to Olivia and I and said, “You missed it. Where did you go?” And we told her the whole story and she believed us. So she said the consequences were we had to bring her through that crazy shortcut. Now we know never to miss a day of school again. And never to take that shortcut again!Peter Koulouras Mrs. Nissi Grade 3My family’s special holiday tradition is New Year’s Day. New Year’s Eve we are making the special cake that is called vasilopita. We are wrapping a coin with aluminum foil, and we hide it in the cake before we even bake it. The next morning on New Year’s, we cut the cake in equal pieces and name then under each family member including a piece for home, business, Santa, and God. Whoever gets the coin will be very blessed for the year. We also break a pomegranate. My father reads a special prayer for health for the family. That tradition started years and years ago in Greece. It is special to us because it brings the family together and we pray for a good year ahead. Lilly HorganMrs. BurnsWhat I Found in My ClosetA sliver of gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe,An immense clump of hair, how it got there, no clue,A hole-filled sock with a terrible odor,An antique toy boat that has a broken motor,A stash of expired candy all over the floor,A bag of Lay’s potato chips and jewelry galore,Some wrinkled ripped papers flying everywhere,A sad, faded, headless teddy bear,An old Halloween costume from last year,A talking action figure I no longer hear,And one more thing I must confess,A note from mother: Clean This Mess!!!!Samantha LovettMrs. BurnsWhat I found Under my BedA couple of scratches on my floor,an apple core with ants galore,a pair of stinky socks filled with holes,an inflated soccer ball that no longer rolls,a chewed up pencil with a broken eraser,a little racecar missing its racer,a small stuffed bear missing an eye,a broken model airplane that once flew through the sky,a rusty old key that fits no door,an old faded t-shirt that I once wore,and one more thing, I must confess,a note from my mom saying; Clean this mess!Mya CussonMadigan/TheophilosGrade 4Koala bearKoala bear, Koala bear,Eyes so bright.You eat eucalyptus leavesAll day and all nightYou do not growl, or grumble, or roar,You do not pace back and forth on the floor.You climb up big trees to eat big big leaves,You’re not a bear at all! You’re name really deceives.Ryan ClancyMadigan/TheophilosGrade 4Mr. TurtleHello little creature good to see you.I love your little shell it sparkles very nice.And can I touch it once or twice? ................

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