John Bowne High School

Dr. Iannelli, Principal John Bowne High School Mr. J. Zelkind, AP Science

Cellular Respiration

Objective: Analyze the function of cellular respiration occurring at the mitochondria with oxygen and without oxygen.


Analyzing aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration.

Vocabulary development:

1- Organelle = is part of a cell to perform a job for it.

2- Mitochondria = is one of the organelles in a cell to provide a chemical energy called ATP by aerobic or anaerobic respiration.

3- ATP = is adenosine triphosphate, which is a chemical energy molecule that provide energy for a chemical reaction to proceed for the metabolism, that release heat from the explosion or combustion ATP.

4- Metabolism = are all the chemical reactions in the organism.

5- Aerobic respiration = is a chemical reaction by breaking down glucose to pyruvate in the cytoplasm (=cytosol), which enters the mitochondria with oxygen to create 36 molecules of ATP (=chemical energy).

6- Anaerobic respiration = is a chemical reaction by breaking down glucose to pyruvate in the cytoplasm (=cytosol), which enters the mitochondria without oxygen to create 2 molecules of ATP. Pyruvate seldom persists and is converted into lactate . Lactate (‎C3H5O3-) has one less hydrogen ion than lactic acid (C3H6O3). Actually, if lactic acid is produced in the body, it breaks down almost immediately into lactate and hydrogen ions. What persists in the body is lactate. Lactate is an ion with a negative charge, or an anion. Its chemical formula is C3H5O3. It is found in every cell in the body: it is on skin and in sweat and saliva. It is harmless.

7- Do Now: Annotation: Read with comprehension and develop a high order question, then select the most relevant question in your group to be answer.


Observe the diagram of the mitochondria organelle and determine the number of membranes. Explain why the mitochondria are necessary to life? Or Write down: What do you see, think, and wonder?



Annotation: Use the reading code, which is the circling of words for vocabulary development, underline key ideas, and develop questions that will clarify your idea or concept about the subject material.

Mitochondria are the organelles involved in aerobic & anaerobic cellular respiration that provides energy or ATP for a chemical reaction to work in the metabolism. Mitochondria are called the “powerhouse” of the cell, because it creates ATP, which is the chemical energy molecule that is released as heat in the metabolism to start a chemical reaction. Without the constant supply of energy (= ATP) produced by respiration the cell would die. The more active the cell is, the more mitochondria are needed to perform its metabolism. Example: A muscle has more mitochondria than a hair cell, because a muscle cell is more active than a hair cell.

1-How would the body react to maintain homeostasis with an increase ATP usage?

2-How might the brain cell react with regular long term usage?

Develop a high order question from reading the below statement.


Analyze the flow chart diagram. Note: Lactate has one less hydrogen ion than lactic acid.



Yogurt Wine

Carbohydrates which are starch (in plants) and glycogen (in human) are polysaccharides that are broken-down to one glucose molecule or one sugar molecule is called monosaccharide.

The one glucose molecule or one sugar molecule (=monosaccharide) is broken-down to pyruvate by the process called glycolysis in the cytoplasm (=cytosol). The pyruvate can now enter the mitochondria to create energy molecule called ATP. The pyruvate can take two different paths depending on the amount of oxygen available. The two different paths are (1) aerobic respiration, (2) anaerobic respiration or fermentation.

1-Aerobic respiration in the mitochondria organelle of an animal or plant cell requires oxygen (O2) with sugar or glucose and with an enzyme to produce carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and 36 molecules of ATP.

The chemical word equation for aerobic respiration is:

Glucose (sugar) + oxygen (enzyme( 36ATP +carbon dioxide + water.

2-Anaerobic respiration or fermentation in the mitochondria organelle of an animal, plant and yeast cell that does not use oxygen, but use pyruvate from glucose to form lactic acid or lactate.

Chemical word equation for anaerobic respiration in animal

Sugar (enzyme( 2ATP + Lactic acid ( lactate has one less hydrogen ion than lactic acid)

Chemical word equation for fermentation with yeast in juice and dough.

Sugar (enzyme( 2ATP + carbon dioxide + alcohol.

Work with in pairs or partner(s). Fill-in each blank box of the flow chart with its proper title and function.


When a person is doing heavy exercise and the blood cannot supply enough oxygen, another sort of cellular respiration occurs. This converts glucose into energy without the need for oxygen and is known as anaerobic respiration. The reaction is:

Glucose → Energy released + lactic acid (=lactate has one less hydrogen ion than lactic acid).

Anaerobic cellular respiration releases less energy than aerobic cellular respiration. Unfortunately the insufficient blood supply that leads to anaerobic respiration also means that the lactic acid or lactate builds up in the muscles. High lactic acid or lactate concentrations are painful and felt as cramp. When exercise stops, the blood supply is able to provide enough oxygen to convert the lactic acid or lactate to carbon dioxide and water but this takes time and the muscle pain may continue after exercise until the lactic acid or lactate has been converted.

Problem: How would the amount of lactate be if the heart rate and breathing rate increase during physical exercising and explain why too.

State a hypothesis:

State your evidence and/ or determine the type of data that would be collected to support or refute your hypothesis.

Design an experiment:

State conclusion




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