
Here is a huge survey for you to fill out. It may take you awhile so you can just work on it as you get time. I have it in a word document so you can just open it and work on it, then save and close it again if you need to. When you finally finish you can either re-attach this file and send it or copy and paste the entire contents into a new e-mail. Have fun! =)

Ok, I’m going to be working on this over a span of a couple days. I get busy so I can’t just sit for three hours and do it all at one time. But anyway here we go!!


1. What is Today’s Date? Jan 24th 2004

2. What time is it now? 11:13pm

3. Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this? The last e-mail I got was a technical news journal. Then the last e-mail I got from a person I know personally was from Allie, she sent me a really long letter. It was marvelous. She lives here in Lynchburg, VA.

4. What is your Full Name? Jeremy Richard Dillinger

5. How are you today? I’m doing pretty well. I just got back from Church, which we had tonight (Saturday) because of possible snow on Sunday. And I usually am very well after going to church. I’m slightly tired now though because I’ve been gone all day since 9:00am.

6. What are all your nicknames? JerBear, Gravel, Cinnamon Roll, Hey you, “Computer guy in dorm 5”, Jeramias (Spanish); Coke Man; Sticks; Smarts; Jolly Green Giant; Bearamy; Chubs (yes I know); Combat Boy… I know I’m forgetting some but that’s the majority.

7. When is your birthday? February 10th 1984

8. What is your Gender? Male

9. Where do you live? Seattle, WA – But currently Lynchburg, VA (starting to become my home now)

10. Where were you born? I don’t even know the name of the hospital I was born at. I’m not even sure of the time I popped out either. But I know it was somewhere in Seattle on the 10th of Feb.

11. What do you look like? Well, if I wear my tan sweater apparently I am cute. =) But I don’t have long hair so it kind of cancels it out I think. I’m also kind of tall and thin, and my “short” hair is blonde but it also depends on how much sleep I get for the shade of my hair.

12. What Size Shoe Are You? 10 ½ usually – I can fit a 9 ½ though.

13. What is your height? I think I’m 6’ 1” but I think I’ve been shrinking from carrying around 80 pounds of books in my backpack on a daily basis.

14. Are you Athletic or Lazy? I can be Athletic if I have a reason to be, such as going running with a girl or a big group of friends puts on a sports game of some sort. But if I don’t have a reason, I would just rather not really do athletic things. But I’m pretty far from the lazy side, seeing me not doing anything is a rare sight most days.

15. Do you have any siblings? One blood sister, one that might as well be.

16. What is your Phone number? Home – (206) 243-2181 Dorm – (434) 582-3106 Cell – (434) 665-6160

17. Do you have an innie or outie? Outie Baby! It’s the cinnamon roll that never gets stale.

18. Are you a lefty or righty? Right handed, some things I can do ok with my left hand though, but I would rather use my right.

19. Are you Flirty? I like to be, but I don’t get the chance to be usually. I’m kind of the flirtatious type it makes life fun.

20. What is your Hair color? Dirty Blonde – It gets darker or lighter according to how much sleep I get. Yeah I know I’m a weirdo. But that’s just the way it works.

21. If you could dye your hair what color would it be? School Spirit colors, but here at liberty we can’t use unnatural colors permanently. But other then that I’m content with my hair color. I don’t think I would want to dye it.

22. What is your Eye color? Deep and Radiant Blue

23. Who was your First crush? I think her name was Jennifer, back in 1st grade.

24. What are your parent’s names, and do you like them? Tim and Kathy Dillinger – Yes I like them, they do so much for me. I know they love me. That is more then most people can say about their parents. Sometimes they have those wakoo ideas that us teenagers try to ignore. But as long as they care that’s all that matters.

25. What are your Hobbies? Try to fix anything that’s broken. And also learning anything I can get my hands on, then on the side coming up with cool ideas for things to do for other people. Does watching movies count as a hobby?

26. What Person looks most like you? I think I am unique, and nobody looks like me. If you can think of someone be sure to let me know though.

27. Who do you tell your secrets/personal stuff to? If it is my own secret then I tell anyone that asks, and I sometime just say it on my blog “blog” I have nothing to hide. If it is somebody else’s secret, then there is no way you’ll get it out of me.

28. Do you like school? I love school especially when I can learn something useful in life, and not just useless stuff like most times. But either way school is great, I enjoy the environment here and all the people just make it fun. Sometimes there are those classes I wish I didn’t have to sit though though.

29. What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing? I usually don’t express negative feelings unless I am asked about something in particular; If the subject comes up I don’t really have a problem with it though. I just usually don’t express feelings in general unless we are on the subject. Its not that I have a hard time doing it, I just don’t think about it most of the time.

30. Do you like to talk on the telephone? Not really, but if it is my girlfriend or just a girl I like I love talking on the phone, other then that I only use the phone if IM isn’t available or I need a response faster then most IM conversations.

31. Do you have your own line? Nope, I have to share my dorm phone with two roommates. I have a cell phone though. I end up using my cell phone a lot more. But as I’ve covered I hardly ever just chat on the phone so most calls are 5 minutes or shorter.

32. Do you like to dance? Not necessarily, but I will dance if a girl encourages it, not saying I’m any good, but I try my best. We used to try swing dance in youth group, I thought that was fun. Maybe if I knew how to dance I would enjoy it more.

33. Is there anyone you would be willing to die for? I think if I could possibly manage it I would die for anybody if it would save his or her life (friend or foe). I would especially do it if I knew the individual wasn’t saved.

34. Are you afraid to ask someone out? Yeah, if I would just walk up and say it. But if we have been good friends for a while and I know there is some attraction it is a lot easier. I think friends is an important step anyway and just walking up to someone and asking them out usually doesn’t work too well.

35. What is your favorite thing to do with a guy/girl? Sit close together and chat about anything that comes to our minds. Watching movies is fun, but it’s hard to get to know someone by staring at a screen. Playing games is fun to do as well.

36. Do you like to drive fast? Fast is a relative term, but if this question means over 80mph. I would have to say no. But I don’t mind anything under that as long as it is a safe speed for the road we’re on.

37. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I only slept with my dog when I was at home, now I have to sleep cold and lonely without my living teddy dog. I wish I could have a dog to sleep with... I miss Happy

38. What type was your first car? First car I drove was a Geo Prizm but it was my Dad’s. My actual first car is a Ford Aero star and it is still running great.

39. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yeah I eat anything that touches my plate, but it’s always better with cheese.

40. Is the glass half empty or half full? If I’m drinking from it then it is half empty – If I’m pouring more into it then it is half full. But if we are talking about the “glass of life” I think of it as always slightly more then half full. There is a good side to every situation.

41. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? If I plan to type more then 30 letters then yes, but if it is just a password or something short I would most likely use one hand.

42. Have you ever been toilet papering? Nope, I can’t say I’ve taken part in this unique way of expressing yourself. – I guess I have TP’ed a car once for a wedding though.. Does that count?

43. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes but they were both mild ones and I wasn’t driving, The first was on an exit ramp from a freeway and both cars were moving forward so the actual impact speed was probably only around 10mph. The second was in a Target parking lot and it was just coming out of a parking space. Not much damage in either case. My mom was the driver for both.

44. When was your last hospital visit? The last time I was in a hospital was visiting my Grandpa before he died. The last time I was in a hospital for myself was when I was born I think. I did everything else at a local health clinic. I’ve never had anything bigger then a sprain.

45. How many times did you fail your drivers test? Three times baby yeah!! Missed by one both of the first times.. Then when I passed I only got one point off. How is that for score range?

46. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Nope, I’ve never done anything major unlawful that I can think of.

47. What do you think are your optimum hours of sleep to be fully energized? Somewhere around 12 hours is the best. But 6 to 8 would work fine I guess. But I hardly ever get anywhere close to that. A typical night I get around 4-5 hours and in some cases only 3. I just have a really rough schedule sometimes. But I never liked sleeping all day I would rather be doing something.

48. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? First off I would never max out my credit card because I don’t even spend the money on credit unless I already have it. Second, I would never spend that much money in one store because I am too thrifty to buy everything I want in one store. But putting those aside if I could max out the card and not have to pay it back, I would Choose Best Buy.

49. What do you do most often when you are bored? Read a technical manual, or make surveys like this, or fill out surveys like this. Rarely will I play a game or watch a movie when I’m bored, unless I have somebody there to join me. I have been watching Smallville lately because I had to see what happens. That is like the only thing on TV that I miss. But now I’ve seen all the old episodes and I’m all caught up, so I’m back to just doing things like thinking about ideas to do for people in my sister dorm, or other friends of mine to make them feel special on certain days.

50. How do you feel about friends, relatives or people in need living in your house for a year? As long as they helped out and didn’t just take, take and take but never give back any gratitude or offer to help with things.

51. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away. Ok this question I wasn’t sure about so I did some research, here are my findings. Danny lives 2863.1 miles away from me and Katie lives 2917.2 miles away from me. So I guess I would have to conclude that Katie lives the farthest from me. It’s about a 50-minute difference.

52. If you could live one year of your life all over again without changing a thing, what year would you choose? Why? I don’t see why I would want to live a year over again if I couldn’t change anything. There isn’t really much of a point to that. Sure some experiences were fun, but that is what memories are for and you can always have experiences in the future without re-living your past.

53. What is the most annoying thing people ask you? I don’t get annoyed easily so there isn’t much you can say or ask that would annoy me no matter if I’ve been asked it before. But if somebody ever finds a question and asks me and it annoys me I will let you know what it was I would put it in my blog or something.

54. What is your average bedtime? When I was at home it was around 11:00, but now that I’m in college my average bed time is somewhere around 2:30am

55. Who is the last person you went out to lunch with? I think it was Jessica Black – That was at the dinning hall though so I don’t know if that counts. So if the dinning hall doesn’t count then the last time I went out to a restaurant for lunch was with Allie, Britt, and BJ awhile ago. I don’t usually eat out much for lunch, usually its dinner when I go out.

56. What was the Last Movie you saw not at the theater? It just so happens I watched a movie tonight. It was Dante’s Peak over at Allie’s house. I had only seen it once, it was good stuff. (the story takes place in Washington)

57. Who is going to be your Valentine? Well this year for “singleness awareness day” I think I’m going to do something special for as many girls as I can. None will be my official “valentine” per say but I’m going to take something to all the girls in my sister dorm. I’m also going to try and do something special for my other friends too! I hope what I’m planning will work out. =) *grin*

58. Are you currently comfortable with your body? If not, what would you change to make you comfortable? I am pretty comfortable with my body. I think the only thing I would change is my pale skin. I could really use a good tan.

59. Do you have any tattoos? Nope, and I don’t plan on getting any either

60. If you could have a tattoo where and what would it be? I would never get a tattoo I think they are a waste of money and useless. Plus it would look nasty when I get old and wrinkly, not to mention that I hear they hurt.

61. Do you have any piercing? No, I don’t have any holes where God didn’t put holes.

62. If you could pierce anything where would it be? I’m not a big fan of making holes in myself.

63. Do you, or have you ever worn braces? No, I’ve never needed them. I have nice teeth =)

64. Would you consider yourself a good listener? Yes, I think other people do too because I always get lots of people that tell me things and ask for advice. I enjoy listening. If I wasn’t majoring in Computer Management Information Systems I could go into counseling.

65. What's under your bed? A box full of snacks and food items, a box full of Laundry Items, a box full of all my computer goods that I’m not using at the moment, my dirty laundry, a box that had all my miscellaneous things in it from my apartment, and Christmas Decorations

66. Are you Immature? I can be if I want to be, but I don’t think I am. Let me know if you think otherwise though.

67. What's your favorite place to be kissed? I’ve never really been kissed anywhere else besides my face or my hand. So I don’t have much to compare with. But I would have to say the lips were probably my favorite.

68. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I can picture myself working at a good-sized corporation running the network administration. Also I would be married to a great and beautiful girl that God had picked out just for me. Then I might be just starting a family with a new baby and I would be living life to its fullest.

69. Do you wish you hadn't done something that you did, if so what? Well there have been things I’ve done that hurt people’s feelings but we’ve always worked it out and everything is great again. But other then that I can’t think of anything I regret doing and wish I could take back.

70. If you could have anything what would it be? I would want infinite knowledge. I think it would be awesome to know everything about everything. I love to learn, but if I knew it all I wouldn’t have to and I could spend more time with friends or serving the Lord. I would also most likely invent a lot of stuff because I would be able to put things together that nobody would ever think of. And if I ever wanted something I could just build it. It would be great!

71. Do anything what would it be? I would want to take a ride into outer space, and maybe walk on the moon. I’ve always wanted to eat cheese wiz while in space too. So of course I would have to do that while I was up there. If I couldn’t do that then I would grease myself up in pig fat and jump out of an airplane naked. Then the powers that be would have to reconsider not letting me go and I think they would choose the space trip instead.

72. If you could change anything about your life, what would you change? Well, right now I am enjoying life immensely. I can’t really think of something that I would like to change. It would be nice to have a girl friend perhaps, but I just wait for God’s Timing he knows best when it comes to matters such as that. In the meantime I have lots of friends that are girls that I really enjoy hanging out with.

73. Do you swear? I seriously don’t think I have ever sworn besides repeating what somebody has said.

74. Are you a Wuss? If I don’t have anybody to show off to then I might as well be because I don’t care about my image to just any regular person, But if there is a Hott Chick around then I can stand up for myself, and I assure you I can do more damage then one would think. (Allie, a Wuss is basically a sissy or one that doesn’t stand up for themselves. They are afraid of confrontation)

75. Are you a Class Clown? I’m not known as the official class clown, but I do give my share of wise cracks in class sometimes that make the class bust out laughing but then I get that look from the teacher. I think you know what I’m talking about.

76. Are you a Goodie 2 Shoes? If you think trusting God and doing as the bible says is considered a “goodie 2 shoes” then yes, yes I am and I’m proud to say I am. So there!

77. Are you a Daydreamer? I sometimes drift thinking about other things while in class or if I’m tired. So yeah I think that would make me a daydreamer.

78. What size bed do you have? At home I used to have a Queen sized bed that my dog and I would share. But here in my college dorm we have to cram into a single sized single mattress no box spring type bunk bed looking thing. But it does the job.

79. Do you sing in the shower? I only sing if I have an audience or if I’m practicing because I will have an audience or if I’m worshiping God. Neither of those circumstances usually happened while I’m in the shower however.

80. Have you ever stolen anything? I stole a fishing bobber out of a Big 5 store when I was little one time and then my dad found out and made me go back to the store and apologize to the desk clerk. He was nice about it though and he didn’t arrest me. Of course that might have been because I was only 5. But I guess I’ll never find out.

81. What's on your ceiling? Two sets of fluorescent light fixtures and a smoke alarm… yeah that pretty much covers it.

82. What color is your toothbrush? Blue and White

83. What was your worst injury ever? I’ve never really had a bad injury that made me immobile or that made me cry out in pain for long. The only one that ever made me do that was when I was around 6 or 7 and I scraped my knee on the pavement. I would scream every time my mom tried to get close to put on the Peroxide and a Band-Aid. Just recently I had a problem with my prostate that gave me very bad cramps and things. I wouldn’t consider it an injury but it did make it so I had trouble walking sometimes and sometimes I would just have to lay there because I couldn’t do anything. That was pretty bad. I guess I got a taste of what women have to go through every month. I got to hand it to them for that…. I don’t know how they do it.

84. What do you think is the best thing about growing up? Getting married and starting a family

85. What do you think is worst thing about growing up? Having to spend money on stuff. But I’ve never really had money problems so I guess its not all bad.

86. Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? If so tell about his/her personality. No, I don’t have one

87. What does your b/f or g/f look like? N/A

88. How do they act? N/A

89. What's the first thing you notice in a guy/girl? It’s either the smile or the eyes.

90. Have you ever called your b/f or g/f JUST to say, "I love you”? No I never really did that because I would have to talk some too.

91. Will you soon? I never say “I love you” to a girl unless I actually mean it. Those aren’t words I just throw around. And besides at the moment I don’t have a g/f so I wouldn’t be able to do that now would I?

92. Do you believe in love at first sight? No, because you can’t love someone unless you get to know him or her better, if you are just going by sight then it is Lust. But I do believe that the first look can have a great impact on you and light the spark that would lead to Love.

93. Have you ever fallen in love? Yes, I think I have three times. The first time the same love wasn’t returned in the same way. She loved me more like a best friend then a boyfriend. But I think I can honestly say I loved her. It wasn’t mutual though. She is now more like a sister then anything so I can say I “love” her like that. The second time it was returned and that was awesome I have many memories from that relationship. I was really sad when the relationship ended. But now that I know what I know I’m ok with it. It was the same situation with my last girlfriend as well, I loved her and she claimed to love me back. But things ended up just not meshing together and some problems arose. We had to soon break off the relationship because of it. Deep down I think I still love her but there are a lot of things about her that I’ve seen, (now that I’m not “blinded by love”) that made me realize it was a good thing we didn’t stay together.

94. If so, was it what you thought it was going to be? Love is never the same twice so you can never say it is what you thought it would be for sure. The feeling of a natural high is there though. That is there in all types of love. But I think Love is beyond thought it is a spiritual, mental, emotional, and a physical experience far from a possible description. But if you’ve never been in love and you are trying to imagine it. Imagine what you think love is. It is that plus so much more.

95. Did it work out? As I kind of described already, no they did not. I ended up making lifelong friends through those relationships though, so at least it wasn’t a total bust.

96. Do you believe there is one right person for you out there in the world or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with? I think God formed one mate for a person and he knew this person will grow up to meet this person and they will get married. This is a little bit of a paradoxical question however because think of it this way. You will only marry one person if you stay in Gods will. That person will be the exact person God had in mind for you. It will be a perfect match formed from Gods infinite wisdom. However through your life you could meet or have dated many people that could have just as well been your mate and you would have been happy with. But they never worked out because God had in mind somebody else for you. So I’m going to answer this question by saying. There is only one person out there that God had in mind for you. But there are many potential mates that you could have been just as happy with.

97. What is your idea of an Ideal bf/gf? They need to have a great personality and they need to be a Christian that loves Jesus with all their heart mind and soul, that can still leave room for me in there as well. They also need to be exciting and fun to be with. Well educated is a must as well, they don’t need to be 4.0 student but they need to at least attempt college and know how to make wise decisions about situations they are put in. They need to let me be a gentlemen to them but also let me know how much they appreciate my efforts every once in awhile. I also want a girl that lets her inner beauty shine through. By that I mean they aren’t worried about how they look all the time, because they know that if they smile and have a great personality that’s all it will take to win my heart. I also like a woman that likes to cuddle sometimes and enjoys just relaxing around sometimes. It is also good if she has a creative sense of humor, and likes mine as well. It’s also very important that she likes animals because I plan on having a pet dog or cat if we were to get married. These are just a couple things I like, I really can get along with just about anybody though.

98. If you suddenly became blind, how would your idea of the perfect mate change? I didn’t have physical requirements in my ideal mate besides the smile thing. So if I were to go blind the smile wouldn’t matter as much. But I would have to add extra patience to the list of criteria because marrying a blind man would take quite a bit of patience.

99. Would you ever cheat on your bf/gf . If this is meaning having sex with somebody else then it is a definite no because I will never have sex until I am married so it wouldn’t happen. If it is just talking about something like kissing another girl then I would never do that either, because when I am in a relationship I am in a total commitment to them unless it is considered a lax relationship where it is just casual dating. If I really like a person my mind is always set on them and them alone. I could never like two people very strongly at the same time. I’m not sure why that is but that’s just how my mind works. So far in my life, the only way I am able to change attraction from one girl to another is if there is constant rejection or if the girl breaks off the relationship.

100. If someone cheated on you, would you forgive them? God said to forgive 7 times 70 times. So yes I would. That doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be consequences though. Something like that is hard on a relationship, so if it were just a dating relationship I don’t know if it would be able to be healed all the way and it may crumble and the relationship my have to be brought to an end for the good of both parties. However if I was married I would forgive the first time and I would not divorce no matter how hard the situation got because it is such a traumatic experience on the children. But if it were to happen twice I would have to anyway. Divorce for that reason is biblical (Matt 5:32) and that would be how it would have to be. There is no saying it would not happen a third time if that were the case and I wouldn’t be able to let that happen. I would forgive the woman but the consequence would still be there.

101. Have you ever loved someone so much it made you cry? I only cried when we broke up.

102. Do you like anyone currently? Yes I do. There are a lot of girls here on campus that I have fun with and are great people. But there is one girl who lives off campus that I have been thinking about a lot lately. I don't think it would work to date her though. I would only date if I could picture myself marrying her. Currently there are some conflicting interests in future plans. I feel that if I were to pursue a relationship with her either she would pull me into something that God is not calling me to do (at least at the moment). Or I would pull her out of God's Will for her life. I have to think responsibly about God's plans before I can make any kind of decision on something like dating. I don't even know if this person likes me back. So many things to think about, man that was a loaded question. (Expanded details on this question has been abridged by request of the third party involved. If you want to know you can ask me personally)

103. Best make-out partner so far? I would rather not comment on this because it doesn’t only involve me, it involves another person and I will not say anything without permission from the other party.

104. When you get married, how many kids do you want to have? I want one kid for sure! I would really like at least two though. But when it comes right down to it I could have up to 10 if my wife didn’t care. But in the end it’s all up to her.

105. What would your future daughter's name be? I always liked Charity as a name for a girl but I would take anything really this is something I would discuss with my wife.

106. What would your future son's name be? I always liked John, as a name for a boy because it could be “John Dillinger” like the famous guy, but I would take anything really this is something I would discuss with my wife.

107. Do you need to hear "I love you" or similar words on a regular basis from your partner? Not really, but I do need her to do things every once in awhile that show how much she cares for me.

108. Do you think you would prefer a calm, loving, consistent marriage or one that was full of excitement, wild times and rocky patches? I would probably like a mostly calm, and loving marriage. It would be good to do things different here and there though so the consistent part would be ok sometimes but not always. Rocky patches actually help build the relationship at times so it would be ok if there were a couple of those, however too much of that would be very bad. So a healthy mix of all would be the best I think.

109. If you and your spouse had two cars, one much nicer than the other, who do you think should drive the newer vehicle? Would it make any difference if only one of you worked? I think marriage is for sharing so we could rotate. If she worked and I didn’t then she could take it 4 out of five days of the week or something. But I don’t really care about new cars much either. As long as the other car isn’t a beater I could just take that and be content.

110. Do you think it is risky or unhealthy for your mate to have a best friend of the opposite sex? I think it could be risky. But if she is my mate I am supposed to trust her with everything I am. I would try to do that and not intervene unless I knew for sure there was something going on.

111. Is there anything you feel you must accomplish before you die? What steps do you need to take to achieve these goals? I don’t think there is anything I “must” accomplish. But I would like to get married and start a family before I die. Everything is done in God’s timing though so if he wants me with him before that then so be it.

112. Is it ever appropriate for someone to express anger in a physical way? If so, when and how? No I don’t think expressing anger physically is good. It is good to get it out of your system though, so if you need to run a couple miles that would work well. If there is problems with anger, getting a punching bag or a heavy duty pillow you could beat up might help the urge to hit someone. But actually hitting someone in anger is wrong.

113. What do you think is the best feeling in the world? Doing something in service to God is a great feeling. Also, sitting next to your girl cuddling with each other while watching a movie or engaged in conversation. Helping someone else out in their time of need makes me feel good too.

114. What school do you go to? Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA (GO FLAMES!!!)

115. What grade are you in currently? 14th grade, sophomore in College

116. What kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essences Fruit Fusions

117. What is your favorite gum? Spearmint

118. What deodorant do you use? Right Guard

119. What perfume or cologne do you use? Adidas for men or Bod Man spray

120. Who do you love? Jesus Christ because he first loved us. I also love my family back in Seattle. I also have a new family here in Lynchburg (Donnebergs) that I could say I love. I have many friends that I love too! God says to love your neighbor, so I try to love everyone. Some personalities make it a little hard to do that last one but with God’s help I do my best.

121. When do you graduate? I graduated High school in 2002 from Highline High school in Seattle. There is still a long way off before I graduate college. I’ll let you know when my expected graduation year is when I find out.

122. What’s your favorite CD you own? I made a MP3 CD with about 180 Christian songs on it. I listen to it in my car when I drive people around. That is my favorite CD. I only have 6 Music CD’s and they are all MP3 CD’s that I have in my car. The rest of my CD collection is software or DVD’s

123. What are you wearing right NOW? I just got back from a huge snowball fight/brawl with our sister dorm. It was great because I didn’t have to go to work today so I was able to join them. But in result to our massive snow ball fight I decided to put on lots of clothes and get ready for that. I’m still wearing most of it. I have two pairs of socks on and new shoes that are like boots a little bit. Then I’m wearing two pairs of underwear and then some jeans. Then on top of my jeans I’m wearing some old kaki pants that have holes in them. I also am wearing a belt to hold those up. I also have on a wife beater tank top and over that I’m wearing a turtle neck sweater. Then over that I’m wearing my old High School Sweatshirt. Then over that I’m wearing an over the head fleece jacket. I was wearing a scarf and some gloves but I took those off. Oh I forgot I’m also wearing my watch and my class ring. Yeah I think that pretty much covers it.

124. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I have 4 pairs. One pair for class dress code, my tennis shoes for running and such, I also have some dress shoes for when I wear black slacks, and then I also have some sandals.

125. Who is your best online friend? Danny Kimmel, the fat guy from Seattle, is my best friend either offline or online. It makes no difference. But even though he is my best friend we don’t really talk that much. Lately I’ve really only had good conversations with Allie online so I would say she would be one of the better online friends. That’s only when she is at her dads though, when she is at her moms she isn’t really online all that often. Everybody else I talk to online is just quick and right to business kind of talk so can’t say they would be good conversationalists online. Of course I don’t really talk to them much. Usually they do all the talking so its partly my fault. But anyway.. I think that explains that pretty well.

126. What makes you feel secure and safe? Lying with my dog on my bed for hours on end. I feel safe and secure with her because I know that if I was going to get robbed she would slowly get up then pant for awhile because that is hard for her. Then make an attempted flying leap towards the robber but fail miserably and probably flop on the floor and then she would have a limp while hopping on her back legs to reach up to the robber so she can finally defend me with her tongue of death. Yeah I feel so secure with her. So anyway with that jokingly humor out of the way. I would have to say I feel secure when I am safe at home and I’m with people I care about. I don’t really get scared all that often though but that might be because I know God is going to protect me. So that would mean I subconsciously feel secure when God is there. (which is always)

127. Which do you think should have the final say in decisions - logic or emotions? Why? I think logic should have the final say because emotions change so often. However sometimes its good to go off of a hunch or instinct (emotional) because I think that God gives us those feelings for our protection. However, sometimes it’s hard to know whether it is inspiration from God or temptation from the Devil. That’s when it all should come down to what the bible says for the final word on a decision. But as I said above out of the two options I think logic should usually be the winning factor.

128. What things have you done in your life that you are most proud of? I graduated High school; I’ve also worked in a corporate office environment since I was 14 years old. I was able to pass 14 Microsoft certification tests as well as receive the highest certification in networking that Microsoft gives out. I also won 5th in the Nation in a competition of technology at the FBLA national conference. But I do want to say that I never could have done any of it without God’s ever watchful eye on my life and his gracious help.

129. Over the last five years how do you think you have changed for the worse? Better? I don’t think I have changed for the worse over the past five years. But I have changed for the better. I’ve been able to do everything in the previous question, and I have grown through those experiences. I now have greater knowledge about not only in the computer field but, I’ve learned a lot about life itself and I would probably handle situations much different now then I would have five years ago.

130. What time do you usually wake up in the morning? My average get out of bedtime is around 7:00. I have my alarm set for 6:30 however.

131. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Usually, its “I don’t want to get up I am tired” But then I think, “well it’s another day I get see other people and serve God” So I decided to get out of bed. I would rather be with people then asleep any day. Before I came to liberty though I used to always think: “Awww man Happy jacked my pillow again”

132. What do you usually eat for breakfast? Usually I don’t eat breakfast because my classes start too early in the morning. But every once in awhile when I do get the chance I like just about any breakfast food. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I like things such as: eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, waffles, French toast, hash browns, doughnuts, oatmeal, and all kinds of cereal, muffins, and cinnamon rolls. And that only covers the things I could think of off the top of my head... I love breakfast!

133. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Sometimes, but that is only if I can use both hands to help.

134. What was your favorite road trip? I would have to say Driving to California was an awesome time, even though I had to put up with “The Guys” in the back seat that ate everything they saw =). I also went on a lot of trips with my Youth group and those are always pretty fun. We had a cool trip down to Utah a couple times for a mission’s trip to Utah. I really enjoyed that. The only other road trip I’ve really been on was driving across country to come to Liberty. But I was in the car by myself the whole trip so I can’t say that was my favorite.

135. What was your most favorite trip ever? Going with Kat during Thanksgiving break and meeting all her family. Then also going up to Maryland with her to visit with Becky and her family. That was a lot of fun. The reason I didn’t put this down under the road trip section was because I didn’t really consider it a road trip. We were only in the car for about 2 hours at the most in one day. We did travel all over but not at the same time. It was more of a Drive from place to place trip rather then a “Road Trip”

136. What was the best party you’ve ever been to? I’ve never been to a real party, as most teens would think of. I’ve only been to birthday parties. None were ever wild and crazy, all we really did was eat cake and lounge around and chat. I’m not saying they weren’t fun; I just wouldn’t categorize them under “Party”. But out of all the birthday parties the one I had the most fun at was probably one of the surprise parties my youth group would put on for my youth pastor. Those were always a blast.

137. Who is your Best friend? This fat guy that lives in Seattle, most people know him as Danny Kimmel.

138. What are you Scared of? I have a slight fear of needles (Aichmophobia) But I can suck up if I have to. I’m just glad I don’t have Ailurophobia or Caligynephobia because that would be really bad. I would never be able to talk to the person I want to talk to the most. I also have a small case of Arachibutyrophobia, which is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. But so far I’ve gotten lucky and that hasn’t happened in quite awhile. I didn’t really have this fear until I ate an entire block of cheese in one sitting but now I have a slight fear of constipation (Coprastasophobia) and that also includes Defecaloesiophobia because that is a big part as well. There is also a fear that everybody should have “Hadephobia” but if you know the Lord you won’t have to worry about that one. If I had Logizomechanophobia then I would never be able to find a job in the career I was hoping for so I’m so glad I don’t have that problem. But most of all I’m just glad I don’t have Pantophobia which is the fear of everything. If there was any phobia that you were not sure about you can look up what it is at

139. What book are you reading now? Well, at the moment I’m not reading a book because I am filling out this survey. But for devotions I am reading “secrets of the vine” by Bruce Wilkinson. But when I get bored and have time on my hand I would usually read a technical manual of some sort. I’m thinking about reading a book about A+ certifications but finding time to read is pretty rare so I haven’t started it yet.

140. What's on your mouse pad? One mouse pad is Taz, another mouse pad has a Boeing 777 on it. On a mouse pad across the room there is a Dell logo on it. Then on another one it is a circle with the wheel of fortune on it. Then we also have a mouse pad that is a touch pad. There are also two computers that don’t have pads because they are touch screens.

141. What do you think is the ideal temperature? The best temperate is somewhere between 85 and 95 degrees, that the most comfortable range for me. If I am trying to sleep though; somewhere between 70 and 80 is good

142. What was your most embarrassing moment? Well, this didn’t really embarrass me but it is the closest to embarrassment that I’ve ever gotten that I can think of. I was on one of those really weak baby rides at a theme park and I was sitting between two girls. Then about half way into the ride I puked. The girls were grossed out and they even had to close the ride down for about an hour for clean up. All the people waiting in line behind me had that angry look on their face when I looked at them while I was leaving. I didn’t know why.

143. What would be your ideal job? All of these combined into one Job: Computer Network Engineer, Database Administrator, Webmaster, and Tech support. It would pay about $30 an hour or more and have all the health benefits with dental and vacation time. The reason I like this job is because.. "As long as I do my job, I won't have to" If you can't figure out how or why that statement works ask me.

144. Do you wear glasses or contacts? No, I’ve can see perfectly fine. I do squint a lot though sometimes but I think it is just habit, not because I can’t see.

145. Do you have braces? Nope, I’ve always had perfectly strait teeth.

146. Do you like filling out these quizzes? Well considering I’ve already spent about 5 hours filling this bad boy out I guess they kind of grow on you.

147. Do you drink alcohol? I did on accident one time, but if it is my choice I never have and never will. It doesn’t even quench your thirst, and it makes you look like an idiot. I can act like an idiot on my own if I wanted to. Also not to mention the fact that it tastes nasty. (At least the stuff I tried)

148. What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? The only kind I’ve ever tried was beer and like I said, it was an accident. But it was the nastiest drink I’ve ever had, and I’ve had some nasty stuff.

149. Do you smoke? No, I never have and never will with smoking either. It stinks, it eats up your money, and it most defiantly does not make you look cool.

150. Have you skipped school? I’ve never skipped school on purpose my entire school career yet. I have missed class because of doctor’s appointments or because I needed to go to work or because of something else school related. But I love school, why would I want to skip it?

151. Have you ever faked sick? No, I go to school even when I'm sick... I try to hide it from my mom or she would make me stay home.

152. What is your worst subject? I don’t really have a worst subject because I always do pretty well in most of my classes. But the one I usually have the most trouble with is Math. I love math though. I never really liked history class though but I always got an A in that class. Man isn’t that Ironic?

153. What is your best subject? My favorite class was always any computer related class, especially when I taught a computer class my senior year of high school.

154. Where do you live right now? It might as well be a closet =o) – I live in dorm that I share with three roommates and we have eight computers in our room as well as three beds and a weight set with a bench press. We also have two desks and an entertainment system. Needless to say we could use more room, but we manage well and it’s actually kind of cozy. I’ve been spending a lot of time at the Donneberg’s house lately too though so I could almost venture to say that I live there as well.

155. Do you prefer receiving expensive gifts or ones that come from the heart? Gifts from the heart are in my opinion the best kind of gift. Gifts that take thought are really cool too. Accepting expensive gifts is actually hard for me unless I know that person could really afford it, and even then if it wasn’t from the heart what was the point?

156. Do you have any Allergies? I used to be allergic to strawberries, but that has past, Then there was a time when I was allergic to teriyaki sauce, but that isn’t anymore either. I think I’ve become immune. I haven’t found anything else I’m allergic to anymore… I am invincible ha-ha.

157. Have you ever broke/sprained/fractured a bone? The worst I have ever done is twist my ankle. I thought I had sprained it but it healed in about a week so it couldn’t have been sprained. Other then that I’ve never injured myself seriously on anything.

158. Do you wear any rings? I wear a high school class ring Graduation year 2002

159. Do you hate any one? No, I can’t even think of anyone I wouldn’t want to talk to because I didn’t like them. I guess I am just too loving or something.

160. Who do you dream about? I wish I could have dreams about things, but I hardly ever dream. I do remember having one dream like a month ago or something, but now I kind of forgot what it was about. I knew I was in it and so were a bunch of girls and it was kind of strange, but that’s about the extent of my memory.

161. Who do you tell your dreams to? If I do ever have a dream, I wouldn’t just come out and tell somebody, unless it was about him or her. But if somebody asked me about it I would tell them. I don’t care who it is, if they ask I would tell.

162. How Many Friends Do You Have? I have a whole bunch of friends (probably in the 200’s). As for close friends though I would say I have about 15.

163. Do You Know Your Friends Well? I guess I know them pretty well, but there is always more you can learn about someone so I will never know them as well as I could.

164. What was the worst food mom ever made you eat? I usually ate anything she dished out to me. But one I hope she never does again was some of her experimental chili dishes that she tried one time (Unsuccessfully) it tasted like I was eating bile. But yeah I’m not going to talk about that anymore.

165. Have you ever gotten into a fight? If so, with who, and over what? I’ve never gotten into a fight before. My best friend did give me a black eye though. Twice! They were completely by accident though.

166. Worst food ever found in the school cafeteria? I actually like just about everything that they server here at LU. I am the type of person that would eat anything though. The only problem is that they serve the same stuff over and over again. They need to get some new things. They do sometimes serve rice dishes that aren’t cooked enough and the rice is crunchy... that’s pretty nasty.

167. What was your favorite thing to do when you were little? I used to love to play with Legos I think that is where I got my talent to fix things. One time, my sister and I made a Lego model of our house. It was the same shape and had all the rooms in it and everything. We even added the deck. It was awesome!!

168. What's under your bed? The same things that were there last time I was asked in one of the above questions.

169. What would someone find in your locker? Right now I don’t have one. But when I was in high school you would find: Spider webs and (Nitrogen (N2) 78.084 % - Oxygen (O2) 20.946 % - Argon (Ar) .934 % - Carbon dioxide (CO2) .033 %.. Assuming the Trees keep up the good work. - Neon (Ne) .002 % - and Helium (He) .001%) --- in other words “Air” I never used my locker.

170. What is your idea of a dream Vacation? Going somewhere that is very hot and with a good view. Maybe a Caribbean cruise would be nice. But only if I did it with someone I loved. I’ve also always wondered what Australia was like. It would be fun to go there for a week and stay in a beach hotel too. One of those two would be good.

171. Have you ever gone Skinny Dipping? Nope, I don’t know if I would ever want to. Maybe if I was in a place I knew nobody else would come or if I was married and we had an indoor pool. But other then that, probably wouldn’t happen.

172. On which topics do you feel qualified at giving advice? Anything computer I can do pretty well on, or if I don’t know it I know where to find the answer. I’m also good at just regular life problems, I usually have some sort of good advice to share.

173. Would you ever chew pre-chewed gum? I have before, I only do it if it is a good friend of mine though and somebody dares me to. Sometimes I do some weird things just to be goofy.

174. Do you have any Pets, what are their names? My favorite Pet is my dog “Happy” (Jake is great too). A Dog is such a great pillow when I am home. We also have 4 finches. We used to have 3 rabbits and 4 chickens and some goldfish and two parakeets. But they have since died. They were fun to have though.

175. If you could sit and have a meal with anyone living or dead, who would it be? It would be awesome to have dinner with Jesus. But I would feel very unworthy in his presence. I wonder who would take the bill though. He already paid the price for me though, so it would be my turn this time.

176. If you could say 1 thing to 1 person who and what would it be? If I ever want to say something to somebody I do it. So I don’t have anything to put here because I’ve said what I need to.

177. What was the Last movie you saw at the theater? “Brother Bear” with Allie and Brittany. I think that was last week. It was kind of a weird movie, but it was semi entertaining. It was at least worth the 75 cents we paid to watch it.

178. What would you hate to be left in a room with? Nothingness – I would hate to be stuck in an empty room with bare walls and nothing to sit in. All I could do is sleep, sitting awake would be hard because you can’t even stare at the walls or count the ceiling tiles if there is nothing to count or stare at.

179. Do you think Roller coasters are scary or exciting? They are fun and exciting; I think that is because they are scary too.

180. How many rings before you answer the phone? If I know I am going to get a call I bring the phone right next to me and pick it up on the first ring. But if not then it usually takes three rings for me to get over to it and pick it up.

181. What kind of characteristics of a person do you despise? If they don’t know anything about a subject but they act like they do and tell people things like its fact. Also if they make big deals out of things that shouldn’t even matter.

182. If you won the lottery and nobody else knew, how long would you wait to tell somebody? I think it would be kind of cool to just not tell anybody for a while. I could just have it in the bank and buy things and never have to worry about money. I wouldn’t splurge on many things. I would just live life as normal but without the stress of worrying about paying rent next month. But knowing me I would end up putting it in my blog that night and then everybody would know. I would also tithe 10% of it and that would be sure to make people wonder about it if I didn’t say anything. I would also be able to help out a lot of people financially and people might start to wonder how I can do that so much.

183. What color is your Bathroom? It should be white, but it is in a guys dorm so it’s more of a brownish yellow color.

184. What color is your carpet in your room? Grey and blue, with little chunks of things all over the place in it, man I love roommates that don’t clean up after themselves! (Sarcasm

185. How many keys on your key ring? I have six. One for my Car, one for a car back home, one for my house, and one for my dorm, I have two for work, and one I could probably throw away. I also have a measuring tape and a pocketknife and a USB thumb drive. I even have a Graduation key ring and a flashlight. I also have a Texas keyhole finder that Mindy gave me. I have more “stuff” on it then I do keys =)

186. When you retire, are you going to stay at home or go somewhere? If it were up to me I would probably just stay where I was at, and continue to serve God in ways I wasn’t able to before because of all the time I would have spent at work, but I would leave it up to my wife. If she wanted to travel or do other things I wouldn’t mind. I’m up for anything.

187. If you go where would you go? You’ll have to ask my wife on that one =)

188. Can you juggle, If so how many objects? If they are solid object none. But I can juggle 3 scarves pretty nicely.

189. What did you do for your last birthday? I went to class, then I went to work, then I came back to campus and went to dinner, then I think I did homework the rest of the night. Sad huh?

190. Are you an organ donor? Um let me check my Drivers license… Yep, it looks like I am.

191. Do you believe in God? Absolutely I do. Just look around you, how can you not.

192. Do you believe in Satan? Yes, He believes in God too.

193. Do you believe in Horoscopes? I believe that sometimes they are pretty accurate, but I would like to point out that you could pretty much read any months and it could pertain to you in some way or another. They are just so broad they could be right for any situation. So I think they are still fake. Allie and I had a pretty good discussion on this too about whether they are right or wrong biblically.

194. Do you believe in Ghosts? Yes, The Holy Ghost.

195. Do you believe in Chain Letters? No, those are the first things to be deleted out of my e-mail box. I haven’t died yet, and I always have something to be thankful for at the days end. They got nothing.

196. Would you date the person that sent this to you? (The response has been abridged by request of the third party involved. If you want to know you can ask me personally)

197. Would you bring someone back from the dead? If so who? I have never known anybody close to me that has died without me knowing for sure that they were unsaved. But if somebody I know was unsaved died, I would have to bring them back from the dead and make sure they got saved. As for everybody else that is dead that is saved they are in a better place so I would never take them from their mansion in the sky.

198. Would you travel to the future if so, how far? It would be good to know whom I end up marrying and what my future would look like, but that would take all the fun out of living and all the need for trusting that God will get you through the day so I wouldn’t want to anyway.

199. Would you travel back in time if so, when? If I could I would like to go back in time to when Adam and Eve lived. I could learn a lot from Adam because he was in direct communication with God before he made his Big No no. I would have to have a nice long chat with that guy.

200. Would you rather live near the beach, in the city or in the country? Near the beach would be great. But the only thing I require in my living location is that I’m within at least 10 to 15 minutes from a grocery store. The city has its fun advantages as well as does the country. Living near mountains is pretty cool too but sometimes grocery stores are hard to come by out there.

201. If a fire destroyed your home and all of your belongings, what would you do? If you could take out three things before the blaze, what would they be? (Assuming there is no one in the house at the time of the fire.)

I would have to grab my main computer because that has just about everything in it such as pictures and memories. I would also grab my dog happy because I love her so much. Then I would also grab a change of clothes because I know I would be circulating through those for a while before I got back on my feet.

202. When you are sick and feeling poorly, do you like to be alone or do you like to be pampered and have someone close to your side most of the time? When I’m sick, I try to still live my life as normal as possible. But if I can’t because it is really bad then I do love the feeling of being pampered because it’s just a good feeling to know that someone cares for you enough to do that. I know I love to do anything and everything for someone who doesn’t feel good. I’m all over the making soup and bringing it to their bed and other things like that.


203. What is your favorite Season? I like the summer because I love the hot weather. But if it snows winter is great. I love the snow too! I just wish we could have snow and have it be hot outside.

204. What is your favorite kind of Ice cream? I like anything with vanilla and Peanut butter in it. Cookie Dough is pretty good too though.

205. What is your favorite TV show? I love to watch Star Trek and Smallville.

206. What is your favorite way to make popcorn? (Butter, salt, Carmel, etc.) I like Carmel popcorn the best but kettle corn is really good to. I don’t really eat popcorn all that often though.

207. What is your favorite color? I think baby blue is my favorite color, its just so Purdy!

208. What is your favorite kind of car? I don’t really have a favorite car. But I have a type of car I would like for certain situations. I want a Mini Van for family life, I want a Jeep Cherokee style car for just everyday use, and then I want a sports car like a mustang or Ferrari for a night on the town or for taking out a date. But if I could have absolutely any car I would want an Army regulation Hummer. Those things are awesome.

209. What is your favorite sandwich filling? Peanut Butter and Jelly baby yeah!! I used to have that every single day of my high school days, until my senior year when my mom said I have to make my own sandwich. Then I just usually went without a sandwich. If a sub sandwich count I like those more then PB&J.

210. What is your favorite flower? I don’t really have one. Roses are great though. Carnations are pretty too. So if I have to pick one I would choose one of those I think. Hydrangeas are really pretty but you can usually only get those in pots.

211. What is your favorite day of the week? I think either Sunday or Wednesday is one of my favorite days because I get to see everybody at church then. I love church! Monday and Fridays are cool too though because I have my favorite classes those days.

212. What is your favorite music group? I like anything that sounds similar to music; I don’t have an option on this subject really.

213. What is your favorite song? There are so many good songs out there I can’t pick one. Sorry.

214. What is your favorite drink? Eggnog first, then chocolate milk.

215. What is your favorite Scary movie? I’ve never seen a movie that scared me besides ET but I was 5 so that doesn’t count.

216. What is your favorite funny movie? I think Santa Clause 2 is my most recent favorite funny movie. There are sure a lot of them though that are really good.

217. What is your favorite movie over all? So far I think “A walk to remember” is still up in the number one section. Its trailed closely by Finding Nemo though.

218. What is your favorite restaurant? If it serves food I like it, but back home there is a restaurant called Azteca that I really like. It is a Mexican style restaurant. That is probably my over all favorite.

219. What is your favorite month? December because it has Christmas in it and I love Christmas!

220. What is your favorite day of the week? Any day I get to see people from church!

221. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas is my favorite, that’s my chance to go and see my family back in Seattle and that is always a good thing. This year I got to spend a lot of that time with the Donnebergs, the Millers, the Wilson’s, and the Hartman’s. That was a big highlight of the season. It was great to spend time with the Hartman kids because I love those kids. I think I had the most fun at the Donneberg’s though because I just love the time spent with that family. They are great, every last one of them.

222. What is your favorite number? Even though I haven’t called it in awhile, my favorite number is Danny’s Phone number and that is 2062418229. I have the tone memorized on the phone too, I can dial that bad boy in less then two seconds. But for just numbers in general I for some reason like the number 3.

223. What is your favorite clothes brand? I don’t have a favorite. If it didn’t have a label it would all be the same. I just go for whatever I like and whatever is the cheapest.

224. What is your favorite shoe brand? Same answer as I have above, if it works, use it.

225. What is your favorite Soda pop? Either Mountain Dew or Dr Pepper. I like juice much better though.

226. What is your favorite Radio station? Back home it was sprit 105.3 but here in Lynchburg it is 90.9 the light or Spirit 90.3. I think if it’s not Christian it’s not really worth listening to usually. I do like secular music but I figure why listen to that if you could have Christian music.

227. What is your favorite Food? I would eat anything that is meant to be eaten, but my favorite is probably pizza (not the Marriot’s though), and Burritos or Fajitas. I love all things Mexican too.

228. What is your favorite board game? Sorry and Life are both good games, I kind of like chutes and ladders too. I guess scrabble is considered a board game too and I like that game. But any board game can be fun if played with the right person. =). There are just so many good ones.

229. What is your favorite magazine? I like MCP magazine, or PC world. I like them the best because I can actually learn something from them by reading them. They aren’t just entertainment reading.

230. What is your favorite smell? I like the smell of home, but I would have to say my favorite smell is the smell of any girl that I like.

231. What is your favorite sound? I love to just listen to my friends and family talk sometimes. The voices of people I love is a great sound. I also love the sound of a person laughing. Music that glorifies God is always a beautiful sound. (“Beautiful sound” Newsboys)

232. What is your Favorite word or phrase? “Cheese” “Chicken” “Twelve O’clock” “You blew it!” “You can do it!” “I didn’t do it” and my newest one stolen from Nemo “The sea monkey has my money”

233. What is your Favorite Sesame Street Character? Big Bird is good because he tastes like chicken. But Elmo is great too. I have a tie with Elmo on it and there used to be a guy in my dorm that looked like him.

234. What is your favorite Pancakes, Waffles or French toast? French toast is pretty good, but I like waffles too because they are basically a pancake with a syrup trap. Pancakes are fun to make and eat in a giant stack and I think they taste a lot like a waffle. Well that pretty much means I like all of them.

235. What is your favorite Cereal? Lucky Charms or Golden Grams are my first pick at the Marriot. But over all I think Cookie Crisp and Peanut Butter Crunch are my favorite.

236. Who is your favorite Famous Male? Jesus is my favorite Male because without him I wouldn’t have a reason to live.

237. Who is your favorite Famous Female? I don’t know, I can’t really think of any famous females that had a special impact in my life. My mom should be famous though for putting up with me all her life. If she was famous I would defiantly pick her.

238. What is your favorite Food? Blocks of Cheese by the dozen are awesome. But for my real answer I put it down in question 227.

239. What is your favorite Cartoon? I like Recess (The cartoon and the item) I also like the regular old cartoons with Bugs Bunny and Road Runner etc. Veggie Tales have become a favorite too! I’m curious what the Ginger cartoon is that Allie said she liked in her survey.

240. What is your favorite Reality Show? I used to like Fear Factor, but after awhile its just the same basic thing over and over, it got kind of old. Other then that I don’t watch them.

241. What is your favorite Animal? I love Dogs I think they are the best! Horses are very cool too because they are like a big dog. By that I mean they have personality like a Dog. Most other animals just don’t care. Some cats are cool, but most of them aren’t very personal.

242. What is your favorite Sport? Baseball and Soccer are the two sports I like the best. But I love just about any sport. Basketball is the only sport I know of so far that I dislike with a deep burning passion. Well I guess it’s not that bad. I just don’t like it.

243. What is your favorite Perfume/Cologne? For me I like Adidas for men. But on a girl I like smells such as Apple, or Peach, or Vanilla. But I also like flowery smells. Usually whatever a girl is wearing is a great smell. One time my mom put on some perfume that gave me a massive headache. I don’t know why, or what kind it was, but that is a rare instance. Then Allie wears this cucumber melon type body spray but I don’t think I’ve ever smelled it. I’m going to have to try harder next time. I’m pretty sure I would like it though.


ON GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT (for girls only)

244. What do you like better boxers or briefs? N/A

245. What do you like better long or short hair? N/A

246. What do you like better Tall or Short? N/A

247. What do you like better Good or bad guy? N/A

248. What do you like better Hat or no hat? N/A

249. What do you like better Ears pierced or not? N/A

250. What do you like better Tan or fair? N/A

251. What do you like better Dimples or None? N/A

252. What do you like better Stubble or neatly shaved? N/A

253. What do you like better Studly or cutie? N/A


254. What do you like better Regular underwear or thong? I don’t really care because I’m not a perv.

255. What do you like better Painted nails or not? It never really mattered to me all that much, one-way or the other. If they paint them for me I appreciate the effort, but its not really necessary.

256. What do you like better Bra or sports bra? Either one does what it was designed to do, but I don’t really care because I’m not a perv.

267. What do you like better Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy? Definitely cute, but I never really liked the mysterious part. I like to know what the girl is thinking, what she likes and doesn’t, and reasons why she does certain things. Wild is good in some ways too, but there is a point that you can’t cross. Sexy is good too but only if they can manage it without dressing like it. I would rather have the cute then the sexy whore look if you know what I mean.

258. What do you like better Dressy or casual? Casual is fine most times, but I love to see a girl in a dress on occasion.

259. What do you like better Dark or blonde hair? I don’t really have a preference there are some pretty Hott babes in both categories.

260. What do you like better long or short hair? Girls can sometimes look good with short hair, but I think I like the long hair the best because that gives me more to smell and play with. I love to play with a girl’s hair.

261. What do you like better Dark or light eyes? Anything that twinkles when you stare into them.

262. What do you like better long or short nails? About averaged length is fine, if they are too long then the girl can’t do very much because they break easily. Either way doesn’t matter to me though.

263. What do you like better Hat or no hat? Usually no hat, but it depends on the rest of the outfit.

264. What do you like better Good or bad girl? Good girl most definitely. The bad girls are just asking for trouble.

265. What do you like better Fat or thin? I prefer about average size, there are advantages to each of the extremes though. If she is very small and thin she is easier to cuddle and hold. But if she is large and plump that gives me more to Love. Somewhere in the middle however I could get the best of both worlds.

266. What do you like better Hair up or down? I like variety every once in awhile, so having the hair up at times is a good thing. My favorite is when they are up in a ponytail because I like to play with a ponytail. When the hair is down though, a girl can look just as pretty.

267. What do you like better Jewelry or none? A little bit of jewelry is good but if there is so much that it distracts from the girls own beauty then that is way too much.

268. What do you like better Tall or short? It doesn’t really matter to me that much, but it seems like I always fall for the shorter girls. I don’t know if that’s just how things have always worked out or if there is some kind of subconscious preference. The girl I like now is on the tall side though so I guess there is a first time for everything.

269. What do you like better Curly or straight hair? Oh man this is a tough question. When the hair is long and strait it is a lot easier to play with and run my fingers through without getting caught in a tangle. But hair with tight curls can sometimes look really good too. I don’t know for sure but maybe hair with a nice body wave is good because that would be the best of both worlds. Who knows…?

270. What do you like better Pants or dress? Pants are fine with me for an average day, but when a pretty girl puts on a dress… there is just something about that that makes my day.

271. What do you like better Tan or fair? A nice tan is a good thing. But I have pretty fair skin personally so I don’t know if tan would go very well with my fairness. That doesn’t matter to be though.

272. What do you like better Freckles or none? Some freckles are cute, but none are ok too. It’s when there are lots of freckles that sometimes get bad. However that doesn't really matter, cause I could probably care less when it comes right down to it.

273. What do you like better pretty indoor chick or party chick? I like a girl that doesn't mind lounging, but would go out and have some fun sometimes if the opportunity provided.

274. What do you like better Shy or outgoing? There needs to be a little of both.


275. What do you like better Chocolate or white milk? I would take chocolate milk over white any day.

276. What do you like better Root beer or dr. pepper? Both are pretty good, but I would have to say Dr. Pepper, or whichever one was closest. I don’t drink soda pop much anymore though. I’m more of a Juice kind of guy. (On a side note, I have resorted to calling it soda pop because if I just call it pop people here in Virginia are like, “What?” but if I were to say soda then the guys up in Seattle would think I was weird.)

277. What do you like better Mud or Jell-O? I like Mud pie, but Jell-O is just so cool!

278. What do you like better Blonde or Brunette? I kind of like it a dirty blonde kind of color. Maybe because its like a healthy mix of both.

279. What do you like better short or tall? As long as they are between 4 foot and 7 foot, that works fine for me. This sounds a lot like question 268.

280. What do you like better gold or Silver? I think Gold is my favorite, but silver looks nice on some things as well. That’s a tough call.

281. What do you like better Disney or Warner Bros? I love Disney Movies!

282. What do you like better Pie or cake? I like pumpkin pie, but Ice cream cake is delicious too. But, my motto is, if it is food, eat it.

283. What do you like better Disney or Nickelodeon? Once again I love Disney Movies!

284. What do you like better Cats or Dogs? Dogs get my vote on this one!

285. What do you like better Nsync or Backstreet? Not sure, I listen to anything. According to my MP3 collection I have more Nsync though.

286. What do you like better Singing or acting? I can have fun doing both, but only if I am doing them with friends.

287. What do you like better Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla is always my first choice. “The white stuff”

288. What do you like better Lipstick or Lip-gloss? It depends on the rest of the outfit; it would look funny to have lipstick on while wearing jeans and a tee shirt. I think over all Lip-gloss is the best.

289. What do you like better Hot Fudge or Carmel? Carmel! No contest.

290. What do you like better 7th Heaven or Dawson’s Creek? 7th Heaven

291. What do you like better Good Charlotte or Sum41? I don’t really have a preference, according to my MP3 collection though I have more of Sum41.

292. What do you like better Candles or incense? Candles are great, there is so much more choice for a great smelling candle. Incense is too strong sometimes.

293. What do you like better Sweater or Sweatshirt? I think a sweatshirt wins by a couple points, close game though.

294. What do you like better Shaken or Stirred? It’s a good read, check it out.

295. What do you like better Pencil or pen? I use a pencil more, because I always mess up somewhere along the line and need to erase. I don’t like to do the little scribble out thing.

296. What do you like better Dawson's Creek or Popular? Both are pretty cheesy teen shows. But Dawson’s Creek is the only one I’ve really seen more then once.

297. What do you like better Sunset or Sunrise? The sunset is what I see most often because I don’t wake up very early. It used to be cool because it would set over the Pacific Ocean and I could see that from Seattle. Now I have to watch it come up over the Atlantic bright and early if I wanted to. But like I said I don’t wake up early enough.

298. What do you like better Crushed or Cubed? I don’t use Ice because it waters down everything I drink, the only time I really like to use Ice is if I’m drinking water, and for that I use Cubed Ice. Crushed is good if I’m making and Orange Julius though.

299. What do you like better Shower or Bath? I’m sure I would love to take a bath, but I never have time and here at LU shower is the only thing we can do. I like showers though they are great.

300. What do you like better Beef or Pork? I like Beef because I love a good steak. But Pork is good too because I love to eat bacon. So I can’t decide.

301. What do you like better Guy or Girl? Girl of course.

302. What do you like better bitter or sweet? Sweet! Who would like something that was bitter?

303. What do you like better diamonds or pearls? Diamonds are better by powers of ten.

304. What do you like better hugs or kisses? Both are great inventions by God, but here at Liberty I’m going to have to settle for hugs, because they took away our liberty.

305. What do you like better croutons or bacon bits? Bacon Bits. I do like croutons though; they are just hard to get with a fork while eating your salad. Bacon bits are so much easier to eat on a salad.

306. What do you like better fast or slow? Well… It depends on what your doing I guess.

307. What do you like better democrat or republican? I would probably say republican, that’s how I was raised so that’s what I know.

308. What do you like better taco or burrito? Ah yes… taco’s gotta love em. I would probably choose a burrito over a taco though.

309. What do you like better complex or simple? Well a computer is complex, they are great machines and the world couldn’t live without them now. However the wheel is a simple machine and the world would be lost with out it. The world needs to have both simple and complex in order to survive.

310. What do you like better innie or outie? I think personally I like an innie the best, but God gave me an outie so I’m content with my cinnamon roll shaped outie.

311. What do you like better lefty or righty? I like a righty the best because they are “normal” lefties are just too weird =) j/k

312. What do you like better batman or superman? Superman is better, because batman is nothing without his gadgets. Spiderman is pretty good though too, he would be no match for superman however.

313. What do you like better Electric slide or Macarena? Not sure, Macarena maybe, who knows?

314. What do you like better Personality or looks? The looks are usually the initial attraction, but after that personality is all that matters.

315. What do you like better Hard or Soft? Hard, if we are talking about the hull of an airplaine. But soft if we are talking about your pillow. It all depends on what we are talking about.

316. What do you like better Sun or Moon? I like the sun if it is a hot sun, but the moon is cool to look at.

317. What do you like better X's or O’s? Um. I’ll go with X’s

319. What do you like better Ketchup or Mustard? Ketchup is the better one because it can be used on more things. Mustard is great on sandwiches though.

320. What do you like better Chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies? How about if you combine both of them together? I really like chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips though.

321. What do you like better Night or day? Night is better; I’m more of a night owl. More fun things happen past 6:00 anyway. I consider it night past 6:00.

322. What do you like better Truth or Dare? Well I would tell the truth anyway so I wouldn’t have to pick truth to get a truthful answer. As for the dare, I guess it depends on whom I’m playing with.

323. What do you like better Black or white? I think white wins because it has all of the colors in it. So that way everyone can have their favorite color, that is unless it is black. If I chose black then nobody would be able to have their favorite color because black has no other colors in it. White is the greater good for the greater amount of people.

325. Do you like to be funny or serious more often? I like being funny most of the time. But if I need to be serious for something I’m just as happy doing that.

326. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a pool? The ocean is waaaaaay to cold! I would choose a pool as my first pick. The water has to be at least 80 degrees or else my lips go purple, but 90 degrees is the best temperature for a swimming pool. As for the ocean, I would only go in if my friends were all out there. I wouldn’t do it by myself.

327. Would you rather be popular or get good grades? I would rather have good grades. Popularity is something that is temporary only for the time your in school. The good grades will be with you all of your life.


328. Out of your friends, which is the funniest? Home: Danny LU: Chad

329. Out of your friends, which is the Craziest? Home: Andy LU: Alex

330. Out of your friends, which is the Smartest? Home: Melissa LU: Kristin (she is passing Calc2)

331. Out of your friends, which is the Ditzyest? Home: Andy, even though I know ditzy is usually considered a term meant for the girls.. Andy is still the best contestant. LU: Maybe Heather

332. Out of your friends, which is the Happiest? Home: Angela LU: I might have to say Micah

333. Out of your friends, which is the Coolest? Home: Danny – He is one awesome dude LU: Zack

334. Out of your friends, which is the Meanest? Home: Louis perhaps, but he has gotten a lot better LU: Trey

336. Out of your friends, which is the Cutest? Home: My dog, “Happy” LU: Allie’s Dog “Jake”

337. Out of your friends, which is the Hottest? Home: Jennifer LU: Allie when she had her hair curled she’s pretty cute the rest of the time too.

338. Out of your friends, which is the loudest? Home: Katie LU: Katie (Two different ones)

339. Out of your friends, which is the quietest? Home: Alexi LU: Jessica – not always though

340. Out of your friends, which has the cutest personality? Home: Breanne LU: Allie


Technically Allie sent this to me last so I’ll fill this out as if she was the one that sent it.

341. Am I cute/hott? Resounding YES!! Especially when you have long curls in your hair.

342. Am I sweet? Oh yes, you go out of your way to make someone feel special, that’s a great quality.

343. Am I crazy? Not from what I’ve seen of you, but you are a teenage girl sometimes that can get crazy.

344. Am I lovable? Yeah that would be an affirmative

345. Am I funny? Well, you haven’t made me laugh until I cry yet. But not many people can do that anyway. I think you are funny in your own little way.

346. Am I annoying? No, but there are very few things that can annoy me, and your certainly not one of them.

347. Am I psycho? I haven’t seen you be yet. Maybe if I wait awhile though…. =) Sometimes you and your sister can get pretty close when it’s late at night and you’re tired.

348. Am I daring? I’m not sure… I think I would lean towards a no on that one.

349. Am I a good person? I know that you try to be. Trying to be good is good enough for me. But in reality nobody can really be a “good person” we all have a sin nature.

350. Would you hug me? Yeah, I’ve done that already

351. Would you Miss me if I were gone? You are gone right now, and I do miss you, even if you are just down the street - I miss your entire family it’s so fun at your house.

352. Would you listen to my problems? Yes I would, I have already on a couple occasions and I hope you will continue to tell me so I can help if I can.

353. Would you suck the poison out of me if I were bit by a poisonous rattlesnake? Without a doubt or hesitation. I would take a bullet for you. If you were on your deathbed and if I could I would trade places with you.

354. Would you hug me if I cried? You know I would, I make wonderful Kleenex. I’m always open for a hug.

355. Would you be a good friend? I like to think that I already am. If not then I would be very sad =(

356. Would you kiss me ((Really))? I don’t know, I can’t picture myself doing that right now but who knows.

357. Would you marry me if you could? (The expanded response has been abridged by request of the third party involved. If you want to know you can ask me personally)

358. Would you Ever talk bad about me if we ever break up? No, once a friend always a friend. No matter what happened I still wouldn't hesitate to engage in conversation.

359. What TV star do I most remind u of? Jasmine on Aladdin because you have Disney quality beauty.

360. What song would you dedicate to me? Earth Angel... Cause that’s what you are. =)

361. What famous person do I most resemble? I’m not sure, your unique =)

362. If you could give me a new name what would it be? I can’t think of anything prettier your name just fits you so well.

363. If you could hook me up with someone (real) who would it be? I don’t actually know enough guys to match you up with one that I know would fit. I only know a few and I don’t think they would be a good match.

364. If you could do one thing with me it would be? Bring you to Seattle with me, and I could show you all the sights of the big city. Also I think it would be cool to go with you to Brazil and meet all your friends and see what it was you like so much about that place. That would be kind of hard though considering I know zilch Portuguese.

365. If you could drop me one piece of advice it would be? Stay in school and say no to drugs. Also maybe you should be more open to trying new things. You are so quick to say ewww that’s gross before you even try it. Whats up with that?

366. What do you love about me? You are a wonderful person to be with, and I always love our time we spend together. You are also more mature then most your age by far. I love your smile and you have an awesome personality. You love the Lord so much too! Plus you’re just so gorgeous, what can I say?

367. What do you not like about me (seriously)? I don’t really like the way you are so picky with food. Coming from someone that would eat anything its just hard to understand that. Also not liking Vanilla! What’s up with that? This next one is not so much about you but: I always thought it was weird that your parents don’t let you drive in a car alone with another guy. But then I talked to your mom about that one time and she explained herself and also said that it was only until you were 18. (I guess you do have to make the line somewhere). Then I understood how it did make sense because that rule is actually a good one I just never thought about it before like that. It will just take some getting used to. I just don’t think about that kind of thing usually.

368. If you could change one thing about me what would it be? Not sure about this one, besides the pickiness factor, I can’t think of anything at the moment. Oh wait I know… you said you want to me more confrontational when you need to be. So I would make you so you could do that. Yeah that’s it.

369. What is your honest opinion about me? You are awesome!! I'm glad God put you in my life. I always enjoy the time I spend with you. You are so bright and warm and kind and open to share what is on your mind. You are such a special person. Thank you for letting me be a part in your life.

370. What is my best quality? Your great personality.

372. What first attracted you to me? Your friendliness, and I realized how great of a person you were. Your openness was a bit part of that too. Openness really brings a friendship together.

373. How has that one attraction changed since then? Its gotten better. I think we’ve become closer friends.

374. Have I ever done anything to disappoint you, or make you mad? Saying my GF app was disappointing was disappointing. I thought it was funny. =)

375. What time is it now? It is now Jan 26th 11:05pm. This survey only took me three days to do this time because they had cancelled classes and I was able to work on it for a full 8 hours today totaling about 15 hours in entirety. But still it looks like I beat your measly one day fill out time. Unless I was going for speed I beat your time in length. I don’t know what I was supposed to aim for. I’ll just think I won and leave it at that.


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