Blank IEP

Final IEP EDUC 521

Pamela L. Jimison

Liberty University

Final IEP

|Name: Karen Smith |Date of birth: ## / ## / #### |

|School: Assigned Elementary School |Age: 10 |Grade: 3 |

|Primary language-Student: (language here) |Primary language-Home: (language here) |

|Primary classification: Specific Learning Disabled |Special ed teacher: (not given in the information) |

Present Levels of Performance, Goals, and Objectives

|Skill Area: Reading Recognition |

|Present level of educational performance: Karen’s examination on the Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Revised (PIAT – R) for |

|reading recognition is 1.8. Her reading recognition level is 2 years below grade level. Her receptive vocabulary is good. However, |

|her word recognition is close to early first grade level. She can use letter-sound correspondence rules to pronounce only the most |

|basic (CVC) words. She is beginning to be able to sight-read numerous irregular words. |

|Annual Goal: Within one academic year, Karen will improve her reading recognition by one grade level to grade 2.8 according to the |

|PIAT-R. |

|Short-term objective: Given 20 non-sense words, Karen will orally read the words with 80% accuracy 5/5 consecutive times using a |

|teacher assessment and checklist. |

|Short-term objective: Given 20 basic second grade words, Karen will orally read the words with 100% accuracy, 5/5 consecutive |

|times, using a teacher assessment and checklist. |

|Short-term objective: Given a 150 word second grade reading passage, Karen will orally read 80% of the words with 95% accuracy 2/2 |

|consecutive times using a teacher assessment and checklist. |

|Short-term objective: Given 20 previously learned sight words, Karen will orally read a passage and identify the 20 sight words |

|with 80% accuracy 3/3 consecutive times using a teacher checklist. |


|Skill Area: Reading Comprehension |

|Present level of educational performance: Karen’s examination on the Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Revised (PIAT – R) for |

|reading comprehension is 1.3. Karen’s reading comprehension is 2 years below grade level. Given an array of pictures or words from a |

|story, Karen is able to point to the picture or words which best depict an object, event or description. She will attend to, and |

|remember, and follow three-step instructions as well. |

|Annual Goal: Within one academic year, Karen will improve her reading comprehension by one grade level to grade 2.3 according to the |

|PIAT-R. |

|Short-term objective: Given a 50 word 2.0 reading level passage, Karen will orally read the passage and correctly answer 4/5 literal |

|and inferential comprehension questions, 5/5 consecutive times using a teacher and assessment checklist. |

|Short-term objective: Given a 2.0 reading level passage, Karen will silently read the passage and orally answer 4/5 literal and |

|inferential comprehension questions, 2/2 consecutive times using a teacher and assessment checklist, for 3 consecutive weeks. |

|Short-term objective: Given 150 word 2.3 level reading passage, Karen will orally read the passage and correctly answer 4/5 literal |

|and inferential comprehension questions, 2/2 consecutive times using a teacher and assessment checklist, for 3 consecutive weeks. |

|Short-term objective: Given a 2-2.5 level reading passage, Karen will identify the setting, plot, and characters of the story with |

|80% accuracy for 2/2 consecutive times using a teacher checklist. |


|Skill Area: Spelling |

|Present level of educational performance: Karen’s examination of the Peabody Individual Achievement Test- Revised (PIAT – R) |

|indicates a 1.4 grade level for spelling. She is 2 years below grade level. Her teacher states that she has difficulty spelling |

|words that don’t follow the basic CVC rules. |

|Annual Goal: Within one academic year, Karen’s spelling skills will increase by one grade level to 2.4 according to the PIAT-R. |

|Short-term objective: Using phonetic principles, Karen will spell 15 2.0 grade sight words with 80% accuracy, for 3 consecutive |

|weeks. |

|Short-term objective: Using phonetic principles, Karen will spell 20 CVC sight words with 80% accuracy, for 3 consecutive weeks. |

|Short-term objective: Using phonetic principles, Karen will spell 20 2.5 grade sight words with 80% accuracy, for 3 consecutive |

|weeks. |


|Skill Area: Speech / Oral Language |

|Present level of educational performance: Teachers report that Karen’s communication skills favor reception more than expression. |

|On the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised (WISC-R) her Verbal IQ was 78, in the below average range. She is slow to|

|verbalize and has difficulty finding the words that best capture her intended meaning, partly because she has trouble assembling |

|words beyond the most basic sentences. Her articulation is slow and labored. Teachers further report that Karen has trouble |

|interacting with peers because of difficulty verbalizing her thoughts. |

|Annual Goal: Within one academic year, Karen’s oral language skills will increase by one year with 80% accuracy as determined by |

|teacher assessment and checklist. |

|Short-term objective: Karen will orally read a story, then orally describe the events of the story in order with 90% accuracy 2/2 |

|consecutive times. |

|Short-term objective: Karen will ask two questions and orally respond to class discussions 4/5 days of the week for three |

|consecutive weeks as determined by a teacher checklist. |

|Short-term objective: Given random pictures, Karen will orally describe the pictures using a minimum of three sentences with 80% |

|accuracy 5/5 consecutive times. |


Special Education and Related Services

|Type of Service, Aid or Modification | |Time per day/week | | |

| |Location | |Begin date |Duration |

|Karen will receive oral language |Speech therapy room, assigned|30 minutes, 1 time |Sept., beginning | 9 months |

|services. |school |per week |of school year. | |

|Karen will receive assistance in reading |Resource room, assigned |50 minutes, 5 days a | Sept.(_), | June (_), end of|

|recognition, reading comprehension, |school |week |beginning of |school year |

|phonics, and spelling | | |school year | |

|Karen will receive assistance from | Classroom |20 minutes, 5 days a | Sept.(_), | June (_), end of|

|instructional aide to read directions or | |week |beginning of |school year |

|when help needed for passages on daily | | |school year | |

|work. | | | | |

|Instructional modifications/accommodations: |

|She will have the following accommodations: |

|Modified spelling list. Staple the list in her weekly planner. |

|Give extra time for tests. Give answers orally if needed. |

|Preferential seating. |

|Utilize assisted technology of tape recorder for spelling list and review. |

|Use a spell checker when needed. |

|Cooperative learning groups when appropriate. |

|Utilize peer tutors when appropriate. |

|Accelerated Reader: use auditory controls. |

|Teacher or aide read assignment questions or passages when needed. |

|Non-participation in the general curriculum |

| |

|Regular classes or general curriculum: Karen will receive assistance with reading, spelling, and speech in the school resource |

|room. All other work will be in the general classroom setting. |

| |

|Extracurricular/nonacademic: Karen will participate with her general education classroom. |

|Transition planning (for students age 14 and over) |

|___ Transition planning will be addressed through the Student's Advisement. |

|___ Transition planning is addressed on the IEP addendum. |

|_X_ Transition planning is not needed due to the age of the student. |

|Participation in statewide or district assessments |

|X Modified: X_timing/scheduling _X_setting ___response format _X presentation forms |

|__Alternative: |

|Reason for alternative: Karen will receive extra time on tests. She will be allowed dictation for some answers. Due to her learning|

|disabilities and lower than grade average abilities in reading and comprehension, she will take her statewide and district |

|assessments in the resource room. The resource teacher will read all directions. |

|Scheduled reports to parents |

|Frequency: Karen’s parents will receive 4.5 week quarterly progress reports and 9 week quarterly report cards. Her progress |

|reports will include progress in the general education class as well as progress toward short-term goals. Her 9-week quarterly |

|reports will include general education grades as well as progress toward short-term goals. Once a year parents will receive a |

|report detailing growth toward annual goals, and projected rate of completion. |

| |

|Method: Progress reports will be written progress, sent home via email and regular mail. Quarter reports will be written progress |

|and discussed at quarterly parent conferences. |

|Signature |Position |Date |

|  |Parent |  |

|  |Special education director |  |

|  |School psychologist |  |

|  |Regular education teacher |  |

|  |Special education teacher |  |

|  |School principal |  |



Gibb, G. S., & Dyches, T. T. (2007). Guide to Writing Quality Individualized Education

Programs (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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