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Foreword ....................................................... 5 Chapter 1: Weapons Ye Know Not Of ............ 8 Chapter 2: I Give Unto You Power ............... 22 Chapter 3: Be Strong; Fear Not .................... 38 Chapter 4: The Glory of the Lord ................. 57 Chapter 5: Peace and Prosperity.................. 72 Chapter 6: Your Big Opportunity ................. 84 Chapter 7: In Nothing Be Anxious .............. 101 Chapter 8: Fearlessness ............................. 118 Chapter 9: Victory and Fulfillment ............. 135

Published Posthumously by a Student in 1945


Florence Scovel Shinn taught metaphysics in New York for many years. Her meetings were well attended, and in that way, she was the means of bringing the message to a considerable number of people.

Her books have had a wide circulation not only in America but abroad. They seem to have a knack of finding their way to remote and unexpected places in Europe and other parts of the world. Now and again, we meet someone who came into Truth through finding a Florence Shinn book in the most improbable location.

One secret of her success was that she was always herself . . . colloquial, informal, friendly, and humorous. She never sought to be literary, conventional, or impressive.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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