Differentiated Lesson Plan

|HOLT Literature, Second Course |

|Selection: Underground Railroad pp. 87-98 |

|Content Standard(s): Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development 1.2—Understand the most important points in the history of the|

|English language, and use common word origins to determine the historical influences on English word meanings. |

|Reading Comprehension 2.3—Find similarities and differences between texts in the treatment, scope or organization of ideas. |

|Literary Response and Analysis 3.3—Compare and contrast motivations and reactions of literary characters from different historical eras |

|confronting similar situations or conflicts. |

Developing An Objective: (Differentiation Formula T/S + C + R/S + P)

|Thinking Skills |Differentiation |Resources & Research Skills |Product |

| |Strategies | | |

| | |Holt 2nd Course Literature and |p. 85 Character profile; written |

|Students compare and contrast |Below level/Special needs/ELL: Help |Language Arts; Holt Progress |responses to “Making Inferences” |

|characters’ reactions from different|students connect with a familiar |Assessment of Reading |questions; p. 98 written responses |

|historical periods; find |story (see annotated TE, p. 98) | |to “Reading Check” and |

|similarities and differences in the | | |“Interpretations” |

|organization of informational |Advanced Learners: | | |

|reading; identify important points |Discuss relationships between main | | |

|in the history of English, and |and subordinate characters in other | | |

|determine historical influences on |works and challenge students to | | |

|word meaning. |provide their own examples (see | | |

| |annotated TE, p. 89) | | |

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|Objective: |

|Make inferences and predictions about literature selection |

|compare and contrast characters in literature |

|build vocabulary |

|clarify and organize ideas from informational materials |

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|Performance Assessment: |

|Informal: pp. 138-143 Literary Response and Analysis (standards review) |

|Formal: Progress Assessment of Reading/Selection Test, Ch. 2, p. 23 |

|Lesson Notes / SDAIE Strategies / GLAD Strategies / ETC.: |

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|Extra credit: Follow up the vocabulary study on p. 86 with the matching exercise from the TE, p. 87, on the whiteboard. |

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