Tip of My Tongue

[Pages:2]Tip of My Tongue by Zach Dunn

EXT. PARK - DUSK A couple walks in a park, holding hands. They are in love! But the man, ROGER, 29, is nervous. In his jacket pocket, he is fumbling around with an engagement ring box. MAGGIE, 28, is clueless about what's to come. They approach a bench.

ROGER Do you remember this bench, sweetie?

MAGGIE How could I forget! Our first kiss. And look! That same homeless man that was there that night.

A hundred feet away is BUDDY, 60s, a homeless man, who gives a cheery wave. ROGER (stalling) Has he lost weight? (to himself) All right, focus. (to Maggie) Maggie, we've been together for 5 years. And they've been the best 5 years of my life.

MAGGIE Really more like 4 and a half.

ROGER I was rounding up. Anyway, these last 4.562 years... Maggie giggles. ROGER (CONT'D) ...have been amazing. And you are my world. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Maggie sees what is happening. She's very excited but restrained. Roger gets down on one knee and grabs the ring from his pocket.

ROGER (CONT'D) Margaret Ann Tompkins, will you...

Maggie is thrilled, beaming.

ROGER (CONT'D) Will you...

Roger is struggling, he is confused.

ROGER (CONT'D) (frustrated, thinking) Will you...something me? Gosh darnit you know how it happens sometimes where I just cannot think of a word at all.

MAGGIE (confused, excited) Roger I know what you're trying to say...and the answer's y--

ROGER (stubborn) Sweetie I will think of it, just let me think of it. This happened last week; I couldn't remember what to call that weird thing you put over your head when its raining. You know a...a...gah!!

Maggie starts to get upset. Roger remains kneeling in front of her with the ring in his hand.

ROGER (CONT'D) It has like a cane on the bottom and a circle of fabric on top...


BUDDY What's taking so long?

MAGGIE (starting to cry) You can do it baby. I know you can. Roger strains, until...eureka!

ROGER Will you umbrella me?

MAGGIE (laughing, relieved) Yes, Roger, I would love to.

They kiss and embrace. Buddy cheers. It starts drizzling.

ROGER Looks like I should've brought my ... marry!


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