Singapore 4th Grade Math Worksheet: 14 Challenging ...

Singapore 4th Grade Math Worksheet: 14

Challenging Problems



Math Word Problem 1

Marvin Mouseketeer was tired of being bullied by Kitty Catketeer. He wanted

to buy a sharp sword to slice up the cat. A good sword costs $244. However,

Mouseketeer had only $154 in his pocket. If he could save $6 each month,

how long will it take him in years and months before he could deal with the


Math Word Problem 2

I bought a baby anaconda that was 7 m long. I couldn't wait for my baby anaconda to be 100

m long because I wanted to cook delicious snake spaghetti. If the anaconda grew 3 m every

month, how long would it take in years and months before I could cook my spaghetti?

Math Word Problem 3

Curt Cockerel insulted Randy Rooster for being stupid. Randy was so

angry that he decided to buy some boxing gloves and punch the living

daylights out of Curt. A pair of boxing gloves cost $160. Randy had only

$72 with him but he was able to earn $8 a week by crowing for Farmer

Fred every morning. How long will it take Randy in months and weeks to

buy the boxing gloves?

Math Word Problem 4

I wanted to build a pool where I could put some crocodiles and do some scuba-diving.

Therefore, I built a hole 150 m deep in my backyard. I was able to add 42 m of water to the

pool that day. I didn't add any water after that because I wanted the pool to be filled up by

natural rainwater. If there was enough rain to fill up the pool every week for 12 m, how long

will it take in months and weeks before I could do my scuba-diving?

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Math Word Problem 5

Captain Crook wanted to buy a remote island that cost $1000. He had $792 with

him. If could raid a ship and steal $16 every week, how long will it take him in

months and weeks before he could buy the island?

Math Word Problem 6

Sally and Wally went fishing and caught the same number of mermaids. Sally was happy so

she went back home with her mermaids. Wally continued fishing and caught another 504

mermaids. After that he had 5 times as many mermaids as Sally. How many mermaids did

both of them catch altogether?

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Math Word Problem 7

Gary Ghost and Sam Spirit went trick-or-treating on Halloween and collected

the same number of chocolate-covered shrunken heads. Gary Ghost went back

home to eat his shrunken heads. Sam Spirit continued trick-or-treating and

collected another 267 shrunken heads before he too went back home. Sam had

4 times as many shrunken heads as Gary after that. How many shrunken heads

did they collect altogether?

Math Word Problem 8

Wally Vampire and Count Cuckoola transformed themselves into bats. They flew into

Farmer Fred's house because he had a large family. Wally Vampire drank twice as much

blood as Count Cuckoola before Count Cuckoola became queasy and decided to head back to

his castle. Wally Vampire sucked up a further 1.4 liters of blood from the unlucky family

before he was sated and also flew back home. If Wally had drunk 6 times as much blood as

Cuckoola, how much blood did they drink that night?

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Math Word Problem 9

Smart Seinstein and Clever Keinstein were brothers who took part in IQ competitions

all over the world and won many medals. By the end of March 2008, Seinstein had

already won twice as many medals as Keinstein. Keinstein then swallowed all his

medals in a fit of anger, got very ill and couldn't take part in any more competitions.

Seinstein continued to take part in competitions and won a further 138 medals in 2008.

In fact, Seinstein won 8 times as many medals as Keinstein in 2008. How many medals

did they win altogether?

Math Word Problem 10

My pet troll gave birth to 2 cute baby trolls, one hairy and the other bald. By the end of April

2006, the hairy baby was thrice as tall as the bald baby. The bald baby stopped growing after

that because of a dreadful disease. By the end of December 2006, the hairy baby had grown

another whopping 28.8 m and ended up being 12 times as tall as the bald baby. What was the

combined height of the two babies at the end of the year?

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