The Writing Center provides various written publicity materials describing its tutoring services for students, all of them available at your request. In addition, our extensive website duplicates much of this information. Here are several short informational snippets and links that can easily be cut and pasted into your course outlines and Blackboard courses. Please see below.


What is the Writing Center?

Located in Hudson Hall, Room 503, the student and professional tutors of the College Writing Center offer free support to students in a friendly, informal atmosphere where students work on writing assignments from all curricula and on college application essays, resumes, and other personal writing tasks. Students visit during various stages of their writing process to brainstorm, outline, review rough drafts, plan revisions, or consider final editing. (Writing Center Tutoring Services: )

The Writing Center provides a resource library of books, handouts, and a writers' toolbox; files of sample student essays from various courses; a quiet place to write; and a good cup of coffee. (Writing Center Resources: )

Events during the semester include an open mic Writers’ Night, an end-of-semester Write All Night, and a writing contest with cash prizes. (Writing Contest: )

(Writing Center Activities: )

The Writing Center's computer lab--one link in the campus-wide network of computer facilities--offers computers, printers, scanner, a variety of word processing programs, course-related software, and Internet access for research purposes. A teaching lab assistant, helped by student aides, orients students to computer operations, programs for word processing, and computer-based research. (Writing Center Computer Lab: )

What is Online Tutoring from the Writing Center?

Sometimes students' schedules make it difficult for them to visit the Writing Center on campus, so the Center offers an online tutor who can be accessed from any off-campus computer. Students can expect the same kind of support that they would receive in the Writing Center itself. They simply cut and paste drafts or type specific questions about the writing assignment, then submit. However, planning ahead is important: generally, students will get a next-day response after an online submission (Monday, after a Friday submission).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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