Basic Commands

Part – A

1. Write a short note on UNIX history.

2. Define multi-user operating system.

3. Describe about security in UNIX.

4. Define kernel.

5. What is ls –al?

6. Distinguish absolute and relative path names?

7. Describe about UNIX file permissions.

8. Define shell.

9. List out the types of shell.

10. Write the needs of UNIX operating system.

11. What is filter command?

12. Define shell variable.

13. What is tty command?

14. Write about tput command.

15. What is tee command?

16. What is umask?

17. What is pwd? and write it usage.

18. Discuss about vi editor.

19. Write short note on sed command.

20. What is chown command?

21. What is read command?

22. Differentiate shell variable and variable

23. Distinguish parameter and positional parameters.

24. Write the rules to define a shell variable.

Part – B

1. Discuss in detail about sed command with its options.

2. Discuss about shell types and its features.

3. List out and explain pattern searching commands.

4. List out and explain about Filter commands.

5. List out and explain 10 basic unix commands.

6. Explain about communication commands.

7. Write the shell program for command line argument

Decisions & Looping Statements

Part – A

1. What is environment variable?

2. What is TZ variable?

3. Write short note on export command.

4. Write the syntax of if statement.

5. Write the use of echo command.

6. What is IFS variable?

7. Describe about case-esac statement.

8. What is HOME Variable?

9. Distinguish between Environment variable and variable.

10. Differentiate MAIL and MAILCHECK variable.

11. List out the shell keywords.

12. Write short note on Trap command.

13. Define parameter in shell programming.

14. What is TERM variable

15. What is PS1, PS2 variable?

16. Define HZ variable.

17. Define function in shell

18. Write the shell program to display the current user name login and date.

19. Differentiate while and until loop.

20. Write short note on nested if statements.

Part – B

1. Discuss in detail about decision statements in shell programming.

2. Explain all looping statements in shell programming.

3. Explain in detail about I/O statements.

4. Write a shell program to find sum of n natural numbers.

5. Write a shell program to find the factorial of n numbers.

6. Discuss in detail about function with examples.

7. Write the shell program to prepare a payroll list of employee.

8. Write the shell program to prepare student mark list.

9. Discuss in detail about debugging in shell programming.

10. Write the shell program to generate Fibonacci series.

Installing Linux & Software

Part – A

1. Write short note on Linux

2. What is cat command?

3. Write the steps to install Linux

4. Write the different types of Linux operating system.

5. How to install software in Linux

6. Write the features of Linux

7. Draw the architecture of Linux OS

8. How to manage users in Linux?

9. What are the steps to manage multi user in Linux OS.

10. List the core system services of Linux

11. What is file filter in Linux?

12. What is awk command?

13. Write short note on backup command.

14. List out the file commands in Linux.

Part – B

1. Explain in detail about installation steps in Linux OS.

2. Write the shell program to read a file name and to assign rwx permission.

3. Discuss in detail about user and account management in Linux.

4. Write the shell program to read a file name and display its owner.

5. Write the shell program to count no.of occurrences of a character in a string.

Network Configurations

Part – A

1. Write short note on Linux firewall

2. Describe about TCP/IP basics in Linux.

3. Write short note on Linux system startup and shutdown

4. What is CUPS?

5. What is role of proxy server in firewalls?

6. Write the Transport layer services in Linux.

7. How to configure in network in Linux.

Part – B

1. Discuss in detail the security issues in Linux

2. Explain the X Windows architecture and GUI programming in UNIX

3. Discuss in detail user and account management in Linux.

Configuring the Internet Services

Part – A

1. Write the steps to configure the internet in Linux

2. Write the steps to configure the web server apache.

3. Distinguish between UNIX and Linux.

Part – B

1. Discuss in detail about configuration settings of the SMTP & POP.

2. Discuss in detail about configuration settings of the intranet services NFS, NIS, & CUP.

3. Discuss in detail about configuration settings of the IMAP & SSH.

4. Discuss in detail about Linux and the Open Source.

5. Write the roles of DNS in Mail Delivery

6. Explain the firewall settings in Linux.


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