


| |When added to a site forms part of an assignment activity. The teacher types the |Tip: Submitted text assignments can be viewed in the |

| |instructions in the widget settings panel. The student submits the response back |marking section of the Assignment app. They do not appear|

| |to the teacher by typing into a built in Text Editor. |in the site itself. |

| | |Learn More: How to Add a Text Activity Widget |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Dashboards, Sites |

|Link to File | | |

| |Creates a download link to a file, such as an Excel or Word document. Linked files|Tip: Linked files must be uploaded to Frog before they |

| |must be stored on the VLE. |can be used. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  School Dashboard |

|MoE RSS | | |

| |Displays the Ministry of Education RSS feed. This is refreshed every 10 minutes |Tip: JPN and PPD RSS feeds can be obtained from your |

| |with any new information. There are 3 sections – KPM, JPN & PPD. Because they are |regional JPN website. |

| |regional, the JPN and PPD feeds must be entered manually by the Frog Admin. | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Dashboards, Sites |

|RSS Feed | | |

| |The RSS Feed allows you to place an RSS (Rich Site Summary) feed onto your site. |Tip: Educational RSS feeds can be found on the internet. |

| |This will support RSS2 and 4.1 formats of RSS feeds. | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  My Dashboard |

|Time | | |

| |The Time widget displays the time as a digital clock. The displayed time is taken |Tip: If the time is wrong, check the time settings of |

| |from the device being used. There are no settings for this widget. |your device. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Sites |

|Embed Website | | |

| |Allows you to embed a website so that a website is displayed inside your site. |Tip: When using Google Chrome Browser, click the shield |

| |Some websites, for example Google, will not appear in this widget as they cannot |icon in the address bar and allow unsecure content to |

| |be placed in a frame on another site. |display. |

| | |Learn More: How to unblock a blocked embedded website |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Dashboards, Sites |

|Phrase of the Day | | |

| |Allows an inspirational quote or phrase to be placed on your site. Thetext |Tip: Inspirational images can be used instead of a |

| |editor can be used to change the colour, font size and styling etc. Images can be |phrase. |

| |inserted and text hyperlinked. | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  School Dashboard, Sites |

|Notice Board | | |

| |Displays a notice board on your site. Those who have permission can submit to the |Tip: Sites shared with ‘Can contribute’  will allow users|

| |noticeboard. Other users notices are read only, but you can delete your own |to add to the noticeboard. |

| |notices. | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Dashboards, Sites |

|Media | | |

| |Allows the inclusion of images, videos and audio files in your site. The files can|Tip: Accepted file types: |

| |be uploaded to the VLE or linked from Pin-Point and the FrogStore. Maximum file |x-m4v, mpeg, mpeg3, jpeg, x-flv, png, ogg, flv, |

| |size for upload is 100MB. |quicktime, mpg, mov, x-msvideo, x-shockwave-flash, m4v, |

| | |mp4, x-mp3, mp3, ogg, swf, gif, jpg, webm, avi |

| | |Learn More:  How to Add a Video to a Site |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  Assignments, Sites |

|Poll | | |

| |Allows the creation and usage of Polls within a site. Only one question can be |Tip: Site must be shared with ‘Can contribute’ |

| |asked per Poll. If multiple questions are required then the Forms Widget should be|permissions. |

| |used. |Data can be exported from the Data Viewer as a .CSV file.|

| | |Learn more: How to Import a Poll into a Site |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Sites |

|Wall | | |

| |Creates a discussion wall within your site. Users can leave comments on the wall |Tip: Site must be shared with ‘Can contribute’ |

| |that others can respond to. Unlike a Forum only one topic can be used per Wall. |permissions. |

| |Replies to your posts will appear in your Notifications panel. | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  My Dashboard, Sites |

|Random Name | | |

| |When a group name is entered, the Random Name Widget will spin the names of |Tip: Can only be used with existing groups. If a group is|

| |everyone in that group. When it stops the teachers could ask that person to answer|not found ask your Frog Admin to set one up for you. |

| |a question or perform a task. |Learn more: How To Use the Random Name Widget |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  Assignments, Sites |

|Quiz | | |

| |Used to display quizzes within a site or as part of an assignment. Quizzes cannot |Tip: Quiz options become available once a quiz is |

| |be created inside a site. They must be created in the Quizzes section of the |imported. These are available in the settings panel. |

| |Resource Manager. |Site must be shared with ‘Can contribute’ permissions. |

| | |Learn more: How to Import a Quiz into a Site |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  Sites |

|Form | | |

| |Allows the creation and usage of Forms within a site. In this widget, users are |Tip: Sites containing a Form must be shared with ‘Can |

| |given the option of Single Line, Paragraph, Checkboxes, Multiple Choice and |contribute’ permissions. |

| |Dropdown for their form layout. |Data can be exported from the Data Viewer as a .CSV file.|

| | |Learn more: How to Import a Form into a Site |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  My Dashboard |

|User Info | | |

| |Displays information about the logged in user. It gives the user’s name, class, |Tip: User Info widget is a great way for students to |

| |school and email address. There are no settings for this widget. |learn their YES ID. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  My Dashboard, Assignments |

|File Drop | | |

| |Creates a window that files can be uploaded into or downloaded from. When used as |Tip: Can be configured to allow users to view all files |

| |part of an assignment a student is able to upload their work to their teacher for |or just their own. |

| |marking. |Can be configured to allow/disallow users to delete their|

| | |files. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Dashboards, Sites |

|Site Link | | |

| |Creates a link on your site to any other site within the VLE that you have |Tip: Can be used to give Parents access to sites they |

| |permission to see. |cannot normally access. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with: Sites |

|Text | | |

| |Used to add text to your site. Text can be typed directly or copied and pasted |Tip: Always remember to credit the original author when |

| |from other sources. The text editor can be used to change the colour, font size |copying text from websites. |

| |and styling etc. Images can be inserted and text hyperlinked. |Learn more: How to Use the Text Widget Within a Site |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with: My Dashboard, Sites |

|App Link | | |

| |Creates a link to an application within the VLE that you have permission to use. |Tip: To save time Frog Admins can add the Users and |

| | |Groups apps to their dashboard for one click access. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with: My Dashboard, Sites |

|External Link | | |

| |Creates a link to an external website. Linked websites open in a new window or tab|Tip: If a website cannot be viewed using the embed |

| |depending on the browser settings. Icons and website descriptions can also be |website widget (such as Google) then use this widget |

| |added. |instead. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with: Assignments, Sites |

|SCORM | | |

| |Allows SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) content to be used within a|Tip: To view the current list of MOE SCORM content please|

| |site. SCORM packages are provide free for use within Frog by the MOE and cover a |go to: |

| |wide variety of subjects. To use SCORM place the SCORM widget on a site and search| |

| |for the package to use in the settings panel. |  |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with: Sites |

|Forum | | |

| |The forum widget allows you to have discussions on your site with all users being |Tip: Forum admins can specify whether users can delete a |

| |able to contribute on posts that have been made. Important topics can be made |post once posted. Options are: never, within a specified |

| |‘sticky’ meaning that they will always appear at the top of the Forum list. |timeframe and always. |

| | |Site must be shared with ‘Can contribute’ permissions. |

| | |Learn more: How to Add a Discussion Forum to a Site |

| | | |

| | | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  My Dashboard |

|The Pond | | |

| |Places a Pond RSS feed on your site. |Tip: The Pond has student focused content so place this |

| | |Widget where students can view it. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers |Use with:  School Dashboard |

|School Notices | | |

| |The school notices widget is usually used by the Frog Admin to update the school |Tip: The School Notices is usually only used on the |

| |notice board with events and announcements. The text editor can be used to change |School Dashboard. |

| |the colour, font size and styling etc. Images can be inserted and text | |

| |hyperlinked. | |

| | | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  My Dashboard |

|Notes | | |

| |Displays your reminders, to do lists and website links on your Dashboard. The text|Tip: Links to commonly used Google Docs can be pasted in |

| |editor can be used to change the colour, font size and styling etc. Images can be |the Notes Widget to allow faster access. |

| |inserted and text hyperlinked. | |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  My Dashboard |

|Notifications | | |

| |The notification widget displays all your notifications on your dashboard. |Tip: Notifications can be deleted by clicking the X in |

| |Notifications from the calendar, assignments, walls, polls and forms are shown. |the corner of each message. |

|[pic] |Available to: Frog Admin, Teachers, Students |Use with:  Dashboards, Sites |

|Calendar | | |

| |Displays between 5 and 15 entries from a selected calendar. |Tip: The Calendar Widget does not display the whole |

| | |calendar just a list view of entries. |



• Satu paparan atau set laman paparan untuk sesuatu subjek atau topik.

• Menyamai website namun hanya boleh dicapai melalui Frog VLE sekolah.

• Boleh dibina untuk pelbagai tujuan – Subjek, aktiviti, panduan, paparan kenyataan, pengumuman atau aktiviti ko-kurikulum.

• Pelajar diberi “kuasa” untuk bina laman ko-kurikulum atau minat tertentu untuk bantu meningkatkan penglibatan dan promosi menerbitkan bahan dan kemahiran mengurus.

• Sites dibina dalam VLE dan dikongsi paparan menggunakan pilihan Share atau Assign.

• Boleh dikongsi untuk seluruh warga sekolah atau individu tertentu sahaja.

• Sites yang telah sempurna boleh menjadi Tugasan kepada pelajar bagi tujuan aktiviti Penilaian atau bacaan rujukan dan panduan.

Sifat Sites

• Ringkas atau kompleks bergantung kepada Pembina.

• Adunan pelbagai elemen seperti teks, fail, video dan audio

• Boleh juga mengandungi maklumat seperti Paparan Kenyataan atau RSS feeds.

• Bahan interaktif boleh digunakan.

• Widgets seperti Message Walls, Discussion Forums dan Upload/Download drop boxes boleh digunakan untuk melibatkan, memotivasi dan meransang penglibatan pelajar.

• Sites boleh muaturun dari Pin-Point dan terus diinstall ke VLE.

• Ia dibina oleh sekolah-sekolah lain seluruh negera dan dikongsi melalui MOE Repository.

• Bahan yang baik boleh di muatnaik ke MOE Repository untuk dikongsi bersama sekolah lain.

3 Cara Pengguna Akses Site.

View Only Site:

• Dibina untuk papar maklumat/informasi sesuatu topic, kursus atau aktiviti kokurikulum.

• Site untuk papar maklumat sekolah seperti acara, kursus atau maklumat staf.

View and Contribute Site:

• Site interaktif yang dibina untuk topik, kursus atau aktiviti kokurikulum.

• Contoh; site untuk meminta pendapat murid tentang perkara tertentu.

• Guna widget Forum atau Wall, pelajar boleh memberi komentar terhadap site bagi guru untuk menilai.

Edit and Manage Site:

• Site interaktif yang dibina untuk topik, kursus atau aktiviti kokurikulum yang membenarkan pelajar akses untuk menyunting dan mengembangkan sumbangan mereka.

• Contoh; bina Environmental Site untuk paparkan aktiviti sekolah anda tentang topik Kitar Semula. Guru boleh beri kuasa untuk sunting kepada pelajar bagi mengembangkan site itu dengan isi kandungan.

• Kaedah ini melibatkan guru dan pelajar secara aktif dalam sesuatu topik yang diutarakan.

Bina Site

1. Quick Launch > Sites


• My Sites

Mengandungi site-site yang telah

Subject Sites

Mengandungi site-site yang telah ditag di bawah kategori Subject dan dikongsikan kepada anda.

Ia disimpan dalam Folder, diwakili oleh ikon subjek.

Dwi klik icon untuk akses sites subjek (Icons subjek hanya akan terpapar bila site telah dibina dan disimpan dalam Subjek.

• Co-curricular Sites

Mengandungi sites yang ditag di bawah kategori Co Curricular dan dikongsi kepada anda.

• Templates

Mengandungi sites yang ditag di bawah kategori Template dan dikongsi kepada anda.

• Other Sites

Mengandungi sites yang ditag di bawah kategori tertentu dan dikongsi kepada anda.

• My Library

Mengandungi sites yang telah dimuaturun dari Pin Point. Dwi klik pada site dan akan disalin ke dalam My Sites.

2. Namakan site anda.

3. Masukkan deskripsi tentang Site berkenaan.

4. Klik Next

5. Pilih tema site anda.

6. Pilih ikon site anda.

7. Klik Next

8. Pilihan untuk Tag site tersebut.

Tag memudahkan dan mempercepatkan pencarian site di dalam Frogdrive.

9. 3 langkah untuk lengkapkan Add Tags;

i. Category ii. Group iii. Keywords

Category ada 3 pilihan; Subjects, Co-curricular dan Template

Pilih Categori, Group dan Keywords

Klik Add untuk pilih.

10. Klik butang hijau Create Site untuk lengkapkan pembinaan Site

Ubah Susun Atur Site

1. Klik Edit.

2. Control Panel papar 3 pilihan; Layout, Widgets, Settings.

3. Pilih Layout yang dikehendaki.

Media Widgets

1. Pilih Media Widgets dan heret masuk ke paparan site.

2. Dwi klik pada widget. Pilih Upload dan cari fail berkaitan.

3. Klik Open dan fail akan dimuatnaik. Tunggu hingga selesai (Progress Bar berwarna hijau bila selesai). Klik Done.

4. Klik Save Changes.

5. Pilih Text Widgets dan heret masuk ke paparan site.

6. Klik Save Changes.

7. Masukkan Teks dan ubahsuai mengikut Formasi Teks anda.

Menamakan Page

1. Klik pada tab + Dwi Klik untuk sunting.

2. Tambah Page klik pada tab +

3. Untuk padam Page, klik dan pilih Page berkenaan. Klik Layout, pilih Delete Page.

Masukkan Video

1. Rujuk proses sama seperti memasukkan Media Widgets.

2. Pilih Search From Pin Point.

3. Pilih Use atau Pin Point.

4. Pilih saiz Small atau Large.

5. Save Changes.


• Bila memilih video atau imej dari Pin-Point, boleh memilih ‘Pin’ pada Pinboard sebagai alternatif butang Use.

• Klik butang Pin It untuk tambah item pilihan bagi kegunaan masa depan.

• Ia berguna jika ingin guna satu dari pelbagai pilihan yang ada.

Cuba :

• Guna Pinboard dalam Control Panel.

• Guna Pinboard dalam Pin Point.

Sites Templates

• Site Template telah ditag sebagai Template dan dipaparkan pada kawasan Templates di Resource Manager.

• Site Templates dilabel berwarna jingga/oren.

• Templates sesuai untuk digunasemula dengan struktur asal untuk kegunaan akan datang.

• Harus di”share” untuk membolehkan pengguna lain melihatnya.

• Rujuk nota Bina Sites.

• Pilih Template pada Category.

Bina dan Kongsi New Site Templates

• Rujuk nota Bina Site

• Setelah siap klik pada Share pada Frog Bar.

• Ubah ketetapan Share jika perlu. Klik Next.

• Pilih Share Privacy; Public atau Private

• Klik Add. Pilih Who Has Access (Private)

• Pilih Can Edit, Can Contribute, Can Edit & Manage (Private)

• Klik Share.

Tukar Site kepada Site Template

• Pilih Site.

• Klik Edit.

• Setkan kategori sebagai Template.

Salin/Duplikasi Site

Kaedah 1

• Pilih Site.

• Klik Action Menu (sebelah kanan,ikon gear).

• Pilih Duplicate Site.

Kaedah 2

• Pilih Site tertentu.

• Buka site.

• Klik pada Frog Bar.

• Pilih Site, Duplicate Site.

Widgets Untuk Site

• Quiz

Quiz boleh di tukar menjadi Site

• Forms

- Diguna untuk kumpul maklumat yang dihantar pengguna.

- Data yang dikumpul akan dipapar pada Data Viewer dan boleh dieksport

ke fail .csv

- Forms dibina dengan Form Builder melalui Quick Launch pada Resource

Manager atau heret Form Widget pada site.

- Forms juga boleh ditukar menjadi site.

- Form yang diSHARE mesti beri kebenaran Can Contribute untuk membolehkan pengguna mengisinya.

• Polls

- Polls digunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumbalas dari pengguna.

- Contoh; pendapat tentang sesuatu aktiviti atau polisi.

- Bila pengguna hantar respon/vote, mereka akan mendapat keputusan dalam bentuk graf bar.

- Seorang pengguna yang telah hantar respon/vote tidak dibenarkan hantar kali kedua.

- Polls boleh direset dan digunasemula jika diperlukan.

- Data dikumpul dalam format .csv

- Polls boleh dibina dengan 2 cara iaitu melalui Resource Manager dan Poll widget.

- Form yang diSHARE mesti beri kebenaran Can Contribute untuk membolehkan pengguna mengisinya.








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