Descriptive Essay

English 12 APortfolio #1- Descriptive Essay WritingEssay One (Portrait) and Essay Two (Scene)The purpose of the descriptive portfolio is to showcase your ability to appeal to your readers’ sense imagery as you apply the writing tricks we’ve experimented with in class.For the descriptive portfolio, you will write two descriptive essays. Through the portfolio process, you will have your work reviewed by peers and you will review several of your classmates’ work. Your final papers must be typed, writing tricks must be marked and labeled, and your essays must be submitted in MLA format.The first portfolio item is a portrait of a family member or other influential person. Write a descriptive portrait of an influential person whom you know personally, choosing ONE key aspect of this person’s personality to emphasize through your descriptions. For example, if you wish to focus on how Aunt Sally is so critical, you would shape your descriptions of her features and actions to communicate this message. Remember to use vivid descriptions. The second portfolio item is a description of a scene. Consider a location that you could describe in detail, focusing on ONE dominant impression. Feel free to write about a place you can describe using your memory (like Grandma’s sitting room or a vacation spot) or a location where you may be often or even every day (your bedroom, a classroom, your workplace). Seek out a location, if you’d like. In other words, go to a restaurant, the park, or the mall, and narrow down your focus. Observe and record your observations. Create meaningful descriptions and choose action-packed verbs. Limit the amount of information you choose in order to write punchy, focused, driven essays, too. Be creative and try to bring your own style to the essays. Concentrate on the writing tricks we have been studying; they really work! Each essay should be about two pages long, word-processed and double-spaced. Please use MLA format and offer a “title that rocks” for each essay. Also, make sure your portfolio is submitted in a lightweight, paper folder. RequirementsTarget length: Two-pages, typed double spacedFormat: MLAOther:You mark and label your writing tricksYou include a “Title that Rocks” (title and subtitle)You submit your essays in a lightweight, paper folderYou include the completed peer review feedback forms You complete the tricks page for each essayDue date: ___________________________Please review the late policy on your course syllabus. Better yet….turn your portfolio in on time!Please, please, please (I’m begging) refer to the rubric on the back as you write, edit, and revise. The requirements of your final, polished paper are outlined for you clearly on both sides of this page.Rubric for the Descriptive EssayTitle /5Does the essay include a catchy main title and an informative subtitle? Are the lengths of each appropriate? Am I both excited to read the piece and knowledgeable about the topic after I read just the main title and subtitle?Introduction /5Does the writer offer an engaging introduction? Does the intro grab the interest of the reader? Does it set up the discussion that will follow? Is it at least one well-developed paragraph?Content/Description /40Is the subject made charming through detail? Does the writer work to create a description that is interesting and meaningful? Are descriptions made rich and vivid through word choices? Is sensory language used? Does the writer show instead of tell? Focus/Organization /10Is the essay focused on describing one important quality or making one dominant impression? In other words, is the essay united in the sense that it strives to communicate one point instead of many? Is there a solid organization that provides an easy-to-follow framework for the essay? Do points flow smoothly from one to the next? Does the essay avoid repetition of points? Does the writer employ transition words and phrases? Are the transitions strong? Does the essay flow well? Style/Voice /25Is there personality in this writing? Does the style of the writer make the essay memorable? Is the style appropriate for the topic? Is the style appropriate for an essay written for a high school English class? Does the writer experiment with writing tricks?Grammar and Punctuation /10Is the essay relatively free of errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar? Are sentences varied? Does the writing flow easily from one point to the next? Conclusion /5 Is there an acceptable conclusion that makes the essay feel complete and finished? Does the writer avoid offering new points in the conclusion? Is the closing memorable and meaningful? Is it at least one complete paragraph?Total /100 ................

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