Descriptive Writing Unit: ENG 1DI


Descriptive Paragraph Assignment

|Learning Goals: |

|I will be able to write a descriptive paragraph using proper paragraph structure. |

|I will be able to use sensory language to appeal to a minimum of three different senses. |

|I will be able to understand and use a minimum of three different literary devices. |

Paragraph Structure

|Each paragraph has three essential parts: |

| | |

|1 | |

| | |

|2 | |

| | |

|3 | |

Descriptive Writing

|What are the qualities of effective descriptive writing? |

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BRAINSTORMING for my Paragraph

|First, brainstorm some places you could describe… |

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|Then, fill in the first blank: from where are you describing the view? Take your time; the better the location is, the easier you will find it to |

|create effective description. |

| |

|PERSPECTIVE: The view from _______________________ |

| |

|Once you have settled on a perspective, fill in the chart below. |


| | |

|From this perspective, list what you are | |

|seeing: | |

| | |

|From this perspective, list what you are | |

|smelling: | |

| | |

|From this perspective, list what you are | |

|tasting: | |

| | |

|From this perspective, list what you are | |

|hearing: | |

| | |

|From this perspective, list what you are | |

|feeling: | |

|Read all of the details you have listed. What is the dominant impression of what you are seeing, smelling, tasting, |MOOD: |

|hearing and feeling? | |

|In the space to the right, think of the mood that this experience creates. Is it boredom? contentment? laziness? | |

|anger? mirth? anticipation? etc. | |

|Consider one adjective that unites the majority of the sensory details and is consistent with the mood you described above. Write the adjective you |

|have chosen in the second blank space in your topic sentence (below). You are now ready to begin writing your outline. |

My Paragraph OUTLINE

| |

|TOPIC SENTENCE: The view from ________________________ was ____________________. |

SIX DETAILS ABOUT YOUR PLACE (consider strong descriptive adjectives, verbs and adverbs):

1. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________________


1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________

3. _______________________________


1. ______________________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________________

|CONCLUDING SENTENCE (rephrase your topic sentence): |

| |

|____________________________________________________________________________________ |


EDITING and POLISHING Your Descriptive Paragraph

Author’s Name: ____________________________ Peer Editor: ______________________________

|Once you have written the rough draft, find a classmate to help you improve your descriptive paragraph. Have your editor fill in the following chart: |

|1. The topic sentence is _____exceptional _____ satisfactory _____ in need of improvement. |

|2. Which six details does the author use to support the topic sentence? (use point form) |

|1._______________________________________________________ |

|2._______________________________________________________ |

|3._______________________________________________________ |

|4._______________________________________________________ |

|5._______________________________________________________ |

|6._______________________________________________________ |

|3.Which three literary devices did the author use? |

|1. ______________________________________________________ |

|2. ______________________________________________________ |

|3. ______________________________________________________ |

|4. To which senses has the author appealed? |

|1._______________________________________________________ |

|2._______________________________________________________ |

|3._______________________________________________________ |

|5. The concluding sentence is _____ exceptional _____ satisfactory _____ in need of improvement |

|6. Circle any spelling errors that you see. |

|7. Give feedback to the author. |

|a. Question (what is unclear? what can you ask the author to prompt further work?): |


|____________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|b. Advice (one suggestion for how the author can improve their work): |


|____________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|c. Praise (give at least one specific positive comment about the paragraph): |


|____________________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Once you have received your peer assessment, consider the suggestions given to you and write your FINAL COPY. |

Descriptive Paragraph Rubric Name: ___________________

( Outline complete

( Rough draft complete

|Criteria: |R |1 |2 |3 |4 |LEVEL |

|Title |-no title |-boring, |-conventional title |-original title |-engaging title | |

| | |non-descriptive title | | |-uses a literary device| |

|Topic and Concluding|-unclear, |-topic vague, not |-topic sentence |-t.s. interesting |-t.s. engaging | |

|Sentences |incomplete, |outlined |accurate but |-c.s. restates topic|-c.s. an original | |

| |inaccurate or not |-the concluding |conventional |in interesting |restatement that echoes| |

| |present at all |sentence does not |-concluding sentence|manner |t.s. in a fresh way | |

| | |provide an accurate |not original | | | |

| | |summary | | | | |

|Body Sentences |-topic not followed |-much material off |-most material on |-topic followed |-body elaborates topic | |

| |in body |topic |topic |- details are |vividly | |

| |-no specific |-few if any specific |-some details are |specific, clear and |-details are effective,| |

| |examples given |examples/details & |not specific & |complete & allude to|original & allude to a | |

| |- no literary |allude to very few |allude to fewer than|minimum of 3 senses |minimum of 3 senses | |

| |devices; no allusion|senses |3 senses |- purposeful use of|- skillful use of | |

| |to senses |- no use of literary |- some literary |literary devices |literary devices | |

| | |devices |devices used, | | | |

| | | |conventionally | | | |

| |-most or all |-much material |-some material |-very little |-no unessential | |

|Structure and Style |material unessential|unessential |unessential |unessential material|material | |

| |-very disorganized/ |-organization not |-adequate |-organization good |-exemplary organization| |

| |no connecting words |logical |organization |-connecting words |-effective connecting | |

| | |- few connecting words |-some connecting |used when needed |words | |

| | |-vocab. simple |words |-clear variety of |-exemplary, varied | |

| | |- sentences weak/ |- some variety of |sentences, well |sentences | |

| | |mostly simple |sentences; some |structured sentences|-engaging vocab. | |

| | | |awkward sentences |-good vocab. | | |

| | | |- vocab. | | | |

| | | |conventional | | | |

| |-remediation needed |-several errors |-a few careless |-accurate writing |-error free | |

|Spelling |-errors prevent |restrict comprehension |errors |with very few errors| | |

| |comprehension | | | | | |

| | | | | |OVERALL LEVEL | |


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